Prophecy, prediction and consensus view – preconditioning for spirited souls?

Traditionally I have released themed articles in time for Christmas and New Year’s here. Though I broke from full time work mid-December, sadly all literary efforts ended up needing to be devoted to a wordy masterpiece that was eventually published on 3rd January at another of my websites. Next day, I began work on this entry with intensity. Prior to putting pen to paper (as it were) again, I had checked my “in progress or to be written” open correspondence file and stumbled upon a dusty old archive. Back then (2014), I was still vaguely attached to certain pioneer movements who systematically work through “conspiracy theories”. In that capacity efforts were partly devoted to upturning stones and exploding myths with ambition towards revealing the best approximations of pure truth hidden in a volatile ocean of misconceptions. The title of the original manuscript (that was used as the inspiration for this essay) was “Prophesies, Predictions and Preconditioning”. Controversially minimal, rather aptly only one note was attached to the file.

US Agency for International Development – “population reduction” Program Director, Reimart Ravenholt, reputedly aimed to sterilise one quarter of the world’s women (1977) just before the introduction of AIDS

We have all been exposed in some way to the excesses of establishment fuelled negativity generated towards conspiracy theories, reflecting “theorists” and the “horrors” of an open unregulated internet. Needless to say, ironical official government theories and parallel conspiracies are often largely true, but also divisively true.  I’ll contend stories that go the other direction invariably promote outright lies. How did Hitler put it?

If you are going to tell a lie, make sure it is a big one. Tell it over and over until everyone has no choice but to believe it.”

The real scandal, therefore, is found in the wide reliance on best-of-breeds “obtuse reasoning”. By example, Imagine you see before you a picture of some sort of idyllic scene beneath an airy bright blue sky. Location is unimportant. Out of view by several kilometres and completely omitted from the picture is a topology that would be described very differently. This “slant” image per my example comprises of several giant industrial chimney stacks that continuously and voluminously belch hideous gaseous plumes into the heavens. The effect promotes the unruly build-up of flailing, filthy black smog whose pungent foulness seems to permanently stain the clouds. All this chaos is out-of-view on our imaginary idyllic canvass, but, given a wider picture, conspiracies might focus on the negative in isolation “for impact”. The political arena (which absolutely underscores the establishment heart) champions identical rose tinted duplicity as there are no or next to no dissenting voices prepared to vocalise beyond standardised obtuse reasoning mandates (i.e. such as choosing to ignore industrial waste, in my example) and that is where the major issue lies for governments (and those that call governments to account) of the world in general.

Significant changes to my original (2014) conceptual title were made with the additions “consensus view” and, I must say rather ambiguous, “spirited souls”. Consensus view somewhat echoes another archived “to be written” memo, contritely titled “Attitude”. One note and single line “a bad attitude is good” confidently anticipates intentions, which, of course, clearly subliminally emphasises the power objective belying propagandas. Even so there is a correlation I haven’t discussed yet. Consensus view directly impacts obtuse reasoning. In fact, so much so, it beckons the hard to confirm question; did obtuse reasoning pre-empt consensus view or was it the other way round? This is, I might add, a question committed conspiracy theorists invariably fail to address and one of the pivotal arguments I use against most so-called “alternative” views.

I note just about all views either respond to relative ignorance or general superstition (deliberate or otherwise). Others will parasite off different consensuses whose varied appraisals of content boils down to the same equally acrid mulch that lends favour to official decorum. In addition to the syndrome, I have also observed that if one “camp” says “yes”, the alternative instinctively emphatically responds “no”. Considering this “us” versus “them” dichotomy, it seems entirely plausible for me to at least “determine” that a sole basic planner might be scripting an “ongoing without end” (mock) contest. Currently this is fought between “that which is official” (good) and “the antipathy towards anything official” (evil). Doubtlessly my theoretical planners’ will (desire) would be (perhaps posthumously) advanced by pyramidal structures in precisely the same manner (and possible extension of) the “good government” versus “evil anarchist” visceral war that has been expressed through the ages.

Speaking of good and evil, discussions about spirit and soul can lead to equally emotive bipartisan debates. It seems that which isn’t solid, under terms of atheism, grants indefinite license to create all manners of bullshit. Though outpourings about the immaterial might generate “fashionable” truths on occasion, because everything in that domain is perceived to be unprovable, the nicest speaker may as well seek an appreciative audience. In other words, for affairs that transcend physicality, truth is superfluous.  For example many believe the current pope “must” know something about God because he is head of the Catholic Church. In this context, whenever the pope makes a grotesque revelation about the paranormal (which includes everything spiritual) it must be true to believers. Conversely, per identical obtuse reasoning, anything that contradicts, defies or invalidates the pope’s “truths” are unquestionably (the equivalent of) revisionist. Conversely, the lone agent of prohibition blocking any pope’s charismatic attempts to “pioneer new divinities” is tradition. Traditionalism acts as guide, juror and potential censor. To make matters worse, most religions’ customs and cultures have become so bloated there is near zero opportunity for fundamental or symptomatic evolutionary change.

It should hardly surprise, given that background, my occasional verbal intercourse incidents with the “very religious” over the years has produced little more than persistent reactions against unresolvable lop sided circular arguments. Prognosis of opinions, in terms of spirit and soul from the philosophical standpoint, make entertaining review. For my research, by example, the average very religious person will only identify superficial differences between spirit and soul and, when challenged, will consciously demonstrate an overall inability to draw on formal assessable basis to separate the two. Quintessentially and rather conclusively, matters to do with God to them (the overly religious) are definitely not meant to be understood.  Arguably, the syndrome might well be appraised a symptom of feeble misappropriation of the concept glibly termed “blind faith” (comprehended best when paraphrased “blind ignorance for ignorant people”). Of course the problem with calculated blind denial of truth is eventually gulfs of misunderstanding form basis for decision making. Predictably consequential judgements invariably have cause to become so riddled with error; choices of the poorest quality can be exalted as “good practice” (sic). It could be said, cultures that cover up social ignorance make fodders for war.

Though the path to enlightenment is the antipathy of indoctrination, the permanently blind or visually impaired never see colour. The same can be said of those sighted whose deliberate misappropriation of ability is designated to spurn competent recollection of inherent truths. Even so, I do occasionally like to tease intellectual lepers in the spirit of fun. Most recently I have been bestowed with a power of existential knowledge that is so expansive, my “armour chest” (so to speak) is as big as Pandora’s Box, but (and contrary to that which is rational) this was not always the case. Tedium of past pointless cogitations can be no more praise God and that assures my altercations with dogmatism are blissfully short and absurdly sweet. Direct discussions of this type have included musings on matters spiritual, I recall. In that capacity, most unmoved “believers” would focus on the intolerable importance of a mythical unknown “Saviour”, whose sole identifiable miracle was to become posthumously “known” by that consequence. Their reasoning, if I dare call it that, proposes an angelic domino effect that replicates His “appearance” to feverishly ignorant folks who, once bitten by this deistic virus, become insanely obsessed with “succumbing” to all associated infectious dogmas no matter how spurious. I have, consequentially, needed to learn to agitate, shimmy and side-step their rebuttals at light speed. Nothing is worse than becoming bogged down with aimless nihilism (yes, wilful procrastination is an abject form of nihilism). No fraudulent messiah will cover up that fact.

Hit ‘em hard and hit ‘em quick is my way. Tried and tested many, many times, the best attack strategy against religious fanatics is to haggle for the promotion of sincere spirituality whilst warding off the fake stuff of fluff and fantasy. Always ask direct questions of the type “what is a soul?Never request, only demand answers. Even so, it is wise to cast some background before diving straight in with the hard questions. These guys (the terminally religious) are experts at dilly-dallying. Without clear defining lines, you are only guaranteed to generate countering verbal diarrhoea. The step approach seems to work best. That first step towards (and let’s harness the mission here) inducing another’s demystification is what I fondly term “bursting the bubble”. The smartest and easiest way to lampoon aimlessness is by the removal of all distracting debris. Religious folks fear authenticity’s values (sincere truth is symptomatically gnarled) as though it was the devil in making himself, so if any vassal has the fortitude to impress any kind of picture at all; it is bound to present “foggilyat best. Thus, step one towards demystification has to be the “total removal of existence”. That’s the removal of everything and not merely convenient bits that “obstruct” wider considerations.

It’s funny but the “very religious” (particularly Christians) are not “very” bright (light, logos, logic, intelligence) and not at all spiritual (creative). This is best highlighted by the commonest answer to my rhetorical question (and primary step towards disillusionment) “what’s left after a freak disappearance of everything?” Standard feedback to this is the antiphon “nothing”. Ok, I usually paraphrase the question differently. I usually ask, “If God removed everything you know to be “existence” in an instant, what would be left?” Responses are mostly the same. Occasionally a smart ass retorts, “Well, [my] God wouldn’t do that.” Look, I know blasphemy was one of the great Pharisaic deceptions that has somehow become common doctrine now (i.e. Moses’ “Commandments”), but telling God what “He” can or cannot do, well I think that is taking the biscuit. The objection can be fairly easily dispelled anyway. Maybe try “use your imagination, if you’ve got one” for starters. I admit I did have one really stubborn guy once who dug his heels in so deep, it seemed like nothing would move that rock. Eventually I came up with the master stroke. “Imagine, as a test, which was associated with the Day of Judgement, God removed existence – temporarily. I can’t say why, because we both know He is allowed to work in mysterious ways”, I beamed. Finally he accepted the “mysterious ways” paradox.

So, the predominant answer to ending existence was there was nothing left. Of course, this pre-empts potentially hilarious responding high jinx but you need to be there to appreciate them.  Watch the Christian squirm when you accuse him of being (…drum roll) “an atheist”. Well, this is true! A conventional atheist “believes” there is nothing beyond material existence. Be it there is much they (non-believers) cannot explain and many “miracles” (far more miraculous than the Saviour could have ever concocted) coincided with “Big Bang”, those adepts-in-waiting with suitably “muted vision” will easily succumb to fantasy; Christians included it seems. But hard line worshippers are resilient if nothing else. They recover from knocks in poor taste quickly. My uncompromising stick-in-the-mud partner also predictably fell into the “nothing” trap moments after expressing “absolute devotion” to God. Don’t you see the irony? He didn’t, but I can. Anyway, with regards supposedly devout Christians, I learnt nothing can also be something, because after existence vanished at the drop of a hat (and a lot of head scratching), “the void” (per se) unexplainably and conveniently can transform into “heaven” depending on circumstances (which God only knows). Heaven, according to these boneheads, is a place of bliss, where no malice is possible. Complimenting that warped tradition, it also happens to be a place of pure goodness that exclusively only “lets in” Christians. Avowed to avenge the Jews (canned laughter), I shall now attempt to demonstrate how to turn conceptual heaven into hell “for dummies”.

Hell, heck, damnation, call it what you will, causes Christians awkward problems. It is a “known of” place that invariably deflects consideration, less chaotic focus. Perhaps we see evidence of symptomatic conditioning here. The Baptist championed ancient proverb “Hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil” humbles Hades, Beelzebub (or Yaldebroath or Adam incidentally) and everything from the dark side to obsoleteness. Given my slapstick up to this point, a smidgen more jollity surely wouldn’t harm? Let’s face it, to valiantly deflate the Christian’s “heaven” the intellectual champion simply has to state the obvious. Therefore, next supplementary question (and step two of this mission towards demystification) has to be “what about heck?” Now “evil people and non-Christians” must go somewhere post “expiry”, right? And that ponderable pitches our devout enthusiasts somewhere between an intellectual rock and a hard place.

They all know there is “limited space” in purgatory. Considering that even Jesus recognised and apparently mentioned hell several times (albeit periodically paraphrased it as the “outer darkness where beasts wail and gnash their teeth”), the paradox cannot be “wished away” even by the puniest of minds or, rather, not at least in serious discussions with spiritually “highbrow” strangers. Every Christian I have interviewed has reluctantly contended that hell not only “exists”, but resides in a no man’s land that is beyond existence, To make matters worse, due to the absence of time/space, it has to be right on the doorstep of heaven. That leaves but one option to save the average Christian libido. Conceptualisations of the scripts I am sure vary in personality, but, suffice to say, to put reasoning “in a nutshell”, for the zealous existence is the proverbial “wall” that separates heaven and hell. Ironically, this is closer to the truth than the feeble minded might imagine.

Still, when it comes to nether regions, the Christian’s imagination is honed to peak optimisation. Everyone (to degrees) tries to impress what they want to be (true) over what is, but some manage to proffer vanity to its limit. Apparently a moat with crocs teaming to the brim may be conveniently positioned between heaven and heck in order to split oblivion into two sacred but by no means related domains. That, believe it or not, was a genuine piece of feedback I had received in response to the heaven/hell dilemma. I don’t know why I didn’t see it before. Ok, I am aware the Victorian era British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli is attributed as saying, “sarcasm is the lowest form of wit”, but an occasional facetious bite does enhance pantomime. And these hard line Christians would make me chuckle on a regular basis, was it not for the fact the issues exposed are the very same ones God wants us to fix. Segregated heavens caused the problem with existence in the first place, amply explained by the Gnostics (those interested in knowing more would do well to start with John’s Apochryphon in the Hag Hammadi scrolls). “Branding” people evil is a form of evil. We only have to look to the sage Krishna who eloquently identified, “[True] spirituality brings to freedom, so forces of evil paralyse (censor and destroy)”.

Putting Christians and other raging fanatics to one side, if I could summarise everyone’s honest attitude towards most others (and particularly strangers), sentiment as dialogue would be expressed in the following way:

I say “fuck you” (to everyone that knows something I don’t know).

(When I presume to know everything), I say “fuck you” too.”

It is high time humanity moved off the perilous “look after number one” course. It’s killing you – literally. All wars are sold on the look after number one excuse. “One”, in this instance, is the “great group”, albeit sometimes the great group can delineate into strata subgroups within groups. Look how Japanese Americans were marginalised throughout US involvement in the Second Word War. Propagandists maintain spin cycles that presume everyone can and will be conditioned with depressing consistency. To the propagandist a human being is a wilful slave, so marketing programs are designed to drive and capture recruits. Per that model, the underscored narrative line must never falter. Paradoxes, contradictions and anomalies are verboten, Results speak for themselves. These illustrious tailors have been remarkably successful in their quest. It seems as though there is an endless supply of soldiers ready to apply relish to squandering their own lives for absurdity. Worse still, licensed murderers may kill with impunity.

We now know when it comes to matters of spirit and soul, hard line Christians are weak on explanations to say the least. Indeed, to them separation of “roles” usually proves to be more paradoxical even than the physical placement of heaven and hell. Though I’ve been highlighting devout Christians up to now, no single person I have ever corresponded with has comprehensively been able to demonstrate correct visualisation of the soul/spirit “value base”. Many, in fact just about all, graft spiritual qualities onto souls. Maybe, and though rarely specifically identified as such, the soul is deemed to have some association with (if not also made of) light. God’s true purpose behind the deliberate placement of spirit and soul is about as alien as the average extra-terrestrial (and I am referring to the ones that remain permanently unknown here).

In fairness, identifying the soul, in particular, can be pretty tricky. When you don’t know what to look for, cohesive apperception becomes exponentially more challenging. For instance, the sincere atheist would deny the soul as it is immaterial. My own book The Beauty of Existence Decoded attempts to expose the chassis that tenures the bare bones of reality. In doing so, I tend to complicate things for perception. I introduce conflicting truths.  Top down view is far simpler and easier to understand, but that visualisation (even when flawlessly presented) doesn’t come to grips with “processes”. How is the result of a soccer match worth anything if the actual game is unavailable for scrutiny? Also, contrary to popular “belief”, there is no “group” or “cosmic” mind mimicking divine government (beyond the Tamarian, from which “Adam” or Yaldebroath was a consequence). Christ’s Consciousness (as is embraced by the Catholic Church) is Sephardic make-believe, nonsense, bullshit designed to enslave the gullible for the overall empowerment of those that control. Paranormal interventions, extra-terrestrial/dimensional influencers and noisome human charlatans routinely issue dogmatic propagandas tuned to deliver grades of indoctrination? Yes to all of those, but no to an effervescent meddling God. Then again, it should be noted The Prime Source (extra-terrestrial signature signifying the Almighty God) does “mess with” all DNA, but that’s moving along a tangent best explored another time.

For now, I will try and précis the “lite” versions of spirit and soul in the simplest of terms. Presuming there isn’t a transcendental “presiding” ultra-group that contravenes causal oversight (which there isn’t by the way, unless we factor in the Tamarian, which travels all the up the astral states), the spirit is “light” and the soul is “darkness”. Yes, it is as simple as that. The spirit and the soul are indelible partners of the Buddhist concept Yin Yang. Of course, that motivates distinct moral dilemmas. Born again Christians have been indoctrinated into prostrating before dogmatic evil heralds from darkness and “light vanquishes all evil” (which when correctly translated actually means wisdom conquers doubt). Considered reasoning behind their beliefs are “normally” obtuse, generally speaking, minds are notably possessed in this specific instance. Dangerous, divisive traditional views impede valid interpretations. For example, given the knowledge the soul is darkness; does that mean it should be denied? Emphatically no, for conceptual evil heralding from darkness is one of the almighty religious deceits. Promoted near universally the malice is aimed squarely at corrupting the identity of the essence of humanity (collectively bound by the Tamarian under the framework of “Adam” of course). Origins of the true fabrication of evil are all but forgotten. We need to hark back to the creation of the material universe to appreciate precise logic behind myths. Can I say “once upon a time”? Anyway, an incredibly long time ago there was an age when (as the Gnostics and Babylonians put it) “God slumbered”, but then a schism in bliss (God’s collective uniform state) caused the fractal development of aeons (distinct traits of God) before they were able to manifest. One, who is fondly remembered as “Sophia” (or wisdom) decided to drive manifestation beyond bliss. Consequentially holistic existence came into being on her (his) terms. I shall now attempt to describe the process.

At this time, before there was linear time, there was nothing but nothing. And from nothing Sophia (who, though the Gnostics termed as “female”, embraced male spiritual qualities with feminine care) caused an imperceptible rip that had the potential to become a gateway to something. The gateway did manifest and later became known as “Satan” (which the most ancient ones called “blessed”). Modern astrologers would correctly identify it as a star. Thus, strictly speaking, Satan was first known as the “Blessed Star”. Only long after when Satan was a “distant memory” did negative aspersions attempt to distort truth. So much so, the fantasy that is popularised today (and which may only be regarded as a vile anathema to truth) transcended due diligence to become “common doctrine”. Without Satan’s gateway existence could not have manifest for there was no light then. Upon Sophia’s divine directive, the heavens were instantaneously created and segregated by seven spherical divides which would later become generally known as the heavenly states (each representing the fundamental expressive traits of God). Per her (his) plan, existence equated to and was astral purity.

Yet, as the “Holy Spirit” (created by the aeons to be their corporeal prophet and arbiter) predicted, God did not appreciate His slumber with the others detached. The rest, the dark, needed to join the light for they felt excluded. However, Satan’s gateway was only commissioned to release light. Potently inventive, in order to join the brethren, darkness reconfigured as forms of light (atomic pulse) and this confused the giant star. Still, Satan remained resilient to the cause. He kept the dark (but not hostile) forces at bay for as long as he was able, but more and more joined the throngs to create overwhelming pressure. Eventually nothing (even light) could access the vent or pass the gateway. It was thoroughly blocked. But the build-up kept building and building and the pressure mounted and mounted. Something had to “give” and eventually in one all mighty “blow”, dark matter overwhelmed the Blessed Star’s magnetic field (which, ironically, without dark matter, would never have been) and powered into existence. From that moment onwards reality (per Sophia’s “plan”) changed forever (as all “stars” have the same basic redundancy flaw). The material plane was born and this, in its entirety, is how the ancients’ originally defined “evil”. To them materialistic peoples (or “materialists”) were the roots of all evil. Spiritual, astral, faith-driven bodies preceded goodness.

Observance of modern day Satanism is the evolution of mumbo jumbo (begun perhaps by 1800’s industrialists) output under the spurious auspices of [secret] esoteric societies. These “energy portals” (as the Draco call them) were manipulated by the Sephardim and other external entities when society members attempted to contact the “other world” (usually by séance).  Hitler’s association with the German Thule Movement is widely publicised. Ancients taught that Satan, in the capacity of Blessed Star, had been conquered by matter and, thus, forces aligned with matter were the “evil” that prohibited pure (spiritual) existence. There is no greater materialistic soul than a sceptical industrialist, so it was in the best interest of principled commerce (beginning long before biblical times) to deliberately craft the Satan deception (obscuring the truth for “prosperity’s sake”). It was the materialists that the ancient ones warned us (the spiritual) of. Oversimplifying truth in misleading ways, usurpers (Pharisees), discombobulated the ancients’ wisdom into new terms per their gross distortion. Corresponding with that trickery, Satan’s gate now deliberately let in “evil” (under those terms, how on Earth does satanic equate to “wrong doing” anyway?) which is an absolute whopping great lie.

Regardless of the tarnished fact, matter is not going to “pop out of existence” (Satan’s volcanic atomic eruption misconstrued as “Big Bang” is another industrialist backed outright con. Details of which can be found in my book). Because of their basic (but unavoidable) design flaws, all stars will vent dark matter at the end of their useful cycles. Derelicts are posthumously known as “black holes” (even Israel’s champion Stephen Hawking has had to grudgingly admit that vanquished stars spew “something” into the cosmos). Interestingly, there were no souls prior to the introduction of dark matter. That makes them a phenomenon intrinsically connected with the manifestation of existence (adrift of spirituality). Drawing from my The Beauty of Existence Decoded, according to science the average sized [human] body has around 5 x 10 to the power 27 souls. Well, actually, science doesn’t mention souls at all, but if it understood the transcendental purpose atoms play in respect to life, that would become the formal science assessment.

I referenced Charles Hall’s photon theory once before. Hall extrapolates Albert Einstein’s “missing fields” and this stresses how poorly materialism conceptualises the quantum layer. Junk science may attempt to satirically ridicule DNA, but the real farce is DNA can only be found in black light, whose mechanics draw out relative gibberish from traditional physicists. If only they had studied at Atlantis and learnt of the significance of the Tamarian. Nuclear tyrant Oppenheimer’s psychotic ignorance (domino effect collapsing all matter) does not excuse him. Even so, and though I haven’t cited the paper, I am led to believe the Australian Chris Illert has been able to prove Theosophical “opinions” on the structure of atoms reflecting information channelled via séance at the turn of last century by conventional means. Alleged extra-terrestrial visitors who resided in Spain in the 1950’s have also presented a variation of the same basic outline. It is one I favour as it is the easiest to understand (unlike the unnecessarily convoluted clap trap that coordinates supposedly cutting edge mainstream theories that “shape” the endless “new discoveries” churned out of the Hadron Collider and other sensational “props”). Unworldly “Ummos” informed us that atoms have three “light phases” working in unison – the upper, lower and middle frequencies. Ancient Atlantis sages have been attributed as having the ability to manipulate these pulses with their minds only. They apparently did this well enough to alter signal properties. Their great alchemists could turn anything into gold with no need of mundane chemicals or flasks.

The Atlanteans knew that each atom is a miniscule piece of subspace real estate. In addition, according to their Tamarian philosophy, all atoms (the group) can be perceived as an expanding, but permanently interconnected mesh. I plan to expand on this illumination in the future and have already headlined a blank manuscript. “Does the Draconians’ False (Light) Matrix Leverage off the Ancient Atlantis Tamarian?” that will likely find a place at my other website that focuses on the paranormal. Returning to ordinary matters, mainstream quantum mechanics generally (and erroneously) evaluates the symptomatic effects elevated by force fields aimed at “containing” each centrifugal nucleus. In this capacity aroms generate the pulse or “echo” of holographic solidity which (amongst others things) emphasises mass (or magnetism). Specifically tuned to our dimension, the mechanism logically has no influence on other density fields “out of frequency range”. Were our pedestrian sciences to become acutely coherent on the subject (which is an unlikely prospect, given “industrial” materialism mandate), “frequency catalyser” models (functionality extra-terrestrial Zeta Grey Beings have been trying to raise awareness of via “crop circle” diagrams) might be best applied at the conceptualisation stages.

In fairness (and credit where credit’s due) string and super string theory do have the potential to decode the atom, but not on current course. As Suzy Hanson identified (details are unspecific) in her book The Dual Soul Connection, [Zeta, though she doesn’t specifically identify the fact] Grey Beings were able to (somehow and much to the bafflement of astrophysicist Rudy Schild) “switch off” an atom’s energy field (which also explains how their partner “Mantis Beings” are able to travel through the eye of a particle, by reputation). Atomic frequency harnesses all dimensions and contains all time, so these little babies are important to those that understand them. I pose the question (although I don’t formally supply answers) as to whether “time lords” could travel both ways once access to the ultimate dimension (Ummos called number ten) was available without restriction. Incidentally, I believe the Ummos were referring ten fundamental “states” of existence, which included the seven heavenly spheres. To confuse matters, these are routinely broken up into dimensions, densities and eras.

Switched on readers at this point (doubtlessly after some bafflement) might have encouraged sufficient resolve to pique a burning request of me. If “atoms” deliver souls, then does that mean inanimate objects, such as rocks [and stuff], have souls too? My goodness, my audience is on the ball today. That is an excellent and most perceptive question but I’m pleased to say the answer is “yes”. However I need to also qualify that souls contained in “rocks and stuff” are clinically different (dissimilar frequency “keys”) to life souls. Indeed, as a soul travels up the astral ladder partnering with spirituality, complimenting developmental quantities are laterally progressive. Readers with genius ambition would surely ask why [the need for all the subterfuge]? The answer to that is as plain as it is Earth shattering. In effect God “broke” after the initial creation of heavenly existence (long before material existence existed). Astral soul progress is part of the healing process, which, according to the Aryan Vedas, will take in the order of 311 trillion of our years to “complete” (when existence will revert to bliss?). Therefore, my apologies to charged crusaders, but you don’t conquer Rome in a day.

The soul is simple and complex. As I mentioned before, the most uniform way of “representing” it is as darkness, but that won’t mean too much to those that haven’t come to terms with the powerful structure of darkness. Identical to light, darkness is a hierarchy and atoms account for the very lowest level. In fact there is even a black spectrum which mirrors light in reverse. If I take the human body as an example, we are made of particles which collectivise to build our cell structures. Cells join to form into organs and other components. Some of these amass to collaborate into value added networks, such as the nervous system. But in supreme control of the body is a very special “high level” attribute, known simply as “the mind”. Correspondingly, we can argue our bodies are actually “pyramidal structures” below it.

Soul “categorisation” also identifies well with parts (and their roles) of the human body, but complexes are not matched. It is important to acknowledge the “soul” is not an individual but, rather, the collaboration of “many”. Every soul motivated decision is the result of a reaction (to be deciphered as original thought) that is backed by a “chorus”. Whether inanimate or animate, individual things that are the many parts that make up the material plane are all individually composed of huge numbers of atoms. There are no exceptions to that rule at the lowest level (and that is the reason material existence is very inflexible when benchmarked against the astral). Were all atoms to be given pivotal political decision making roles, “logical chaos” would reign. Once again, as is the case with components of the human body, individual atoms join to create “guilds”. These, in turn, establish “networks”, up and up until only a handful of respondents actually voice “the obvious” (utopian coordination of harmonic resonance). This small managerial posse (which mimics the indecisiveness of every stable mind) is the best approximation of something that might “fit” the distorted tradition (an anathema) humans identify as “soul”. It is a construct, of course, because that is all it can be.

To continue with any authority, simplicity is no longer plausible in treatment of this subject matter. The dedicated and intellectually superior are advised to read on. Others may leave to make tea, feed the pig or entertain lighter but meaningful preoccupations. So, without further ado, continuation now becomes much more complex as there are other aspects to this conundrum that either identify with or are regularly “confused as” the soul. For instance, what are the differences between the conscious, subconscious (or unconscious) and the super conscious in respect to the above? Is the “soul” an integral part of each or does it branch in order to satisfy differing needs/perspectives of severed states or apportions? Classically, those devoutly religious magically reconstruct the higher self as a proto-soul. Moreover (emphasising the “ego” is profoundly misunderstood too) the higher self is most commonly transformed (a construct) into something that might equate to the (perceived as) best bits of the collective egotistic wisdom of popular “TV personalities” (or akin “role model” devices), so it isn’t really the higher self at all. Thus, routine deduction suggests each proto-soul has to be a crafty caricature of the true higher self (which is not formally recognised as such) and this is a spectral aspect of the spirit. If the spirit is to be loosely classed as “graded astral compliance”, then the ego (consciousness) would represent the collective lowers states. In toto, the subconscious coordinates mid-range value expressions and the super conscious is the closest approximation to “heaven on Earth” for a living, terrestrial body.

If only convergence was that simple. You see the ego is actually a figment which is comprised of flawless light body, “hard” physical body and various supplementary external components (superficially attached). Ego is a “bundle”. It is a conscious spirited material (soul) cooperative. The ego is often misconstrued as arrogance. It is not arrogance per se, although obstinate behaviour would be very representative of selfish nature and self is the epitome of ego. Like the soul, the self is a multi-faceted product. No one thing is particularly reflected, but overall a noteworthy identity (classically termed as “the personality”) presides over the directive life force (coordinating work towards common interests of the parts). Dramatic sustained personality changes (commonly after trauma) signify swaps of ego ownership. Souls are hierarchically stronger as they are aloof (even though a soul’s lateral development directly corresponds with the ego’s life course). It may only be a figment of time, but the ego is so highly regarded (by The Prime Source), after the power source (spirit) decides it is ready to detach from the body (the stage that is commonly known as “death”) a complete record is preserved for prosperity. Each “record” lives on in void format. The Babylonians called these “shadows”. Shadows are the limbo stages between incarnations. They notably factor when unforeseen circumstances lead to unprepared deaths.

The way a life is preserved directly corresponds with how “time” is structured and works (hence the importance of atomic particles). Linear perception only succumbs to the illusion of causal reality (note: this should not to be compared against erroneous “so-called” causality). Similar to the way a computer’s hard drive functions, the script permitting time sits constantly in the present (which is actually past, present and future combined). Via plotted coordinates, the same script resource can be used (over and over) in an infinite number of [different] ways, satisfying an infinite number of platforms and an infinite number of causalities (timelines). In the case of newly created shadows, pre-set routes double as record of old lives and blueprint for new lives. Thus, each shadow attempts to identically re-enact old lives (albeit with the objective of fixing issues or “doing it better next time round”). Naturally external parameters are invariable so different or heavily adjusted, each “new life” would not even vaguely compare to ones prior. Figurative “déjà vu” is the commonest parallel lives memory symptom. Another effect which confirms a shadow’s numerous incarnate “run throughs” is cumulative “instinct”. Contrary to popular belief, Instinct does not come naturally. It is the evolutionary response of many consecutive lives imprinted on hierarchical DNA.

For new lives to have any hope of matching the prior course, all (or the majority of) original connections would have to be in place. To a degree this is so, but definition will not favour the ardent egotistical materialist. Accountants would say all the pieces were actually in the wrong places, mixed up and “functionally defunct” (compared with originals). Yet, the truth is all the parts were in the precise places they needed to be for the new life to function optimally, even when the user’s survival duration was less than a minute. Existence accommodates limitless numbers of lives for innumerable purposes. Plausibly safe routes are present for those that choose to avail them. The quality of the stage we call death determines the speed of carnal transition. Peaceful deaths, such as “still birth”, would usually promote back-to-back lives (or instant reincarnation, though transference does not necessarily observe traditional linear definition). Traumatic or unfulfilled ends will naturally prolong transition. Certain individuals respond so badly to circumstances it is impossible to recirculate them. I hope the war machine feels warm about its unconscionable tyranny. How anyone can kill an unknown for the sake of “following orders” defies belief. But militant disrespect is not the only transgressor on that front. The deceitful “health” industry “helps” people die well before their time.

There are many different brands of “prophecy” and “prediction” aimed at courting the consensus view. Auspices such as conspiracy theories go some way to deflecting criticisms of mainstream inappropriateness, but balances that construe scales of political conduct are expansive. Of course political criticisms are almost always correct, but with such range much disagreeable dirt finds a way into the mainstream too, even if only for (as Jon Rappoport puts it) limited hangout. I have been particularly focusing on monstrous paedophilia in relation to these phenomena. Paedophilia itself is not “necessarily” monstrous, but maybe it is, depending on critical circumstances. What is undeniably evil about the theatricals that surround publicised [legally defined as] underage sex incidents is they reflect an accusatory court system that judges without being just.

The reason late Michael Jackson summonsed over a thousand (mostly perjuring) witnesses to defend him is he proved he was able to overwhelm the prosecution’s charge with counter accusations. To put things in perspective, a deceitful, lying Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) manipulated all mainstream Medias to conjure prejudice of the magnitude that they thought would be enough to “frame” their target, Michael Jackson. The net effect of this cooperative subterfuge appears to have been modelled on advice contained in Hitler’s Mein Kampf.  “He’s guilty as sin no question about it, [give him the chair]” (as monotonous strangled exclaims) was repeated over and over like some tortured, hapless proverb. Jackson, fortunately in this instance, was as bright as he was recalcitrant. His familiar lyrical warble ever so gently persuaded “I am innocent because I’m pure”, but people struggled to believe it as he was given so little air time and the mainstream had been running their “whacko Jacko” side campaign geared to presenting him as “a nutcase” all the while. Those that listened really carefully to Jackson couldn’t have helped but picking up a hint of “you conceited, dishonest assholes” in the subliminal. We all know our government sponsored agencies are “beyond external criticism” so his fate was doubtlessly meant to be a “fait accompli”.

My last article dealt with the dynamics of child abuse (sic), but did not explain how it was possible to manufacture perjury more or less universally. Newspapers so regularly jump the gun on judgemental statement, people have become obliviously desensitised to their deceitful practices. When hundreds and hundreds of unrelated headlines deliver the same basic corrupt message over and over (Hitler’s Mein Kampf comes to the surface again), a cultivation of truth-of-sorts is brought into being. Deceitful corruption transforms into truth because no one challenges the singular original message (which is established through its repetition). This is partly because newspapers (all referring to near identical sources) create the illusion – the public voice. Thousands of newspapers can’t “all” be wrong, surely? As there is invariably a solitary fire source for each aggressively billowing smoke stack, “thousands” of reports in different newspapers in reality boil down to one voice, one view, one replicated propaganda pitch. Whilst it may be possible to launch private paedophilia prosecutions, every case publicised by Medias thus far (to my knowledge) has demonstrated evidence of responses to claims of injustice by the public “guardian”. Therefore, specific Media sources for all publicised paedophile arrests are provided by the Department of Public Prosecution or law enforcement agents acting on its behalf.

Under conditions of aggregated sanity, this obvious collusive brainwashing exercise would have been sprung before the ink had barely dried on the first tabloid release. Let us consider the ramifications of collective gutless social cowardice. How many law enforcers arrest paedophiles with view to prosecution on suspicion of innocence?

Oh yes, we have to arrest a few innocents to prove “the [justice] system” is flawless

I was being sarcastic here because the reverse is true of course and it is far worse than that when “justice” is factored into the equation. To the law enforcer a “paedophile” is only “allegedprior to arrest. Once arrested, every suspect (sic) may as well plead guilty. The conspiracy here is newspapers only release the “view” [which I’m sure would equate to perjury in the “private sector”, by the way] of arbitrarily biased prosecutors and that almost always guarantees a win at court. It is no wonder the core message (in press releases) might as well read, “Why waste time and money on this trial?” Aside from the time poor reluctantly underpaid (why aren’t they allowed to claim lawyers or barristers’ rates?) jurors debacle, this fashion definitely looks back to those memorable “kangaroo courts” of the nineteenth century. Perhaps the plan is to ultimately bring back torture and confessions signed in blood.

Headlines are everywhere and these are designed to precipitate judgemental values that permeate the public mind.

I [personally] don’t know that guy but he’s “obviously” guilty because my newspapers/TV tell me so.

Even close family members of an “accused” can be swayed into “believing” just as easily as the rest. He must have led a double life is the usual “excuse” granted. The scandal merchants have any and all melodramatic outcomes covered. Therefore when law enforcement, building “the case”, wants to beef up “witness” (sic) numbers, they have actually even managed to convince an accused’s own brother or sister to testify negatively with nothing more than accusatory hearsay providing “basis” for statements. Did Michael Jackson’s sister actually witness the star engaging in sex acts with minors? Of course she didn’t. She fell for all that mass Media bullshit after being egged on by the Department of Public Prosecution.

Where there’s smoke there must be fire, eh?

Correct, the fire is your friendly, manipulatively lying, smarmy, self-opinionated law enforcement agency and its vile, uncompromisingly prejudicial public prosecution attack dog.

In Western nations, such as Australia, the Catholic Church is at the forefront of paedophilia allegations (remembering “allegation” is always mysteriously transformed into “certain guilt” of course). Records of incidents with forlorn priests are so voluminous; I am surprised Medias have managed to keep up with the pace. It may surprise Australians (in particular) all religions (well, except for a noteworthy Jewish “cult group” I shall focus on shortly) have been targeted, including Buddhism (to the Dalai Lama’s embarrassment). The real reasons for this scandalous deception may seem bizarrely conspiratorial but, against the background I present, not entirely farfetched. Whatever current opinions reign, duty to justice dictates religious cultures need to be reviewed from dual perspectives in light of mass Media stoking before any final judgements are made. The balanced investigator cannot rule out the magnetic effect of propagandas which has been proven so effective, over and over.

Whereas there is almost always no actual “evidence” supporting paedophile allegations and convictions are usually motivated by circumstantial witness “testimony” (“confession” or slanderous perjury?), adults with a genuine interest in “child sex” might plausibly seek likeminded friends. Where to “find” likeminded friends is the greatest challenge for any would-be paedophile, I would imagine. Thinking carefully along these lines, I did come up with some basis that might (and only “might”) give credence to devilish religious conspiracies of this genre. Though by conventional auspices serious contemplations would likely be too far adrift of cultural reason to disaffect “greater good” syndromes, public hysteria has shown itself to be both open to and humbled by extremely shallow arguments supporting the most unlikely of cabal concepts. For instance, if the researcher is willing to concede that rogue partnerships have been brokered with view to persuading mutual goals; with or without illicit connections, could these same like-minded associations be able to arrange prohibited liaisons?

Whether the “opinion” on the answer to that critical question is “yes” or “no”, religious institutions are viscerally bound to apply a duty of care to their congregations as each supposedly “acts for God” (conceptual greater good). Therefore the reality is that the church and other houses of worship are proved profoundly derelict of duty if just one allegation against them “takes hold”.

Under terms of worship, how is it possible for God “to err”?

The current state of affairs suggests administrative pressure for all religions is now in damage control aggravated by highly visible and seemed ceaseless spiteful propaganda barbs (that have prepared the floods of universally known past allegations of guilt). Therefore, would not the slightest rumour of paedophilia trigger internal raucous alarms within any spiritual organisation, even ones that are only borderline “religious”?

After hysterics dressed in the familiar mask of deceitful ignorance, known or faceless accusers, “guilty” accused and alleged victim(s) would come out of the woodwork, sometimes years after the fact (anything to ward off clarity), what would be bound to happen next?

Ultimately, any “bad” cleric would be sold up the river, of course.

Up to a certain point it would be in the best interest of the organisation under scrutiny to deal with everything internally in order to deflect negative publicity. However, when avalanches of complaints reach such frequencies as to become common public knowledge, reputation has already been long squandered. Under those special circumstances, “tarnished” institutions would have little to gain beyond doing everything in their power to suppress (which usually means eject without forethought) “bad eggs”. Indeed, by acting quickly in highlighting detractors, cutting red tape to ensure the expelling of alleged paedophiles is painless; some kudos might be given by the public at large. Press releases reporting that “order is not being interfered with and internal elitism has permitted routine justice” might actually be viewed as positive “PR” by targeted organisations. Any institution that complies would, at the very least, be seen to be acting in the “public interest” which, per manifestos, is also “in the interest of God”.

Let us say, for instance, there were rumours backing allegations, but nothing more. There were allegations without hard evidence. Could any religious institution in damage control ignore these and give an accused the “benefit of doubt”? It seems to me that in certain circumstances of shall we say “high security”; risk management significantly upgrades the chances of an accused’s presumed “guilt” pre-trial. How can the “certainly guilty” prove his innocence? How could the trial of a cleric sensationally rejected by his church be unbiasedly “fair”? Also people do lie, deceive and manipulate for a multitude of reasons. Fabrication of law enforcement evidence and biased judges is a popular theme used in police movies – the innocent man up against a corrupt machine. But what of those false claims of truth that were “believed” as though they were true?

How can fantasy that never was be “proven”?

Circumstances that did happen will hopefully leave a conspicuous evidence trail, but those that did not happen are guaranteed to leave no evidence trail. While beliefs are committed to duplicitous reasoning, fantasy is easy to upgrade and immortalise for it can neither be formally proven nor disproven. That is significantly why circumstantial evidence (evidence lacking hearsay such as reflective opinions) is used to formulate “basis” for verdict decision making to allow the promotion of fantasy (or something that did not happen) as reality (something that did happen). All of the “witnesses” at Michael Jackson’s “trial” offered circumstantial evidence (i.e. none offered hard evidence) whether acting for prosecution or defence.

I introduced “conspiracy theories” at the beginning of this article and now seems the right time to put that theme to the test. It has been noted (particularly in the alternative press) many times that where there are political conspiracies, the Jews are invariably never far away. Judaism, as with most other religions, is broken into (upwards of a hundred) different sects and this proffers the user base opportunities for considerable variance in doctrinal interpretations. Though invariably not “directly” concerning them, political conspiracies gravitate to favour Pharisee (a notable sect) involvement/implication when factoring in pre-emptive law making. Pharisaic tradition formats the script that makes all laws (certainly in “the West”) “viable”. These include horrendously unfair legislations that have been characterised to target religious practitioners of all persuasions in order to limit their involvement with (quite frankly) anything sexual (i.e. if the Pharisee adage “to lust after is to sin” is enough to permit unrequited draconian laws, presumably, as “God’s emissaries”, all fornicating priests are deemed to be “fair game” as potential targets).

Suffice to say, the Pharisees (and these guys are behind just about all those “prophesies” and “consensus” conventions “we” are obliged to follow) are subtly all over paedophilia. Paedophilia, of course, has a nasty habit of pissing off parents and making them “think” (sic) irrationally. It only needs a whiff of the word in family environments to fuse ugly breakouts of the poorest quality. Contemplate the power a “fringe religion” would hold over competitors if it could only harness inane populist ignorance. So following the track of general conspiracy theories and plausible revelations of outrageous duplicity in review of what mechanisms would be needed to be in place for effective infiltration of “enemies”, I considered whether this could be equally applied to the Pharisees, whether circumstantial allegations “in principle” might demonstrate limited credence against them as covert tyrannical ring leaders. Unlike hypotheticals monstrously resurrected to become “living satires” by our kangaroo courts, I make no prejudgement here.

Would it be possible, within the frame of this conceptualisation, for a Pharisee to pretend to be a Roman Catholic and win a diocese seat? Reviewing this consideration for a long while, I drew the unenviable conclusion, that it was not only possible but likely probable. Benjamin Disraeli affirmed that Jews deliberately married into aristocratic and royal families for “social position”. If a Pharisee can infiltrate a marriage, he can infiltrate a religion. In historic periods of persecution, high profile Jews have been recorded as having publically denounced their faith in favour of Roman Catholicism. Until Jesuit Martin Luther pinned his list of demands on the door of a chapel in Wittenberg, Germany in 1517, Catholicism’s “promissory penances” were very appealing to time poor Jewish merchants. Since the Nicolaitans’ (Pharisees) corruption sculpted what was to become new Gnosticism back in the fourth century, there has been bitter-sweet cooperation between the two faiths.

So, let us take the position that the Pharisees have infiltrated all religions, perhaps as part of their messianic “prison planet” (covert Zionism) strategy, what would they do once “in place”? Logic dictates they would try and influence how doctrines would be interpreted in order to found absolute bias towards their philosophies. How could this be executed? The answer is simple. Should various Pharisees be bestowed with clerical administrative roles devoted to scrutinising and assessing the philosophic worth of historic documents, then this would permit periodic “pushes” (perhaps aided by heavy bribes) gauged towards altering consensuses against traditional views and standards. Texts too outspoken for alteration that obstructed the “mission” might be deemed and argued as “spurious” (and thusly debatably unauthentic).

But what of outspoken individuals that won’t budge on “issues” that hinder the Pharisees’ operational synopsis?

How to dispel all those flies in the ointment with something that is guaranteed to work without “comeback”? It is worth noting here, in line with this “hypothetical”, logically all those religions the Pharisees have infiltrated are not friends collected in the spirit of fomenting mutual endeavours. They have all been deceived, defiled and, per identical reasoning, exist only to be tarnished (thou shalt not worship “false Gods”), as too (in some ways) are “rogue” (impure) sects of Judaism. For guarantees of no “comeback” against targeting mission obstructers there could never be any actual evidence. Everything would have to be fabricated (total bullshit) to assure opinions for were completely reliant on biased emotive circumstantial judgement. Perhaps “qualified” psychiatrists could validate repressed (i.e. non-existent) memories with the same sort of candor [used] when issuing prescriptive “medications” that induce psychosis. It would need false scandal after false scandal that instinctively “tweaked nerves”; some topic the public would be belligerent and stupid enough to believe in without reservation, something that might induce hysteria, if “generally” known. And there we have the hypothetical fire behind all the paedophilia scandals that afflict religious institutions across the globe, except I find no evidence of any arrests or convictions against Pharisees in relation to charges of religious paedophilia. Constructive feedback (with sources, please) on this is most welcome in comments.

For my hypothetical “master plan” to become reality, something else would need to happen for the operation to ooze credibility. Those with enough influence would have to arrange the “unthinkable”. Per normal administrative configurations (free of Pharisee infiltration), curates and vicars are “appointed” by religious institutions “in good faith”. This means someone or a committee of individuals must take responsibility for hiring (and firing). Therefore, musing over the fall of Jericho whilst outlining this reconstruction, all the Pharisees would need to do is to rig the recruitment process to ensure their (Passover style) chosen ones were in correct positions (so to speak) to permit operational success. It could also mean all sorts of nasties might be given responsible community roles, if that was the “ISIS style” objective. Imagine if the Pharisees had contacts in the prison system. Crime networks are other resource pools for undesirables. Would it be possible to not only hire strategic paedophile priests, but also throw in some extra shekels and promise of “protection” should any of the kids “blab”? At the correct juncture these priests would need to be sacrificed of course, but only long after the reasonable attitudes of congregations had been turned sourly toxic. The sourness would be for good reason. Traditionally, the most trusted member of any community was your priest. Were certain priests to turn into bare faced tyrants, God and faith are forlornly dishonoured.

Now it is important to cover the other side of the equation, the one most violets shrink from. The presumption that [per designation] “children” are not sexual, have no sexual needs and can be only corrupted (by “adults”) towards defilation is sheer bunk. When the law of the land stated that sexual consent between adults from age sixteen and above was natural and healthy, there was no rebellion against the “heinous” doctrine. In years gone by when the age of consent was considerably lower, maidens of all persuasions at age twelve saw great value in seeking to enter into matrimonial sexual alliances. One can only presume that prior to the implementation of legal frameworks, the only age barriers that inhibited sexual unions were the results of “family measures”. I would be willing to bet all the tea in China that if our current narcissistic consent legislations were repealed tomorrow, the “young” would “miraculously” find their sexuality again.

Masturbation is the best evidence for sexual drive and this unfortunately (to the monumental displeasure of sexual puritans) kicks in at very young ages. A phenomenon near exclusively confined to girls is the sexual “phase” I call “open” or “public” masturbation. Upwards of age six, females (in particular) demonstrate a desire to socially connect sexually. Conversely, ironically, young men prefer private masturbation (even when in groups). The Pharisees’ zeal knows no bounds. I have introduced the Puritan offshoot called Baptism before. According to Baptists, masturbation is a sin. Ambiguous in Catholicism, the heavy weight towards sexual procreation might encourage extremist views that also target and punish “self-sex”. Biased, fanatical opinions have been behind the attack on all forms of sexual expression in various Media formats. Obsessive hatred is so great towards the genre typically labelled “child pornography” anything bordering on lewd conduct has been framed and outlawed. People were not ever given the “choice”. There was no responsible debate and legislations have been reflectively austere.

Medias depicting children (as termed) masturbating are outlawed too. In fact, naked children in deemed to be “sexual poses” may also be “classified” as pornographic. Now, I can’t understand the logic underpinning the legislation of this genre. For a pose to be “sexual” it must legitimately arouse the viewer. Is the great body of Pharisaic elders exempt from judgement against their prohibited arousal? All jurors must scrutinise material evidence to form opinions, guided by legal professionals, of course. Child pornographic slides (when no sexual act can be identified) must cause sexual arousal to meet classification leaving only one question. Are “infected” prosecutors and jurors that have been aroused by child pornography safe to circulate socially and exempt from prosecution as “clinical” paedophiles? Pharisaic elders that appraise content to be sexual must surely also take some responsibility for judgement here. Though they were not directly exposed to sexual materials, and unless their laws are fraudulent, if they had been exposed they presumably could be aroused. This implies that they are classifiable as “clinical” paedophiles as well.

I gave the example of the body being a pyramidal structure below the mind earlier. Well, according to materialists this is not so (confirming why fanatical materialism is the utopian science-standard and Pharisees’ choice). The mind (per that insistence) is only a function of the “fully grown” body. Prior to reaching proscribed maturity, per this gobbledegook, bodies either have no or “swayable” (developing) thinking minds (except when this obstructs “the agenda” –  Jon Rappoport again). Conveniently, maturity kicks in precisely when law making moguls dictate measures. Therefore, if they were to say “maturity begins at age fifty”, then forty nine year olds would be “deemed” unable to make “informed decisions”. That means, of course, that victims of paedophilia are not only unable to legally consent to sex, they also cannot make any formal sexual decisions. How many articles promoting sentiment of “caring” paedophiles and their willing victims have been given primetime visibility by the mainstream (or alternative)? According to my research it has been a very long time since any visibility has been offered. Propaganda networks are only interesting in furthering their own agendas to the detriment of anyone that stands in their way.

Was Michael Jackson’s prosecution that never happened as described? In the way proceedings were “framed”, his alleged gift of $25 million to the guardian of a twelve year old boy was enough to underscore “guilt of sexual misconduct” for the gossip vultures, but was their conviction just? This goes far farther than merely highlighting the potential for blackmail. It demonstrates the potential gulf between effective truth, secular opinions on historic events and how “worldly” promotional materials cultivate accountability (or not). For instance, were we to presume that Michael Jackson truly did engage in sexual acts with the young “poster” boy in the spotlight, the only decent question that deserves righteous scrutiny is, “did the child consent or was he violated?”

“The consensual child”, the Pharisees quip, “how is that possible?”

In my last article, I referenced examples of various child prodigies as evidence towards my attempt to demonstrate how much diverse talent can be found every human pursuit. This in consideration, why would there not be sexual prodigies too? The preposterous superstition that posits all designate children as asexual could be easily undone with genuine committed research. Common amongst seventeenth and eighteenth century seafaring accounts are tales of sordid sexual escapades where age seems to offer no barrier. One notable volume details mariners’ activities while visiting Polynesian Islands. Texts report that women (regularly accompanied by siblings upwards of age eight years old) would swim to visiting ships offering those on board welcome and sex. According to the same reports, the young women sexually matched their seniors in every respect.  If one was to presume current age of consent laws are “divine”, would not this espouse that the majority of pre-Victorian era householders were systemic abusers? Prior to British William Gladstone’s 1870’s legislations, the age of consent was twelve years (complimenting the Roman philosophy on sexual maturity) and this ensured the majority of thirteen to fifteen years old women (per that classification) would marry to begin the arduous task of producing family heirs. At the time, childbirth was seen as a risky pursuit for women by their twenties so young plebeian marriages were encouraged.

Was the Victorian era we have as a legacy never to have happened (erasing William Gladstone’s sensationally degrading age legislation); Roman standards would likely be in place today (presuming no other vile avenues had disrupted the status quo). Though standards do not precisely match natural sexual reproductive maturity, the Roman opinion is far closer to it than the “eighteen rule” that oppresses current Western populations. Therefore one wonders if, just as homosexuals were vilified by rainbow movements that turned prior legal morality on its head, whether marginalised adult “minors” will seek aggravated revenge against the “system” at some time in the future. Could the young sue a system that stole their divine sovereign right to be sexual and reproduce? Awkward questions are always the best questions for they prophesise the path to sacred truth.

Continuing along this line of thinking regards repressed adult minors; correct contemplations will surely determine the problem is much greater than on “face value”. Taking the bull by the horns as it were, how would today’s determined-to-be sexual young find partners amongst indoctrinated “legal” adults? Would not the young that are in need of sex ultimately have to seek out paedophiles for their satisfaction? Were that uncomfortable symbiosis to be true, then clearly reason has been traded for vanity. It would make sense, because all “moralities” are forms of vanity. In light of this, when prophecy and associated predictions do little more than feed propagandists directives refined to permit universalisation of consensus view in their image, false Gods will reign over mankind. That is why below our modern day false Gods, spirits are invalids and souls may as well prostrate as lambs willing for sacrifice.

Preconditioning through the synthesis of deceiving divine values afflicts the social organ called “humanity” in its entirety. Every human being is infected and diseased in some way. Material symptoms most noticeably grant credentialed influencers (hawks and vultures by reasoned determination) the use of “devices” as lures for parasites (willing lambs for slaughter). Terms of standards that prevail are so arbitrary they cease to be relevant. The mantra of those that control is simple and effective “if we desire it, it is possible and therefore it will be”. Conquering natural sexuality has been their great prize; because once sex ownership is secured (perverted) life potence becomes suppressed to surrender point (i.e. master/slave catalyst). Surrender has meant that individuals “without visceral power” presumably have less prestige than programmable robots. I estimate fewer than ten per cent of “able bodied” society is actually needed for corporate commerce purposes. Indeed, with open minded unbridled investment into technologies, that estimation of labour requirement could be significantly reduced.

What we have is a situation whereby mainstream Medias have been able procrastinate well enough and consistently enough for “the masses” to believe there is an indefinite and constant labour shortage “somewhere”, “anywhere”. Enterprisingly, governments (for their part in this tryst) exist to concoct pointless ways of occupying the time of their enslaved chattel, perhaps to ward off popular rebellion, but mostly to show they are in control. Fiscal competition was never healthy or necessary if honest, socially serving government is to be given a chance at leadership. The universal Westminster System would not tolerate the notion. And it is a shame because it would make the world a better place for everyone, elites included. How about starting by investigating the potentially magical qualities of communal man? How about, instead of obsessively shutting out “unsanitary” potential, all doors to new avenues and abilities were opened wide with hendonistic gusto?

For obvious reasons (such as the attack on life potence), I have been focusing on sexuality. Gratuitous sex it could be argued is an art form, but it is not the only one. There are many other art forms (including war, when conveyance is correctly dedicated), far too numerous to list. Given the oversupply of labour for worthy industrial projects, why not test wider society’s devotion to craft? It seems to me the majority would be best put to use towards the overall entertainment of others, whether that is for “the few” or “multitudes”. Those that are able to craft would simply need to find natural vehicles for ambitions. Securing the correct preoccupation should be the role of any external social management mechanism (such as government). Instead, forcing “square pegs in round holes” “careers” on hapless conscripts has been proven to be neither constructive nor aptly overwhelmingly productive. How many wasted lives have supported the accountancy profession?

Perhaps I am being harsh on accountants here, but their negative outlook presupposes a limitless money supply would promote a guaranteed epidemic of laziness. Yet there is no reason hindering constant resources promoting limitless floods of cultural excellence. We can see evidence of the spontaneously effective outcomes of abundance in nature. There is also a deeper, natural reason why governments and their puppet masters would be wise not to continue their nihilist course devoted mostly to squandering abject lives for their “power highs”. Every human body (let us not forget) will double as uncontrolled (innocent) spirit and evolved (but not always wise) soul for the duration of the life term. For any cosmic improvement to manifest there must be sufficient recapitulation between old and new lives for trends to “bite”. When societal rules become too austere, past identities also risk becoming obsolete. Under those terms the existence model is rendered “futile” and this precedes grave danger. Should trends persist, the great “almighty” God is left with one humble option. It happened before and the event left an indelible mark last time round. Scientists label it “Big Bang” (there may have been numbers of these cosmic purges since existence began).

In so many ways my life serves as the testament to how “they” destroy prodigy. At age three or four, I was determined to become a concert pianist. My parents weren’t rich and were not prepared to spend money on a “useless” piano. My mother wanted me to become an accountant or a scientist, something “career worthy”, something “professional”. She did eventually succumb to my whining. At age nine I was given a piano by a boogie-woogie pianist who was a family friend. The problem was many of the notes did not function, including middle C, the F below, Bb above and much of the upper and lower registry also didn’t work. Accompanying lessons followed but how could I “fire” under those conditions? With poor note recall memory and imperfect pitch, I was never destined to be another Martha Argerich, Vladimir Horowitz or even Liberace (all Pleiadians, ironically?). But I did have something to give. I did have something in me that needed to be fulfilled and if the “system” was honest and sane, it would have engaged my fulfilment. Instead only my determination and dedicated belligerence “against all odds” ensured I found my way (Yes I am performing Beethoven’s Appassionata here) as a professional sounding amateur.

In summary, materialists use manmade terms to describe objects they don’t truly understand. They cast perspectives in what they generally suppose is “the human way” (when not in “conspiracy mode”). Science “proves” acknowledgement of symptoms and the use of system satisfying devices has replaced the void once occupied by prophets that uttered proverbial predictions. Either courted and contained consensus view in order to control and direct populism. Their ultimate goal is what’s more or less in place today: preconditioned, spiritless bodies in denial of birth right and unaware of soul purpose. The only “way out” is for mankind to learn to commune. Only then can humanity become “one race” (as it were) with divine intention to live the expressive power of corporeal God (Tamarian).

Rogue Justice, Royalty and How the World Was Won

rogue-justiceRegular visitors should be aware of my other exo-political blog by now. In a sense the format is similar to here, but content focuses on everything “outside politics” (politics normally being the affairs of the people). Articles tend to be long and weighty. Recently, in conjunction with the alien theme, I set up a new website. It is a resource specifically catering for shorter bulletins or videos about paranormal, extra-terrestrial/dimensional matters. Ultimately the format will be expanded at some point as a political-conscience counterpart. In principle this will allow time pressed visitors the comfort of an easy stretch (writing topics never expanding beyond a thousand words). I plan to deliver Ozzie Thinker in brief if you will.

get-attachment-734-aspxToday’s post is all about rigged justice, right royalty conspiracies and global enslavement of the masses in the name of Zionism. It should hardly surprise readers content has gone way over-budget yet again (given the mythical ideal of 2,800 words). The count thus far has headed north of 7,000 (roughly a third of the size of my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”) so my die-hards are in for a treat. There is much more that could have been said and I rely on the “implications” of highlighted items as sufficient prudence for wider causes. I could have mentioned how vaccines and other “so-called” medicines are in place to reduce populations that refuse to die quickly. I hint at it but please keep an eye on the expansive work of Jon Rappoport. The cynical attack on the people from above becomes abhorrently clear. Fake psychiatry partnering with arsenals of toxic drugs is implicated between the lines weighing up tantalising titbits on MKUltra, McVeigh’s violent protest at the first Gulf War “AIDS epidemic” and other less conspicuous commentaries. In total, I script a journey from most ancient eras to present day. So all that’s left for readers to do now is strap in, hold tight and hang on for dear life.

Back in unknown Atlantis times justice was administered differently. Few realise that the traditional accoutrements issued to kings or queens at coronations represent “lost” supreme objects of incredible (literally) power. The crown was an all-purpose headdress which doubled as laser weapon (more deadly than today’s most lethal nuclear warheads) and other tricks, such as technology that made the wearer invisible. The sceptre is modelled on the ancient wand, mostly either used as a healing aid or a lower power stun weapon. Royal orbs, if operable, would miraculously dial into special remote (inherent) frequencies and stream perfect, true holographic records of past events. Yes, that’s correct, you’ve read me right. Everything, every last detail of time is streamed in pristine clarity. Under those terms, justice was unavoidable. The orb would simply determine absolute truth without the need for a single corrupt witness.

After the collapse of Atlantis (Tower of Babel), civilisation morphed from Aryan outlaw settlements eventually transforming into the Greco-Roman republics. Justice was no more. Instead a fusion of arbitrary mob rule accentuating individual royal might transferred as a “holistic” superficial magistrates system that relied on ad hoc, routine, biased investigations by “state appointees” similar to methods applied by modern day police. Given today’s constables’ exalted status in courtrooms, nothing much has changed at all. Opinions of police personnel are considered generally sacrosanct. In Greco-Roman times the magistrate would act as judge and juror in front of a governor, whose job was merely to decide the severity of each infraction.

The concept of citizenship was ushered in with various republic models that segregated different rights for “free men”, foreigners and slaves. By the Middle Ages in Europe conceptual refinement saw progression to the honourable man tradition; coordinating the peerage system. An honourable man (as termed) was deemed incapable of dishonour (unless corrupted by witches). Therefore, for these men criminal accusations were to require countersigned confessions as admissions of guilt. Sensationally, all manner of grotesquely imaginative tortures have been recorded as being used as the means of achieving necessary compliance in stubborn cases. It was thought honourable men would rather succumb (die) than admit dishonour. The notion was similar to the one applied to witches in the great inquisitions. Nevertheless, commoners were still generally processed in the old Greco-Roman way.

55486_star_chamber_lgBy Tudor period (15th century) England, justice had come far. Introduction of Star (contract) Chambers (for aristocrats) implied fair hearings were possible. For the first time in history, defendants were able to give their own counsel and provide case supporting evidence and witnesses (when permitted).  Unfortunately that encouraged the appointment of politically aligned (corrupt) judges whose reputations sometimes preceded bias and ignorance more than before. According to surviving family members, Ann Boleyn eloquently substantiated her innocence of adultery before Henry VIII only to be bitterly refuted by the king’s better judgement.  Admittedly the thought of transparency was a hollow one in this case as he had abolished all court judges. Nevertheless, the system was a definitely step in the right direction assuming fair application of law was applied.

Structured justice theoretically preceded Greco-Roman order. What became known as “Judaism” has a much more ancient past that stretches back to highway law used by outcasts of Atlantis. When Israel formalised as a nation from Russian/Iranian stock, a royal backed Sanhedrin (or court) was eventually created. Formally, a small panel of Pharisees (judges) debated with comparatively large numbers of Sadducees (scribes) to establish the numerous precedents required for that attempt at holistic legislature. Justice itself unfortunately still promoted mob rule. Each posse would form to round up the “wanted” something akin to folklore shrouding the “Wild West”. Imagination suggests the commonest infractions against law must have been adultery or blasphemy; both almost impossible to argue fairly. Accused would be subject to the reasoning of the local Pharisee, who literally acted as judge, juror and executioner (Does Jesus’ mock trial give us insight?). The closest we come to this method of outlaw enforcement today is the holus bolus ad hoc administration of Sharia Law “ISIS style” on lands lacking infrastructure.

Although Latin “Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit, non qui negat (the burden of proof is on the one who declares, not on one who denies)” presumption of innocence was brought into Roman criminal law by Antonius Pius in the second century, it was rarely (if ever) referenced in court. Seventh century Islamic scholar Inam Nawawi, reinterpreting Qu’ranic Hadith (verses), is reputed to be the first to have upgraded “warranted suspicion” as circumstantially acceptable evidence against those who are accused. Nevertheless Roman and Islamic Law adhered to the common principle “onus of innocence or guilt is jointly that of the accuser and claimant”. The formal shift from common law to “innocent until proven guilty” was introduced to the British code of practice after English lawyer Sir William Garrow’s (1760-1840) sensational court arguments.

Naturally a French system of criminal justice was adopted by America (whose independence from Britain was funded by France) and therefore the Roman/Islamic “guilt before innocence is proved” (implying criminal societies) anchors justice standards there. Nevertheless, returning to the history of the British law courts, King Henry II appointed 18 judges to oversee common law justice. A declaration was made before the Assize of Clarendon (royal council) in 1166 detailing the judges’ national circuit. This also assumed a shift from common to federal law (a precursor to the Westminster System). 1346 ushered in a decree that judges could or would not be bribed (bound by oath). Notably Chief justice of the King’s Bench, William Thorpe, narrowly escaped the death penalty for bribery in 1350 by the resulting pardon which entailed his demotion. From Edward III’s (Confessor) reign, the judiciary became integrated with politics culminating in the creation of the Star Chambers (to become an integral part of the loaded Westminster System) mentioned before.

family_of_henry_viii_c_1545_detailHenry VIII abolished all judges in his privy council and that led to a spike in executions (Wild West style) of common criminals. More than seven thousand deaths reported compared with infamous Bloody Mary’s three hundred sensational religious purges. Contrary to historic populism, Mary was a champion of social injustice in her own way, introducing (for the time) far reaching community improvements and reinstating some judges. Inextricable religious interference in regal political affairs had been cited as the supposed reason for the “breakup” of the vast Roman Empire. Truth paints a very different picture. Instruments of power simply shifted to Constantinople to rule by proxy utilising a prescient order of “untouchable” (or offend God) demagogue popes established first by Constantine I in the fourth century.

The earliest “Zionist” king to break the stranglehold of the Roman Catholic overseers was Henry VIII in 1530’s. Though the Church of England formerly dates back to 587AD after Saint Augustine’s celebrated mission, Henry formally renounced the Papacy in order to divorce his then wife (Spanish royal), Catherine of Aragon.  Spain and Portugal were trailblazing all the Catholic merchant routes into the New World at the time, so Henry’s disobedience was very serious. Iron Queen, Elizabeth I, zealously continued her father’s tyranny once more stripping all judges of rank and duty and used the churches as “local gazetteers” announcing new laws of the realm (widening the shift to federalism over common law) imposing hefty fines (a shilling per infraction) on anyone failing to attend Sunday services. She was also the one that was ultimately posthumously behind the establishment of the Virginia Company; historic owner of the United States of America.

Therefore, the “pilgrim” (religious merchants) New World founding fathers were actually agents of Zionism sent to oversee trading concerns. America was meant to be kept the great secret, but fate had other ideas. It is fairly obvious to anyone with half a brain that Ireland was earmarked to become the “new Israel” after pharisaic elites adopted incognito status when the Siege of Jerusalem (66-69AD) was over. In effect the Union of Jacob mecca (unified British Isles) shifted to the New World under rule of the pilgrims. Ireland, for various reasons, was too hard to settle/conquer so the powers opted for England eventually. As for “old Israel”, it is painfully clear the reason that the Sanhedrin was never reinstated (comparably, the modern abomination, the Knesset, is a monstrous sham) because the Pharisees had assumed total power. Consistent with this line of thinking, either the supposedly destroyed second temple was regarded as a heresy by religious purists or it was an idiom that had never [physically] existed.

If all (or most) Caucasians were the original Jews (as is indicated by the Genome Project), it is no wonder that Zionists have desperately tried to water down global genetic stocks. This is evidenced by their fraudulent rhetoric promoting “one race” as basis for dreaded multiculturalism. The great, traditionally “white”, population centres have been “multicultured” at every waking opportunity. Russia (Mahgog) is the last domino to fall. The old Soviet Union was not entirely “broken” by the Zionists and still presents the greatest superficial threat to their horrific brand of “Order”. Let us not forget, many lost Jews returned from Russia after Israel was repatriated in 1948. If Michael Tsarion’s impressions are correct, then peoples of Israel even prior to 70AD had numerous population exoduses (some gently implied by biblical and other historic textual references).

philistines-palestinians-1-copyThere are other things I can add. The popularisation of the notion that the giant “bolshy” Philistine warriors were the ancestors of (average sized) Palestinians is highly implausible. Careful consideration of character points attribution to the obstinate ancient Greeks, whose warriors were also renowned for their great stature.  Criticism of Jewish-“Arab” kings, notably the Herod’s, unconvincingly combines scandalous hearsay with those laughably hyperbolic character assassinations of Roman Emperors’ Caligula and Nero. Commonality reveals all tainted parties worked in union to take on the Pharisees and researchers with cool heads can plainly see it was said attacks on pharisaic domination that is the common factor tragically obscured by those humorous exaggerations or out-and-out lies. Herod Antipas could not have survived all the ailments described by Flavius Josephus (including something that might equate to “cancer of the genitals”) less function!

Josephus, the only contemporary “Roman” historian that bothered to mention Jesus, clearly was Jesus (as determined by the clever Latin anagram concealed in Josephus but there are other obvious clues too). This meant that Jesus’ ministry ran from 66-69AD logically coinciding with the Siege of Jerusalem, beginning when he was months away from [Jewish] maturity (age 30). It was immediately after that the persecutions of the “Christians” (though first appearing as a term in Mark’s Acts of the Apostles, probably more regularly adopted long after the Gnostic exodus to North Africa) began and this consequentially saw disciple (a euphemism for bodyguard) Peter (probably an alias) scooped up and interviewed by [Roman] aristocratic bohemian social-networker (spy), Mark (or Marcus) to plausibly distort (Romanise) Jesus’ philology. As a young apostle, he would have presumably been on first name terms with Jesus/Josephus. In fact, I question whether he also doubled as the persona “Judas Iscariot” and that is why he exclusively revealed the bribe secret (in Acts).

Competent deduction impresses the realisation that it was the Gnostic Essenes that were scattered by the Roman incursion 70AD and many [survivors] ended up relocating to Egypt or Turkey rebranding as Christians later. Not all buried prized literatures (euphemistically known as Dead Sea Scrolls) have been discovered yet, they were that well hidden. In addition an eighth century amnesty was given to Ashkenazi Turkish Jews (capitalising on potentially corrupt “converts”) and why the folklore/tradition of Ireland/England’s ancient Celts had so many corresponding similarities to those of the Semitic local peoples (given the inexplicable distance between them). Gaelic (the Irish language) is substantially about two fifths Hebrew.

Cordially, I deduce that epistles compiled to build the New Testament doctrine actually presented pharisaic dogma designed to undermine or [ideally] make Gnosticism obsolete. Fundamentally the core difference between the two cults is Gnostics believe in spiritual atonement through the management of mind over matter. For the Pharisee, mind is irrelevant, spirituality superfluous as existence can only be celebrated as the exclusive domain of flesh (physicality). Zionists distort this as hybrid atheism, but it is a corruption of the “wisdom of blasphemy” ideology (a measure to maintain the purity of spirituality), which acts as an anti-contamination fence partitioning the exclusive higher “un-breached” realm of God. Was Moses’ issuance of divine commandments the beginning of the corruption of faith? Our present day battle ground, the unrestricted medical use of marijuana, conceivably by population majorities (given genetic potential for cancers courtesy of petro-carbons) is the great threat (to Zionist Order). Whilst comparatively impotent Pentecostal breath work, Islamic and Catholic fasting festivals could theoretically induce mild Manyana state; it is not close to the paradoxical oneness with nature achieved under influence of cannabis. If the Elohim were ever allowed a universal foothold again, it would awaken the beast that is contained by oblivion.

paul-the-apostleEgo-maniac Saul aka Paul had the bare-face to admit he was a “persecutor of Christians” who saw the light. The operation was a pivotal political move for the Pharisees and I wonder whether more can be read into the choice of the Damascus Road as the conversion location, given the current (Pharisee engineered) problems in Syria. Is there another link (ISIS) with Damascus steel used by legendary Varangian Guard mercenaries? The letters to Romans and Corinthians only demonstrate Paul’s seeing the light negated his Christian group infiltration and subsequent ideological corruption. Jesus’ discovery tour is reduced to unrequited pharisaic “bell, book and candle” dogma. It is no coincidence these works have been made the favourites of tyrannous missionaries and Pentecostal lay preachers.

The only “gospel” that directly records the actual words of Josephus is John (Fourth Gospel) as he likely issued tempered sentiment through his brother-in-law scribe, Lazarus, in order to [plausibly] confuse students familiar with his own writing style. We see the treasonous “Jesus, rightful King of Jews” sub-plot in all gospels, so there is no way Josephus would have made himself easily recognisable, in my opinion (just glimpses for the fans). Though unconfirmed, I believe a single word of the original manuscript (Jesus’ working copy) has survived. A complete John’s Gospel discovered in Alexandria [arguably] dating back close to the contemporary period has certainly been doctored. It would be implausible to think otherwise. I suspect the Pharisees’ agents would have ghost written over existing texts, extinguishing anything controversial other than the most ambiguous Gnostic philosophy (that few would be educated enough to comprehend) and anything else that wouldn’t change history. Anyone that has dabbled with the Hermetica’s celebration of nature’s divine engineering (i.e. why do mountains have flat tops?) and wondrous support of life (perhaps expanded by seventeen century Baruch Spinoza’s timeless neo-Gnostic poetry?) would empathise.

Gauging the closeness of ancient Greek philosophy when compared with gnostic wisdom and the proto-Israelite (according to Josephus), Greek “Hyksos”, takeover of Babylon, I feel certain my earlier insistence on their connection with the Philistines is correct. Conceivably, these may have also been a branch of the feared Varangian Guard too, which, Graham Hancock theorises, were highest bidder mercenaries not tied to any nation in particular. The only other possible contenders were the equally feared Negro tribes, but these have been identified as Nubians from the land of Kush (Ethiopia) in biblical and other ancient texts. Supposed decedents of the Queen of Sheba have led to the recognition of a small Jewish black population group called the Falashas. For Solomon to have married in to Nubian society demonstrates just how importantly strategic the labour resource was at the time.

Pharisees and rabbinical Jews are best known for their rational ideologies and trading abilities. The grand key to this success has been the introduction of money (whether in the form of barter tokens or hard cash). According to biblical Genesis, Abraham subtly canonised the Talent (an ancient version of Shekel) by offering mammon to God in place of the traditional first born son. Even hard line fanatics struggle with the notion ancient patriarchs unconscionably put the first son to death for God. What sort of God would want that injustice? In fact, prior to Abraham’s pledge, rumours of infant sacrifice are absent from Jewish folklore (note: to purge society of perceived wickedness was culturally acceptable).

abraham_sacrificing_isaacIt seems to me that it was Abraham that inexplicably decided the first born son should be sacrificed in order to create a levy to canonise currency. No sons had actually been sacrificed. The “op” was merely a device to impose commerce and twist faith into dogma at the same time. The significant implication was every single child bearing family needed to work or trade as a means of supporting their tribute to God. Even when sacrifice is interpreted metaphorically, the same reasoning applies. If the first born son’s “sacrifice” was seen as being pure to God (technically a form of utopian blasphemy), retribution fearing parents would have been forced to pay up or suffer the consequences.

Jericho shamefully revealed wars were nothing short of vehicles for plunder leaving disenfranchised surviving populations stripped of dignity and natural rights. Those were the lucky ones. Many populations were consequentially processed as slaves to be used as bonded labour. Orthodox rabbinical “religious” doctrine assured this fodder was lower in status than “animals”, void of protection and to be treated in any way “deemed fit” or terminated at the “slightest infraction of the will of the masters”. Whereas the Goyim (regularly translated as strangers) are considered to be non-Jews or gentiles, this may not be correct for “goy” is the Hebrew word for “nation”. Thus, strictly, Goyim should be translated as “nationals” or “those of nations”. Of course, meaning actually depends on the stigma attached to the usage of a given term. Nevertheless, as many Jewish clansmen remain unidentified and lost to history, logic presupposes subsequent presumed gentile nations were just as Jewish as their captors. Additionally, the Kabbalah and Talmud are loaded with Hindu/Buddhist comparisons which suggest all regions stem from a single ideological source.

emperors-clothesConsortiums of merchants have been responsible for manufacturing just about everything associated with national pride or patriotism which is geared to reproducing the royal Mandela effect. This has not exclusively been a Jewish preoccupation, though trade has tended to assume Caucasian migration routes. Japan was at war with China at regular intervals long before western industrialists discovered the islands group. China’s Silk Road proffers a history stretching back thousands of years which provided ample opportunity for Jewish militias to establish protection rackets and other nationalistic infrastructures. These became the forerunners of banking systems (masonic orders cloaking dissident merchant alliances). At the beginning of a power move by these merchants, backed royals were first encouraged and then press ganged into behaving flamboyantly – spectacles that separated themselves from everyday commoners. Greater control over the people could only be expanded by conquering new territories. If any allied king became war weary, his enemies were the immediate investment targets of the devious pseudo-bankers.

Nevertheless, ultimately the royals held all the wealth of land even while possessed by surrogates. When King John of England seized vast tracts of common lands after 1211, he exemplified this reasoning. Whereas the folklore of Robin Hood disguises the First Barons (civil) War 1215-17, it was the conflict between royalty and aristocratic merchant bankers that underwrote the Magna Carta treaty and first step towards holistic cartel-controlled global federalism (becoming reality after the execution of King Charles I in 1649). That is why the powers today so uncharacteristically celebrate the event and not because it furbished plebeians with liberty. It was always presumed that “the people” were the “natural owners” of the land that was seized, when they never were. After the Magna Carta came into being, a tithes system was rapidly implemented making the truth abundantly clear. Peasants paid rent as tenants of “their” land holdings. In effect, the squire of the manor was your friendly merchant lease-issuer (banker) of the time.

vikings_amazing_facts-770x437Sensational Viking (some argue were a branch of the Varangian Guard given their size and special steel weapons) takeover of Britain 793-876 saw tribute paid in sums of silver coins until Ethelred finally defeated the invaders at the Battle of Reading. Prior, when forces found no tribute, they ransacked local populations. That style of remedial action was not limited to the Vikings. Edward the Confessor’s Welsh, Scottish and Irish wars were to impose the same sort of extortion funnel. Our modern day “taxes” are variants of this style of exaction. “The people” have always been required to supply the resources for commerce. In that way, nothing has changed, except some argue all income taxes supply “first world” national war chests under the flimsy excuse of defence.

Without doubt, prior to having the strength to go it alone, pharisaic Jews partnered with the Catholics combining as a mock Zionist-Rosicrucian (old Atlantis) front. Given the historic press, it seems likely most of the prior Roman leaders had been proto-agents of Zionism (I use the term in the sense – fortress Earth prepared for the global elites) too. I am unclear whether Mohamed was the new Jesus purveying a unique breed of Gnosticism or a Pharisee double agent in light of the overzealous corruption of the ideology and philosophy of Islam since his death. Could the “Jews” killed in Medina have been Gnostics; ancestors of the Cathars?  Jewish William the Conqueror did little more than partially “unify” Europe and impose Catholic Christianity on the Brits. Catholicism, let us never forget, desperately tried to manufacture an illusion, reducing investigative science (any opportunity to demystify) to heresy and launch regular inquisition waves for the specific aim of purging naturopath (oneness with nature/God or pantheist) physicians branded witches.

Druidic Celtic (Gnosticism) customs (equally aligned to pantheism) were gradually made impotent and integrated as trite rebranded “customs of worship”. The harvest festival eventually virtually lost all meaning, although it is heartening to learn ancient customs have been kept alive by a wick over thousands of years and there has been a mild renaissance of values (white witchcraft) on the back of the fraudulent New Age movement. Wholesale import of Jews from 1066 did test the Church of England. Records of significant contracts (Rabbi notarised Starra) bankrolling kings, such as Richard I, began in the 1100’s. It did more to highlight the lack of goodwill between noblemen than specifically implicate Zionist bad practice. Exploitation of this lack of goodwill became the trademark that built the later Rothschild Empire. Edward I of England attempted to put a stop to banking practices with the Jewish Affairs Bill of 1275, which outlawed interest bearing loans (considered a heresy) partially in response to the earlier Baron Wars. In 1290 he took unprecedented step of expelling the Jews in entirety (not returning in significant numbers until the 1500’s to a welcoming Zionist, Henry VIII) forcing traditions underground.

If the period of kings with absolute authority began to wither with the collapse of the Roman Empire, pseudo-governance by the Constantinople (annex of today’s Turkey as part of the earlier expansive Greek Empire) based Catholic Papacy had allowed greater merchant control. Coupled with the numerous external influences on the system, with equivalents to modern day Zionist “lobbyists” such as the Nicolaitians (there at Catholicism’s conception), was a fanatical underlying determination to eventually seize absolute power. Fanaticism transformed into reality with the formularisation of the Rothschild banking empire which expanded as the great East India Company over several generations.

The conversion to overall power began with the capture and civil execution of unrepentant English king, Charles I (1649). It was no coincidence the banking industry changed forever from 1660, even though the Italian Medici’s (Roman black aristocracy) had formulated corporate (orders from the grave) infrastructure templates between 1397 and 1472, just before the United States of America was “miraculously” discovered (1492) by Columbus who was financed by them. Because the powers had planned for the region to be a secret “Promised Land” by invite only, mid nineteenth century gold fever exoduses had not been calculated, arguably destroying all cultural ambitions hence. Consequentially, politics in the US for a long while assumed relative transparency with limited (to those exclusively supported) fair governance set as the overall precedent. That is why Andrew Jackson was able to revoke the First National Bank’s charter in 1836 for “yielding too much corporate power”.

american-civil-warThe game was over (and America became “corporate” property) after the oligarch’s war (generally known as the American Civil War, 1861-65 through use of civilian fodder) when Andrew Johnson’s 14th Amendment (1868) effectively converted the Constitution into an abridged corporate charter (akin to the other great coup for the Zionists – the Magna Carta). Universal commerce (manipulating land that could now be owned) saw land values intrinsically underpinned by finance after Britain adopted the Dutch mortgage system with William of Orange’s appointment to the throne in 1696. He was the king that hastily introduced the [oh so often] misquoted “Bill of Rights” which, contrary to popular psychosis, was exclusively for merchant classes and not the commoners. Reasoning was devoted to halting any future royal reclaimers after James II tried to reinstate his absolute authority over politics (such as seizing treasonous businesses and jailing owners) before he was forced into exile by Zionist militias.

The “Bill of Rights” was conceptually integrated with the American Constitution via the 1791 “Fifth Amendment” reform. Modern day usage is regularly celebrated as a troubled industrialist’s “get out of jail free” mechanism. For the industrialists (Zionists), it was imperative the precursor to consumerism, luxury trade, was expanded at every opportunity. The greater influence trading networks had on everyday life assured the industrialists hold on everyday life. Establishment of the New World was a small step in the chain. English king Henry VIII’s wife, Ann Boleyn, was the envy of upper class society after she publically showed off {enormously valuable for the time] peacock feathers attached to her attire. Exotic produce in industrial quantities began to broaden markets from the 1570’s under Elizabeth I, hence her interest in the Virginia Company (owner of the United States of America).

Yet it was the same corporate greed that broke Sir Isaac Newton’s gold standard in 1797 with Britain forced to issue royal stamped Spanish doubloons for a few months (under George III). The New World commodity, tea, at the market peak (circa 1750) spiralled to a staggering price equating to $1 million per pound ($15K a mug) retail (by today’s standards). Don’t complain so much next morning cuppa! The spectacular market collapse is known as the South Sea Bubble. Templates were set from that initial learning curve and, rather than heeding the warnings, most financial collapses have been engineered ever since, including the 2008 Grand Financial Crisis (GFC).

Old wounds die hard and after the demise of Norman William Conqueror’s family line, English kings steadily attempted to de-integrate commonwealth links with unified France. French influence over the Papacy (including putting an end to Zionist force, the Knights Templar, after the torturous death of 23rd Grand Master Jacques De Molay, 1292) created strain over relations with England. The pope’s meddling in sovereign affairs of Scotland and Ireland did nothing to improve harmony. It would be fair to say that by Henry VIII’s time, the Catholics had no more than token influence on British royal politics. Recalcitrant British authority over the rest of the globe continued even after royal autonomy had been completely extinguished reaching a tentative pinnacle with the invasion of the newly “independent” US in 1812. This, I believe, was an attempt to stigmatise colonisation of the new nation and fend off possible mass exoduses rather than a real power grab. It also suggests to me the “greatness” of puppet royal Queen Victoria was manufactured to impress history.

It is no coincidence that the Rothschild’s empire base in France stemmed from their role financing US independence (founding members of Illuminati Order 1st May, 1776 were Rothschild associates) and the French “revolution” was also bankrolled by them for a mere 1,250,000 pounds sterling. Not only did France and America both become common “Republics” in 1789, but the emancipation of French Jews coincided with the 1791 American Fifth Amendment. That extraordinary bond has continued to the present day. Some so-called NWO “insiders” view the storming of the bastille as the commencement of the total enslavement of humanity.

There are numerous other important bumps forward for the oppressors of virtue that could be highlighted, but I would like to speed ahead to the last hundred years. Simultaneous large wars in China, South Africa and Colombia at the end of the nineteenth century tested indiscriminate killing on industrial scales. However, the Zionists were blessed with a pleasant bonus. Concentration camps of St Helena were that effective at killing off captured civilians, they have been standardised as a punitive measure of war ever since (most recently as FEMA camps). Expanding way beyond military zones, I wonder whether the humanitarian camps established in Africa in accordance with the war on famine are in place to help or hinder populations of stricken regions. I shan’t dwell on the double standards of the Red Cross.

kubanphoto41The first “world” war was merely implemented to break Germany and Russia where royal patronage was considered too strong for manageable Zionism. Ironically, the Russian Romanov dynasty was in place courtesy of Rothschild funding for the war against the Cossacks (now in Ukraine?) 1771-75. History of the Chinese Dowagers may not parallel but is equally important. empress_dowagerRule by Imperial dynasties ceased with the death of Empress Cixi in 1908. It is widely argued by alternative historians that the shift of politics did not change the dynamic (hidden) royal power base even into Mao’s regime. Never too far away from the limelight, recent sources of unknown origin have sensationally painted the infamous Dragon Family as being party to a supposed minor repayment of an old American ($4 trillion) debt. In 2008, according to this conspiracy, a large shipment of tungsten-tainted gold bars (worth $ billions) was allegedly delivered through Chinese triads. Whereas I find it compellingly plausible enough to mention, for my research I have not validated allegations.

Many other key items could have been included in my chronology (such as the manipulation of gold), but ones listed are the most important when gauging a sense of perspective on the direction of how the world was won.

Before reading on, an important anomalous misconception needs to be clarified before unfair judgement is made. Whether Helena Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society stood for (dare I say?) truth or deception is by no means clear. Theosophists’ explanation of the proposed role of thought being and archangel, Lucifer, as all consuming “logosremote controller of Earth is painfully correct. Lucifer formulated the (labelled) survival of the fittest system on Earth, conceived with the dinosaurs (manufactured by affiliated Drakkon geneticists). An unending incarnate environmental war replaced [prior] universal white light order because trade or control measures had always encouraged conflict resulting in wanton destructive, nihilistic assaults.

hpbjpgrsm1891bNevertheless, where I take umbrage at Theosophical wisdom is in the construction of “Satan”. Those that understand the history of the very first star ever to bless the cosmos will realise subsequent folklore surrounding the many namesakes called Satan have no more than superficial or unrelated connections. Indeed, the earliest recognitions of the “fall of man” (as the desired Annunaki image of God) are profoundly aligned to white light order or Gnosticism in the raw.  The Theosophists loose correctness with the human ego analogy seems more like something that may have been cultivated in high Victorian Illuminati satanic covens. In practicality, the ego is what remains of the (so-called) fall of man which (in turn) was the consequence of the error of Sophia (father) permitting biased (existential) manifestation that forged the ever present character paradox between ideological (holy spirit) and scoped reality (son). It is strange that Blavatsky was born in Ukraine (or Khazaria), perennial home to Zionism. Are the Theosophists manipulators or manipulated is the unanswered (for my research) $64 question?

Key outcomes in chronological order were:

1833 British and 1866 US “Abolishment of Slavery” (in practicality “anything but”) Acts made all “common citizens” potential bonded labour assets and removed the need to provide communal social security (hence the rapid emergence of Dickensian “charitable” labour camps from the Victorian period onwards). Prior, when sectioned commoners had been slaves (in the case of the Irish – a humanitarian post war measure) the implication was the owner had a moral duty of care towards all cooperative bonded workers

1914 Federal Reserve issued the first unbacked currency, German papiermark

1916 Battle of Somme sanctioned the indiscriminate slaughter of over one million Caucasian Goyim (proto-Jews)

1917 Thule Society formed (later encourages Adolph Hitler’s membership) and attempts to refine some of the Illuminati “satanic” occult practices and their obsession with the paranormal

1919 WWI reparations against Germany leveraged the special relationship with France (Rothschild bankers) in order to funnel gold in massive quantities to jump start the US consumer boom (euphemistically known as the roaring 20’s). Zionist “communism” (radical state-sanctioned socialism) tested in Russia

1920 Hire purchase introduced on a commercial-scale as the prelude to ownership of mortgaged common classes

1921 End of private British banknote issuers after (Rothschild adjunct) Lloyds of London acquired Fox, Fowler and Company. Council of Foreign Relations was founded as an elite watchdog of the 1920 League of Nations (testing global federalism)

1929 Sensational Wall Street Crash after gold was sucked from US by (Rothschild affiliated) Federal Reserve bankers to build up Hitler’s Germany for his chancellorship, bankrupting the American people in the process

1931 Pharmaceutical corporation, Eli Lilly, successfully patents the poison Thimerosal as a "medicine" after no formal trails

1932 Zionist insider, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, ended gold backed currency in the United States

1933 Theosophist Adolph Hilter is appointed Chancellor of Germany only after the Zionists are granted the Haavara (homecoming to Palestine) Agreement. Sunni (pharisaic) Islamic Saudi Arabia secured after the commercial collaboration with US Standard Oil. Later this would become Arab American Company (ARAMCO)

1934 Zionists back Mao Tse Tung to destabilise the massive Chinese populations in an attempt to break the phantom royal Dowagers. Lawyer Maurice Fishbein began steps to dismantle Royal Rife’s universal cancer cure (completed 1939)

1939 Declaration of [what was to become] World War II or “the final act [of enslavement]” according to NWO “insiders”. Medicinal cannabis outlawed because of its celebrated potency as a healing agent.

1940 Katyn massacre after the Soviet (Russia) invasion of Poland wiped out just about all key military and police officers leaving an estimated 22,000 (including civilians) dead. This was to control the key trading port, Danzig

1941 Pentagon founded from consolidation (in part) of a collaboration of militias that once served the interests of the Zionist merchant consortium, the (Rothschild controlled) British East India Company

1945 Oriental threat, Japan, is broken by the Zionists. League of Nations rehash, the United Nations, founded as the future utopian administrative centre of global federalism (a fusion of Zionism and hybrid Catholicism). Theosophist disciple, Alice Bailey, wrote the New Age intellectual philology

1947 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) established as post-war insurance against over exertion of the Pentagon

1948 British (and other) mercenaries assisted in the creation of monster state, Israel, as part of the terms of reparations against Germany even though Palestine had supported the Allies against Hitler. Scientists knew of the link between petrochemical products and cancers proscribing benzene “safe levels” at ZERO

1949 George Orwell’s divine prophecy “1984” mocks Israelite grand elitist plans. US Greenback becomes the new currency standard after the Bretton-Woods agreement. Chiang-Kai-shek supported (militarily) by US subordinates as insurance against Zionism (today Taiwan holds the largest global supply of nuclear warheads according to Douglas Dietrich. That is why fickle Zionist China cannot invade). Pentagon expanded as North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) as a measure against the non-existent “communist (Zionist) threat”

1950 Operation Paperclip (managed by the Office of Strategic Services) began repatriation of key German NAZI scientists into the US, many to support the air force, NASA and so on. Over 1500 were eventually relocated

1951 Never registered American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) was formed from “illegal” (per 1938 Registration of Foreign Agents Act) American Zionist Committee (created 1949)

1952 Pentagon adjunct NSA created to counter CIA. Arch-Zionist King Farouk of Egypt deposed by Gamal Nasser securing the administrative key to Arabian trading networks

1953 Inspired by Orwell (1984), North Korea established as a Zionist secret haven and nuclear weapons store. This is where the [nuclear] attack on Iran will originate from and why visitation from unwelcome eavesdroppers (foreign tourists) is discouraged [via incessant mainstream propaganda] or strictly managed from within

1954 Mass production and sensational advertising of highly toxic filtered cigarettes designed to slowly kill off useless eaters

1956 “Nasser payback” Suez Crisis (Israel, US, Britain and France) started the strategic ongoing war over oil and amplified Zionist “Greater Israel” ambitions (though, as devout cowards, they have always opted for covert rule by surrogates to date)

1960 Oil Producing Exporting Countries (OPEC) cabal specialising in fraud and embezzlement formed in Baghdad, Iraq

1962 US-French Vietnam failed war for commerce in part [a false flag] to disguise the true purpose of the Korean War

1963 Assassination of JFK for daring to attempt to introduce silver backed currency

1966 Assassination of Harold Holt (Australian Prime Minister) for reintroducing silver currency. LSD outlawed in the US because users could access inherence (pure truth) under Influence

1971(-75) Zionist-American plans for the ongoing shape of Globalism. Nixon declares “war on drugs” in order to break the anti-Zionist “Hippie” movement

1972 Watergate eventually exposed CIA’s MKUltra program (1980) which proved attempts had been made at cultivating “Manchurian candidate” sleeper terrorists

1973 “Futures and options” were instrumented as a new commerce exchange mechanism by Wall Street traders. US “futures debt” is said to currently exceed $200 trillion. David (John) Rockefeller founded and chaired the Trilateral Commission

1974 Creation of the theoretical Petrodollar

1975 Saw the end of Vietnam War. Pol Pot’s (circumstantial) purge of Cambodian social intellectuals tests the systemisation of a nation

1978 US Army distributed a “Handbook to Chaplains” which listed the Church of Satan and Temple of Set as tolerated “other religions”. Lieutenant Colonel Michael Aquino (head of the Temple of Set) had been “Pentagon Chaplain” at some point (no reference cited) according to Douglas Dietrich.

1979 British Secret Service assisted Ayatollah (Islamic Jesuit – fusion of Islam, Judaism and Catholicism) Khomeini to leave French exile ousting Arch-Zionist Shah Pahlavi and seizing Persia. This led to the highly unpopular creation of the austere Islamic (Shia) Republic of Iran. Zionists set up the Mujahedeen as a counter political measure and have been trying to control from within by different means ever since

1980 US trigger bombing of Tripoli. Georgia Guidestones (Mosaic tablets) “command” global populations reduce to 500 million people

1983 US bombing of Lebanon (at the end of 1982-83 war with Israel over water)

1984 World War III began in the Middle East to fulfil Orwellian divine prophecy marked by Russia’s boycott of the summer Olympics over Afghanistan

1988 British agent, Ayatollah Khomeini, issues a fatwa against Salman Rushdie after his pro-homosexual, “Satan Verses“, was published by Penguin Books

1989 Poland’s revolt against Zionist-communism spearheaded by front man, Lech Walesa

1990 First Gulf War over control of the global petrochemical supply

1991 (perhaps earlier) The FBI began a faux war on child pornography virtually exclusively creating the internet “market” as an ongoing sting operation. This was a late phase of the strategy that imposes synthetic standards of “adulthood” as preparation/indoctrination for forced state servitude (voting, working and other perceived privileges that are actually violating obligations). Yugoslavia used to war test (unauthorised) NATO calculated to permanently break Slavic rebellion against the corporates

1993 A special weather research project called HAARP was set up at Alaska’s Fairbank University. Janet Reno (allegedly a lover of Hillary Clinton) ordered the FBI to successfully use lethal force against defenceless untried American citizens that were part of a Seventh Day Adventist splinter called the “Dravidians”. No one has been held accountable for the murders of the Texans to date

1995 Oklahoma City bombing was an “inside job” dry run for the notorious Zionist commissioned 9/11 attack. Guilty mis-adventurer Timothy McVeigh acted in outrage at the effects forced medications had had on fellow Gulf War veterans (43,000 reported with “AIDS like” symptoms). Those responsible for the actual destruction have never been formally identified or apprehended

1996 French underground “nuclear test” and industrial scale fracking assault on the fragile pacific basin

1999 Pakistan “secured” as insurance against potential rebellion in India

2001 Supposed target date of utopian Rosicrucian Order. So-called “9/11” was the Zionist sanctioned “inside job” terrorist attack that disastrously mirrored the Oklahoma City demolition. This event directly advanced the creation of Transport Security Administration (TSA) for use against minor dissident commoners (strategic “protestors”). Patriot Act rushed through parliament to allow the torture and routine imprisonment of minor dissident commoners in apprehension of controlled civil war. Invasion of Afghanistan secures transcontinental oil pipeline, improves the global opiates (heroin) distribution funnel and seizes ancient (Atlantis origins?) technologies. Al Qaeda (database) invented as a Mossad/CIA branding joint venture.

2002 Bali bombing or so-called “Australian 9/11” demonstrated how ineffective mini-nukes (presumed Israeli) are at killing civilian groups. Unlike the American “professional demolition job” counterpart, here a suicide (sic) back-packer was used

2003 Invasion of Iraq to secure the corporate oil industry (which had been nationalised by Saddam Hussein) and plunder ancient Sumerian secrets (detail on how to construct ancient technologies) newly discovered by German archaeologists

2004 Christmas tsunami was the first successfully targeted HAARP attack. Strategic explosives ignited an underwater Sumatran volcano, but the resulting shock/tsunami had been much bigger than anticipated. Techniques for this method were allegedly channelled via the Pentagon’s Draco-Satanist alliance (legacy of Michael Aquino) or was there a connection with ancient secrets plundered in Iraq? Poland joined the European Union

2005 London bombings exposed the possibility that “suicide” bombers were remotely triggered and potentially not even aware of complicity in terrorism

2007 Grand financial crisis (GFC) used to break (reengineer) the European Union and the first punitive measure in the steps to a “universal” cashless electronic currency. Flaccid Al Qaeda “op” rebrands as ISI (later ISIL). Cheney exports unknown numbers of nuclear warheads (designated for the eventual attack on Iran via North Korea) to Japan using the diplomatic bag as an insurance measure against possible Chinese rebellion (linked to the alleged tainted gold shipment of 2008?)

2009 First unquestionable use of a (MKUltra programmed) “Manchurian candidate” for the Fort Hood shootings

2010 HAARP attack via satellite destabilises Haiti causing devastating earthquakes. Aftershocks have been catastrophic for New Zealand, Japan and Chile. BP “oil spill” and pollution of the Gulf of Mexico was a deliberate strategy in the bitter war against deep sea “extra-terrestrial” colonies. Poland’s key leaders (civil and military) were killed in a Russian plane crash (probably shot down) in retaliation against Walesa’s Solidarity movement ousting Zionist-communism. Best (superficial) evidence that Putin is an Israeli agent of doom

2011 Putin launched as the Russian (Mahgog) New Age Messiah by the dead-eyed “alternative Medias”. The land of Phut (Libya) conquered as the first phase of biblical prophecy (Ezekiel and others). All-out (world) war in Syria began

2012 Fukushima nuclear disaster caused by the earlier Haitian HAARP attack impedes US/Israeli nuclear [strike] ambitions against Iran (Gog). Synthetic Hurricane Sandy was a sensational operational marketing failure.

2013 Micro-nukes (allegedly Israeli) tested at a Texan fertiliser plant killing 15 and injuring a further 160. “Faux-pas” ISIS (Al Qaeda, ISI, ISIL, etc.) rebrand is formally recognised the following year

2015 Japan legislates for military “self-defence

2016 Obama fast tracking of Maritime Law geared to eroding control of US constitution for succession to United Nations oversight (or formal global federalism) almost complete

3d230d441I would like to conclude by giving my fellow Arab-American journalist, best known as Mantiq Al-Tayr, another introduction. His tireless efforts at raising awareness of how Zionist domination has impinged on American and everyman liberty are to be commended. A recent article covering the Israeli managed Trump/Clinton farce introduced the public figure, Grant Smith. To his monumental credit Grant doesn’t see American sovereignty as logically subject to Zionist oversight. In a short video presentation (under 15 minutes) he packs in (to name a few highlights) nuclear treason (NUMEC, Shapiro, Apollo Affair), manipulation of the Registration of Foreign Agents Act, the Lavron Affair, US-Israel Free Trade Area (UIFTA) and notably how Monsanto tried to stand up against the Zionist beast in the mid 1980’s. There’s plenty more to say, but I feel digestion will have to wait until the next instalment on the subject. Enjoy the movie.

Christmas Cash

santa-cash_32021I would like to open my Christmas 2015 edition with a quote from my last entry. It is so important and relevant to the meaning of Christmas (recognition of essential Jesus); it deserves to be highlighted above all other anecdotes and proverbs issued by the idol. Attributed to Krishna, the message is so magnificent, it shames logic.

“Spiritual qualities bring to freedom, whereas demonic ones paralyse”

christmas-decorations-03Perhaps freedom is not the best word for our age. Even liberty is no longer deliverance. These terms have been closed down, boarded up and locked off by the “powers”. To which end, those that attribute their lives to mainstream freedoms are nothing more than broken slaves and the willing fodder of corruption. Today I would be more inclined to say, “Spiritual qualities prompt unconditional creativity, whereas demonic ones ensure the individual conforms to political domination.” Of course, there are numerous other versions of this that might equally add to summarising the modern mindset. “Swear words” determine there will never be free speech, for you cannot have open dialogue when certain words are unmentionable. The intelligent researcher would do well to ask the question as to whether these words were created as a deliberate ploy to limit speech; more importantly free speech. Today we all know the worst two are the “F” and “C” words, though I do note the Thais find “animal” and the wrong type of their numerous pronouns meaning “you” as an address particularly offensive, for instance.

christmas-tree-wallpapers-christmas-backgrounds-30233Last post I mentioned, by chance, I have been cohabiting with Iranians. Their word, koskesh, appeared in my first entry for 2015. A commenter against that article speculated that this “swear word” meant something like excrement, but he was wrong. In fact koskesh has no greater or lesser meaning or impact than our own “C” word (unless shared amongst friends, when it equates to something like “silly”). By “C”, I don’t mean Mrs “C”. Well, on reflection, perhaps I do. Thank goodness for “the Donald”. It takes a double “C” (corporate cowboy?) to tackle a “C”. Words never cease to amaze me. We have soft mother and hard mutha. There are many other homonyms. hard muthasElsewhere in this blog readers can discover the German NAZI inspired homophone, muselmann, which means both muscle wasting disease (or concentration camp walking death) and Muslim. Also, my Farsi housemates would not consider “converting” to Buddhism as they would be “smelly ones” in their native tongue.

How predictable these elites are to those merely prepared to research and discover the truth about them. Evidence is hardly buried deep. It is though they are proud of the misery they have caused. Once more thinking of Krishna’s illuminating quote, it is possible to define good and evil simply by using “F” and “C” words. This is important as, contrary to vibrant insistences dawning from the waking “truther” world, the vast majority are so committed to the system they should be all classed as insane. True definition of good and evil goes a long way to determining why this is so. For my first example of “F & C”, evil is simply Control encouraging brute Force. Restricting cash may be a control feature, thus, the other side of the “F & C” coin, good is unlimited, unrestricted Cash enabling absolute Faith.

Traditional-Christmas-Decorations-4We all know faith, over the ages, has been demeaned into a version of Control by powers of evil. The modern version has morphed into something akin to blind ignorance – devoid of spirituality. Absolute faith can only be attainted through complete knowledge and understanding (i.e. enlightenment). As all humans swear by different versions of ignorance and unknowingness (the Gnostics quaintly termed forgetfulness) we are all evil. By that token, unless they were not human; Mohamed, Moses, Jesus, the Buddha and all the other religious icons were also evil. Krishna may not have been human, but, after reviewing their legacy, I am convinced all the others undoubtedly were. That is why all religions are nothing more than dogmatic control doctrines. Nevertheless elements of true faith can be also found, sometimes hidden, sometimes out in plain sight, in all hallowed texts as well. None should be overlooked.

Traditions are often borrowed with conformity overlaid to suit everyday culture (of the day). Mohamed didn’t produce anything new. He merely rehashed Judaism. Judaism, in turn, fused Buddhism and Zoroastrianism (now Hinduism) to create “universalism” and that is why the Jews were called the “chosen people”. Yes, and we can all see how the powers have corrupted that meaning into what has become rabid nationalistic Zionism. The ink was barely dry on parchment; tablets still baked in the sun when “Order” muscled in on faith, turned it inside out and made it unrecognisable. If the poles between dark and light could be expressed in two simple words, it would be cooperation versus conflict. Cooperation is utopian diplomacy and conflict is war. 589895_638_365Somewhere in the middle is compromise. Compromise, via negotiation, is the agent of evil with the potential for goodness. Laws began with religions and every single zealous crusade, whether purporting a light or dark mission, is a war. All crusaders embrace Lucifer in deed.

Last Christmas I became “homeless” for a short while. Other than donations from two fellow bloggers, my pleas for assistance fell on dead ears. Christmas spirit had been befouled by Yahweh. New Year 2015 heralded the launch of my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. A follower of the great Jon Rappoport donated for a copy and, of the numerous claims of interest, no others cared to offer any support nor showed any belief in the virtual document. This Christmas I don’t want you to donate, purchase or buy the bloody book. You are all glued to the illusion scoped by them (the corrupters), whether you profess to be a truther (another proto religion) or other, and do not deserve exposure to the truth. The truth would trouble you, affect you and force you to think. Ultimately it would make you realise you were fundamentally wrong. Any expressions of interest will be dealt with swiftly and expediently. The only feasible mantra for Philistine usurpers is “F off”. Do well to remember it.

ChristmasTreeAn alternative title for this entry might have been “Christmas Cash and Commerce” and before I present some flesh for those bones, I would like to touch on the spirit of Christmas. Oddly, the essence of Jesus never existed as that identity was modelled on a number of characters per Roman tradition. The theoretical King of the Jews and “Christ” (by Pharisaic) determination is arguably Josephus (Latin anagram “to bear/present Jesus”). Lateral alternatives categorising true faith have always been Sufism (pantheism; faith in the wonder of nature) versus demystification (reasoned logic that has become science-atheism in the modern age). christmas-decorationsAt the time of Josephus, conflict between Mosaic Laws dictating faith and Gnostic philosophy as to the rules of harmony (fundamental essence of nature) reached a head at the Siege of Jerusalem (66-69 AD). Losing Gnostics rebranded themselves as “Christians” and that is why the persecution of believers began immediately. Other than Nero (persecutor of Jews and not Christians), Caligula and Caesar himself, just about all Roman Caesars were allies of the Pharisaic elite (friends of Zion). The great irony is “Gnostic” Josephus/Jesus also worked for the Pharisaic elite (Jesus/Barabbas offered to the crowd is a thinly veiled metaphor emphasised by his final moments on the cross (sic) where he “questions” his own divinity). Redemption became his administration of gnostic Christianity.

vitamins-d-sun-worshipLet us never forget Christmas was the old Pagan winter solstice; celebrated by sun worshipers. Of those, the Roman brand is labelled Sol Invictus (Sun unconquered; and that is why Pharaoh Akhenaton abolished Amon-Re. His reward was eternal disappearance. That’s how “deep” this goes). The very mission of the cult (worship, from the stem “growth”) was tyranny, for the sun had been offered as the ultimate conquest (pre-empting conflict or EVIL). Modern day Christmas is reflective of the British high Victorian Christian renaissance that led to a review of morality (inspiring many modern crusades, it must be said). Prior the Druidic (Pagan) harvest festival (very similar to the Vedic-Aryan one) had remained pretty much unchanged over the ages. That religion can only be pieced together by spurious references, so it is clear some Order went to a great deal of trouble to abolish the knowledge. Speculating, I am compelled to consider the Vedic-Aryan Book of Veles might be the closest approximation of Druidic wisdom. There are many valid theories proposing the Irish/Anglo Celts were in fact Jews that had settled after an exodus there between 500-600BC. Though of the same basic stock, these people did not have any direct relationship to the later Saxon (predominantly Teutonic tribes) invaders. I touch on the strange importance of the “Viking” Tribe of Dan here.

The-Maine-PennyThe links with Joseph of Arimathea, Josephus, Cornwall, the Druids and the English mystery schools should never be understated. Britain, at the time of Roman conquest, was the only place to secure a real education. It was only when the famous mystery schools began to close down that the Roman machine realised they had lost their conquest of Britain and made a rapid exit. Ok, for clarity, there were plenty of other reasons, but that was the clincher. Though the Romans had also failed at introducing money to the Celts, the ruling classes, the Chieftains, already had money. Gold, silver and billon staters were in circulation decades before Romans maliciously set foot on British soil. Recorded in the Vedas, Vedic-Aryans had been using “cuts of silver” as currency for as long as memory persisted. It is presumed the reason Biblical gold shekels have never turned up is [Hebrew] shaqal (weight) referred to a measure rather than a coin. Christmas_ornaments_676592Nonetheless, there is the enigma of the 200,000 year old “Pittsburgh penny” (I cannot find any references to the spurious talisman, but did turn up these links – on from Tellinger’s stone circles and the bridge to Atlantis which is not as old as they think).

That aside, fundamentalist visitors are probably still reeling from my denial of the Cosmic Christ energy. Perhaps they missed my “befouled by Yahweh” remark. I touched on Nis (well, I mentioned the Hebrew Easter, Nisan) or the Copper Serpent last post, presenting a depiction of Moses’ famous rod. Thinking “unorthodox” Christians occasionally devote their belief in Easter as the more plausible reference point for the “Birth of Jesus”. Although, I too am a Capricorn, so Christmas does make more “Character” sense as a birthdate. This Ozzie Thinker post was devoted to Ishtar and the birth of Horus (Adonis) symbolism. Fantasy__038997_In addition, my other blog scoped a long article about, amongst other things, Zamolxis. That mythical Hyperborean king shapes the cultural identity of tradition’s dark, scythe brandishing, Death. In his Legends of the Phoenix, Alexey Trekhlebov offers impressive and hard to rebut detail supporting the notion that Yahweh and Jehovah represent death (in different ways). He refers to the etymology of an ancient Slavic past revealing a number of stems that adequately substantiate his opinions.

One such reference is a most ancient enigmatic text that heralds from Crete (Hyperborea?) and says, “Ne do sebe I chaso dla ye teni zhiyve” translating as “Don’t bother giving an hour of your life in devotion to God (i.e. Yahweh-Jehovah)”. Trekhlebov is rightly fixated on Sabaoth (from the Hebrew tsaba or tsava which means “armies” or “physical forces” but can be used as “occupy”, “possess”, etc.) and this signifies the physical, perhaps material even, presence of “God”. He appealingly speculates the Hebrew tradition of “maranta” (God joining his human servants on Earth after preparation by the final Messiah) is a celebration of death. Comparably, Slavic-Aryan spiritual ascension or blessing at death is represented by the word “marana” (there are many other words that signify death sharing the mar/mor stem. In Slavic: marazm, marat, moroz, morg, and English: morgue, morbid). A surviving pre 9th century Vedic anecdote with ambiguous origins reads “Jehovah-Sabaoth-Adonay ehay eya laitsya u toy tartaroy skotin” and means “Let that dirty animal and malicious one, Jehovah-Sabaoth-Adonay lie in hell”. This is important because Jehovah-Yahweh-Sabaoth-Adonay is looking down on every Christian through the legacy of Egyptian scribe-prince Moses/Baruch. “He” is looking down on every Muslim too.

Assortment of fruits and vegetables

In actual fact, historical opinion of a number of sources favours the concept that Yahweh-Jehovah was originally only worshipped by the tribe of Judea prior to Judaism being formalised. Trekhlebov compelling argues the reason the tetragram, YHWH, was never spoken by priests prior to the “pointing” (vowel sounds added) of the Hebrew alphabet, is it represented death. Principally this is correct, however there were supplementary reasons. One of which is that the Hebrew peoples were never given the true name of God and, besides, even if they had it, it is unpronounceable by the human tongue. The notable Thracian God, Baba Yaga has many variations, including Yama, Yahve, Yahu, Yaho and so on (note the Yah stem of Yahweh which is very similar in pronunciation to Yahve). As with Zamolxis (the embodiment of), they all mean death.

Christmas-Decorations-Images-07Returning to the idea of Sabaoth being the physical representation of Yahweh-Jehovah-Adonay, perhaps Zoroastrian wisdom now begins to make sense. According to that philosophy metaphysical forces of good or evil created energy fields of influence that would infect host armies in one direction or another (i.e. for “dark” or for “light”). Therefore, I originally concluded that Yahweh-Jehovah-Adonay is evidence for the so-called “Annunaki” who, at the time, could adopt human “blanks” for their supplementary purposes (whether dark or light) and that is why (I presumed) the Prophet Zoroaster issued the warning. 2014-12-christmas-decorations-london-uk-05Theoretically, after the Draco sealed off the Earth from cosmic influences we were safe (from this theorised dominance), except Zoroaster was born long after the Annunaki exited. Therefore, supplementary conclusions dictate it is fair to say that the Draco have adopted the Annunaki techniques and use them for their own influence over all human beings. Zechariah Sitchin presented the Annunaki as plundering humanoids (different gene set to humans). He was only partially correct and, in many ways, could not have been more wrong.

The humanoids were spiritual surrogates, as I point out in my last exo-politician post. But, more importantly, they reneged on the deal with the Annunaki and this, in part, led to the enormous rift between the masters and their “face of God” progeny. Complimenting this line of consideration, Mary Rodwell exposes accounts (via regressive hypnosis) of living spaceships. Christmas-Snow-Tree-Lights-House-WallpapersThat alien technology appears to have been designed to allow the experiencer to add the spaceship component to his or her body, as a vital living extension not separate but part of the whole. This is best example I can find that likens to the more natural techniques the Annunaki use. In other articles I have revealed some of their direct manifestations that prompt awe, terror and perhaps a measure of fascination combined. These unique creations go by the group name Ba’al. Ciakar “reptilians” (a branch of the Draco hierarchy) reputedly conducted blood curdling ceremonies involving adolescent human males, each coerced into some kind of sexual sacrifice, usually resulting in death. The chant of the real name of God combined with pungent sexual energy was apparently too much for Ba’al to resist. It is the same basic Ciakar crew that David Icke and others postulate infect the administrators of humanity via the Illuminati New World Order and masonic religions.

outdoor_christmas_decoration_Gnosticism presents things (whilst perennially aware of other versions) in a very different light. I am that impressed with much of the philosophic insight delivered by examples such as from the Nag Hammadi scrolls; I provided references in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. In the same volume, I deal with the flawless Satan Star, foundations of existence and the ultimate, inevitable collapse (something our sciences erroneously call “black holes”). Gnosticism also includes some subtle bogeys, largely due to a lack of compassion, insight or belief that superiority could fail or err. The author of the Apocryphon of John (we cannot be sure “John” is a real entity) unfairly judges Sophia for making a miscalculation, though perhaps fairly apprehends her arrogance. She, the female aspect of God, stands for wisdom (ironically). Everything stemmed from her discovery tour, while the masculine aspect slumbered. The creative passion could only manifest conceptual thought (in the beginning was word, logic…) – Epinoia.

Per Sophia’s reference, everything is a concept; a construct. Reflection via internal thought processes (enthymesis) reconstructed a blueprint for existence (prognosis) from the concept. According to “John”, the “spirit” became the indelible guide. Yet, as a guide, it referenced the will of both masculine and feminine aspect and the blueprint was rejected outright. Because it was her vision, she ignored the controls and brought existence into being without permission or approval of the whole (masculine and feminine). christmas-decorations-santa-christmas-postsRejecting the spirit and bypassing the masculine was not entirely ineffective and she demonstrated unconquerable power. The miscalculations saw problems manifest with the creation of her son, the first being of “form”, Yaldabaoth (Satan?). He was the epitome of Sophia and took both the power (dynamis) and thoughtlessness (aponoia) from his mother. Because he was the ruling authority (exousia) of existence, the incorruptible higher realms were manifested as corruption. According to “John”, the fifth realm as manifest was called “Adonaiu” (or Sabaoth) and it had the face of a dragon (Ba’al). The human line via our reptilian heritage looks something like hu-man > Ciakar/Pteroid/humanoid > dragon/ultra being > Ba’al/supreme being > Annunaki/God in unimaginable manifest form.


Though it is a generalisation as the truth is far more complex, Yahweh-Jehovah-Sabaoth is, in part, Ba’al. Some Biblical texts expose how evil has been rebranded as good (if read in the right way) and others go to great lengths to confuse, obscure and obfuscate inconvenient truths. Yet, have people woken up? No, the arrogance of dogmatic doctrine has infected any “cause”; no matter what. Everyone, lowly or great, insists their way is right. New Year’s resolutions were abolished long ago. How could you mini-gods improve? Do you not understand it is your, the individual’s, refusal to absolve that is creating all evil by fostering hatred? Homosexuals are very well looked after today, providing they are not underage. Prior, did their pleas of true love meet an appreciative audience at the law courts? No, because love is forbidden by arbitrary laws which implement standards that are (or will become) the basis for all conflict. Therefore, money is not the root of all evil; it is the Law. Just as “John” blames Sophia for the legacy of error, so you all eternally blame your detractors. Laws find harmony and support in your hatred of “the other”.

cocaine christmas

Occasionally I refer to my research of human behaviours at webcam sites. Worryingly, in certainly places, modern day renaissance of homosexuality (a Greco-Roman tradition) has become so entrenched cam-boys perhaps seem more popular than cam-girls. The dynamics are always very simple. Santa is SatanIgnoring some of the unconscionable (and hard to believe) menu items offered by, notably, the Latin sector (perhaps inspired by coca-de-Colombia?), communications are invariably the same. Performers are always desperate to become rich beyond their wildest dreams, whilst viewers predictably want something for nothing. In other words, performers want to get something by giving nothing and viewers want to take something for nothing in return. You see, that is why cash reigns, because without it, there would be instant and absolute paralysis. Only when performers give for nothing and receivers take for something will cash loose its power.

I could have devoted this article to exploring to what extent dreadful commerce has perverted what should be a harvest festival of truth and celebration of the abundance of creation by the grace of God, but, of course, there are always so many priorities I could produce several encyclopaedias simply to scratch the surface. I will say this, though. TofuturkeyEveryone picks on Santa and that unfortunate “Satan” anagram. Claus, incidentally, is an anagram of “calus” (callus) – the thorny exterior. For you Satanists; Satan was as pure as any other light source that became corrupted by the indifference of Sophia, so don’t talk to me about your mindless philosophies that espouse bottomless meaninglessness. eliminar-cucarachasRemember, don’t you dare buy my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. The truth would be too much for your narcissism.

Putting Satanism to one side and reaching out to all you other cultists (that’s right all religions are cults), putting things in perspective, Christians (in particular) how many insects have you killed this Christmas, for daring to exist? At least some of you eat the turkey, I guess. Do you see how vile, self-serving and unappreciative the majority of you are and you mostly have the gall to call yourselves spiritual, believers (in God), dare I say it, good? But, I suppose, you are not committed to a universal holocaust unless you celebrate maranta. Yes, that is what it means and a few of your foul, demented leaders have decided the only way God can join his human servants on Earth is through a ritual purging by fire; Earth plane suicide for all to enable the few. They call this Armageddon and that is their interpretation of the phoenix (Ba’al is Yahweh-Jehovah-Sabaoth in dragon form) rising from the ashes. I can inform these pheasant brained individuals the “few” are not them and their grand sacrifice will become their eternal tombs as purgatory.

phoenix_risingIt is good to give to charity over Christmas? Particularly to the homeless, if you can find one that is not a Christian “soldier” or a scammer (same thing?). In fact there are very few “homeless” people. Many are subject to the most unsatisfactory, perhaps dire, circumstances though. And that is largely thanks to all of you; the group that “to death” support the system to the hilt. Charity, I have said before, is a con unless there is no government. A Prince of Wales charity was outside my local supermarket the other day (commerce attracts commerce – fitting). The cause generalised about saving various body parts and other stuff and all they needed was “so much” for “human salvation”. Yet, what is money? Is it not an artificial standard, like laws, punitively arbitrating value? If humans were committed to giving objectives would never conflict with needs, wants or anything virtuous for that would be inhumane. The “justice” system does nothing more than precipitating standards for commerce and these represent arrogance, cruelty and betrayal of humanity. Indeed, far from improving people’s lives, commerce is destined to suck the lifeblood from everything. Who were the winners from the “Grand Financial Crisis”? Did the money simply vanish?

SARS insecticidesTaking health as the shining example of commerce, quotas assure only a limited number of individuals can be “sick” for any given period. When the quota is exceeded, who is going to pay for it? Remember all money is based on a fictitious, arbitrary standard that was supposedly agreed on by “reasonable man” (theoretically the measure for justice) to determine value. So, in order to protect this standard, governments see sick or dying people are unattended (check those hospital waiting lists) as the priority over their health and wellbeing. Indeed, so much government money has been devoted to instruments of death and destruction (wars and so on), there is virtually nothing left (according to their superficial punitive standards) for sick health. Let’s face it, it’s a double whammy. One of the biggest attributions to cancers caused in Iraq before Bush’s “war on terror” was by the plutonium in Clinton’s weapons of mass destruction. The few trillion shekels left in government coffers are distributed to the industrialist pollutin’, tootin’ poisoners. Numerous viruses (such as Ebola) caused by industrial toxins are their legacy. wp-ROC-OurTownsBlog-7329-7bc77d10Merry Christmas guys! These monsters don’t care. How they attain maranta is irrelevant. The end always justifies the means as far as they are concerned.

I agree with Jon Rappoport. They don’t have vials of “deadly diseases” to infect the water ways. Bio war is limited to chemicals and most of them are household names. A bit of crude in your water supply surely won’t harm you? I can assure you they can find scientists to prove ice is created by fire if that suits the agenda. On the other hand, I see the limp wristed protesters “vigilantly” speaking out against thimerosal (mercury and other nasties) in vaccines. Where’s the action, puppets? You have mostly done nothing to disaffect the system. In order to remedy the fake deficit created by their insistence on a flawed standard that could never meet the needs of the wider populations, they allowed pariah bankers to create insurance initiatives which sucked yet more out of the existing impoverished health system. So, along came bonnie prince Charlie to my local supermarket, cap outstretched, after handouts for heath. I say “F you” and “F off” “C”.

christmas-presents-453onv52Instead of an unconditional outpouring in celebration of the gift of existence, we have strategic party invites and colourfully wrapped bribes with strings attached. For that I don’t blame Satan or Santa or the Jews or the Federal Reserve or anything else that deflects your ineptitude. The reason your children are faithless, greedy parasites that value only cash and what cash brings is through fault of upbringing. Denial of sex except as a parental power of “God status” has made sure there will be endless supplies of cam girls, cam boys and other prostitutes of worth lining up from “age 18” in places where decent fake ID’s aren’t available. satan_claus_small1Are not all sexual relationships forms of prostitution, which arbitrarily and vindictively shut out the other on the selfish grounds of privilege; privilege that reviles the other? Has not the collapse of society been caused by the castigation of free will of the other as vilified by privilege of self? How can anyone be special without first the intent for specialness? How can anything be known before it is experienced? Marriages (each, ideally, the model of cooperation and optimum standard for all relationships), as with Christmas, are founded on infatuations concocting synthetic paradise islands. That is why when all the gifts are revealed the bubbles bursts and the spirit dies.

Having said all that; tomorrow is another day and what happened before doesn’t matter providing there is resolution, so Merry Christmas, as long as your cash is worthy and that sets the standard.

Time: The Great Quandry

51gTKHWX+cL._SX332_BO1,204,203,200_Recently I offered a completely-unseen-before excerpt of my now print-friendly book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (See to Global Freedom Movement (See subscribers. So, I thought, in the spirit of illumination, Ozzie Thinker bloggers might appreciate the information.

Feedback from my Fans

It is only a short book (under 20,000 words), but, within, texts compress wisdom of great power; some Ideas so transcendental in nature they are not of this Earth. These are no ordinary writings. Up-and-coming American musician, Andy Duong (See, reached out and donated for his copy. Secretly (he told me later) he thought I was just another one of those “know-it-all’s” and bought the book merely to pull it apart. However, after reading it, his sentiment changed.

I went ahead and read your book last night. Very powerful stuff. Lots of odd connections were made [leading up to donating for your book]. Your content was challenging, empowering at times […] and a little disturbing […] because of the materialism [criticisms]. […] It is an excellent book. I want to read it again [in a much slower and thought provoking fashion].” AD

Another fan is somebody rather closer to home. You all should know him by now. Brendan D Murphy’s donation didn’t break any records, but as an Australian luminary, I would have probably given him a copy, if pressed. His feedback can be reduced to a single short sentence:

It was just like my book.” BDM

9781452507118_COVER_FQA.inddThat is the greatest compliment anyone could have given me. There’s a little bit of Narcissus (See in all of us. Trust me “The Grand Illusion” is Brendan’s baby. For him to place my book of equal status is, well, I have already said it, the greatest compliment anyone could give.

As I had already released a preview in “Is Science Illusory”, I had planned to tempt donators with the “Preface” (See, but after some stern words of caution from my American fan, I have decided to take a different tack.

[The Preface is] too anti-materialism, only harping on the negative. Your book [on the other hand] is mostly positive and undeniably uplifting – an immensely deep, profound read.” AD

A Fresh Approach

I need a different tack because I am disappointed. Any normal person would have presumed that a small, but robustly vocal following would have amounted to numerous, doting donators eager for an enlightenment download. Not so, I’m afraid. It is as if, with all that “cute talk” about it, next to no one is interested in having existence explained. They take sanctity in the shark infested dark waters of ignorance.

Fewer than 100 copies have been dispatched including giveaways. What a sorry outcome for a year’s perspiration devoted to genius? You guys can make a difference. You can turn things around and give ignorance a hiding. Before I roll out the big guns and eye candy to tip those teetering on the brink, I can say, wholeheartedly, that I have listened [to critics]. Jesting aside, honestly I would be so appreciative if everyone ran with this ball, not only donating but also tenaciously spreading the good news on personal networks. Oh boy, that would make me happy.

People said to me, “We don’t like no e-books {the double negative seemed to figure here]. So I have created a version that will print as 24 pages of unadulterated, lovingly crafted text (you can even toss the preface and lose 2 more pages). There is no point in “publishing it” because, in light of its size, that would be overkill. The way publishing works, as Brendan will tell you, is it’s not the size that counts. Therefore, the price of producing 20,000 words is about the same as a 200,000 word edition! Crazy, I know, but that’s the business.

A Pretty Face is the Best Anonymous Fan

MsXopPbgAimee Devlin, given her proximity to Brendan, I’m pretty sure has probably read “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. She hasn’t given any direct feedback, but I know she would have loved it even if posthumously. Even though her mind would match the average professor’s, they say “eye candy” sells, so it gives me a chance to show off the face of a pretty anonymous fan.

Let’s be honest, when all said and done, it is the blessed text that should promote the book. latestThat’s what people are donating for. So, without further ado, I have selected a never-seen-before (with the exception of the various donors) snippet aimed at knocking the sooks off. The problem with this, for anyone that saw the relevant hilarious Big Bang Theory episode (See with Sheldon trying to select the perfect birthday gift for his girlfriend (another Aimee [Amy], as it happens), is judgement is largely determined by taste or “one person’s perfume is another’s poison”. Even so, if Mayim Bialik counted as a fan that would really give me a boost.

Profound wisdom from Ozzie Thinker

…All dimensions consist of up to four simple elements; pulses, force fields, waves and frequencies. Similar symmetry is found in cosmic code. The Genome Project has identified a variation (or symptom) of DNA that consists of four chemical elements which, in correct combination, can create anything. There is nothing beyond the power of creation.

indie-rock-musician-wallpaper-3-2-s-307x512A big part of the creation process is perception. Indeed, without perception nothing would exist. Yes, I have heard all those Zen-style arguments about trees falling in unimagined woods which have not been witnessed. However, if there was no perception, existence would not exist because there would be no awareness of it. Perception is a cooperation of existence and awareness. In the case of human beings, the cooperation is selective. We are all surrounded by extra-dimensional entities all the time, but the majority [of us] cannot see due to limited [which is also arguably flawed through limitation] perception. Our perception is designed to make sense of our reality. In fact, more so that reality is our “sense”. Considering my earlier introduction of the mysterious False Matrix, this opens the door to the probability of external influences manipulating how [our] vision is rationalised. A constant electronic mass Media stream shaping opinions to ensure conditioning is the ultimate way of securing imperfection. The False Matrix is a hidden, much more subtle and vastly superior version. Because we rely on our sense of reality, instinctively, we are more likely to block than accept change and this adds to the vile assault on human will, the discovery tour and, as a consequence, balanced investigation. Many would go so far as denying or attacking change for change’s sake in order to preserve their reality. As no single voice plagues society with its exclusive brand of mediocrity, our paradigm can be extended to clashes of culture. Muslims want a Muslim world and defy those that stand in their path. Strict homosexuals, as a variation, might concede bi-sexuality in order to preserve their social acceptability and respectability.

Self-expression invariably relies on cultivating many voices combined as the monotonous chiming “royal we”. The group transcends the self and the art of propaganda belies imagining a group identity even if it does not exist. The pinnacle of Globalist exploit is being conducted to the tune of xenophobic Zionism. This is something that goes way beyond Judaism and is certainly no expression of faith. In fact, the reverse is true. Zionism, unsurprisingly, is an apex of exo-politics. The same pretend factions, visible and invisible, have precipitated proxy order of differing brands through the ages. They fabricated history to censor comprehension. Courtesy of the anthropomorphic field that governs how we react to the astral plane (giant highway that comprises all dimensions and timelines), it is impossible to suppress the truth. Parties to the deceit with clear vision have but three options. They can ridicule that which contradicts their fantasy using terminal props supported by corrupt academics. When that ruse fails, it is then only possible to censor, lose or forget key transgressions against the tyranny that holds power. Finally, only assault and death will bury voices that pierce totalitarianism. History needed to be painstakingly rewritten to cover the tracks of those that lead. The most critical misdemeanour has been the erasure of the true origins (note plural) of man. Chapter two, “The Birth of Hu-man-ity and its Practical Implications”, will redeem conscientious readers. Truth has been in front of your noses all along. “Vision” is all that was ever required.

Existence is much more complex than humanity and its mainstream science supposes. I have explained why the academic community, guided by reductionist/materialist peer groups, cannot or will not comprehend value added existence in the preceding paragraphs. Now I shall attempt to decode the greatest secret of all. It is important to start by saying that though we rationalise time as linear, it is anything but. In fact there is an attractive magnetic force which acts as an unseen guide, something I call blueprint time in other writings. As we shall learn blueprint time is not likely limited to a single print. The same way a prolific painter maps out his latest grand masterpiece, so too are cornerstone events etched into blueprint time. These act as anchors that, in many ways, puncture the fabric that connects dimensional realities. Time itself is series of static scenarios which might appear in chronological order should the experiencer rationalise them that way. Perhaps rationalise is the wrong word. We attach or pin ourselves to each new scenario in an order we call chronological. From this rationalisation of what we generally call “reality”, blueprint time runs in the reverse direction. In other words it starts at the end and finishes at the beginning as scenarios needed to be prepared for attachment in chronological order. Attachments are presented as “menus” that reflect the choices a user faces for any given moment. In its “raw state”, time consists of a hotch-potch of unordered scenarios, thus going forwards or backwards is either the illusion for the experiencer or the determination of the planner. Remembering our earlier gateaux analogy, time is the ingredients randomly arranged, blueprint time is the recipe, and linear existence the cake.

Are you all intrigued?

animal-farm1I think that sample is incomplete and enticing enough to summon brave truth seekers. But, maybe freedom is actually “change without revision”? That would mean we can review the same old worn out theories re-dressed as “new truths” for perseverance of liberty. That, in context, of course, would mean “new freedom” is precisely the same as old slavery; as George Orwell so aptly expressed in “Animal Farm” (See For me, freedom begins with clarity of purpose, cosmic laws and comprehension of the divine. That is why I cannot understand why people haven’t scaled glacial peaks to access fundamental truths.

Really, once again, it boils down to change with or without revision. Those that see value in revision should donate for my book without hesitation. Our remaining, inquisitive inept[s], fearful of detachment from the safety of “the system”; you need to take a walk on the wild side. The worst that could happen is you become more certain of the beliefs you already have.

You’ve convinced us. Where the hell do we donate?

You can seek the book out on Book Tango or Amazon, but due to its larger font size, printing will be a nightmare. Alternatively, and preferably, donations are welcome here ( or

Stop press!!! I now also teach concert piano (skype sessions would be possible for overseas students, but check out my Youtube channel first: see and regularly perform here (See (It’s only $5 entrance to cover nibbles and drinks – everyone’s welcome).

Denial and Apathy Will Restrict and Ultimately Halt Human Ascension

Internationally, I have not set the world on fire – yet! Nevertheless I am expanding my range through journalistic relationships with the Global Freedom Movement (See, Conscious Life News (See and other platforms.

Locally, in specific circles, I am known as the “Draco man”. For those not in the know, Draco (See is a pet name given to a group of hidden ghoulish entities that manifest as reptilians, giant bats and werewolves. Before readers entirely switch off; there has been serious consideration given to this field by respected names, such as Sol Luckman’s (See dedication to the removal of malignant Jinn (plural of Genie). Indeed there is a whole movement devoted to our bodies’ electro-magnetic energy fields (See, sometimes called Chakras or Meridians. For those that specialise, known experts of repute cover the Draco’s manifest forms and character traits. Notably David Icke, James Bartley and even the great Simon Parkes (See conjure decidedly negative imagery (See, even when they are trying to be positive. This is where I, largely, differ (See


Thus I have collected plenty of wilful critics over time. The main reason I have critics is because I strip everything back to its raw essence, not humbly as a reincarnated Prophet, but rather as an agitator that creates booming, unappreciated tonal waves. Naturally the information I serve up both contradicts and conflicts with existing, sometimes long established, belief systems (See If I had a divine purpose in life, it would be to test and expose rogue belief systems. The problem with that mission is just about all belief systems are maligned in some way, as shown in my reference link. Even the great, late black comedian George Carlin (See was not always right, but he is the one that has come closest to “raw” that I have found. To be clear, I can’t say I go out of my way to mimic George, but I find his mindset so refreshing, if he set the standards humanity might just make it. Internationally, I have not set the world on fire – yet! Locally, in specific circles, I am known as the “Draco man”. There are plenty of critics, of course, but I will explain why later.


This is the problem with humanity, currently. Beginning at very early ages, people build invisible igloos around themselves and these act as impermeable filters against anything that contradicts current belief “status-quo”. Charismatic individuals or well-placed proverbs can chip away some of the igloo’s veneer, but real change will only come from extended, prolonged periods of systemic, honest inner assessment (a form of meditation). But the real problem is the perceived lack of respect of anyone outside the igloo. Everyone, without exception, that I have encountered believes they are individually special. And to be brutally frank, to be individually special, means they are better than everyone else. However, for anyone that is sincere about individual specialness, venturing outside the igloo to make direct one-on-one comparisons is the only way, on balance, to demonstrate who shines. Instead (safely ensconced in their icy cubicles), by dismissing competition, “specialness” is immortalised.

stock_photo_indexI don’t dispute some may well worship a sports star, love a great musician or become inspired by a brilliant scientist. So an Olympian can lap a pool in thirty seconds when regular folks would take ten minutes, but they only swim faster. Clearly they are better technicians than ordinary people but, by that vein, are not supernatural. The same can be said about footballers, mathematicians, doctors and so on. Social luminaries rarely challenge the threshold of individual specialness and when they do, they are never heard of again. “Challenge” is a great word (See People feel safe around celebrities because they are not challenged by them.

Now, if someone came along who was able to turn a swimming pool’s watery contents into ice simply using thought; that would be moving into the paranormal (See That would threaten the generalised “specialness” of the individual; particularly as being special is the belief system’s way of affirming a sole connection to the divine (See In other words, no matter what anyone else thinks or does and, within reasonable limits, no matter how the individual behaves, his or her relationship with the divine will always make them special. Thus, when I come along and say I can read energy fields and can see, not guess, what you are made of and, more importantly, where you came from, audiences become very sceptical. hqdefaultThat is because scepticism is the igloo’s primary defence against ideas that attack the status-quo (See The status-quo, in this case, is the unimpeached specialness of the individual. Therefore, the only ones that have shown any interest in my paranormal abilities are those that share them. To add to the intrigue, people are, with scant exception, faithless. I wonder, for instance, whether the visually blind truly believe there is colour. How could they believe in something they have never seen?

Focusing on the root of the problem, there happens to be a common set of conditions that have formed a manifesto loosely called “materialism” (See The primo basic tenet of this philosophy is; if it can be measured (physical) it exists. Expanding (and detracting at the same time) Newton’s record, modern day materialists presume that which cannot be measured does not exist. Or, to put it another way:

“The theory or belief that nothing exists except matter and its movements and modifications”

Is this God?

Is this God?

A branch of the study called pragmatism, materialism has three distinct versions: reductionism, atheism and scepticism. Reductionism acts as the communal igloo for modern science-thinkers (is that an oxymoron?). Great powers of the like of Richard Dawkins espouse that the most effective science recording method is predicative. Therefore, just about all his work is concluded before data is collected or analysis of detail begins. His science becomes divinely inspirational as all findings that contradict the plan are either ignored or rejected and that which affirms the plan makes it stronger. Ultimately, mantras back wisdom (sic) that is beyond challenge, or so he believes.

Regularly I meet people that claim they are Jews, Catholics. Muslims and so on, but always the pragmatic (can I say “Pharisaic” [See]?) Religions. These people commonly shrink from “inner faith” based doctrines, such as the Kabbalah or Buddhism or Taoism, for instance. Regardless of individual claims, all are atheists. Prayer is conditional venting to a fantasy father-figure. God-Loves-Me-Just-as-I-Am-Rainbow-Pride-Heart-173x150Thus, worshipers are faithless. Their only remote connection to the divine is in the form of that specialness (I mentioned earlier) individuals cultivate from synthetic belief systems. I guess that is why there is so much scepticism in God – because belief systems that support the divine are knowingly false. Similar to predicative reductionism, dogmatic religions lay out road maps for “faith” (control) that must not be questioned by obedient followers (See Followers, in reality, are nothing more than slavish robots. Without faith there is no belief and these religious “subscribers” are also nothing more than atheists who “pose” via associations with political clubs. Readers must never lose sight of the fact that politics is the “affairs of people” (after the Greek). Religions that manage the affairs of the people are political orders/parties in all but name.


Science has learnt variations in testing methods will show different data sets and, more often than not, see dissimilar conclusive results emerging. I can give my own simple example. Many years ago I engaged a pointless study occupying an idle mind. lucky-craps-dice-poker-cards-old-horseshoe-american-west-legend-antique-game-rolling-out-chance-number-seven-vintage-37741352The experiment consisted of me, two balanced white dice with black dots and a kitchen table. The first two rolls produced what craps players’ term as “snake eyes” (or “double” ones). I could have shut down the experiment there and then. Conclusions would have shown “balanced dice will always produce snake eyes when rolled on an level table”. Instead I continued, tediously, and rolled the dice a further 9,998 times. The data, surprisingly, showed that certain roll combinations were much more common or uncommon than others defying (materialist) statistical probability.

Was that reflective of me and my technique? The sceptic, whose fanatical belief in the correctness of empirical probability tables, might request a sample of 100,000 rolls to offset the error. If anomalies were consistent (or, in greater likelihood, “changed”), then the sample might be extended to a million rolls and so on until desired probability outcomes were demonstrated. My point is sceptics are merely determined to be right and will use whatever means that sanctify ambitions of correctness. If the dice sample required only thirty six rolls to map a perfect probability curve, the illusion is complete. Pressing on with another million spins might defeat sanctified propaganda dressed as evidence. Therefore, a classic sceptic ploy of these wilful deceivers is not to continually review “deemed proven” data. How can mankind possibly ascend if truth is perpetually rigged to further the ambitions of the chosen few?


Returning to my enigmatic title “Draco man” (See, I have been known to prompt educated criticisms of the ilk of “What an earth is this twit talking about?” from time to time. “Name calling” is a typical defamation tactic used by those determined augment “order”. Sadly the same sorry “Pharisaic aligned” crews are the offenders – reductionists, atheists and sceptics. In fairness to them, and let’s make no bones about it, the Draco technically don’t exist. So, in truth, on one level there is nothing to talk about because we are moving into energetic domains (those electro-magnetic fields I touched on earlier). Certainly from the science-reductionist authority, it would be hard to explain the Draco effectively. However, as this “ties in” with man’s ascension, I cannot avoid it. Indeed, the event or stage process is referring to an energetic shift of man which is so significant it may even impact our atomic structure.

Materialism might be a modern day concept, but overriding philosophies stretch back to the dawn of time and it can be seen in some of the earliest surviving evidence of critical thinking (See Without acknowledgement of the extra-dimensional, it is impossible to discuss the Draco professionally. aristotleSuffice to say, mostly (perhaps with the exception of “echoes of Plato”) the Greek greats did not discuss things that go bump in the night (See Aristotle’s plan for the universe (See, perhaps unfairly interpreted, ensured that a flat, cuboid hollow Earth was at the centre of everything and powered by the sun. Incendiary stars were nothing other than twinkling (crystalline) “prisms”. The moon, according to Aristotle, was evidence of the divide which marked the boundary for celestial domains of heavenly refuge. How long, be it adapted many times, was that blueprint for existence current? 2000 years? How would he have reacted to the Draco “concept”? Ironically, as I explain in my book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (Look it up on Amazon or make a donation at – and sceptics, please, please don’t buy it as the text will only give you a “beliefs embolism”), in some ways, bizarrely, Aristotle’s most unlikely opinions (given modern science-propaganda) were correct.

Whilst on the subject of my books, as a prolific writer, there are going to be a number of volumes. Number two of the series is provisionally titled, “A New World Order”. This is in the throes of completion, but the following one, “The Birth of Hu-man-ity” will discuss human origins in relation to the Draco and Annunaki’s hierarchical management of our genetics. And this is very pertinent to discussions regarding our ascension as any [genetic] change will be directly reflective of the mechanisms that activate or deactivate DNA programming. In this case, plausibly, “mechanisms” may refer to that strange being some call “God’ (not meaning to offend the atheists). limbicAccording to my calculations modern Caucasian humans are Version Seven of a heritage that stretches back billions of years (See Theoretically we are a new version of Ciakar (See and note the reference to Tyrannosaurus Rex. It is important) and, as such, are a combination of branches of what we call “man” and “reptilian”. To make things even more confusing (sometimes even I empathise with the materialists at times!), reptilians only “look like” reptiles, and in the case of the Draco-Ciakar; are closer aligned to feline character traits. There are pretty much no references I can offer as basis, although Simon Parkes does hint at this in some of his early AMMACH (See interviews. Thus, the little that has been written in consideration of this phenomenon must be viewed as flawed from conception. If there was any material evidence that confirmed reptilian qualities of modern humans, it would be found in diligent analysis of our limbic system.

The Draco (split into Pteroid “dogs” and Ciakar “cats”. See for additional information) mostly exist in domains beyond our appreciation of light frequencies. Indeed, their atomic makeup has transcended “carbon” status which means, in this case, they cannot usually be seen or even experienced by “normal methods”, affirming materialist sentiment. The ones that are material or can manifest are extremely adept at staying hidden. It should be no surprise as individual IQ’s of these creatures are beyond science comprehension. Additionally, they are aided by advanced technologies that will sufficiently cloak those desirous of invisibility (See Occasional blurry photos or films do emerge of reptilian entities usually focused on poorly lit caves (perhaps entrances to inner Earth domains?).

As to be expected, when a new photographic sighting does make the rounds, there are invariably hoards of angry, ignorant, foul mouthed sceptics gunning to ravage any sensibility. Attacks are often so well-orchestrated (and often very personal), it is as if armies of mercenaries are routinely employed to destabilise reason (See Though it will seem too far-fetched for even rudimentary consideration, very advanced Draco networks monitor every single human thought transaction and have the power to intervene and disrupt communications when necessary (See This is done by manipulating the very same thing that Aristotle was talking about and it’s all in my book! (See

Give me your cash, coz' I look after number one!

Give me your cash, coz’ I look after number one!

When looking at true human character traits, we are very like Ciakars. Our fundamental objective, as individuals, is to self-serve. No better is this validated than by the phrase “look after number one”. With the occasional exception of responsibilities accepted through bloodline (family) ties, all personal relationships are guided by self-gratification; friendships and marriages included. f20e15cbe3eba51e4844de20e002c81aAt the point any union ceases to gratify and is free of vested interests, it is over. The most prized versions of gratification are “greed based”. Thus, love-free partnerships (marriages) will continue indefinitely while both parties are being gratified. Lust versus money is the commonest type of trading exchange. Greed motivated dependence is not necessarily financial. Emotional support is also highly prized. Humans are naturally parasitic and form liaisons, in part, to improve self-esteem through determined hierarchical progression up the peer group ladder. Complex and sometimes convoluted reasoning motivates this self-serving and closed minded denial of true character. Effectively, in the same way we accentuate our compassionate individuality, we have more or less obscured any possibility of rational psychoanalysis of self. In fairness to humanity, Ciakars are much more extreme in their gradations towards magnetic social pulses. Thus, in their societies, there is always one set of laws for “those in the circle” (family, friends, meaningful alliances) which are variations of “higher virtue” and a different set of values for “strangers” outside. Even so Ciakar laws are draconian and so are ours.

When looking at true human character traits, we are very like Ciakars. Our fundamental objective, as individuals, is to self-serve. GIOTTO_AscensionNo better is this validated than by the phrase “look after number one”. With the occasional exception of responsibilities accepted through bloodline (family) ties, all personal relationships are guided by self-gratification; friendships and marriages included. At the point any union ceases to gratify and is free of vested interests, it is over. The most prized versions of gratification are “greed based”. Thus, love-free partnerships (marriages) will continue indefinitely while both parties are being gratified. Lust versus money is the commonest type of trading exchange. Greed motivated dependence is not necessarily financial. Emotional support is also highly prized. Humans are naturally parasitic and form liaisons, in part, to improve self-esteem through determined hierarchical progression up the peer group ladder. Complex and sometimes convoluted reasoning motivates this self-serving and closed minded denial of true character. Effectively, in the same way we accentuate our compassionate individuality, we have more or less obscured any possibility of rational psychoanalysis of self. In fairness to humanity, Ciakars are much more extreme in their gradations towards magnetic social pulses. the_ascension_by_jimmulvaney-d5yqj73Thus, in their societies, there is always one set of laws for “those in the circle” (family, friends, meaningful alliances) which are variations of “higher virtue” and a different set of values for “strangers” outside. Even so Ciakar laws are draconian and so are ours.

The opposite of gratification is inconvenience or, dare I say it, sacrifice (i.e. if you were gratified by an experience in any way, you have not made a sacrifice). Visible fronts of “reverse parasites” are the only possible remedies to change the current direction or course of the human condition. This would require sufficient numbers of selfless individuals supporting for support’s sake – no agendas, no double motives and no crafty strategies to tip the balance on deceitful, contradictory social standards. If enough would simply lovingly help, humanity would stand a chance at ascension providing most are swayed into some kind of cooperative, affirmative action.


A few years ago I had a conference with “Pleiadian” Light Beings (See via an intermediary. They told me many things about our fractious past and why we had reached this point [in time] in the way we did. However, the most relevant and insightful observation was their opinion that Karmic reincarnation was “more or less dead” now. Surely this must be wrong? Without it man, as a being, has no purpose whatsoever. It is high time for us to declare war on denial and apathy.

The Significance of Easter


Well researched blog followers will already know that Easter is a Pagan concept in reverence of the moon-goddess Ishtar. The ceremony featured the resurrection of Tammuz (Tiamat?), son of Ra and Ishtar. That metaphor concerned eternal energy forces and the redistribution of matter (planetary) harbouring life systems. Yes, not in some ways, in every way planets are alive. If our sciences fail to recognise life forces, it is their ignorance, their incompetence, their error and not a fault of the universal creators. Planets are encased stars as I have mentioned in previous articles and, whilst I have found no direct references, I am led to believe ancient texts affirm this understanding.

Recently, on face book, I was critical of a peer’s fantasy determining the location of a non-existent alien base believed to be somewhere in the Australian wilderness. Whereas there are numbers of supposed extra-terrestrial joint venture (with man) bases tucked away in or under places on the Australian mainland, none are known to my fellow researcher. The thread owner rightly took umbrage at my disparaging comment and turned the “fantasy” word on me with rapier like wit. I responded with a suitably jocular response. My one true fault, I wept, was inability to hallucinate. Perhaps that is not the right word as hallucinations are generally brought onto the receiver, circumstances beyond the control of rational balances. The thread owner once more responded, now in a much lighter tone, with something like “Your imagination, silly?” Sadly, I had to inform her I had no imagination either and finally countered with, “What is that?”

Our term “imagination” is simply the effect of deliberately or inadvertently accessing the astral plane. Everything we understand and know is there alongside everything else we don’t. Of course, similar to truths found in the quantum layer, the astral plane is enough to destroy empirical sciences philology and, therefore, it must not be recognised at all cost. So, predictably, empirical science does not table it. In addition, unsurprisingly, the relationship between DNA and time is partially guided by the astral plane (as the facilitating connector). Before anyone comments, “What an earth has this got to do with the significance of Easter?” It has everything to do with the ploy being used to disguise the true basis of Easter. One such basis is the Babylonia-Pagan celebration of the transition of worlds. Metaphor is lost to modern humans as it has been grotesquely twisted to fit a giant untruth.

Josephus (born of Joseph) was Jesus. This means the dates of 0 or 4 or 6AD to at least 32AD are nothing to do with Jesus as we have to wait until 37AD for his birth. The wise men travelling continents to meet with stars in the sky are a dissociated event. There was someone born in the Judaic region with special genetics in 196BC. He was not called Jesus, though. The real Jesus (Josephus) conducted his ministry (always one jump ahead of the authorities) between 66-69AD. Interestingly that was the time of the Jewish revolt and subsequent siege of Jerusalem. I have explained before that Josephus was a gnostic priest-king or “Messiah” (according to Biblical New Testament symbolism) via the paternal line, but as far as the Romans would have been concerned, he was a royal. Through the maternal line he had the family name Piso. It is no coincidence that the Piso, Emperor Vespasian settled the Jerusalem’s problems in 69AD with little fuss. Unlike emperors Caligula and Nero, he had not been a stick in the mud.

This has direct relevance with our Easter celebration which, if the truth were known, had nothing to do with Jesus’ supposed death by crucifixion and subsequent miraculous resurrection. Josephus was a regular man; no different to you and I. The saga and intrigue goes right back to when the new Jews (who’d gradually overpowered the secular Semites; today’s Arabs. They had, of course, regained power somewhat aided by the Roman machine prior to the revolt of Jerusalem) split into Israelites and Philistines. Israelites became known as Celts or Culdees and the Philistines are Aryan-Slavic peoples. Bizarrely, Ashkenazy Jews are the genetic mix of Aryan-Celts, having Celtic and Slavic ancestry. Over the centuries, very few have kept a tight grip on genetic integrity as much as criticism of the Diaspora attitude was meant to dissuade pollution. Modern Jews are pretty much the same as any other cosmopolitan white populace group. Protest as they may, the Genome Project is their Achilles heel. Though that is false science, something akin to reading the tealeaves to determine genetic ancestry, their arguments are apt so I will use them.

By the time of Josephus, the Philistines had found their way back to power in the Israelite corridors of power. They also steered the Roman juggernaut. The Philistines had tried to impose a Pharisaic order of the most radical kind and this led to the original split of Judaic ranks. Our modern versions are Puritanism and Zionism. Christian slaves are called “Puritans” but our whip masters prefer the title “Zionists” (holders of the fortress). Naturally, the modern “Promised Land” is Puritan – a (and most definitely not “the”) World Power, governed and controlled by Israel. AIPAC is the rift of that relationship, but supreme arrogance of the elite is beyond caring and it could ultimately plunge the American peoples into a bitter civil war as ever growing movements of dissent have realised the term “Patriotism” has been hijacked and poisoned by vipers.

The reason the Sanhedrin was disbanded sometime after 66AD was the controllers believed they had conquered the known Earth. Super Power of the time, Rome, had been compromised and Josephus was the broker via the matrimonial alliance between his mother and father. Gospel writer Mark (Marcus) knew it too well. He was one of Jesus’ peers but a relatively junior aristocrat. That is why his gospel did not need a resurrection. The dreaded Gnostics has been killed off as the Zealots (an old name for Zionist) had won. There may be some confusion here, given that Vespasian was a blood relative of Josephus and the Gnostics had their own “Zealot” revolutionary arm as well. However, not all family members share political views (as is starkly illustrated by “brother against father leading to two out of every five family members dead” and other sayings attributed to Jesus compiled by the Gospel of Thomas – Nag Hammadi scrolls). Speculative sources suggest that after Jerusalem was “fixed”; exiled Josephus lived his remaining days in Alexandria or Antioch. It is no accident that the burgeoning Arianism movement, following principles of Gnosticism, came out of this region in the early 100’s AD. These became the target of the Rosicrucian (Zionist) Catholic Church. The Vatican and Israel are two philosophically independent branches of identical Reptilian order.

Lazarus has been correctly identified as the writer of St John’s gospel. Josephus’ wife was his sister and Joseph of Arimathea was his father and friend of Jesus’ father, Matthias ben Joseph. Jesus, according to the stories, was crucified on Josephus of Arimathea’s land (even though this broke Roman protocol). John’s gospel, therefore, does include detailed crucifixion and resurrection accounts which would have been written under guidance of (or perhaps by) Josephus. The metaphor was the Gnostic Celts would regain control of the world. It was mysticism versus science reductionism. There has been no outcome yet. Who will win ultimately?

The reason, of course, that Easter exists at all is it served two purposes. One was to rid the word of Pagan mysticism (the version that preceded Gnosticism) by rebranding the tradition. The deceivers knew that eventually people would forget the potency of their spiritual understanding of planetary relationships. I touch on this in my latest exopolitician post. Humans have been cut off from the Anunaki fathers by the false matrix. Universal mysticism is the only way to collapse the network and reengineer the group conscious (Christ’s Consciousness). This goes right up to the top. Use of telepathy and other communal devices should be encouraged. One mind is infinitely more powerful than aimless, broken voices obscured by the din of war.

Clearly it did not suit the agenda for historic knowledge about ancient politics to be out in the open either.il_fullxfull.315972092 Therefore the Easter nonsense is all about chocolate eggs, bunnies, tasty spiced fruit buns and other indulgences. Human communion is the lowest priority and lateral division is assured by the independence of various religious brands. A few non-Christians may adopt churlish ceremonies for the kids, in keeping with Western culture, but most ignore. No consideration is given to wider philosophy by Christians other than a generalised assumption that “we could behave better” but “this is a family time so strangers bugger off and don’t interrupt our fun”. If only everyone knew the sacrifices by strangers that have been made for humanity, Easter would be the time of great shame. 181fba5ae47dbd33e46f2a418a35f219The underlying deceit sees slavish materialism shaping willing adepts dutifully betraying spiritual conscience for sanctity. The spiteful satanic masters look on with sarcastic pride. Mysticism and mind have no place in their logical world of measured control.


For what it’s worth, Happy Easter!

Wisdom versus Mysticism

Lumerian harmony enacted by ancient Indian lore

Lumerian harmony enacted by ancient Indian lore

I recently read an article explaining that the ancient Atlanteans had punched hole (or tore a rip) in the time/existence continuum (space), allowing negative (under developed or ‘damaged’) entities to flood into third and fourth (Tara) dimension realities. For anyone aware of philosophy built around the Sphere of Amenti chronologies, will have their belief systems instantly affirmed.

However, assessing truth from fantasy is not so easy; nay hazardous, considering mainstream history has more or less reduced the notion of Atlantis as a myth of Plato. This is scornfully resolved as a possible real, distant point of existence [probably] somewhere beneath the Atlantic Ocean, but certainly nothing that would frustrate the hunter-gatherer model for the development of man. Indeed less feckless considerations, observing rafts of ancient texts and strange “other worldly” maps imply Atlantis stretched from the Arctic Circle down to Northern Africa, taking up land areas we now call the “Northern Hemisphere”. Oddly they also appeared to have owned the ancient Rainbow City located at Antarctica. Central lands, shall we say located in today’s tropical regions, were evidence of older civilisations cultivating Mu. That technological heart is deep beneath the Pacific Ocean. Atlantean genetic and weaponry research centres were smashed by Falla around 15,800 years ago. What might be salvaged is encased in the ice and rock that constitutes our Artic Circle.

To be honest, I have yet to formally decipher whether the alleged rip in the space time continuum is evidence of truth or wilful fantasy. Inherent, cyclic knowledge gives no clear indicators other than, considering their reputation as “keepers of wisdom”, the Atlanteans did some pretty stupid things. Sure, the redskins may well say that risk is a rite of passage, but there is risk and RISK. Acts of gross stupidity were not just limited to the Ants (a pet name of the peoples of Atlantis). Lemurian regal agents of the Lumerians were determined to negotiate feats of impossibility either as cloaked hostile attack initiatives or predictive defences. Is this any different to our Military Industrial Complex?

Cracks in Atlantean wisdom are no better demonstrated through consequence of them “losing” the atmosphere on Mars sometime in the 35th millennium BC. Quick thinking and action saved 10%, but the enormous loss of life and tragic consequences could have been avoided. Reading inherence, I observe the sense “how the high and mighty have fallen”. In essence, the Ants appear to have been over confident of their abilities. Poor decisions, arrogance and fundamental ignorance, as great as they were, were the strict causes of their downfall. Dare I say, their idle of boasts of absolutism could not be balanced by humble due diligence.

After the disaster of 10,581BC which may have ended humanity (if so we were restocked from exo-planetary genetic resource holdings), the Draco very much took ownership of the human project and they, in turn, were the ones that designed Judaism as the fundamental, authoritarian “best of breed” philosophy to govern harmonised society. Original rhetoric included acts of cruelty that might only be judged as inhumane. At the start of this new regime for man, some rather nasty looking reptilian priests and their guards would have administered order. That overt presence was abruptly hidden after, presumed, en-masse rebellion. In order to rule by proxy, the Draco genetically manufactured grey-blue vaguely human-looking dwarfs, we call Futczhi (or Zeta-Draco) today. Zetas strictly observe order, but have angelic qualities that, perhaps, surpass all other types. The Futczhi were supreme intellectuals having brains capacities more than double the size of an average human.

I would imagine that the Futczhi would have been highly regarded, being both angelic and wise, though ultimately they did not retain the administration as, but for a few spurious and enigmatic mummified bodies, they neither exist nor does any [tangible] evidence supporting it today. I should add that a number of films do imply the existence of the Futczhi. Charles Hall’s description of the “greys” also seems to fit their profile and he has assured audiences of their location on (or in) our moon with occasional visitation via light portal (backed up by an unintentional Brazilian film). Apparently their evolution is no longer supported by our atmosphere (i.e., some reptilians are hydrogen breathers)

In order to impose credibility for Judaism, mainstream history appraises this as the first civilised religion. Of course, followers of esoteric texts know Judaism cannot possibly be the first organised system of monotheism. Indeed Biblical texts are contradictory and offer numerous “versions” of God. These can be principally divided into version of the (plural) Elohim “light being” Gods, Yahweh (or Jehovah) and Ba’al (Adonis or Lord). We learn from Sumerian tablets that Ba’al(s) are significant manifestations of (water based) Anunaki overlords. Enki and Enlil are two famous names. Interestingly, Ba’al generally (but not exclusively) receives a bad press in the Bible. In my opinion this is because the work represents much “inherited wisdom” of the Draco, who had successfully fended off a number of direct attacks from the Anunaki overlords over the eons. Myth of Inanna and other ancient tales give some insight as to the hierarchical struggle to control the “underworld” (which was partly an Anunaki domain via matrimonial alliances anyway).

Judaism assimilated the doctrine of prior philosophic orders. These, today, are known as Zoroastrianism and Buddhism. The existential difference between the two camps can be simply expressed. Zoroastrianism took the position that external forces influenced the body as opposed to Buddhism’s “body is the temple” (managing all external forces). The former focused on the without and the latter projected the within. Hybrid Judaism elevated the inner by terms of the outer and that produced a dichotomy of values which ultimately led to the doctrines, Pharisaic and Gnostic order. The Pharisees were the precursor to science-atheism, material accountability. Gnostics were deeply spiritual, artistic mystics. The terms of engagement have not changed as today reductionist (atheist) wisdom competes with “new age” hybrid catholic-Buddhist “cosmic consciousness” (or Christ’s Consciousness).

We must turn the clocks back over 100,000 years to understand how this started. This time long preceded the disaster which sucked the atmosphere off Mars. Planetary re-colonisation can only be speculated, but it was likely after a war which ran for 18,000 years ending with the destruction of the largest Earth moon 104,000 years ago. All these figures are rounded to nearest 100 or 1000 years as it is very hard to be any more precise. The Atlanteans had been stationed on Earth through the war period, though I sense they joined the fray in the late stages of the altercations. It is also likely (as is more and more the case today) wars were fought covertly for the large part. I am sure the safety aspect of the shattered Earth moon made relocation to Mars an obvious choice and this places the move at 102,000BC. Thus, the Atlanteans were on Mars between 102,000-33,000BC (as a rough date range). Incidentally, one of their first early noteworthy acts of magnificence after returning to Earth was the construction of the Sphinx in the 32nd millennium BC. This was followed by the Great Pyramid of Giza in the 29th millennium BC.

Lemurian dream of fused Atlantean, Lumerian symbolism

Lemurian dream of fused Atlantean, Lumerian symbolism

In the meantime, back on Mars, the Lumerians joined and complimented Atlantean society prior to 73,000BC because that is when their exodus to Earth established the great Mu civilisations which ended after the mismanaged cosmic event in the 24th millennium BC. St Germaine mistakenly identified the event as the “end of Atlantis”. It was the end of Mu which is now submerged by the Pacific Ocean. The error is all the more excusable as the Lumerians could be regarded as a “branch” of Atlantis civilisation. On Mars they joined existing Atlantean culture. This was reversed with the Ants return to Earth in 33,000BC. I am reliably informed that ancient Martians (being a combination of Lumerians, Atlanteans, Neanderthal or Homo erectus “slave” classes and Lemurian military networks) lived in open, communal dwellings (houses had no doors or windows).

For their part, guided by deep hierarchical protocols, the Ants presided over an ancient library of knowledge that stretched back to the dawn of time (by all accounts). Similar to our society very few were given the keys to all the knowledge, but unlike our nepotistic orders, the keys had to be earned. Let us think of their holders of wisdom as politician with real credibility. Decisions then were free of bluff and bluster, but this did not limit risks or inconceivable arrogance. In a sense, though philosophies/knowledge was markedly different to our modern science subset, their wisdom was a version of Zoroastrian Pharisaic order. Lumerians complimented this approach as they were the mystics, enterprising sorcerers, expressive artists and managers of spiritual energy domains (including masters of sexual energy). It could be said that the Ants were everything physical and the Lumerians determined with metaphysically, but this would only act as a rough guide as there were many cross overs. Wisdom, then, understood the power of the mind and manipulated it to great cosmic effect. I talk about a layer that separates matter and “God” (Prime Source) in my book (recently renamed and expanded in size) “The Beauty of Decoded Existence”. The Ants could manipulate that layer (using their minds) to transmute matter – turn wood into gold, for instance.

Somehow the intrinsic, seamless flow of cooperation led to a competition between wisdom and mysticism. Zoroaster is much older than academics postulate. He was around prior to the lead up to the tragically violent 6-7th millennium BC. Rumours of his Vimana found lodged in an Afghan “time well” should be taken seriously (though “dates” not). He had some strange powers that transcend logic and what we judge to be “natural order”. Gautama Buddha merely redefined a much more ancient doctrine managed by the Lumerians. Included was sexual reasoning that might be determined perverse by modern Pharisaic law makers. Lust was regarded as an adjunct to and not “part of” procreation. That is the great battle of modern times and why, by Pharisaic doctrinal definition of procreation, lust should be immoral and illegal (according to their reduced logic). “Children” are the currency and casualty of that war. The deeper question worthy of wider consideration is, after the war is over and wisdom trumps mysticism, will humanity inevitably learn the two are inseparable and without balance social function will collapse?

Introduction to Dimensions, Deceptions & Demons

It has been long awaited, but after considerable effort, I have suitably tuned materials devoted to the first part of Dimensions, Deceptions & Demons. The perfectionist in me wanted a poetic flow that would harmonise lowly and great as one common mind. Occasional jarring expressive form rudely discords. Outbursts have been minimised to such a degree, I view the finished article as a work of art. Hopefully, it will have the same effect on conscientious readers. This all comes at a price. To me – the best part of a year of my life; to you, a donation of not less than $10US (Australian readers can visit and donate A$12 or more). For clarity, this is not a “fixed price” and there is no ceiling to donation amounts, which should be $10 or greater. Contributions keep the writing project afloat.

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Information is not the result of replication and possibly unique. The package small (below 20,000 words), but is not a diamond? Is a diamond merely “quartz” or something intrinsically perfect? Donators should e-mail with the simple instruction “Donated for DDD Intro” after payment has been made. An individually inscribed and numbered copy is available for more generous donators determined to ensure my work succeeds (amounts not less than $800). Orders will be despatched in PDF form as expediently as humanly possible.

In case some are still not clear on my style, here is the Preface (included with book) to whet the appetite:


My journey through turbulent seas to reach the point I call now has afforded ample opportunity for witness. The significant culmination marked by the point I call now has unveiled the result of a project being the work of several months backed by decades, if not a lifetime of experience. Other writers do exist. I have witnessed them, studied their results, and revelled in their creativity. They too, often have made extraordinary sacrifices in the belief they have something to say important enough to encourage mass readership. The significant difference between them and me is substance. They choose, invariably, to strictly align to past traditions as a way of justifying sentiment. I do not. Mine is a celebration of originality so any reference to past thinking is surely superfluous. How can originality have references? Thus, though this is a literary work, some readers may be confused into the assumption that much of the rhetoric ‘must be” symbolic or, perhaps, “metaphoric”. I assure those misguided voices that science illusion has such a firm hold on the etiquette of creativity any “contradictions to the fact” are deemed fantastic.

These volumes are not fantasies but will surely confuse avid politically correct philologists. In light of this, some of the subject matter may be reasoned as forms of science fiction, such as “Harry Potter” or, even, one of those strategy game quests. God help me if this is so. I make no attempt, nor will, at trying to appease time honoured traditions that have strangled all hope of true learning at colleges and universities. This is something new, fresh and different. Under these conditions, I make no apology for my findings, present no bibliography and acknowledge only what I believe. The ones that say their beliefs are knowledge deceive. My objective, as a living and breathing entity, is to turn un-knowledge into knowledge. Belief is but the first step towards conversion. Conscientious readers will notice occasional information sources. These are not to prove I am credible but, rather, to allow furtherance of the discovery tour. No attempt has been made to cover my path and I avidly try to pass on the keys for this job is too much for one humble spirit. Every single inference has been double and treble checked. I am my biggest task master, not taking the truth lightly. Lack of vision, misinterpretation and shallow evidence are the great adversaries of truth. My absolute dedication has been to assure senses are fully alert to limit and hopefully avoid anomalies. Reason connotes some critics; ultimately, will find gold for their causes. If that is so, my future mission will surely demonstrate theirs is fool’s gold.

There is certainly a message that begs transmission, but where do I start? You see opinions are so entrenched that the truth has been theorised out of existence. Even intelligent, vibrant human entities have become corrupt beyond redemption, because to champion the truth is to detach from the hive. The message is very straightforward but it will contradict any semblance of conscious reasoning. This is not a knee jerk apologist reaction. It is a frank appraisal of the apathetic tyranny of applied insanity which is given as reality by forces that hallow dulled senses and mindless obedience. The enslavement of humanity began with the commitment to normalcy. What they, the deceivers, categorise as normal changes over the ages, but all support mundane agendas destined to control and the truth be damned.

Beginning at the beginning is always difficult as everything did not appear to start. Instead it has always been in motion. Time, for instance, will be revealed as constantly in the present. For those that subscribe to the intent of the falsehood Big Bang, there was still something prior and the truth is now exposed. The void of nothing is populated by the notion of ignorance, for nothing is everything as what we call something only ever exists in the moment. Once the moment passes it is gone, vapour. Transmuting into something the same or different, so continues the grand illusion until nothing is revealed. We, the subscribers to illusory, programed and normalised by our realities, are ignorant of what went on before Big Bang because if we considered it our sanity (as regimented by science) would be checked. Those that do not buy normal must, surely, be insane? Therefore, by magic, Big Bang just happened. How do the reductionist/materialists express it? Ah yes, “it just popped into existence”.

My writings attempt to decipher lost truths and I explain both what the Big Bang phenomenon was and what preceded the event. Revelations will be as logical as startling. However, I warn reductionist/materialist surveyors, nothing will conform to the Newtonian version of science as much of the evidence for reasoning is non-physical. On the rare occasions Newton and his empirical cultists are consulted, I invariably conclude and recommend their summary calculations are riddled with errors or, more often, flawed from conception. This is not from a lack of respect for Newton, indeed a great man, but from conclusive understand he too succumbed to normalcy of his time. With flawed basis his guide, output was always going to be clandestine. How can measurement of an illusion define reality?

Diligent readers should covet faith and let intellect breathe as the staple for comprehension. For the most part, I shall avoid building colourful stories around props, mimicking current science-exploitation. However, “role play” analogic situations do try and convey my truth for some of my conclusions would be hard to present in any other way. These findings are never fixed and diligent readers may experience mysterious contradictions. My writings are the symptom of a great journey and it would be unfair of me to censor messages I do not fully understand. Thus, everything is included and I make the best of explaining all the difficult bits. As new ideas and information materialise, so conclusions change. In-the-moment readers are only given a snapshot of now; however long now takes. Future writings, new releases and other projects will provide ample opportunity for greater clarity. Do not be surprised if the subtlety of the message changes over time.

My many criticisms of science are not directed at the potential of the medium, but rather at the mechanics as evidenced by the numerous abuses of those that attempt to ensnare ignorance in their vain cause to be right. Modern scientists have become something like junkies prepared to addle their fine minds for money and fame. The four points of influence are commerce, state, religion and pride. Diabolical illusions in the name of science conjure pointless “controls”, predetermined conclusions and fantasy analysis. This is, sadly and for the most part, the joint reign of modern science culture and science practice. Even without those diabolical influences, particularly in light of that empirics’ dead weight, conclusions would always be limited, at best, or flawed, at worst. If we consider space which is traditionally described as “mostly nothing” as, according to empirical science, everything is over 99% nothing, to transmute space general nothingness into a state of everything requires a paradigm shift of thinking. Along those lines, if I was to say that the nothingness of space was an illusion that exposes our ideological slavery and, if we were fully aware, everything-ness could and would become reality; no one even remotely attached to current science and its hive could or would be able to accept it. All attempts at transcendence would meet the same old dead ends and pit falls.

Reductionist materialism relies on nothingness as the core principle for its “everything”. It is time to present my first real challenge to conscientious readers. Can I say that reality, free from perception, is far stranger than everything-ness? Taking reality as illusory, I can confirm that this is clever thinking. However, if I said there was and is only a single point that has been duplicated near infinite times to create everything we know and don’t know; only the supremely courageous could willingly process that concept. Yet that is so and to make matters worse, the original and subsequent overlayed points are vents from nothing – “zero points” is the closest analogy. In other words everything emanates from and is a single [zero] point which, theoretically according to empirical science, doesn’t exist. In addition, in truth, the past, present and future are haphazardly fused together as random snippets and can only be constructively unravelled via the perception of linearity. There have been writings about a so-called “dimension ten” within which the materials of existence are jumbled up and in no particular order. Some emphasis is devoted to this phenomenon in the Introduction and First Part. Our reliance on the frequency we call dimension three (D3) assures we fail to notice its mechanics, which include the numerous scales that define our reality. We have not yet been able to scientifically separate lower dimensional frequencies. Properties of dimensions are explained in the Introduction and First Part. One of the scales specifically related to D3 is chronology. By way of a preview I can say that faced with innumerable preformed scenarios, individuals are bound to choose which “moves” are made. Thus, time and motion appear to go forward in the sense our chronometers indicate.

It is perceived spaces that allow objects to be; even though form only relates to rudimentary perception which is the result of activated cosmic code we call DNA defining/creating all the scales that enforce our reality. Chemical markers that guide researchers and guilds such as the Genome Project might be compared with ice crystals, for instance. In recent times study has been devoted to visual patterns created by sound vibrations. The patterns will never be sound. So it is with cosmic code and “DNA”. However, what isn’t there is as important as what is. In music professional performers learn without rests/spaces there would be no music. The spaces are more important than the notes, because they create form. That rule can be applied to cosmic creation. Our awareness is not just limited to, but is perception. This makes determining what is really real that much harder, for we need to break our cosmic code and step outside the programing to do so. Perception is not reality, but without it there is no reality and certainly no awareness of it. For the large part, and perhaps absolutely, expressive reality through perception universally conforms to the cosmic code and its chemical markers (measured by the Genome Project guild). However, our, human, bandwidth is extremely limited. Full understanding why is unfolded throughout Dimensions, Deceptions & Demons.

I can say, as a preliminary, this is not because “we” are limited, as we are complete, but cosmic code and its chemical markers determine what we are given access to; what it will reveal through our being. Our resonance is limited for some reason which I will try and decipher as one of the essential missions of this work. I will also attempt to expose what perpetuates the normalcy that embellishes the theories and supporting evidence shaping perception under the pretext of validation. My writings, through fault of expressive limits, on occasion will propose closed loops that paradoxically validate and dispute same findings. At times I will appear to support normalcy and others I branch from accepted science diktat. In doing so, conscientious readers would be well advised not to expect partisan control models of the type used by science to court ignorance.

Once again, many of the discussion points raised are nothing remotely “empirically” confirmable and logically perhaps fall into the category “theoretical physics/philosophy” and beyond. This is not to say revelations do not draw on inherence, are not rational as explanations or are beyond confirmation. Reality is explained by such different methods, that to build in science would be the same as trying to weigh happiness. Let us be frank, even popular science relies on hearsay when cataloguing definitions of singular emotion such as happiness or sadness. The scientist cannot avoid known emotions beyond typical craft rationale. He or she relies on empathy as much as predetermination (maybe they are the same?). Diligent readers would do best to approach this work as a big “who-done-it?” with the lead characters not only beyond or of this Earth but also, in part, defy proscribed logic. If nothing else is achieved, it will go some way towards breaking your programming. Get over that hurdle and you are ready to read Dimensions, Deceptions and Demons!

Why the “Jews” Love Hitler

Adolf-Hitler-jewish-agentMy most recent posts have been focusing on viruses and vaccines. I do have a bombshell to reveal on that subject. Indeed I think I have decoded “illness” in general. That sore runs deep, so some readers may feel it necessary to reread my assessments more than once. Something the average Jew is not is stupid. The average Jew is well aware of raging pollution engulfing the Holy Land, courtesy of Zion of course, so it is only the zealous nutters, the poor, unusually ignorant or afflicted people that root there. Oh Israel, beloved Israel, if only you were safe, then I might visit. Peter Schreiner did raise a pertinent question about Bubonic Plague, the Black Death in a comment. I quickly responded that this was the result of pollution; radiation being a form of toxicity. All viruses, as per the Wikipedia definition, are incapable of autonomous reproduction, growth or metabolism. Though the same source describes them as non-organic life forms (possibly man-made), I do not. I do concur that viruses consist of non-organic materials. Where there is a breakdown of infrastructure and pollution (rotting garbage heaps, seeping sewerage included), humans pick up (breath in) viruses. Maybe they can be passed blood to blood by mosquitos and so on or infected in other ways. Pollutant viruses manifest in different ways in animal’s bodies depending how they deal with them. So, when HIV virus is passed from the Green Monkey to humans or Ebola “occurs naturally” in humans or animals, body systems are merely dealing with the same pollution in different ways. Bubonic Plague was not transmitted by black rats. They merely show their own version of pollution symptoms. Human immune defences are remarkably strong, but some chemical compounds are impossible to defeat.

Take the failed chemo drug and reinvented HIV vaccine, AZT, one of a long list of destroyers; the perfect eugenics aid?

It is time, I think, to bring on Hitler. Conscientious blog visitors will rightly question why I have used quotes around “Jews” in the title of this controversial post. It is not controversial because it is particularly critical of Jews or breaks any of the numerous protocols outlined by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). Controversy comes from gestation. Embers of conclusive observations were transmitted by Jews; one a Rabbi. None will be named, of course – ever. You see part of the problem is the ISIS style lynch mobs. Yes, they say they are this or that, but we all know they are the other. The name of the country state, Israel, was formed from three deities. It is interesting to note that the claimant worshipers named their host state after multiple God entities. Is that not idolising Pagan Gods? Does not the state of Israel propose idolatry by its name? Two Gods are certainly Babylonian and the other is a version of Akhenaten’s Egyptian supreme being, Amon (pronounced “soft” a mon). Amon is usually translated as Amen in English and this closes Christian prayers. Akhenaten’s universal God is entrenched in proto Judaic culture. His new God was invisible as “of the air”. Critical scholars (even some of the mainstream variety) assert Amon began monotheism and not the fictitious Israelite sub-plot. One mystery of the Biblical Old Testament is the express prohibition of the worship of Ba’al (an incarnation Anunaki Enki). In the English version, Ba’al is sometimes called the Lord of the Flies (a mistranslation of Lord of “that which is aerial” – meteorological). Lord of the Flies can also be shortened to “Lord”. Ocassionally Ba’al (Lord) is clearly an asset of God to be worshiped (or revered). Taking Babylonian tradition, Ba’al can also be Set, Beelzebub and Satan.

Thus, might this infer that the Mosaic religions contain elements of Satanism?

Oh hell’s bells! There is no argument that Israel’s two undisputedly foreign, pagan Gods are Isis and Ra. The “Is” of Israel is a shortened version. In a sense they encompass everything as Isis is the Goddess of Darkness (the female soul resides in the void) and Ra is the Sun God (the male spirit is made of light). An invisible combination of the two is called El, completing Israel. In effect, the total overall omnipresent God is the embodiment of light and dark combined. Because a soul is fixed, it fears change. Nevertheless the only way to grow is by stimulating change. That is why living bodies are combinations of spirit and soul. Invisible DNA (quite different to science chemical “symptoms”) is managed by El superseding light and dark. So-called evolution is actually relative DNA management (which can be executed at group, subgroup or individual level). That management assumes marked steps which might be calculated as roughly evolutionary.

I read about mysterious Islamic forces called ISIS that behave very much like the uncompromising Zionist terrorists that were around up to and beyond the formation of Israel. These scum, as measured by their remorseless, inhuman, and often “symbolic” behaviour (Satanic), are the same group no matter what they are called. In fact few realise that Islam is a version of radical Zionism in all but name. Zion, of course, is a relatively recent invention, which comes from the Hebrew word Sion, meaning fortress.

There was a group that sprung to international popularity in the 1980’s. Formed in 1974 by a French motor star and writer, Claude Vorilhon, they were soon branded a “cult” by the mainstream. Nevertheless, a noticeable period of global (First World) promotion showed regular announcements of what appeared to be fanciful, exaggerated claims (judged by those caught in the illusory mainstream bubble). Indeed, the mainstream’s staging of proscribed “reality” is so powerful, they do not need to “say it” for people to “know it”. Vorilhon’s Raelians dropped Isis entirely. Some have erroneously ascribed them as a Zionist sub-group. More appropriately, they are an approximate version of Eduard “Billy” Meier’s Swiss cult as each personifies white light Lemurian power. Lemurians are the very tall white humanoids that have been photographed by Sixto Paz Wells and others. According to Sixto, they live on a large Earth-like Jupiter moon called Ganymede. However, I do not believe they are in our dimensional frequency band and can only be fully accessed via the subconscious.

To explain “white light”, prior to the seeds of time, identities (being parts of the Prime Source) chose to group together and become energy. This manifest as invisible light bursting free from nothing by creating a fabric rip our modern scientists would class as a zero point vent. The Raelians are attempting to be the personification of the very same [white] light that broke free to begin what preceded “creation” of the material universes. As such they espouse a God on Earth tradition similar to the Mosaic Elohim (God [plural] that are beings). Notably, in 2002, the group made the spurious claim they had cloned a human foetus called Eve, which, they assured reviewers, had the capability of accelerated growth. Further discussion and analysis will need a future post. At that point they were abruptly dropped by the mainstream fading almost into oblivion. It is worth mentioning, again, that 1979 saw the anonymous erection of the mysterious Georgia guide stones. One of the pledges in stone is the reduction of Earth’s population to 500 million (doubtlessly assisted by manmade viruses and toxic vaccines). Billy Meier’s Raelian-like cult (formed in 1976 just two years after the Raelians) channelled the figure 480 million as the Earth’s “optimum” population (allegedly through off world Pajareans).

1979 also saw Reza Shah Pahvali’s despotism replaced by an Islamic Republic version scripted by the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. I, for one, do not believe in coincidences. Those that remember defunct terrorist orders such as the Red Brigade will know there has always been an intrinsic link between radical Islam and the objectives of Zionism. Did Carter’s rushed attack on Iran deliberately fail in order to draw out the mitigated destabilisation of the Middle East by the hand of Zionist affiliates? Ancient legends deeply buried in the Vedas describe the emergence of man from the high up in the Caucuses of old Persia. The new name Iran is another version of Aryan; the name shared by pure bred Caucasians. Arian (another spelling) Cathars were the enemy of the Catholics, but that will be discussed in my next post on this subject. Work for the Genome Project has embarrassingly revealed that “Jews” are predominantly Caucasians. Most of the ancient Jewish international traders (Big Banking) were in fact Celts (colloquially known as Culdees). My soon to be published book, “Dimensions, Deceptions and Demons” will make the startling claim that there were at least two Gardens of Eden (Edin was the Lumerian star word for designated recreation point). One was located in Southern Africa and became home to newly created Olmec Man (Adam). The other was made home by the Draco (under instruction of the Drakkon) high up in the Caucuses of Iran where they created new man.

That man is known as Eve (from Biblical Genesis) and that is Caucasian man.

Caucasian man has hereditary genetic lineage from the Atlanteans and other important human DNA categories. There are a few more pieces to the Jewish puzzle. Recently, I completed Maree Moore’s book “Merlin & the Shepherds of Arcadia”. She was clearly single minded in her campaign for white light and this tainted conclusions, I’m afraid. Overall the work did not impress me. However, it did touch on some startlingly original points which I wholeheartedly agree on. These included the revelation Britain means (from Hebrew) “Covenant People” and therefore it is the “Land of the Covenant”. The harder question is; is (Emerald Isle) Ireland the Promised Land and not the “western” United States of America? Because Zionist manipulators have betrayed their cause virtually from the onset of Judaism (aided by pharisaic elements), Britain has never come together. Saxon is made from “Sac’s son” or “Isaac’s son”. These peoples include the Celtic Jews or Culdees. Anglo Saxons (originally Teutonic tribes) settled together on the Land of the Covenant to form the Union of Jacob (Isaac’s son) which is represented by the Union Jack (flag). I need to inform conscientious readers that this is my puzzle restoration and not Maree Moore’s. She only permitted fragments to occasionally bob up from a frothing sea of an “unconnected” mission. Her book also discusses Tea Tephi, (Tamar Tephi) an Israelite Princess (arguably Ezekiel’s “tender twig”) who married the noteworthy Irish King Heremon (Eochaiddh). Tea was the great granddaughter of Israelite prophet, Jeremiah, who visited Ireland in 580’s BC. It is estimated that 40% of the native Irish language stems from Hebrew and there is much cross cultural evidence, such as the harp (of David). There are many other, perhaps “spurious”, ancient Israelite links to European Royal blood lines. Thus, I am compelled to believe that Judaism is a front for something Satanic (clandestine deception), though I am not critical of sincere believers that use religious philosophy laterally to attain an understanding of higher universal purpose.

So why do the Jews love Hitler?

I call the majority of Jews “Poster Jews”. These pay lip service to culture in order to improve material, mostly individual but occasionally group, chances in life. The Jewish club is a great place to be for those that pay homage to the “poster”. Jews are asked to validate overt Universalism by their covertly nationalistic manifesto. Remain hidden in plain sight (or, eyes wide shut) is their motto. Those that react, rebel would be branded Diaspora…..or worse. Therefore, overtly, Poster Jews wail and gnash their teeth darkly at anything remotely Hitleresque. So committed is their public vim, they refuse to even research the icon and his terrible NAZI machine. Naturally, there are exceptions. Carefully selected and monitored publicists or “historians” (sic) are allowed to wilfully review past atrocities. As a summary, they present anything that suits the overall overt cause. Indeed so wilful is their scrutiny, that evidence is neither deemed necessary nor supplied (particularly considering the colourful arguments determining the so-called Holocaust). Did not Hitler say not to avoid the truth, but pervert it? How many Jewish historians live up to his lofty standard? It is interesting that things become particularly hazy when looking back at our deep past; when tracing the origins of those wandering Teutonic tribes. Where did they come from? Russia? Iran? Or, are they Israel? Given that Hitler was German and in light of the revelations last paragraph, conscientious readers surely must start questioning this coincidence.

Germany is a First World country. Peasants do not become Chancellor.

Another mystery, considering coincidences, is why both Hitler and Napoleon made feeble attempts at conquests on Britain. Both were finished by separate perilous and pointless attempts at securing Russia. Let us not forget that Napoleon was the Hitler of the 1800’s and marred by “like” propaganda. Focusing on Hitler’s strategy with Britain, bearing in mind that Britain declared war on his Reich, his ambition was limited to feeble aerial attacks mostly by “doodle-bug” rockets (V1). I personally theorise that the few planes that broke though Britain’s defences were “off course”. Even more mysteriously, the very successful V2 rocket attacks ended abruptly without reasonable explanation other than the war was fixed from the outset. Indeed, there was minor damage to St Paul’s Cathedral, but the German attack was most successful at clearing out London’s “slum dwellings”. Remarkably (another coincidence), the Allied campaign on major German cities (causing simultaneous holocausts) also targeted “slum dwellings”. These were not the Jewish ghettos that have been monotonously chimed out by Zionist propaganda merchants, but, rather, the homes of Teutonic working class stock.

It is very strange that Hitler’s Mein Kampf reveres the “Aryan race” (Culdees) but also pledges to wipe out 50% of the Caucasian base stock using euphemisms like Slavs or Romany people. Indeed, looking at the detail, Hitler’s supposed hatred of the Jews has been balanced by considerable acts of generosity projecting the concept of Israel. Without dispute, Hitler was not a friend of Jewish traitors, which included all the Diaspora. In other words all Jews that had been integrating with wider society were enemies of his state. In Hitler’s time Poster Jews were not Universalists and that is the error the modern generations make when appraising cause for complicity. So what has Hitler done for the Jews to make them love him?

First and foremost, the 1919 Washington Post propaganda piece claiming six million Jews (they called them Juden then) were mercilessly killed in the 1914-18 Great War (WWI) must have been prophesy. Either that or the article writer was the ambitious owner of a time machine. We know from the ADL that six million Jews perished as the result of the NAZI onslaught. This has been validated by an animated propaganda film starring former American general and President Ike Eisenhower (a Jew). In more recent times the ADL has disassociated itself with Ike’s message as it has been exposed as a staged fake that, in part, worryingly, attributed to the basis for the destructive and unwarranted attacked on Arab civilisations to plunder land in the vile creation of Israel. Isis would have been proud. Most importantly, without Hitler the ADL would have no basis for the assiduous rhetoric (often underpinning legislation) defining something they call anti-Semitism. This has nothing to do with Semites, as the Arabs are targeted by their dogma. It in fact is covert government staining all political forums and discussions. There is enough material for a book here, so I shall continue this thread in another post. Do come back 🙂

Beliefs and UFO’s

ufo-nightAs UFO’s are intrinsically and unbreakably “justified” by beliefs, the first half of this post has been devoted to discussing belief systems. Indeed, unusually, many ideas that formulated the basis of this forum were not mine. They were collected from a single unknown source that will remain unnamed. I take confidentiality very seriously, even though, in exceptional circumstances, a break is permissible. Regular readers will note scheduled posts For the Empowerment of You (See and Society must never be Cashless (See ewh9cWj9SX20kl_kShhR-SH6PAAwere put on hold and published later. The day before releasing this entry, I attended an event hosted by Michael Tellinger. He discussed the objectives of his Ubuntu governance system which strives for a cashless society. My sentiment concurs but with a focus on honest electronic money as I am all for the removal of cash within limits and correct controls.

My thanks go out to the UFO Research NSW (See for negotiating a discount for me. Tellinger, as charming as he was, did not entirely resonate with me. sunI question the objectives of someone squarely in it for the money after David Icke’s recent disgrace (See Is this not similar to the various crusading followers ultimately “conned” by Ron Paul? (See His son, Rand, has amply converted to the other side and even Ron, himself, appears to have finally sold out or why did Mitt Romney bother to “endorse” him? Ron Paul Fraud(2)(See Is this the blueprint for so-called New World Order? The agenda seems to be to send charismatic, well-meaning spruikers out into the wider community only to demonstrate all are hollow pied pipers?

They did that to Communism (Read up on the real, virtuous late Victorian Communist Movement which has nothing to do with the state run commerce systems [Capitalism] of USSR and red China. libertySee, so why not reduce any popular Messiah to the same fate? I do not wish to confuse intelligent readers that are aware of the Sumerian and Israelite Priest Kings. My use of the word Messiah is the virtuous Christian definition. harpawebsite_1350x550px_1To his credit, Tellinger put forward a strong case to suggest that the Priest Kings (See ultimately are responsible for the bad attitudes supporting today’s foul belief systems This is backed up by Joseph P. Farrell’s research of the ancient banking systems and real reasons behind their creation (See

maxresdefault Moving along to those discussions I promised about belief systems. I am not good with diagrams (even though I undertook a Bachelor’s Degree in Art) so readers will need to fire up the imagination to summon a fitting pictorial model. In the centre of your fantasy vignette you should see seesaw scales with one end firmly planted on the ground (like ones you might find in a child’s recreation park). Upon the lowered end of the teeter rests various views and superstitions dressed as beliefs. In considerable lesser number are dispersed truths, many placed ridiculously out of context, perhaps when out-of-position they appear to validate superstitions. The other end, pointing up at a significant angle, can only be described as a sorry affair. There are a few withered question marks, so frail the Messiah himself would not be able to resurrect them. One or two may have been old discredited beliefs, but others are rejected views, disproven superstitions along with the very occasional truth that is ridiculed wildly out of context.

Protecting these belief systems are armour plated attitudes. Thus, above the raised end of the waver there is a solid titanium shield with a central lipped gutter. It is tilted in such a way that any “threats” to existing beliefs are easily expelled. Above this pictorial scene is a giant funnel with two compartments. BadEggThe good “eggs” that reinforce the existing belief system go in one slot and the bad eggs are ejected via the titanium shield. Rejects end up in a recycling plant. Those that can be rationalised into the current belief system are gently upgraded. Any and all disprovable information sources are forgotten, but a few anomalies will undoubtedly fester as tormented unwanted pets. If this aptly summarises human belief systems, it is no wonder redneck Republicans rarely evolve. It should be no surprise vegans almost never become meat eaters. It is logical to assume that every cause has its own propaganda tool chest.

There are always ways of circumventing belief systems, of course. MKUltra has highlighted neurological deprogramming using strong mild-altering drugs is not illusory (See Truth seekers will find a power of good in the writings of Jon Rapopport (See duck4Jon has written an enormous amount of the failings and “quack” nature of psychiatry (amongst other things). He also exposes Mkultra-style techniques rather closer to home. The alarming increase in accidental deaths (See or suicides of armed forces’ personnel (aided by psychiatry in many cases) gave me one of those “magic light bulb” moments.

Imagine the alternative Media’s had made a sufficient dent in the group consciousness to dissuade all but cold blooded psychopaths from attempting to join the armed forces. Yet, a few emotional, sugar coated adverts focusing on the nice side of the business conned a few intelligent, sensitive suckers into seriously considering signing up. Let us say the recruiter said to his computer geek recruit that it would be almost inconceivable for “him” to be called to the front line. Of course, keeping in line with the need for a “legal” disclaimer (See, the recruiter might insincerely low-light the “but I need to inform you” [of what could happen] drone. 2015-07-31-niles-iIf they, the virtuous armed forces, needed a publicity stunt (or false flag in the venacular) to demonstrate there are “enclaves of terrorists” in Afghanistan (See, for ideas,, might they not select a large, but unknown city as the potential breeding ground? Any family will do. Give the computer geek an automatic weapon, those special night vision goggles (courtesy of the Draco – low ranked ones associated with the NAZI’s; Altarians? See and and tell him to go at them might encourage a mutiny.

tMedications-pills3 Give the same soldier psychedelic drugs; he will not only go after them but approach the task of murdering an innocent Afghan family for the greater good with zealous relish. When the mind-bending drugs wear off, it is no wonder the conscience is so often overcome with remorse; as attested by the numerous suicide statistics. To be brutally frank, suicides are welcome by the military junta because they clear up all those “loose ends”. I think it is important to reinforce the message that the reason suicides are increasing in the armed forces is pretty much squarely due to the medications issued by psychiatrist quacks (See Do not think for one minute it’s just the military affected by this curse.

Let us pause for a second to remember the poor victims of the MH-17 attack (See Even someone as open minded as me struggles to fathom how “the West” could kill its own to put spin on propaganda directed at a war with Russia or, formal, World War Three (See Ok, perhaps that jumping the gun and maybe they’re not that brave (See Even so, let us never forget that more than three thousand innocent Westerners died simply to jumpstart a disastrous war over control of the Middle East. Mickey-Mouse-Wallpaper-11Whether Israel, “Zionism”, the USA or Mickey Mouse was behind it makes it no less of a tragedy (See The tragedy is the mainstream Media have shown themselves to be nothing less than viperous liars (See A sinister crime of the most diabolical nature was committed and to promulgate their never ending cycle of insincerity, they duplicitously court and excessively support false belief systems. screen+Shot+2012-01-22+at+10.41.59+AM

Living at the other end of the world has its advantages. Of the brainwashed slaves, some of the most open minds reside here. As a consequence we have numerous thriving UFO Societies. There is the UFO Research (NSW) Inc. (See, Campbelltown UFOPRSA (See, Tuggerah Lakes UFO Club in Sydney and several others. I am aware too of the Chatterbox Group, the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club NSW based communities. We also have some luminaries of international pedigree, such as Mary Rodwell (See and, though I rarely share his opinions, James Bartley (See Given the aggressive slander (in the mainstream Media) against credible UFO’s, aided by lone “debunkers”, a buoyant community interest in the subject here suggests there is some freedom from the narcissistic influences of the mainstream.

Nevertheless, even in domains that encourage self-expression, a magnetic manifesto mimicking mainstream superstitions/cultural programming seems to, without unanimously enforcing, guide popular opinion. Indeed the whole exo-politics (See industry teeters on undying subservience to renegade announcements from eminently respected scientists regardless of how the mainstream reacts (i.e. whether tabloids back or bag the information). Indeed, in light of the general mistrust in the mainstream, some prefer rejected announcements whereas others really only want to be validated by the organs of power. That is how the fearless Australian minds are divided, sad to say. 0Nevertheless, UFO’s have now become an acceptable part of folklore never really seeking formal validation, other than perhaps verifying authenticity of photography and determining the nature what is being filmed from a simple catalogue of obvious alternatives. Fringe partisan groups, such as the various so-called Disclosure Movements (See are revered to the point of worship, largely, regardless of sentiment or evidence backed announcements. As the ideal would be acceptance by “the mainstream”, the alternative has become “pseudo-mainstream” and, in that capability, gaping biases (some as deceptive as the mainstream trickery) have emerged over time. It might be said that to be an outlaw is not to lack dignity. Thus, let us call our Australian rebels refined renegades.

A tiny snippet from my unpublished fifth book, “Strange Times and Out-of-this-world Technologies” (of the Dimension, Deceptions & Demons series) more than aptly expresses my sentiment:

“It is important, at this juncture, to add that I refuse to acknowledge the mindless oxymoron “Unidentified Flying Object” or its partner acronym UFO. An object is either identified or not discussed. On the rare occasions I refer to them, I will term [presumed] alien spacecraft or other flying machines AAT’s or Advanced Alien Technologies.”

The volume is going to be an eye-opener and I recommend avid researchers keep a keen eye on development and promos as I may well reveal the “unrevealable”. In the interest of fairness (for this post) I am prepared to concede the acronym UFO under strict terms. Let me finish with a proposal as to how UFO communities can retain the title also keeping their intellectual dignity.

When I was a kid in England, my dad encouraged me to go bird watching. At the ripe young age of five, I took up the challenge with zest and called myself an ornithologist. That was my new word, then, though I do not think I have ever been a true ornithologist. Armed with a “concise guide to the identification of the birds of the United Kingdom”, binoculars in hand, I paraded the streets as though I was a professional. There were no “predators” then.

epyr-day-13-snow-finch-1It took me some years to hone the skills, similar to Australia’s UFO magnet phenomenon; Damien Nott (See Eventually a sixth sense told me where a bird was and in an instant it was in my binocular’s sights. Pow! When I was very young I spotted such rarities as the Aquatic Warbler (See Well, dad, of course, put that down as a Sedge Warbler (See I saw a Richard’s Pipit (See which turned into a common Meadow Pipit (See with parental oversight, but the Snow Finch (See was an interesting one. It is hard to misidentify as its colours make it almost unmistakable. Dad put that down to an escaped cage bird, but as the finch only liked altitude it did not make a viable cage pet. Weird! Possibly a case of young, underdeveloped eyes (See Little Owl

Later, in my early teens, I flushed a game bird out of some bushes.

“What was that?” Dad shrieked.

“A partridge?” I exclaimed, flustered.

“No, that doesn’t count.”

Mum was there, too. She saw the Little Owl. I just couldn’t identify it.

The beauty of the bird watching hobby is, wherever I go, there is a field guide. SlaterWith me all the time in Australia, I have the guide to Australian birds so now I am an “expert on a tour” when armed with binoculars, notebook and pen. All I need to do is process critical identification criteria in a flash. Size? Type? Gait? Distinguishing marks? What colour was the rump? Were the wings barred? Did it have a crest? And so on. Wham bam….Ultimately I can build a “profile” of a sighting.

One time, again in my late teens, we, the family, went to one of the Welsh remote islands – Skoma, from memory. There, my father, mother and I identified an unclassified bird. We took detailed notes, included were drawings from different angles. This was recorded from “tip to toe”; a great sighting, but it could not be found in the guide. Possibly an American vagrant? Maybe. Birds are “flying objects” too! classified

Why oh why do we call IDENTIFIED unclassified flying objects, “unidentified“? Isn’t that just plain dumb? Why not start a trend and rename UFO; UNCLASSIFIED Flying Object?

Next steps would need to see the compilation a field guide. That said, without “evidence” the mainstream is between a rock and a hard place over “classifications” as they have no guide either. So, perhaps, an “authority” perpetually “commissioned” but never released will silence the prowling wolves.