Public Bewilderment Over Political Misdirection Embedded in the Coronavirus/Cornholio Sickness “Psy-op” Finally Exposed

People are generally comfortable with their own “world view”, whether motivation comprises clarification of revised truth or responding visualisations should be regarded as securely maligned by others. I have also observed, when not entirely absent, invariably very little academic diligence frames casual beliefs. This laziness towards intellectual proficiency is predominantly why the greatest popularly feared threats reference deadly plagues of unknown gestations. Perhaps explaining premises behind industrial medicine adopting idiopathic principles, neither is science opinion necessarily uniformly correct on matters that accord sound properties of existence. Indeed, many once certain facts have subsequently been disproven under redirected experimentation protocols. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has cited no less than ten miracles (beyond science-explanation) from authoritative astrophysics theoretical outpourings pertaining to analysis of the genial hubris of our universe. Primary conclusions of my initial published musings over Coronavirus (an “alien bug”) were quite definite though. Putting all other considerations to one side, shabby politics overlaying crisis management provide basis for an indisputable “psy-op” of universal proportions. Notably, attributed global quarantine sanctions are, according to my research, the first of their kind.

Thus, my initial attempts at coming to terms with associated complexities percolated a mammoth fifteen thousand words. These were aimed at demystifying “all angles”, or so I thought at the time. “First HIV, then Ebollox, now Simpsons’ Coronavirus, What Next?” (the finished product) can be referenced here by the way. I have found unraveled raw truth is always far simpler than anything laborious brainpower might concoct. Over thinking assured my opening paragraphs (well, I did pay tribute to Einstein) casually overlooked streetwise obvious occult cryptic messaging (belying Coronavirus). In summary, critical observations determined specific use of corona (“crown” from Latin coronius) implied a connection with our sun (Latin solos). Corresponding expression corona effect is widely used and particularly prominent at times of eclipse (to which ancient peoples are believed to have interpreted as doomsday). Conjunctive investigation established a more define link because, according to news items I witnessed (albeit of spurious origins), the term Coronavirus had actually been invented by scientists back in 1918 as their precursor to claims that the sun was believed cause of new, erstwhile unknown ailments. Occurrence strangely coincided with that sensational Spanish Influenza epidemic, but I’ll have more details later. My reasons for introducing Einstein were straightforward enough. His notorious E = MCᶻ equation pertains to a universe entirely constructed from energy. So, thinking of how this knowledge might apply to corona effect, it seems the expression whittles down the sun to its bare rays, which happen to provide all our local power that isn’t synthetically cultivated.

Decades after initial 1918 discovery, fringe academia observed a definite relationship with construction of Europe’s virgin energy grid (circa 1918-25). Recent figures coming from the US have established the most likely cause of COVID-19 (Coronavirus 2019) are new, related infrastructures. Given established precedence, it is fair to say occultists love staging partnered incidence over hundred year cycles. What a coincidence (not) that Coronavirus 1918 reemerges a century later almost to the day in 2019. Of course, one of the unexpected key players involved with current charades is none other than computer man Bill Gates. I say unexpected but, with hindsight, without oomph driven from “computer generated modelling” supplied by a prominent UK politician, there would be no Coronavirus pandemic. After UK (in particular) figures didn’t “go to plan” the fellow ungraciously resigned, but his toxic legacy remains stronger than ever. Bill Gates isn’t solely implicated via technology. His father is or was a passionate eugenics supporter. Corresponding information should not be taken lightly because it adds greater weight as to “why” Bill Gates is specifically involved with this elaborate hoax.

Background framing my introduction to politics behind Coronovirus cited a shady US non-government organization called Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which is a privately owned collaboration of various members of that motley Federal Reserve style “Globalist” pharmaceutical cartel. As an insider watchdog it has proved about as reliable as an ex-con in control of a bank. Julie Gerberding, who Wikipedia ominously lists as an infectious diseases expert (revamping Pasteur’s recanted, flawed and failed “germ theory”) oversaw [what many professionals argue is] a fraudulent vaccine safety report while President of the CDC shortly before taking an executive role at Merck Vaccines. But that wasn’t end game. Merck produced at least one of the offending vaccine compounds (MMR) and has also been embroiled in fraud allegations connected to employed scientist William W. Thompson. Thompson has since admitted to providing false information (per Merck’s instruction) that denied findings favouring a definite vaccine/autism link in African-Americans.

In conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Centres of Disease Control have been prominent agitators pushing every “epidemic” in living memory. Rabid cries (amplified by WHO) have been heard around all four corners of the globe, regardless of lack of severity. My prior article exampled the Swine Flu fiasco but, for Coronavirus, the CDC has teamed up with safe bet Bill Gates, who, remarkably, is neither medical expert nor professional. Yet that hasn’t stopped them. Gates ran a computer company with an early reputation for pinching collaborator’s ideas and other forms of sharp practice. Because of his privileged upbringing, the shadow government eventually felt he was stable enough to own the company that was booked in to rule the global software market. Anyway, after leaving Microsoft with enough cash to sink a battleship, he poured his heart into a tax dodge, sorry, I mean, foundation that focused on healthcare (apparently a passion of his wife, co-founder). Medias’ spared no effort in (deceptively) promoting a “generous” gift of “$5 billion worth” of polio vaccines to “the peoples of India”. Forerunner of the sugar cube, vaccines he offloaded were actually tainted, dumped stock which had been rejected by the west (because of reports of a litany of dreadful side effects) long ago, but more on that later.

Even so, Gates’ “philanthropy” spring boarded his medical career. Such was the momentum, Warren Buffet (prior to his catching cancer) and a few prominent others sensationally played the tweedle dum tweedle dee “big note” investment act for a while. Well, that was until the press lost interest. We should have all received the message loud and clear. Mega money was backing healthcare and you don’t mess with mega-money. Personally I have been a regular subscriber to efficient reporting journalistic icon Jon Rappoport’s various blogs for many moons. In my last article I gave his outstanding book “AIDS Inc.” a weighty plug, not for commercial reasons, but because what he wrote twenty years ago is as current as ever today. Then, those behind the seasonal HIV scam were apparently doing cartwheels over amounts of money to be made from healthcare. Worse still, according to Dr. Judy Mikovits (whose career was ruined by HIV), the same key guys have critical roles to play supplying the current and very much “in our faces” Coroonavirus psy-op. Stakes for humanity were high last time round because, as Jon disturbingly points out in AIDS Inc., in deference to HIV, AZT (the billed “cure”) was cause of AIDS. Unconscionably, effects of that tragic “medication” had been long known, neatly tying in with fevered Globalist eugenics goals.

Bill Gates’ father we know is or was fond of the idea of indiscriminately killing people off (other than friends and family). Therefore, I don’t find the notion of son spearheading a medical attack on useless eaters at all incredible. Far from it. I actually feel it is an essential political consideration, given that chilling United Nations’ “we must reduce [global] populations by any means” very public statement not so long ago. In fact, the UN went a step further to aid interpretation of the directive. “War, contraception and other birth control measures (according to experts) had not succeeded in meeting objectives,” they said. Still, Gates in the role as technology man is the more pertinent focus justifying a final conclusions bombshell that wrapped up last article. Incidentally, findings included an embedded (notorious) forbidden doctor telecast, reinforcing opinions to the hilt. Corresponding bombshell was Coronavirus (according to US statistical data collected after the Gates’ contagion model was scrapped) is evidently [at least partially] caused by the recently constructed 5G network. Of course lugubrious critics’ appeals against this information will cite plenty of virus infected locations where 5G isn’t present. New Zealand and Iran are two examples, but there are many others.

In effect, the 5G network is merely referenced from varied extraneous technologies, technologies that commonly generate energy. Again, certain past high profile fringe scholars do provide compelling background in support of the belief that construction of the virgin electricity grid was the root cause of killer Spanish Flu (colloquial name for Coronavirus lest we forget) from 1918 onwards. Though modern day networks are wireless, ideology is identical. In line, alternative medias reached fever pitch over health impact concerns attached to “smart meters” (which provide two way wireless communications) prior to the introduction of 5G. The key, common dominator, call it what you will is electromagnetic pollution, which is a known issue that has been tackled by government agencies for decades. No surprise numerous Google web scrapes found none attached to current virus propaganda. On a side note, Google appears to have also censored out opinions alternative to the mainstream on the current “crisis”. I have been informed cornholio sickness should yield significant results for those keen on discovering anti-sentiment. Anyway, commonly the phrase “lesser of two evils” is used in agency electromagnetism analysis reports. Identical to philosophies allowing cars that kill people to continue unhindered on roads, it is deemed over reaching technological advancement trumps preservation of human life. Talking of roads, a positive consequence of the Coronavirus campaign is Australian researchers have been forced to come clean on what really rots the ozone layer (and I assure you fridge gas has little to no impact). Because relatively few petrol fume emitting motor vehicles have been in circulation under quarantine conditions, skies have “inexplicably” begun self-repairing. Erk! So, substantively, energy is why Mr. Technology Bill Gates is the friendly scheming face of new HIV.

Thus, reflective considerations as to the real reasons behind Gates’ apparently philanthropic act towards India beg to be aired. Embroiled old vaccine stock, we already know, the west couldn’t give away and, to a degree, I see karmic retribution at play with the full story. Aptly, the planners’ disease cultivating master stroke well and truly backfired. Alternative Medias have been quick to promote the carnage at every waking opportunity ever since. Reflectively, there is an alleged international class action against Gates driven by vaccine victims who were damaged by his gift. According to salt of the earth sources unattached to polluted mainstream engines, a weighty chunk of peoples “caught polio” from Gates’ donation. It is no wonder I have found not a skerrick of coverage in potential mainstream outpourings. Bereft of screams of denial or further affectionate promotion, “old guard” persistent silence on matters more or less affirms the gravy train went off track. Look how they’ve been milking “COVID” at every waking opportunity. Silence additionally implies infecting Indian hill tribes with polio was not the objective agenda, so what was the original mission?

To answer this effectively, we need to return to the eugenics’ movement and that paranoid United Nations pledge. Doing the math’s, from the globalist perspective, it appears one of the greatest offenders against unauthorized reproduction is India. In particular, the hill tribes people, who’ve always traditionally sponsored large families to offset child mortality. However, courtesy of internationally improved infant death occurrences, regional population booms have been so rapid, they’ve catapulted India to rank one (overtaking China by two hundred million) in the world. That’s the “why India?” part of the puzzle solved. My previous article on Coronavirus referenced a television documentary that sensationally presented authorities coming clean on true details surrounding the emergence of HIV. Original promotional depiction of a prehistoric viral evolution that sprung up from some forgotten African watering hole was a giant lie. Predictably, it turns out causes were accidental again. Polio vaccine serums, the television documentary informed its viewers, had been cultivated in live kidneys of chimpanzees and green monkeys (hence adaptable prior science myths). Apes transferred a natural virus (collected from local pollution intake). Though serums accumulated only the slightest of trace elements, it was enough to set off mutation cycles, resulting as HIV diagnosis in humans.

Smiling angel of death Gates was billed as a deliverer of evil. The most brainless moron should be able to discern the powers’ caper here. Though alternative Medias only have damning words to say about HIV and a few, that have read Jon Rappoport’s Aids Inc., casually identify mitigated medical genocide, mainstreamers simply went mute once the campaign petered out. That dynamic could change in a heartbeat, of course. Following the African Ebola resurgence warm up, was the primary strategy to synthesise another “major HIV outbreak” in India, an ideal “population busting” target? Last article I theorized it was unlikely AZT would be offered as “cure” again (given its onerous history), but there is a litany of other really nasty, cancer generating drugs that were efficiently tested on American troops sent to Iraq, so in terms of “means” our UN commissioned psychopaths are spoilt for choice. Let’s face it, the same sorry hacks, Anthony Fauci (once great buddy of Bernie Madoff), Luc Montegnier et al have been placed on ice for decades (or why would they be centrally involved with Coronavirus?), so resurgence of HIV must have been the ideal scenario.

Montegnier, of course, has moved onto bigger and better things. After not spontaneously generating life with contaminated laboratory equipment, a man of his esteemed character has no scruples against openly thieving the extraordinary water memory work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Coronavirus isn’t even vaguely related to HIV, so, in some ways, the sheer audacity of the caper surprises me. Coronavirus is almost certainly caused by large technological infrastructures, such as wireless internet towers. Indeed, the complaint itself would be harmless enough (more on that later), like HIV, but a hostile political agenda determines otherwise. I mentioned earlier that the word Corona stems from Latin coronius, which means “crown”. The sun’s crown or corona effect delivers Earth’s energy, but there is something else. Beyond the sun’s range as darkness falls, combating absence, man has been compelled to turn to cultivation of varied engineered synthetic light channels. One such is that virgin electricity grid, exposed as cause of “1918 Coronavirus”. Nevertheless, if a responsible finger was to wield identification of an “overall” culprit, my guarded suspicions would surely be confirmed. Large technology infrastructures are a recognised problem: so why not “the” problem? To be honest, considering Zionist determinism (check out those Israeli tech stocks) towards processing the entire planet as a cozy “global village” means infrastructures will never expand fast enough to keep pace with optimal zealous connectivity requirements.

In terms of testing methods employed to ascertain illness, I can only refer to Australian procedures. Here the process is two pronged (I’m led to believe). First “practitioners” (same as lawyers and accountants, but I felt Islamic fundamentalists made a clearer analogy in my prior essay) ram a coarse cotton bud up the nose, which, when not violently rupturing blood vessels, guarantees a patient’s wince. Though I doubt the medical people do anything more than following orders, the reason this is actioned is to capture external pollution collected in the nasal cavities (ironically a body’s first line of defense against malady). One must presume everyone has a bit of technology age electromagnetism up there. Australian initial test batches weren’t that stringent, so very few were wedeled out as nose bud “positive”. Step two comprised of collecting blood samples which were sent “somewhere” to be scanned, something sinister governing authorities very much relied on as best means for delivering the goods. Active patients I interviewed had waited “weeks” for results of what they were told was an “antibody test” (I highlight in my first article authorities have never actually isolated a “virus” and are forced to review biological carnage). After the fact we now know, beyond a few Media stalked geriatrics perspiring on queue and awkward false positives, goods were not delivered which rendered the Australian campaign almost (emphasized) a write off (as a monumental flop).

Until I received “news” of outbreaks in the United Kingdom’s Cornwall region and other supposed “hot spots”, symptoms of the complaint were unknown to me. Even so information presented by the mainstream is so indistinct it can “read between the lines” in many directions. What is clear is air, via the nose, travels directly to the lungs without passing “go”, consequently patients with severe sufferance have been filmed placed on respirators, which should hardly surprise. It’s funny, because when I first looked into Coronavirus, I noticed how similar the branding was to “coronary”. Of course, coronary (crown formation of blood arteries) heart attacks also regularly restrict patients to respirators, normally when in association with pulmonary disease. Even funnier, beyond being hit by car, shot in the hood or slipping over in the shower, pulmonary disease used to be the number one natural fatality cause in the first world. Courtesy of a freedom of speech network, I have been privileged by the opportunity to scrutinise real medical reports of supposed Cornavirus positives. Statements were cordially collected from different parts of the world. In each case I inspected, I could not distinguish how Coronavirus symptoms were any different from that of your everyday heart attack, but I guess that must be because I’m no doctoring “doctor”.

At the time of writing, here in Australia, there was a sporadic resurgence of positive viral identifications in Victoria state (presently barely functioning under strain of soft Martial Law enforcing a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree reversal on “safety” of masks) out of the blue (shortly after the federal government was almost ready to pack up and go home). A “breakdown” of bureaucracy ensured some “infected” people were conveniently allowed to travel to NSW state for mass Medias. I say conveniently because they “obviously” (and we were told how things work in that cheesy Ebola movie starring Dustin Hoffman) “passed the disease” (“affirming” flawed germ theory) to various patrons of a public house (which has subsequently closed) a few miles away from the airport landing zone. One young male Victorian traveler has since died allegedly. Before I expose childish Australian political misdirection in conjunction with this, I would like to refer to my last report again to shed some additional background light. Phenomena are not limited to my shores. An observant American Facebook compatriot remarked that if the petulant (taking instructions from Denver?) were instructed to remove their stupid masks, everything would be freaking (he used a different word, from memory) normal. Everything is albeit normal.

Back in the day, when HIV was a current concern, towards the end of the panic lifecycle, occasional intriguing articles appeared in mainstream newspapers. In conjunction, it seems, courtesy of lucrative International Monetary Fund underwritten grants, doctors of “third world” countries had been encouraged to behave dishonestly. “AIDS” deaths in Thailand, by example, were inexplicably “rife”. My wife’s ex. husband (in his ‘70’s), according to provincial practitioners, died of AIDS. The reality was at par with their “truth”. He had actually succumbed to what is usually branded “old age” and, in absence of known causes (staple of idiopathic principle), “AIDS” was casually remarked on the death certificate for prosperity. Now we know that HIV was caused by an abominable polio vaccine, the likes of which Bill Gates gave away to Indian hill tribes people. Historically, prior to (and just after) academia’s raucous alarms against its major side effects corrupting privileged peoples, product was deemed good to go to backwaters, such as Africa. Rhodesia’s heady days under De Boers had drifted into the quagmire post Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe takeover. With hindsight, populations were sufficiently prepped to take anything anyone was giving away for nothing.

Outcomes justified statisticians’ predictable data that revealed roughly 45% had been inoculated and the same number were estimated HIV positive. This explains why eyes of the world (or, rather, pariah Medias) focused on Africa in particular at that time. We may enjoy criticizing statisticians (after Benjamin Disraeli’s notorious remark), but they also provide fodder for fanfare which ultimately prophesised demise of the HIV campaign. Sufferers yielded very low percentages with developmental “AIDS” symptoms and, after AZT was delisted, as far as I can ascertain new [AIDS] figures actually bottomed down to zero. In fact, at least one individual given a “bad” blood transfusion tested HIV negative, so all the way through the campaign there was a degree of genuine ambiguity as to how “infection” was transmitted. What we know for certain is that evidence was manipulated and distorted out of proportion to satisfy commercial, political interests. Consequentially, considerable numbers of doctors were happy to falsify under Hippocratic Oath. Now, from the HIV campaign perspective (remembering Jon Rappoport concluded it was “cooked” from onset in AIDS Inc.), the major error was planners had relied too heavily on epidemic fear inertia emanating from the third world radically contaminating minds of civilization.

Though varied ignorance superimposed routines applied to regulation control over spread of presumed contamination; “western” medics were inscrutably honest. Practitioners actually listened to their patients and were (generally) in the business of healing rather than enlisting mindless, blind protocols issued by agenda driven authorities. In consideration, if the motley crew behind HIV were going to reenlist resources, their next attempt would need cast iron verification. They would need lots of associated illnesses and, perhaps vitally, illnesses that would commonly prove fatal. Then people would sit up and listen. Doctors would likewise be forced to join the bandwagon or sink. With that philosophy in mind, isn’t today’s Coronavirus/coronary combination the perfect partnership for deceitful schemers? Unsurprisingly virus positive fatalities have haunted the elderly because that is where the predominance of deaths can be garnered. For Australia, agoraphobia is such old age pensioners “of means” refuse to leave their dwellings, which has prompted mini-booms in the courier industry.

Were schemers to be successful second time round, enlisted support of hysterically disoriented and suitably naïve medical “professionals” must be viewed as a prerequisite. In this regard, it seems odd that Australian private hospitals would turn away incomers with smokers’ cough “in case” they were COVID infected, yet I have received reports that affirm this lack of professionalism. Though public hospitals could be censured for employing typically “programmed” thoughtless nurses, steps are at least in place to serve all incomers desirous of ascertaining good health status. I outlined what’s involved with the testing process earlier. When cotton bud rammed up the nose doesn’t produce prompt results, blood samples are ritually dispatched to an unspecified location. I emphasized if the cotton bud application is to be regarded as pertinent, it confirms cause of illness is definitely fault of pollution. Data emerging from the US adds almost undeniable weight to considerations that determine overall culprit is electromagnetic pollution. Late into my investigation, I have been privileged to interview an American nurse, who implies testing protocols are universal. In her case a hard plastic implement was used to (medics informed her) “collect a DNA sample”. It was inserted very deep (just stopping before the membrane that covers the “third eye”) and “twisted” several times. Results proved positive, but she wasn’t sick, so authorities ammended diagnosis to “false positive“. A “burning sensation” about her third eye lingered for a prolonged period following the ordeal.

Details emerging from Australia’s correlating saga assure deliberate political misdirection. We were all about to pack up and go home here when, out of the blue, vicious outbreaks erupted in Victoria state. Consequentially authorities advised neighbouring New South Wales residents to be retested. Nevertheless, no mitigated plausibility backing philosophy in favour of retesting has been forthcoming (similar to that grubby unsafe masks about turn).  Flawed logic here aptly matches determination that inoculated are not protected against the unvaccinated. So the obvious related $64 question is “was retesting identically benchmarked to first run standards?”. Last essay’s sarcastic highlight of those sensational positive test results for British dignitaries Boris Johnson and Prince Charles might provide insight. Let’s think about this more carefully. Given their social status, you would have thought higher ups’ screenings would have been as stringent as possible just to be on the safe side. Normal people, one would assume, would only need alarms raised in the possible likelihood of serious illness progressing. Credibly, you would have thought medical communities would primarily surely want to ward off unhelpful panic as much as possible, particularly in light of mendacious Media trumpeted cart before horse pandemic hysteria from day one. A very important secondly, we have the issue of resources. How long does it take to test and process a “patient” end to end? Fifteen minutes, an hour?  Multiply that by seven billion and that’s everyone done. Every minute shaved saves one hundred and sixteen million, six hundred and sixty-seven thousand hours give or take. To put this in different terms, to process everyone around the globe, based on fifteen minutes per patient, would require more than seven two million (twenty-four hour) days allocated to the task. It is lucky governments have deep pockets, or are they that deep?

Anyway, returning to the Victorian virus outbreak, we learned several locals were inexplicably allowed to fly to New South Wales unhindered. The hunt for estranged time bombs took authorities to an inn located in south west Sydney. When found, renegades apparently quickly gave themselves up. Other local inhabitants were tested (some retested) which netted a weighty positives haul. Subsequently queues of worriers stretching the best part of a kilometer ambushed a mobile testing station specifically set up post Melbourne breach. Well that was until local police, eager to push on with their weekly booze/drug motorists’ bust, shut the whole thing down. While “in circulation” the mobile station allegedly had refused to test “healthy” people. Of course bureaucracy may have been sanctioned under pressure to process the sheer weight of numbers but, equally, are latent problems potentially any less serious than active ones? What I’m saying is occurrences might motivate the sceptic into considering the possibility of political foul play here. If “sick only” were tested sceptics might rightly argue statistics have been loaded to “prove” Coronavirus was “genuine” on the back of other, different ailments. Additionally, in their desperation to bolster much needed epidemic affirming figures, have authorities implemented far more stringent testing parameters that perhaps give zombie queued Australians right royal treatment? It would explain why New South Wales residents “needed” to be retested.

This, in my opinion, represents but one tiny step of a wider political misdirection campaign, but we would do well never to lose sight of the fact the whole affair has been modelled on the 1990’s HIV/AIDS scam. There is no question Coronavirus misinformation has been bolstered by confusion. Significantly, there is general confusion as to what a virus “is”. Medical testing for pollution residue implies complaints are resultant respiratory diseases. In association, analysis is largely confirmed by UK reported chronic lung infections. Mentioned earlier, heart attack symptoms are so similar to Coronavirus effects; doctors appear to have become “disorientated” in their judgement of diagnoses. In that respect, the “new bug (not living virus “transformed” into living bacteria?) round” has been upgraded to the current popular “vaguely verified” object of blame of a range of illnesses, including black lung. Early medications issued in the US were standards for common flu, nevertheless, my own mother has a friend who happens to live in the UK’s Cornwall regions and, though some information is a repeat of prior feedback, this account deserves separate attention. Apparently the woman in question knows some of the Coronavirus afflicted personally. As would be expected, my mother is vital lady now cruising into her seventies (although she only ever admits to being “forty”). One of the syndromes attached to that age milestone is friends and associates are known to “drop off by the bucket load” courtesy of the grim reaper. Her Cornwall located colleague is of the same basic generation. Might those people she happens to know also be of a similar age bracket; an age bracket where illness and death becomes a stronger likelihood? In sober times, would her acquaintances have been mundanely classed as suffering coronary heart attacks under auspices of pulmonary disease?

So many questions and so few pertinent authority answers. Did that young Victorian Australian male that allegedly succumbed to Coronavirus have a congenital heart condition? Mainstream Media vultures who circled age care centres throughout the infant stages of publicity were sadly heartily rewarded. Whether a deliberate ploy or not, early outpourings certainly exacerbated public bewilderment and the tradition has maintained. Has no one noticed Coronary, commonest natural cause of death, just so happens to almost identically mimic end stages of Coronavirus symptoms progression? The paradox is mild viral symptoms that “burn out” eerily match common influenza form. Thailand’s first case was a seventy-one-year-old man who was successfully “treated” with standard flu medications. Then there are those statistics which show some people as apparently “immune” to the bug. Early alternative Medias reports that observed uncomfortable similarities between Covid-19 and common cold maladies pretty much affirmed sanity. Reminding ourselves again of the HIV/AIDS scam, associated fatal illnesses were fault of toxic medications (please do check Jon Rappoport’s AIDS Inc.). Statistics were synthetically manipulated by grubby third world practitioners who deliberately reassigned unknown death causes as “HIV/AIDS” on certification so their governments could cash in on lucrative IMF backed grants. Whilst no quarantine austerity had been imposed on the “west”, Medias did market HIV as a serious disease that backed off sexual promiscuity (progressing those Globalist eugenics goals). Whilst demand for face masks was null and void, condom sales did spike sufficiently to justify the erection of specialist “pop up” businesses in Australia’s major civilian centres.

Could we be witnessing a reversal of wolf in sheep’s clothing philosophy here? Associated ferocious fear mongering campaigns do come with nasty big teeth, but what are they covering up? Might Coronvirus be another of those furphies that mar mainstream accountability? Given time, will the virus itself prove as harmless as HIV and all we ended up fearing was fear itself? I mentioned earlier about the right royal treatment being dished out to Australians. What if authorities made testing even more stringent? Would everyone show up positive? Demonstrably, alternative Medias’ suspicions over the potential for medical genocide are rife. What they mean by their allegations is “world government” (voicing through its many ministerial agencies) could easily prep a phony epidemic simply in order to impose death inducing “medications” on Henry Kissinger’s useless eaters. Whereas the United Nations has affirmed theories to some degree by its horrifying public statement (to the effect) “as all other precautions (such as war, contraception) have failed, global populations “must” be reduced by any means”, a universal cull is unlikely. Doing the math’s last article, it turned out sheer volume of dead bodies (accrued over a relatively short period of time) could not be processed efficiently. If there was to be a medical attack, the only [other] option is attempted forced sterilization.

Given their punishing “study” (indoctrination?) schedules I have compared doctors to fanatical Islamic scholars before and, to be honest, I don’t feel the brainwashed medical folks have a handle on Coronavirus here. It’s always worrying when the blind lead the blind. However, of greater concern is how much bogus medical “science” authorizes corrupt commercial goals. Is William W. Thompson fraud at the behest of Merck Vaccines the tip of a monumental iceberg? Could that tie in with the 2000’s purge of registered microbiologists? You would have thought, ultimately, that corrupt microbiologists are the key to the awkward discovery (sic) of “Co-vi” in 2019. Then, all it took was a vigilant computer programmer and we had a “pandemic” bigger than Ben Hur on our hands, well before the first corpse had even been “identified”. I smell a giant rat. So, to wrap up, visionary truth beckons a tad more reinforcement from His Highness Bill Gates. My summary will hopefully finally expose what’s really going on here.

I am going to ignore those strange Facebook adverts seeking “community help” to collectively identify virus infected hot spots. Has medical authority been rendered completely impotent? How can unqualified “community members” identify who is COVID-19 infected or offer any valid feedback on the subject? Last essay, I noted that panic buying hype associated with fevered pandemic “warnings” presumed cart before horse ideology. Lack of supply, in many instances, was not through fault of madding hoards in flight but, rather, consequence of broken distribution chains. Whether breakdown was deliberately synthesized is up for debate. Many ideas that came to fruition in the HIV campaign were just as prophetic. Earlier, I brought up the technology connection as the primary reason why Bill Gates had been roped into current shenanigans. Instead, his foundation is the real key. We learned the planned “resurgence” of HIV had dramatically failed because no earthly propagandas could neutralize negativity attached to banality belying the epidemic of lameness resultant from those forlorn, dud polio vaccines gifted to Indian hill tribes. Alternative Medias boasts of a reactive international class action against Gates have pretty much petered out and the mainstream have offered nothing but silence on the matter (for my research).

In addition to science assessment on how to distinguish viruses from bacteria, for instance, last essay shed some light on immunisation philosophy. Vaccines were a symptom of industrialization. Justified by Pasteur’s (based on Rudolf Virchow’s preliminary research) germ theory, practitioners decided minor doses of a complaint would sufficiently bolster the body’s natural immune system to fend off attack. Whilst there are compelling arguments that expound false logic attached to germ theory, I shall let these slide for now. So, as far as I can ascertain, the Gates Foundation made a fortuitous connection Dr. Anthony Fauci (ex-HIV failure and current driving force behind Coronavirus) more than a decade ago. Resulting negotiations led to a sinister joint venture pact. Information about shady dealings only came to public light when the current “pandemic” was in full swing. There have been rumours abound over a massive conference Gates and “significant” others attended back in 2018, which apparently “planned contingencies around Coronavirus (before it was rediscovered)”. Other writings of mine have highlighted a supposed Council of Rome open public meeting in New York. Staged a year before Thimerosal was widely introduced to vaccines, attendees were surveyed on their opinions as to most effective strategies for global population reduction. Covert ISIS style medical poisoning drew significant attention.

I can but speculate whether Gauci was present at that fateful 2018 conference, but Coronavirus “solution”, formally untested Moderna vaccine, is the decade-in-motion result of his joint venture pact with the Gates Foundation. Notional use of an alien vaccine is so preposterous; clearly informal laboratory results should be construed as proven probably detrimental to wider propaganda goals. Last article I posited the consideration for associated microbiologists’ crookery, providing the example of researcher William W thompson’s sensational confession to deliberate sabotage of data that unquestionably discredited Merck Vaccines. In the last fifty years a glut of bad science has come to light. Most acute concentrations of deceit can be found in medical circles. Gates, a man that holds a reputation for sharp practice dealings, and Fauci, a mastermind of the HIV fiasco, are the epitome of decadence, but there is also a connected sideline player. Warmup man, Elon Musk, received a write up on my esoteric blog. Fine genuine journalist, Jon Rappoport, also raised concerns over Musk’s ramblings years ago. Then, of course, other than a few elites in the know, no one would have taken diatribe about a Brave New World genre human “automaton” seriously.

Though I did mention Musk’s interest in DNA at my other blog, it was more in reference to Earth governing, supposed extra-terrestrial, spiritual overlord hierarchies (ancients’ termed “Gods”). In association with NASA, at the time, his company SpaceX had recently launched a galactic shuttle called “dragon”. Those that study esotericism will quickly become nervous as dragons (perhaps Biblical “angels”) are primary custodians (owners) of our DNA intellectual property. I conduct occasional Skype sessions which review spiritual DNA heritage and other essential topics and, by chance, a client informed me that SpaceX had proudly assisted the 5G wireless effort by firing off five hundred rockets to join other satellites crammed into Earth’s upper atmosphere. We know now, of course, that electromagnetic pollution (a symptom of 5G) causes Coronavirus symptoms in the susceptible. In addition, Gates/Fauci moderna vaccine is periodically badged “Frankenstein jab” because it apparently alters a cell’s RNA (something that has never been formally done before), certainly enough to confirm Musk’s ramblings back in 2016 and prior were the warn up act.

Once again, my other musings on this subject did the math’s to consider the very real possibility of a globalist sanctioned “clandestine” human population cull. Potential accomplice, duplicitous United Nations, whilst pushing universal “wellness” (an agenda amply supported by bogus medical sciences), made a chilling instruction that world populations must reduce significantly at any price. Whereas I concluded a military operation may well have been considered, even psychopaths consumed by zeal could determine billions of untreated dead accumulated over short periods would bring on sufficient pestilence and genuine plague to kill off the remainder of humanity. It is unlikely that military barbarians would be able to distinguish mortuary workers from the rest. Even if that feat could be pulled off, current resources of furnaces and gravediggers, I calculated, are wildly insufficient to keep pace with processing requirements. Lime pits used in World Wars I and II don’t seem a very tenable interim option either. In fact, history teaches us many were left where they fell due to lack of accessible recovery infrastructure. Fields of “unknown graves” haunt Europe’s legacy.

Although authoritative use of failed chemo drug AZT as an HIV “cure” was mitigated murder, its dismal effect out in the field alienated patient and sincere medical practitioner alike. Thus, if a poison drug was to be offered as the “final solution” (after Hitler), it would need to be administered blitzkrieg style to avoid too many rejections of the “bait”. Arguably an early attempt at pioneering the “solution”, Thimerosal’s role in vaccines has dismally backfired. Resulting affliction “autism” (caused by light heavy metal contamination) has not disabled growth or reproduction capability sufficiently. Worse still, attributed ailments mock Globalism’s instructors’ utopian agenda. Thus, Pharisees (Pharaoh’s servants) will rue the day they commenced planning autism strategies. Affliction has beneficially provided sufferers sufficient stimulation of the so-called third eye to activate strange, intuitive abilities. Consequentially, if there was a pertinent case for a new “super human”, autism may well have inadvertently revealed hallmarks. Those with enough intuition can not only see through Globalism’s dastardly plans, but will have special resources to draw on to fight back.

Pot shots may be fired at traditional (establishment) enemy number one Aryan-Slavs but, beyond that, it is fairly safe to say an active medical cull of humanity is not going to materialize. Last article I determined the only possible wide ranging “solution” was a covert sterilization campaign. According to Wikipedia there are currently no known sterilization agents. In other words, castration can only be sanctioned via invasive operating procedures. Gates Foundation Moderna vaccine happens to alter cellular RNA, something critics (primarily Dr. Judy Mikovits) explain “has never been done before”. Healthy RNA dramatically affirms reproductive potential. Those with sickly RNA might incur baroness. Prior I had little information as to the homeopathic make up of so-called “bat gnosis” (serums apparently partially evolve from bat DNA), but logic still persuaded the only feasibly sincere option for radical population reduction was forced sterilization, whether by overt or covert means. China’s trialed draconian “one child” policy was a mitigated disaster from the corporate perspective. Families found ways to blossom, estranged from the stranglehold of pariah state.

Permanently disable the function of reproduction will deliver conclusive results. However, authorities have an associated problem. People talk. Word spreads with the wind and people pay attention, when it suits them. Numbers of dissenters in relation to Coronavirus have already escalated to epidemic proportions (and the sensational arrest of that pregnant Facebook woman will only enflame matters further) or why would Google need to impose a tyranny of internet censorship (as mentioned earlier, search for cornholio sickness to find topical anti-mainstream views)? There is no scenario (I could imagine) whereby a blitzkrieg medical attack could be unveiled effectively. Uniform sterilization is almost certainly going to be the chosen direction of one of the future program phases. Probability favours this primary phase, in part, will be dedicated to denying and disabling conspirators. Even so, menacing forces of evil are incapable of conceiving overall goodness, so I anticipate varied genetic makeups will prove susceptible to Moderna vaccine, whereas others won’t. Confused bewilderment will continue to reign affairs with no one knowing precisely who or what to heed. Indeed, I suspect some (in a similar vein to the autism syndrome) may be granted “indigo” powers which, perhaps, won’t gel easily with convention, but, when managed, will (theoretically, at least) furnish considerable advantage over others. The greatest unnatural accidental murderer, the automobile, inspires only hapless institutional ignorance. The same institution network uses Coronavirus to rule over the affairs of man, yet never reveals true causes so as not to interrupt technological advancement. Our “powers” would do wise to tread carefully from now onwards, because I do know this much. God, Gnosis, the spirit of endurance, call it what you will, can outgun obnoxious human agitators in a heartbeat. I will truly praise the day when divinity wipes the vain smirk off “holier than thou” Bill Gates’ face.

First HIV, then Ebollox, now Simpsons’ Coronavirus, What Next?

John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, and the entertaining Michael Parenti are blessed with happy mediums of being able to play and beat “the system” at its own game. Other public speaking majorities have been issued less fortunate demeanours. As with everyone else, they are held to ransom by educational/social programming enterprises that fundamentally dictate “the way things will be”. Hence, to all intents and purposes, that is why “the way things will be” is “the way things are”. I make no excuses for my lack of “viable” references and possible corresponding academic belligerence throughout this essay. I have found references are designed to more shore up political correctness or common authority views in substitution for actually verifying the truth. Thus, misconstrued empty promises, deceitful practices of all kinds and deliberate dishonesty are casually preserved over and over by those placed out of context, “value added” reframes. You know, “Ah, that’s how it happened!” So, putting it bluntly, I refuse to add to the malicious mass trend. As it stands, under review, the callous critic might unfairly revile content here. Given my express lack of formality, I would imagine this essay might be dressed as an opinion piece, which it is not. In fact dedicated readers will discover reasoned analysis that is mostly not tainted (God forbid) by occult “verification”. Nevertheless, raw evidence of science corruption (such as William W. Thompson’s fraud at the behest of Merck) is noteworthy enough to feature.

I guess the lesson here is, don’t necessarily “believe” what I or anyone else says. Do your own research, but make sure efforts are wide and thorough. It would be definitely worth everyone’s while to check out the great collection of topical writings at Pure Professional Journalism Gazette. Expect a bombshell by way of final conclusion that, to some degree, goes against background analysis. It will prove, if nothing else, I do not champion particular opinions and can turn on a penny in an instant if new findings justify the move. So, without further ado, let us begin. In the simplest of terms, our universe is exclusively composed of energy. In line, Einstein’s notorious E = MC² equation vaguely satisfies existence “the symptom”. However, was he to have delved deeper to substantiate motivated causes, his rudimentary oversimplification of truth would have been shown up as wildly incorrect. Our sun is one of millions beyond millions of stars that distribute energy throughout the universe. So potent is its source, ancient cultures worshiped the privilege of exposure. There may have actually been more to their zany practice, but I will discuss details onward. Back in 1918 mock scientists decided that the sun, consistently delivering life supporting “vitamin D”, was now the generator of a dreadful plague they labelled “Coronavirus”. Consideration behind labelling relied on judgemental “blame”, apparently devoid of any valid clinical research. The sun (an unreachable object) was inaccessible enough to make an easy unquestionable “decoy”, but, presuming the plague itself was neither fabrication nor “as described”, what mischief did it cover up?

This is an important question because 1918 marked the end of the culmination of a giant conflict between nations. So violently expansive was its course it has become known as the First World War. There are extensive records covering most apparent historic aspects, but it seems unlikely those deep, dark secrets held by “corridors of power” have been revealed (or why call them secrets?). Could there have been some sort of new manufacturing process or weaponry that caused more civilian or “friendly fire” casualty than benefit? Competent information supporting this inquiry is fairly essential, once basis for viruses (which were first categorised as such in the 1890’s) is understood. For journalists, audiences to disseminate information to can also prove pretty useful, so, in that regard, I run two Facebook pages. One is occupied by normal people whilst the other collects rebels with attitude, though sadly mostly without mitigated aims. The former is the more relevant to this exercise because “home channel” outpourings tend to accumulate “TV” world view on things in general. For instance, not a single person I have friended attached to the channel has any notion of what a virus “IS”. Actually, on that front, my other channel doesn’t fare much better either. Most presume origins of viral strains roughly mimic evolutionary course of bacterial infections.  This, by the way, is the grave error which aggressively fuels ignorant sentiment over speculative theories pertaining to Coronavirus and other less familiar complaints.

Clearly (by their vocal expressions) all innocently believe viruses are transmitted by humans to other humans, yet, if the truth was known, the notion would be deemed ironically preposterous. In fact (for those that bother to research) science has vaguely (hinted at in complicated waffle; if only they would listen to Richard Branson) “come clean” on things. Reading between those revealing science lines, viruses are the response of micro particles not-so-kindly provided by our atmosphere. Precise detail on exact “culprits” would be almost impossible to pinpoint. Nevertheless, after the last swine flu epidemic (from 30,000 flu screenings, the CDC formally identified roughly 20 complaints, but more on that in due course), logic proposes the specific root cause must have been from two giant farms in relatively close proximity to affliction zones or, rather, issues emanating from “lakes” of hog faecal waste (which is impolitely known as pig shit).

Many years ago I used to have greater confidence in “the system” and calculated the most reliable asset anyone could entertain was a jolly good lawyer. Mine was an interesting fellow; most senior in years. At one of our many meetings, he shocked by informing me his daughter was a nurse who tended to “AIDS patients” and she had accidentally lanced herself with a giant needle used on one of them. I didn’t go into details. Well, one wouldn’t, but some weeks hence I did inquire how his daughter was faring and, apparently, after numerous tests, she showed negative for both HIV and AIDS and was given a clean bill of health. Hoorah! If nothing else, this proves that HIV/AIDS does not mimic bacterial behaviour. But returning to those sciences’ “buried deep” truths, viruses are identified as having no metabolism. That might sound relatively unimportant to the non-technical person, so it would be wise of me to qualify magnitude here. The best efficient method of detecting whether someone is deceased (that’s dead) is by their absence of metabolism (which, I can add, promulgates growth). Viruses neither grow nor reproduce. They only change in character. Scientists label these changes “mutations”, which can be numerous. When particularly noticeable patterns emerge, results are qualified as “strains”. In fact, for the technically minded, science has never discovered a virus strain in isolation (except perhaps in the case of rabies, but I will elaborate more on that anomaly later in this article).

Given my storming revelation, how do medics categorically identify complaints, such as swine flu? Simply put, as viruses themselves prove too evasive, they apply a “microdot” antibody test. Under microscopic conditions, providing a million or more antibodies turn up at the “marked zone” results are regarded as sufficient evidence of viral infection. I am not sure how they manage to count all the particles efficiently, so I assume a machine does the leg work. Recurring biological patterns can be attributed to specific viruses in place of the “common cold”. “Next stage” Influenza is diagnosed by regularity of symptoms, which can develop into killer pneumonia. So, returning to my earlier “swine flu” highlight, it is vital to realise that none of the 20 or so cases assessed by CDC lab technicians’ revealed direct evidence of causes. Instead they relied on formulaic graphs tabled from symptoms. When a complaint was critical enough to lead to serious illness or death, it became posthumous basis for verification in lieu of actual, factual evidence. Putting it bluntly, universal “healthcare” is unable to fundamentally diagnose any virus (the burglar that’s never caught) or cause “with authority”. Hardly surprising as viruses are simply varied examples of how the body processes different types of pollutants.

I am being a little unfair to the medical people here. They discover more than antibodies in clinical samples. Resulting biological debris is presumed cause of disease.

Instances involving scenarios whereby “causes” have already invaded cells are harder to detect. For these, numerable sub-classifications, such as retrovirus, Flavivirus are assigned. To me, a word is a label and, hence, impotent terminologies rather obfuscate sincere revelation which can hinder dedicated investigation. Yet, the major elephant in the room that exposes medical ignorance here is its associated science is only able to speculate on how viruses enter the body. Back in 2018 I published an article titled “Coming Clean on Cancer” which highlighted the critical role quantum light (atoms) plays in cultivating body development. Because atoms are generally viewed as arbitrary or accidental building blocks of physicality, they have been more or less overlooked by all sciences. Well, that’s one reason. Intriguing studies such as kondo effect radically also demonstrate how far adrift atomic behaviour is from bubbling “science reality” (sic). Anyway, were we to understand the actual purpose (yay!) of particle waves, that ever familiar “survival of the fittest” paradigm we’ve been force fed would be rendered instantly obsolete. Survival does go some way to indicating truth though. By that vein, existence is built on principles of assimilation and, accordingly, all materials naturally recycle. Stronger animals consuming weaker ones enhances creation stratagem. In relation, I will reveal the “power” of quantum light soon, but now there is something much more fundamentally basic to adequately expose science misconception over viruses.

Unlike bacteria and fungi, viruses tend to be very small and, consequentially, are hard to see. Biological materials become jumbled and parts (without metabolism) congregate unhelpfully. Thus, under a microscope, it is a devil of a job to sort out the pieces of the puzzle. That is predominantly why medics substitute recognisable patterns in lieu of actual, factual evidence. So far, so good! Taking my “in brief” explanation of natural assimilation a step further, when microscopic extraneous matter attached to the atmosphere is inhaled or absorbed (through skin, eyes, etc.), logic dictates that the body would have three fundamental options in relation to dealing with the invisible invasion. Micro particles could be ignored as we overlook dust in our lounge rooms. There might be some kind of method to expel waste. The remaining choice left is to contain the problem. “Containment” conveniently fits the assimilation model like a glove. How does the expression go? “If the bear won’t come to the mountain, we will bring the mountain to the bear.” In this instance, to “contain” is to convert any invader into a new body part. Thus, micro particles that enter the pulmonary system are uniformly coated with biological materials by body defences to “mark” the threat. Some of these marked units are funnelled into various waste disposal facilities (such as kidneys, liver – hepatitis anyone?) over time. Others hang around to become part of the “biological scenery”.

It is these “rebels without causes” that can potentially fuse health issues (I introduce evidential effects of asbestos dust in a future segment). Remember, all the while, to the casual medical observer, they will appear as biological particles without metabolism. Current topical science assessment of data could not conjure more inaccurate prognoses, which bizarrely reminds me of the manner gravity is “dealt with”. On that subject, Newton, I fear,  worked out his proverbial apple was callously shoved to the ground by a complex web of forces (further explaining how our planet is really propelled) generated from the bowels of the Earth to bounce back off oceanic space. Maligned politics (covering up the fact our moon shouldn’t spin if it was a dead body?) determined to stem “inner Earth” exploration vouched for the vogue “magnetic pull” model. Unsurprisingly Newton’s patron, Sir Edmond Halley (comet discoverer), found no champions for his “inner sun” theory either. This should wax familiar because a lot of medical “science” follows political (Big Pharma friendly) interests. Gravity is not a magnetic field (although magnetism can influence forces) and viruses do not live. Thus, cells are never invaded by micro particles because they can’t be accessed in that manner. Instead, without exception, cells snack on tasty biological materials, such as essential minerals. However, rebel morsels are also eaten up in line with that common assimilation recycling strategy.

Ever had a bad chicken kebab? If not, take it from someone who has, you don’t want to go through the experience. Most kebabs are fine, and you can’t necessarily tell which ones are “off” from appearance, smell (particularly when doused in hot chilli sauce). But there are worse things to consume: strychnine, for instance. How does this compare with those doused micro particles? Well, as far as the cell is concerned there are no surprises inside each tasty package. Thus, in the case of SARS, ingested industrial composites stripped infected identities of nucleic acid. But there was some uplifting news associated with that. After all the credentialed science slander targeting 1960’s anti-theories, SARS once and for all proved a cell does not necessarily need a nucleus to function; launching Dr Bruce Lipton’s spectacular career. Aside from malfeasant politics, why would medicine make such fundamental errors of judgement in relation to viruses? The short answer to this belies the idiopathic principle grounding modern day healthcare. To explain, “Idio” stems from ancient Greek idios, meaning “denier of authority” (which evolved into the slur idiot). “Pathy” substitutes for suffering or illness, so the idiopathic principle (no known disease causes) remarks on symptoms.

In effect noticeable abnormality is treated in the hope problems will disappear. Sorry, I can’t resist a little sarcasm here. Golly gosh, in light of this course, who’d have guessed symptoms would make a nasty habit of recurring? Flu vaccination is therefore useless once genuine problem/cause is understood. On the positive side, bacterial parasites and fungi represent “symptom and cause” in combination so modern medicine generally provides excellent, efficient remedies here. Viruses, cancers and certain psychological conditions prove intellectually inaccessible. Whilst occasional anger directed at this deliberate medical ignorance or “void” is justified, we need to review the history of understanding of illness to fully appreciate why. We need to turn the clock back to the 1780’s to reconfigure a muted conspiracy that has always deliberately kept corporate healthcare in the dark. For instance, the real purposes for those enormous “inhumane” study schedules training doctors must endure is students are given no time to “think for themselves”. Brainwashed new recruits will memorise data “by rote”, perhaps in the same manner Islamic extremist “terrorists” are able to parrot the Koran, verse by verse until their minds recognise no contradicting sentiment. There sadly is a common arrogance too.

Now some might argue industrialisation commenced with the enormous cargoes of bounty that were transported in merchant ships out of the New World from the 1500’s onwards. However, for this investigation’s purposes heavy mining and late 18th century beginnings of mechanical automation experimentation marked onset of the key “damage period”. Correspondingly, writers covering social matters of the era immediately raised alarms over noticeable effects of environmental pollution. These cries reached fever pitch by the mid 1800’s, which happened to “coincide” with mass production (as it was then) of vaccines. A few doctors spoke out against the popular flawed philosophy favouring “mild doses” [of disease] to bolster a body’s immune system to no avail. Just to be clear on facts here, unless I’m missing something, employment of vaccines will have no effect on inanimate (lacking metabolism) pollutants, so any healthcare benefit must be viewed as a form of placebo medication. Then, even after Louis Pasteur’s apparent death bed recantation, immunisation tradition continues as strong as ever today. Efficacy of vaccines has never been proven.

Those that study relevant data models observe that “introduction of serums” invariably happens at disease “burn out” stage (i.e. the problem was going away all by itself).

Mosquito man Bill Gates polio “gift” to the Indian hill tribes (and subsequent international class action suit) chillingly demonstrates how dangerous these products can be. Talking of polio, I would guess that radical downsizing of tin production was the catalyst for healthcare improvement, so it is not merely organic materials that can cause viruses. Bill Gates (evil computer genius), of course, was working closely with the CDC in their vain attempt to impose the contagion model for COVID-19 quarantine until the idea was quashed by America’s valiant surgeon general in favour of raw data evidence. How will they “fudge” results now? Anyway, let us imagine (after all that bad press), back in the 1800’s, industrialist merchant bankers were worried people might discover the truth and rise up against them. Hypothetically, wouldn’t their most effective primary strategy defending revolt be to deny pollution as cause of illness? In fact, contemporary mainstream academic reports and newspapers more or less followed these precise lines. Journalists claimed that weak and sickly would die anyway, so industrialisation was cleansing society by “making it stronger” (i.e. a macabre variant of survival of the fittest). That nonsense was fine and dandy until the first major [legitimate] epidemic eventuated (finding no credible voices to counter the glaringly indiscriminate targeting of weak and strong alike). The shock forced “powers” to employ a revolutionary medical strategy.

Potential for viruses was demonically ushered into being (and I say that because the devil is always in the detail). Idiopathic medicine, lost for causes, scratched around for the “best projections” to tackle “symptoms” and, hey presto, quackery came up with vaccines. There are numerous accounts of [presumed] airborne diseases prior to the 1800’s, but those varieties of influenza were most likely resulting from organic debris of one kind or another. I highlighted the dangers of pig faeces earlier. Unmanaged human waste I feel sure could be equally as negatively potent. Here associated myths accounting the sickly demise of society after Spanish capture (and subsequent garrotting) of Aztec monarch Montezuma II might well endorse my theory. Was incinerated bodily refuse the issue? Bonfires would doubtlessly create atmospheric conditions loaded with potentially infecting micro-sized carcinogens (remembering swine flu results from sun powered vapour emitted from sewage lakes). Identical reasoning can be used to justify analysis of other infectious conditions. Outlined in my prior release “Coming Clean on Cancer” Queen Mary I of England’s 1558 supposed womb cancer death is wrongly diagnosed, unless crude oil powered periodic combustible engines. Evidence validates automobile invention, development and subsequent mass production happening in much more recent times, thus the Tudor queen succumbed to some other complaint that may not be possible to find comparison for today.

We should be exceptionally sceptical and wary of all projections; Bill Gates’ inspired computer modelling in particular. Fantasy (and that’s what it is) representation of proscribed reality isn’t real. Facts considered carefully, immunisation philosophy and partnering vaccines are (at least at hubris) nothing short of trial and error concepts. Given the historic background, it is no irony that conceptualisation is “banking friendly”. Insurers rely on synthesised calculations to assess and best guess risk; risk that is unknown. Likewise, immunisation provides theoretical security as an insurance measure against disease. We are told “by the experts” to believe this security is impeccable. We are told it is a platform sturdy enough to support the weight of humanity. Practical evidence recounts a different, sorry story. Harking back to the heavily publicised resurgence of Ebola in Africa a couple of years ago, newly touted “outbreaks” took only moments to incubate. One instant everything was calm without discernible issue and next we were told of a “Jaws” style epidemic “of monumental proportions” in full swing. When a big storm starts brewing (a possible major reinsurance headache), onlookers are provided some warning. Reflecting on Media portrayal, surely new Ebola deserves to be remembered as the medical equivalent of blitzkrieg. In light of this, would not insurance class that specific speculative epidemic an act of God?

Acts of God are uninsurable because no preparations for defences can be made. How is it possible to immunise against a disease that is already rooted? Additionally, as immunisation principle bolsters the immune system by presenting mild dosages approximating targeted complaints, what warped philosophy could offer vaccine utilisation (i.e. “adding disease”) to stem contamination? “Ah, he’s lost a lot of blood, sir, I prescribe leeches”. I have already outlined why vaccines, at best, offer placebo measures against viruses. There is another observation in relation to contagion in general. I cannot fathom how a real epidemic could come along “without anyone noticing” so quickly. Thus, the whole current enterprise waxes false flag, I’m afraid. It is as if Ebola nonsense was a dry run to test population idiocy and, because Africans’ passed with flying colours, history has been allowed to repeat itself. Corresponding new normal (or that’s your friendly corporate “catchphrase”) recapitulation insists the entire globe has been instantly infected with Coronavirus (coming from nowhere for no discernible reasons); even though (for my research) limited numbers had been tested (at “newsbreak”) and the few deaths that have been reported are shall we say “dodgy”.

Fortunately I have friends in strategic places. A very alert Italian naturopathic doctor informed me (via a private network channel) that the grave situation in Italy “coincidentally” followed mandatory mass vaccinations.  Not quite “evidence”, but this piece alleges several Senegalese infants under care of a “western clinic” died instantly directly after being vaccinated against Coronavirus. We by no means share opinions, but Dr Judy Mikovits is one of those leading the charge against experimental “bat gnosis”. If COVID-19 is no different to ordinary influenza, would it be possible to confuse vaccine damage symptoms with those that might identify a new, previously unknown disease? Massive funds have been leveraged on Coronavirus. It must be a winner at any cost. Think the money to be made out of compliance and enforcement, plus all those potentially “justifiable” Big Brother measures. Idiopathic medicine, via spurious theories, can conjure “brands” out of any illnesses. Therefore, I fear South Koreans (another of those mandatory vaccination countries) will ultimately share the same fate as Italians unless I have read the politics wrongly. Aside from my dubious Senegalese reference, has anyone attempted to check whether there is a definite connection with Coronavirus deaths and immunization? We do know that Italian authorities pressed ahead with their draconian measures “regardless” of contradictions highlighted by a 2016 paper covering dangers of vaccines released by independent scientists.

From 100 serums tested (which, from memory, included tDap and MMR), roughly 30% were shown to contain significant traces of heavy metals (such as aluminium, mercury). I exampled effects of mercury laced bandages on fallen troops of the 1860’s American “Civil War” (war between dominions deliberately miscategorised?) in this article. Even so scientists that have studied data samples prefer aluminium toxicity as most likely cause of Alzheimer’s disease. That is the ostensive reason why cooking pans and soft drink cans are coated today, although I wonder whether “coatings” will eventually become classified as “cancer causing”. Logic supporting Italian authorities’ blatant rejection of evidence placing doubt on vaccine safety has never been effectively explained to me. Putting conspiracies to one side, presuming serum contamination was accidental with Coronavirus the symptom, have we seen comparable occurrences before? In answer, there is certainly one television documentary that examined evidence against tainted polio vaccines which were manufactured from the late 1950’s and throughout the early 1960’s. When adverse side effects became a noticeable problem, product was withdrawn from use in the first world (i.e. “Western countries”). However, as the documentary testifies, other stocks were still travelling to remote regions of Africa up until the 1980’s. According to the programme (which was certainly aired on mainstream channels in the UK and Australia), vaccine serums were originally cultivated in the kidneys of live chimpanzees and green monkeys.

These animals had apparently developed natural protection against atmospheric pollution and responding “viral strains” were unavoidably transferred to vaccine batches. In humans, reactive symptoms were labelled “HIV”.

I won’t bother introducing French/Swiss Nobel puppet and serial bloviator Dr “despicable” Montegnier (who never found HIV). Other “experts” originally described symptoms as “slightly worse than the common cold”. Misdirected propaganda (which unconfirmed “sources” tell me was brainchild of the CIA) promoted the idea of a worldwide “gay plague” on the back of contemporary medical discrepancy. In relation, I recommend Jon Rappoport’s sensational paperback “AIDS Inc.” will make an essential reference for those committed to discovering truth. Though I haven’t read the entire volume myself, some of Jon’s key findings are known to me. Most critical (in my opinion) of these points is information that evaluates the pharmaceutical drug AZT. Accordingly, AZT has had a very chequered history. Back in the 1950’s its prior branding was presented as a miracle chemo cure. Side effects were horrific enough for the drug to be quickly withdrawn without fuss. Patients implicated in trials had suffered AIDS like symptoms that were clearly not a parenthesis of cancer progression. Jon made other vital observations. His remarks on “science” behind benchmarking HIV are priceless. Hypocritical standards were so vague, the ardent academic would deem them perfunctory, but authorities didn’t give a damn. They were staring at one of the potentially largest commercial medical opportunities since Spanish influenza (some say coincided with construction of the electricity grid, but I’ll have more on that when I wrap this essay up). Whereas hard evidence supporting my proposed hypothetical would be difficult to amass, multi-faceted fear campaigns surrounding HIV/AIDS are legendary. Had agencies backing the CIA “gay plague” been given license to market misinformation, system-believing homosexuals of the time could have easily been lulled into investing in precautionary medication.

Of course, that’s precisely what happened with AZT, duly offered and snapped up under expectations of righteous “salvation” by those in the spotlight. Yet truth behind surrounding AIDS like symptoms was already long known. They already knew AZT was a failed chemo remedy, a reflective disaster area. Why offer a known killer drug as remedy for the common cold to sections of the population unless you were planning some sort of genocide or vertical population purge? Look, I haven’t bothered to check, but without doubt the medical gestapo will have recorded a rose tinted historic account of AZT (to match Thimerosal gibber), recognising only relatively minor adverse effects in persuasion of messianic commercial withdrawal.  I do check the CDC website periodically and, thus far, administrators have failed to see purpose in listing ingredients of vaccine “preservative” Thimerosal. They should because this is a product with an onerous medical history. Wikipedia’s account is reflectively erroneous for my research. Rather than preservative, it began as an experimental cancer vaccine in the 1930’s. Use was narrow and infrequent. Per later bedpan cleaning agent reclassification, stocks were deferred to hospital sterilisation and, after a decade or more of use; authorities grudgingly delisted the product when clinicians proved a definite link to pink’s disease back in the 1960’s.

I provide a more detailed history here, but “informed” need only review details of a few samples taken from Thimerosal’s ingredients list to be clear on why product issues keep recurring. The full composition’s a big cocktail, so I’ll head straight for those crucial elements to ease reading burden. Aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde (normally used as rat poison!) are the main offenders. That “heavy metals” presence in the 2016 Italian vaccines survey is now vilified. Mentioned earlier, consequences of aluminium and mercury poisoning are well known of course. Even so, there does seem to be a parallel imperceptible theme running here. Products that don’t work in one format are routinely ushered back in for other rounds. Mercury failed as bandages preservative, so it made a less than triumphant return in surgical cleaning powder form from the 1950’s. Perhaps comparably, “popular” Victorian period tonics that didn’t make the grade were sometimes converted into household sanitising agents. Tradition holds popular soft drink Coca-Cola began life as a floor detergent.

Given this pattern and because it was so chillingly efficient, logic presumes AZT will be the killer of choice for any planned population purges or would that be unacceptably blatant? Too many for comfort may have read Jon Rappoport’s illuminating volume “AIDS Inc.” (which is available on Amazon in the paperback version). For what other reason could have “authorities” removed his WordPress gazette? Maybe I’ve jumped too many steps ahead here for palatable accord to settle. How could America, with its massive welfare dependence (emphatically mocked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), employ an agenda aimed at killing off needy populations huddled beneath the Statue of Liberty? Though, there is unprecedented simmering conservative anger at political leniency given to illegal invaders from Latin countries (in particular) and this might well ignite civil rebellion. We have an unlikely comparison not too far away. Contrary to popular belief, Hilter’s involvement in German political affairs wasn’t a malfunction of the system. Indeed, any genuine researcher would struggle to find a bad speech recorded by the dictator. He eloquently matched Winston Churchill word for word.

I agree that notorious published volume “Mein Kampf” (My Life) has drawn criticism and some reviews state it was “poorly written”. Nevertheless, slander permitting, content is undeniably lucid and directives abhorrently clear. Hitler did not appear to like the Jews, but the only formal promise he made was to reduce Germany’s ethnic Slavs by half. By way of background on that, there were some immigration problems after the Great War (WWI) and Slavs took the brunt of social venom. Stalin’s infamous Russian “purges” largely targeted Coptic Christians (also Slavs) leaving an estimated 70-180 million dead (depending on which account is referenced).  Iran may be the source of Hitler’s favoured “Aryan” stock, but local populations were cut in half after a 1917-19 genocide claiming 10,000,000 lives which appears to be an inconsistency (if Hitler merely acted for a much higher authority agenda). However Genome batch comparisons of non-Arabic Iranians compare well with broad stock Caucasian Russians. Other than the premeditated genocide of American Indians, there have been no other population reduction efforts in the United States,. It is worth noting that Russia, prior to Bolshevism, ticked along with majority populaces dependent on the system. Indeed statistics detailing symptomatic effects of the collapse of any food supply chain loosely base predicted “panic [buying] after 3 days” on 1917 “revolution” records.

Interestingly enough, though it hasn’t collapsed yet, the essential supply chain jarred on the back of the Coronavirus “scare”. Why so quickly if the whole situation hadn’t been engineered? Shelves weren’t restocked following the foray, yet one prominent casualty “toilet rolls” is fully manufactured locally for the domestic market. There are plenty of Australian pulp mills too. If I might be permitted to use our supermarkets as the guide stamp here, main store chain Woolworths (a subsidiary of Walmart, I believe) has indefinitely (as of writing) ceased replenishing dried pasta and rice stocks. Backup Coles, clearly feeling the pinch, have provided small selections of rices (lacking popular basmati and jasmine varieties). An unrecognised “Italian” brand of pasta is the only one available and prices (for probable inferior product) have roughly trebled.  The phenomenon did not tarnish smaller private enterprises but, as with Coles, many have attempted to exploit the market to its limit. Perhaps too early to diagnose which direction commerce will take, but the current situation bears all the hallmarks of fabrication. For my research, panic buying generally commenced much later than is being promoted. Bare shelves encouraged the main “alarm” (which rapidly spread to smaller enterprises). Absence of restocks exacerbated the situation.

Obviously when nothing was to be found in the main stores, people “bought what they could” elsewhere, in some instances besieging micro businesses.  I interviewed a Chinese speciality shop owner who “couldn’t believe” how much rice she had sold.

Salesmen are necessary but expensive, so at times of general financial uncertainty or hardship that section of the job market retracts. Since significant drops after the 2007 “Grand Financial Crisis”, numbers have never bounced back to prior levels (or that’s my layman’s view). Personally, as one of the few honest business development professionals, my bleak employment period between 2010 and 2016 suffering “kangaroo starts” ever since, affirms the trend. Before Coronavirus went public, the Australia job market was in notable trouble. Now it is fair to say it has flopped. Labour buoyancy reflects financial optimism. Yet, since the demise of the gold standard (when promises no longer required backing), money has more or less entered the realms of fantasy (polite word for fiction). Prior to deregistration of constitutional monarchy (kings must remain accountable or face the wrath of the people, whereas governments risk only loss of votes) global funds were, without exception, sponsored by various royal exchequers. Now via tenuous arrangements with a worldwide body called “The Federal Reserve”, united governments borrow money from a cartel of international bankers. Each of these recognised governments is a registered, publically listed corporation. Given the fictitious status of money, if the plan is to ultimately “start afresh” (following the current state of theoretical chaos resulting from decades lacking transparency), simultaneously bankrupting every corporation (which would include government itself) is the one way change could be fairly engineered. Disbanded trading would require swift, radical measures approximating remedy (so as not to critically implode commerce, which theoretically transcends corporate edict). The well-established (CIA backed?) electronic platform Bitcoin might act as an effective interim solution, whereby voluntary assets could be reappraised and compensated on a “case by case” basis. A very visible queue of rebellious economists has anticipated an imminent universal currency meltdown for as long as I have been monitoring international politics. The manner these politics have unravelled in relation to Coronavirus projects “anything could happen right now”. Will supermarkets lay off staff due to shrinking revenues? Will stunted incomes promise even further shrinkage? Such occurrences in the United States would likely escalate into emergency government under President Trump (who’s reached the unlikely heights of issuing more faux pas’ than George Bush Junior) for a very long time.

Though my conclusions will determine Coronavirus is one of many staged civil interruptions to come, economic restructure from corporate ashes, ushering in standardised electronic money, will probably materialise as the “final gambit”. Moves to keep Trump (angel of death?) indefinitely in power are already being made, such as unrestricted relaxation of environmental protection protocols (which now will no longer be “enforced”). Have “the powers” that supposedly work in support of majority populations’ best interests totally lost their faculties with this measure? Pollution of the environment causes all viruses, including Coronavirus (if it exists, but more on that later), so shouldn’t relevant rules be tightened? On that point, once again, if it exists, from where did Coronavirus originate? Considering it is a global complaint, causal emissions must have percolated from “something” new that is “seen everywhere”.  The only two [publicised] recent “changes” that could feasibly (with stretched imaginations) fit the criteria are the “5G network” (I will focus on this “bombshell” in conclusions) and “Chemtrails”. Evidence says otherwise. Evidence points to fraud, but we shouldn’t ever be tempted to draw rash conclusions. We need to tirelessly sniff out possible worthy catalysts.

Legionnaire’s Disease is one such example as it provides a potential “common dominator” for all viruses. Not following traditional idiopathic etiquette, cause for this remarkable air-conditioning sponsored illness is known. Symptoms vitally not dissimilar to rabies, valiant research discovered microbes in the ground were active disease agents (I can’t say for certain whether these congregate to form fungal Legionella). Reflective protocols assure construction is now at “safe distances” from air cooling towers, but maybe that’s all changed under Trump’s toothless EPA.  There are many other alien complaints that have “sprung up” in recent times. Symptoms for HIV, Ebola, SARS, all those bird flus, swine flu and anything else I have missed do proffer commonality. All “epidemic” viruses of modern times have initially manifested as the common cold. Here we reach a focal junction. Common cold in examples highlighted evolves into something very nasty. However, I haven’t been able to ascertain whether critical escalations and complications (sometimes leading to death) happened before or after “medications” were administered.  We know categorically (thanks in part to revelations from clued up investigative reporter Jon Rappoport that early HIV “sufferers” were deliberately encouraged to take AZT in remedy of complaint. That medication causes AIDS. I find no argument to counter the plain fact AZT was administered to act as agent of death and I will have more to say on the implications, so stay tuned! To qualify, HIV, the illness, was never life threatening.

Extensive efforts to come to terms with likely sedition were eventually rewarded. It seems there are some Africans with good reason to believe the most recent “outbreak” of Ebola (affectionately paraphrased as “Ebollox” in grapevine communications) was entirely the fault of malignant medications given out to gullible people seeking solace for regular influenza.  If this is true, unlike drawn out cancers generated by AZT, whatever poison is being used does the job quickly, in maybe a few days. Were medication to be drafted in as “weapons of sorts” at some juncture, given the alleged prognosis, Ebola style treatments would be extraordinarily effective. So, that in mind, I think it is worth putting some more hypotheticals to the test. Is there corporate will to discriminately kill human beings? In answer, though no direct campaigns are visible, academia has warned of the potentially tragic effects of population overgrowth. Tradition holds Bill Gates father was a prominent supporter of the eugenics movement, but he’s not the only one by a long chalk. Doubtlessly political Media hysteria against “paedophilia” is one prong of the eugenics strategy. Sterilisation of branded populations has been historical ordained many times past. Concentrated efforts against Latin American nations are the tip of a giant iceberg. Then there is that strange remark Henry Kissinger made. What did he mean by “useless eaters”?

We have already witnessed carnage left by HIV/AIDS and Ebola, so that seems the best place to commence my hypothetical investigation. HIV was advertised, more or less from onset, as a sexual plague. Marketing fear campaigns targeted promiscuity.  Later the designer catchphrase “gay plague” came into being. Medias glibly informed audiences that it was believed that the plague had originated from Africa and scientists had almost pinpointed origins (which was an outright lie). In conjunction, they informed audiences, “the condition has been around for hundreds of years and is transmitted by green monkeys”. Vague on precisely how it was transmitted, we of course now understand polio vaccine serums were grown in the kidneys (which filter the blood) of chimpanzees and green monkeys and that is how scientists “identified” the precise origins of HIV. Though that bad vaccine was withdrawn from use against immunisation of Western populations, Africans weren’t so lucky. Perhaps lucrative IMF grants were offered as incentive to obedient nations, but it appears a relatively high percentage of contemporary African peoples had been given doses of HIV. HIV itself marked an ape’s [bodily] reaction to ever present industrial atmospheric pollution.

Medias didn’t stop at their own waffle on the subject. No, they enlisted the help of as many gay celebrities as they could muster. America’s Roc Hudson, Liberace, Britain’s Freddy Mercury and Kenny Everett all played their parts for the death rattle. They even paraded the great Cuban classical concert pianist Jorge Bolet for the “arts”. Obviously, certain luminaries were astute enough to slip the net, such as Sir Elton John, but many fell for the bullshit. How might that relate to Coronavirus? Well, we now have Royal Prince Charles who apparently “tested positive” to the virus. The “cause” must be desperate. Predictably recovered “virus survivor” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been rushed to intensive care on cue. Lights, camera, action! Now that’s leading by example, but more on those royal connections, in particular, I think is necessary here. It would be fair to say that, after Epstein, the fallout from allegations against Prince Andrew has rocked the British Royal Family. Whilst CIA asset Cathy O’Brien’s accusations were a near identically copy, provisioning a twenty year old “smear campaign” (which Wikipedia describes as “conspiracy theories”) against the Bushes, Medias seem to feel there is some truth in content this time round. In light of this and the record of Camilla Parker-Bowles’ promise that “royals will go to any lengths to support each other”, is the British Royal Family vulnerable enough to be blackmailed to take the heat off Prince Andrew? Moreover were the Bushes and Clintons being “held over a barrel” while in power? Either way, we can already see enlisting of unpaid (sic) B-grade celebrities “who wouldn’t lie about it” to push Coronavirus “credibility” over the line.

So where does Ebola fit into this hypothetical puzzle? Let us begin by considering possible parallels with Gulf War Syndrome. I have read estimates of anywhere from 30,000 to 300,000 veterans dying as a result of medications administered to protect against Saddam Hussein’s theoretical biological and chemical weapons. Historic account has not been able credibly back the theory, which is deemed erroneous, but that is beside the by. Drilling down and looking at related “causes of death”, many veterans appear to have succumbed to AIDS-like symptoms. The real reason (ignoring an alleged hand written confession paraded by certain vexatious Medias) Timothy McVeigh “attempted to” attack Oklahoma (note: according to prosecution data never used at the trial, experts determined a van full of explosives “at most” might have “broken a few windows”) was because of the manner veterans were treated up to and beyond their pharmaceutically sanctioned deaths. For the best of my research it seems a canopy of different types of drugs were able to induce AIDS-like symptoms, so if products like AZT were withdrawn to satisfy “public outcry”, we can ascertain there is a big queue of other notable offenders to bring in as replacements. A deeper question hovers over Gulf War Syndrome though. Is the condition a response to atmospheric or medical damage of troops? I haven’t formally found the answer to that one yet. Nevertheless, we have learned there are many, many options available for mitigated medical attacks on humanity. America’s “healthcare” system drugs kill anywhere between 100,000 and 2,000,000 annually (depending on which reports you refer to).

Whichever is correct, healthcare has proven far more effective at disposing of “useless eaters” than war.

I mentioned earlier that Ebola takes but a few days (at best) to finish off its victim compared to months of agony under the spell of AIDS. This is important for two main reasons. If the medical solution itself is the cause of Ebola (as some astute Africans swear), then active agent used must be different compared against drugs that trigger AIDS-like symptoms (supposedly caused by HIV). In addition, humanity could be disposed of very quickly was the desire for it to be so. So how does configured genocide relate to Ebola? After reviewing supporting background information carefully, there is enough inconsistency surrounding the history of the disease (if it is one) to raise alarm bells. Folklore attributing the “virus” dates back to 1976 when a new illness heralded from the Ebola River (which runs along the Republic of Congo). Western analysed and tabled symptoms did not come to light until 1989. On this point, I wrote an article a few years ago that highlighted a Council of Rome (the powerful masonic body) public meeting in New York. Some educated non-members attended and one of those reported what he had witnessed to select alternative Medias (mainstream concerns certainly wouldn’t want anything to do with him). The date of the event was sometime in 1988 and one of the startling subjects for open discussion (and organisers even put out to audience attendees for “ideas”) was the “best way to eradicate” giant chunks of the human population at large. Unsurprisingly, contamination of medications (or vaccines) was one of the popular responses.

Short of succumbing to Media hype over science hysteria, I am not going to be personally convinced there was a common connection between 1976 and 1989 Ebola. Origins of the “disease” come across as so tenuously vague; data reads in the same manner deliberate science dishonesty spread about HIV did. If one was forced to take positions on things, I suppose duly diligent could be persuaded the closest approximation to relative truth (based on findings in the public domain) is Ebola “may” be a bona fide disease, but probably isn’t and genuine origins are either concealed or alien. Back in 1983 or 1984 America’s State of Georgia received a gift from an anonymous (or so tradition upholds) donor. It is a large monument affectionately known as the “Guide Stones” which list a series of benchmarked future objective laws (?). The “law” that raises most eyebrows is “global populations shall not exceed 500,000,000” (or words to the effect). 1984 was the year autism was first independently categorised (but more on that in due course). 1985 saw the emergence of brand new HIV/AIDS. 1989 “the great threat” Ebola comes along (after never being witnessed prior in that format). It has all happened too quickly for there not to be a “common denominator”. Ever since we’ve had “waves” of designer illnesses leading up to ultra-critical reissued Coronavirus (if we believe the “experts”). The idea establishing Earth’s optimum human population at no greater than 500,000,000 is by no means unique. Swiss cult volunteers (who assert they are advised by extra-terrestrial Pleiadians) under Wikipedia friend (not branded a “nutter”, odd don’t you think?) Billy Meier included matching doctrine in their manifesto years before the Georgia Guide Stones were erected.

Here’s the clincher. According to statisticians, our global populations are snowballing at an unstoppably rapid rate. Such is the momentum a 10,000,000,000 milestone can’t be too far off. Allowing for big margins of error in social censuses, we may be closer to target today than is popularly recognised.  Thinking of possible common denominators I’m keeping an eye out for, the milestone would make a plausible candidate. Whether Ebola is a disease or something exacerbated by medications, the fact remains that official survival rates of sufferers are listed at an ominous 5% (last time I checked). It doesn’t take a degree qualified mathematician to join the dots here. Any “fool” can punch figures into a calculator to come up with 5% of 10,000,000,000 makes 500,000,000. And what a coincidence, for that was the magic number those Freie Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz und Geistwswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien Guide Stones insist on. Actually, 500,000,000 is a maximum, so I feel sure whoever drafted the demand would sit more comfortably at 300-400,000,000 ideal levels. The expression “cast in stone” heralds from Biblical times, when “Laws of God” were frozen in time, tablet versions permanently preserved in granite. God’s demands were not open to negotiation (as is the case with everything today), by the way. Thus, if comparable metaphor applies to the Guide Stones, ensconced doctrine should be taken seriously. If conspiracy theories can be used to sink a prince, how much more power might be yielded by arcane dogma?

After processing the figures, leaving gossip for the tabloids, facts compel me to acknowledge there is a giant stumbling block inhibiting my hypothetical global purge of humanity. That said, in the course of my research, I comprehend why Victorian Benjamin Disraeli (according to Mark Twain) coined the phrase “there are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics”. My many and various attempts devoted to ascertaining the global death toll have failed to source anything concrete. No one seems to be able to provide adequate authority assessments on the subject. Annually death numbers probably range between 50,000,000 and 60,000,000 currently or that is as close as I can approximate. To me the amount seems a lot to deal with in one hit. On reflection, let us consider civil engineering’s radical but compelling response to propaganda that asserts 6.000.000 Jews perished under Hitler’s holocaust. Facts determine it would have taken too long to process bodies using standard facilities available (timeline estimates running to decades). Therefore, applying identical principle to the current hypothetical, if a global inoculation program was designated to kill all “useless eaters” in a few days, dead could not be treated effectively (criticism addressing poor infrastructure supplied to the 2005 New Orleans flood disaster is apt here). Resulting lack of sanitation would likely kill off decent percentages of “survivors” to add to the fray. I am unable to conjure any satisfactory scenarios that might justify “saving” present day mortuary workers from medical attack. Death rate figures I provided before were annual. Over a week, let us say 1,000.000 dead are processed globally in normal circumstances. Under terms of outlined hypothetical biological warfare, numbers just rose to 6,500,000,000 or more. That is a multiplier of 6,500 x current burden, and with only 5% of trained mortuary workers (of current levels) left to deal with the workload, unless “the powers” have gone totally bonkers, there is going to be no blitzkrieg medical attack on the people.

So, on the presumption that a radical mass poisoning campaign is not going to be implemented, why all the dry run plagues leading up to Coronavirus? Before I discuss associated multiple objectives, it is necessary to outline why, specifically, Coronavirus was chosen to mark the current campaign (which might end on May Day or this is what the government of Thailand suggested before imposing tyranny for another month). That original 1918 occurrence (blaming the sun “as cause”) offers no discernible link to our current “crisis”. Therefore, choice of name is intriguing unless it is code. Considering this, to any hardened political investigator potential meanings [of coded messages] are straightforward. The “sun” (corona) represents a form of Babylonian worship which was later converted into Catholicism (via a tributary of ancient Roman cult Sol Invictus). Embroiled symbolism here potentially covers a number of bases, but most likely refers to the powerful masonic order Babylonian Brotherhood that pays homage to sun God Ra. Corona (implying sun dedicated) positioned behind “virus” is corrupted in context, this duplicity is not malicious. No, it is a corruption with aims to uphold interests of the “Greater Good”. In other words Coronavirus is effectively a vengeance campaign for the Babylonian Brotherhood. “Self-proclaimed” Hebrew dissident Roy Tov favours the psy-op as preferred Pharisaic modus operandi. Lack of sick or dead under terms of pandemic, voracity of marketing efforts generating unpopular commercial side effects (such supermarket pricing games, restaurant closures), casual attitudes towards absurd austerity overwhelmingly confirms Coronavirus is an indisputable psy-op, regardless if its medical viability.

That considered, I am less inclined to factor in aggressive physical Babylonian Brotherhood involvement here, although stark connection between organised Vatican and United Nations “wellness” (sic) is demonstrably clear. Israel (home of the Pharisees) can be broken into “El”, “Ra” and “Is(is)”. Whilst information may appear inconsequential to these discussions on face value, one insightful satirical interpretation of meaning of the trio combination presents as follows. Simply, light and dark conspire to pull the wool over Gods eyes (expanding the metaphor, sheep, strangely, can be divided as lambs of God and sheeple). Proverbially, light signifies “knowingness” (logos) and darkness “ignorance” (scotia). Thus, per this deceitful tradition, knowingness may exploit ignorance and there is nothing God can do about it. Correspondingly, I doubt that the Jewish Passover was as described or even happened at the biblical location (Egypt) advertised. Does not Lambs blood potentially signify Chosen Ones’ (lambs of God) genetics? Of course “blood” is a term that might be also used to field genocide targets. In this respect, maligned intentions are sometimes so cleverly concealed, blemished celebratory historic accounts remain unaltered. An angel is a saviour, but angels of death are ones who masquerade as saviours. Remembering the exploited ignorance theme, under cover darkness is metaphor that denotes the commonest flaw of mankind: “time poor”, opinionated brethren too busy to commit to life lessons. Respectively, is it possible to adequately stir belief in a fictitious plague well enough that offerings of poison potion remedies are eagerly snapped up by flustered hypochondriacs? In tune with the scenario, toxins attack the blood, so protection offered to lambs of God would either be as a different type of potion or perhaps nothing at all (let us presume death angels were able to skip marked dwelling houses cunningly enough to avoid suspicious neighbours).

Were ancient peoples any different to our modern day lambs to the slaughter?

In short, could Coronavirus be something akin to the plague that sponsored the “Passover” all that time ago? As an intriguing side point, Persia/Iran offers a more ideal location for the Passover than Egypt, because prophecy bound Pharisees knew it was Magog that must fall to allow global totalitarian succession. Cunning fabrication is the surest means to ensure biblical prophecy comes to pass. Thinking about what’s happening today, I recall something about multiple plagues (HIV, Ebola, SARS, bird flu et al) paving the route to Scriptural peace on Earth, or was that Armageddon? Are the recent (deliberately laser ignited) devastating bushfires perceived to be symbolic holocausts or “mini-Armageddons” (to quote Benjamin Netanyahu)? There have been associated engineered historic conflicts as well. Two great wars have done nothing to dent human population expansion and, let’s be frank here; Vietnam marks the “death of honour”. No military campaign since has supported so much mutiny and dereliction of duty. Vietnam is the milestone reflecting a new era of irresponsibility. Regardless of this, war has proven an insufficient population reduction measure. People have simply been able to replicate too fast for the angel of death to keep pace. Now, given our staggering current population count, to adequately process numbers of dead bodies much faster than new crops are filtered into the system would place a strain on infrastructures. Sure, the mortuary business could expand, but not to the required levels. So, my good news is the “powers” do not plan to launch a globe wide holocaust, although tactical Armageddon might suffice if it was deemed feasible (note: underground bases were constructed as precursor to a zany formularised “alien assisted” gas attack, however living accommodations could not be sealed well enough to protect inhabitants long term). In practicality, there is a sole tenable solution to the population expansion problem. Great numbers of people must and will be sterilised. Attempts to encourage volunteers through contraception programs have not had the desired results and that draconian Chinese “one child” policy didn’t produce the goods either.

Sterilisation of populations at large could be actioned by either of two fundamental approaches. Sci-fi scale maybe, but it would be possible to contaminate breathable atmospheres serving major civil centres. Such ventures may well backfire though as gas unhelpfully tends not to discriminate between lambs of god and sheeple. Actually, another of those anti-Jewish holocaust arguments cites potentially fatal gas leaks. Now, to normal system-brainwashed folks the notion of alien assisted attack might come across as rather unbelievable. Some may go as far to enquire where evidence of universal atmosphere contamination or other ungodly practices have eventuated. Factoring the paranormal nature of machinations, it is possible effects are subtle. Therefore, in response to scepticism, though I lack anything cast iron to pinpoint and nothing obviously specific has been publicised (as far as I’m aware), there has been a miraculous human transformation in recent times. How recent is open to debate but change does coincide with the indigo child phenomenon. I don’t by any means suggest people have radically moved opinions as a consequence, but everyone is more open to investigating the truth in their limited capacity than they ever have been before. I suppose there is more uncertainty now as a consequence. Some even place faith in belief that the shift is “evidence” of ascension, but I feel the more profitable explanation is “atmospheric intervention”. You would have thought the “powers” would have wanted to test the scope of alien technologies before employing them “for real”, ideally something people wouldn’t notice as out-of-the-ordinary.

Moving away from subtle, there is also at least one academic paper recommending that catastrophic Christmas 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was engineered and, as such, an extra-terrestrial sponsored brainchild. Technical information provides detail theorising “unknowns” helped “detonate” a Sumatran underwater volcano to trigger the tsunami. Regardless of considered merit of alien sponsored atmospheric attacks, any “gambit” wouldn’t work when applied to mass sterilisation anyway. That leaves the medical option. According to Wikipedia “there is no ‘working’ sterilization pill”. I need to qualify academia’s statement. There is no known sterilisation pill, whereas an experimental drug is available that is believed to permanently sterilise humans [to the best of my information] without inducing other noteworthy side effects that might draw attention to its purpose. Could authorities “keep a lid” on wide use of invalid medications of this genre? To answer that we only need to refer to Thimerosal’s unjustified use in vaccines. Several excellent physicians (cut free of mainstream propaganda) have joined the eloquent Dr Andrew Wakefield, vigilantly persuaded to publically assert that “vaccines” are the cause of autism, but they are still relative “lone wolves” in the scheme of things. Wider populations are blissfully unaware of serious studies that determine very small amounts of aluminium may well attack the brain sufficiently to cause the effect (although other proponents argue mercury is detracting agent). Either way, Thimerosal contains both elements and predicable “vagueness” over its specific dates of usage in vaccines haunts mainstream “accountability”, thus obscuring definite timeline connections. As far as I can ascertain, the preservative may have undergone limited beta-testing from the mid 1980’s, but mass use began from 1989. Parent of severely autistic child, Robert De Niro’s 2016 video acknowledgement of the preservative mostly fell on deaf ears.

Historically, by the mid to late 1990’s large medical producers informally began to panic. Merck (manufacturers of MMR) consequentially commissioned a small team of scientists to test their vaccines with view to identifying connections with autism in African Americans (after they had presumably received complaints). William W. Thompson did find a link and Merck responded by asking him to destroy all data. Obviously, if there had been no discernible link, they would have published findings (and gloated about them to all and sundry). Thompson (I understand) had sufficient data to make analysis by 2001 but sat on the secret for fifteen years. Indeed the only reason he came out of the closet swinging sometime around 2015 or 2016 is because Merck attempted to fire him (or that’s the version of events I have been given). His threatened Media exposure of their mutual “secret” was, let’s face it, blackmail. Undeniable culprit, Eli Lily’s Thimerosal (the one film actor Robert De Niro singled out) is ultimately safeguarded below despicable double standards that define “common practices”. Medical producers deliberately cultivate contaminated products and their aligned unscrupulous scientists care nothing about the consequences. They care only about their own highly prized skins. Practicing doctors, burdened with enormous itineraries, are taught next to nothing about vaccine engineering. Therefore, before I go into product ingredient labelling, a little more history on the subject of medicine seems pertinent here.

Ever since the Catholic Church purged as many “witches” who could really cure illness as they could lay hands on (via successive inquisition waves), a void in respectful true medicine was left in their wake. Even so, it wasn’t too long before corporate healthcare turned up with infinite varieties of tonics (some based on Macbeth remedies), to be flogged by street corner merchants. These mixed tonics disappeared with the arrival of pharmaceutical cartels that imposed an industrial medicine regime fit for an industrial era. Dual mainstream healthcare options (to either poison or butcher) are today’s legacy. Alternative “choices”, such as acupuncture and faith healing, cast a pall over motivated discussions between inside professionals. Yet the greatest fear of the industrialist cartel is naturopathy, because this witch mimicking science is their greatest threat. Dr Robert Morse runs his cancer gauntlet well in the face of authority, but It came as no surprise to me when I learned that dozens of strategic American naturopaths had been reported as “dying in mysterious circumstances” over a relatively short space of time. More relevant to this article, figures in excess of 100 unexpected deaths of microbiologists were recorded in the 2000’s.

Were we to consider that Merck’s corrupt William W. Thompson was the exception rather than “the rule”, purges of scientists deemed risks to the progress of flawed medicine would be justified by maligned corporate interests. Key pharmaceutical “watchdog” CDC is a commercial operation. Putting them in charge of medical authenticity is akin appointing the local robber as your friendly bank manager. Old Pharisee trick of replacing all key decision makers with their own people appears to have infected healthcare in respect to microbiology. As an additional safeguard against rebellion, individual scientists might not necessarily be privy to which branded medications were fruits of their efforts. Thus, was a sterilisation serum or pill to be cultivated and “shelved”, nothing would hinder any senior stakeholder efforts towards reverse allocation. CEO of Merck Vaccines doesn’t care about knowledge of the known effects of Thimerosal in MMR, so It seems to me as though the higher up the ladder you ascend, the more the black heart of corrupt practices is exposed.

So, get used to the idea that forces of evil can masquerade product that enables their vicious agenda, in this case the potential sterilisation of the larger part of humanity under guise of “vaccination protection” against a future COVID-19 or some other bogus excuse.

I have had the opportunity to interview many common people about their opinions on Coronavirus. Only one had actually heard of the antibody test and none were able to tell the differences between viruses and bacterial diseases. So we are off to a bad start. Given the sensational title of this essay, some may be wondering why I termed Coronavirus “Simpsons’ Coronavirus”. To be honest, the influenza may as well be called Simpsons’ virus, but that would muck up masonic posterity. Let us never forget the 1918 version was blamed on the sun at a time when beach recreational needs may have hindered ambitions of able veterans designated to return to the workforce (or, to coin my affectionate pet name, slave-place). Odd too that Dean Koontz’ novel featuring biological warfare agent Wuhan 400 was published in 1981 (note: George Orwell published “1984” in 1948, the year Israel came into being again), but before I elaborate on how “cover story” viruses are transmitted (as we already now know all of them are caused by pollution), it is worth evaluating why popular primetime cartoon shows irregularly “predict” feature historic moments well ahead of time. The specific Simpsons episode I have been referring to, first aired in 1993, did aptly forecast US nationwide “panic” with corresponding run on food and other essentials. However, I am not sure whether mass hoarding in reality is as has been described by current “News” outlets. If anything The Simpsons’ lampoons “Faux News” (fantasy) reporting well, but corresponding truth suffers a horrible limp. I mean, that sensational computer glitch apparently affecting international trade sounds like a corny excuse to me.

I am aware of the Brad Pitt movie a couple of years back too, but Simpsons’ producers’ soothsaying does not stop at Coronavirus. In the 1980’s any notion of aristocratic “wide boy” Trump even making an appearance as a presidential candidate would have been unthinkable; the ultimate satire, yet, there he was on the Simpsons and now here he is, current president of the United States. Family Guy “divined” the Boston Bombing hoax.  And, yes it was a hoax unless the Gulf War veteran used as central figure had managed to grow back the legs he lost in Iraq, but don’t blame him. He’s done well out of it. Last time I checked, his personal charity had raised $1,000,000. Myself not believing in miracles, I proffer alternative reasoning as explanation for crystal ball cartoon programming. There is an expression used in sales called “priming”. The term is coined by executives explaining how they “set up” buyer expectations. Popular cartoons could be similarly used to prime audience expectations. “Oh, I already knew Trump was running for President. That’s not untoward. Now where did I hear that before?” Why did CIA personnel allegedly appear on the set of that cheesy Ebola movie (and Dustin Hoffmann didn’t save it, trust me) unless they anticipated “political” implications with respective content?

Use of celebrities in HIV/AIDS propaganda campaigns has already discussed, but I didn’t cover theories on how disease is transmitted. Back then, Princess Di was an angel of mercy doing all her wonderful work for “charities” until she was bumped off under suppressed orders of Prince Charles and the “royal household” (according to the Fayed family, at least). Are we witnessing karmic effect in motion? Prince Charles, of course, is the possible star “victim” of the current crisis (that is until influential Boris Johnson took the baton). I’ll offer odds of a million to the penny, there’ll be a royal comeback. Will the charade expand before cameras focused on Charles in the nick of time, providing him and many supporting cronies the opportunity to profoundly demonstrate everything’s okay just as it was with dear ol’ Boris? I see a planned fly on the wall series documenting every step of his medical recovery focusing on good vaccine “magic potions” all the while (reinforcing the green light approving mandatory mass sterilisation). Stretching my memory back, I recall Princess Di emphatically shaking an AIDS patient’s hand to prove it was “safe” to do so. But why would she need to do that for TV? In answer, I recommend everyone review Dustin Hoffmann’s valiant efforts to save the un-saveable. That awful Ebola movie he starred in “debated” prospects of airborne infections. Though conclusions, I vaguely recall, sort of left the question “open”, in science-speak any mention is a definite “no-no” (Dr Judy Mikovits is adamant about that). That’s why Princess Di, bless her heart, was drafted in to prove HIV/AIDS couldn’t be aerially transmitted. Ebola “in movie speak” was granted license to be passed from animal to human and then, human to human. We now know why everyone is obliged to heed the 1.5 metres social distancing nonsense associated with stemming the “spread” of (non-existent?) Coronavirus. Movie-land prepared us for the drill long ago. Major hidden purpose behind Princess Di’s antics should be as plain as day by now, but I’ll spell it out anyway.

The whole frickin’ agenda driving the virus ruse is to obscure the fact that industrialist pollution causes all illness that isn’t the fault of “parasites”, bacteria, fungi or mental problems. Viruses are not passed from animal to human and then on to other humans, but illusory science has successfully beguiled great and small into “believing” this is so. If “bird flu” is a genuine complaint, then logic persuades it is caused by vapour from relevant faecal waste. Are conglomerate chicken farms a relatively recent idea? In China and India, in particular, burgeoning populations have had the consequence of converging to such an extent their existence has conflicted with nature. Do viruses amount to side effects from this newly over impacted environment? Another possibility is generation of viruses didn’t happen overnight. Atmospheric particles may accumulate over decades or more, gradually building up to reach “critical mass”. Has the globe’s atmosphere already been “tipped” and that is why we are observing so many unheard of disease outcomes today? On this front, Suzy Hansen (a professed alien abductee) provides some illuminating insight in her first book, “The Dual Soul Connection”.

Industrial manufacturing is by no means the only mass polluter. The war machine arguably creates more havoc than all other detractors. Gulf War Syndrome is but one consequence. Iraqi cancer statistics went off the scale from the 1990’s onwards (for which Michael Parenti attributes President Clinton’s silent round the clock bombings of infrastructures as “culprit”), but Israel’s cancer rate has risen by 10% as well. World War One produced Coronavirus, but there were other less familiar complaints. It is estimated that millions died of tuberculosis in German World War Two concentration camps, but was it a real condition or were illnesses resulting from some unknown battle generated virus that produced tuberculosis-like symptoms (one 1990’s doctor described Ebola like tuberculosis on steroids)? I have highlighted many times before that arguably phoney Jewish “holocaust” (fast tracking recreation of Israel after Eisenhower’s laboured appeals) wallpapers over common issues that haunt most concentration camps. Miraculous success of placebo medications (something I’ll delve into in more detail later) confirms the power of the mind. In a sense concentration camps amply demonstrate the reverse quality.

Were any morals to be garnered as a consequence, “belief in success” undeniably aids cures, whereas “hopeless despair” can kill without remorse.

But there is more to it than that. Earlier in this article I stated human to human viral transfer would be deemed “ironically preposterous if the truth was known”. Truth sometimes appears stranger than fiction and this is one of those times. Living bodies are intrinsically connected via an invisible web. Related high energy emissions have been recognised by certain sciences. Contributing symptoms include chakras, kundalini and ectoplasm. I wrote an article about something called the “Tamarian” at my other website. In association scholars of ancient Atlantis determined everything that exists within our reality bandwidth (which perhaps extends to other dimensional windows) is interconnected via the quantum layer. Prehistoric knowledge is to some degree corroborated by the original designers of nuclear fusion who believed (prior to trials) the chain reaction “might collapse all matter”. That didn’t happen of course because a nuclear reaction creates an implosion which “blister seals” at source. We touched on social distancing a while back. I suggest 10,000 light years apart should be sufficient to guarantee “safety”. Unlikely clues to this reasoning can be found in horology, which is deeply misunderstood even by those that practice it.

Millions of years ago, all planets in Earth’s local vicinity were inhabited, but most had internal populations. In fact very few planets support external life, maybe around 50 in this universe, so it is remarkable that Earth, Mars and a small strip of land along Mercury’s equator have cultivated civilisations in such close proximity. Per these most ancient times, mass populaces had very little variance in character. If one societal member was aggressive, all members were aggressive. If one was a dreamer, so were the rest. Comparably, humanity is strongly diverse, arguably due to our hybrid status (symbolised by the twelve tribes of Israel). Every conscious being is metaphysically attached via the Tamarian at higher frequencies than mundane life. Spiritual beings develop energy vortices that are similar in format to the human kundalini. Indeed there are compelling theses supporting the idea, due to their genetic compatibility, that so-called “reptilian” higher entities are able to identify any specific kundalini and lock-on. Energy pulses don’t end at the body extremities or just beyond, No, they pulse right out to deep space. Thus, close by planets are proverbial steps on the way. Excessive quantities of similarly matched signals which collectively “group” will influence inhabitants of other planets “on route”. Horologists have inherited that legacy. “We are coming into the Mars aspect” literally means “this will be a period of Martian domination”.

Introducing SARS, I briefly referenced the fine work of Dr Bruce Lipton. He has revolutionised science opinion on how cells “work”, of course. Though findings show up as being predictably flawed, if truth was made an active benchmark, science has navigated perilously close to correctness along Lipton’s course. Tests done by Russian scientists to influence development of embryos somewhat affirm opinions. Using specific microwave frequencies, they were able to convince the foetal version of one creature to develop into a different species along valid birthed genetic tracts. I forget the examples of actual creatures involved, but, shall we say an assisted frog was able to develop into a snake whilst retaining parental features. There is a point to be made here and that is a body’s energy network interrogates its “environment” to instruct cells how to develop; a fact Lipton emphasises. Spiritual beings branch the phenomenon out to the emotional level, so if you (an emotional being) are surrounded by people who “feel down”, you will become depressed too. Women have been known to synchronise menstrual cycles. Therefore, equally, if everyone in the office comes down with flu, in all likelihood, you will as well. That is not through cause of “catching a disease”. Quite the reverse, instead your energy field reads “the environment” as sick, so it follows natural protocol. In short, all diseases at their root are effects of the mind, which proposes the great paradox. Most despised of all by mainstreamers, “faith healing” is the only valid form of medication. Confirming theory, many higher “alien” entities exclusively rely on energy systems to heal, assisted with various technologies (humorously spoofed by Star Trek’s Dr McCoy). Energy is used to fortify belief, so it follows placebo medications and Voodoo (genus of psy-op) work off the same basic principle; one for the positive, the other negative.

Though taking radically different exploratory routes to me, other alternative journalists have reached identical conclusions over this pandemic. In summary COVID-19, they determine, is common influenza. Indeed, early scare campaigns were run primarily in Europe with greatest numbers of dead coming out of Northern Italy (holding a concentration of Slavic populations – remembering Hitler’s promise). Italy had just gone through a program of mandatory vaccinations and this may or may not have had a bearing on figures. Did anyone check? The timing of the “outbreak” conveniently corresponded with European flu season, but even on the other side of the world “changes in weather” will induce increases in flu-like illnesses.  China and partnering slackly regulated Asian nations appear to suffer ongoing effects of pollution (historically London’s bronchitis contagion receded with the smog).  If I might reference Australia’s serious “commitment” to saving humanity here, whereas limited numbers of formal viral identifications exist, in “preparation” for disaster, tens of thousands of beds have been requisitioned across various hospitals. There would be some very red political faces if those dedicated wards weren’t filled to capacity. Presumably at least some other nations have followed suit.

For those that have made it this far, I had planned to embed a video treat, but unfortunately, after numerous web scrapes, YouTube yielded only one video (in German) that partially confirmed the virus/pollution connection. New York Times champion Dr Anthony Gauci (ex. mentor of Judy Mikovits and one of the prats behind the old de-funked HIV/AIDS blueprint) is “everywhere” unfortunately, but I’d like to hotlink this interesting podcast from a qualified doctor who helpfully puts my conclusions “in perspective”.

After that any doubt over COVID’19’s “status” should have evaporated. Whether there is any transparent basis to the attached malicious psy-op/misdirection campaign remains to be discerned. The manner “panic buying” was ill-described by mass Medias definitely affirms the dishonesty. In fact, lack of product on shelves is more the result of sabotaged supply chains than consumer greed. How is it when all residential toilet paper rolls are manufactured in Australia, shelves failed to have been replenished after the alleged buying frenzy? Did Australians use up all warehoused back up supply too? Subsequent rationing measures imposed were something akin to shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. No, it is obvious the “powers” intended to punish those who didn’t play along with their game, “hoarding on queue” and that is one reason why they didn’t replenished stocks. The other observed expectation was, when the shelves were noticeably emptying, some did react stupidly by purchasing as much as they could lay their hands on, but the main issue had always been the “broken” supply chain. Devastating effects of throttled supply is best remembered from 1870 Siege of Paris, but there are numerous other historic examples.  I know of no major supply chain breakdown that wasn’t politically engineered.

Thusly, ancient Greeks offered punishment of death to offenders.

Viruses are the evidence demonstrating how body cells deal with toxicity. Louis Pasteur knew this, because it was what his teacher (Bechamp) had taught him. His fabled deathbed recantation was never going to change history. Mainstreamers don’t remember it at all, so germs were eventually destined to morph into viruses. Was 1918 Coronavirus the earliest one on record? Not so this time, terminology first appearing about 1892, connected with tobacco I believe, but perhaps a fuller discovery tour would make an interesting future research project. Germs, as with viruses, are a very much unknown quantity. Pedestrian and scientist alike can only assume they are there by observing destructive symptoms; each telling a sorry tale. Yet there are clear clues apparent. Bacteria and fungi are never “caught in the act”, but their presence at the scene of the crime provides a precise indicator as to cause of problem. Using identical premises, logic promotes pig faeces as the cause of swine flu, but here we branch away from viewable bacteria/fungi. Instead a body’s vanguard protection coats all invading micro-particles with biological gloop (which acts as marker), so science will never uncover obscured hard evidence short of dissecting ambient matter. I doubt fine dust from asbestos that contaminates the lungs of breathers has been isolated, but symptoms highlight the staring culprit. Does not asbestos poisoning prove once and for all that disease can be airborne and delivered by local atmospheres?

Mustard gas used in World War One didn’t discriminate against those it ensnared and neither did fallen troops “catch” anything from their comrades. Likewise, everyone exposed to extreme levels of pollution (enough to overwhelm a body) will die as a direct response to atmospheric attack. Disease labelling doubles as a useful politically correct blame agent. On that front, if governments were supposedly responsible, why has America (in particular) relaxed all environmental laws to such an extent none are enforceable? Science and sane medicine knows that viruses are caused by environmental toxins so, if COVID-19 is a virus, then surely the American government intends to aggravate attacks on the human immune system. Why would they do that unless the aim was to accelerate seasonal “flu” complaints or, rather, COVID-19 attributed hospitalisations? And that seems a good point to pause and wrap up my essay with conclusions. In the final segment, I will discuss roles of nations in what appears a great population heist, exploring precursory implications for the future.

Outlines to shape the case that humanity has burgeoned to such an extent there are no effective means to kill off suitably large numbers of people quickly without “risking everything” have already been presented. Alternatives are straightforward. Sane “powers” have no option but to draft in mandatory (and, if necessary, forced) sterilisation. China did not furbish desired results under experimental “austere legislation” (ironically the soft option for humanity) which limited families to “one child”. Plunging the globe into [the first real] civil war would correspondingly risk total commerce meltdown (such as a rudimentary collapse of the slave network, sorry, I mean “workforce”). Therefore, to reinforce, feasibly the smoothest approach enabling desired outcomes would be to substitute sterilisation medication for, say, vaccines against future pandemics providing a lid could be kept on the secret until the dirty job was done. Next, to encourage participation from the masses, a “from all sides” promotional campaign raising awareness of a really nasty believable plague should suffice as “bait”. That said, the people won’t subscribe unless it was genuinely feared, of course. Required fear might be sanctioned by Voodoo techniques.  Were enough highly regarded social figures able to “hex” compellingly and often, everyone of “right mind” would be convinced. Without hard evidence to back up fear, hexing alone would not galvanise populations.

How to falsify evidence?

Outside China, alarm barely registered even though alleged avian flu death figures were greater than 1,000,000, so any calculated physical impact would have to be much more exaggerated to guarantee “panic” gripping the globe. I am thinking somewhere along the lines of 50,000,000 dead would be powerful enough for synthesis, though not so great an additional burden to “break” the system. 85.000.000 killed by “history’s nightmare” diphtheria (we’ll ignore the fact that happened in waves over decades); does not this emulate those levels? The remaining unanswered question pertains to whether stocks of Ebola “medications” are sufficient in quantity to satisfy demands. Presuming death rates do convince the people, phase two will be much harder to manage. Surely there is only one certain way not to indefinitely spook populations into noncompliance. In that regard, authoritative statisticians would need to raise alternative blame agents well ahead of time in case too many were sterilised too quickly, otherwise the “penny might drop” causing people to avoid pharmaceutical advice like the plague. I personally think, when push comes to shove, multi-pronged strategies offer the least hazardous recourse (for those evil masterminds). Correspondingly high enough percentages could be made infertile to substantially limit new crops, marginally satisfying the objective, with the greater remainder (of those destined for the knacker’s yard) given serums that ruin their immune systems. The beauty of doing it that way (as far as the establishment is concerned) is the sick won’t perish so fast, they clog funeral parlours. After it is all over, wouldn’t it be hilarious if paedophilia is legally encouraged “to rebuild populations”?

We now have a guide or map to chart tell-tale signs that mark plausible malice in motion. I have already outlined COVID-19 deaths [as alleged] followed mandatory vaccinations in Italy. Thus far, I don’t know “which” vaccines were involved, but would respective information (if it is tainted) tell us anything anyway? Ingredients can change “at the drop of a hat”, particularly when gaggles of politicians are desperate for propaganda feeds from crooked medical cartels. We are able to ascertain numbers of deaths in Northern Italy were relatively small (in the 100’s), but big enough to make headlines. Let’s face it, compared against those Chinese bird flu death stats (which received almost no attention in Australia lest we forget), COVID-19 has, thus far, proved a real “fizzer” – hardly “epidemic” material and definitely not a pandemic. Conclusions are straightforward here. It must be a training exercise and probably one of many to come until the “powers” feel confident enough to launch the campaign “for real”. Because it is a global concern, they will need a lot of support. History has demonstrated corrupt nations are quite happy to behave deceitfully. IMF grants backing the offensive against the spread of HIV in Asia and Africa were classic examples of this. Complicit doctors had been encouraged to list “AIDS” in place of “unknown causes” for death certificate records. Back in 1992 British tabloid “The Sun” published a tucked away morsel explaining “WHO estimates that less than 5% of AIDS deaths in Africa are genuine” (or words to the effect). Shock horror!

Philippines’ “old guard” are that deceitful they are regarded as “untrustworthy”, so America naturally turned to its Asian right hand South Korea in search of managed COVID-19 “evidence” (which comprised 100,000’s of screenings), well until that Bill Gates/CDC conspiracy collapsed. Meanwhile, other scientists not being referred to by the “powers” are determining that COVID-19 is no different to regular influenza. South Korea, interestingly enough, is another of those mandatory vaccines countries; anyone noticing a pattern here?  Forgive me for continually bringing up Hitler and “Mein Kampf”, but he did write “if you are going to tell a lie, make sure it is a big one. Tell it over and over and then people will be sure to believe it”. Consequentially my local mega-corporate supermarket, mega-corporate shopping centre and mega-corporate Telco’s (hold that thought) have decided they have the supreme right to regurgitate Australian healthcare misinformation about COVID-19. I will go so far as saying; I am being bombarded on all sides (and every time I catch a train) by parroted content identical misinformation. Now if that’s not telling a big lie over and over, I don’t know what is. I can say I have written about this style of practice before. Mass Medias find it common enterprise. A thousand “news” outlets duplicate the same basic piece of information using slightly different wordings to fake congruity. In fact, through all their smoke, you will struggle to find more than one fire source.

I mentioned before about scope for use of Voodoo in psy-op campaigns. Beyond shrieking standardised “government advice” on COVID-19, Corporate Sirens do nothing to help. But surely this evidences methodology fortifying planners’ attempts to facilitate worldwide programming of beliefs. From Caracas to Helsinki to Cape Town messaging is identical in character. When apparent “confirmation” of bad news comes in on all sides, wary instinct assumes “they can’t all be wrong”. For COVID-19 common fundamental “views” are being replicated. Ordinary people desperate to process what appears to be rigid consistency in support of the case for COVID-19 are naturally going to be lulled into making stark poor choices over and over again. But that’s not all. “Belligerent” Stockholm syndrome comes into play here. Gripes about open governmental dereliction of duty evaporate in the face of rigid patriotism. People quietly (or not-so-quietly) obsess over their need to be first accepted and then admired, loved even, by authority. Ensnared dearly seek safety under the corporate umbrella as “valued compliant (vices permitting) members of the in club”. People, one Pharmacologist friend chillingly informed me, “Want to believe….so they believe”. Hence Australians, in their precautionary response to “bad news”, were queuing up to give blood samples even before the panic had set in. If that is the example the rest of the world is following, God help us all.

Well, I thought we had reached the end of this journey, until new information came to light while processing the second text edit which changed everything. My original conclusive opinion was Coronavirus is a scam that piggyback’s off social fear staged at a time when influenza is prevalent. The “common” variety of that complaint was being used as a scapegoat to test best method of “herding populations” for a more serious future planned operation, which ultimately aims to sterilise 95% of human beings. I had written, “We should be exceptionally sceptical and wary of all projections; Bill Gates’ inspired computer modelling in particular. Fantasy (and that’s what it is) representation of proscribed reality isn’t real” and this has helped me reappraise conclusions. Attached to the warning, we learnt America’s surgeon general rejected Gates/CDC contagion (computer) modelling in favour of raw data. Literally as an aside, I introduced chemtrails and the 5G network as the only two eventualities “new” and broad enough to warrant consideration as cause of Coronavirus. Rejecting the notion of their actual involvement, I moved swiftly onto other considerations. It turns out I shouldn’t have been so swift. The reason Gate’s/CDC wanted to use the contagion model is clear. Primarily motive was to censor truth, but there was further potential for en masse vaccinations. In line, though after his disinfectant advice Trump, they tell me, is deemed less credible than Bernie Madoff, he did brag about great potential for “global immunization” a few months back. The bombshell that even surprised me is, whilst not “beyond a shadow of doubt”, concentration of COVID-19 positive tests eerily follow the American 5G network. As best “best guess” culprit circumstantial evidence more than adequately matches swine flu and those lakes of pig poop I introduced earlier.

Very much “hush, hush”, but the current crisis might be theoretically comparable to the Spanish Flu pandemic, which many (not aligned with mainstream diktat) have determined was fault of the [then] virgin electricity grid. Interesting that incidence began in 1918 yielding toll estimates in the range of 20-50,000,000 deaths. Remember that magic calculation I made as to volumes of fatality needed to justify hypothetical mandatory global “immunization”? 50,000,000 wasn’t it? And then we have another strange connection with year 1918. It is almost as though the powers attempt to “tell the truth” and “not so” simultaneously. They wouldn’t admit to knowledge of any link with their beloved 5G network ever, but it seems starkly clear why austere quarantine has dragged on and on and on with arguably no out of the ordinary (i.e. weak old people succumb to flu all the time) mass deaths. There have been poverty casualties and many suicides in Thailand thanks to the austerity, but less than two dozen COVID-19 fatalities (if we believe the statistics). Medication, hospital networks will testify, doesn’t discriminate, so how many COVID-19 deaths are actually results of improper medical treatment would be hard to quantify. Confirming my private predictions (gauging a change just beyond ANZAC Day), after no new positive test results, the Australian government has announced it is “very close to easing restrictions” (those annoying train broadcasts have already ceased) on its drip in the bucket populations. However for other first world countries, unless I have read the new (or was that the old?) game plan wrong, this psy-op could run on indefinitely, until sufficient numbers of dead materialise to justify next stage. En masse “civil disobedience” might throw a spanner in the works, but frankly phase two doesn’t really bear thinking about). I hope everyone gets the picture now.

A Crisis of Social Grooming: Fear and Manipulation at the Root

Never entirely sure why I receive certain impulses, there was a nagging feeling that I needed to publish this on America’s “Memorial Day“. Perhaps it was the sense of anger at “order” attempting to press-gang me into remembering those I didn’t ever know. How is that possible; to remember something that wasn’t experienced? Besides, the fallen didn’t die for me personally. Far from it. They behaved recklessly, some committing murder to protect the coveted few of the time; the elites that pariah off corporate infrastructures. Mind you, at least American judiciaries don’t follow Austria’s lead who, upon instruction of internal law, may likely illegally abduct and imprison high profile publishers of responsible criticism of irrational (and otherwise nonsensical) wittering that corresponds as the official history of an episode colloquially promoted as “the Holocaust”. But, of course, anything that reinforces Israel’s case is a-okay.

Producing voluminous, more substantial articles these days, when lacking project inspiration I generally refer to an “in progress or to be written” folder located under my computer’s document file explorer. The title I selected this time round had lain dormant for years. It intrigued me to see how my style had changed, by how much I had grown or shrunk, as the case may be. The original title “The Root of Social Grooming” was somewhat truncated and this, I think, adequately highlights my changed perspective. Albeit embellished in places now, the signature paragraph (formulated all those years ago) does make ample preparation for what is to follow.  Even though I missed that critical Memorial Day deadline, without further ado, here is what I had to say back in 2014.

“Democracy will never work when underlying principles are built on exclusion rather than inclusion. Laws that don’t underscore prohibition, impose [just as well]. Secular privileges are given to those with diplomatic [status] and others [that parasite off the apparatus]. This [phenomenon] has [caused] creation of the social divides that [naturally] encourage Racism and other [regressive] symptoms. There is no doubt [in my mind that] this has been a deliberate strategy. Given the enormous weight of responsibility required to effectively ensure dedicated impartiality, it is all too clear royal status was originally foisted on wise men and women. [In light of human fallibility], it [proved] a responsibility too great to bear and, eventually, [ensured] recruited blasphemers [whose conceit] arbitrarily discerned “God’s wishes” [sic] whether they parried with social equilibrium [backed off natural order] or not. After extended periods of tyranny, eventually royals were called to task [for this] and clerics produced mandates outlining reasoned constitutional representation. These systems became known as constitutional monarchies and [they] are the fairest democratic processes of government.”

People like to blame others for their woes, because applying responsibility almost invariably exposes personal error as the main cause for issue. On occasions when truth does lend towards the conspiratorial shall we say, as is the case with routine pollution and certain [unarguably toxic] medications, coherent competency rarely attributes basis. Individuals, it seems, are drawn to propagandas generated by consensuses like flies to the dung heap. If the great group says it is so then it must be so, so it will be so, by their reckoning. This amply summarises the crisis of social grooming. “Denial” of truth is the commonest and starkest symptom of “fundamentalism”. Consensus view beneath corporate standards more than adequately abridges a modern way of domineering dogmatism, whereby explanations replace avenues to seasoned logic. Jon Rappoport’s raucous alarm calls aimed at the education system (I expect his article to be reinstated by WordPress) barely begin to highlight just how deep rooted social apathy has become. But for the bubbling internet, revelations of sovereign mind today would have zero influence on the manner of how things are presented or reflected on.

In effect (accorded by politics), a dichotomy of tyrannies punctuates the rights of the few over the wrongs of the many. The Magna Carta’s early assault on common law wasn’t enough. So veraciously hostile were forces of evil, later aristocrats and merchants alike scrambled for protection against Cromwell’s foul legacy, which is the austere Westminster System of course. William of Orange became the fortuitous angel of mercy. But their appreciation of tyranny didn’t cease as a consequence. The peoples’ constitution (if it could be argued so) was shredded in 1864 in preparation for the beginnings of popular slavery (liberally recorded as emancipation) under aggressively tiered society.

“Terms” for the masses (slaves) were finally aggregated in 1929 by the Geneva Convention at around the same time bankers’ were able to soundly conspire from their newly formed historic capital, “the Vatican”. Why are those hauled before the American courts presumed guilty until “proven” innocent (celebrating French bankers’ multi-lateral autonomy after both republics commenced in 1789)? This is because every American national (of ill-breeding) is deemed a criminal. And that Fifth Amendment salvation so often referenced is strictly for the nobles. As Great Britain (or, notably, Ireland) has been the informal Promised Land since time memorial, her chosen peoples are considered innocent until proven guilty by the corresponding system of justice. But Britannia ruled far more than the waves, for the rest of the world had gradually submitted to maritime law long ago.

Of course along the journey that is branded civilisation by historians, elitist empowering double standards are all too numerous to list, but there is one deception of such far reaching magnitude it begs to be exposed in glorious detail. If Genesis’ Adam and Eve parable was conceded as truth, everyone (“one race”, if you will) is Jewish by birthright. Yet, the reality accords the promotion of acute covert xenophobia towards anyone who isn’t Jewish (per alleged successive bloodline integrity). “Values” that became laws governing humanity are almost exclusively theirs. Consequentially, many social go-getters, such as, for instance, the unlikely Sammy Davis Junior, have converted to the insincere faith to “get on”. The stakes of occultism are high, as to be expected. New Jewish citizens (paying homage to homeland – Israel) are forced to enrol all male offspring, under crude auspices of dignity, into a ceremony colloquially known as the Bris.

For reasons that might only be judged as bizarre by the right minded, infant star of each gathering is guaranteed to lose his penal foreskin without refund. Now, given the unholy reaction to one of my prior articles here that [according to one accuser] “reveres” the practice of paedophilia, I am flabbergasted by the lack of venom directed towards any Jew (synthetic or otherwise) who participates in the callous Bris culture. I use the word “callous” with great care here. Is a baby consulted and fully aware of folly ahead or is this a somehow “legitimisedviolation of body rights, a strange exception to the fundamental rule of personal sovereignty? Why aren’t there any salacious headlines? Wouldn’t one expect to see “Sadistic Infant Penile Display Centre Stage in Sick Pedo Jew Cult Orgy” or the like smeared over the front pages? If it was the Catholics doing this; would they deserve any less? Why do we all “know” (sic) Catholic [priests] must be paedophiles? Why, because we have been programed to think that and we’ve been programed to believe the Bris and circumcision are A-Okay too.

“Great” Jewish newspapers, of the prestige of Haaretz or the Times of Israel make little fuss of the affair, but confusingly, outside the club, there is an (albeit ultra-orthodox), I must say, vile practice or fetish that receives almost no attention at all (i.e. absent from non-Jewish tabloids). How many of my readers are aware of a Rabbi’s certified (or, perhaps, certifiable)“suction clean”, I wonder? So, to elaborate on the process for those less informed, any other vaguely comparable uses of “suction clean” terminology would certainly better appraise as blowjob for mere mortal comprehension. Crude but appropriate or, rather, I mean inappropriate. Thinking of those possible headlines again, how does “Boy Loving Pedo Rabbi Gives Bad Baby Deep Throat” (well you know how these Medias like to exaggerate) fit the criteria? It is funny how God issues an “unacceptable” foreskin, but man is far more divine than God, wouldn’t you say?

Therefore, I assume my revised headline suggestion would be fine, except there’s something else we should consider. You see, in this case blood’s involved, so forget the Jewish thing. We’ve moved to a whole new level. Instead, let’s imagine we are dealing with a Catholic archbishop here, who must be guilty (because we believe that). I see no reason why a banner mightn’t reasonably read “Sick Sadistic Catholic Cult’s Gay Gore Orgy Reptilian Priest Drinks Baby Blood Raw”. Then again, what of those herpes cases in New York?

Oh brother, very hush-hush

Ah the joys of satire! That said, circumcision is a very serious topic. God gave me my foreskin and I celebrate it. Those that argue otherwise are vainly obsessed. We only need to look at incessant mass Media venom directed at disgracefully lampooning strict Islamic practices to see evidence of this obsession. Remember those elite double standards I mentioned earlier. How is the circumcision of a female any different to the male? Either the act itself is deplorable or it is acceptable. But at least for abject followers of Mohamed, circumcision is theoretically “optional”. Mass Medias highlight duplicitous contradiction; which is the natural consequence of social grooming.

Truth is invariably adrift of broadsheet fantasy, but there are some encouraging exceptions to the rule. Here it could be said fair attention is given to distinctly parallel violations of Muslim women, yet (beyond very occasional warnings dressed as “politically correct” philosophic procrastinations) no attempts are ever made to stress the plight of unguarded marginalised males. Behind the curtain, there is fallout of course. The epidemic is such one Jewish woman (of presumably many) tearfully reached out to me at Jon Rappoport’s blog, explaining how her son’s pain from his circumcision has persisted throughout his life with no possibility of moral refund.

Rabbinical authorities have shamed her trust in them

Apparent holistic needs (whether pertinent or not) of social cultures are given far greater priority than raw truth. In fact, there is strong evidence to support respect [in divinity] is so wanton, that truth has become partially superfluous. Therefore, correspondingly, sewers of misinformation and disinformation thrive. The modern age, certainly over the last fifty years, is a heyday of deceit. Name me one mass Media celebrated medic that has spoken with truthful authority about vaccines and viruses? Does an institutionalised historian actually know any history? Why are the majority of great pioneering scientific discoveries accidents?

Nevertheless, the foremost “out in the opendishonesty is the role of world governments and their ongoing missions. The reason political machinations never seem to improve is they were designed that way. They were designed to fail, from the social perspective. After Albert Einstein, either doing the same thing over while expecting improved change equates to insanity, or “make no difference to the way things are” is the overall anticipated goal of policy making. Politics are fundamental. Decisions are bound up in constitutions which (albeit theoretically) script foundations for utopian order. Amendments to the US constitution, sticklers might debate; cause all outward political problems for that nation. I say the constitution was rigged from the onset and reasoning is clear.

But you have to go back to dot to précis the real issue with popular (i.e. majority rule) population administration. Undoubtedly foundations which have become the hubris for modern world government are encapsulated by Oliver Cromwell’s Westminster System. (Ignoring the exported Dutch mortgage system) why was second class aristocrat William of Orange (incidentally, his daughter, Queen Anne, was a reputed lesbian. Lesbians are regularly the product of physically, emotionally or “character” scarred fathers) ushered into British supreme authority if the constitution (adjunct to the Westminster System) was irrefutably “stable”? Maybe the highly irregular dual headed coinage of the realm conceals some secrets as well.

Nouveaux nobility (a fraternity of merchant bankers) hastily drafted their bill of rights because, after recalcitrant King James II, they were demonstrably exposed as vulnerable (I referenced the jailing of William Dockwra before, but there were many, many other attacks on “treasonous” private commerce) as royalty had proven far from defeated after Charles I’s infamous beheading execution. The double edged sword of success viciously turned on the perpetrators of the French Revolution as well (its leader and other key players suffered the nobleman’s guillotine fate). Some would say “karma had its day”, but [ultimately] the lesson to be learned here is those that wield draconian standards are forced to live by them too. And the closer you are to the source of heat, the greater your chances of being burnt.

Legal due process oils hearsay dressed as evidence in our courts. Will re-emergence of medieval torture (currently in the form of legitimised psychological terrorism) come at a hefty price to its backers?

As I regularly outline; the United States of America was established with a view to becoming a template of the French system of government (symbolised by the Statue of Liberty) and not the other way round. Be it the continent was a constitutional democracy 1766-88. Phoenician rebirth of combined great Greek/Roman (liberators of Rome for justice) dynasties had been the plan all along. That is why, in typical fashion, Napoleon seized absolute control just as Caesar had done before him and, arguably, (Aristotle favourite) Alexander had done before him. Britain had no mitigating royal authority at the time of the revolution, so America “the enterprise” is the greatest untold conspiracy never to be explored. King George of England was a foreigner who spoke little more than nodding English. The issue that blew up into a war was between powers that “vampired” off regal infrastructures and those who opted for self-sufficiency, which is amply highlighted by renegade “journalist” John [Peter] Zengler’s successful defence of a libel lawsuit against Royal Governor of New York, William Cosby (is that why they attack Bill Cosby today?) in 1734.

Miscasting of historic myths is a classical manoeuvre of those committed to perverting truth in order to impress upon social grooming. In more ancient times religions were a vehicle sometimes used to ridicule truth and deny sovereign faith. Circumcision is an undeniable direct attack on God (supporting that which is natural), but I find no reference to the fact in the Torah. Because religion began to lose its potence (the authorities drafted a new Bible in 1884 in an attempt to jump start Christianity once more) with so much global upheaval, since the French Revolution, the task of bending truth has been handed to “science”. That is why today learned professionals are “split” for and against vaccines, marking mainstream and anti-mainstream territories.

How can there be any debate on this though? The truth is plain and out in the open, but far from simple. Aluminium, supplied to vaccines via Eli Lily’s branded product Thimerosal, causes brain damage. The symptom autism is a configurable consequence. There are other plausible associated conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s where complexity is noted. Often combinations of factors will impress varied disease symptoms. Wireless 5G illness is an odd one, but in the specific cases of autism and Alzheimer’s, the underlying (or root) cause is aluminium poisoning. When there are multiple factors determining potential outcomes of any political argument, it becomes easy to subvert the path away from honest realisation. Oil is blamed for Iraq, but the war had little to do with the petroleum industry. That was the cover story. Indeed, the “powers” know that if they do not move away from fossil fuels soon, humanity is done for. In fact, as I illustrate in this article, all cancers are caused by carbon pollution.

Politics is all about consensus view (or, rather, the manufacture of it). Science and religion are the same, with two distinct exceptions. Religion is anchored to Scripture which, fanatics assert, is Word of God. This is easily disproven, of course. We only need to open our Bibles to discover numerous contradictions on offer when evidence that summarises prophets’ revelations is scrutinised carefully. God apparently allows and disallows certain practices; verdicts depending on timely cultural persuasions. Yet, jesting aside, a calculating, divisive God is a duplicitous one. Science, almost identically, regularly serves up contradictory “proof” as justification for dogma.

These wibbly-wobbly proofs are sometimes sensationally disproven. For some “products” bitter cognitive dissonance needs to be challenged many times over before evil ones are forced to prostrate before the light. Neither Scripture nor proof, it seems, are very reliable. That is perhaps why they have combined in unison today. Both sciences and religions’ output asserts what amounts to principled belief in doctrines “supposedly” backed by evidential proof. Though it logically belonged to Jacques De Molay (attesting his crucifixion by Catholicism), the so-called Turin Shroud is “officially” evidence of Jesus’ (who didn’t exist, by the way) life and death. This is because, the once Hitler IG Farben cyanide gas salesman, Pope John Paul II was all too quick to upgrade the dubious (according to prior editions of the Catholic encyclopaedia) “fact” in spite of the facts (couched in known origins of the exhibit).

If the world’s great superpower USA was modelled on Rome (forget Israel) why wouldn’t the Vatican be nucleus of authority?

Thinking of an unlikely analogy that summarises social conditioning, I am impressed by the subtle interpretive differences between recklessness and bravery. In respect to this, modern day mass Medias are ceaseless in their assault of valour. Cowardice will never be bravery, but so often this is purported as truth. In deference to a submissive death, a victim must be brave, they claim. Is it because preservation of life happens to be the most significant clause of their subliminal “survival of the fittest” manifesto? In that regard, another noteworthy manifesto titbit asserts the belief that people will be consistently devoted to deceitful subversion in ego threatening situations, which would justify the system’s perennial need for disciplined shepherds to guide righteous flocks. It further highlights why people are treated as though they were cattle commodities by these overseers.

When citizens lost their natural right to be sexual, their lives were transferred to state. Relative scam Paedophilia is a philosophic foundation stone that projects hybrid standards which rely on comprehensive groomed compliance. In other words, without foundation beliefs, supporting synthetic reason would wither into oblivion and the cattle would roam free. An extension of this façade is people must truthfully worship their Gods for persuasion to transform into reality. Understanding the mindset is vital to decoding how corridors of power visualise authority. Thus, if ruling authorities are Godlike, they must be faultless. Correspondingly, the system is beyond criticism, but individuals, “bad prophets” if you will, are very much in the spotlight and may be sacrificed to preserve unblemished credibility. Pedo priests, by that token, won’t tarnish institutional Catholicism.

Back in Roman times, rulers painfully observed successful policy was inexorably linked to popularity (usually supported by in vogue Gods). From today’s bloated populations for those with sufficient resources, it is easy to manufacture fabricated consensuses. Menacingly, in conjunction, a form of censorship disparages thinking outside or beyond traditional guidelines. A cult, which is a gestalt made from materialistic, atheistic and hybrid Judaic ideologies, acts as counterbalance, paving the way for all established rules that attribute what is justifiably “credible”.  Atheism, in the usage here, isn’t presented as a religious connotation per se, or even a system arbitrating divinity. It would be better, instead, reviewed as an appendage of materialism. The two concepts are inseparably grafted together. Terms or understanding attempting to cultivate non-physicality, particularly anything spiritual, are the critical casualty of the union. In their ideal world, associated zealots would outlaw anything that obstructs or contradicts perception validating physicality (though paradoxical string theorists see the illusion well). By their lofty ideals, if God was to exist, “He” must be tangibly solid.

After in depth study of history, one can but draw the conclusion that a seam of vexatious law brokers has plagued humanity from the dawn of time. Ineffective (and sometimes destructive) rules are regularly demanded of simply to “organise” the rabble. In past writings I have highlighted the Pharisees as the significant culprit. Given this is an Easter project; it would be remiss of me not to at least reference bonny Jesus, who constantly buffered against puritanical high priests lacking common sense and honest dignity. Suffice to say, grooming is a vital symptom of society, which, from the true utopian perspective, should concur with universal selflessness, even if by being selfless could also mean being selfish too. Medieval fanatics undeniably misinterpreted this divine instrumental purpose. Self-flagellation achieves nothing unless the group benefits by some means. When fear and manipulation are routine tools (or cattle prods) used to control consensus society, individual rite is rendered superfluous and might be viewed as a threat to order.

The effect aggregates a strange symptom. Consequentially, “structure” will eventually stagnate (euphemised as populations waking up) because the ego must rationalise to survive. Zombie state reflects the individual that is prisoner of order; wandering in a waking death, which fundamentally explains why such relatively large percentages of populations turn to crime. They reject order to live. Even the supposedly most innocent amongst us are actually as guilty as sin in some ways. Conflicting laws are not observed by anyone safely way from the spotlight. Reasoning of our holier than thou brethren deems some crimes are more criminal than others. Indeed a prior article of mine “The Law is an Ass” comprehensively outlined the basic problem. Which is the umbrella justice system reflects austere bias so it simply isn’t just.

In so much, the concept of justice was established to cajole society in favour of the few

For instance, murder is the supposed capital offense, yet I find not a single nation against war. Even strategic financial centres too cowardly to participate don’t morally block wilful destruction of life (particularly when they skim the racket). Beyond commercial politics, the justice system actually seems to be more in place to obstruct an individual’s rite of passage than promote proscribed “good”. Arbitration of sexuality is probably the best example to demonstrate what “under law” really means. Per legislation, individual rite most definitely cannot be used as an acceptable excuse for violation of law. I have mentioned before, and it cannot be repeated often enough that, from the divine “cosmic” perspective, sexuality doubles as “life potence” (generated by the base chakra). Break life potence (through arbitrative control of sexuality) and you own a slave; only a breath away from fully fledged zombiism.

Fortunately the youth of today aren’t easily subdued. Sex drive is as powerful as ever, regardless of the many and regular attempts by insidious mass Medias to obfuscate reality. Fundamental attacks on sexual expression (and freedom) actually stretch back to the dawn of time. Currently paedophilia may well be the sin of the moment, but in other ages, cultures targeted varied peccadillos. “Apostle” and Pharisee “St Paul” (who has doubled as people’s first pope) championed total prohibition of intimacy. Even under terms of marriage, he argued carnal relations were theoretically sinful. Expanding persuasion of this devious fraud, Jesus is remembered as a “natural” manifest virgin, reinforced by his immaculate birth.

Furthermore, theological authorities make it dreadfully clear his genius was not a consequence of spiritual purity but, rather, the “reward” for preserving virgin status (following mother Mary) throughout his life. Purity, by their deceitful account, implies any universal celibate might match Jesus’ standards (a Pharisaic notion) simply by rejecting intimacy (commonly illustrated by overtly mocking the “devil”). Of course the reality flies in the face of this nonsense. Jesus (a pseudonym of Joseph ben Matthias) took Joseph of Aramithea’s daughter Mary “Magdalene” (who purists imply was a “whore” for daring to taint the Messiah’s reputation) as his wife (that culture would have permitted only a wife to wash/anoint the feet of her spouse in company – John 12:1-8). There may have been offspring to the marriage; whose descendants would become the Merovingian kings (the great Catholic threat). One investigative account supporting this conviction is presented by Michael Baigent’s “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” (1982) and evidence selected is most compelling.

Whether contemplating deep past or modern day politics, there is a serious side to social apathy. Actually it’s a deadly serious side. Build enough pomp in support of institutional deceit and ill prepared perhaps naïve doctors will routinely administer poisons as “cures” to patients (remember those leeches?).  But doctors are “just doing their job” as they kill you, right? The numerous celebrated examples of those who have “extended” their lives by opting out from being processed by the system, by refusing medications today, should hardly embarrass. That said, why limit the blame to doctors and medicine? Every car driver administers cancer causes, maybe not individually, but certainly as combined agent of a monstrous pack of polluters; polluters who generally don’t care by the way. And the price they pay for not caring is to lose their own natural health as well.

The problem is everyone suffers from and some die because of their arrogant ambivalence

Popular desensitisation towards life threatening truths I believe is evidence of the direct result of viscerally unfair political processes churning out laws geared only to improve Racist divisions (or to favour commercial lobbyists’ such as Pfizer’s, I hope I have that right, sex change therapy drugs for four year olds). There is no debate on certain unwholesome legislations which will either not be strictly observed by majorities or, in other instances, completely ignored. People reject these in the same manner as they deliberately avoid understanding real reasons behind everything. Indeed, they encapsulate an ongoing political conspiracy that consumes humankind. I find it greatly ironical that law breaking sycophants are still able to vote with open hearts and wail like babies when their chosen troll doesn’t make it. They outwardly pander to systemic government, taking advantage of all the “trappings”, whilst inwardly reviling dictating democracy, ever scheming as to the best way to avoid compliance.

For the creators of “order” to pull off their charade, there has to as much collusion between mass Media sirens and vested interests of Big Commerce as is possible. No better example of orchestrated faux crisis can be found than the ever regular fever pitch screams supposedly shining the spotlight on global epidemics whilst actually preparing sales of (commonly poisonous) medications. Enlightened ones will quickly see beyond the veneer, such as the swine flu “epidemic” which could only site a few dozen cases (and all of those, when detail is inspected with integrity, were dubious). Therefore “epidemics” exquisitely open up cultural insanity (maybe Einstein was forsaken after all?) at all levels and persuasions of society. By extension, an in vogue pioneer that labels something new, something formally undiscovered prior, apparently has divine authority to boycott criticism from branded undesirables. Bloated, and often obviously lacking, theories supporting “functionality” are routinely fed to wider populations, who invariably lap up whatever they are told. Once “knowledge tracks” are laid it takes an earthquake to uproot them and this is fundamentally why people are so easy to groom.

An extension of the grooming effect will regularly encourage recruits to go to extraordinary lengths to feign compliance with normalcy. Conventions are followed with such zeal, in some sorry cases, lives are shattered. Outward contradictions cannot whitewash over inner turmoil. That is why correspondingly high percentages of Western populations (in particular) are currently hooked on psychiatric drugs. Of course, as far as “Pharma” is concerned the human identity crisis is a perfect two way street to profits. Drugs they issue to solve the problem will more than likely make the patient either more ill or ill in a different way. That means more prescription drugs for the bad prescription drugs; yet more products sold to alleviate or patch up the problem caused by the “solution”; aptly complimenting the vicious cycle of ignorance. And we should not lose sight of the fundamental fact. It is not doctors or pharmaceutical cartels or wilful governments that instigate this mess. Cultural insanity is definitely fault of the user base; all you “shit eatin’” confident but pathologically ignorant users. You are the cause and the problem.

The invisible pig in lipstick “beyond confrontation” is you in front of the mirror every time you don’t bother to look

The good news is “they” (the self-assured powers) most decidedly see it and they count on your disability; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to manipulate and control you via populism. My analogic use of “pig” might seem overly harsh here. Yet, if I inspect what is being done to remedy the catastrophe that is order, I find nothing or next to no goodness. Pitiful protests do not affect change, but public ones will reveal who the grumblers are. Politicians and their puppeteers already know virtually no one has the guts to fight for lasting change on individual terms. Grumbling parasites are the closest we come to revolutionaries. These need to be prodded every now and again to show whose boss. Conversely, when governments appear to cave in to demands, well these protests are ones’ staged, orchestrated by George Soros or other members of the old boy network. And they are staged for good reason. How else to sell the most assiduous legislation?

Vegan terrorism is a classic example. Protests aren’t about empowering vegetarians. Motive is to disempower “the other” whilst saving that macabre Monsanto (lawsuit champion) Bayer alliance. Forcing useless meat eaters to consume unsanitary genetically modified product (Solent Green) has been the objective of operations all along. That’s why coverage of vegan values (sic) has found its way to the mainstream. Will it turn out it was yet another Soros brainchild when the powers’ brag in the alternative Medias? The planners and team leaders of the coup know the truth but everyone else plays useful sap, I assure you. Perhaps we are seeing a little karmic retribution here. Anyone prepared to be a terrorist deserves to be duped. There is no such thing as a cosy crusader. Idioms of that genre languish only in fantasy realms. No, in reality vicious activists are criminals in all but name. The subliminal battle rages over rightful ability to freely express and, more importantly, whether visibility of expression is granted. Of course, it is visibility which almost always is the first to suffer under scrutiny of activism. The other spineless defence they favour is the smear campaign (how about paedophilia to pack a punch?).

We are undoubtedly on the precipice of a new age of distortion. Was Jon Rappoport’s blog removed because he was to close to “Infowars'” Alex Jones for Trump comfort. Breitbart’s cozy period with the oval office seems to have soured these days. Nevertheless, Paul Craig Robert may well lament that sensational Media treatment of Julian Assange equates to the open death of freedom of speech, but I have maintained (and will continue to do so) that Assange is a (cocaine loving special friend of Ecuador) CIA strategic asset. Whether he knows his handlers on first name terms is the only point up for debate. Business partner of Mossad, CIA has its tentacles everywhere. This is mainly because Israel is extremely jealous of how successful the Vatican has been at securing the hearts of the people and will go to almost any lengths to destabilise cultural traditions. Pedo pop shots at senior clerics are the tip of that iceberg. In the information age people are inclined to believe anything laced with a modicum of authority delivered with sincerity (check out George Burns), which, unfortunately, takes us back to those cycles of manipulation through fear (terrorism, war, epidemics, censorship et al) tuned to incubate groomed socialites. Do not high profile bogus synagogue mass shootings (revered by capitulating mainstream Medias) appear to justify Israel’s “moral authority” before her people to bomb the heck out of Gaza by way of punishment (although some might scratch their heads as to “for what’)?

Perhaps, I read into that too much. Israel, it seems, will use just about any pretext to kill Arab peoples of Gaza. Nevertheless, leaders of Tyrannous nations are easy to blame for the crisis of social grooming, but supposed sovereign individuals must take some responsibility here as well. Fear and manipulation are simply levers of influence. Ultimately, individual choice concedes compliance. Fear and manipulation will remain while concessions are effective and continuous. Therefore, it is only when personal sovereignty is universally valued above anything else that controllers will be forced to reappraise “group think” strategies. To explain this philosophy, the notion that a vaccinated person is unprotected against the unvaccinated is intellectually preposterous. However, from “group think” perspective, “reason” takes a bold new form. If the “group” is vaccinated, flaws in the process highlight collective weakness. Unvaccinated, under these terms, are the flaws in the process. Thus “the group” is unprotected if but one individual fails to observe collective protocol.

There are some contradictions to this that are easy to explain “in perspective”. Autism as a “condition” is not discussed in reasoned terms by the mainstream because it represents vaccines’ major Achilles heel. Though statistics have rocketed from one in ten thousand to one in thirty per capita since its 1980’s “discovery” (actually a variation of Asperger’s syndrome or Schizophrenia, both forms of brain damage), these blemishes are very much in the minority. Therefore FDA (a toothless “internal” commercial watchdog misbranded as a government department) reputation remains spotless after ceaseless allegations (even by inside professionals) against certain products continue to plaque alternative Medias. From the “group think” perspective, under these circumstances, those that suffer autism must be defective and vaccines (if truly to blame) merely act as agent to stress their abnormality. Only when majorities are demonstrably afflicted, does the campaign fall in a heap. So here’s the contradiction. There have been innumerable pharmaceutical product recalls but, in most instances, the “batch” is judged as culprit. In the case of GlaxoSmithKline Australia many years ago, it required only one alleged poisoning to justify recall of their entire paracetamol production run. Globally, instances of autism may run into hundreds of thousands (depending on statistical diagnosis), but to coin a phrase “nothing to see here” for reasons outlined.

If I conducted a poll from residents of my local street, I would be surprised if I was able to collect even one in a hundred that had heard of Eli Lily’s Thimerosal product. Rhetoric supporting “educated” mainstream vaccine awareness campaigns has been dedicated only to slander. Those that “don’t like” vaccines are painted pathological evil and scandalously ignorant (though explanation for ignorance is routinely absent), whereas those that are on the correct team are “normal”, good, virtuous “God fearing” people even. We must begin to realise that corporate Medias are, with scant exception, supported by pimps and hookers, and these vassals do not (by any means) deserve the title “journalist”. On rare occasions truthful truth rears its head in isolation, it is always skew. Judaism undeniably influences mainstream content censorship measures. Indeed, so much so, some believe there are no other political interests balancing control (Christianity and Islam both versions of Judaism). Jews, regardless of status and location, today are classed as “People of Israel”. That is the only [real] reason most nations permit dual-citizenship.

Given his enormous status and favourably biased treatment “under society” (goyim), how [individually] sovereign is the average Israelite? I think the answer to that lies in circumcision. The Jew, without forethought, will deny God and barbarously deface his new born son to demonstrate allegiance to the group. That is the pitiful standard humanity swears by.

Coming Clean on Cancer

My profound thanks go to budding commercial digital artist and alround genius, Tim Kaiser. His tireless efforts over the past few weeks have produced the three pictorial metaphors (including the banner) I commissioned which go above and beyond specifications

Embarking on a public writing career in 2004, I began by (often positively) vexing other message boards with extended expansive comments in response to circulars. After almost a decade it became clear the style was too volatile for that medium. Hence it so happens that this website is testament to my first (and perhaps dying) effort at amateur journalism. By way of due diligence, I did initially approach others for feedback. Upon primary inspection of the “blog”, a Facebook acquaintance sneered of it “well, it’s opinion, I suppose”. Of course that was loaded sentiment offered by someone notably aggravated by my stance on things in general and, as such, the statement was salaciously unfair. Being anti-populism, I am destined to offend which means there are many who will find my special touches distasteful.

For the record, all journalists offer opinions whether these are their own or rebranded viperous propagandas. Taking “crime” as the example, a policeman invariably doesn’t know the pattern of events leading to an infraction. Instead, he tries to best guess with authoritative bias. Therefore those “style” of reflective reports are tainted from outset, most particularly when the journalist presumes any authority issues word of God. To be clear, I do not personally offer opinion, but my deeply human style of writing lends to presenting truth so compellingly, it is as though my output transcends reality. Rather than looking for concrete agents to discredit truth, my critics prefer direct slander or hurling unsanitary insults at me.

Fantasy it must be said also transcends reality. Whilst I feel he doesn’t fully appreciate the scope or power of imagination, Jon Rappoport has made a career from scripting exercises geared to coaxing make-believe into being. I make no secret of the fact I enjoy his writing and his extraordinary intellect. When not distracted by corporate alliances, he is one of the best journalists on the net. Jon takes a very special interest in the manipulation of healthcare, but he tends to follow the shady “statistics” path. Accountability is the first weapon of propagandists. Who could possibly dispute “official figures”?

Given my rather zany approach to serious news worthy topics, though I had conceptualised “Coming Clean on Cancer” back in 2016, for two long years I struggled to put words to ambition. Applying frivolity to something as sombre as cancer perhaps equates to mixing all colours in a forlorn attempt to create white. There are many compelling theories that will never practically move a harmonised audience. Even so, given the generous reception to my announced intentions all that time ago, it seemed clear that this, of all titles, could actually engage populist interest in me and my website. I desperately need a numbers’ boost if my work is going to have any longevity. Hindering the objective in relation to “Coming Clean on Cancer” is an enormous roadblock. The critical problem is I neither have direct conventional experience as physician nor scientist, so how am I qualified to discuss serious matters in conjunction with terminal illness?

Dependent humans insist on being lectured by credentialed mentors. Doubtlessly that is why Jon Rappoport religiously adopts the verified statistics route when discussing professional topics. Nevertheless, configured notions that reduce “amateur” status to abject worthlessness (when compared against “specialists”) are a misnomer. Likewise, those that parasite off misleading or ill applied authoritative statistics will never be able to justify their sewing of deceit. Jon, of all people, should know that the establishment does its upmost to put the kibosh on any true pioneering spirit. Recalcitrant amateur free thinkers produce the bulk of ideas, of which some are quietly adopted by those that lead social peer groups. That is predominantly also why methods applied to analysis, prognoses and theoretical conclusions that consolidate mundane convention rarely diverge much. Suffice to say; though innovative reviews should be welcomed as “breaths of fresh air”, I fear my sparks will do little more than vulgarly confronting stale, sceptical reactions from faithless brethren.

Many teachers are press ganged into feigning expert status. Were any to tackle the volatile topic “cancer”, I feel sure that, instinctively, condemned-in-waiting would be lulled into pretending they were serious hobby doctors or technicians on the fringes of medical science.  Astute Disraeli was prophetically poignant in his muse “there’s lies, there’s damned lies and then there’s statistics”. You see, the problem is that science uses statistics to cultivate determinism. Statistics are meaningless without plans of attack. Scientific goals are brought to life with data. Of course, any discovery tour would do more to impede conclusions than amplify them. That is why a preliminary thesis might be written for investigation to exclusively source “proof”. A modern, blustering vicious cycle of ignorance bungles science bluff.  That is until prior valued methods or products mysteriously “fail”. How could the statistics be wrong? Maybe we should ask Mr Disraeli.

Personally not intending to fall for vanity, if ideas and explanations presented this article don’t resonate because they do not concur with established norms, I don’t care. I will not pretend to be an adjunct of the system or some loopy alternative “quack” simply to foster moronic popularity. It is abhorrently clear to me that conventional sciences, applicable medical strategies and, indeed, physicians themselves have no understanding of what cancer is. Ignorance is deep rooted. They do manage to incessantly admonish uncontrollable, ever present symptoms with such fervent zeal, I feel sure the Papacy is brought to shame by their candour. Such is the momentum, the vacuum precipitates with ceaseless and often dishonourably prejudicial accusations supporting “causes” to the detriment of reason. Whether that be specifically anti-vaccines, cigarettes or generally against ambiguous “carcinogens” depends on the vigour of focused political interests.

A recent article on another website of mine makes for a good investigative guinea pig. Content, some may determine, presents little more than dubious information. This is because the case I make confidently flies in the face of traditional authority. There is a notable absence of essential proof. The essence of subject matter gravitates around philosophies over human’s paradoxical status demarked by the cerebral cortex and its conflicting alliance with the so-called reptilian brain. Ironically, content observes other worldly “reptilians” (some believe act as shadowy pseudo overlords) use consensus view to control humanity. Whether this prognosis is correct or not does not tarnish the reality. Consensus view syndrome is so prolifically acute, just about everyone is severely infected. Popular opinions largely serve as “truths”. Statistics punctuate consensus output. “Proof” is a control mechanism because “evidence” (sic) must be backed by statistics if it is to be accorded.

Coming down to Earth, I concur that statistics do account for replication and these could be beneficial to truth depending on how investigations were conducted. Current testing is always unaccountably spectral. By that I mean favour towards the way things are done “justifies” procedures, processes and methods.  Science experiments are formulated in laboratories. Why not sewers? I remember the history of an absurd test designed to determine how much electricity will kill a human. A rigged telephone system delivered the fatal result to an unsuspecting individual. It was presumed that trial and error is ample enough to divine precise dosages for posterity. Yet, what if breaches of circumstances were to shatter all goals? Science had to rewrite everything it “knew” about radiation after Chernobyl. Reality is never precise. It is always gnarled. For every rule there seems to be at least one exception, sometimes many.

Methodical study should take note of this. Would scientists ever consider the internal or external energetic status of experimentation environments? How much does ephemeral resonance implicate material reality?

The creators of the first atomic bomb believed that the domino effect from impairing a single particle would “theoretically” collapse all matter in the universe.  Here, for once, “science” at least showed tentative respect for the machinations of existence. Of course atoms are not solid and scientists should consider this carefully. But for circumstantial perception, quantum components would have zero mass. Indeed, was it not for the way they are perceived, they would not exist at all. That makes the truth a materialist’s worst nightmare. Atoms act as catalysers for “the other side” (that which doesn’t exist) facilitating an unbreakable communication tendered between receptively dimensional experiencers and (for lack of better terminology) “God”.  The connection is all powerful as it determines form. Values that permit existential parameters are unbreakable. Humans of normal capacity are little more than configured “witnesses” and that’s why rudimentary sciences obsess over material symptoms.

Symptoms, I have stated many times before, are either in deference to or at loggerheads with causes. Medically, the culprit of any knife wound is self-explanatory. That fits in with science etiquette, though is it the wielder or implement that actually cause an injury? Microbial conditions are much harder to evaluate. These potentially implicate energetic resonance under such conditions whereby irrational meanderings might appeal to the rational. Interestingly, the key to understanding why remarkably coincides with determining what nothing “is”. Ancient Romans, for instance, had no digit for zero. From this I judge they were incredibly astute. Voids expose gaping weaknesses of our sciences. That is because, from the materialistic perspective, “nothing” can only ever be paraphrased theoretically or philosophically.

Due to physical limitations, complicated machines are used to test the efficacy of beliefs, but even these can only evaluate something. For instance, is a vacuum truly a vacuum or does existence replace each emptiness with miracles? Could “something” incongruously exist perpetually beyond detection in place of what is believed to be nothing? Here science would do well to come to terms with how Einstein’s opinions on relative time dilation present clues to the truth.  How does time “work” in conjunction with the experiential atomic universe? These questions need to be answered effectively before an appreciation of the consuming complexity of cancer can be tendered with any sense of comprehension. That is one of the primary reasons I have been reluctant to tackle the subject until now.

The way time is structured impacts reality more than routine sciences would possibly ever consider. Thorough effects of time dilation have mostly been ignored, partly because cursory distortion reveals the metaphysical is superimposed under and over physicality. An undeniable observation in relation to this is, though chronology is implicitly linked to perception; the syndrome extends well beyond agreeable reality. Every physical thing located in domains comprising human dimensional bandwidth is subject to a relatively consistent set of rules that define and govern “aging”. Universal consistencies, it must be emphasised, give materialism intellectual credibility. However the paradox of spontaneous creation becomes unarguable evidence supporting a non-physical divine planner’s role in crafting a constructive blueprint. In this instance “a” divine planner may be construed as “many” diverse agents “working in unison” towards common interests.

An arbitrary existence would have no laws or, rather, laws would be irregularly and inconsistently incidental. Yet if human could uncouple from perception and time, then the way existence “works” would change irrevocably. Einstein theorised that time slows at speed (relative to the external). His equation measurement curves designed to demonstrate the fact are infamous. Expanding this view (with tinges of Irony), relative to all other things, everything physical has momentum, even if perception pre-judges “stillness” or lifelessness as valid scenarios. If zero momentum could really be achieved, then time would be absolute, so pure stillness would possibly generate existence out-of-existence because of the necessary uniformity. Vibrational string theory more or less verifies this truth. Physical existence at the base level consists only of particles in constant variable wave formations.

The one thing that could possibly harmonise absolute time is nothing and. therefore, nothing cannot exist, or, better still, perhaps this might equate to the “summary of everything” – theoretical dimension ten. Before I address the conundrum more coherently, I should like to add that light takes no time to reach its destination, contradicting mundane science opinion. Apparent time dilation highlights impair of the human perception response. That damage is acute. Our acrid boast that the sun’s rays take four whole minutes to travel a cosmic nanometre to Earth exposes a gaping deficiency. How far adrift of reality are we over a cosmic light year? What explains the discrepancy between perception and reality should be science quest number one.

It seems obvious to me that the culprits are those nefarious atoms I introduced earlier. Late nineteenth century two slit experiment (as crudely as it was directed) provides great insight here. Atoms appear to generate potentially unlimited congruous reality standards (again confirming string theory). Thus, subjective laws governing this dimension present an illusion that is scripted. In other words, limited experiencers dial into the script which is delivered by atoms. Therefore it doesn’t need a genius to correlate that time (as a cosmic script) could be used to manipulate “reality” by powers with essential knowledge, tools and ability. That is why certain converging dimensional circumstances are able to defy standardised sense of reality. Historic scenes mysteriously morphing into existence (be it some instances are proto-physical or ghostly) are the most sensational examples of these sorts of phenomena.

Those with the power to manipulate would have to comprehend the critical role atoms have to play in fabricating everything. Thus, these minute particles are not merely arbitrary figments designated to hinder comprehensive understanding of important, busy physicists. Without them there would be nothing for physicists to witness, so they cannot be avoided. Routine arrogance and presumptive bias summarises limited devotion to quantum illumination. Experiments are conducted in the usual way. Imperialists have been determined to solidify even the most microscopic components of the universe from the very outset. It seems to me that the strategy was “long view”, designing a dastardly operational manual. Planning, it should be highlighted, perfectly casts the supplementary objective equating to ramming square peg into round hole.

Was mankind to evolve, the true purpose of atoms would become common knowledge and for good reason. Notably study of these universal catalysers is crucial if all illnesses are to be neutralised without the need of medicine or operational accoutrements. But is a globalism free of greedy corporate healthcare practical? Perhaps ruling powers would do well to refer to supposed extra-terrestrial entities commonly called “Grey Beings” and related accounts that claim each can “see” a body’s auric field (collective quantum resonance). In doing so, technicians are somehow able to massage cures cancelling infected areas simply by using their extremities (is this what Jesus meant by “the laying on of hands”?). Our sciences must come to terms with the phenomenon somehow if humanity is to progress. Thankfully, in a very minor way, Barbara Brennan has begun the investigative tour and can already demonstrate some pragmatic effects with her adaptation of Reiki techniques.

Several other theoretical extra-terrestrials use a “standardised” royal electronic wand (attached to low weight backpack) to achieve the same ends as the Grey Beings, although power over life goes both ways here as the device doubles as a potentially lethal laser weapon. I realise my referencing “aliens” is bound to tease the smugness of convention, but that which is relevant must be reviewed if honest dedication to discovery of truth is to be commuted.  Alien is the fancy word for unknown. Few credibly dispute the apparent existence of entities that have yet to garnish formal identity. Certainly, in most cases, identified attributes suggest existences beyond physical. Some reliable accounts have only been made possible through mediums such as regressive hypnosis. It seems these strange beings can infiltrate dreams. Psychology has never deliberately clarified whether dreamscape is a different form of reality or random mind offcuts.

The reluctance to go discover has reached epidemic proportions because every human (attached to civilisation) has been systemised in one way or another. Prior to the onset of “television”, passage rites were contests between families and schools. Today we are literally bombarded with different opinions from all sides. Most viewpoints have little or no bearing on raw truth. They pitch (sell) ideals. Therefore it is important to give an example that demonstrates how people (including conventional scientists) are programmed to think. Historians promote British and subsequent American abolition of slavery as one of the greatest virtuous achievements of commercial government, yet the reverse is true. When Britain amended the 1807 Slave Trade Act in 1833 effectively making sale/purchase of humans’ obsolete, reasoning was not supported by philanthropic goodwill. The prior (eighteenth) century had gone through a specular commodities boom/bust that incurred a mighty stock market crash affectionately called the “South Sea Bubble”. One of the reasons for the bust was the lack of buyers for exotic merchandise.

Buffering against much protest and suffrage of the people, the known world began to change from 1780 onwards because business embarked on a shift from local craft industries to larger scale grouped commercial operations. Things demonstrably reached a head with Luddite attacks on Manchester (England) cotton weavers for using automatic looms. Therefore it is plain to see that the real reason for the abolition of slavery was the emerging industrial revolution and its associated exaggerated labour contingent requirement. There is a partnering myth (in conjunction with the rise of the industrialists) that deserves exploding. Prior Machiavellian craftsmen did not take umbrage at any loss of work, although their incomes did more than supplementing survival by now. No, big business stole their power.

Therefore the advantages gained from abolition of slavery were numerous. Firstly it ensured labour surpluses so wages needed to be no greater than rock bottom. Secondly it removed the obligation to provide social security to those displaced by consequence of war and so forth. Thirdly there was a potentially unlimited stock of hands to oil automated enterprises

1865 abolition in America not-so-mysteriously prompted a European cotton price hike. The new cost of each bale had risen fivefold courtesy of the paid plantation labour contingent. Now lucrative cargos that had once been worthless were subject to duty, currency charges and insurance. This ultimately was the reason for huge cotton wholesale price increases without notice. Messieurs Rothschild and company were that pleased with results in Manchester; they erected a commemorative statue in 1875. The industrial revolution did pre-empt thriving populaces, but concessions came at a dear price. Constant and lasting recessions from the early nineteenth century restricted the GDP. Initially the incubus of mass production only provided a means for skilled labourers. Prior slaves (euphemistically labelled servants) and unskilled were left to fend for themselves. Predictably transposition fostered a spike in survival “crimes” (theft of foods and so on) which reached epidemic proportions by the 1850’s and ‘60’s. That is why historians herald the industrial revolution as “saving poverty”, but it is actually one of great lies. Sadly deceit cements popular knowledge which fortifies the human condition of intellectual apathy.

Political “chess moves” that design information flows have corrupted all sciences by some means, including those apparently devoted to medical research. Quintessential technicians’ priority aim is to debunk any anomaly contradicting political etiquette. Other than consultative psychology, mainstream primary healthcare used to branch into two distinct paths: pharmaceutical and butchery, but now a few alternative remedial techniques (such as acupuncture) are creeping in mainly to satisfy burgeoning traditional Chinese markets for that economy’s nouveau riche. On current course, there is nowhere near enough momentum for transition to kinetic healing. Supposed extra-terrestrial methods will not be adopted by the mainstream unless that hand is forced. Scientists seem much better adapted to deliver confusion that scorns honest debate (geared to keeping the riff-raff out, of course). Consequentially quantum determinations are a disaster area. Beyond vague conceptualisation of string theory, physicists are clueless. Quantum, suffice to say, has no current bearing on healthcare at all, when it should.

Back in the 1930’s professionals heralded Royal Rife’s electron microscope as the absolute victor (from memory 1932, to be precise) in the war on cancer. Cancer under this mechanism, to all intents and purposes, had been “cured” right up until the pharmaceutical lobby learned of the threat to their financial ambitions. Rife was then ridiculed by the establishment’s dramatic change of heart, his machine destroyed and blueprints lost. Even so, attesting modern day tolerance towards remedial solutions, a variation of the microscope has found its way into certain veterinary clinics. Though it doesn’t expose the quantum layer, the device will identify individually marked cancer cells, which is the benefit. Rogue agents are correctively zapped with light electric charges. This is still nothing more than cosmetic “symptom adjustment” in motion, but, at least, small steps forward are the ones needed for full visionary conversion to quantum healing to eventuate.

In respect to cancer, current mainstream tradition is to either poison (chemo) or butcher (cut out) malignant tumours. Nevertheless, when thinking laterally, electric microscope innovation is no different than the occurrence of x-ray scanners, which have opened up visibility of the internal body. The microscopic approach allows professionals to drill down and inspect the detail. The more detail, the greater the clarity and drill down some more to the ultra-microscopic, well then absolute detail and the discovery of a canopy of complaint root causes waits. Of course this lends to interpretive skills and diagnosis needing to become radically intuitive. Surely that is a small price to pay for the cessation of all disease?

Unfortunately it becomes fervently clear to those with vision, Krishna’s prophetic “forces of evil paralyse” was aimed at peer groups, such as those currently throttling medical renaissance, In absence of altruism, warding off the discovery tour in order to facilitate (quite frankly) satanic conventions is the primary agenda of institutional practices. All conventions are satanic, no matter how apparently viscerally virtuous, because they deny progressivism. Progressivism predicts the creative path. Reflecting Einstein’s wisdom, censorship belies insane stagnation. Medicine, consequentially, has been confined to a very narrow forked path, one that is “shielded” from competition. Medicine is no longer about healthcare. It has become a facet of commerce conducted exclusively in the interest of financial profits. Whether those are generated by honest means, bogus insurance or hidden “tax dollars” is immaterial.

It should be abruptly clear that comparable political strategies used by the filthy oil industry to oust clean energy solutions are casually applied to healthcare. This fact is more than amply alerted by the narcissistic Cancer Council’s determined rebuke of any solution that defies authoritative “status-quo”. The “system” (defining the forked path) is limited to contributions that should only butcher or poison. Chinese remedial medicine is dressed as nothing more than a “fad” in my opinion, which generally mimics how spectral social “solutions” are handled by government. Approaches, where possible, are limited to acts of war. Eradication is the permanent ideal and the staple for “problem, reaction, solution”. Attributed laws act as corresponding vanguard for that apex of control.

Underlying belief presumes majorities would routinely select “peace” over challenging the perceived might of great government. This has most definitely been proven true. I find no evidence of genuine spontaneous revolt on grand scales other than occasional population exoduses. Thus, medicine is rather short on options. “Peace” (ironically) here avails the death of a patient, so “war” is emphatically scripted as the only “solution” option. It is a sort of macabre win/win. Each fallen patient becomes a posthumous soldier for the cause per the concept’s scandalous design. Therefore, any transition to futuristic healthcare is all the more unlikely because effective energetic remedies require a complete absence of tension. Tension, let us be frank, is a prerequisite to ensure conflict eventuates (the limit being unabashed all-out war, of course).

Background over, it is time for me to attempt to format an outline of what illness is. Findings may require paradigm shifts of thinking. Perhaps I should present my assessment of “gravity” as the preamble here.  Vis-à-vis the truth is roughly the opposite of what might generally equate to popular knowledge. Is a door pulled or pushed shut? Is there any way of determining how to distinguish between the two methods? In this case, there is. Causes and effects are always transparent even if the door is automatically powered. But the instance of gravity is far from clear. Prior to defining theses, unseen causes are unknown. Scrutinised effects coordinate presumptions. Beyond any proverbial apple tumbling to the ground of its own accord, we do not know “why” it falls short of applying logic from constructive imagination. Logic, in this instance, reasons an apple is pulled or pushed to the ground by invisible external forces, which are symptomatically labelled “gravity”.

Misconstrued magnetism has permitted one of the most monumental physics errors in the history of science. Via a complex network of circumstantial forces originating from a bold inner planetary “sun”, an Earth apple is in fact demonstratively pushed to the ground.

Applying this Bohemian style of investigation, I can add that all diseases reflect the state of the libido, expanding popularly designated illnesses of the mind. All illnesses stem from the mind’s adjustment to the body. In some instances causes and symptoms are two way cycles, but the bulk of complaints are expressly “arranged” by any libido’s reaction to given sets of circumstance. Symptoms cover up and can actually obfuscate causes. That is why radical changes of environments might ensure miraculous recoveries even against “incurable” conditions. These environmental differences can be subtle or acute. They could be dietary, intellectual or locational. Quintessentially the libido must be unfamiliar enough with new circumstances that a complete review of body autonomy is ignited. From the technical perspective, extreme measures are needed up to a full quantum recalibration (notably in the case of cancers).

Contrary to popular belief, from the atomic perspective, everyone subject to specific pollution is cancerous. Cell damage and responding tumours are not necessarily apparent “to the eye”, but they may be. Significant effects will prompt an individual to consider seeking diagnosis and medics routinely come involved at the “too late” stages. Even so there are natural cosmetic regeneration solutions. These do not isolate and remove causes, but they can perennially stem symptoms. The most prolific worker I am aware of is cannabis oil. Providing sufficient time is given to administration of treatment, the oil appears to permanently delay most (if not all) cancers. In this case an extended healing term generally runs in excess of fifteen months. Thus cannabis will have much less causal benefit to those late stagers that are indefinitely terminally ill beyond the placebo effect. Belief in the cure underscores the importance of the libido and accompanying energetic harmony, by the way.

Given the overwhelming significance of environment and attitude towards life, hints that the underlying cause of all illness is mind are already in plain sight. What can be achieved from hypnosis should baffle conventional sciences.  However, from the microscopic perspective, there are distinct differences that distinguish various types of body invaders. One of the great medical establishment deceits is to foster the myth that some illnesses might be the result of airborne delivered complaints. I can confirm possibly all micro-particles causing illness are received by air. Why the medical establishment is specifically deceitful here, I can explain.

Back in the early nineteenth century when industrialists were busily constructing factories which would become the template for the later industrial revolution, peoples local to vicinities became sick from toxic emissions and some died. Even this age had its own brand of philanthropic environmentalists. Correspondingly, there ensued vicious wars of words between do-gooders and colonists for the best part of a century until common sense was drowned out by “progress”. A great deal of effort went into enterprising propagandas that cultivated the philosophy that those affected by pollution were naturally sickly and “would die anyway”. Industrialists, per this maligned reasoning, were evangelised into grotesque saviours.

The propaganda was so infectiously compelling that industry has been able to remain “blameless” for any pollutants poured into the air, which are normally rated “relatively safe” (according to external supposedly independent arbiters that are actually on the payroll). Environmentalists (that aren’t also paid shills) have generally vigorously disagreed with most pollution “ratings”. However, very few are committed to anything more than window dressing so malignant ignorance reigns. Indeed, it is ignorance that has sadly had the effect of exaggerating palpable damage. Roughly 300,000,000 global road vehicles running 24/7 generate 95% of cancer causing pollution, so theoretically (at least) everyone is to blame for their lot here. Don’t they say, if you make your bed, you must lie in it!

Resuming my efforts to get down to the nitty-gritty, there are six fundamental causes of Illnesses (categorised by the medical establishment). Living “invaders” are separated out as fungi and bacteria. Non-metabolic extraneous matter causes viruses and cancer, though I potentially disagree with this analysis in some cases. The virus rabies and cognitive Parkinson’s disease greatly intrigue me, for instance. Other causes, though not always specifically termed “illnesses”, are effects of severe wounds to the body and symptoms relaying to the breakdown of mind. Currently in the way medicine works, it is intolerably difficult to separate symptoms from causes. Therefore, without any discernible patterns indicating malignance, physicians are at a loss to origins of aggregated concerns (or, indeed, whether there is a concern at all). Intuitive talents have been known to feel problems long before they occur, yet the greatest medical minds are rendered powerless without review of visible cosmetic effects. They cannot see viruses before symptoms appear. Myth persuades cancers can “arbitrarily” spring up anywhere, so obviously without sound pre-emptive strategies every perspective patient may as well be classed as terminal.

Tying in with “you are what you eat”, the gut keys in with the mind (hence native Redskins recognised parallel inter-connected pulmonary and nervous systems). It delivers all the body’s nutrients via the bloodstream. Lack of appetite is probably one of the best barometers for illness in general. This is not to say it is possible to cure disease simply by synthesising hunger. No, but progress may be delayed or allayed with appetite because after food is processed, the body has capacity to generate. Illness promotes the opposite effect. Degeneration of life summarises death. Spontaneous growth is the gateway to immortality. Sensationally promoted as adjunct to the battle against cancer, it is well known that smoking the conflicting narcotic cannabis will likely induce sufficient improvement of appetite that makes food intake possible. However there is another problem. Delaying or halting the wasting of muscle tissue requires multiple means.

Different to other illnesses, cancers seem to dramatically and detrimentally affect metabolism, so consumption of food is not necessarily going to aptly remedy weight loss though, without doubt, intake of nutrients will aid prolonging wasting effects. Probability impresses that, perhaps, under these new environmental conditions, certain foods burn out easily and that is why the body appears to receive no benefit. Therefore, the terminally ill must be prepared to reconfigure dietary set up at the drop of a hat if survival is desired. The list of “cancer fighting” foods is endless, but I would recommend intense extract of ginger and chopped coriander leaves as two of the better detoxifying agents. There is also a Brazilian fruit called soursop. The leaves of the plant are ground into a paste and added to water to make a bitter tea. According to tradition, the beverage has a notorious impact in remedying the effects of non-specific cancers. Remember this is not “the cure”, but, rather, prolonged allayment.

In conjunction with this overall philosophy, pharmaceutical “colonists” process foods that were once the assets of hereditary medical knowledge. Extracts are given technical names in order to confuse doctors and people over pertinent origins. That is why nature can provide miracle cures. Not only are ingredients that have been processed as pills often widely available in raw form, but they are also far more potent remedies than reduced versions. The myth that medicine is more vital than nature is a hangover from nineteenth century confidence quackery. Once again, the best way of introducing non-invasive medication to the bloodstream is via the gut. In instances where resources for elixirs are difficult to obtain, the pharmaceutical cartel sees its first duty is to profits and not to the overall wellbeing of sick. It is unable to reason the moral duty of care.

My earlier mentioned lack of appetite being the best barometer for illness can be expanded. I have already illustrated the connection between gut response and metabolism, but there is some other implicating factor that goes beyond physical. Complaints that activate cancers might be regarded as identical to those that show viral effects (classed as “viruses”), but for some sort of unknown catalyser that separates conditional outcomes. Viruses can also be divided up into originally organic or inorganic matter. This might affect prognosis, but because medical science refuses to identify true causes (thus exposing those hallowed industrial polluters) we do not know which specific symptoms are generated by invading metallic, chemical, fossil or extraneous compounds. Organic matter problems are easier to quantitatively decode. Swine flu is undoubtedly caused by particles of faecal residue delivered via the atmosphere. Catchment ranges are local, so giant open vats of body waste fuelled by mega-conglomerate pig farms in New Mexico sensationally only polluted a radial area outwards of around a hundred miles. The rest of out-of-range Americans were safe. European or Australian citizens could have only contracted the New Mexico virus by visiting the catchment zone. Viruses are transmitted body to body one way (although there are numerous potential derivatives).

HIV deserves separate analysis, conveniently revealing how viruses are transmitted. First off, HIV does not cause “AIDS”. Horrific medications deliver known symptoms to those diagnosed with HIV and Ebola (in particular). Back in the hay day, prior to the great Thalidomide expose, pharmaceutical cartels were consumed by waging wars against all phantom causes without restriction. Perhaps around 1955 a “vaccine” serum was produced to alleviate polio (even though statistics show the virus was on the decline and about to “burn out” – note to self: which industrial practice was becoming obsolete?). The serum was originally grown in the kidneys of green monkeys and chimpanzees. Because heavily populated cosmopolitan areas of Africa are invariably extremely polluted by unregulated industries, wildlife is bombarded with a constant flow of extraneous particles delivered via the local atmosphere.

Chimpanzees and green monkeys uniquely process this pollution to their bodies’ specifications and these viral effects were transmuted to the polio vaccine. Because human bodies are different, the same viral effects were “mutated” as HIV strains. When propagandists recommended polio jabs for “safety” from the late 1950’s and early 1960’s (courtesy of the IMF/WHO two-step, Africa was flooded with tainted stocks up until the late 1980’s), the inoculated received active monkey virus at no extra charge, which, of course, altered to become what is now termed “HIV”.  Between humans, HIV could only be transmitted “blood to blood” (even though the complaint is apparently seen in body fluids) commonly hampering habitual needle sharing drug users. Symptoms are over quickly and not severe, perhaps equating to a heavy common cold.

Marketing of the HIV “threat” was a campaign of fear and manipulation against the gullible and just about everyone fell for it. To reinforce truth, causers of all the exaggerated AIDS symptoms were through fault of drugs administered as “solution”, notably failed “chemo” agent AZT. Jon Rappoport builds a stunning case in his book “AIDS Inc.”

In ancient times remedial healthcare was conducted very differently. Roaming tribes either supported shamans or witchdoctors. Evidence of practices has been vaguely preserved by so-called Third World cultures. Mystic healers will take on the burden of tribes, so some illnesses are treatable by “faith” only. It is through connection with the other side that a spiritual practitioner is able to etch a metaphysical bridge with members that are perhaps not individually accounted for. Upon succinct understanding of the complex transcendental role of atoms, the craft could be demystified. It is perhaps ironic that all cancers are caused by fundamentally corrupt molecules. Molecules combine to makes cells. Cells develop cancerous attributes and these grow into malignant tumours that, prematurely, end life. Primitive cultures enjoy expressing themselves in music and dance. Could certain vibrational (wave) frequencies be the answer to some erstwhile miracle cures?

Before I outline why pollution causes the errors that grow into life ending tumours, it is important to review the historic account. Because medical science only “rates” symptoms, there is no concrete history verifying the course of cancer. It is possible to piece together a circumstantial picture, so that must suffice in place of clarity. By the year 1905 statisticians were noticing a new aggressive style of “cancer” complaint. Though the identical word in ancient Latin used to describe ulcerous infestations, later period (from the twelfth century if my memory serves me correctly) grotesque swellings associated with bubonic plague and like outbreaks were cordially termed “cankers”.

Specific use of cancer re-emerged coinciding with the onset of industrialism. Peer review of historic complaints, such as bloody Queen Mary’s theorised cancer of the womb death in 1558, has been determined by speculations over records. I find it extremely unlikely that Mary actually died of cancer, but she did suffer death and that is all that is certain here. According to my research, no preserved “mummy” has been found to be cancerous either (per modern diagnostic methods). Plausible evidence occurs much later, almost into the modern age. Atmospheric burn off from foundries and other industrial processing facilities contributed to numerous chest infections. But there were other issues too.

New found cancer reached epidemic proportions by the 1940’s, at which time around 2% of First World populations suffered attributed ailments. The statistical journey from then on eerily matches the progress of the automobile.  Significant benzene tests done just after the Second World War imply the oil business knew what causes cancer as far back as 1950. Given corporate “pharmacy’s” contemptuous disregard of the Hippocratic Oath, it would foolish to cultivate the belief that those wielding overall political power act in the interests of the people. “Big Oil” has used every trick in its arsenal to obfuscate truth ever since straight facts were revealed. One possible ploy is to kill off establishment figures with “cancer” (sic) lulling the gullible into thinking “there is no conspiracy here, because they suffer as much as the rest of us”. Similar tactics (backing off the HIV scam) were used in Third World countries that were offered lucrative IMF underwritten healthcare grants for complaints. Associated doctors were encouraged to record AIDS in place of “unknown causes” deaths in order to maximise IMF investment in fallacy.

Britain’s coal was a popular alternative home fire food by the late nineteenth century. However, physicians encountered coinciding increases in bronchial conditions. Other less savoury cancer (or cankers) mimicking complaints were recorded too. When greater populations reverted to central heating, the home coal market dwindled, although this does come with a twist of irony. Plants that generate electricity to power heating systems are fuelled by copious quantities of coal. Coal is a type of carbon. Human beings are also made from carbon. Could there be a conflict? Could hard to distinguish differences between types of carbon that have been environmentally mixed corrupt sensitive reproductive systems? Wouldn’t it be paradoxical if there was more to governments’ attack on carbon pollution than meets the eye? Why carbon tax, specifically?

I have gone to great lengths in my effort to illuminate truths about atoms. Here their relationship with cancers will become brutally clear. They may well be contained by unbreakable cosmic laws, but I have also advised existence and reality in general are not as presented by corporate sciences. Perception belies a gnarled and uneven canopy that apparently disguises numerous contradictions (regularly discombobulated as anomalies by science political interests). Carbon, in truth, is one of the greatest enigmas of all. How (on Earth) does it cause cancers? It seems that certain molecule combinations are able to confuse atoms sufficiently to corrupt designated roles. The only lateral conclusion I can draw is processed carbons are the major problem. From the healthcare perspective, certain other invasive unprocessed natural residues do cause viruses, but it is those that have been “manufactured” (for lack of better terminology) which specifically promulgate symptoms resulting in cancers. Fossilisation is a raw form of manufacturing, so corresponding product emissions should be regarded as topically hazardous, whereas smoke from drift firewood is most likely therapeutic.

The cordial mistake everyone (including devout scientists) makes is to presume mechanisms that permit existence are flawlessly and fairly erred in favour of man. Per this “reasoning” man, though mortal, would be God-in-the-flesh but for vices. Expanding the view, insignificantly minute particles are beyond control and ignored because they are also above control. Consequentially, the truth, of course, could not be further derelict. In my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” I lay claim that via the expressively receptive qualities of atoms, everything “lives” regardless of whether it is categorised as inanimate or animate. Ultimately, a single particle domineers to effectively preside over the group in the formulation of “soul”. Even so hierarchical interaction is rather complex below the tip of the pyramid. Following in the footsteps of their cultivated souls and their perceptive human bodies, atoms are sometimes presented with drastic determining choices. These forks in the road dictate vital decisions that will precede reactive judgements.

The closer you edge toward divinity the higher you climb up the spiritual scale. Atoms are found at the very pinnacle, because each portal (the nucleus) spans all dimensions and all time. Clumsy human comparatively only receives a fraction of this resonance, because of his puny bandwidth range. Inadequate perception cannot disguise the fact that the quantum layer operates at the highest level of divinity. Therefore, the dramatic consequence is doomed to shock those that swear by their systemisation. The mind and all attributed spiritual manifestations (including the so-called higher self) are part and parcel of the exact same delivery mechanism. Here my earlier mention of the importance of a balanced libido in respect to good health should begin to gel. Wishes (needs) of the spiritual self, mind and physical body travel down identical inter-connected streams. With respect to cancers, because the body is made of carbon, atoms somehow become disoriented by certain types of invaders (namely the processed molecules I highlighted earlier).

There is only one logical explanation for all this. That which is distinctively recognised is defined and categorised by its recognition. Taking the analogy a step further; do rogue processed carbons disable quantum energetic resonance to such an extent that associated products lose their lustre? An ardent numismatist wouldn’t discard a rare and otherwise desirable ancient coin because of its worn patina. Perhaps one day he will learn a new technique to aid verification of identification.  As everything that enters the body is assimilated or expelled, anomalous indistinct invaders “pending categorisation” are marked but not rejected. These new unknown parts correspondingly “belong to” but are also “separate of” the body.

Extraneously matter is always immediately targeted by agents designated to protect the body. Invading processed carbons would follow a path of being combined with other genetic materials in the creation of special cells that specifically identify this syndrome. However, when the libido becomes imbalanced, focus is prioritised elsewhere, leaving alien components to their own devices. The special cells consequentially develop at odds with the body because they have been corrupted by processed carbons that have no quantum interest in precise developmental strategy. At some point in this metabolic growth evolution, Royal Rife was able to identify malignance with his electron microscope. I think I have successfully gone “full circle” (so to speak) by way of explanation.

In my opening address I made the following statement:

“…vacuum precipitates with ceaseless and often dishonourably prejudicial accusations supporting “causes” to the detriment of reason. Whether that be specifically anti-vaccines, cigarettes or generally against ambiguous “carcinogens” depends on the vigour of focused political interests.”

It is time to elaborate on this in a slightly contradictory fashion. My umbrage was directed at those destined to confuse with ignorance and not against philosophies supporting cases that define toxins as causing agents of various cancers. Processed tobacco smoke, certain vaccines, pesticides most definitely are the strategic proxies that trigger cancers. These, in context, are an imperative supplementary part of the puzzle. Obviously cancers do not spring up merely because of depression or other ego imbalances. Libido insufficiency impresses an environmental shift whereby problems that had been routinely dealt with prior now spin out of kilter. Per that capacity, once dormant vaccine components, for instance, spring to life.

In many cases (perhaps all), the agent would cause multiple issues. Focusing on vaccines again, perhaps an immediate adverse effect (to the libido) would be to bring on (express as) fevers, nausea and so on. Symptoms clear up, but the libido is still undetectably impaired. Much time ensues before cancers reach the stage of being visible and then blame game begins. Blame is unnecessary when separate root causes, causing agents and triggers have been clearly defined. That is by virtue of the fact there is only one truth (whereas the potential for propagandas is near limitless). Truth, if the truth be known, is hallowed.

Corporate scientists (correspondingly) have been compelled to use complexity largely for the disregard of wisdom. That is why the record has been subject to one spectacular failure after another; I exampled Chernobyl before. By extension, science view on the fundamentals that permit the identification of radiation has not altered one iota from day one. Environmental conditions do regularly change and this forces remedial adjustments to expanded theories. In some cases apparently associated symptoms dance the pas-de-pas elevating theoretical definitive causes. Of course, most prognoses are incorrect and that is predominantly why science continually trips itself up over and over.

Personally, I am fascinated by the concept “cloud nine”. Nothing will encourage me to travel Huxley’s brave but tainted discovery path, but I am intrigued as to the physical value of altered states. Is this a (and perhaps the only) method of discerning the keys to the mechanics of the quantum layer? It seems to me that altered states is one of the few potential watersheds that might definitively transform science and formulations that permeate critical thinking. Could imagination act as a temporary bridge? If the mind was separate of the body (alien, if you will) that would explain universal magnetism towards materialism. An alien contained by physicality would plausibly obsess over laws “for survival”. Therefore, by deduction, rule lacking imagination becomes mind’s natural state.

Imagine that, coming clean on cancer only simply requires imagination.

Labels, Statistics and Overrated Opinions

I am regularly amazed by how statistics seem to contradict probabilities. And never more so than at Ozzie Thinker’s desk where (last time I checked) backend demographics showed all-time highs. The sudden surge in anonymous interest diametrically contradicts output. Ever since I stopped posting, the figures have shot steadily up. Is prosperity trying to tell me something? Or perhaps there’s a malignant hubris artificially generating results (a grand conspiracy if you will) and figures are destined to plummet at the click of some insane bureaucrat’s fingers. If they (the marketeers behind) Mrs Clinton could generate over a million tweets from outraged pretend supporters, then a mere twenty bozos a day devoted to my cause is child’s play. In case her beloved “supporters” feel I am being harsh, when the next Great White Hope comes into focus, Mrs C will fade into oblivion as fast as the night is extinguished by daylight. On the other hand, perhaps I am magnificently witnessing sea change here; the beginnings of a cultural revolution of the woken.

The reason posting has seen regular monthly articles wane to quarterly bulletins, if you’re lucky, is my time has been devoted to survival. In ancient times men were forced to hunt for a living, or so we are prepared to believe by creators of myths. Today we have predatory salesmen and their organs of support. In fact modern statisticians divide business developers into hunters and farmers, exactly as the bread winners must have been divided in ancient times.  How does the expression go, “when in Rome”, or “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”? So, having no intention of being an organ of support (slave), my options have been reduced to sell or perish.

Given the enormous amount of work contributed to this blog and other writing projects, preference beckoned towards a synchronistic alignment with alternative commerce. However, given the army of naysayers and “anti-profit” armchair critics, any alternative commerce venture travels perilous waters. Years ago, if you expected something for nothing, you would be labelled a freeloader. Now misanthropic scourges have stolen the limelight and insist, in their unscrupulous interpretation of sovereignty, everything that isn’t free, all goods and services, isn’t good. Far from being against money, they just about all use whatever they can muster to keep stocked with the latest overpriced corporate branded products. The love of money, hatred of honest profits paradox is further exacerbated by what seems like droves of designer New Age socialites unilaterally imploring no sincere spiritualist would ever dare “charge” for anything. As people, generally speaking, are excessively greedy and narcissistically self-serving, overall the message resonates like one of “God’s” Commandments. So that, in summary, is why my output has been reduced to the sorry trickle of material witnessed presently.

In a sense I have already done justice to the title, “Labels, Statistics and Overrated Opinions” in these opening paragraphs, but I want to focus on more serious matters; matters of the world. Wallowing in self-pity never fixed anything, so I battle on, perennially hopeful of changed mindsets and systemic collapse. In fact, to be honest, hope has already glimmered favourably in my direction. A few years ago I scripted a fairly substantial outline for several weighty volumes generally of a fluffy paranormal quality or, dare I say, real Sci-fi. After eagerly market testing one part (which was envisaged as an introduction), I discovered to my cost book production invariably only rewards printers at the writers’ expense. That said, the offer still stands to any altruistic billionaires with extremely deep pockets willing to fund a guaranteed loss. The learning curve gleaned from the market test dictates that only with sufficient guaranteed funds would anyone of right mind engage in any commercial literary projects. Being of right mind, I will not reignite the book series work without backing. By the way, details on how to purchase (that’s right, “buy”) a copy of “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, my short “one of a kind” codex, can be found here. On a more positive note, though the book has sold in pitiful numbers, it has opened doors to other things and avenues of hope.

I mentioned the paranormal and I think it would be fair to say, in a sense, I didn’t actually write the book. Some future wizened analyst might validly argue I acted as some sort of divine scribe, but I prefer to be modest as (explained here) “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” contains [numerous] errors (one of the down sides of using a human information portal – we contaminate purity!). Anyway, upon advice I received from someone that read the book, my path took me somewhere else. Though what I now do as a consequence is not overtly commercial, it may grow into the “alternative income source” I had originally sought at some juncture. Tutored by powers not of this Earth, I can reveal I conduct occasional but regular “light DNA” reading consultations via Skype. Prior to undertaking this commitment, instructions from my immaculate backers were contrite and three point. In summary, those with open minds devoid of preconceptions and worthy enough to sacrifice $100 an hour may see value in reading the report of a prior session I have tabled at my Exo-politician website. The circular also provides intimate contact details for anyone inspired suitably to make the monumental choice in reaching out.

A second article presenting follow up information which recounted numbers of select examples taken from different light DNA “readings” had a burning ulterior motive. It was important to once and for all identify the power-brokers fuelling those naïve New Age freeloaders’ ideas transformed into illogical hatred of alternative commerce.  Surely it does not take a big stretch of the imagination to calculate correct management of labels, statistics and opinions could “overrate” or “underrate” anything in zone? Today’s science stakes its reputation on credentialed compelling theories whether they are correctly truthful or otherwise. I made the point before that the Hadron Collider (the great theory generator) had whipped up two hundred (one presumes different) essays justifying the “discovery” of a (so-called) Higgs-bosino within days of the news release. Lack of vision personifies “legitimacy”.

The power of the label has crafted societal insanity. This comes in many shapes and forms, all unrecognisable to those caught up in the intrigue. Suffice to say, divides between adults and children have become so austere that none (other than the occasional free thinker) dare question the authority of beliefs that complement the evolving status quo, but particularly if the oxymoron “paedophilia” (to be on the same wavelength as children) is in frame. Occasional bright sparks see and know it is a big phoney. Growth development stages are strictly personal and not by any means “as outlined” by authorities, but that hasn’t dinted universal tyranny. Past standards (not even vaguely representative of current trending opinions) do not hold any sway today and, in the future, I fear the gap between nature and synthetic accountability (suiting “the powers”) will widen inexorably.

The most vicious corruption of truth is found in routine abuses of the label “abuse”. It seems that it is possible to pull off just about any statistical feat empowering the greater good when it is necessary to conjure “sin”.  Therefore, abuse rates among magic words of the likes of “hocus-pocus”, “abracadabra” and open “sesame”. These release the door to any Aladdin’s cave. Science, of course, is very much an accessory to the fact. Today professional agencies specialise in up-branding old pseudo-sciences (though almost invariably these are the concepts that should have been shamelessly discarded at the graveyard of lessons learned). As the great journalist Jon Rappoport regularly cynically points out, all (and without exception) three hundred or more symptoms of abnormal behaviour scripted by the American Psychiatric Association (a science body) could equally be classed as symptoms of normal behaviour. It should be no wonder that psychiatry’s track record in its inappropriate (bordering on psychopathic) administration of toxins (promoted as) “drug cures” is atrocious.

I could go further and say the whole “medical industry” peddles a litany of poisonous vaccines under the remedial label of good health. Anyone vaguely swayed by arguments against vaccines (which notably began in the 1860’s) that regards the poison address a bit harsh need only inspect the ingredients list of (vaccine) preservative Thimerosal. Eli-Lily’s product (successfully withdrawn from sale under numerous other guises) contains seriously noxious components, including rat poison or formaldehyde (one of a long list of nasty ingredients)This should make the average person’s blood boil, but the power of causal overrated opinion following establishment statisticians’ propaganda is so strong it defies reasoned logic.

Jon Rappoport is no average person and he has tirelessly pursued his mostly one man campaign against bad medicines for decades. In that capacity, he was one of the first to publically identify the AIDS’ scam. We don’t necessarily parry on ultimate conclusions, but few others that have earned my respect of them to his level. In fact our differences of opinion make my support of him all the more valid….in my opinion. For instance, he rather fanatically (considering his enormous human status) backs Trump, the current President of the United States of America. I make no secret of the issue that I dislike President Trump. I disliked him before the presidency and he hasn’t fared any better since taking the top job (although, after Bush Junior, can it still be called the top job?). Trump, I did feel, was an immense improvement on the Hillary Rodham Clinton selection and, in that context; I pronounced he was the “only” choice for America while election battles raged.

Let’s face it, he puts shallow puddles to shame and is a cross between Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra and a holiday camp cheerleader on a good day. His bad days reveal a dull, misogynist, uncouth version of vintage Clinton-esque. Were the Clintons to hire the most universally skilled hacker to fix computer software problems, Trump would employ a lump hammer instead. He is a man renowned for making farcical statements matched only in their banal profoundness by his lack of intellectual finesse. As one commenter exclaimed against a Rappoport Trump promoter (words to the effect), “Civilised [leaders] have totally devolved to ape status; when will they start throwing their own faeces?”

Perhaps the next part of this essay might be better placed on my other blog as it features what, on face value, can only be described as an extra-terrestrial entity. The subject in question, a being of status unknown, appears to satisfy the popular descriptive vagaries of “alien” life form but does speak English (plausibly), so, as this is a non-discriminatory website, my editor has let it pass this time. For all we know the person in question might sadly suffer catastrophic deformities or simply is a very strange looking human.  Humans, we will learn, are between a rock and a hard place, as eloquently explained by this (presumably) captured person/entity/alien (call it what you will). It opens dialogue with its own very relevant but startling origins “confession” that amounts to a past heralding back to a distant future on planet Earth. Though I have not specifically analysed for “splices”, the selected clip consists of a few minutes of “promo” footage taken (carelessly leaked) from roughly nine hours (over several sessions) of recorded interviews. My critique of the movie might appear unfairly negative stacked against the staggeringly important nature of the information presented, which is mostly, I must say, unadulterated bona fide cosmic truth.

As I was collecting my thoughts for the article, I did have the silly idea of attempting to encourage visitor interaction via comments supporting progressive feedback; you know – you, the people speaking. If my role as educator is having any affect at all, people must eventually think for themselves. Given the uniquely cosmic perspective of the present subject matter, many might be entirely susceptible to numerous “slants” in the short presentation. Originally, I had envisaged leaving the detective work to my audience. How did one heckler put it me before? Reporters report. Yet, if I was to simply report what I saw (and you see), I would mislead for the entity lieddeliberately. In addition, given my special light DNA reading ability, I can tell [you all] what it is “made of”. This is important if any calculated reasoning is to be applied to textual analysis in context. For instance we (in truth) don’t know what happens in the future so any future man’s information might be entirely authentic or…..utter bull crap.

In the spirit of labels and statistics, we only need to refer to anthropological work of the Genome Project to learn that over eighty thousand years human being has changed (“evolved”) between zero and two per cent, but there are billions of very similar different types of “us” if we inspect the detail. Based on that criterion, it would be correct to say the videoed entity “as seen” could not hide in a crowd, even if passed off as a deformed man, under normal circumstances. Beyond its humanoid structure and misshapen human apparent head, it is not human. Nevertheless, thankfully there are a number of tell-tale clues aiding apt identification for willing snoops. For instance (ignoring the perplexing question “how the hell did it get here?”) there is some ambiguity as to how far forward in the future the creature (de facto man) returns from. It talks about “nuclear war” next century (i.e. this century, as the interview was filmed last century) “ending humanity”, but it was one of few survivors. That’s the first contradiction. Humanity is wiped out, but the entity (claiming it is human) is one of a small number that survive. Applying blinkered vision to the alleged “scope” of our nuclear technologies as sufficient for engineering a cataclysmic holocaust of Armageddon proportions (now that would be a God Almighty paradox), are we to assume the visitor is radiation deformed or recalibrated “human” of the 2,200AD era?

Stoking the mission of labels, statistics and overrated opinions, there is lots of data we can use to substantiate a formal case as to modern man’s nuclear prowess (or lack of). For instance, the “powers” have learned their vile and reflectively pointless 1945 attack on the Nagasaki Islands prefecture did not make a dent in humanity’s population expansion course. The 4,700KG nuclear bomb only killed thousands and census statistics bounced back within decades in spite of the radioactive fallout. Diphtheria killed millions, so (in absence of suitable industrial viruses) toxic vaccinations are a second best population reduction strategy and proven far more effective than war. Data gathered from the years long, round the clock bombing of Iraq and then from the subsequent 2004 invasion and ongoing war demonstrate that nuclear waste makes an excellent non-discriminatory conductor for corporeal cancers. It also causes horrible birth defects (tragically interfering with the chromosomes) which are polarised against the spread of wider populations. However, as evidenced in Chernobyl (and, even, to some degree Fukushima), “nature” is seen to repair nuclear contamination at light speed. Considering the intolerably high proportion of modern conventional weapons that are “nuclearized”, I find no evidence that “fall out” or violent attack will have any significant lasting effect on global population statistics.

Weighing up doomsday scenarios, the evidence faithfully proffers that man is no threat to the globe nor ever will be, on current course, but the end-of-worlds “scenario” is a good fear mongering device for aggravating conceited, albeit superstitious, opinions. Nature simply fixes the damage too quickly for malignant human enterprises to capitalise. Therefore, if we are wiped out (or close to it), “nuclear” (as is known today) is not the catalyst. The entity could have substituted the word nuclear for something else that is presently “unknown” (perhaps we have no word for what it was describing and that is the closest approximation), but the impartial audience must judge the use of terminology, at best, misleading (certainly weighed against the entity’s claims that it knew what we “don’t know”).

Information tendered by the “future man” is by no means unique. There are other inconspicuous superficial evidences to be found from various “unworldly” sources that either partially or fully deny doomsday scenarios. One such source is hidden in Suzy Hansen’s book, “The Dual Soul Connection”. Her unidentified “Grey Being” abductors do confirm there is some type of future (and not-to-distant) holocaust, or, rather, they have provisioned for one and Suzy (who is easily pushing sixty years old) has been trained as a cosmic nurse when disaster strikes. I cannot fathom how she would be effective in that capacity in her seventies, eighties and beyond. Even so, it must be said the big threat looming to potentially kill off everyone (other than the very strongest genes) is ever increasing (petro) carbon in our atmosphere).

Logically, to me, air supply contamination would be the simplest (with knowhow) and quickest way to eradicate humanity. It is our air supply that generates all cancers; through consequence of infected DNA from fossil fuels pollution (and not the stupid “chemtrails” decoy) collected in the heavens. There are numerous natural methods to alleviate or remove symptoms. These include, naming a few: cannabis oil, graviola (from the Soursop plant), ginger extract and thyme oil. Chemo, unsurprisingly, presents as much data promoting growth of tumours as their reduction. But this should be no great shock as it is the establishment’s “unerring” preferred “solution” (sic). “Coming Clean on Cancer” is a planned future writing project I have part scripted that explores the intricacies.

I find it rather poetic that the greatest threat to humanity is not the “powers” (as is always popularised) but, rather, humanity itself. All we needed to do is become aware and not capitulate with their schemes. Instead we all, to some degree, defiantly travel the path of ignorance. The Cosmic Christ, Immortal Mohammed, Sacred Prophets are each fluid concepts engineered by the same basic pack of scoundrels behind objective global control measures. Consequentially, I really warmed to the entity’s summarisation of the “state” of mankind, duly noting many tinges sarcasm intermingled with hyperbolic distortions of truth. It blamed religion and politics as the root of unavoidable chaos. Unlike the sensationally lacklustre rubber doll interviewed by the “CIA”, at least “future man” was real and gritty. To me, the unanswered query is, “real in what way?” In response, I think I can gauge suggestions as to correct identity, location and even timeline.

The voice was the first effect to analyse. It was deeper than any baritone’s I have heard and, but for the rather “tacky” stage set, logic questions its authenticity. Was it a human voice that had been synthesised? Could the sound track have a different origin to the video? The script does match the intonation very well and, taking into account the very special nature of the information presented, I conclude that the sound track not only belongs to the video, but it has also not been synthesised. We are witnessing the voice of the creature claiming to be “future man”. He (assuming he is a “he”) clearly had a very good knowledge of contemporary idiom as he sounded perfectly in period or, perhaps, by modern standards, a little out-of-touch.  Therefore, I do not place him “from the future”. He is undoubtedly from the time he was interviewed, but had access to esoteric knowledge which spans all things and all time.

By pushing human “communion” (to a fashion), the interview (if considered carefully) should have aggravated the powers to the point of censorship. Some inferences are very agenda obstructive (from the higher perspective), so I determine he is not “their” (our powers) propaganda tool (beyond the way the clip is cut as is shown). So, with that in mind, I shall expand on analysis of the creature’s claim that it is a “future human”. We achieve our humanness from the so-called Sirian component (responsible for our cerebral cortex, for instance) of our DNA. Though I do not believe the Genome Project has come close (nor will it on its current path) to identifying “God’s keys”, inherence does present answers with crystal clarity. The fundamental image of man (the blonde haired, blue eyed boy) has remained a constant for billions of years, so why does a relative monstrosity (our mysterious entity) call itself human?

The answer is this. It does so for three primary reasons. Presuming it was genuinely captured by authorities and, subsequently, interviewed by trained government special agents, it would have (statistically) wanted to “fit in” (to avoid personal harm). Then, it seems, most likely the best way to deflect potential conflict with hostiles would surely be to feign human “brotherhood” (i.e. per its reasoning, humans shouldn’t be able to harm other sincere humans – now that’s warped alien logic for you!)? I have already highlighted its truth deceptions, so the “human” claim was also part of that wider disinformation cover story geared mostly to camouflaging calculated purposes for being where and when it was before it was caught. Finally, and most ironically, it claimed it was human because that is (in my opinion) what it is. It is a human that has taken a significantly different genome path to all of us (tabulated by the Genome Project). Most markedly, it contains no Sirian identity signature. This means the way it processes logic and, more compellingly, its absence of conscience (as we understand it) promotes an instinctive yen towards compassion.

Of course, I have another blog that specialises in the “exo-political” and, there, I have written extensively about human bloodlines highlighting our (the human) path is branched as Pteroid (ape), Sirian and Ciakar (“reptilian”). Ciakars are only reptilian looking. Their physiology is quite different to anything (living) on the surface today. Some rumour they would be better labelled “tetraploid humans” (dual chromosome sets ensuring the parental male/female traits are fully preserved), but I am not sure if this is the consequence of Sephardic (Sephardim are highly evolved Ciakars) channelled wishful thinking. If it is true though, it would establish the fact that their geneticists [must] have a method of identifying, seeing and manipulating quantum DNA in order to project linear heritage (i.e. they can create transcendentally). I find that prospect very exciting.

Ciakar genetics are also three pronged – Pteriod (not ape), Sirian (no cerebral cortex) and Lyran (feline). In the case of “future human”, I note an unmistakable Lyran influence, no [obvious] Sirian and some sort of Pteroid gene variable. Therefore, per the Ciakar hierarchy, it is a version of human. Perhaps it has no stomach or heart. Maybe it has two brains. We would need to witness an autopsy to discern the truth, but what is certain is its belief in its humanness is true. Even so, there are a couple of points in the clip which demonstrate very cat-like mannerisms. Plus it has a very strange, inhuman mouth (when inspected carefully).

We now know it is a genetically different human originating from the contemporary period (or before). The final part of the puzzle yet to be answered is, given its alien appearance, where does it come from? Indeed, the last place one of sound mind would expect to encounter such a creature would be on planet Earth. Yet, I suggest Earth is where it comes from, but not “on” the planet surface. As much as the establishment tries to pour cold water on the idea, other worldly beings regularly come to the surface from their subterranean homes. Consistently, they share one common irregularity (when matched against surface dwelling life forms). That irregularity is seen in the eyes, which are almost invariably black. In some cases eyes take up considerable facial real estate compared to, say, us. The only logical conclusion is, as one must assume there is little to no light in subterranean caverns, these special eyes are an essential requirement for effective local vision. Therefore, I propose our extra-terrestrial, pan-dimensional futuristic visitor was actually a common or garden sub-terrestrial contemporary but decidedly unconventional human. For the naysayers, the reason these creatures only venture to the surface in hours of darkness (and don’t travel far – lest they be caught short) is normal light would permanently blind them (I presume).

Overrated opinions require a muted discovery tour that is only (or primarily) committed to validating existing belief systems. As all belief systems are responses to rooted guidance (whether progressive symptoms of subservience or bloody-mindedness or not), plausible denial of (contradicting) truth is the commonest and easiest way of anchoring beliefs. Those of sweet tooth would find it implausibly possible to reject chocolate given correct educational stigmata or, should I say, stimuli. Anyone refusing to taste chocolate under any circumstances is in no position to make rational product judgement (though, perhaps, better highlighted by underage sex hysteria), so ignorance capitulates a fait accompli. Rhyme champions reason and that’s why proverbs were used to sell morality in ancient times.  Modern day politicians expand erosion of intellect tyranny by their incessant promotion of oversimplifications geared only to skewing truth in favour of commercial objective goals (also usually “verified” by stacked statistics as well). The modern way of labelling or branding is just as effective as proverbs used to be and, perhaps, better.

The net result is people have woken up as slaves, powerless to think outside their masters’ terms of engagement. Annoying rebels regularly identify the flaws, but, because they are trapped in the same conspiracy bubble as the rest, their rhetoric is largely limited to after-thoughts or musings. Let us take money, for instance. The brightest and best recognise it is “worthless”, but I have failed to find anyone that doesn’t use it. In fact, everyone I know of (without exception) clambers after money as though it was their end salvation. Fixing this, fixing all those prior unnoticed problems (the consequence of deliberate ignorance) that are now apparent takes sacrifice. Indeed, it might take the ultimate sacrifice. Therefore most people, even when vaguely aware, chose the path of relative ignorance and ambivalence to remain plausibly safe. “Affairs of state” are the banes of orated opinions for most people, though many would claim otherwise, are devout cowards. Bravery is not going to war. Bravery is peacefully refusing orders facing a loaded gun. You can generate as many labels and statistics as you like, but truth will never succumb to overrated opinions.

True Love, Convenient Marriages, Vaccines and Autism

True love in the morning sunOver the years I have collected numbers of angry critics. If I could consolidate all criticism into a simple cohesive summary, it would likely read, “you (me) are trying to prove something (God) exists that does not exist and cannot be proven”. Some would go further and retort, “Do you think you are God?” Of course, most of these, my more vehement critics, are devout Christians (i.e. that believe in the philosophy but not God). Though the fundamentalists are the cancer of progressive society and their extermination would be preferable, to all of them, I say this. God works in mysterious ways and can be found where science fails. Here’s an example. Imagine before us is a large open tank of water. In it we place twenty heavy stones and see that none float. We try the same experiment with flower petals but find those all float.  Science affirms [becoming] uniformity and, in step, our experiment is scientific. Creating another control group, let us suppose we specifically requisitioned humans that were unable to swim and threw them into the same tank. Prior we had dressed them all in garments laden with heavy stones. None floated in the tank. Without intervention, all would have drowned. Yet, a few might survived had their pockets been filled with flower petals instead of coarse rocks. Conversely, in the cases where bodies sunk, some (if not all) petals (that could not escape from the pocket interiors) would appear to defy order and also sink in their garment prisons.

slide_21Everything is very clear cut, demonstrating probabilities and quotas. Nevertheless God can be found in places where probabilities and quotas seem to have no jurisdiction. The best place to consistently find this type of evidence is in the quantum layer, beyond human visibility, where projected realities are inexplicably overlaid on top of that which is judged real. Most recently (2011) so-called Kondo effect attempted to “explain” the erratic, impossible behaviour of sub-particles. Science gibberish, inspired by the astronaut Edgar Mitchell, confidently solidifies zero point vacuum fields. Space, our cosmos, which isn’t even remotely understood, collects ubiquitous flamboyance in such measure that several encyclopaedias could be made from all the theories and accompanying science notes. Our physicists have yet to realise that the reason “empty” space appears curved is it contains all dimensions spread over a lateral plane. Yet-to-be-discovered dark matter (a version of light) creates a ripple effect that tempts the reflective analogy, “oceans”. If science understood the true properties of dark matter, they might, one day, work out where Newton went wrong with his assessments that are now known as “gravity”.

destruction of MaldekAs I begin to explain in my first book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (available in e-format here) mainstream science has not correctly identified a single fundamental property of existence. This is mostly because it measures the illusion of existence in place of “what is”. My yet-to-be-published book “A New World Order” will unravel more on time (which is so deeply misunderstood), that most extraordinary union: electro-magnetic, the truth behind gravity, harmonisation of atomic frequencies via catalytic DNA. temper-tantrumsIt’s a book that will also talk about dragons, pixies and a hundred million years old manned civilisation on Mars that ceased with the destruction of Maldek, so it is unlikely to attract anyone remotely associated with the mainstreams other than, perhaps, scandal mongers and trolls. Human beings almost instinctively lionize beliefs systems, so it is no wonder the problems that have accrued over the eons, through diminished responsibility, are squarely the fault of those that inherit them – all of us. For instance, if all of us have a problem with what proliferates from the Whitehouse, all of us should surround the building and face off the wrong doers. Limp wristed protests do not lead to remedial action; remedial action forces those being faced off to protest. Howard-Terpning-Medicine-Man-Of-The-CheyenneWhen the powers protest, the people are achieving something!

Because just about all human beings are devout cowards, the closest communities ever come to remedial action is the reactive result of collective tantrums. Thus, most human beings behave as children for their entire lives. They were conditioned by brainwashed parents that knew only ignorance. Then, upon proscribed adulthood, they became the new overage children of government, whose absolute authority had been instilled by ignorance. Oh so few can laterally apply structured argument to that which defies the system.


Newton was wrong?

Never; impossible; he was a genius. My history books tell me so. My government’s credentialed “experts” tell me so. I don’t need to contemplate any more than that.

Relationships-aren’t-for-getting-things-they’re-for-giving-things.-Never-make-yourself-fall-in-love-to-make-yourself-happy.-Fall-in-love-to-make-the-person-you-fall-in-love-with-happy.And that is humanity’s problem; apathy and cowardice bundled up in one neat package. There are many ways to break the system but the best way to start is with the children and that is why I am not anti-paedophilia (as a system correcting tool). Indoctrination and anti-Semitism have ransacked and shackled the discovery tour. Wondrous rites of passage have been reduced to cheap jargon and pointless slogans. Indeed the programming of society goes so far as to tell individuals who they are and what goals will be prioritised. We are told we should adopt careers, specialise as professionals, fall in love with the right person (this person must be statistically matched and of the correct financial class and, almost invariably, the wrong person). Love, of course, by this determination, can be nothing more than infatuation. People end up marrying fantasies and, unsurprisingly, as charades are hard to keep up indefinitely, without severe adjustment, most resoundingly fall out of love.

How is that possible? To fall out of love means there was never any love there in the first place.

Not everyone satisfies this trend and a few do come to realise that relationships must be more about giving than taking. These people are special. They also have the capability of being rational, and not in the proscribed sense of the word. These are the few that have put structured argument to the test and found their individual rites of passage against all odds. Through that commitment they found the way to become real communities of two. Other so-called communities are little more than products of the system (even when proponents are against it) utilising public armies that have been swayed (or dragged along) by public opinion. Those synthetic cultures emphasise what it is to be politically correct. Supposed debates are succinct political chess moves.

Hassids_Zionism_State_Organized_TerrorismSuccessful marriages either epitomise Mephistopheles pacts or represent honour between souls. Both, ironically, are equally faithful (or adherent to God’s wishes). Whether atheist or spiritual, based on control or intuition, all marriages must satisfy mutual standards of cooperation to be pure. Whether married or not, the closest anyone comes to seeing God is by witnessing starlight. If only witnesses realised what they saw. It is for that reason that those with star qualities shine as they accentuate aspects of God. 2178229-mephNot only are all stars imperfect, but most (courtesy of corporate programing) would be oblivious to the truth behind talent. In some ways spotlight individuals are kept as far from the truth as possible, for modern movie moguls are driven to excuse and promote a despicable (erstwhile hidden) agenda. Even those most trivial to Zionism’s strategic vested interests that see value in de-sexed, inept, covertly judgemental and selectively racist societies are courted by Hollywood and other populist broadcasters. Their stars are all too often used to sympathetically spin pungent myths over and over. These have become the bloated culture monster that has jellified globalism and has turned the world into something it is not. It must be said, when arguments are convoluted, they are usually devious. Lights, camera, action means one thing for the movie star. George Burns said it so well, “stars must be able deliver bullshit with sincerity to be successful.”

Robert De NiroThose that are oppressed agree to be unless they retaliate in some way. Sensationally, the brand name movie actor, Robert De Niro, backed “Vaxxed”, a film that criticised the vaccines industry. The first leg of its national release was going to be the New York Tribeca Film Festival. Andrew Wakefield, the (unfairly) dishonoured doctor, who first raised the alarm on a possible vaccines/autism connection back in the 1990’s, was heavily involved with the film.  De Niro has an 18 year old son, reputedly with a severe case of autism. I haven’t checked how severe the severity is because, if De Niro is one of those exceptionally rare cases of human integrity, then it shouldn’t matter how severe his son’s autism is. Indeed “as one of the greatest actors of all time”, it shouldn’t matter if his son wasn’t affected at all. Does he deliver bullshit with sincerity or speak plainly? In Analyze This then Analyze That De Niro played the same loveable Mafia rogue. In both cases the bad guy turned out good in the end. That’s the fantasy, but how does it match real life? His co-star, Billy Crystal, showed his Mephistopheles qualities shortly after 2001, when he suffered a rabid political embolism in front of international cameras. The featured event, so-called “911”, was something he knew nothing about. Perhaps his corporate activation was because he was Jewish, or black, or gay? Was he molested as a child or a reformed hard drug user as so many actors have to be these days? For someone to stand up, in sincerity, and say what he said about 911 deserves only excommunication and deportation. In my opinion he is neither worthy as a Jew nor responsible as an American.

vaxxed-1200x627-facebook-linkLet us all be clear; Zionism is the only religion on the planet that insists indoctrination must be through cause of bloodline heritage and not faith. Therefore hereditary Jews that bless Zionism cannot be Americans. They will always be Israelites even if they have never visited their homeland; a homeland that shouldn’t exist at all, according to the religious Haredim. Billy Crystal and other movie stars need to be very aware of the facts and lucid about them if they decide to open their big mouths in public places. But De Niro must be different, surely? Here’s a guy the majority of Americans would count on to step up to the plate. He’s not some washed out Austrian import or one of those gung ho cowboys that shoots for order. If he went for President, the laurels of Rome would await. Stallone may well exemplify the Jersey Shore brigade, but De Niro has a brain. He’s almost classical for Christ’s sake!

There have been new developments that alter everything and following sentiment was written prior to De Niro’s very public announcement in favour of Vaxxed and resolution of the vaccines/autism link. I have left in all the original commentary as it is important. There are others, not as tall as De Niro this might apply to. Activists must constantly kick up a fuss, even if it might seem premature or unfair, if we expect remedial action. We must protest like we never protested before.

Southpark turd sandwichIn a sense it is old and very painful news as he did indeed rat out on his promise to introduce Andrew Wakefield’s movie in its promotion of truth about something that should have been very dear to him, considering his intellectually disabled son. Of course, human beings being human say it wasn’t De Niro’s fault. It was the organisers, the Government, the Jews or anything else to divert attention away from their dim star. He’s okay. No lack of responsibility here. It could have happened to anyone. The difference between De Niro and anyone with a shred of integrity is he should have gone out gunning for the movie, made waves, kicked up his own personal protest. All we, the viewers, witnessed, quite frankly was, nothing to see here, move along now, quietly as you go. For anyone that’s seen the old Southpark cartoon episode, I’ll take the turd sandwich, thanks. That’s the “De Niro promise”. Don’t blame me, I’m only famous.

Surely, if the claim of fame is to be taken seriously, a star should behave better than everyone else. That’s why Illuminati mainstream Medias constantly shine the spotlight on ungainly goings on in high places. It is their viperous way of augmenting double standards for a two tier society: the haves versus the have nots. The rich can behave with moral impunity as long as they are in favour. Once targeted, phantom paedophile horrors and a large closet filled with other potential nasties might be used as make believe in extended courtroom fantasies. In a previous post I revealed rumours that deliberate toxication of vaccines were explored at an open Council of Rome meeting back in 1981. Discussions then were all about how to put the brakes on an ever expanding global population. TV all seeing eyeThat “op” could not have happened without the help of the all Seeing Eye. Nothing has been more powerful at shaping public opinion than the every present goggle box that streams television. In masonic lore the eye in the pyramid means something real. Ancient visitors to these extraordinary monuments were able to use the structures as a means of negotiation for direct [third eye] connection with the Akashic Records. Our modern day all Seeing Eye has been twisted into pulp fiction courtesy of the illuminating Illuminati.

ba401-eli-lilly-and-company-1-638Toxication of vaccines was achieved, arguably, when Eli Lilly launched their Thimerosal preservative brand; a mercury compound. Though patented in 1931, ingredients have increased to include the heavy metal, aluminium and, best known as rat poison, formaldehyde, in more recent times. Even back in the 1940’s Thimerosal was known to cause Pink’s Disease. Physicians, such as Andrew Wakefield, were not prepared to stand idly by when patient after patient was clearly and irresponsibly injured by their vaccines. 51SXNFjLUVL._SY300_In 1930 one in ten thousand suffered from conditions that would be diagnosed as autism today. Now one in fifty are autistic. The problem is there are other statistics too. Whereas no one can disagree that vaccines trigger autism, there could be a spectrum of contributors. Pesticides, notably the chemical agent glyphosate, statistically cause autism too. Though perhaps not directly related, prior to the introduction of the automobile in 1905, it is estimated roughly one in forty would develop cancers. That probability has increased to, maybe, one in three. Cancer is big business. One patient is worth up to $400,000 in medical bills. I make the case that pollution, in general, is a big contributor to all disease. Considering all forms of pollution, the petrochemical industry is by far the most responsible for all man made carbon emissions.

We still must be careful when making sweeping accusations. Thimersosal has been used in some vaccines since the 1930’s, yet noticeable effects weren’t noticed en-masse until 1990’s. Perhaps that meant more tainted vaccines were circulated or could it mean something else? UFO-UFOs-sighting-sightings-Lyon-France-europe-march-2012-space-alien-aliens-ET-W56-uredda-top-secret-face-mars-moon-base-Jeremy-LinScreen-Shot-2012-03-10Instinctively I smell a cover up. Will the autism problem disappear with good vaccines? Particularly in alternative Medias, a big fuss has been made over so-called chemtrails. Those lucky enough to catch the spraying planes red handed will notice they are regularly accompanied by light orbs, or superfast moving black rods of unknown origins. This is no coincidence as pedestrian man is helping factions not of this Earth prepare us for the new extra-terrestrial age. It is unlikely even the planes’ pilots know the true agenda. Unsightly interruptions of stagnancy are “noticed” by wannabe crusaders. Yet “100’s millions of vehicles, 100’s thousands of industrial chimney stacks daily belching billions of tons of pollution into our atmosphere” has rarely been deemed a topic worthy of discussion, when it should be a constant vigil.  I suppose it is because that is a known evil and not the consequence of corporate infiltration at all levels of protest.  There are between 4,000 and 19,000 planes in the air at any time. According to the extra-dimensional Zeta Grey Beings, these constant “cuts” of the electro-magnetic field affect everyone’s central nervous system. Is that a possible autism connection?

AutismRegularly I touch on the paranormal when discussing the mundane. In the case of autism, given the vaccine injuries statistic is comparatively so minute compared to those that turn out healthy, how can that be so? A thousand, to all intents and purposes, identical children are given MMR vaccines, yet only twenty or so demonstrate symptoms of autism. Using the “stones analogy” of my introduction, one thousand out of one thousand should be afflicted per probability logic. So it must be something else. I point out in “Autism Corroborates Darwinism” that DNA is not understood by science because it is metaphysical. Going further, I have stated physics does not even comprehend the physical cosmos due to its inability to process anything that exists beyond or outside material illusion. My first book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” begins to unravel the truth. It is a start; a firm base, but there is more to come; much more. I mentioned earlier that “God” can be “seen” in starlight, but there is a simpler way. Atoms act as God’s pores. They are the missing link. Every single atomic nucleus becomes a soul portal (revealing a reflective aspect of God). Thus, these are the root of change delivered by unseen sunlight (or “starlight”). Manifest DNA is the cellular facilitator. I go into detail in “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. Heavy stuff, yes, but fine minds can grasp it.

curvedspace1In “Autism Corroborates Darwinism”, I hypothesise that the evolutionists are correct “in measure”. However physical adjustments are made by the holy combination of atoms, starlight and DNA – another interpretation of “trinity”? Put your “beliefs” in the reject basket and you can learn so much. For instance, when I announced the reason space appears curved is that all dimensions are housed on the same lateral plane prior is the implications are massive for us. We, “carbon based life forms”, have restricted access because we can only tune into the frequency we call “3D”. Should there be an atomic shift, then anything might be possible. Compressed dark matter (simply a theory thus far) delivers an ocean effect. Our atmosphere holds back its pressing blackness, but this could only be so because of enormous electro-magnetic forces generated by our planet. These bounce off the rim of darkness and are responsible for the phenomenon known as “gravity”. Everything is not pulled, but pushed to the ground. No wonder “the powers” have kept the lid on serious investigation into any inner Earth settlements.

htc-droid-dna-verizon-ad-1There is so much we could know if only we opened our minds. Slowly I reveal the unrevealable. In “Autism Corroborates Darwinism” I concluded that evolution is spread over the relative skill set by a combination of our holy trinity: atoms, starlight and DNA. Doctor Andrew Wakefield speaks to the media after a hearing at the General Medical Council in LondonPer this system, changes could be negotiated at individual, full or sub-group levels. In the case of vaccines, a few unlucky individuals presumably take the hit for the group. In line with this mechanism, every child of a particular batch is made autistic, but most suffer complaints so mild symptoms would be barely recognisable, if at all. Because the majority, including most so-called intellectuals, are so busy validating or accounting their rogue belief systems, truths like this are literally beyond comprehension. I couldn’t imagine Andrew Wakefield would believe it too, but he does know there is an autism/vaccines link. The devil is always found in the detail and even the very best seem to be compelled to pay nothing more than lip service (if we’re lucky) to ideas and remedies that conflict with presupposition.

turdpolishThere’s a bit of “I look after number one, so I behave like a number two” in everyone. Those in high places have a long way to fall, so I understand the easiest line of defence against “would be attackers” is to pretend to be holier than thou. “You are not qualified to respond” is the only sure fire way to deflect reasoned criticism. They (the old guard) know that once you are tagged, you will either never be given the opportunity to become qualified or seasoned judges will demote your input as vagaries or interesting but unsound ideas. When weak links do occasionally emerge from those safe, tried & tested sources, ideas are all too briskly destabilised with liberal doses of tar and feathers. The system is “self-emulating” and that is what makes it so successful. Taking the point in question, toxic vaccines, the mainstream experts can and do not only endorse products as perfectly safe and useful that aren’t, but also make ludicrous, illogical claims against those that don’t share their corrupt opinions. The most popular call is to present “anti-vaxxers” as social-terrorists determined to infect healthy, vaccinated people (usually children). According to reason, this means vaccination does not actually protect anyone at all.

artworks-000146599488-4sanol-t500x500From the holistic DNA perspective attributes are guided by intent. If you wanted to be a woman that is what you are. Those that trumpet about being born as the wrong bodies are misguided. Certainly, past lives (something mainstay science doesn’t want to “discuss” let alone accept) might reveal a pre-inclination towards one sex or the other and, with hindsight, the choices to reincarnate as males or females might have been forlorn ones in some cases, but mitigated decisions they were. I mentioned earlier about true love and sham marriages. Sham marriages that last the test of time are as strong as real marriages built on virtue. One is based on control, the other faith and, I am compelled to believe, if autism was to strike any marital union in particular, these would be the focus. For those that control, autism is an angry outcome. The faithful produce offspring that are products of sadness. Impact is never found in logic. The passionate have no scruples. They win or lose at all cost. Thus, if “God” were to use autism as a metaphor prompt, then the ideal choices for impact would be the offspring of the “holy” or the “holier than thou”. There is hope on the horizon because it is revenge only that unites every human being – great or small, deceptive or virtuous, intellectual or shallow. Armies of “truther networks” are, perhaps, inches away from orchestrated militancy. Their only missing ingredient is courage.

Truther networksI am regularly critical of truther networks. This is not because individuals lack scruples or causes are necessarily invalid. There are two main complaints. Firstly, many claims are baseless through fault of lack of or maligned sources. Secondly, various crusades are, after the fictional Spanish soubrette, Don Quixote in character (i.e. chasing evil windmills) and either target non-existent threats or, more commonly, after the fact campaigns. quijoteThe 911 incident has gone, passed by and is no more. Yet, there are endless memories regurgitating dusty conspiracy theories or substantiated claims of wrong doing. Hollow laments for impeachment is the closest we ever come to resolve or action, which, frankly, is nothing short of blame game or pass the hot potato. The real issues are always buried deep and answers are invariably impractical. Unsurprisingly, the same can be said for information sources that routinely revolve the alternative Media circuits. BlameGameThe same old chestnuts, bad pennies are rebranded, rehashed and misconstrued over and over. So much so, there are very few sources I subscribe to and regularly review.

Occasionally something comes along, out of the blue, that smacks me in the face and commands respect. One such epic article, from memory reproduced by Brendan D Murphy’s Facebook channel, has everything a true researcher needs. It is an exceptionally long read (including a number of videos) that deserves thorough processing. Half or part reading it shows no respect for the author and would be the consequence of sloppy, ill-disciplined behaviour. Truth seekers, researchers may as well not be lazy else give up and do something productive. A job not done well is a job not done at all. Those that are time poor have lives cluttered with too much nonsense. If you are time poor, it is your duty to review life processes. But, let’s face it, most time poor people are sorry liars.

Pasteur plagiaristThe Pasteur article has exposed a number of weaknesses pertaining to the human condition. Now we near the end of this entry, I am obliged to highlight poor attention span as an extra consequence of our fraudulent nature. When, last post, I intimated people don’t read e-books because they are ungenerous, that was not the only reason. Many have such poor attention; simple phrases only are barely retained. Thus, I try to keep my blog entries to “fewer than 3,000 words”. We have already gone way over budget so I will try to summarise, “Louis Pasteur Plagiarist, Imposter & the Truth About Vaccines” in two paragraphs, if that’s possible. Though I won’t attempt to unravel its rather confusing terminology now, suffice to say, a future post may try and transcribe some of that detail in a more resounding way. Sensationally, the article reveals Pasteur reputedly admitted he was a fraud on his deathbed and his germ theory was both unproved and wrong. As just about all modern mainstream medicinal philosophy relies on underlying principles of germ theory, this is a massive piece of information.

It subliminally highlights just how rotten the modern medical system is. Should not this information be acted on now by all you petty crusaders? Your health system causes more deaths and debilitating injuries than your wars. “911” was nothing by comparison.

Broken healthcareI have no reason to doubt the article as the author provides a lucid account of the 19th century French biologist, Professor Antoine Bechamp, whose cellular tissue theory formed the basis for most of Pasteur’s wayward conclusions. Micro-organisms (affectionately known as germs) that feed on dead tissue matter are changelings. They are changelings because they are the product of very much smaller microzyma, which can morph into bacteria or “viruses” depending on the body environment. Personally I find this very revealing as I have stated on a number of occasions that all virus are caused by pollution (whether organic or inorganic) and are evidence of how [invaded] bodies deal with threats of this type. Pasteur-BechampBechamp has confirmed that microzyma are the agents of change that create organism-like microbes which are accounted for as viruses (or bacteria) by statisticians. In conclusion, the expansive article goes on to say that the reasoning behind vaccines is flawed and all serums are not beneficial and probably detrimental to users. That is you and me, by the way! Mild doses of complaints (such as Polio) do nothing to stop adverse catalytic reactions in the body and well documented cases are shown up as evidence. Indeed, the writer plainly argues that all modern cases of polio are caused by the polio vaccine.

Wikia-Visualization-MainIf this is correct, and I have no reason to suggest otherwise, then vaccines may well ultimately cause autism. Nevertheless, the human body and its mysterious, magical way of dealing with issues must, at least, contribute to the syndrome. Whether we single out loveless money marriages or unions of intertwined hearts, it would surely be worth testing a vaccine-free control group to ascertain whether there is any merit to William Thompson’s (scientist for the Centres for Disease Control) sensational claims that he documented evidence categorically linking vaccines to autism effects. NEWJERUSALEMThis means that if Robert De Niro, Billy Crystal and other high profile stars could detach themselves from the corporate pariahs just as Anthony Hopkins has done and show true God qualities, perhaps they could save the world. I’m reluctant to cite Marlon Brando whose infamous Oscar rejection so aptly highlighted the plight of the American Indian (or native Redskin), because nepotism shouldn’t pay. After 25,000 years we, the human group, are beginning to embrace a new age of light. If that is to mean anything at all, gloves must come off and action must replace apathy. True love must trump convenience if autism is to win the war, and make no mistake about it for that is what it is. Our stars, our true to God must be resilient pitted against all odds if autism is to win the war against vaccines.

Has a prayer been answered?

Enjoy the clip, as it is rare I am given the opportunity to be optimistic. Recently, Robert De Niro not only proved he was a giant Redwood completely redeeming his prior pathetic inaction in promotion of the sensational movie, “Vaxxed”. Doing more for the film than the New York Tribeca Festival could ever have done, he broadcast to 100’s of millions of people across the globe on Sunrise (a television stream) making his sane recommendations. As much as the vain interviewers tried to downplay issues, De Niro countered with prestigious authority and nobility. The veil was well and truly lifted on the “mercury based preservative, Thimerosal”. He asked why our scientists have done nothing about the complex issues that logically propose a vaccines/autism link. Like everyone else, he “wasn’t sure about Andrew Wakefield”, but he also insisted not being sure was no reason to inhibit a meaningful investigation. De Niro intimated this needed to be done by experts not in the pockets of corporate health. Yes, he mentioned the damned money grabbing pharmaceutical monopoly in the lowest possible light.

Charge of the Light Brigade by Thomas Jones BarkerOn that up note, I think several people may be feeling true love for Robert De Niro and his inconvenient views. Bravo to a cultural hero. May he lead the charge….

Autism corroborates “Darwinism”?

b583I must admit, right from the start, my title is not an honest one. I don’t suggest Darwinism (as an authority) has too much credibility in practicality. Indeed the brains behind “On the Origin of Species”, Alfred Russel Wallace, did not support Charles Darwin’s erratic and baseless conclusions, largely used to support the globalist preference towards anti-spiritual intelligent randomness or atheism. Those most ardent Darwinists have surely never heard of Wallace, but it does not stop them babbling about evolution as though each was putting the final touches to a masters’ thesis or doctorate on the subject. The tenets of evolutionism are probability and logic. Yet, breathtakingly, according to material wisdom, a convoluted plan (rationalised existence) can and does usurp the planner. 22463To the Darwinist/globalist/evolutionist there is no universal mastermind because universes literally popped into existence and life was spontaneously created by accident (though that accident was conveniently bound to happen). Per that belief, the course of everything that lives is easily explained when factoring survival instinct against probability. Of course, when the old chestnut, instinct, rears its ugly head in isolation, the atheist demagogues are far less confident as to “how” and “why”, far less inspired in commentary. They invariably substitute one label with another and, to avoid taxing the mind; behaviour is deemed precisely the same as instinct (or, perhaps, instincts are behavioural traits). By this determination, human robots are programmed simply as evidenced by the fact their lives unravel, otherwise there would have to be a programmer and instinct would be evidence of something spooky that totally transcends material reality. Anti-views of this genre (offering the mystical version of instinct) would offend the ardent globalists who are bankrolling key Darwinist, evolutionist pioneers.

d032c9a4a268234ed4f185bfc3573c00The spirit of globalists will feature in many places in this article, so I must commend them. Without them I would have likely had nothing to write about. Fluffy bunny rabbits, cats with long tails or the fast lives of highway turtles aren’t my thing, so I am truly eternally grateful to the globalists and their boneheaded supporters (the oppressed masses) for making my life interesting. Oppressed masses, what, eh? (You say) Just about none of you would even consider parting with one cent to contemplate the truth about existence, yet you rush to the side of your globalist masters with every last penny you can muster, either storing it in their banks, converting Federal Reserve blessed currency or purchasing grossly inflated products or produce provided in some way to you by global corporations. Jon Rappoport’s in the same boat. How many of you have invested in him? For those not in the know, No More Fake News (a Rappoport concept) is one of the select channels I subscribe to as he is one of the incorruptible few. There the attack, nay, transparent evaluation of globalist stratagems to the detriment of human progress is none more apparent. Genetically modified organisms, fake psychiatry a front for toxic drug pushing, autism (particularly in connection with vaccines) regularly feature in articles. But Jon’s great passion is imagination and he rues the day human beings stopped being individuals only to join the huddled masses under the banner of globalism. The sacred cow of creation became a morbidly obese fusion of everything that hinders determinism.

We both have presented serious investigations on the Zika fraud recently promoted by the World Health Organisation after a microcephaly “outbreak” (as termed) in Brazil. Though we drew different conclusions as to the ultimate cause(s), we both processed all relevant issues (where possible, backed by data) and more or less determined the same findings (with some slight but important differences). Opinions were shared as to the effect of vaccines (notably the preservative brand Thimerosal), pesticides (prominent active agent glyphosate) and we both unanimously agreed that Zika fever peril and the supposed genetically modified mosquitos from hell (if they existed at all) were absolute duds. Ultrasound-MachineThe significant difference between Jon and I could be seen in my analysis of the possible impact ultra-sound equipment may have had of the equation. However, my fellow journalist did report on Brazilian and Argentine doctors who oversaw the 4,000 or so pregnancies in focus. According to some Spanish article No More Fake News paraphrased, the doctors interviewed confirmed foetus development was regularly checked by ultrasound and they started noticing deformities (was the equipment itself the Damocles sword is the deeper question? i.e. the more alcohol we fed to him, the more drunk he became…). I very much doubt (though I haven’t checked) that the ultrasound equipment in question was one of those new Samsung portable devices. I suspect it was the leaky, heavy variety of machine that dates back to the age of the dinosaurs.

However toward the end (though I can’t be sure what he has in store for the future) of his investigation to date, Jon pulled up a surprise tangent. It was so off theme, it got me thinking; thinking like never before. national-terrorism-threat-advisory-system-graphic.-dataCould this radical theme, which, in normal circumstances, may have been shelved as overt propaganda, have a deeper message that transcends everything we both thought we believed to be true? Jon talked of some alarming figures, ironically, coming out of Israel that demonstrated significant microcephaly outcomes for new born babies having lived nearby or within range of a large petrochemical plant through pregnancy gestation. Of course, microcephaly is simply a word/label that emphasises a standard. At one end of the scale effects [to the skull] are hardly noticeable, whilst at the other, they are extreme. Israelite outcomes were the soft option, whereas the Brazilian “outbreak” was extreme (in part), as far as I can gather. Perhaps I haven’t been clear enough for the Darwinists. The “state of terrorism” graphic, low to critical, on your Fox News screens best expresses it. Our chosen people were in the low zone and the others, well, they showed up critical. Quite right, don’t you think?

tumblr_m6idxv05ph1r4gei2o5_400The petrochemical angle is an important one. My last Ozzie Thinker entry, Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics, did not beat around the bush. I stated categorically that all viruses are caused by pollution and all cancers are the result of pollutants that trigger dormant fungi. More recently I have learned of Otto Warburg and, instinctively (behaviourally?), feel he is correct in his predetermination that cancers are caused by bodies’ PH levels. Dormant fungi [hypothetically might] require an acid environment to metabolise. According to Otto, the development of cancers is something akin to fermentation and any good brewer knows that sugar is essential for fine ale. Thus, the other missing link is glucose in our bodies. Cancers love it. As his thoughts on Zika fever unravelled, Jon Rappoport kept on reiterating the possibility of multiple contributors to systemic outcomes. This consideration must be applied to anything and everything. There are never any solitary silver bullets, well except when baddies are terminated by the Lone Ranger. In the case of cancer, to shortlist, a weakened immune system is infiltrated by pollution which triggers dormant fungi lounging in an acid environment using glucose as an active metabolic agent.

lone rangerOther than the carbon monoxide issue, there has been no real concern over the dangers of exhaust. I wanted to cite mass poisoning in Japan’s Tokyo which infamously highlighted monoxide poisoning, but I can find no references for this distant memory. It led to, once again from distant memory, some sort of consumption tax which encouraged (re)design of cars with low capacity engines. My hunt for evidence did reveal treasure of a different sort. MinimataIn 1932 Chisso Corporation expanded its business model to include production of acetaldehyde. The net consequence was the continual dumping of heavy metals (production waste) into the sea off Minamata, Japan. Methyl mercury chloride made its way into the food chain, unchecked, notoriously infecting various fish and shellfish. By the 1950’s tragic neural consequences were noticed, particularly in fishermen. Indeed, the people had to wait until 1972 for swift remedial action which saw a brief news headliner in the US. It has been useful to highlight the toxicity of mercury, which induces “considerable atrophy of the brain” (according to the selected citation).

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland's Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the 'mercurial gangrene'. In 1865, Burgan's face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877). For the reconstruction, see C011/4360.

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland’s Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the ‘mercurial gangrene’. In 1865, Burgan’s face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877).

Sometimes the truth can manifest in the strangest ways or places. Years ago I embarked on a career of energy management at a time when serial polluter (and rehearsed liar), Professor Ross Garnaut, was invited by the Australian Federal Government to write the feasibility benchmarks for carbon pollution taxation. If that wasn’t like asking the local jewel thief to design the next prison house, I don’t know what is! Anyway, reverberations were gradually seen throughout corporate industry after Garnaut’s green paper was released. BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and all the “major offenders” began their contingency planning well in advance.

Garnaut - the prick

The weird thing was, in just about all or perhaps all cases, the biggest risk asset (from the carbon benchmark perspective) were the automobile fleets attached to each corporation. Some owned considerable numbers of vehicles. It was deemed that these were the greatest contributors of carbon in the atmosphere and, as I rightly pointed out a couple of years ago, carbon is now a neutral code-word used to downplay pollution. We also know that it is pollution that causes all viruses and contributes to all forms of cancer. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the petrochemical industry was responsible for the lion’s share of diseases that blight humanity today? I have no data to give an educated response to this currently, but will keep that line of inquiry open for the rest of the decade or longer, as needs dictate.

So how might evolution (per “Darwinist” theory) react to the many and numerous toxins foisted on the individual? We not only have to deal with “carbon” (sic) in the atmosphere, but there are other things too. It took roughly forty years for authorities to determine Minamata, Japan had been poisoned by industrial waste. That is the tip of the iceberg for what isn’t known, the Environmental Pollution Agencies (EPA) don’t want to know about. Lawyers in fancy court rooms assure us that serial offenders, such as Monsanto, well, they are given the license by authorities to perpetually offend and reoffend. Sugar Plum Fairies72They hang health that compromises globalism. Great quantities of Monsanto products: Agent Orange, DDT, Roundup are now a formal part of the cycle of life. I have singled out the chemical glyphosate before, but there are other nasties too. A good amount of thematic material last Ozzie Thinker entry was devoted to vaccines; notably the preservative agent Thimerosal. The Centres for Disease Circulation (CDC) insist that a special, harmless type of mercury is used in this compound (and we know that because it was blessed by the sugar plum fairies). Not everyone shares this opinion. Ethylmercury is a neurotoxin that maybe comparatively in excess of a hundred times more lethal to tissue than lead. My source substitutes “is known to be” for “maybe”. Temporarily putting to one side aluminium, formaldehyde and other up-to-date ingredients of Thimerosal, exploring and expanding the greater content of my source might add vital information.

acrodynia_1Eli Lilly invented Thimerosal sometime in the 1920’s (no credible date source available) and after the first patent 22nd August, 1931 numerous additional variants have been categorised (notably Stabilized Thimerosal, filed 2nd February 1955). Only one formal study as to the effects of the compound was conducted in 1930. 22 patients located at an Indiana hospital [classified] as “dying” of Meningitis were injected with serum. Though none showed any adverse reaction (outside the range of standard medical complications) to the product, neither were any improved by it. To date that is used as “basis” for its safety. The dangers were certainly known by 1947 and probably suspected long before. A connection with Acrodynia (or “Pink’s Disease”), a form of mercury poisoning, in the 1940’s is the best evidence. Thimerosal was used for teething powders for infants at the time. Symptoms congruous with mercury poisoning include autism.

1398764739874.cachedMy source goes on to say that in 1967 a medical/science request for the removal [of the words] “non-toxic” from Thimerosal labels was heeded by authorities. The British Medical Journal reported skin burns from oxidisation of Thimerosal in contact with aluminium in 1972. Deaths of six newborns at a (unspecified) hospital in the 1970’s have been attributed to infused antiseptic wipes. In 1982 the FDA produced a damning report against the compound in various forms. My source also cites a 1950’s independent study which showed that Thimerosal was no more effective than water at protecting mice against potentially fatal streptococcal infection. Even though it was found far less safe than other recognised poisons, the FDA merely slapped an over the counter sales ban on Eli Lilly’s blessed product. In more recent times Jon Rappoport and others have been heavily promoting the fallout from rigged testing and false reporting of adverse effects of the Merck MMR vaccine by Dr William Thompson. An autism link was seen as clear as a bell in those early trials and everyone involved put a lid on it.

So what has this got to do with Darwinism and evolution? Though we are beginning to understand how cells work thanks to Dr Bruce Lipton, science has near zero understanding of DNA. In fact chemical coded amino acid chains are little more than symptoms. Real DNA is an invisible type of light which looks like metal to those that can see beyond the material plane. If we understood how DNA functioned, I would have no punch line for this article as what I am about to reveal would be common knowledge. Though mainstream Darwinist opinions are partially right so far as evolutionary traits can mimic design improvements facilitating survival, the mechanics and their attributes are almost completely not understood by affiliated intellectuals. Lemurian emissaries stationed on or in Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, have not only confirmed the survival of the fittest paradigm, but have also gone as far to explain “why?” and “what was before?” Considering Lipton’s biology of the cell, theories which have been tested by numbers of Russian avant-garde scientists, we learn these miniscule membranes behave more like super-computers, collating all relevant external data to serve the mood of the mother. Indeed, what would normally be marked down as sheer insanity, has a very different pertinence in light of this new information. There is an entire volume of the Vedic texts (which one I cannot remember off the top of my head) devoted to appropriate behaviours of pregnant women. Included are such reasoned superstitions as not stepping on the cracks between paving stones.

republican-darwinismEvolution, in the living sense, is not as our globalist sciences predict. That is largely for two reasons. Firstly, Einstein was wrong and his photon principles neither satisfy material nor immaterial outcomes in practice. I discuss light in my e-book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, and, suffice to say, as, at one level, there is no time space continuum, light instantly travels from the sun to the Earth. In that capacity its integral relationship with immaterial DNA is timeless and, thus, all amendments are in the moment. Our sun (and all stars) is not merely a light giver, energy source. It is also a portal expressing (for lack of terminology) the wishes of God. Depending on which aspects of God are prioritised, determines the manifest plane evolutionary path (seen as manifest DNA). Currently, because our sun is “fake” (a transplant), negative aspects of the whole are being accentuated. Reflectively, progress at group, sub-group and individual levels is factored. Therefore, DNA can “progress” or/and “depreciate” for the group, sub-group or individual. We, as a species unit, can evolve or/and devolve. DNA is a two way street (perhaps something like a slide rule) and the evolutionists would be wise to recognise the fact.

cars and their fumesSo, going back to my hunch that the petrochemical industry, mostly via automobile exhaust fumes, has caused the lion’s share of manmade pollution, could that have affected our DNA at the group or subgroup level and what’s the evidence? Before I attempt to address this, I would like to introduce Eva Draconis (who has a numerous of entries on my other blog). She has evoked channels of communication with some extra-terrestrial entities she simply calls “the Orions”. Her very special first book (which is available in hard or soft copy), “The Orion Project: Real or Imaginary” (which was recently followed by a second part, “Noah’s Ark”), tables the uncensored record of conversations over extended periods. Gems devalued to almost insignificance are casually positioned with implications [such as] suggesting her visitors are lizard-like but not reptiles that have no central nervous systems (as we understand them) and display strange anatomic abilities that would defy any sense of globalist scientific rationale. In addition, for sustenance, readers learn, they do not consume food and only drink a nutritious water elixir which does not exist on Earth.

Gasthausbrauerei_Ursus_1However, their (they call themselves Draconians) obsession with head measurements as emphasis of genetic prowess piqued my interest for this article, particularly considering the recent mainstream fetish for microcephaly. I have no answers for it yet, but I will keep thinking about possibilities for the remainder of the decade and I feel sure some resolve will transcend in the fullness of time. But returning to DNA and alterations validating evolution, the traditional view has been that changes are always random and progression has always been the accidental process of survival. The example generally given is something on the lines of, “in hard times when insects were scarce anteaters that grew longer noses were able to reach more food and survived to pass their genetic traits on to the next generation”. The passing of genetic traits is a great presumption, but, applying comparable “rose tinted” vision, there is another explanation that works just as well. If a limitless DNA central mastermind (you know, God, for instance) existed that was able to collate data, it would also be able to apply required changes to any group (sub-group or individual) that determined them. As survival stands the best chance at group level (continuously multiplying trillions are much harder to purge than tens), the “species group” (for instance) is the best attribute (for progressive survival) from the holistic DNA perspective. In fact there is more to it than that. If, we assume, that DNA (as the exchange agent for manifestation) represents the interests of God, then, it would take an enormous group to fully support the wishes/interests of the whole. Life and non-life [with all those idiosyncrasies] would be God’s blueprint.

monsanto-pig-imageTherefore, applying petrochemical (and other) toxins to the equation, which, I might add, would affect the entire human group (with possible exceptions of Inuit Eskimos and a few others), could the downsizing of skulls and encephalitic disorders be so insignificant in most cases they go unnoticed? In addition, depending on the gravity (effect) of the toxins, might a hyperbolic reaction determine the impact on the chosen few that (it could be said) take “punishment” while sharing the ills thrown at any “given group”?  Is that why many people that live in radioactive environments don’t suffer and others show horrendous genetic mutations? There is one more thing. Might the offspring of those that either absolutely do or absolutely don’t care be selected as the chosen few? I haven’t any answers yet. I am just throwing it out there; posing the questions. But it does seem to fit the case. Perhaps those miracles are not miraculous after all? Perhaps that’s how existence works! There is a lot more investigation required, serious thought and valid research going to be needed to bolster glib sentiment, but I think I’m onto something. Whether the left wing “truthers” like it or not, perhaps their Thimerosal, Roundup and other “Don Quixote” crusades actually camouflage dangerous smoke and mirrors of the most devious and desperate kind. Who would have thought the globalist darling, Darwinism, would have inspired me to unravel the truth behind autism?

Christmas Cash

santa-cash_32021I would like to open my Christmas 2015 edition with a quote from my last entry. It is so important and relevant to the meaning of Christmas (recognition of essential Jesus); it deserves to be highlighted above all other anecdotes and proverbs issued by the idol. Attributed to Krishna, the message is so magnificent, it shames logic.

“Spiritual qualities bring to freedom, whereas demonic ones paralyse”

christmas-decorations-03Perhaps freedom is not the best word for our age. Even liberty is no longer deliverance. These terms have been closed down, boarded up and locked off by the “powers”. To which end, those that attribute their lives to mainstream freedoms are nothing more than broken slaves and the willing fodder of corruption. Today I would be more inclined to say, “Spiritual qualities prompt unconditional creativity, whereas demonic ones ensure the individual conforms to political domination.” Of course, there are numerous other versions of this that might equally add to summarising the modern mindset. “Swear words” determine there will never be free speech, for you cannot have open dialogue when certain words are unmentionable. The intelligent researcher would do well to ask the question as to whether these words were created as a deliberate ploy to limit speech; more importantly free speech. Today we all know the worst two are the “F” and “C” words, though I do note the Thais find “animal” and the wrong type of their numerous pronouns meaning “you” as an address particularly offensive, for instance.

christmas-tree-wallpapers-christmas-backgrounds-30233Last post I mentioned, by chance, I have been cohabiting with Iranians. Their word, koskesh, appeared in my first entry for 2015. A commenter against that article speculated that this “swear word” meant something like excrement, but he was wrong. In fact koskesh has no greater or lesser meaning or impact than our own “C” word (unless shared amongst friends, when it equates to something like “silly”). By “C”, I don’t mean Mrs “C”. Well, on reflection, perhaps I do. Thank goodness for “the Donald”. It takes a double “C” (corporate cowboy?) to tackle a “C”. Words never cease to amaze me. We have soft mother and hard mutha. There are many other homonyms. hard muthasElsewhere in this blog readers can discover the German NAZI inspired homophone, muselmann, which means both muscle wasting disease (or concentration camp walking death) and Muslim. Also, my Farsi housemates would not consider “converting” to Buddhism as they would be “smelly ones” in their native tongue.

How predictable these elites are to those merely prepared to research and discover the truth about them. Evidence is hardly buried deep. It is though they are proud of the misery they have caused. Once more thinking of Krishna’s illuminating quote, it is possible to define good and evil simply by using “F” and “C” words. This is important as, contrary to vibrant insistences dawning from the waking “truther” world, the vast majority are so committed to the system they should be all classed as insane. True definition of good and evil goes a long way to determining why this is so. For my first example of “F & C”, evil is simply Control encouraging brute Force. Restricting cash may be a control feature, thus, the other side of the “F & C” coin, good is unlimited, unrestricted Cash enabling absolute Faith.

Traditional-Christmas-Decorations-4We all know faith, over the ages, has been demeaned into a version of Control by powers of evil. The modern version has morphed into something akin to blind ignorance – devoid of spirituality. Absolute faith can only be attainted through complete knowledge and understanding (i.e. enlightenment). As all humans swear by different versions of ignorance and unknowingness (the Gnostics quaintly termed forgetfulness) we are all evil. By that token, unless they were not human; Mohamed, Moses, Jesus, the Buddha and all the other religious icons were also evil. Krishna may not have been human, but, after reviewing their legacy, I am convinced all the others undoubtedly were. That is why all religions are nothing more than dogmatic control doctrines. Nevertheless elements of true faith can be also found, sometimes hidden, sometimes out in plain sight, in all hallowed texts as well. None should be overlooked.

Traditions are often borrowed with conformity overlaid to suit everyday culture (of the day). Mohamed didn’t produce anything new. He merely rehashed Judaism. Judaism, in turn, fused Buddhism and Zoroastrianism (now Hinduism) to create “universalism” and that is why the Jews were called the “chosen people”. Yes, and we can all see how the powers have corrupted that meaning into what has become rabid nationalistic Zionism. The ink was barely dry on parchment; tablets still baked in the sun when “Order” muscled in on faith, turned it inside out and made it unrecognisable. If the poles between dark and light could be expressed in two simple words, it would be cooperation versus conflict. Cooperation is utopian diplomacy and conflict is war. 589895_638_365Somewhere in the middle is compromise. Compromise, via negotiation, is the agent of evil with the potential for goodness. Laws began with religions and every single zealous crusade, whether purporting a light or dark mission, is a war. All crusaders embrace Lucifer in deed.

Last Christmas I became “homeless” for a short while. Other than donations from two fellow bloggers, my pleas for assistance fell on dead ears. Christmas spirit had been befouled by Yahweh. New Year 2015 heralded the launch of my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. A follower of the great Jon Rappoport donated for a copy and, of the numerous claims of interest, no others cared to offer any support nor showed any belief in the virtual document. This Christmas I don’t want you to donate, purchase or buy the bloody book. You are all glued to the illusion scoped by them (the corrupters), whether you profess to be a truther (another proto religion) or other, and do not deserve exposure to the truth. The truth would trouble you, affect you and force you to think. Ultimately it would make you realise you were fundamentally wrong. Any expressions of interest will be dealt with swiftly and expediently. The only feasible mantra for Philistine usurpers is “F off”. Do well to remember it.

ChristmasTreeAn alternative title for this entry might have been “Christmas Cash and Commerce” and before I present some flesh for those bones, I would like to touch on the spirit of Christmas. Oddly, the essence of Jesus never existed as that identity was modelled on a number of characters per Roman tradition. The theoretical King of the Jews and “Christ” (by Pharisaic) determination is arguably Josephus (Latin anagram “to bear/present Jesus”). Lateral alternatives categorising true faith have always been Sufism (pantheism; faith in the wonder of nature) versus demystification (reasoned logic that has become science-atheism in the modern age). christmas-decorationsAt the time of Josephus, conflict between Mosaic Laws dictating faith and Gnostic philosophy as to the rules of harmony (fundamental essence of nature) reached a head at the Siege of Jerusalem (66-69 AD). Losing Gnostics rebranded themselves as “Christians” and that is why the persecution of believers began immediately. Other than Nero (persecutor of Jews and not Christians), Caligula and Caesar himself, just about all Roman Caesars were allies of the Pharisaic elite (friends of Zion). The great irony is “Gnostic” Josephus/Jesus also worked for the Pharisaic elite (Jesus/Barabbas offered to the crowd is a thinly veiled metaphor emphasised by his final moments on the cross (sic) where he “questions” his own divinity). Redemption became his administration of gnostic Christianity.

vitamins-d-sun-worshipLet us never forget Christmas was the old Pagan winter solstice; celebrated by sun worshipers. Of those, the Roman brand is labelled Sol Invictus (Sun unconquered; and that is why Pharaoh Akhenaton abolished Amon-Re. His reward was eternal disappearance. That’s how “deep” this goes). The very mission of the cult (worship, from the stem “growth”) was tyranny, for the sun had been offered as the ultimate conquest (pre-empting conflict or EVIL). Modern day Christmas is reflective of the British high Victorian Christian renaissance that led to a review of morality (inspiring many modern crusades, it must be said). Prior the Druidic (Pagan) harvest festival (very similar to the Vedic-Aryan one) had remained pretty much unchanged over the ages. That religion can only be pieced together by spurious references, so it is clear some Order went to a great deal of trouble to abolish the knowledge. Speculating, I am compelled to consider the Vedic-Aryan Book of Veles might be the closest approximation of Druidic wisdom. There are many valid theories proposing the Irish/Anglo Celts were in fact Jews that had settled after an exodus there between 500-600BC. Though of the same basic stock, these people did not have any direct relationship to the later Saxon (predominantly Teutonic tribes) invaders. I touch on the strange importance of the “Viking” Tribe of Dan here.

The-Maine-PennyThe links with Joseph of Arimathea, Josephus, Cornwall, the Druids and the English mystery schools should never be understated. Britain, at the time of Roman conquest, was the only place to secure a real education. It was only when the famous mystery schools began to close down that the Roman machine realised they had lost their conquest of Britain and made a rapid exit. Ok, for clarity, there were plenty of other reasons, but that was the clincher. Though the Romans had also failed at introducing money to the Celts, the ruling classes, the Chieftains, already had money. Gold, silver and billon staters were in circulation decades before Romans maliciously set foot on British soil. Recorded in the Vedas, Vedic-Aryans had been using “cuts of silver” as currency for as long as memory persisted. It is presumed the reason Biblical gold shekels have never turned up is [Hebrew] shaqal (weight) referred to a measure rather than a coin. Christmas_ornaments_676592Nonetheless, there is the enigma of the 200,000 year old “Pittsburgh penny” (I cannot find any references to the spurious talisman, but did turn up these links – on from Tellinger’s stone circles and the bridge to Atlantis which is not as old as they think).

That aside, fundamentalist visitors are probably still reeling from my denial of the Cosmic Christ energy. Perhaps they missed my “befouled by Yahweh” remark. I touched on Nis (well, I mentioned the Hebrew Easter, Nisan) or the Copper Serpent last post, presenting a depiction of Moses’ famous rod. Thinking “unorthodox” Christians occasionally devote their belief in Easter as the more plausible reference point for the “Birth of Jesus”. Although, I too am a Capricorn, so Christmas does make more “Character” sense as a birthdate. This Ozzie Thinker post was devoted to Ishtar and the birth of Horus (Adonis) symbolism. Fantasy__038997_In addition, my other blog scoped a long article about, amongst other things, Zamolxis. That mythical Hyperborean king shapes the cultural identity of tradition’s dark, scythe brandishing, Death. In his Legends of the Phoenix, Alexey Trekhlebov offers impressive and hard to rebut detail supporting the notion that Yahweh and Jehovah represent death (in different ways). He refers to the etymology of an ancient Slavic past revealing a number of stems that adequately substantiate his opinions.

One such reference is a most ancient enigmatic text that heralds from Crete (Hyperborea?) and says, “Ne do sebe I chaso dla ye teni zhiyve” translating as “Don’t bother giving an hour of your life in devotion to God (i.e. Yahweh-Jehovah)”. Trekhlebov is rightly fixated on Sabaoth (from the Hebrew tsaba or tsava which means “armies” or “physical forces” but can be used as “occupy”, “possess”, etc.) and this signifies the physical, perhaps material even, presence of “God”. He appealingly speculates the Hebrew tradition of “maranta” (God joining his human servants on Earth after preparation by the final Messiah) is a celebration of death. Comparably, Slavic-Aryan spiritual ascension or blessing at death is represented by the word “marana” (there are many other words that signify death sharing the mar/mor stem. In Slavic: marazm, marat, moroz, morg, and English: morgue, morbid). A surviving pre 9th century Vedic anecdote with ambiguous origins reads “Jehovah-Sabaoth-Adonay ehay eya laitsya u toy tartaroy skotin” and means “Let that dirty animal and malicious one, Jehovah-Sabaoth-Adonay lie in hell”. This is important because Jehovah-Yahweh-Sabaoth-Adonay is looking down on every Christian through the legacy of Egyptian scribe-prince Moses/Baruch. “He” is looking down on every Muslim too.

Assortment of fruits and vegetables

In actual fact, historical opinion of a number of sources favours the concept that Yahweh-Jehovah was originally only worshipped by the tribe of Judea prior to Judaism being formalised. Trekhlebov compelling argues the reason the tetragram, YHWH, was never spoken by priests prior to the “pointing” (vowel sounds added) of the Hebrew alphabet, is it represented death. Principally this is correct, however there were supplementary reasons. One of which is that the Hebrew peoples were never given the true name of God and, besides, even if they had it, it is unpronounceable by the human tongue. The notable Thracian God, Baba Yaga has many variations, including Yama, Yahve, Yahu, Yaho and so on (note the Yah stem of Yahweh which is very similar in pronunciation to Yahve). As with Zamolxis (the embodiment of), they all mean death.

Christmas-Decorations-Images-07Returning to the idea of Sabaoth being the physical representation of Yahweh-Jehovah-Adonay, perhaps Zoroastrian wisdom now begins to make sense. According to that philosophy metaphysical forces of good or evil created energy fields of influence that would infect host armies in one direction or another (i.e. for “dark” or for “light”). Therefore, I originally concluded that Yahweh-Jehovah-Adonay is evidence for the so-called “Annunaki” who, at the time, could adopt human “blanks” for their supplementary purposes (whether dark or light) and that is why (I presumed) the Prophet Zoroaster issued the warning. 2014-12-christmas-decorations-london-uk-05Theoretically, after the Draco sealed off the Earth from cosmic influences we were safe (from this theorised dominance), except Zoroaster was born long after the Annunaki exited. Therefore, supplementary conclusions dictate it is fair to say that the Draco have adopted the Annunaki techniques and use them for their own influence over all human beings. Zechariah Sitchin presented the Annunaki as plundering humanoids (different gene set to humans). He was only partially correct and, in many ways, could not have been more wrong.

The humanoids were spiritual surrogates, as I point out in my last exo-politician post. But, more importantly, they reneged on the deal with the Annunaki and this, in part, led to the enormous rift between the masters and their “face of God” progeny. Complimenting this line of consideration, Mary Rodwell exposes accounts (via regressive hypnosis) of living spaceships. Christmas-Snow-Tree-Lights-House-WallpapersThat alien technology appears to have been designed to allow the experiencer to add the spaceship component to his or her body, as a vital living extension not separate but part of the whole. This is best example I can find that likens to the more natural techniques the Annunaki use. In other articles I have revealed some of their direct manifestations that prompt awe, terror and perhaps a measure of fascination combined. These unique creations go by the group name Ba’al. Ciakar “reptilians” (a branch of the Draco hierarchy) reputedly conducted blood curdling ceremonies involving adolescent human males, each coerced into some kind of sexual sacrifice, usually resulting in death. The chant of the real name of God combined with pungent sexual energy was apparently too much for Ba’al to resist. It is the same basic Ciakar crew that David Icke and others postulate infect the administrators of humanity via the Illuminati New World Order and masonic religions.

outdoor_christmas_decoration_Gnosticism presents things (whilst perennially aware of other versions) in a very different light. I am that impressed with much of the philosophic insight delivered by examples such as from the Nag Hammadi scrolls; I provided references in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. In the same volume, I deal with the flawless Satan Star, foundations of existence and the ultimate, inevitable collapse (something our sciences erroneously call “black holes”). Gnosticism also includes some subtle bogeys, largely due to a lack of compassion, insight or belief that superiority could fail or err. The author of the Apocryphon of John (we cannot be sure “John” is a real entity) unfairly judges Sophia for making a miscalculation, though perhaps fairly apprehends her arrogance. She, the female aspect of God, stands for wisdom (ironically). Everything stemmed from her discovery tour, while the masculine aspect slumbered. The creative passion could only manifest conceptual thought (in the beginning was word, logic…) – Epinoia.

Per Sophia’s reference, everything is a concept; a construct. Reflection via internal thought processes (enthymesis) reconstructed a blueprint for existence (prognosis) from the concept. According to “John”, the “spirit” became the indelible guide. Yet, as a guide, it referenced the will of both masculine and feminine aspect and the blueprint was rejected outright. Because it was her vision, she ignored the controls and brought existence into being without permission or approval of the whole (masculine and feminine). christmas-decorations-santa-christmas-postsRejecting the spirit and bypassing the masculine was not entirely ineffective and she demonstrated unconquerable power. The miscalculations saw problems manifest with the creation of her son, the first being of “form”, Yaldabaoth (Satan?). He was the epitome of Sophia and took both the power (dynamis) and thoughtlessness (aponoia) from his mother. Because he was the ruling authority (exousia) of existence, the incorruptible higher realms were manifested as corruption. According to “John”, the fifth realm as manifest was called “Adonaiu” (or Sabaoth) and it had the face of a dragon (Ba’al). The human line via our reptilian heritage looks something like hu-man > Ciakar/Pteroid/humanoid > dragon/ultra being > Ba’al/supreme being > Annunaki/God in unimaginable manifest form.


Though it is a generalisation as the truth is far more complex, Yahweh-Jehovah-Sabaoth is, in part, Ba’al. Some Biblical texts expose how evil has been rebranded as good (if read in the right way) and others go to great lengths to confuse, obscure and obfuscate inconvenient truths. Yet, have people woken up? No, the arrogance of dogmatic doctrine has infected any “cause”; no matter what. Everyone, lowly or great, insists their way is right. New Year’s resolutions were abolished long ago. How could you mini-gods improve? Do you not understand it is your, the individual’s, refusal to absolve that is creating all evil by fostering hatred? Homosexuals are very well looked after today, providing they are not underage. Prior, did their pleas of true love meet an appreciative audience at the law courts? No, because love is forbidden by arbitrary laws which implement standards that are (or will become) the basis for all conflict. Therefore, money is not the root of all evil; it is the Law. Just as “John” blames Sophia for the legacy of error, so you all eternally blame your detractors. Laws find harmony and support in your hatred of “the other”.

cocaine christmas

Occasionally I refer to my research of human behaviours at webcam sites. Worryingly, in certainly places, modern day renaissance of homosexuality (a Greco-Roman tradition) has become so entrenched cam-boys perhaps seem more popular than cam-girls. The dynamics are always very simple. Santa is SatanIgnoring some of the unconscionable (and hard to believe) menu items offered by, notably, the Latin sector (perhaps inspired by coca-de-Colombia?), communications are invariably the same. Performers are always desperate to become rich beyond their wildest dreams, whilst viewers predictably want something for nothing. In other words, performers want to get something by giving nothing and viewers want to take something for nothing in return. You see, that is why cash reigns, because without it, there would be instant and absolute paralysis. Only when performers give for nothing and receivers take for something will cash loose its power.

I could have devoted this article to exploring to what extent dreadful commerce has perverted what should be a harvest festival of truth and celebration of the abundance of creation by the grace of God, but, of course, there are always so many priorities I could produce several encyclopaedias simply to scratch the surface. I will say this, though. TofuturkeyEveryone picks on Santa and that unfortunate “Satan” anagram. Claus, incidentally, is an anagram of “calus” (callus) – the thorny exterior. For you Satanists; Satan was as pure as any other light source that became corrupted by the indifference of Sophia, so don’t talk to me about your mindless philosophies that espouse bottomless meaninglessness. eliminar-cucarachasRemember, don’t you dare buy my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. The truth would be too much for your narcissism.

Putting Satanism to one side and reaching out to all you other cultists (that’s right all religions are cults), putting things in perspective, Christians (in particular) how many insects have you killed this Christmas, for daring to exist? At least some of you eat the turkey, I guess. Do you see how vile, self-serving and unappreciative the majority of you are and you mostly have the gall to call yourselves spiritual, believers (in God), dare I say it, good? But, I suppose, you are not committed to a universal holocaust unless you celebrate maranta. Yes, that is what it means and a few of your foul, demented leaders have decided the only way God can join his human servants on Earth is through a ritual purging by fire; Earth plane suicide for all to enable the few. They call this Armageddon and that is their interpretation of the phoenix (Ba’al is Yahweh-Jehovah-Sabaoth in dragon form) rising from the ashes. I can inform these pheasant brained individuals the “few” are not them and their grand sacrifice will become their eternal tombs as purgatory.

phoenix_risingIt is good to give to charity over Christmas? Particularly to the homeless, if you can find one that is not a Christian “soldier” or a scammer (same thing?). In fact there are very few “homeless” people. Many are subject to the most unsatisfactory, perhaps dire, circumstances though. And that is largely thanks to all of you; the group that “to death” support the system to the hilt. Charity, I have said before, is a con unless there is no government. A Prince of Wales charity was outside my local supermarket the other day (commerce attracts commerce – fitting). The cause generalised about saving various body parts and other stuff and all they needed was “so much” for “human salvation”. Yet, what is money? Is it not an artificial standard, like laws, punitively arbitrating value? If humans were committed to giving objectives would never conflict with needs, wants or anything virtuous for that would be inhumane. The “justice” system does nothing more than precipitating standards for commerce and these represent arrogance, cruelty and betrayal of humanity. Indeed, far from improving people’s lives, commerce is destined to suck the lifeblood from everything. Who were the winners from the “Grand Financial Crisis”? Did the money simply vanish?

SARS insecticidesTaking health as the shining example of commerce, quotas assure only a limited number of individuals can be “sick” for any given period. When the quota is exceeded, who is going to pay for it? Remember all money is based on a fictitious, arbitrary standard that was supposedly agreed on by “reasonable man” (theoretically the measure for justice) to determine value. So, in order to protect this standard, governments see sick or dying people are unattended (check those hospital waiting lists) as the priority over their health and wellbeing. Indeed, so much government money has been devoted to instruments of death and destruction (wars and so on), there is virtually nothing left (according to their superficial punitive standards) for sick health. Let’s face it, it’s a double whammy. One of the biggest attributions to cancers caused in Iraq before Bush’s “war on terror” was by the plutonium in Clinton’s weapons of mass destruction. The few trillion shekels left in government coffers are distributed to the industrialist pollutin’, tootin’ poisoners. Numerous viruses (such as Ebola) caused by industrial toxins are their legacy. wp-ROC-OurTownsBlog-7329-7bc77d10Merry Christmas guys! These monsters don’t care. How they attain maranta is irrelevant. The end always justifies the means as far as they are concerned.

I agree with Jon Rappoport. They don’t have vials of “deadly diseases” to infect the water ways. Bio war is limited to chemicals and most of them are household names. A bit of crude in your water supply surely won’t harm you? I can assure you they can find scientists to prove ice is created by fire if that suits the agenda. On the other hand, I see the limp wristed protesters “vigilantly” speaking out against thimerosal (mercury and other nasties) in vaccines. Where’s the action, puppets? You have mostly done nothing to disaffect the system. In order to remedy the fake deficit created by their insistence on a flawed standard that could never meet the needs of the wider populations, they allowed pariah bankers to create insurance initiatives which sucked yet more out of the existing impoverished health system. So, along came bonnie prince Charlie to my local supermarket, cap outstretched, after handouts for heath. I say “F you” and “F off” “C”.

christmas-presents-453onv52Instead of an unconditional outpouring in celebration of the gift of existence, we have strategic party invites and colourfully wrapped bribes with strings attached. For that I don’t blame Satan or Santa or the Jews or the Federal Reserve or anything else that deflects your ineptitude. The reason your children are faithless, greedy parasites that value only cash and what cash brings is through fault of upbringing. Denial of sex except as a parental power of “God status” has made sure there will be endless supplies of cam girls, cam boys and other prostitutes of worth lining up from “age 18” in places where decent fake ID’s aren’t available. satan_claus_small1Are not all sexual relationships forms of prostitution, which arbitrarily and vindictively shut out the other on the selfish grounds of privilege; privilege that reviles the other? Has not the collapse of society been caused by the castigation of free will of the other as vilified by privilege of self? How can anyone be special without first the intent for specialness? How can anything be known before it is experienced? Marriages (each, ideally, the model of cooperation and optimum standard for all relationships), as with Christmas, are founded on infatuations concocting synthetic paradise islands. That is why when all the gifts are revealed the bubbles bursts and the spirit dies.

Having said all that; tomorrow is another day and what happened before doesn’t matter providing there is resolution, so Merry Christmas, as long as your cash is worthy and that sets the standard.

The Great Pollution Rebrand

Well I am cynical of the objectives of politicians and their industrialist Illuminati masters at the best of times, but nothing is more reflective of their motives and standards than the carbon tax con. It has always been a con, from top to bottom, even though the buzz words keep changing. The world has seen this before in the scrap over EDIFACT internet standards, when EII (electronic information interchange) moved to EDI (electronic data interchange) to e-commerce. What sits better with you; cake, gateaux or pie? Last time, I checked Microsoft’s biztalk won the day. The nub of the debate over pollution is split between global warming and climate change. On numerous occasions I have caught the beginning or end of tedious and trite aimless television discussions never revealing the dreaded P word. As an ex electricity broker, pollution was never mentioned once in articles discussing the basis and virtues of the carbon tax. Alright, to be fair, there are numerous mainstream new bulletins mentioning pollution, but all are framed in carbon friendly rhetoric for a carbon tax slam dunk. Pollution is the afterthought to sell the merits of a carbon tax whether by environmentalist crusadors or “capitalists”.

Before I discuss the over complicated basis for global warming or climate change or whatever they call it these days, regardless of any merit to their obtuse reasoning, the carbon tax is a con. Living in Australia, it has been a bone of contention. Our current Prime Minister, Tony Abbott, who has a reputation for dishonour, claims the “on and off” carbon tax is certainly off now, after the previous government passed legislation. In the way the electricity market works, which is based on risk, carbon tax had been factored into pricing (whether “on” or “off”) since 2008. Just because one government repeals legislation does not mean another would not introduce it. Though, as would be expected, no government has given any indication of the “issues”, Tony Abbott needs to be commended, inexplicably, for being virtuous. No surprise that the Australian electricity generators are at the top of a very large pile of polluters. Australia is officially the world’s seventh major offender. Here is how the con works. People need electricity and the only way they can acquire it is via the various coal burning generators and their distribution infrastructure. There are no other options. These generators would pay large sums to the government for carbon exemption certificates while they continue to pollute, just as they had done before, but they would be financially exempt. They, in turn, would pass on that cost to their buyers (the ones who must buy their electricity as they are the only supply).

It gets better. As the carbon “tax” might not be a fixed price, they are welcome to overbill and as it is not a real tax. The electricity generator could pocket the difference between the cost of exemption certification and the sizeable remuneration via billing. In other words, not only are the largest polluters allowed to pollute, they can now subsidise their pollution. With its freshly filled coffers, governments could also reimburse their electorate with generous carbon tax rebates making the final mockery of anything sincere. It appears, initially at least, small to medium business users would foot the bill. Later a “stick” could be used against households refusing to go “green” with the removal of rebate privaliges. Ah, this con gets much more complicated because, just as with the free range eggs scam, consumers need “choice”. Does anyone wonder why the “nicabate” solution is more expensive than cigarettes? The governments raise cigarette prices to encourage abstinence (sic) and then alternatives “value add” on existing pricing. Oh woe, they certainly do not want to destroy the lucrative tobacco industry. Value added income is the second stream dedication to the carbon tax con. The whole point of propaganda has been spun around a cleaner world, using something called green power. Ignoring the fact that most green power buyers are supplied very black [coal generated] energy, electricity’s “nicabate” in Australia is solar. Lots of sun here! Sun, in capitalist style, comes at an enormous price.

We, as with many other parts of the world, have various levels of government, being federal, state and local. The carbon tax has been a federal initiative. State governments have targeted solar. The New South Wales government’s scheme was so lucrative that end users could turn a profit for merely implementing solar. This had the effect of jump starting the market; putting business in motion straight away. Solar pricing was partially based on the value added model of traditional black pricing. Without subsidy, solar will not beat black pricing and might be multiples of its delivered price. Even studies promoting the financial benefits of the alternatives are “loaded” (note: often the comments are far more revealing than their articles). The point remains the same. The carbon tax has reduced no pollution, allows industry subsidy for sins and promotes fraudulent entrepreneurial ventures elevating clean energies [which may be far from clean, subsidised or not].

To put things into perspective, and this is not giving a tick to the industrialists, the biggest polluters on the planet, by a green mile, are volcanos. How to tax them? Industry at full tilt would take a millennium to catch up with a major eruption (fortunately the last one preceded known historic records). The global warming scam is built on crimped modelling data (isn’t everything?). Ironically, and all too rarely, I have found a mainstream article which says it rather well. Bravo, the Guardian news service and credit where credit is due.

In conclusion and summary, given the choice between electricity supply and pollution, I would agree to pollution as electricity has achieved so much. Nevertheless if electricity could be delivered without the need for pollution, surely isn’t that the best of both worlds?