To Boycott is the Strongest “People Power”

Paul_hodgkin_I_want_changeOver the years I have read thousands of articles that, in various ways, place the responsibility for the ills of the people at the feet of government. Much noble sentiment has resonated with vocal followings. Mantras of dissent occasionally find a clearing in mainstream pockets only to be twisted out of proportion by jocular commentators. It should be no surprise, certainly to intellectuals, that the will of the people has never assumed responsibility for their occasional discordant outbursts. By that token, they have behaved in a very predictable, manageable way as far as governments are concerned.

Full Tyrannous Platter


If I said, “The moon is made of cheese”, people would automatically think I was being metaphorical (to cheese is to distort), joking or, perhaps, slightly mad. Assuming, for the example, I was absolutely sincere and, misguidedly, conveyed that sincerity to the point that people believed “I” was telling the truth, it would not take a genius to conclude I was in error. lying astonautTransferring that reasoning by involving government, popular confusion might become clearer. Let us suppose (along similar lines of said reasoning) that “government” decided the moon was made of cheese. To state their case, they sent an astronaut in a rocket to procure some of this mysterious brie. As instructed, astronaut returns, years later, with several vintage samples. Of course, they weren’t actually from the moon that he had not visited. The people, nevertheless, had been presented (with due pomp) their superficial prize, and, just as the king with no clothes, they could not help but believing. Our magnificent astronaut (who, once again, had never left the planet) was given a hero’s status, speaking at universities, writing for scientific journals about his moon visit and, generally, spinning fantasy into reality.

feeding lambs of GodThose that believe governments are “for the people” are as deluded as those that believe an astronaut went to the moon for cheese and consequentially wilfully defy reason to empower make-believe. Deep historic research into the point and purpose of governments will find little more than commerce management systems. From that perspective, “the people” are either slaves or masters. Theoretically, those that unplug from the system either don’t exist or are considered similar in status to wild animals. That is why strict legislation for “feeding the homeless (wild animals)” is gradually being imposed. A technologically inspired ever widening gap between the masters and their slaves has made mass labour superfluous in many ways. crossroads3Political controllers never really wanted to concede Victorian determinism which saw the underclasses routinely displayed as gibbet corpses for daring to feed themselves independently. Those that abided by the law and starved in plain sight were the cause of humorous foul smelling puns for those languishing at elite dinner tables. 9f7ef9a904ff26b6e948d13b21553f3cLaws protected the lands of the masters in spite of the needs of the people. That fundamental objective (Victorian determinism) of the political machine may be buried in periods of rebellion, but never forgotten. That is the reason why governments are so eager to use war as the rule over matters requiring arbitration, for a slave’s life is demonstrated as being worth nothing.

Many de-facto journalists pin extraordinary faith on mechanisms defining order, such as the “Bill of Rights”, “Constitution” and “Due Process”. However, the system is based on three interconnecting cogs with differing agendas, objectives and powers. Law makers pretend to sell laws to the people and, after their theatre, wizened lawyers (usually affiliated to external instruments such as the Jewish Lobby) ensure the small print is covered with cheese. Thus, almost invariable, the actual laws are nothing like the sales pitch. Without a “Justice System”, laws are not worth the paper they are written on. Just as with political organs, a careful selection process ensures only judiciaries of the right mindset rule and, if anything goes wrong after appointment, bad eggs are expediently and mercilessly expelled. Judges almost always do as they are instructed by the mainstream Medias (which also happen to be Jewish lobbyists).

judge dredIt takes more than judges and politicians to ensure the criminally homeless do not roam the streets. Using the same tried and tested principles designed to attract natural born killers for the armed forces, sociopath traitors are encouraged to apply to become responsible law enforcement officers. Recruits must demonstrate they can and will follow any order, regardless of content, without hesitation. Any officer that dares to think is deemed to be of the wrong character and must join our newly criminally homeless judges with conscience. The only room for debate as to interpretation of laws is permissible sentiment speculated by the mainstream Medias. Anyone with even a remote attachment to alternative information sources will quickly realise the mainstream loves cheese.

There is no politician or political party in place to save the individual. Law courts and their enforcers vigorously uphold the most unfair, demeaning, unrepresentative legislation then dressed as laws to the letter. Individual laws do voice extremist corporate, religious and other whims usually actually catering for minorities (when true purposes are known). Even so, the court system is limited by size and works as any other instrument of commerce, underpinned by strict targets and quotas. This is complimented by law enforcement agencies that are welcome to set up illegitimate, criminal fronts (sting operations) in the interest of fighting crime. Important captives’ unsubstantiated violations are recklessly promoted as proxy guilt confessions by those cheese loving mainstream Medias. Indeed, regularly, law enforcement public statements are presented “word for wordwithout question by all news outlets.

We, the people and presumed slaves, are ultimately faced with the responsibility of either believing the bullshit or maintaining individual open minds determined to sanctify truth at any price. creative-and-critical-thinking-1-638Those are the two poles. In practicality, no one can know the whole truth and judgement boils down to belief in the effectiveness of information source and intuition. Over time, differences in accounts, shared information presented by disparate sources and limited direct experience may improve any given snapshot of wisdom. Fall prey to the notion “who do we believe?” is to succumb to bullshit. Critical thinkers will neither accept any proposal lacking tangible evidence or effective supporting arguments nor do they have any beliefs per se. It is high time the rest of you took a leaf out of that book. Put to the test, given the correct weight of plausible information sources not affiliated to the mainstream, lowly minds will struggle to deny the truth.

Newly converted reasoning individuals are caught between the system they used to abide and the sense of, what can be best described as, impotence. As deluded group members, they felt potentially empowered, at least. Now, as enlightened individuals, the reactive impetus shifts to “little me against lots of them”. It is only through awareness of individuality that all those instruments of power become clear. What is the alternative to the banking system? If I cannot abide corporates; where do I shop? Is new enlightened me allowed express integrity and work? What should (can) I, the individual, do about government tyranny of past, present and future? But, most importantly, am I of any value to “humanity” at all? This is an important question as governments, per false belief systems, are heralded as the apex of social goodwill. The path to enlightenment reveals governments are nothing other than polished “mafias” exploiting goodwill.

Newly converted Individuals quickly realise their impact against the machine is so severely limited it dwindles into insignificance. Not only that but any reaction requires inconvenience, sacrifice and loss. These happen to be the three things humans, in general, least like being. Therefore, the only realistic force against the machine is not one of physical might but, rather, the power of boycott. Slaves that refuse to enable the machine, refuse to cooperate, refuse to work en masse would be the system’s downfall. However, subtle, subliminal rebellion is far more effective. Dare I say, “Use that cheese against the bastards”?


It is time for us to move away from guilt by association paradigms, grotesque caricatures overstating zealous morals. It is time for us to get real about reality. Government mechanisms, infrastructures and methods are not all bad. There is a terrific amount of good stuff attached to network and, surprisingly, a lot of would-be good people oiling the cogs that make the wheels go round. Money and banks are not all bad, providing strict controls are adhered to. Corporations could be the model of efficiency and high standards. Africa is an apex of disinformationHere’s an example of a possible boycott. A mystery corporation is doing some very bad things in Africa. All able bodied employees of the slave classes have already set up a guild or union with a spokesperson for US Head quartered operations. Without immediate cessation of proceedings in Africa, ever able bodied worker would strike and picket the US headquarters. If that is too drastic, workers could simply ignore any order, distribution requirements, paperwork and so on coming out of Africa. Just let it all pile up, no arbitration, no militancy. Everyone plays dumb; just like the government. Sure, many would be fired, but new replacements would quickly learn the culture.

If anyone has any other good ideas on how to “keep the bastards honest”, don’t be shy. Comments are welcome and thank you for listening.

4 thoughts on “To Boycott is the Strongest “People Power”

  1. Pingback: Christmas Cash | ozziethinker

  2. Pingback: The Great Societal Paradox – Action That Defies Principled Beliefs | ozziethinker

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  4. Pingback: A Crisis of Social Grooming: Fear and Manipulation at the Root | ozziethinker

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