A Modern Day “Love Cult” Assumes Detracting Truths Are Heresy

Trung-Nguyen-The-Lovers-Tarot-CardsI presume I have lost another Christian truther Facebook “friend”, Doug Bates, who will be mostly remembered as one too cowardly to face the truth. Affectionately known as Master Bates, the child of God showed glimpses of promise but ended up succumbing to common narcissism. Never have I un-friended a Facebook contact nor will I. In my humble opinion to do so would be a form of treachery. If I can’t face unwelcome information, I can’t face myself. My only “right” is either to respond or not as the case may be. The only sincere objectives of a God loving person are to excel in truth, spirit and heart. Of course not everyone has been efficiently groomed in etiquette to comply with the phantom conventions of civilisation, so when I am faced with extrovertly rude or intimidating sentiment, I tend to reply with enhanced like for like. Spirited responses may be many times more repulsive than any challenge. Tough talk negates far tougher love. Confusingly, the equilibrium of mutual desire can be equally well achieved by inspiration or exacerbated communications. Inspired connections are far pleasanter and so much less time consuming, but humans love to “butt heads”.

imagesofJesusandbuterflyandchi8ldMy Facebook channel is littered with identical sentiment that approximates the proverbial greasy pole or, perhaps, something akin to pushing dung uphill. The same old clapped out culturally chic quotes about 9/11, legal marijuana, “Saint” Tesla’s free energy, anti-chemtrails, toxic vaccines and abolishment of the Federal Reserve go round and round and round like doses of bad breath. They fulfil the pointless, nihilistic ambitions of their apathetic “Prophet Pimp” promoters. These folks are not libertarians in any way other than they feel the world owes each of them, individually, a living. Sovereign greed means everything, to them, should be free entailing no personal sacrifice, naturally. In fact the gall of these people is unconscionable. They don’t expect to give any of their precious “hard earned” wealth or “social status” up. Only those conveniently “appointed” rogue authorities that mostly identify designated evil and “superrich” masterminds of tyranny must suffer silently. Apathetic masses have been leeching off “the system” ever since leeching was invented, supporting it by will and deed. The slither that have supposedly broken free remain as firmly attached to the system as ever. Lip service is all that distinguishes love occultists from normal, everyday “see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil” folks.

I give it to the love cult philistines “as it is” on Facebook and, well, as I have already stated, masturbators of Doug’s ilk simply irresponsibly disconnect. Is it not logical that masturbators would absolutely insist on personal gratification ahead of anything else? Of course this leaves truth in a pretty desperate, lonely place; how about out languishing on the arctic ice shelf or deep in the bowels of heck – places only fit for the most determined hardened, illuminated adventurers? Truthers claim they are Christians. Has any one of them read Luke’s Prodigal Son parable? Self-gratification encapsulates desire and I have plenty to say on the subject in an earlier article here:

“There is no good or evil. These are brands. There is only desire or its antipathy “un-desire”. Where desire and its antipathy are not present, ambivalence reigns. Ambivalence is a state of not knowing, perhaps ignorance. Law makers count on ambivalence when they express legislation couched in rhetoric personalising fanatical desire. Other views neither have influence nor are accepted, however cogent. Their desire will win at any cost.”

alex_jones_cropJon Rappoport is one of the few tireless journalists that put the issues ahead of ambition and personal gratification. He has even managed his relationship with the questionable, animated Alex Jones admirably. It is only the most refined journalistic license of unfathomable brilliance that could present court Jester and “Clinton cousin” Donald Trump in an almost palatable light. It takes consummate divine craftsmanship to convert a depthless cartoon into profound reality and Jon shows his genius over and over. Though I haven’t been fortunate enough to access any of his technical writings, colleagues that have inform me his earlier works are impeccably inspiring, though the later stuff is comparatively surreal and consequentially less appealing. Channelling of the imagination in an effective way and being true to it is the key to personal sovereignty. Thrashing that message home is our joint mission but we also have different styles/methods, which illuminate different perspectives and approaches to the same ultimate goal.

If I had my way everyone (including you) would be required to undergo the truth test. As I see it, in its best form, this would be an audit of changes to individual core beliefs (i.e. you used to believe the world was a sphere, but it has now somehow become pancake flat in your opinion or vice versa). The audit wouldn’t extend to deliberate or white lies. Did your dad ever roll home from “the shops” on wobbly feet with no shopping smelling of strong mints and you swore on your life that he hadn’t been to the pub so mum wouldn’t explode? No, I am talking about your unshakable beliefs that UFO’s don’t exist, no one can govern better than the Republicans, guns don’t kill people, how “science” is infallible, GM mosquito Zika fever and anything else that is largely backed by emotion in absence of any meaningful and unbiased data. I am talking about “I believe I am a Christian because that is what I was brought up to be”. Lord knows, I’ve criticised dishonest atheists many times. Atheism was the principle topic of this article of mine. The truth is that there is no difference between religious deceit and the void offered by heretics. Religion and atheism covers up the same basic ignorance. Followers have neither been committed to nor wanted to explore the detail in order to validate their beliefs.

QQmqXtQZRichard Dawkins’ beliefs’ validation technique does not explore the detail. In fact it proposes the reverse position: denial and ignorance to truth. For instance, in order to dismiss Islam you first must understand it in absolute depth. Time poor students are not absolved from due diligence. They can’t say, “That’s ok, I’ve got a sick note from mum to say I can’t do it”. So many pretend to talk with authority about things they know nothing about often aided by cute proverbs taken wildly out of context. That is not basis. When vital clues are missing through lack of reference materials, any culminating pictorial assembly can only be a distortion of truth that risks dissolving reality. The summary is superficiality. Is not the truth all atheists believe in God? They reject religious gibberish, but go no further in their lack of spiritual ambition. The same can be said for the branded religious. Neither camp is honest. That is why I can confidently say no one could pass the truth test with full marks. Everyone has some maligned beliefs. But that wasn’t the point. I have already exposed this in several prior articles. It is impossible (given the time we have available) to pay much more than lip service to everything we know, but have you sacrificed any of your “core beliefs” to studious diligence? That is the question being asked here.

Jon Rappoport has published a number of books and contributes regular articles aimed at empowering sovereign individuality. The key to individuality, as he has recognised, is imagination. Positive imagination helps individuals break free from the system for without it there would be no new ideas. In fact, given that prognosis, belief systems are a type of cancer. Blind beliefs or blind faith equates to ignorance. Governments (the group view) turn untruths into truths by distorting facts that capitalise on unchecked blind faith. They then do everything in their power to monopolise proscribed fantasies based on these distortions. Jon and I both know that and that is why we, in different ways, offer such important contributions to the philosophic accord. His love is softer and he’s popular. Mine’s tough as nails, so I mostly attract spiritual masochists or cloaked government trolls seeking debunking strategy ammo (e.g. you must first know the devil to tackle it). Truth, in essence, cannot be manufactured so why do we all stick to our redundant, failed, unfair and unrepresentative beliefs?

7284c6cc0079139894dc619eb72f2b83Personally, I still shy from truths I suppose are “ridiculous”, “couldn’t possibly be so”. Nevertheless, I also constantly review what I know and have the open philosophy that I have no beliefs. It is not just because everything is static. My capacity to understand is limited by experience/information available [to me], perspective and accrued judgement. Yes, we all judge all the time, even those that insist they don’t. “I used to meet with a lovely old man. He was one of the nicest people I know, but then I found out he was a paedophile. Now I hate him.” How could that be? Nothing changed, except you received some unverified (which, in this case, we will pretend was correct) information and judgement either overcame reason or exposed vanity.  Many feel stupid when correcting themselves. Ego plays a big part in harnessing belief systems. Egos are the hinge pins of the modern day love cult. Perhaps I should serve myself up as the sacrificial lamb. My yet to be published book “A New World Order” (in the draft version) announces “Nun refers to primordial, creative waters” (in the literal sense). That version was written at least 18 months ago and has been rightly contradicted in my latest Exopolitician blog post “Serpents and Ladders – Introduction” where I update my position demonstrating I can change my “beliefs”:

Nun is compared to “darkness” and Aki the “light”. Extrapolating further, prehistoric darkness is not our superficial “colour” (or lack of), but, rather, the primordial dark waters of infinity. Some might suppose this adequately supports the fertile ooze notion evolutionists claim was at the root of man’s origins, but not so. The term refers to space which contains a sea of undetectable atomic matter used to create everything; animate and inanimate.”

This article, in correct context, happens to plug my first (and perhaps only) published book “The Beauty of Existence Decoded“. There I stress the insistence on PayPal donations now as I appear to have suffered the Hollywood fate of agent “inadvertently” running off with the proceeds. Naturally, I have had to temporarily withdraw all other purchase options. Let’s hope the blighter spends the embezzled $26.50 wisely. Some may wonder why so few sales have been made. Is it because it was a badly written book? It may well have been a badly written, depending on writing style preferences, but Hitler’s Mein Kampf sells (note the present tense) comparatively well. The reason my book hasn’t sold well is it is too profound. It is a celebration of sovereign individuality and that good will goes against everything love occultists stand for. Simply put, they would prefer to rebuff anything that has a chance at disaffirming those shallow belief systems I discussed earlier than face the truth.

That is why my book has sold poorly. Hitler’s “badly written” Mein Kampf offers mulched populism so it still sells very well. Seasoned trolls supporting the Jewish cause also like to labour the point so they use the work to anchor some of their exaggeration campaigns. Hitler is not renowned for charity, thus it is hardly ironic that his ideals have largely become the basis for the modern corporate “commerce” versions (you scratch my back and I stab yours). In fact all NAZI ideals are now corporate edict in some shape or form. Charitable donations for those “outside the group” defies projected corporate normalcy and the grander obscene mission of the love cult (i.e. they are behind censorship too). Thus, it is only books that are deemed worthy because they largely affirm belief system that are purchased to read. Supporters without reading ambitions might donate for books to charitably show appreciation of personalities or “causes”.

Borg_LoverTherefore people really don’t want to know Tesla’s secrets. They, as “borgs” of the love cult, only pretend to profoundly look up to icons like him in the spirit of ignorance to both preserve vanity and cash in. Remember everyone one of these parasites obsessively blocks all routes to disaffection or, in other words, any information that constructively and comprehensively demystifies the illusion. In Tesla’s case the only superficial interest is capitalising on free stuff, such as energy and absolutely not understanding or comprehending his genius.  That would ruin the mystery. This is a good thing for prosperity because if any more was known about Tesla than is currently circulated; he might be given the Hitler treatment by those doe eyed believers that had their faith “done over”. The same basic crew have been the ones protesting about inaccuracies (sic) of Wikipedia. Yes there are lots of lies circulated by that online encyclopaedic resource but none are placed in the campaign’s spotlight. Love vampires are exclusively besotted with manufacturing their own brand of fiction. When the devil is presented as “God”, truth and all the trappings of sincere knowledge are alien. Integrity, honour and due diligence evaporate as ghosts’ whispers.

Capitalising on free stuff without giving anything up is the only sincere ambition of just about every love occultist than aren’t suckers. The same foul hearted individuals are onto all those government benefits like rashes to save skin. Feeble protests are always anonymous because in every other way they back “the system” to the hilt. Far from rejecting it, as they like to constantly boast, the system can’t extricate them. Free health, police, transport, social security? Yes to all of those? Hate the Federal Reserve, but love the Federal Reserve governed banking system and its worthless money. The love cult mantra is, “we speak double Dutch and do double standards”. Let’s face it; with the exception of the pot heads, close to none of those vain protesters against the medical system would actually take alternative measures if they genuinely thought they had a life disabling illness. They are all talk (gibberish) and no action.

Ok, health and wellness (as the UN likes to call it) is a funny thing. Strange things can happen to minds when the body is threatened and that’s why the mainstream invests in alternatives. They invest in case the poisons offered up by medical institution quacks promoted as doctors become too unpopular. So desperate is the medical cartel to cover its tracks, it attempts to camouflage detrimental medications and statistics. Thimerosal was added to vaccines under the vagary “preservative” because that circumvented the need to identify obviously suspect ingredients. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) denies meaningful responses to vaccine deaths in an identical way. “Generically neutral” terminologies distort meanings, threat alerts obfuscating truth. Incidentally, all “syndromes” are make-believe as it is the label given to learned responses against data that defies current science status quo (or anything that fails to comply with cultivated synthetic reality).  Anyway, time for a video empowering anyone thinking about undertaking a “medical education”:

Syndromes are fickle attempts at explaining the unexplained. The reason that what should be regarded as preposterous hocus-pocus constantly “catches” imaginative audiences is the vast majority of even supposedly thinking people are insolently sincere about their bullshit backed beliefs. Syndromes are reflective of corrupted knowledge; effects passed off as truths. When I disagree with Jon Rappoport, I go right out and say it. I don’t criticise as if it is in the vein of some grand contest between giant alter-egos. My duty is not to slander of slur. It is to research, collaborate and present similar or differing findings/conclusions.

GFM-MEDIA-ITUNES-1400x1400-FOR-THRIVE-LANDING-PAGE1Another writer I admire goes the whole hog. Brendan D Murphy’s “The Grand Illusion” is the result of a monumental Noam Chomsky style writing project. Upon reading, for the first time I encountered content as dense (or condensed) as my own “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. Brendan somehow manages to squeeze up to ten pages worth of information into every published sheet which theoretically expands the 500 or so “by normal standards” to an encyclopaedic 5000. His content is 90% “known” whereas the majority of mine is “new”. Given Brendan’s enormously important contribution to comprehending truth about existence, does he sell as many books as Adolph Hitler, for instance? I suggest you ask him for yourselves, but make sure you purchase a copy first.

When thinking people that should know better refuse to discard bullshit backed belief systems, uncompromising ignorant prejudice manifests as a virulent form of cognitive dissonance (usually incurable) to overwhelm faculties that govern reason. As with other theoretical viruses, anyone associated with others that display disease symptoms seriously risk becoming infected as it attacks the human libido. Those particularly susceptible to currying favour, popularity, compromising dishonesty or with poor attention are at highest risk. If you are even slightly popular, the chances are you already have mild symptoms but there might be a cure providing you apply the following measures. Assumes snappy “one line” proverbs or quotes are loaded.  If you can’t find the flaw, catch, deception, seek help. La-la land is not reality. Understand that and you are well on the way to recovery. God doesn’t love you. The universe won’t look out for you, but also if you exclusively and selfishly “look after number one”; I guarantee you’ll come a cropper.

Not realityLa-la land “love” never manifests because the whole “gig” is based on selfish infatuation. When circles of infatuation cross, wars begin. If you like, love, want to help, admire another, it is infatuation and not love.  Only when the reverse is so can you truly demonstrate your loving qualities. You can only show those you dislike, hate, detest and rather were dead your capacity “to love”. Our modern day love cult is nothing more than a destructive trading mechanism that leverages cooperation from vouchsafes. It is everything false, fake, trivial, synthetic and ever so, ever so vain. Everything being used as idealistic points of contention today have been used before and the response to the cries for help launched inept, deceptive, self-serving, reality-destroying, as human as human can be governments. The response “to the people” absolutely mirrored the peoples’ double Dutch and double standards. Never forget it. The masses have always pondered, dithered and eventually formed populist movements which have been shown to be generally unrepresentative of individual sovereignty. That is why distorted truths, all but lies in name, have been the response of representative governments. In place of real communal remedies, lasting solutions, human children seek only the next wish granting fairy godmother to kiss it better. That is why the modern day love cult insists detracting truths are heresy. They are representative of the shambles that is monopolised reality.