Violence Always Leads to Attrition


Regular readers will note I have refrained from addressing the subject of violence, in isolation, until now. Other posts regularly expose brutal control methods; particularly those that review the objectives of Zionism and its paramilitary units, such as ISIS (See, but this one seeks to address the root of the problem. Violence is never fair. Gullible people have been conned into believing that ISIS is the disorganised product of one of the military arms of the Islamic brotherhood. Though now formalised in its own right as a political organ, Islamic Brotherhood has evolved out of a US marketing concept labelled Al-Qaeda (or “database”. See It amazes me but there are still some that do not know the purpose and origins of this fantasy; which has ultimately been used to tag and smear any organisation (or, for that matter, individuals) that stand in the way of US agency domination.

For extra clarity, Al Qaeda was not a bunch of Islamic extremists that inexplicably consolidated, but that is what it has become; thanks to your friendly CIA. The next steps were simple. We know the CIA run bogus enterprises (See to “fight crime” (and if you believe that, you believe anything!). It doesn’t take a big stretch [of the imagination] to work in joint venture control operations with those with the biggest interest in the affairs of the Middle East. Yes, Israel has its own narcissistic agencies, notably Shin Beth (See and Mossad (See ISIS is one of those bogus joint venture enterprises.

Let’s face it, just as the ancient Zen masters used to use force against itself (See this entry from the Islamic journal:, Zionist masterminds planned and created the festering bowls of hatred that inspire acts of deceit in the name of the divine in the name of Islam aided and abetted by US agents of evil. Even so, I have been led to understand [and, as with American troops] ensuring their filthy business is conducted with zeal requires a great deal of psychological programming of recruits (See I can only presume that psychiatrists are unwillingly, or unknowingly, complicit. Either way, the impartial observer cannot help to concede that we are witnessing exalted quackery dressed as a profession (See What has this union achieved? Has it achieved anything more than perpetual, never ending attrition?

o-VIOLENCE-AGAINST-WOMEN-facebookTalk as I may about roguish politics, my post was actually inspired (if that is the right word) by an unresolved Facebook debate over “violence against women”. Whereas no one is more staunchly opposed to oppressive, aggressive tactics that lead to bodily harm than I, it became clear that the objectives of the Facebook exchange had nothing to do with violence against women (See That was the excuse; the pretext. The real motive of intent of the lady that laid down the gauntlet was to promote her version of the current state of apathy celebrating pathetic peoples unable to defend themselves under the spell of myopic, dishonest laws. Occasionally, even I succumb to their (those dreadful, deceitful propagandists) illusion. Take the word debate. I look up its meaning in various lexicons and find only variations of “argument” (See The emphasis and point of engagements is missed. Where “debate” separates from vulgar “argument” is commonality and compromise are sought as consequence of sincere, considered discussions.

My Facebook “debates” were nothing more than semantics trades; political points scoring. Ironically, or perhaps not so, foul, dishonest Laws are sold and validated by semantics too (See Adding insult to injury, these vile excuses for reason are enforced by another brand of robotic human. Constabulary adepts are usually more dangerous than drug addled “soldiers” as they have delusions of [individual] grandeur. I once wrote, “Of these born killers, the cowards join the “forces”” to summarise the fundamental difference between criminals and crusaders. It is a form of greed that consumes the ego, when unchecked, developing into megalomania. These visible rabid wolves (drunk with power) are the “officials” in uniform that pave the way for “kangaroo courts” (See made up of jurors selected for their subservience and presiding judges of the right mindset. Tunnel vision determines the narrow bandwidth of permissible debate, error and interpretation. Our licensed to commit slander mainstream Medias’ gross tyranny is regularly pulled up for its sins, but never enough to effect change. Rather, law suits and attrition appear to be the sole objective of those pusillanimous “masters” (sic) behind the illusion.


Harken everyone; don’t fret. Without the people, the system would be nothing. Here’s an example of true grit. Just after I was born, my mother took the long walk between our village and the local town in order to procure much needed supplies. Upon returning, at about the half way stage, arms laden with shopping, a taxi sped past her through a large puddled area of road. Its driver, oblivious to all with cab occupied, had taken no care or attention of passers-by. The predictable outcome saw my mother drenched from head to toe. She made a mental note of the insignia and number plate and, as young as she was, informed the police with view to pressing charges. In those days, the courts at least attempted to arbitrate, so after several months our uncharitable Indian chauffeur was called to the dock. My mother, being honest, gave her testimony from the heart, unabated. The Indian fellow produced twenty witnesses, each, and without exception, offering versions of perjure. They had to be lying as none of them had actually witnessed the event. Though the court, in this instance, found in favour of my mother, it shows how “the system” could be manipulated, particularly, let us say, if there was an ethnic flavour to the judiciary.

It is only fair to consider the police in an arbitrary light. Let’s be honest, they have been presented in a pretty dim light thus far, but not all come with deactivated conscience. Funeral+Murdered+Police+Officer+Fiona+Bone+C5yjIc6YE6plIndeed, there are, even today, a few brave, sincere policemen that try, against all odds, to do the right thing. But, how many times has a policeman fingered a potential criminal without the required evidence to back accusations? The Department of Public Prosecutions (DPP) is just another corporate power with strict targets desirous that quotas are met with persistent regularity. Those numerous grey area “maybes” are easily upgraded in lean times. Thus, even the good, sincere, honourable police rely on perjury exemplified by their individual characters/judgements. Similar to jurors and judges, tunnel vision is an essential attribute for any would be law enforcement recruit. If a suspicious looking male passer-by is black, over six feet tall and carrying a pool cue; super-strung hysteria may well concoct a violent crime in the making. “On duty” imaginations can run wild given the wrong or right character type, depending on the overall objective (always under pressure from those “quotas” I mentioned before). With added complicity from a disassociated, eager for scalps, leadership, our poor “mark” on his aimless walk to the club for a fun, recreational game of Snooker might end up jailed for five years after a plea bargained conviction for attempted murder.

Returning to my mother’s altercation, this is not to say all Indians are socially irresponsible, but as time winds on with creative journalists more and more detached from the truth, people have been told any fantasy will do over and over. Standards are set by the monstrous Medias and courts, whether people like it or not, dance to that tune. Sixty Minutes, Four Corners, Frontline offer nothing short of propaganda in documentary format (infomercials). Of course, if they champion your views, why should truth matter? I will tell you why it matters. It matters because violence always leads to attrition. If individuals launch warring campaigns that are baseless and, other than from the shallowest perspective, are truth free, crusaders can expect violent reactions from their foe.

29n21wayne-395598Currently, according to the hallowed union (judiciary and Medias), the world’s worst evil is paedophilia (See However, I question, once we have agreed what a “child” is (See and I split my sides laughing), whether children are being protected or persecuted by the lack of wisdom from the ever-widening witch hunts driven by lynch mob duplicity. Children, in my opinion, are being conditioned to become adults that appeal to the notion “sex is sin” (See This is very bad indeed. In addition, isolating these so-called paedophiles, I wonder whether attraction to that which is forbidden motivates those that seek greater power than self. A superiority complex (See could easily develop as paedophilia. Equally those that detest laws and the system in general might use it as a form of revenge. If basket weaving was outlawed, there would be basket weaving bandits. I personally do not see paedophilia warranting serious consideration though. As we are all aware, physical adults are given the label “children” because it is the whim of the skulking, timorous masters – “population control”, “religious”, “hormones” or whatever other gobbledegook they want to present as “science”. Control of humanity is the singular real reason (See

It is impossible to do justice to “Violence Always Leads to Attrition” without analysing each word. “Violence” is not necessarily aggressive. There is also passive violence. In the case of women versus men, passive strategies are doomed to meet aggressive reactions. Passive violence might be classed as behaving unreasonably. “Always” never varies. We can say, whether it’s passive or active, violence will engage a chain of events. There is no maybe. It is certain. Of course, my use of “Leads to” denotes those “chain of events” which may be “the end” or, alternatively extended, prolonged, convoluted processes that simmer indefinitely. “Attrition” is generally regarded as weakening, but it can also mean sorrow or loss. There is no doubt violence will result in weakening, but counter measures might lead to greater strength of resolve. Tables turned, the victim may tower tall over a quivering attacker.

But what of arbitrary third party observers? Excluding lust for sport, a good fight, only degradation and sorrow remains. Was not, from the arbitrary perspective, violence wholly unnecessary given a reasoned, civil approach to negotiated communications?

I began discussions with ISIS. In light of our new vision; why have the Zionists created this vile, mercenary army named after the Babylonian Goddess of darkness? Firstly, they are determined to control for control’s safe and hang the consequences – Oedipus complex (See b0473d621268ae5204d0e0db7413bd30Nevertheless, the main reason ISIS exists is to manufacture perpetual global sorrow and degradation. It’s good for trade (See Relatively few (thank goodness) have experienced the violence first hand, but the relentless Macbeth mainstream Medias have whisked a typhoon of hatred that covers the globe. By their account, everyone’s affected as it’s just round the corner, but everyone is also protected by the spineless, sorry “valiant” and “patriotic”, masters so pay your dues quietly and don’t fuss. But, you see, as with all other varieties of violence, there is raging attrition. The war doesn’t stop with the return of the vindicated aggressors – that’s when and where it begins. All those broken soldiers won’t put your countries back together again.

This will hopefully act as the precursor to my, long-awaited, “Israel, Zionist Ambition, ISIS and US Connections” which exposes intrigue, if that’s the right word, in plain sight. The United States of America’s government has finally come clean in its dereliction of duty “to the people” as highlighted by the “Deny Americans the Right to Know” (DARK) Act (See That revolving dictatorship declared war on the people it was bound to protect (though with occasional leaders of dissent) from inauguration. First the 1776 Constitution protected the Lords and masters from Royal ambition only to succeed to 1868 corporatisation of governance (See That began a number of steps to the ultimate sell-off of all assets – establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913-14 (See The American peoples [theoretically] no longer “own” nor have [fundamental] right to their land. Fortunately, for them, the fainthearted masters know that violence always leads to attrition. But the fiendish planners are not stupid.

Has anyone considered that perhaps those phoney wars in the Middle East are partially designed to kill of any plausibly dedicated front against utopian tyranny at home? They certainly would not want any feasible force to counter the fulfilment of the degradation of your unconditional enslavement.

Enjoying Truth for Virtuous Purity’s Sake


My latest impromptu post began as a festering ball of frustration and anger at scepticism and the general ill will of the people. The worst are the ones that claim they are enlightened and that’s why today’s reasoning revolves around lawyers’ sentiment and contracts. We live in the age of disclaimer, blame game and denial. Oh so few have been able to pierce the veil that obscures truth only to suffer the scorn of the “grounded” hordes. My editing process has chopped out much of the ire but, as always, it is message will challenge the inner core of each reader.

A Turkish Earthquake Leaves Greece in Ruins

I recently met with friends at social club. One lady, having read “Beyond “Beyond Love and Light””, asked me whether I actually enjoy anything? Her niece is over in Greece; first time overseas. Let’s hope the plight of the people won’t interrupt her holiday too much. We can’t have enjoyment spoiled, can we? Please, I haven’t made a carte-blanche accusation against someone very dear to me. For all I know, the girl angelically devoted half her holiday to people’s causes. Nevertheless it has provided a good sound board for virtuous sentiment.

ahmet-davutogluGreece is particularly important as that is where the Philistines ended up. Macedonian, Alexander the Great, is the most celebrated of their fold. Moving forward to “recent times” events within earshot of the once great Greek metropolis, what a lot of people don’t know is the epicentre of Turkey’s devastating 1999 earthquake was directly below their naval HQ. It also just happened that they were going to pull out of NATO (International Pentagon). Within two years, a month before so-called 9/11, there was change of government and a complete reversal of direction; politically and philosophically. Were these all “coincidences”? I think not!

Of course, we can’t blame the Philistines, can we? Unless there was a “double” double “reverse”, it was surely the same old “duality” Philistine Rosicrucians versus Pharisaic Zionists, championing the latter, naturally. Long standing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been classed as a “secret Jew” (ignoring all that “Hitleresque” bluster) via his association with a particular Muslim “sect”. An even bigger “card” in the pocket of Israelite extremism has been Erdogan’s dreadful foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu.

Why People Annoy Me

Many, many years ago, every once in a while, very occasionally special, different individuals would pop up and annoy society. These used to be called oracles. 1210142226063354-merlin_historyBut now they are labelled “insane” and fed Prozac by clinical psychiatrists that waft meaningless labels as “professional opinion”. God, if I might be so bold, is pretty damned clever. It became clear His truth giving plants were having no effect on the self-serving, corrupt peoples of childish intent. So, in order to rectify the problem, He created a new breed of truth giver – not the rambling chanter of old, but one with acute intellect and, most importantly, reasoned perception. These were the types that could smell bullshit at a thousand paces! Yeah, and I’m one of those.

In response to my female friend; does my self-gratification trump my mission for purity by way of reflection on what I might consider is enjoyable? Yes, I enjoy a good movie, good food, good music and good sex (although, it’s been so long, I think I’ve lost all memory of that) but, let’s face it, these are all childish trivialities. Then we have enjoyment of company. There are some people I like to be in the company of that clearly do not reciprocate and vice versa. Others are upgraded associations; friendships – no real support or expectation either side but some emotional attachment that transcends acquaintance. There is the old adage, of course, “I can count my real friends on the fingers of one hand”. These are relationships that go beyond friendship and become de facto partnerships.

Yes, to be honest, as with the great, late George Carlin, people annoy me. I detest the self-serving, spiteful, spineless nature of humans. We are all so quick to blame and so slow to act ourselves. When action does come, it is always done with ulterior motive. Though some nobility does creep through, reasons go beyond “problem, reaction”. The guy that recklessly dived into a burning house to save an old lady thought of himself. What if it was him in there? He couldn’t live with the notion of continuing without acting. An aggressive self-serving conscience determined his death, but the old lady did survive. As human beings, that is the best we can do. We must all become slaves to our conscience.

Your “God Complex” Will Not Elevate You Spiritually

I prefer the word fulfilment to enjoyment. What fulfils me is when I effect improvement. Over ten years, I worked with one individual. Kicking and screaming all the way, I eventually broke down his belief systems and produced a better person. That achievement resounds greater than any superficial pleasant experience I might herald as pleasurable. People are like springs. You take each one so far down a path and as soon as you let go, they resound straight back to the comfort zone with an emphatic boing.

Over the years, I have tried to impress on people the importance of correct understanding of the historical development of enslavement. Modern slaves are processed in the way children are reared. Bodily adults are labelled “children” for the convenience of the system. Everyone goes along with it because of the parental “God complex”. Very quickly in the relationship, parents learn the most effective way of managing slaves is through corruption and bribery. Thus, “children” are offered some “off limits” things when they have been “especially good”. For their part, children are encouraged to be deceptive to get what they want. When “sprung”, blame the next man. That is the way adult society “works” and why.

British_PolicemanAdult children (18 til death by western social accounting) also need parents. These are authority figures of arbitrary status: policemen, judges, doctors, scientists, priests (except the Catholics, of course) and so on. Therefore, all a “licensed to perjure” policeman has to do is fart and the people will swarm to catch a whiff. People (like the lady who had forgotten she had been raped thirty years before but [when it suited her] suddenly remembered all the details with sinister clarity) rely on the parent/child model to “get on”. Yes, the euphemism “Big Brother” goes far wider than mere surveillance. It is society; lock, stock and both barrels.

Is Facebook the Ultimate Propaganda Tool?

I was recently annoyed by someone for tagging two of my Facebook posts. Innocent enough; he didn’t know. One link was a video of a fallen policeman and the other an erudite but languid piece by a judge with blurry vision. BM4BMK_2937399bNone of my extensive writings were of any interest and the great Jon Rappoport’s role was as dumbfounded messenger. Ignorant people, which is just about everyone, pin their hopes on the “Magna Carta”, “Bill of Rights” and the “Constitution” with just about zero comprehension of the evolution or motives of the so-called Westminster System (which, according to zealous right wing economists, began with the Magna Carta). I think it is high time for one of my history lessons to put things in perspective again.

photo-2Before I talk about chickens and pigs, I must stress that my history will start with the Romans even though things began, well, how far back can we go? Joseph P. Farrell is worth looking up to discover how the “Jewish” Priest Kings evolved from the need to trade, but an old Atlantis Order (that used their cross of thorny roses as the symbol of ultimate control) stretches back 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 years? In the modern age PIGS are Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. Ireland was the original Promised Land frequented by pre-Gnostic dissenters; Celts. When they spread to Scotland and England, the old guard, Italy, decided to put a final stop to enlightened Judaism (Pagan Druidism). The elite still used the mystery schools, but practices became the greatest secrets on Earth. Greek Philistines have been well and truly beaten and are cursed as the Slavs from Atlantis. Latin Rosicrucian order, Spain and Portugal, has now been reduced to bacon by those that hold the Holy Grail (Zionists). Russian refugees are the new slaves and Irish Celts are modern day chickens to be plucked or [for visible dissenters] tarred and feathered.

A Brief History of Commerce

Let us say, for this example, that I am a humble peasant living on my long claimed common lands thousands of years ago. After time a stranger approaches me surrounded by his herd of tamed boar,

“Hark, kind sir, I am so weary from all this travel, Can I sanction a small slice of your luscious pastures for myself and my hungry boar?”


An exchange is made: twenty boars for a small tract of land of not more than three acres. That land today is located in the City of Westminster (a borough of London, England). As the Duke of Westminster is wealthy beyond imagination, even though (according to the mainstream Medias) he is a “regular guy”, his land is not for sale. So how should we appraise the transaction in modern terms? Is that humble three acres worth a million pigs? Taxing a million pigs might work, but how does the exchequer apportion 10% of seven? Should the owner lop off the head and the rump of one to make good any tax bill?

The point of this example is to demonstrate the problem with commerce in general. It isn’t fair and that’s why everyone’s life savings were wiped out by the 1921-22 hyper-inflation in Germany (a period that strangely coincided with the establishment of the Irish “freedom fighter” movement, Shin Fein). rbst5b-fGermany’s woes directly elevated support in the tyrannical Hitler who had been vilified by the US president Woodrow Wilson championed greed of Allied Forces as a response to the plundering Treaty of Versailles (June 1919). The bankers took the German gold and Hitler, then, took their guns with the ambition to “eradicate 50% of all Slavs”. Wilson, of course, is also famous for enabling the Zionist funded and run (unfairly termed) “Russian Workers Revolution” (1917). 8th September 1919 saw an innocuous New York Times article that promoted war deaths of six million Jews make brief headlines around the globe. Then, as we know, between 1939-45 if came true (sic). “Miracles” do happen, after all!

I shall begin this history with the Romans conquering and imposing monetary systems on the, then, known world. Unlike prior currency systems [used by the elites), they tried to foist their worthless trinkets on the commoners (another name for “people”). sainttthomasaquinas1Ancient Celts were wise beyond years and immediately saw the problem. You can’t index a chicken, because what happens when it’s eaten? The whole prospect of trade, without perfectly balanced and harmonised monetary systems, sets up inaccuracies that will ultimately foster clandestine appraisals with no logical right of validation (like the modern global economies). Without constant regulated adjustments, monetary exchanges could only result in vast indifferences between proposed “assets” and values. It is likely, as is the case today; exploitation would represent the effectiveness of the successful tranches of society. As humans, in general, are devoutly self-serving (above all other devotions), populous greed has been enflamed through deceit of calculated systems of governance.

Yes, our governors put lashings of frilly “goodwill” and “stuff to enjoy” in all their contracts, but the devil is in the detail and, perhaps as importantly, the “sales pitch”. That is why the great Victorian, political commentator, Ralph Waldo Emerson said,

The less government we have, the better, — the fewer laws, and the less confided power. The antidote to this abuse of [by] formal Government, is, the influence of private character, the growth of the Individual.”

Christianity – A Slam Dunk for Judaism

Religions are merely utopian forms of governmental order. Instead of being called Alfred the Great, Alfred the Pudding would have perhaps been closer to the mark. He burnt the cakes, “lost” the crown jewels and created serfdom by Christianising the Celts. article-2173848-000169D800000C1D-629_638x437Alright, he wasn’t the first Christian English King, but the zeal applied to the production and promotion of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle (reinforcing religious fundamentalism) changed England forever. In promotion of the “Starra” (later, in part. Known as the Tudor Starr [contract] or Star Chambers), it was important for Anglo-Saxons never to be bankers as Jesus had a severe distaste of “money changers”. By this reasoning money was fine, and was not the root of all evil, but controlling the banking system was the perfect sin. Therefore, the establishment of the time ushered in droves gracious Jews who, faithfully, assisted not-so-commoners as their friendly merchant bankers (offering services out of the goodness of their little cherub hearts). crossCeltRoseThe Jews would have become Christian (and almost did in 1492-3) but they didn’t like Jesus too much because he was anti Pharisaic Order (ultimate dissent or “chaos”).

Anyway, I digress. Alfred the Pudding did not pay a king’s ransom in Crown jewels to save his sorry ass. Historically though, he laid a slam dunk for William Conqueror to issue a change of executive in 1066. Was King Harold’s arrow in the eye real or a metaphorical blinding? Remember my “spring” analogy? Well, it takes a heck of a long time for real change to bite so, even with the formal introduction of Christianity, the Celts were still pagans at heart and tradition. It needed the Norman Kings (straight out of what was Israel, some say) to give the British plebeians a shakeup. Construction of monstrous Christian cathedrals in celebration of commerce started almost immediately (sometimes around existing Saxon “huts” of worship). In addition, due to their pious hatred of the banking system (legacy of Alfred the Pudding), the serfs were only able to be slaves in their support trading structures owned and controlled by Jews, aristocrats and royals. Of course, if they had been able to trade themselves, they have been a threat to present and future oligarchies.

gizoldThe corporation is a relatively recent concept. Prior there were royals, aristocrats and merchants. A hidden period of European history is colloquially known as “the Dark Ages”. This is not because records ceased but, rather, evidence of great tyranny and censorship. Enough has survived to illustrate the elite took the brunt of all financial transactions after the Roman totalitarian commerce experiments had failed.. So when the “Danish” Vikings mysteriously and arbitrary conducted numerous and “pointless” (“certainly” not part of a much wider plan – sarcasm) raids, Dane geld (buried silver or gold coins) instated the importance of “money”. Over time, not only was the role of the elite immortalised (via the people’s salvation) but also the value of money became popularised by those of lowly status. Of course, the real coup d’état came (which also, needless to say, began the dreadful Westminster System – the curse of freedom) with the Magna Carta. If royalty has been “blinded” in 1066, the people, by the end of the twelfth century, had been well and truly broken. A commercial charter was made for control of their newly plundered common lands. Royal thieves had capitalised on the spineless naivety of man.

Commerce IS Enslavement

This meant the serfs needed a constant supply of money to either maintain rents, taxes or both. Because a “precedent” had been established, future English kings would wage vicious wars to claim common land of Scotland, Ireland and other places over the following centuries. Populations, fodder of conquest, were pretty much treated like vermin, or slaves. Nevertheless, with lands conquered, tables turned and labour became the great asset. Catholic Rosicrucian Order had a stranglehold over Europe for a long time. This was, in reality, an agency for a hidden “black” Roman aristocracy, contrary to popular opinion. portrait_of_henry_viii_aged_49-400Good Zionist King Henry VIII of England broke the deadlock (long after the Merovingian Arians had been defeated – the “virtuous” [sarcasm] Knights Templar were also extinguished after they had served their usefulness) by creating his own church. His death saw a dangerous and bloody period with England reverting to Catholicism under Mary (daughter of Spanish Catherine of Aragon). Zealous, iron queen, Elizabeth I ionised the fate of the plebeians by fining anyone the equivalent of a week’s wage who did not attend Church of England Sunday services.

History is muted over Henry VIII’s own 72,000 executions (the common “punishment” of his time) or “boy king” Edward VI’s purge of 5,500 recalcitrant Catholic Cornishmen (interestingly, Cornwall was one of the bastions of the old Druidic [Rosicrucian] Order). mary-tudor“Bloody” Mary I is well remembered (Elizabethan propaganda) for her attack on the pro-Henry VIII oligarchs (in particular), via a deadly inquisition against “Protestants” (the new word for non-Catholics of the age). There were two hundred and eighty four recorded deaths, although, reputedly, more unaccounted numbers improved that tally. This all before 1558, but the turmoil was not only restricted to England. After Luther’s demands, the whole of Europe became a political hotbed that galvanised long percolating differences, finally boiling over into the notorious French St Bartholomew’s Day massacre August 24, 1572. Over two days thousands were killed, by traditional accounts, and, though figures vary, up to seventy thousand may have succumbed over the following months (against the orders, by royal decree, of Charles IX).

Interestingly, the fight over Ireland has been played out in “religious” terms (perhaps beginning with the St Valentine’s Day massacre 1929 only months before the spectacular US Wall Street Crash) and is ongoing, even now. The south and north is divided between the Rosicrucians and Zionists under the ruse of “faith”. Elizabeth I (1533-1603) set up the merchant contracts for America, but died before it could be ratified. The Virginia Company (1-10 August, 1606) was named after her (Virgin Queen – play on Virgin Mary) by James I (uniting England and Scotland [James VI] for Zion. As with US President Barak Obama, he was a Calvinist). It had been set up just after the Jesuit sanctioned so-called Gunpowder Plot (1605) which implicated Thomas Percy (and others), an ancestor of Bill Clinton. Notably, towards the end of his life, James I began shipping Irish “slaves” (casualties of the wars with Ireland) off to the New World in prestigious numbers. Nevertheless, since the Roman “freeman” system had not been updated, there are many celebrated accounts of, even, Negro slaves becoming successful land owners; some with troupes of their own bonded workers.


Charles I replaced James and he was determined to tax just about everything. This made him terribly unpopular with the merchant bankers and, to be honest, not at all popular with the plebeians either. According to history, a civil war was provoked. In reality it was a contest between merchants that favoured the king and those that didn’t. “The people”, with arbitrary status, as always, did as they were told. Anyway, famously, bonnie Charlie was beheaded and that was that. The oligarchs rubbed their hands with glee predicting a golden age of “free trade” and general plunder.

The Promised Land Offers “More of the Same”

Unfortunately the Commonwealth, under Cromwell, only saw black clouds and far greater autocracy than Charles had ever imposed. In the spirit of nepotism, Oliver’s son Richard succeeded him as pseudo “king”. agincourt20_2605342cThat was the final straw and, to save another civil war, royalty was swiftly reinstated with the return of exiled Charles II (son of Charles I) from France (Normandy – note the famous Henry V Battle of Agincourt, 1415). A parliament of merchants was also set up (extending the Westminster System) and new Charles toed the line. He was succeeded by James II, a king with royal ambition. Not only did he share James I’s passion for shipping slaves off to the colonies, but he made moves to cap merchant politics. A group of English parliamentarians raised an army under the guise of the “Glorious Revolution” in 1688, cutting short James’s reign to just three years. While in exile (which was never to be broken) the Crown was deemed legitimately “open” and William of Orange (William III) was appointed king through marital alliance with James’ eldest daughter, Mary.

An enterprising merchant, William Dockwra (an ancestor of the Grosvenor family), in 1680, established a Uniform Penny Post Service for the City of London and its suburbs (extended by Sir Rowland Hill to the whole of the United Kingdom and Ireland in 1840. Note – it was estimated that one penny covered the cost of carriage of thirty two normal letters. Thus, the enterprise burden was one penny for every thirty two collected). He then successfully patented the system, but Charles II became aware of the booming business, giving it to his brother, the Duke of York (to be James II). For his trouble, Dockwra not only had to surrender his patent, but also pay £2,000 (a hundred years labourer’s salary) in compensation for lost royal income (source – Wikipedia). My memory, perhaps “in error”, did conjure a prison sentence of fifteen years too, but I find no cursory record. With the exit of James II in 1688, Dockwra’s fortunes turned (I recommend this wonderfully detailed history for the period Déjà vu saw a similar occurrence in 1872 in Fiji, when the owners of the local gazette, “Fiji Times”, had issued four and six penny postage stamps for inter-island carriage charge of newspapers. Royal agents of Queen Victoria, upon discovery, hijacked the service and imposed big penalties on its proprietors.

Returning to my history of the English kings, just about the first thing transplanted Dutch aristocrat, William of Orange, did, when king of England, was to draft the Bill of Rights. This 1688 contract was written by the nobles for the nobles. From that point on enterprising merchants had some control over fiduciary relationships through the law courts. Nevertheless, it is without doubt that the Dutch philosopher and magical writer, Baruch Spinoza (1632-77), had some influence on enlightened thinking.

371404-christopher-columbusArguably its extension, in part, is the American Constitution. Washington, a privateer, was anxious to ratify the 1776 agreement (which largely, once again, was for the nobles) as he owned the State of Ohio. Indeed the ring leaders (i.e. Washington, Franklin et al) of the uprising in the New World colonies were all English. Britain, contrary to popular belief, had no constitution at the time. The official prior “discoverer” of America, Christopher Columbus, incidentally, was a Rosicrucian explorer funded by Zionists (Jews are not renowned for “risk taking”). America was broken in two (and later three with colonisation of British Canada). Southern continental regions were under Latin Rosicrucian control and the north had been plundered by British, Zionist pirates. We also see French involvement (in support) led to the so-called revolution which elevated the despotic career of (son of an Italian banker) Napoleon Bonaparte.

A New World Order For Old Fools


Of course, by the mid 1800’s, the people of the New World were well and truly broken, particularly after the 1796 collapse of the gold standard (showing economic recessions every few years hence). It is no wonder the executive administration became a corporation in its own right and the “constitution” was reduced to nothing more than a corporate charter by Andrew Johnson in 1868. That one was for the people and some very bad and draconian legislation naturally ensued to shore up any possibility of dissent.

netanyahuI hear lots of latter day criticism and “revolution talk” but that doesn’t stop at voting for corporate government. The system has been in place for a long time, because “the people” lost the battle ultimately with imposition of the Magna Carta. Therefore, with scant exception, you will all carry on supporting your incredible system to the hilt because of the dislike/fear of inconvenience (ne’er sacrifice, God forbid). For its part, sneaky corporate government gives you (mostly) just enough to keep you from revolting. That’s why you honour your judges, policemen, scientists, priests (except those nasty Catholics) because that is the will of Zion and, as Netanyahu has pointed out on many occasions, the will of Zion trumps all other will.

Mystery surrounds the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. However, there is no mystery behind the Abolishment of Slavery in the same year (following Britain’s 1833 act). Sometime in the 1870’s the Rothschild family erected a smart silver plaque in celebration of the City of Manchester. At the time, this was England’s cotton boom town. Abolition of slavery and creation of third class American Negro residents (they were not regarded as “citizens”) had developed an economic wedge (currencies, duties, insurance etc.) that had improved the value of garments and linen fivefold.

So, returning to the title that inspired reasoning behind this article, I enjoy exposing the unblemished truth in my own, inimitable way. There is no hollow sentiment which means I only peddle stark reality. Because this is taken from the macro perspective, commercial and other interests don’t figure. I am one of the few that says it as it is and I enjoy that. So if you don’t like it, watch out and if you don’t “believe” it, well, I rest my case.

Is There Any Way Out For Humanity?

PityOfWar001There is something else that significantly affects peoples of our modern age (even though most are dumb as ducks, there are no prizes for ignorance). New World Order or NWO is a popular euphemism used by those that “think” they are “in the know”. New World Order should be broken into “New World” and “Order”. The New World is the United States of America and this is the supreme global power because of the Pentagon. An Illuminati Order was formed by a German [Jew] Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt on 1st May (May day) 1776. Shortly afterwards the United States of America was created with the announcement of independence [from the British crown] 4th July 1776.

I have already mentioned Christopher Columbus “discovered” America in 1492. That same year the Jewish elite considered converting to Catholicism finally sealing the fate of the known world because the Church had started to issue redemption promissory notes (useful for busy, business men) that allowed “advance” sinning. That notion was abruptly halted by another German Jesuit, Martin Luther (note – was Martin Luther King’s fate a coincidence?) who came along, reputedly, in 1517, and pinned his list of 95 demands against the Catholic Church to a door of a chapel in Wittenberg. There was going to be “no deal”.

Recently “unfriended” by a Facebook “penny activist”, I had the audacity to point out Jimmy Carter’s (they called him “JC” after you-know-who) actions have never matched his flowery sentiment. Just as with the faux “Messiah”, Barak Obama, foreign policy will always be Trilateral Commission diktat as of 1973. David Rockefeller is the Illuminati’s “man”. Rather than being virtuous, society, in general, has attempted to mimic political spheres of influence by forming relative poles of propaganda. Whereas many, on face value, support virtuous and valid causes, reasoning and belief systems are always, in some way, obtuse. Criticism, in the age of absolutism, is universally outlawed.

911 and the Treachery of the Masses

911TowersTo show the absolute treachery of “the people”, the Illuminati (Zionist) masters sanctioned the event so-called 911 to mark the end of Rosicrucian power. Like a great Olympic sprint, it was the starter’s gunshot to ignite a once-and-for-all de-structuring of old world powers controlling the Middle East as, the Trilateral Commission deemed, this was holding up the total enslavement of humanity. The rubble of the Twin Towers had scarcely been cleared before polls began showing that the majority [of Americans] were “of the belief” it was an “inside job”. Hold that thought! Remember, this post is titled “Enjoying the Truth for Virtuous Purity’s Sake”. After the Israeli sanctioned, US organised 911 act of terror, there was a stampede of wannabe murderers (armed forces) volunteering to exact revenge on the number one enemy of the Israel and the US. The Middle East is the thorn in the side of the New World Order, so these moronic “patriots” (armed forces) absolutely supported the objectives Israel and the US [terrorists] exasperating the memory of their compatriots (those murdered as a consequence of the 911 psy-op).

ws_Dante's_Inferno__Treachery_1440x900No wonder they say ignorance is bliss! Remember the guy I mention earlier that dived into the burning house to save the old lady (who survived)? Well, the reason he died is you, warriors fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, hung him for not being satanically treacherous enough. Feeding the homeless is now outlawed, so why not impose the death penalty for saving an innocent life?

The role of the Illuminati is merely one of influence (illuminate). That is why fantasy is paraded as “truth” and virtue has no place in civil society. The philosopher, Sufi, saw it clearly – “no point in changing the world when I can change myself (join the corrupt way of materialism and manipulation)”.

rainbow-celebration-hd-desktop-background-wallpaper-image-freeEven amongst erstwhile “sane” and intelligent people, there is a misguided belief that some “higher power” will, ultimately, save virtue. From now on, quite frankly, the papacy goes through the motions, so if an extra-terrestrial “Tall White” Jesus Christ does miraculously appear it will be to shore up existing Order. It is you (the people) that have the arbitrary power because, as much as they try and kill you off with wars, toxic medications and so on, they need you as slaves. Acceptance of the current state of enslavement is your, our bargaining chip. This means, putting it bluntly, the only thing that could save the world is the people. Whilst selfish determinism fuels rifts in the very fabric of communism (note – this is not the Marxist, “Capitalist” commerce management tool creating perpetual low wage classes) a common order is impossible, Humanity, as a unit, must shake off weakness, cowardice, ignorance, self-serving objectives, any deceptions, double standards and, most importantly, we must acknowledge and take responsibility for our own errors (and we all make them – throughout our lives). That is something I would celebrate.

Beyond “Beyond the Love and Light”


I recently wrote an exclusive article for the Global Freedom Movement (see In my opinion Brendan D Murphy (see and Aimee Devlin (A lovely choc-ice recipe are doing a great job and deserve all promotion available. Here are my reflections on Saturday’s “Beyond the Love and Light” event. As an audience member, it puts me in an advantageous position to provide “no bones” feedback.


They say first impressions are everything. Though the Central Park building wasn’t numbered, its imposing status made it fairly obvious that this was the venue location, although routine passers-by would have had no idea an event was on let alone of the magnitude of ours at the aMBUSH gallery. When I arrived, two ravishing blond hostesses ushered me through a mesmerizingly ultra-bright yet, oddly, uplifting contemporary art gallery that focused on expressions of culture. What lay ahead shocked me. In front of me was a spacious converted storeroom. Walls various shades of black, it was cloaked in mystique but the ambience of this makeshift amphitheatre was so low key it shouted “dig me, baby”. Soft pastels irradiated the darkness, giving the room a hip, chill feel. Strangely homely too, it was just the place to sit, relax and take a load off. There was no “door NAZI” to terrorise would be intruders and this cool nest just seemed to beckon, “Come in, come in” sweetly.

shutterstock_138435938One minor downer was the seating was not really geared for long sitting bums and, though their designs added to the “ambience”, for such a cultural marathon we needed more practical support. Though, in fairness to the organisers, “bring a pillow” was suggested.

Proceedings began with the amazing, world class announcing voice of Aimee Devlin (Brendan I feel, though an excellent presenter in his own right, sounds comparatively like a drowning squirrel). We didn’t start on time, but were pretty close as some sound adjustments and manual lighting changes were needed before things could kick along. But that is to be expected as a mind feast was about to be unravelled before our very eyes.

A Critic Never Showed!

Brendan Murphy gave a brief introduction and made it clear from the onset that the revelations were not going to appeal to the “purple velvet and crystals brigade”. I did actually receive a text from a female friend after my soiree and I think her sentiment poignantly summarises the arrogant apathy of faceless masses in general.

“Maybe I read too much into it…though, what is ‘beyond’ light and love [?]…it’s not logical or scientific. To be honest, it doesn’t resonate with me.”

Of course you read too much into it, Julie. If you had bothered to attend, both Brendan and Aimee would have told you to leave your belief systems at the door and come in with an open mind. In fact “Love and light” was a euphemism addressing the fanfare of illustrious institutions such as the Hillsong Church. Indeed one of Hillsong’s celebrated performers described shenanigans there as “R & B” (or “rubbish and bullshit”, off the record).

Julie, in my opinion, was an ideal candidate for the first act which was majestically presented by the popular healer, Russell Byron (see Both he and Brendan Murphy shared the rare intuitive analysis that time is actually permanently in the present and only appears to unravel per linear perception. I was a bit disappointed that neither of them mentioned my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” (you can check it out at, which gives dynamics and reasons for this. Well, Julie, I guess you just had to be there!

Crying False Praise

Please, I am not singling out the Hillsong Church, but it offers a very useful benchmark. Mainly this is because (shhhhh) I know people that go there on occasion; some regularly. There is noteworthy observable commonality. Every single one of these church going folks says exactly the same thing to me. It is always on the lines of, well, “Great show; amazing, uplifting services, but the people that go there are shallow.” You, you lot are telling me the people that go there are shallow?


Well the people that go there are you; that’s you that is. Gauging this universal lack of faith (belief systems without substance), society is, in general, shallow too. The intuitive mind is the exception and not the rule. That’s why so many occasionally or regularly visit the Hillsong Church. Ah ha…..

Russell Byron, Mystical Healer

russellbyronhighrescolheadshot-1On Sunday after the event, I performed Mozart’s Fantasie in C Minor and Liszt’s great Tarantella from his Annees de Pelerinage (pilgrimage years) on piano for an amateur performer’s society. Another player played a prelude and fugue from Johann Sebastian Bach’s Well Tempered Clavier Book Two. The compare insightfully informed us this composer was a mathematical genius, of some renown, obsessed with the Fibonacci numbering system (sacred numbers for beginners – see He apparently had used the golden ratio (72/100) to mark the climax of the prelude.

Though Russell did not touch on the mathematical perfection of nature (our bodies are built on Fibonacci specifications which absolute affirms there must be a supreme architect), his presentation revealed a logical, structured integral harmonisation of the physical and meta-physical. It is only belief systems and associated ignorance that have created the imbalance of bodily harmony (to some degree aided by industrialisation) or so was the gist. In that vein, his gold ratio was

“Resistance to pain equals unhappiness”

We need to be careful here as, though he did not mention it, resistance to truth belies maligned belief systems. Do you see the pattern? The key seems to be resistance. Just about every person I meet believes they are pure deep down but a universal flawed-ness acts as communal shelter promulgating anthems justifying rites of life in favour of “survival” (toxic parasitic peer alignment best enabling self-gratification). Thus, I would really recommend you look up Russell Byron and take his journey.

Alistair Larmour

A strict ten minutes recess gave me just enough time to bolt out to the food court and grab, I must admit, a very tasty Asian section. Wolfing it down, indigestion invited my prompt return to our den with two minutes of mingling time spare. People that had taken their brains with them slowly savoured take out meals throughout the second half, but as I’m stupid, that never dawned on me.alistair lamour

Energy levels were still good as Russell had been informative but entertaining at the same time.

We were in for a real treat with Alistair Larmour (see Other that a tiny black, nay grey, mark at the end his presentation, it was just “wow”! Dancing around the stage with the energy of ten teens, his Apollo-like tones charmed a soon-to-be doting audience. He presented himself as a sort of reverse Messiah and this was someone who could be believed. I know that Brendan looks a little bit like Jesus, but meeting charisma in the flesh was a whole different kettle of fish.

Here was someone that didn’t preach to the homeless; he had been one of those sad, displaced people. He knew all the angles, had seen all the tricks but also understood the bottomless anguish and despair. He was someone on the inside in position to mount a fearsome crusade as he had found the poison root of society. Whereas not everyone is keyed to undertake the rigorous discipline of Alcoholics Anonymous Twelve Step Program, he has been able to adapt reasoning into a way of life that expands spirituality in a non-dogmatic way.

Homelessness is not nice

I very well know about homelessness. In my youth (I think Henry VIII was on the throne then; that’s how long ago) I ran into problems in jolly old England. Taking a troublesome trip north, I had been viciously dispatched by a travelling companion and remorselessly left nowhere, penniless. As fate would have it, an estranged uncle lived near my location, so I rushed to the nearest public phone box to call him, large suitcase in tow. After convincing the operator ten pence had “jammed in the coin slot”, I connected and my uncle offered to pick me up.

He owned a large detached house with five unused furnished double bedrooms. They were apparently all “needed”, so after a sharp counselling session with his new ‘career advisor’ wife, I was told there were “no jobs up here” and I wasn’t needed. Next day, with a fiver in my top pocket, they bundled on a bus back to Oxford down south.

To reduce the load, hundreds of pounds (sterling) worth of classical sheet music had to be discarded, but the suitcase still weighed a ton. So I lugged it round Oxford for a day, telephoning any room for let I saw advertised. Even back in the Dark Ages, rents were in excess of thirty pounds weekly, so there is no doubt I was up a certain creek. That evening the temperature plummeted to minus seven. You can see where this is going…


Anyway, I was forced to “sleep” in the reception area of a police station (about minus six!) as it was too late to access a youth housing charity. That was a separate story. I boasted to the other desperados that my prised possession was a fake gold Rolex watch. It, naturally, was swiped, but they left a Saville Row tailored jacket that had originally cost thousands pounds. Ignorance knows no boundaries. I had one day of homelessness and that was enough for me. Suffice to say, I have never visited or even spoken to my charitable uncle and his wife ever since.

Alistair’s lustrous presentation continues

We were pleasured with a fairly unique take on the meaning, value and roles of our chakras and meridians. Alistair event went so far as to say that our bodies are representative of interloping lives that manifest as chakra energy signatures. My clumsy over-expressiveness does not do justice to his perfectly balanced wisdom which was so intuitive; it was real.

By the end this segment, I was oblivious to the seating woes and lost all sense of time such was my energetic state. We had all been sitting there (except for late comers) for the best part of four hours and when break time came, well I, for one, wondered whether it was really necessary.

real-cover2smallLook perhaps it’s my old Anglophile heritage (I know; bloody POME moaner), but the final slide came as something of an eye-opener. “Six month courses at $250 a month” was one brazen header. It felt like a slight echo of a “Timeshare” presentation I had attended on the Portuguese Algarve back in the ‘90’s. No one left the room in a huff and the lady next to me (an Australian with foundation roots) was quietly contemplating signing up. I must say this was an offer that looked very, very tempting.

There is a superstition amongst common folks that the virtuous would never request money for survival. This is utterly ludicrous and must have been created by the “elites” will endless supplies of subsistence funds. I have yet to meet anyone, lowly or high, with unconditionally generosity devoid of reciprocal expectation. Besides, you can rest assured that a block on funding of the “alternatives” is precisely what the Illuminati Masters want. Welcome to abject slavery with only those on their payroll grotesquely elevated – all for the greater good! Authors, guides and healers are not in a position to play an indefinite cat and mouse waiting game for potential backers. We need support to survive now; I included.

Life on Mars Revision 5 with OT4I and the lady next to me, both, rushed to purchase Alistair’s wonderful book which offers a serious light hearted look at food. “Food Makes MoodWhat you eat creates who you are” is an essential shopping excursion companion. I recommend it. If his name was JK Rowling he’d have sold 400 million copies by now. Of course my own short story, Life on Mars (inspired by Harry Potter) is also available (see

Brendan D. Murphy

My favourite speaker of the evening, as always, was Brendan. Voice tone and delivery doesn’t count for anything when discussing truth and virtue. Here he is an encyclopaedic fountain; a giant turret of meaningful information. What makes things a little depressing for me is, he’s twenty years my junior (shhh, our little secret).

This time he was at his element, taking a lot of material from that outstanding tome, “The Grand Illusion” (I assume everyone has their copy?). Whereas I was raring to go, slowly the audience began to deplete. A few had resorted to standing only and I noticed one lady was feeling faint. We’d been going for five hours and those chairs, honestly, were starting to bite our bums by now. Nevertheless about 70% of the audience saw things through to the end, which overran by half an hour.


Brendan, with absolute integrity, began by paying tribute to the charismatic David Icke as, wholly, the inspiration for his change of life direction that produced his extraordinary book. As Icke has galvanised proto-thinkers in the creation of what is, and let’s be frank, stark populism, people generally either love him or hate him (not necessarily for common reasons). Metaphorically, I felt Brendan fell off the tightrope at that point.1375944_661985057153132_2046335044_n-282x300

The Way Forward

Whilst I admire the work David has done illuminating all too dark places, his agenda is unmistakably commercial. On the lines of Michael Tellinger’s “contributionist” version of South African Ubuntu, he proposes a less radical interpretation of George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” as “the way forward”. Slanderous allegations of links to Satanism and his Rothschild-like facial structure I ignore. By the same token I am not impressed with Icke’s unverifiable hearsay that supposes a Reptilian super-hierarchy controlling humanity via mind controlled royals and other influential parties.

He clearly has not read my “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”. There I briefly discuss some negative traits of the so-called “Draco” (a mythical reptilian line heralding back to the star system Alpha Draconis over a billion years ago). My yet to be published “A New World Order” reveals a very deep past of hereditary links connected to planet Earth. Our ancestors [genetically speaking] will shock many of David’s supporters. By his definition, we are all “the enemy”. “Shadow possession” has much wider implications as do many things Icke discusses.

Brendan does not lack depth and this is the significant difference between him and his past mentor. Credit to him; he opened our minds to some really heavy, complex subjects and was able to simplify reasoning to induce layman clarity. We were not informed how the “space time” zero field actually “worked” (which is in The Beauty of Existence Decoded), but once on that treadmill a plethora of erstwhile “anomalies” are [relatively] easily explained.

Energetic DNA and etheric bodies

A big part of Brendan’s sentiment focused on the chakras and meridians following on from Russell and Alistair. Sol Luckman (see and Barbara Brennan (see were naturally mentioned as the focus was on the healing potential of etheric fields. Barbara is famous for observing our body’s energy vortices at each chakra and meridian point, notably when they become out of balance, causing ill health. Sol covers regenetics and energy parasites (along the lines of Islamic Djinn).with a focus on health improvement. Gariaev’s work with “junk DNA” (see and sacred numbers (particularly in relation to the “tuning” of frequencies, such as the mystical 528 hertz) also featured.

Suzy Hansen’s book, “The Dual Soul Connection” (see is also very relevant as she goes into spectral healing methods using mind aided by extra-terrestrial technologies of the [Zeta] Grey Beings. I would have liked to hear about how DNA proteins, dormant cells, miasmas correlate with diseases and the possible role of reactivated fungi as manifest cellular cancers but, perhaps, that’s in store next time. Brendan did, however, theorise there may be healing qualities associated with the frequency of the unspoken “Name of God” per the Hebrew tradition.

Hebrew and Hebrews Explained

His reasoning is very clear and precise and that alone makes his book an absolute gem. This guy thinks outside the box! However, the true background to the meanings behind the unspoken name of God is complex indeed. Let me try to simplify. Hebrew is a cut down star language (although this is not officially known) and was used by [extra-terrestrial] overlords as a chronicler’s script. Via the Hyksos kings, the Israelites took advantage of a Babylonian power vacuum and plundered much of the wisdom as a consequence. It is then, I believe, “Hebrew” became an “Israelite” script.

Bugger off Dawkins; you don't "believe" in God

Bugger off Dawkins; you don’t “believe” in God

In these times (over 4,000 years ago) strange entities roamed our planet surface in plain sight. Included were Babylonian reptilian (Ciakar) priestly ghouls (usually dressed in conspicuous dark hooded cloaks – presenting lithe humanoid physiques) with strange habits. It is they that used YHWH as code for the unspoken name of God though the real word is not pronounceable by us (being a combined bark, roar and dinosaur scream). First Jewish clerics and later theologians had a big problem in creating the correct sounds for the name of God.

MsXopPbgThis is because under vowel pointing rules (added in the 13th century after Hebrew had replaced Aramaic as a spoken Israelite solidarity language – similar to Yiddish today) changes in the pronunciation of Y as J or W as V can alter the structure of words. Due to prior secrecy, no one knew precisely what the original pronunciation sounded like. Original Greek scriptures deciphered correct sounding as something akin to “Yahweh”. However, in 1270, a Spanish Dominican monk, Raymundus Martini, penned “Jehovah” in Latin for the first time. That began a war between two traditions. Although, the irony is, of course, both are wrong! Even so, Brendan has conjured transcendental brilliance and, I believe, identified a unique interpretation of biblical code (texts are multi-layered/dimensional – one of the bizarre literary properties associated with Hebrew script).

For perfection, I would have liked comfier chairs, Aimee introducing Brendan, Alistair then Russell, but what we saw was a feast of creativity and, for that, no one can complain.