Public Bewilderment Over Political Misdirection Embedded in the Coronavirus/Cornholio Sickness “Psy-op” Finally Exposed

People are generally comfortable with their own “world view”, whether motivation comprises clarification of revised truth or responding visualisations should be regarded as securely maligned by others. I have also observed, when not entirely absent, invariably very little academic diligence frames casual beliefs. This laziness towards intellectual proficiency is predominantly why the greatest popularly feared threats reference deadly plagues of unknown gestations. Perhaps explaining premises behind industrial medicine adopting idiopathic principles, neither is science opinion necessarily uniformly correct on matters that accord sound properties of existence. Indeed, many once certain facts have subsequently been disproven under redirected experimentation protocols. Dr. Rupert Sheldrake has cited no less than ten miracles (beyond science-explanation) from authoritative astrophysics theoretical outpourings pertaining to analysis of the genial hubris of our universe. Primary conclusions of my initial published musings over Coronavirus (an “alien bug”) were quite definite though. Putting all other considerations to one side, shabby politics overlaying crisis management provide basis for an indisputable “psy-op” of universal proportions. Notably, attributed global quarantine sanctions are, according to my research, the first of their kind.

Thus, my initial attempts at coming to terms with associated complexities percolated a mammoth fifteen thousand words. These were aimed at demystifying “all angles”, or so I thought at the time. “First HIV, then Ebollox, now Simpsons’ Coronavirus, What Next?” (the finished product) can be referenced here by the way. I have found unraveled raw truth is always far simpler than anything laborious brainpower might concoct. Over thinking assured my opening paragraphs (well, I did pay tribute to Einstein) casually overlooked streetwise obvious occult cryptic messaging (belying Coronavirus). In summary, critical observations determined specific use of corona (“crown” from Latin coronius) implied a connection with our sun (Latin solos). Corresponding expression corona effect is widely used and particularly prominent at times of eclipse (to which ancient peoples are believed to have interpreted as doomsday). Conjunctive investigation established a more define link because, according to news items I witnessed (albeit of spurious origins), the term Coronavirus had actually been invented by scientists back in 1918 as their precursor to claims that the sun was believed cause of new, erstwhile unknown ailments. Occurrence strangely coincided with that sensational Spanish Influenza epidemic, but I’ll have more details later. My reasons for introducing Einstein were straightforward enough. His notorious E = MCᶻ equation pertains to a universe entirely constructed from energy. So, thinking of how this knowledge might apply to corona effect, it seems the expression whittles down the sun to its bare rays, which happen to provide all our local power that isn’t synthetically cultivated.

Decades after initial 1918 discovery, fringe academia observed a definite relationship with construction of Europe’s virgin energy grid (circa 1918-25). Recent figures coming from the US have established the most likely cause of COVID-19 (Coronavirus 2019) are new, related infrastructures. Given established precedence, it is fair to say occultists love staging partnered incidence over hundred year cycles. What a coincidence (not) that Coronavirus 1918 reemerges a century later almost to the day in 2019. Of course, one of the unexpected key players involved with current charades is none other than computer man Bill Gates. I say unexpected but, with hindsight, without oomph driven from “computer generated modelling” supplied by a prominent UK politician, there would be no Coronavirus pandemic. After UK (in particular) figures didn’t “go to plan” the fellow ungraciously resigned, but his toxic legacy remains stronger than ever. Bill Gates isn’t solely implicated via technology. His father is or was a passionate eugenics supporter. Corresponding information should not be taken lightly because it adds greater weight as to “why” Bill Gates is specifically involved with this elaborate hoax.

Background framing my introduction to politics behind Coronovirus cited a shady US non-government organization called Centers for Disease Control (CDC), which is a privately owned collaboration of various members of that motley Federal Reserve style “Globalist” pharmaceutical cartel. As an insider watchdog it has proved about as reliable as an ex-con in control of a bank. Julie Gerberding, who Wikipedia ominously lists as an infectious diseases expert (revamping Pasteur’s recanted, flawed and failed “germ theory”) oversaw [what many professionals argue is] a fraudulent vaccine safety report while President of the CDC shortly before taking an executive role at Merck Vaccines. But that wasn’t end game. Merck produced at least one of the offending vaccine compounds (MMR) and has also been embroiled in fraud allegations connected to employed scientist William W. Thompson. Thompson has since admitted to providing false information (per Merck’s instruction) that denied findings favouring a definite vaccine/autism link in African-Americans.

In conjunction with the World Health Organisation (WHO), Centres of Disease Control have been prominent agitators pushing every “epidemic” in living memory. Rabid cries (amplified by WHO) have been heard around all four corners of the globe, regardless of lack of severity. My prior article exampled the Swine Flu fiasco but, for Coronavirus, the CDC has teamed up with safe bet Bill Gates, who, remarkably, is neither medical expert nor professional. Yet that hasn’t stopped them. Gates ran a computer company with an early reputation for pinching collaborator’s ideas and other forms of sharp practice. Because of his privileged upbringing, the shadow government eventually felt he was stable enough to own the company that was booked in to rule the global software market. Anyway, after leaving Microsoft with enough cash to sink a battleship, he poured his heart into a tax dodge, sorry, I mean, foundation that focused on healthcare (apparently a passion of his wife, co-founder). Medias’ spared no effort in (deceptively) promoting a “generous” gift of “$5 billion worth” of polio vaccines to “the peoples of India”. Forerunner of the sugar cube, vaccines he offloaded were actually tainted, dumped stock which had been rejected by the west (because of reports of a litany of dreadful side effects) long ago, but more on that later.

Even so, Gates’ “philanthropy” spring boarded his medical career. Such was the momentum, Warren Buffet (prior to his catching cancer) and a few prominent others sensationally played the tweedle dum tweedle dee “big note” investment act for a while. Well, that was until the press lost interest. We should have all received the message loud and clear. Mega money was backing healthcare and you don’t mess with mega-money. Personally I have been a regular subscriber to efficient reporting journalistic icon Jon Rappoport’s various blogs for many moons. In my last article I gave his outstanding book “AIDS Inc.” a weighty plug, not for commercial reasons, but because what he wrote twenty years ago is as current as ever today. Then, those behind the seasonal HIV scam were apparently doing cartwheels over amounts of money to be made from healthcare. Worse still, according to Dr. Judy Mikovits (whose career was ruined by HIV), the same key guys have critical roles to play supplying the current and very much “in our faces” Coroonavirus psy-op. Stakes for humanity were high last time round because, as Jon disturbingly points out in AIDS Inc., in deference to HIV, AZT (the billed “cure”) was cause of AIDS. Unconscionably, effects of that tragic “medication” had been long known, neatly tying in with fevered Globalist eugenics goals.

Bill Gates’ father we know is or was fond of the idea of indiscriminately killing people off (other than friends and family). Therefore, I don’t find the notion of son spearheading a medical attack on useless eaters at all incredible. Far from it. I actually feel it is an essential political consideration, given that chilling United Nations’ “we must reduce [global] populations by any means” very public statement not so long ago. In fact, the UN went a step further to aid interpretation of the directive. “War, contraception and other birth control measures (according to experts) had not succeeded in meeting objectives,” they said. Still, Gates in the role as technology man is the more pertinent focus justifying a final conclusions bombshell that wrapped up last article. Incidentally, findings included an embedded (notorious) forbidden doctor telecast, reinforcing opinions to the hilt. Corresponding bombshell was Coronavirus (according to US statistical data collected after the Gates’ contagion model was scrapped) is evidently [at least partially] caused by the recently constructed 5G network. Of course lugubrious critics’ appeals against this information will cite plenty of virus infected locations where 5G isn’t present. New Zealand and Iran are two examples, but there are many others.

In effect, the 5G network is merely referenced from varied extraneous technologies, technologies that commonly generate energy. Again, certain past high profile fringe scholars do provide compelling background in support of the belief that construction of the virgin electricity grid was the root cause of killer Spanish Flu (colloquial name for Coronavirus lest we forget) from 1918 onwards. Though modern day networks are wireless, ideology is identical. In line, alternative medias reached fever pitch over health impact concerns attached to “smart meters” (which provide two way wireless communications) prior to the introduction of 5G. The key, common dominator, call it what you will is electromagnetic pollution, which is a known issue that has been tackled by government agencies for decades. No surprise numerous Google web scrapes found none attached to current virus propaganda. On a side note, Google appears to have also censored out opinions alternative to the mainstream on the current “crisis”. I have been informed cornholio sickness should yield significant results for those keen on discovering anti-sentiment. Anyway, commonly the phrase “lesser of two evils” is used in agency electromagnetism analysis reports. Identical to philosophies allowing cars that kill people to continue unhindered on roads, it is deemed over reaching technological advancement trumps preservation of human life. Talking of roads, a positive consequence of the Coronavirus campaign is Australian researchers have been forced to come clean on what really rots the ozone layer (and I assure you fridge gas has little to no impact). Because relatively few petrol fume emitting motor vehicles have been in circulation under quarantine conditions, skies have “inexplicably” begun self-repairing. Erk! So, substantively, energy is why Mr. Technology Bill Gates is the friendly scheming face of new HIV.

Thus, reflective considerations as to the real reasons behind Gates’ apparently philanthropic act towards India beg to be aired. Embroiled old vaccine stock, we already know, the west couldn’t give away and, to a degree, I see karmic retribution at play with the full story. Aptly, the planners’ disease cultivating master stroke well and truly backfired. Alternative Medias have been quick to promote the carnage at every waking opportunity ever since. Reflectively, there is an alleged international class action against Gates driven by vaccine victims who were damaged by his gift. According to salt of the earth sources unattached to polluted mainstream engines, a weighty chunk of peoples “caught polio” from Gates’ donation. It is no wonder I have found not a skerrick of coverage in potential mainstream outpourings. Bereft of screams of denial or further affectionate promotion, “old guard” persistent silence on matters more or less affirms the gravy train went off track. Look how they’ve been milking “COVID” at every waking opportunity. Silence additionally implies infecting Indian hill tribes with polio was not the objective agenda, so what was the original mission?

To answer this effectively, we need to return to the eugenics’ movement and that paranoid United Nations pledge. Doing the math’s, from the globalist perspective, it appears one of the greatest offenders against unauthorized reproduction is India. In particular, the hill tribes people, who’ve always traditionally sponsored large families to offset child mortality. However, courtesy of internationally improved infant death occurrences, regional population booms have been so rapid, they’ve catapulted India to rank one (overtaking China by two hundred million) in the world. That’s the “why India?” part of the puzzle solved. My previous article on Coronavirus referenced a television documentary that sensationally presented authorities coming clean on true details surrounding the emergence of HIV. Original promotional depiction of a prehistoric viral evolution that sprung up from some forgotten African watering hole was a giant lie. Predictably, it turns out causes were accidental again. Polio vaccine serums, the television documentary informed its viewers, had been cultivated in live kidneys of chimpanzees and green monkeys (hence adaptable prior science myths). Apes transferred a natural virus (collected from local pollution intake). Though serums accumulated only the slightest of trace elements, it was enough to set off mutation cycles, resulting as HIV diagnosis in humans.

Smiling angel of death Gates was billed as a deliverer of evil. The most brainless moron should be able to discern the powers’ caper here. Though alternative Medias only have damning words to say about HIV and a few, that have read Jon Rappoport’s Aids Inc., casually identify mitigated medical genocide, mainstreamers simply went mute once the campaign petered out. That dynamic could change in a heartbeat, of course. Following the African Ebola resurgence warm up, was the primary strategy to synthesise another “major HIV outbreak” in India, an ideal “population busting” target? Last article I theorized it was unlikely AZT would be offered as “cure” again (given its onerous history), but there is a litany of other really nasty, cancer generating drugs that were efficiently tested on American troops sent to Iraq, so in terms of “means” our UN commissioned psychopaths are spoilt for choice. Let’s face it, the same sorry hacks, Anthony Fauci (once great buddy of Bernie Madoff), Luc Montegnier et al have been placed on ice for decades (or why would they be centrally involved with Coronavirus?), so resurgence of HIV must have been the ideal scenario.

Montegnier, of course, has moved onto bigger and better things. After not spontaneously generating life with contaminated laboratory equipment, a man of his esteemed character has no scruples against openly thieving the extraordinary water memory work of Dr. Masaru Emoto. Coronavirus isn’t even vaguely related to HIV, so, in some ways, the sheer audacity of the caper surprises me. Coronavirus is almost certainly caused by large technological infrastructures, such as wireless internet towers. Indeed, the complaint itself would be harmless enough (more on that later), like HIV, but a hostile political agenda determines otherwise. I mentioned earlier that the word Corona stems from Latin coronius, which means “crown”. The sun’s crown or corona effect delivers Earth’s energy, but there is something else. Beyond the sun’s range as darkness falls, combating absence, man has been compelled to turn to cultivation of varied engineered synthetic light channels. One such is that virgin electricity grid, exposed as cause of “1918 Coronavirus”. Nevertheless, if a responsible finger was to wield identification of an “overall” culprit, my guarded suspicions would surely be confirmed. Large technology infrastructures are a recognised problem: so why not “the” problem? To be honest, considering Zionist determinism (check out those Israeli tech stocks) towards processing the entire planet as a cozy “global village” means infrastructures will never expand fast enough to keep pace with optimal zealous connectivity requirements.

In terms of testing methods employed to ascertain illness, I can only refer to Australian procedures. Here the process is two pronged (I’m led to believe). First “practitioners” (same as lawyers and accountants, but I felt Islamic fundamentalists made a clearer analogy in my prior essay) ram a coarse cotton bud up the nose, which, when not violently rupturing blood vessels, guarantees a patient’s wince. Though I doubt the medical people do anything more than following orders, the reason this is actioned is to capture external pollution collected in the nasal cavities (ironically a body’s first line of defense against malady). One must presume everyone has a bit of technology age electromagnetism up there. Australian initial test batches weren’t that stringent, so very few were wedeled out as nose bud “positive”. Step two comprised of collecting blood samples which were sent “somewhere” to be scanned, something sinister governing authorities very much relied on as best means for delivering the goods. Active patients I interviewed had waited “weeks” for results of what they were told was an “antibody test” (I highlight in my first article authorities have never actually isolated a “virus” and are forced to review biological carnage). After the fact we now know, beyond a few Media stalked geriatrics perspiring on queue and awkward false positives, goods were not delivered which rendered the Australian campaign almost (emphasized) a write off (as a monumental flop).

Until I received “news” of outbreaks in the United Kingdom’s Cornwall region and other supposed “hot spots”, symptoms of the complaint were unknown to me. Even so information presented by the mainstream is so indistinct it can “read between the lines” in many directions. What is clear is air, via the nose, travels directly to the lungs without passing “go”, consequently patients with severe sufferance have been filmed placed on respirators, which should hardly surprise. It’s funny, because when I first looked into Coronavirus, I noticed how similar the branding was to “coronary”. Of course, coronary (crown formation of blood arteries) heart attacks also regularly restrict patients to respirators, normally when in association with pulmonary disease. Even funnier, beyond being hit by car, shot in the hood or slipping over in the shower, pulmonary disease used to be the number one natural fatality cause in the first world. Courtesy of a freedom of speech network, I have been privileged by the opportunity to scrutinise real medical reports of supposed Cornavirus positives. Statements were cordially collected from different parts of the world. In each case I inspected, I could not distinguish how Coronavirus symptoms were any different from that of your everyday heart attack, but I guess that must be because I’m no doctoring “doctor”.

At the time of writing, here in Australia, there was a sporadic resurgence of positive viral identifications in Victoria state (presently barely functioning under strain of soft Martial Law enforcing a one-hundred-and-eighty-degree reversal on “safety” of masks) out of the blue (shortly after the federal government was almost ready to pack up and go home). A “breakdown” of bureaucracy ensured some “infected” people were conveniently allowed to travel to NSW state for mass Medias. I say conveniently because they “obviously” (and we were told how things work in that cheesy Ebola movie starring Dustin Hoffman) “passed the disease” (“affirming” flawed germ theory) to various patrons of a public house (which has subsequently closed) a few miles away from the airport landing zone. One young male Victorian traveler has since died allegedly. Before I expose childish Australian political misdirection in conjunction with this, I would like to refer to my last report again to shed some additional background light. Phenomena are not limited to my shores. An observant American Facebook compatriot remarked that if the petulant (taking instructions from Denver?) were instructed to remove their stupid masks, everything would be freaking (he used a different word, from memory) normal. Everything is albeit normal.

Back in the day, when HIV was a current concern, towards the end of the panic lifecycle, occasional intriguing articles appeared in mainstream newspapers. In conjunction, it seems, courtesy of lucrative International Monetary Fund underwritten grants, doctors of “third world” countries had been encouraged to behave dishonestly. “AIDS” deaths in Thailand, by example, were inexplicably “rife”. My wife’s ex. husband (in his ‘70’s), according to provincial practitioners, died of AIDS. The reality was at par with their “truth”. He had actually succumbed to what is usually branded “old age” and, in absence of known causes (staple of idiopathic principle), “AIDS” was casually remarked on the death certificate for prosperity. Now we know that HIV was caused by an abominable polio vaccine, the likes of which Bill Gates gave away to Indian hill tribes people. Historically, prior to (and just after) academia’s raucous alarms against its major side effects corrupting privileged peoples, product was deemed good to go to backwaters, such as Africa. Rhodesia’s heady days under De Boers had drifted into the quagmire post Robert Mugabe’s Zimbabwe takeover. With hindsight, populations were sufficiently prepped to take anything anyone was giving away for nothing.

Outcomes justified statisticians’ predictable data that revealed roughly 45% had been inoculated and the same number were estimated HIV positive. This explains why eyes of the world (or, rather, pariah Medias) focused on Africa in particular at that time. We may enjoy criticizing statisticians (after Benjamin Disraeli’s notorious remark), but they also provide fodder for fanfare which ultimately prophesised demise of the HIV campaign. Sufferers yielded very low percentages with developmental “AIDS” symptoms and, after AZT was delisted, as far as I can ascertain new [AIDS] figures actually bottomed down to zero. In fact, at least one individual given a “bad” blood transfusion tested HIV negative, so all the way through the campaign there was a degree of genuine ambiguity as to how “infection” was transmitted. What we know for certain is that evidence was manipulated and distorted out of proportion to satisfy commercial, political interests. Consequentially, considerable numbers of doctors were happy to falsify under Hippocratic Oath. Now, from the HIV campaign perspective (remembering Jon Rappoport concluded it was “cooked” from onset in AIDS Inc.), the major error was planners had relied too heavily on epidemic fear inertia emanating from the third world radically contaminating minds of civilization.

Though varied ignorance superimposed routines applied to regulation control over spread of presumed contamination; “western” medics were inscrutably honest. Practitioners actually listened to their patients and were (generally) in the business of healing rather than enlisting mindless, blind protocols issued by agenda driven authorities. In consideration, if the motley crew behind HIV were going to reenlist resources, their next attempt would need cast iron verification. They would need lots of associated illnesses and, perhaps vitally, illnesses that would commonly prove fatal. Then people would sit up and listen. Doctors would likewise be forced to join the bandwagon or sink. With that philosophy in mind, isn’t today’s Coronavirus/coronary combination the perfect partnership for deceitful schemers? Unsurprisingly virus positive fatalities have haunted the elderly because that is where the predominance of deaths can be garnered. For Australia, agoraphobia is such old age pensioners “of means” refuse to leave their dwellings, which has prompted mini-booms in the courier industry.

Were schemers to be successful second time round, enlisted support of hysterically disoriented and suitably naïve medical “professionals” must be viewed as a prerequisite. In this regard, it seems odd that Australian private hospitals would turn away incomers with smokers’ cough “in case” they were COVID infected, yet I have received reports that affirm this lack of professionalism. Though public hospitals could be censured for employing typically “programmed” thoughtless nurses, steps are at least in place to serve all incomers desirous of ascertaining good health status. I outlined what’s involved with the testing process earlier. When cotton bud rammed up the nose doesn’t produce prompt results, blood samples are ritually dispatched to an unspecified location. I emphasized if the cotton bud application is to be regarded as pertinent, it confirms cause of illness is definitely fault of pollution. Data emerging from the US adds almost undeniable weight to considerations that determine overall culprit is electromagnetic pollution. Late into my investigation, I have been privileged to interview an American nurse, who implies testing protocols are universal. In her case a hard plastic implement was used to (medics informed her) “collect a DNA sample”. It was inserted very deep (just stopping before the membrane that covers the “third eye”) and “twisted” several times. Results proved positive, but she wasn’t sick, so authorities ammended diagnosis to “false positive“. A “burning sensation” about her third eye lingered for a prolonged period following the ordeal.

Details emerging from Australia’s correlating saga assure deliberate political misdirection. We were all about to pack up and go home here when, out of the blue, vicious outbreaks erupted in Victoria state. Consequentially authorities advised neighbouring New South Wales residents to be retested. Nevertheless, no mitigated plausibility backing philosophy in favour of retesting has been forthcoming (similar to that grubby unsafe masks about turn).  Flawed logic here aptly matches determination that inoculated are not protected against the unvaccinated. So the obvious related $64 question is “was retesting identically benchmarked to first run standards?”. Last essay’s sarcastic highlight of those sensational positive test results for British dignitaries Boris Johnson and Prince Charles might provide insight. Let’s think about this more carefully. Given their social status, you would have thought higher ups’ screenings would have been as stringent as possible just to be on the safe side. Normal people, one would assume, would only need alarms raised in the possible likelihood of serious illness progressing. Credibly, you would have thought medical communities would primarily surely want to ward off unhelpful panic as much as possible, particularly in light of mendacious Media trumpeted cart before horse pandemic hysteria from day one. A very important secondly, we have the issue of resources. How long does it take to test and process a “patient” end to end? Fifteen minutes, an hour?  Multiply that by seven billion and that’s everyone done. Every minute shaved saves one hundred and sixteen million, six hundred and sixty-seven thousand hours give or take. To put this in different terms, to process everyone around the globe, based on fifteen minutes per patient, would require more than seven two million (twenty-four hour) days allocated to the task. It is lucky governments have deep pockets, or are they that deep?

Anyway, returning to the Victorian virus outbreak, we learned several locals were inexplicably allowed to fly to New South Wales unhindered. The hunt for estranged time bombs took authorities to an inn located in south west Sydney. When found, renegades apparently quickly gave themselves up. Other local inhabitants were tested (some retested) which netted a weighty positives haul. Subsequently queues of worriers stretching the best part of a kilometer ambushed a mobile testing station specifically set up post Melbourne breach. Well that was until local police, eager to push on with their weekly booze/drug motorists’ bust, shut the whole thing down. While “in circulation” the mobile station allegedly had refused to test “healthy” people. Of course bureaucracy may have been sanctioned under pressure to process the sheer weight of numbers but, equally, are latent problems potentially any less serious than active ones? What I’m saying is occurrences might motivate the sceptic into considering the possibility of political foul play here. If “sick only” were tested sceptics might rightly argue statistics have been loaded to “prove” Coronavirus was “genuine” on the back of other, different ailments. Additionally, in their desperation to bolster much needed epidemic affirming figures, have authorities implemented far more stringent testing parameters that perhaps give zombie queued Australians right royal treatment? It would explain why New South Wales residents “needed” to be retested.

This, in my opinion, represents but one tiny step of a wider political misdirection campaign, but we would do well never to lose sight of the fact the whole affair has been modelled on the 1990’s HIV/AIDS scam. There is no question Coronavirus misinformation has been bolstered by confusion. Significantly, there is general confusion as to what a virus “is”. Medical testing for pollution residue implies complaints are resultant respiratory diseases. In association, analysis is largely confirmed by UK reported chronic lung infections. Mentioned earlier, heart attack symptoms are so similar to Coronavirus effects; doctors appear to have become “disorientated” in their judgement of diagnoses. In that respect, the “new bug (not living virus “transformed” into living bacteria?) round” has been upgraded to the current popular “vaguely verified” object of blame of a range of illnesses, including black lung. Early medications issued in the US were standards for common flu, nevertheless, my own mother has a friend who happens to live in the UK’s Cornwall regions and, though some information is a repeat of prior feedback, this account deserves separate attention. Apparently the woman in question knows some of the Coronavirus afflicted personally. As would be expected, my mother is vital lady now cruising into her seventies (although she only ever admits to being “forty”). One of the syndromes attached to that age milestone is friends and associates are known to “drop off by the bucket load” courtesy of the grim reaper. Her Cornwall located colleague is of the same basic generation. Might those people she happens to know also be of a similar age bracket; an age bracket where illness and death becomes a stronger likelihood? In sober times, would her acquaintances have been mundanely classed as suffering coronary heart attacks under auspices of pulmonary disease?

So many questions and so few pertinent authority answers. Did that young Victorian Australian male that allegedly succumbed to Coronavirus have a congenital heart condition? Mainstream Media vultures who circled age care centres throughout the infant stages of publicity were sadly heartily rewarded. Whether a deliberate ploy or not, early outpourings certainly exacerbated public bewilderment and the tradition has maintained. Has no one noticed Coronary, commonest natural cause of death, just so happens to almost identically mimic end stages of Coronavirus symptoms progression? The paradox is mild viral symptoms that “burn out” eerily match common influenza form. Thailand’s first case was a seventy-one-year-old man who was successfully “treated” with standard flu medications. Then there are those statistics which show some people as apparently “immune” to the bug. Early alternative Medias reports that observed uncomfortable similarities between Covid-19 and common cold maladies pretty much affirmed sanity. Reminding ourselves again of the HIV/AIDS scam, associated fatal illnesses were fault of toxic medications (please do check Jon Rappoport’s AIDS Inc.). Statistics were synthetically manipulated by grubby third world practitioners who deliberately reassigned unknown death causes as “HIV/AIDS” on certification so their governments could cash in on lucrative IMF backed grants. Whilst no quarantine austerity had been imposed on the “west”, Medias did market HIV as a serious disease that backed off sexual promiscuity (progressing those Globalist eugenics goals). Whilst demand for face masks was null and void, condom sales did spike sufficiently to justify the erection of specialist “pop up” businesses in Australia’s major civilian centres.

Could we be witnessing a reversal of wolf in sheep’s clothing philosophy here? Associated ferocious fear mongering campaigns do come with nasty big teeth, but what are they covering up? Might Coronvirus be another of those furphies that mar mainstream accountability? Given time, will the virus itself prove as harmless as HIV and all we ended up fearing was fear itself? I mentioned earlier about the right royal treatment being dished out to Australians. What if authorities made testing even more stringent? Would everyone show up positive? Demonstrably, alternative Medias’ suspicions over the potential for medical genocide are rife. What they mean by their allegations is “world government” (voicing through its many ministerial agencies) could easily prep a phony epidemic simply in order to impose death inducing “medications” on Henry Kissinger’s useless eaters. Whereas the United Nations has affirmed theories to some degree by its horrifying public statement (to the effect) “as all other precautions (such as war, contraception) have failed, global populations “must” be reduced by any means”, a universal cull is unlikely. Doing the math’s last article, it turned out sheer volume of dead bodies (accrued over a relatively short period of time) could not be processed efficiently. If there was to be a medical attack, the only [other] option is attempted forced sterilization.

Given their punishing “study” (indoctrination?) schedules I have compared doctors to fanatical Islamic scholars before and, to be honest, I don’t feel the brainwashed medical folks have a handle on Coronavirus here. It’s always worrying when the blind lead the blind. However, of greater concern is how much bogus medical “science” authorizes corrupt commercial goals. Is William W. Thompson fraud at the behest of Merck Vaccines the tip of a monumental iceberg? Could that tie in with the 2000’s purge of registered microbiologists? You would have thought, ultimately, that corrupt microbiologists are the key to the awkward discovery (sic) of “Co-vi” in 2019. Then, all it took was a vigilant computer programmer and we had a “pandemic” bigger than Ben Hur on our hands, well before the first corpse had even been “identified”. I smell a giant rat. So, to wrap up, visionary truth beckons a tad more reinforcement from His Highness Bill Gates. My summary will hopefully finally expose what’s really going on here.

I am going to ignore those strange Facebook adverts seeking “community help” to collectively identify virus infected hot spots. Has medical authority been rendered completely impotent? How can unqualified “community members” identify who is COVID-19 infected or offer any valid feedback on the subject? Last essay, I noted that panic buying hype associated with fevered pandemic “warnings” presumed cart before horse ideology. Lack of supply, in many instances, was not through fault of madding hoards in flight but, rather, consequence of broken distribution chains. Whether breakdown was deliberately synthesized is up for debate. Many ideas that came to fruition in the HIV campaign were just as prophetic. Earlier, I brought up the technology connection as the primary reason why Bill Gates had been roped into current shenanigans. Instead, his foundation is the real key. We learned the planned “resurgence” of HIV had dramatically failed because no earthly propagandas could neutralize negativity attached to banality belying the epidemic of lameness resultant from those forlorn, dud polio vaccines gifted to Indian hill tribes. Alternative Medias boasts of a reactive international class action against Gates have pretty much petered out and the mainstream have offered nothing but silence on the matter (for my research).

In addition to science assessment on how to distinguish viruses from bacteria, for instance, last essay shed some light on immunisation philosophy. Vaccines were a symptom of industrialization. Justified by Pasteur’s (based on Rudolf Virchow’s preliminary research) germ theory, practitioners decided minor doses of a complaint would sufficiently bolster the body’s natural immune system to fend off attack. Whilst there are compelling arguments that expound false logic attached to germ theory, I shall let these slide for now. So, as far as I can ascertain, the Gates Foundation made a fortuitous connection Dr. Anthony Fauci (ex-HIV failure and current driving force behind Coronavirus) more than a decade ago. Resulting negotiations led to a sinister joint venture pact. Information about shady dealings only came to public light when the current “pandemic” was in full swing. There have been rumours abound over a massive conference Gates and “significant” others attended back in 2018, which apparently “planned contingencies around Coronavirus (before it was rediscovered)”. Other writings of mine have highlighted a supposed Council of Rome open public meeting in New York. Staged a year before Thimerosal was widely introduced to vaccines, attendees were surveyed on their opinions as to most effective strategies for global population reduction. Covert ISIS style medical poisoning drew significant attention.

I can but speculate whether Gauci was present at that fateful 2018 conference, but Coronavirus “solution”, formally untested Moderna vaccine, is the decade-in-motion result of his joint venture pact with the Gates Foundation. Notional use of an alien vaccine is so preposterous; clearly informal laboratory results should be construed as proven probably detrimental to wider propaganda goals. Last article I posited the consideration for associated microbiologists’ crookery, providing the example of researcher William W thompson’s sensational confession to deliberate sabotage of data that unquestionably discredited Merck Vaccines. In the last fifty years a glut of bad science has come to light. Most acute concentrations of deceit can be found in medical circles. Gates, a man that holds a reputation for sharp practice dealings, and Fauci, a mastermind of the HIV fiasco, are the epitome of decadence, but there is also a connected sideline player. Warmup man, Elon Musk, received a write up on my esoteric blog. Fine genuine journalist, Jon Rappoport, also raised concerns over Musk’s ramblings years ago. Then, of course, other than a few elites in the know, no one would have taken diatribe about a Brave New World genre human “automaton” seriously.

Though I did mention Musk’s interest in DNA at my other blog, it was more in reference to Earth governing, supposed extra-terrestrial, spiritual overlord hierarchies (ancients’ termed “Gods”). In association with NASA, at the time, his company SpaceX had recently launched a galactic shuttle called “dragon”. Those that study esotericism will quickly become nervous as dragons (perhaps Biblical “angels”) are primary custodians (owners) of our DNA intellectual property. I conduct occasional Skype sessions which review spiritual DNA heritage and other essential topics and, by chance, a client informed me that SpaceX had proudly assisted the 5G wireless effort by firing off five hundred rockets to join other satellites crammed into Earth’s upper atmosphere. We know now, of course, that electromagnetic pollution (a symptom of 5G) causes Coronavirus symptoms in the susceptible. In addition, Gates/Fauci moderna vaccine is periodically badged “Frankenstein jab” because it apparently alters a cell’s RNA (something that has never been formally done before), certainly enough to confirm Musk’s ramblings back in 2016 and prior were the warn up act.

Once again, my other musings on this subject did the math’s to consider the very real possibility of a globalist sanctioned “clandestine” human population cull. Potential accomplice, duplicitous United Nations, whilst pushing universal “wellness” (an agenda amply supported by bogus medical sciences), made a chilling instruction that world populations must reduce significantly at any price. Whereas I concluded a military operation may well have been considered, even psychopaths consumed by zeal could determine billions of untreated dead accumulated over short periods would bring on sufficient pestilence and genuine plague to kill off the remainder of humanity. It is unlikely that military barbarians would be able to distinguish mortuary workers from the rest. Even if that feat could be pulled off, current resources of furnaces and gravediggers, I calculated, are wildly insufficient to keep pace with processing requirements. Lime pits used in World Wars I and II don’t seem a very tenable interim option either. In fact, history teaches us many were left where they fell due to lack of accessible recovery infrastructure. Fields of “unknown graves” haunt Europe’s legacy.

Although authoritative use of failed chemo drug AZT as an HIV “cure” was mitigated murder, its dismal effect out in the field alienated patient and sincere medical practitioner alike. Thus, if a poison drug was to be offered as the “final solution” (after Hitler), it would need to be administered blitzkrieg style to avoid too many rejections of the “bait”. Arguably an early attempt at pioneering the “solution”, Thimerosal’s role in vaccines has dismally backfired. Resulting affliction “autism” (caused by light heavy metal contamination) has not disabled growth or reproduction capability sufficiently. Worse still, attributed ailments mock Globalism’s instructors’ utopian agenda. Thus, Pharisees (Pharaoh’s servants) will rue the day they commenced planning autism strategies. Affliction has beneficially provided sufferers sufficient stimulation of the so-called third eye to activate strange, intuitive abilities. Consequentially, if there was a pertinent case for a new “super human”, autism may well have inadvertently revealed hallmarks. Those with enough intuition can not only see through Globalism’s dastardly plans, but will have special resources to draw on to fight back.

Pot shots may be fired at traditional (establishment) enemy number one Aryan-Slavs but, beyond that, it is fairly safe to say an active medical cull of humanity is not going to materialize. Last article I determined the only possible wide ranging “solution” was a covert sterilization campaign. According to Wikipedia there are currently no known sterilization agents. In other words, castration can only be sanctioned via invasive operating procedures. Gates Foundation Moderna vaccine happens to alter cellular RNA, something critics (primarily Dr. Judy Mikovits) explain “has never been done before”. Healthy RNA dramatically affirms reproductive potential. Those with sickly RNA might incur baroness. Prior I had little information as to the homeopathic make up of so-called “bat gnosis” (serums apparently partially evolve from bat DNA), but logic still persuaded the only feasibly sincere option for radical population reduction was forced sterilization, whether by overt or covert means. China’s trialed draconian “one child” policy was a mitigated disaster from the corporate perspective. Families found ways to blossom, estranged from the stranglehold of pariah state.

Permanently disable the function of reproduction will deliver conclusive results. However, authorities have an associated problem. People talk. Word spreads with the wind and people pay attention, when it suits them. Numbers of dissenters in relation to Coronavirus have already escalated to epidemic proportions (and the sensational arrest of that pregnant Facebook woman will only enflame matters further) or why would Google need to impose a tyranny of internet censorship (as mentioned earlier, search for cornholio sickness to find topical anti-mainstream views)? There is no scenario (I could imagine) whereby a blitzkrieg medical attack could be unveiled effectively. Uniform sterilization is almost certainly going to be the chosen direction of one of the future program phases. Probability favours this primary phase, in part, will be dedicated to denying and disabling conspirators. Even so, menacing forces of evil are incapable of conceiving overall goodness, so I anticipate varied genetic makeups will prove susceptible to Moderna vaccine, whereas others won’t. Confused bewilderment will continue to reign affairs with no one knowing precisely who or what to heed. Indeed, I suspect some (in a similar vein to the autism syndrome) may be granted “indigo” powers which, perhaps, won’t gel easily with convention, but, when managed, will (theoretically, at least) furnish considerable advantage over others. The greatest unnatural accidental murderer, the automobile, inspires only hapless institutional ignorance. The same institution network uses Coronavirus to rule over the affairs of man, yet never reveals true causes so as not to interrupt technological advancement. Our “powers” would do wise to tread carefully from now onwards, because I do know this much. God, Gnosis, the spirit of endurance, call it what you will, can outgun obnoxious human agitators in a heartbeat. I will truly praise the day when divinity wipes the vain smirk off “holier than thou” Bill Gates’ face.

GMOs, Viruses, Vaccines and Military Industrial Sabbotage

Zika-virusThe Zika virus “outbreak” in Brazil has populated recent headlines in the Mainstream (I am informed, as I rarely see any value in checking out tainted sources). The popular shortlist culprit in the alternative Mainstream (mostly sponsored by the same supporters of the Mainstream) is Bill Gates’ genetically modified mosquitos. As Zika virus was first noted in the 1940’s, unless Gates infected the planet by time portal, his freaky mosquitos (presuming they exist) are not the culprit unless what is being labelled “Zika virus” is actually something else. I will continually stress, until I leave this great planet that all (and not some) viruses are caused by forms of inorganic or organic pollution. In the case of organic, it often turns out various forms of faeces or other bodily waste products are pollutants. Our bodies, any bodies deal with invading matter in three ways. Firstly they produce anti-bodies in great numbers. Secondly, they absorb the extraneous matter producing, in some cases, physical trace elements such as “viruses”. Finally, in accordance with the chain reaction, this produces symptoms, such as the common flu.

As the great journalist Jon Rappoport noted (and he became the Mainstream’s rash from the very beginning), there were many potential factors leading to a spike in the rare natal condition, microcephaly. He came straight out and said, from the outset, in this case there could be a number of factors contributing to those dismal Brazilian statistics. Nevertheless, as there is a long history of dreadful encephalitic eruptions in other places too, it would be foolish not to first consider these as the plausible “why?” for the peak in Brazil. In accordance with every single nuclear disaster; Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima and other lesser known events, prenatal and natal outcomes, such as the small heads syndrome, brainless births, etc. have been strikingly similar to the Brazilian incidence. I would find it incongruous, as a journalist, not to have seen some corresponding evidence of radiation pollution influencing the birth defects in Brazil. Drawing of Jon’s wise preclusion towards multiple factors, I am drawn to consider how normally safe levels of radiation might have induced the catastrophic effect currently being witnessed in Latin America.

Mercury triggerOutside the Mainstream, vaccines are not being given a good press. Indeed, prior to it hitting academic news feeds and before he could even mention his name, Jon Rappoport was reporting on the prospect of William W. Thompson, CDC Whistle-blower, coming out. MMR Vaccine had camouflaged mercury based preservative, thimerosal. Those that bothered to check out the ingredients in the vaccines destined to destroy their children’s lives would have had to dig deep to find out any coherent information on the compound. If mercury wasn’t enough, let’s add aluminium and formaldehyde for good measure, but nothing to see here, the quacks know what they are doing. Outcome, we learn from Thompson, is aggressive autism and this was known by the CDC and Merck Vaccines from the very start. That makes your kids sick and that makes me madder than hell. There are no class actions against Merck or the CDC yet, but they are waiting for confirmation that they irrefutably lied, otherwise its “mea culpa” (tough shit) for the victims, I’m afraid.

People, please! Do your own bloody homework before you trust in something given to you by the supposed experts. Stop relying on the system of vipers to protect you. I know I cannot influence any of you; unless you decide you will be influenced by me, but, for pity’s sake, wake up.

There was a vaccine connection with the Brazilian incident. And, before I continue, I would like to say not all vaccines are necessarily bad. I am not another of those alternative Mainstream imbeciles that whips up hysteria for the sake of sensation. Everything must be evaluated separately, individually, on merit. There are very good reasons why there are many valid, therapeutic vaccines and I will outline logic in my summary. Thank goodness we were not dealing with MMR in this instance, but that also is not to say infants involved were not processed by the system: small headed and autistic, what a combination! Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. Back in 2014, according to sensational Mainstream news reports, all mum-to-be were given the TDaP vaccine. A cursory look at the raw ingredients reveals aluminium phosphate, ammonium sulphate and formaldehyde; but is there any mercury in there?

We can see the answer on the Food & Drug Administration’s own website (in muted damage control):

“Much progress has been made to date in removing or reducing thimerosal in vaccines. New pediatric formulations of hepatitis B vaccines have been licensed by the FDA, Recombivax-HB (Merck, thimerosal free) in August 1999 and Engerix-B (Glaxo SmithKline, thimerosal free) in January 2007. In March 2001 the FDA approved a second DTaP vaccine formulated without thimerosal as a preservative (Aventis Pasteur’s Tripedia, trace thimerosal). Aventis Pasteur, Ltd was also approved to manufacture a thimerosal-free DTaP vaccine, Daptacel, in 2002. In September 2001 Chiron/Evans was approved for manufacturing a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluvirin, that contained trace thimerosal. In September of 2002, Aventis Pasteur, Inc was approved to manufacture a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluzone that contained trace thimerosal…”

So there you have it. In all likelihood, the thimerosal preservative agent would have been administered to 3rd world countries and certainly to jurisdictions where not many important people lived. By the way, if thimerosal is not at all harmful, why remove it?

thimerosal_etiqueta_gAnother line of reasoning per the Brazilian tragedy introduced by Jon Rappoport was the potential for Monsanto’s involvement. This prompts two avenues of consideration. Brazil is renowned for its expansive jungles which, though substantively reduced from the 1970’s, are still extremely prevalent. In accordance with industrial production and processing of natural resources, statistics point at considerable quantities of herbicides, pesticides and insecticides infecting that fragile ecosystem at all levels. Good science has already established a link between imbalanced gut bacteria (leaky gut) and weakened immune systems. It is also a factor of obesity, particularly noted in developed nations. The principal ingredient of Monsanto’s Roundup, glyphosate, is the agent that causes guttural imbalance. After the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) monumental announcement that the chemical is a “probable carcinogen” (i.e. cancer causing), the Mainstream, aided by the men in white coats, have pounced at any opportunity to devalue that message.

monsantoweed-650x330For instance, Monsanto’s press agents have been quick to stress that “probable”, “possible” do not mean “is” [necessarily] and [as they are used] this is something like a disclaimer for their products so no one needs to pay attention (which I might add is sheer and unadulterated bullshit). That would be fine if the villainous WHO hadn’t decided that “certain” was too strong even though (and under enormous pressure to look the other way) all 17 cancer experts could not extricate the cause/effect link (as hard as they tried). We all know the ban of Monsanto’s products has begun in Europe, but it is likely to require an earthquake to fully dislodge those corporate interests. Thus, Jon Rappoport’s focus on glyphosate in relation to the Brazil and the microcephaly outbreak is a credible line of consideration. Whereas there is no connection between the chemical and ionizing radiation (causing horrific prenatal impairments to those exposed directly after a nuclear disaster), glyphosate is linked to autism (and ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease, Anencephaly, brain cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

Before I discuss the other Monsanto product range, genetically modified organisms, it is essential to establish the difference between a virus and a retrovirus. As with all things microscopic, the truth is never particularly clear, but I have found a source that offers an apt and contrite explanation of differences:


Virus contains DNA or RNA as their genetic material and DNA or RNA may be single stranded or double stranded. The core of viruses i.e. genetic material is surrounded by protein or lipoprotein coat. It is called as the capsid, and sometimes the capsid is enveloped with a membrane, when they are in the outside of a cell or host. Capsid is composed with identical units, which are called capsomeres. The capsid is symmetrical and varied from simple helical form to highly complex structures…


Viruses that carry reverse transcription are called retroviruses. This virus can convert their RNA into DNA copy. This process is catalyzed by reverse transcriptase enzyme. Then this DNA is integrated covalently into the host genome using integrase enzyme, which is coded by reverse transcriptase. So, retrovirus has a special advantage as a gene carrier. They are integrated into the host genome directly, but the reverse transcription is much faster than the normal transcription process and it is not much accurate. So offspring may be genetically different from the first generation. Retroviruses can cause HIV and number of cancers in animals.”

happy_green_monkeySummarised and with Ozzie Thinker lateral translation, a virus is inorganic (or redundant organic) matter that infects the living cell layer and a retrovirus is a virus that mutates in such a way it cloaks cellular DNA guaranteeing unchecked mutations (cancers) of the second generation or greater. It is logical to assume that an adopted alien cell system, foreign to the body, could effectively harbour a virus which, by causal effect, would become a retrovirus in undetected form. HIV, for instance, is arguably the retroviral product of something (virus) that lies dormant in apes and came into existence when batches of polio vaccines with cultured in the kidneys of live green monkeys and chimpanzees after serums were administered. So, returning to Bill Gates’ (alleged) genetically modified mosquitos introduced to the same region of Brazil which saw the microcephaly outbreak after a reported Zika virus spike, let us consider the possibilities.

These insects were made and introduced to, apparently, relieve the region of Dengue fever as the new mosquitos were predicted to overwhelm and squeeze out (per natural order) the larger, unmodified bugs. My other blog regularly features articles about other worldly, extra-terrestrial systems. In this case, I refer to the Draco’s (a shadow, extra-dimensional, reptilian hierarchy that monitors and controls man) numerous and unsuccessful attempts at creating a new human hybrid (our replacements). These guys have been at it for billions of years. Monsanto or some other organisation comes along and, in two minutes, expects to overcome the issues that have affected geneticists from the dawn of time? If a mosquito feeds on your blood, it makes an exchange of DNA, so every time a Brazilian is bitten by one of these little suckers they become a minuscule part GM mozzie (assuming the whole thing isn’t a giant hoax). I rather like this quasi-mainstream article that puts things into perspective:

“This theory suggests the Zika virus outbreak is the result of mosquitos genetically modified by British company Oxitec. The GM mosquitoes in question, Aedes aegypti, have been engineered so that when they breed with the normal population, none of the mosquito offspring survive…

…But this is nonsense. GM mosquitos cannot reproduce, and those that survived into adulthood cannot suddenly become infected with the Zika virus. Further to that, the Zika virus has been around for more than 60 years, having been first isolated in Uganda in 1947. It found its way from Africa and moved westwards, with cases in Micronesia, French Polynesia and Chile. It was first identified in Brazil in May 2015.”

It seems Zika fever is well known in India and has been around so long it perhaps was recorded in Vedic times. Unfortunately I have not been able to cite any specific examples in the holy texts, but I feel sure correct due diligence would show something. The important point is, if Zika fever originates from the same Zika viral strain that was discovered in 1947, then the connection with “genetically modified mosquitos” (if they exist in the region) is coincidental. Reading between the lines, additionally, it was only after the WHO 2015 announcement of a possible Zika virus threat that Brazil bothered to screen their populaces (or perhaps I have misread that from the dearth of propaganda). As, colloquially, viral symptoms are relatively mild and certainly not life threatening, perhaps Zika virus has been around in Brazil, noticed or unnoticed, for a very long time too. The Ugandan version discovered in 1947 is a flavivirus which affects the RNA. St Louis encephalitis is another flavivirus, so the microcephaly association was not entirely unwarranted. However, as it turns out the original 4,000 encephalitic disorders have been reduced to around 400, of which a mere 17 show a slight presence of Zika virus in the afflicted babies, due diligence has not been applied to the dissemination of information in the Mainstream.

In my extensive research for this article, I posited a line of enquiry to ascertain what the known agents of disease are. The answer was dramatically simple. There are four agents of disease: parasites, bacteria, fungi and pollutants. Now, of course, science journals expand this to five or more (depending how you class pollution) with the addition of viruses. Yet, to anyone that isn’t entirely boneheaded or corrupt it is strikingly obvious viruses are symptomatic effects of pollutants (organic or inorganic) and cancers are caused by a combination of fungi and pollutants. Shouldn’t the objective of true science be to identify what pollutants/fungi are responsible for diseases before branding symptoms or traits as the causes? Removal or eradication of the problem, will give no cause for symptoms.

tumblr_inline_nnqnv6F6rM1t1mtij_1280Jon Rappoport calls the CDC the new medical CIA for good reason, as we see from the atrocious handling of the very much current MMR scandal that, to them, medicine is an “op” or “ops”. Frankly, as we have discovered here, the WHO isn’t much better. It offers fear mongering propaganda in place of what should be sanity. No wonder the world’s finest medics are seen as little more than quacks by serious investigators, committed thinkers. That is because just about all have some vested interests supporting the very same propaganda that has created the dreadful mess called governance. Governments that supposedly administer for the people exist in worlds adrift of reality. Insistence on spinning fantasy myths that sometimes amount to absolute hogwash is the anchor we, the people, rely on. That mainstay is attached to the ship by a silk thread and the malignant ones know it, but because people (generally speaking) are such cowards, they cling to the journey to oblivion for dear life.

WHO_vaccinationReturning back to the topic and the Zika/encephalitis outbreak in Brazil, culprits are conclusively obvious to me. The microcephaly condition was not caused by Zika or any other fantastical virus. In fact there was no direct culprit. Though the true number of instances of affliction has been dramatically reduced for this localised region of Brazil to a few 100’s complaints, there are about 25,000 comparable encephalic conditions in the US alone, annually. Why not focus on this given the panic over Brazil? Because Brazil is actually about “damage control”, but let me continue with the summary before I explain why. Zika’s presence was irrelevant, incidental. Please be clear on this. There were two issues at play. The first was the TDaP vaccine. We do not know, but can assume thimerosal laced serum was issued in Brazil. Net effect was mother and child’s immune systems were challenged and, in the case of some infants’, severely weakened. Thus, when each mother and partner lovingly witnessed the fresh ultrasound images of their bundles of joy-to-be, little did they know of the dangers, which, in normal circumstances, weren’t there. Sound waves do generate radiation of a sort, but it hasn’t been discovered by human science yet. So, there is no connection with potentially harmful ionizing radiation and sound per se. The machines that deliver ultrasonic beams are radioactive and miniscule amounts leaked would have been enough to seriously affect a seriously weakened foetus. Case closed.

bill-gatesSo, let us consider the fantasy that has been generated by the WHO and other Mainstream or alternative information outlets and why. They have selected a virus as the possible cause which is a known dud. To show how serious this is (or they are), a Hyderabad bio-merchant is 10 years away from developing a Zika vaccine. It is strange that this ex. Islamic fiefdom and thorn-in-side of the autocratic rulers is India’s champion in the fight against a known dud. Zika headliners have blanketed all major news feeds, as a lot of money has been invested in pharmaceutical stocks. Did not Bill Gates and Warren Buffet collectively chip in $60 billion (wasn’t it?), as mates do? Then Bill kindly gave away $5 billion (right?) to India (again?). The alternative news streams conjured up the mother of all fiendish diversions. They created killer genetically modified mosquitos and that shifted the focus away from Zika and onto the possibility of a (retrovirus) mutation of Dengue fever. All these possibilities and not a single truth in sight! There was no deadly mutation and there were no genetically modified mosquitos. That was a ruse and I am sure Bill Gates, being in the club, is laughing heartily.

trumpAs I have outlined, the real causes of the Brazilian tragedy were not mentioned in the Mainstream and may have been manipulated out-of-context by most alternative sources. In the years I have been writing, it has become increasingly clear that the alternatives are witting or unwitting agents of the precise same tyrants that determine what the Mainstream is allowed to say. In this particular case, hidden toxins in vaccines and the transparent effect of industrial pollutants [in bodies] are an absolute no no. In conjunction, the fact that both culprits were innocently delivered by ignorant medics because they have been branded safe by propaganda spinners suggests that wider populaces might be incensed into outright rebellion should they ever comprehend the truth. To avoid that dark day, this skilful subterfuge has been woven into the Mainstream, including most science journals. Mildly questioning the efficacy of certain statements is the closest we come to dissent. Most of those flames are vigorously fanned down by the crowing voices of evil.

Fantasy dressed as truthThe overall objective is far worse than even the most ardent critic [of the system] would imagine. The reason situations unravel as though they were part of some theatre or chess moves on a giant board is that is precisely what is going on. Truth has been replaced by “the message”. The objective, end game, is total control of humanity (the board). Industrialists deliberately pollute and then sterilise, then pollute again in order to solve the problem, on and on, ad infinitum as that ensures perennial control. It means nature no longer satisfies man’s lifespan; their medicines do. Those we want to perish we do not assist. The rest are kept alive courtesy of the system (all those good vaccines, cannabis oil, if necessary and so on). The military, for their part, are not merely spreaders of pollution, but also arbitrate clandestine operations of terror for purposes of manipulation, removal of obstacles or infrastructural support. Though they say, “sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you” to kids, this isn’t true. Those that study the effect of Voodoo quickly realise words are far more effective than remedial action, certainly when trying to convert large numbers quickly. The military-industrial corporate complex may be the producers of most toxins that cause most illnesses plaguing this planet, but without their vile unscrupulous “science-journalists”, mutinies would have haemorrhaged at the highest levels and caused systemic collapse long ago.