First HIV, then Ebollox, now Simpsons’ Coronavirus, What Next?

John Pilger, Noam Chomsky, and the entertaining Michael Parenti are blessed with happy mediums of being able to play and beat “the system” at its own game. Other public speaking majorities have been issued less fortunate demeanours. As with everyone else, they are held to ransom by educational/social programming enterprises that fundamentally dictate “the way things will be”. Hence, to all intents and purposes, that is why “the way things will be” is “the way things are”. I make no excuses for my lack of “viable” references and possible corresponding academic belligerence throughout this essay. I have found references are designed to more shore up political correctness or common authority views in substitution for actually verifying the truth. Thus, misconstrued empty promises, deceitful practices of all kinds and deliberate dishonesty are casually preserved over and over by those placed out of context, “value added” reframes. You know, “Ah, that’s how it happened!” So, putting it bluntly, I refuse to add to the malicious mass trend. As it stands, under review, the callous critic might unfairly revile content here. Given my express lack of formality, I would imagine this essay might be dressed as an opinion piece, which it is not. In fact dedicated readers will discover reasoned analysis that is mostly not tainted (God forbid) by occult “verification”. Nevertheless, raw evidence of science corruption (such as William W. Thompson’s fraud at the behest of Merck) is noteworthy enough to feature.

I guess the lesson here is, don’t necessarily “believe” what I or anyone else says. Do your own research, but make sure efforts are wide and thorough. It would be definitely worth everyone’s while to check out the great collection of topical writings at Pure Professional Journalism Gazette. Expect a bombshell by way of final conclusion that, to some degree, goes against background analysis. It will prove, if nothing else, I do not champion particular opinions and can turn on a penny in an instant if new findings justify the move. So, without further ado, let us begin. In the simplest of terms, our universe is exclusively composed of energy. In line, Einstein’s notorious E = MC² equation vaguely satisfies existence “the symptom”. However, was he to have delved deeper to substantiate motivated causes, his rudimentary oversimplification of truth would have been shown up as wildly incorrect. Our sun is one of millions beyond millions of stars that distribute energy throughout the universe. So potent is its source, ancient cultures worshiped the privilege of exposure. There may have actually been more to their zany practice, but I will discuss details onward. Back in 1918 mock scientists decided that the sun, consistently delivering life supporting “vitamin D”, was now the generator of a dreadful plague they labelled “Coronavirus”. Consideration behind labelling relied on judgemental “blame”, apparently devoid of any valid clinical research. The sun (an unreachable object) was inaccessible enough to make an easy unquestionable “decoy”, but, presuming the plague itself was neither fabrication nor “as described”, what mischief did it cover up?

This is an important question because 1918 marked the end of the culmination of a giant conflict between nations. So violently expansive was its course it has become known as the First World War. There are extensive records covering most apparent historic aspects, but it seems unlikely those deep, dark secrets held by “corridors of power” have been revealed (or why call them secrets?). Could there have been some sort of new manufacturing process or weaponry that caused more civilian or “friendly fire” casualty than benefit? Competent information supporting this inquiry is fairly essential, once basis for viruses (which were first categorised as such in the 1890’s) is understood. For journalists, audiences to disseminate information to can also prove pretty useful, so, in that regard, I run two Facebook pages. One is occupied by normal people whilst the other collects rebels with attitude, though sadly mostly without mitigated aims. The former is the more relevant to this exercise because “home channel” outpourings tend to accumulate “TV” world view on things in general. For instance, not a single person I have friended attached to the channel has any notion of what a virus “IS”. Actually, on that front, my other channel doesn’t fare much better either. Most presume origins of viral strains roughly mimic evolutionary course of bacterial infections.  This, by the way, is the grave error which aggressively fuels ignorant sentiment over speculative theories pertaining to Coronavirus and other less familiar complaints.

Clearly (by their vocal expressions) all innocently believe viruses are transmitted by humans to other humans, yet, if the truth was known, the notion would be deemed ironically preposterous. In fact (for those that bother to research) science has vaguely (hinted at in complicated waffle; if only they would listen to Richard Branson) “come clean” on things. Reading between those revealing science lines, viruses are the response of micro particles not-so-kindly provided by our atmosphere. Precise detail on exact “culprits” would be almost impossible to pinpoint. Nevertheless, after the last swine flu epidemic (from 30,000 flu screenings, the CDC formally identified roughly 20 complaints, but more on that in due course), logic proposes the specific root cause must have been from two giant farms in relatively close proximity to affliction zones or, rather, issues emanating from “lakes” of hog faecal waste (which is impolitely known as pig shit).

Many years ago I used to have greater confidence in “the system” and calculated the most reliable asset anyone could entertain was a jolly good lawyer. Mine was an interesting fellow; most senior in years. At one of our many meetings, he shocked by informing me his daughter was a nurse who tended to “AIDS patients” and she had accidentally lanced herself with a giant needle used on one of them. I didn’t go into details. Well, one wouldn’t, but some weeks hence I did inquire how his daughter was faring and, apparently, after numerous tests, she showed negative for both HIV and AIDS and was given a clean bill of health. Hoorah! If nothing else, this proves that HIV/AIDS does not mimic bacterial behaviour. But returning to those sciences’ “buried deep” truths, viruses are identified as having no metabolism. That might sound relatively unimportant to the non-technical person, so it would be wise of me to qualify magnitude here. The best efficient method of detecting whether someone is deceased (that’s dead) is by their absence of metabolism (which, I can add, promulgates growth). Viruses neither grow nor reproduce. They only change in character. Scientists label these changes “mutations”, which can be numerous. When particularly noticeable patterns emerge, results are qualified as “strains”. In fact, for the technically minded, science has never discovered a virus strain in isolation (except perhaps in the case of rabies, but I will elaborate more on that anomaly later in this article).

Given my storming revelation, how do medics categorically identify complaints, such as swine flu? Simply put, as viruses themselves prove too evasive, they apply a “microdot” antibody test. Under microscopic conditions, providing a million or more antibodies turn up at the “marked zone” results are regarded as sufficient evidence of viral infection. I am not sure how they manage to count all the particles efficiently, so I assume a machine does the leg work. Recurring biological patterns can be attributed to specific viruses in place of the “common cold”. “Next stage” Influenza is diagnosed by regularity of symptoms, which can develop into killer pneumonia. So, returning to my earlier “swine flu” highlight, it is vital to realise that none of the 20 or so cases assessed by CDC lab technicians’ revealed direct evidence of causes. Instead they relied on formulaic graphs tabled from symptoms. When a complaint was critical enough to lead to serious illness or death, it became posthumous basis for verification in lieu of actual, factual evidence. Putting it bluntly, universal “healthcare” is unable to fundamentally diagnose any virus (the burglar that’s never caught) or cause “with authority”. Hardly surprising as viruses are simply varied examples of how the body processes different types of pollutants.

I am being a little unfair to the medical people here. They discover more than antibodies in clinical samples. Resulting biological debris is presumed cause of disease.

Instances involving scenarios whereby “causes” have already invaded cells are harder to detect. For these, numerable sub-classifications, such as retrovirus, Flavivirus are assigned. To me, a word is a label and, hence, impotent terminologies rather obfuscate sincere revelation which can hinder dedicated investigation. Yet, the major elephant in the room that exposes medical ignorance here is its associated science is only able to speculate on how viruses enter the body. Back in 2018 I published an article titled “Coming Clean on Cancer” which highlighted the critical role quantum light (atoms) plays in cultivating body development. Because atoms are generally viewed as arbitrary or accidental building blocks of physicality, they have been more or less overlooked by all sciences. Well, that’s one reason. Intriguing studies such as kondo effect radically also demonstrate how far adrift atomic behaviour is from bubbling “science reality” (sic). Anyway, were we to understand the actual purpose (yay!) of particle waves, that ever familiar “survival of the fittest” paradigm we’ve been force fed would be rendered instantly obsolete. Survival does go some way to indicating truth though. By that vein, existence is built on principles of assimilation and, accordingly, all materials naturally recycle. Stronger animals consuming weaker ones enhances creation stratagem. In relation, I will reveal the “power” of quantum light soon, but now there is something much more fundamentally basic to adequately expose science misconception over viruses.

Unlike bacteria and fungi, viruses tend to be very small and, consequentially, are hard to see. Biological materials become jumbled and parts (without metabolism) congregate unhelpfully. Thus, under a microscope, it is a devil of a job to sort out the pieces of the puzzle. That is predominantly why medics substitute recognisable patterns in lieu of actual, factual evidence. So far, so good! Taking my “in brief” explanation of natural assimilation a step further, when microscopic extraneous matter attached to the atmosphere is inhaled or absorbed (through skin, eyes, etc.), logic dictates that the body would have three fundamental options in relation to dealing with the invisible invasion. Micro particles could be ignored as we overlook dust in our lounge rooms. There might be some kind of method to expel waste. The remaining choice left is to contain the problem. “Containment” conveniently fits the assimilation model like a glove. How does the expression go? “If the bear won’t come to the mountain, we will bring the mountain to the bear.” In this instance, to “contain” is to convert any invader into a new body part. Thus, micro particles that enter the pulmonary system are uniformly coated with biological materials by body defences to “mark” the threat. Some of these marked units are funnelled into various waste disposal facilities (such as kidneys, liver – hepatitis anyone?) over time. Others hang around to become part of the “biological scenery”.

It is these “rebels without causes” that can potentially fuse health issues (I introduce evidential effects of asbestos dust in a future segment). Remember, all the while, to the casual medical observer, they will appear as biological particles without metabolism. Current topical science assessment of data could not conjure more inaccurate prognoses, which bizarrely reminds me of the manner gravity is “dealt with”. On that subject, Newton, I fear,  worked out his proverbial apple was callously shoved to the ground by a complex web of forces (further explaining how our planet is really propelled) generated from the bowels of the Earth to bounce back off oceanic space. Maligned politics (covering up the fact our moon shouldn’t spin if it was a dead body?) determined to stem “inner Earth” exploration vouched for the vogue “magnetic pull” model. Unsurprisingly Newton’s patron, Sir Edmond Halley (comet discoverer), found no champions for his “inner sun” theory either. This should wax familiar because a lot of medical “science” follows political (Big Pharma friendly) interests. Gravity is not a magnetic field (although magnetism can influence forces) and viruses do not live. Thus, cells are never invaded by micro particles because they can’t be accessed in that manner. Instead, without exception, cells snack on tasty biological materials, such as essential minerals. However, rebel morsels are also eaten up in line with that common assimilation recycling strategy.

Ever had a bad chicken kebab? If not, take it from someone who has, you don’t want to go through the experience. Most kebabs are fine, and you can’t necessarily tell which ones are “off” from appearance, smell (particularly when doused in hot chilli sauce). But there are worse things to consume: strychnine, for instance. How does this compare with those doused micro particles? Well, as far as the cell is concerned there are no surprises inside each tasty package. Thus, in the case of SARS, ingested industrial composites stripped infected identities of nucleic acid. But there was some uplifting news associated with that. After all the credentialed science slander targeting 1960’s anti-theories, SARS once and for all proved a cell does not necessarily need a nucleus to function; launching Dr Bruce Lipton’s spectacular career. Aside from malfeasant politics, why would medicine make such fundamental errors of judgement in relation to viruses? The short answer to this belies the idiopathic principle grounding modern day healthcare. To explain, “Idio” stems from ancient Greek idios, meaning “denier of authority” (which evolved into the slur idiot). “Pathy” substitutes for suffering or illness, so the idiopathic principle (no known disease causes) remarks on symptoms.

In effect noticeable abnormality is treated in the hope problems will disappear. Sorry, I can’t resist a little sarcasm here. Golly gosh, in light of this course, who’d have guessed symptoms would make a nasty habit of recurring? Flu vaccination is therefore useless once genuine problem/cause is understood. On the positive side, bacterial parasites and fungi represent “symptom and cause” in combination so modern medicine generally provides excellent, efficient remedies here. Viruses, cancers and certain psychological conditions prove intellectually inaccessible. Whilst occasional anger directed at this deliberate medical ignorance or “void” is justified, we need to review the history of understanding of illness to fully appreciate why. We need to turn the clock back to the 1780’s to reconfigure a muted conspiracy that has always deliberately kept corporate healthcare in the dark. For instance, the real purposes for those enormous “inhumane” study schedules training doctors must endure is students are given no time to “think for themselves”. Brainwashed new recruits will memorise data “by rote”, perhaps in the same manner Islamic extremist “terrorists” are able to parrot the Koran, verse by verse until their minds recognise no contradicting sentiment. There sadly is a common arrogance too.

Now some might argue industrialisation commenced with the enormous cargoes of bounty that were transported in merchant ships out of the New World from the 1500’s onwards. However, for this investigation’s purposes heavy mining and late 18th century beginnings of mechanical automation experimentation marked onset of the key “damage period”. Correspondingly, writers covering social matters of the era immediately raised alarms over noticeable effects of environmental pollution. These cries reached fever pitch by the mid 1800’s, which happened to “coincide” with mass production (as it was then) of vaccines. A few doctors spoke out against the popular flawed philosophy favouring “mild doses” [of disease] to bolster a body’s immune system to no avail. Just to be clear on facts here, unless I’m missing something, employment of vaccines will have no effect on inanimate (lacking metabolism) pollutants, so any healthcare benefit must be viewed as a form of placebo medication. Then, even after Louis Pasteur’s apparent death bed recantation, immunisation tradition continues as strong as ever today. Efficacy of vaccines has never been proven.

Those that study relevant data models observe that “introduction of serums” invariably happens at disease “burn out” stage (i.e. the problem was going away all by itself).

Mosquito man Bill Gates polio “gift” to the Indian hill tribes (and subsequent international class action suit) chillingly demonstrates how dangerous these products can be. Talking of polio, I would guess that radical downsizing of tin production was the catalyst for healthcare improvement, so it is not merely organic materials that can cause viruses. Bill Gates (evil computer genius), of course, was working closely with the CDC in their vain attempt to impose the contagion model for COVID-19 quarantine until the idea was quashed by America’s valiant surgeon general in favour of raw data evidence. How will they “fudge” results now? Anyway, let us imagine (after all that bad press), back in the 1800’s, industrialist merchant bankers were worried people might discover the truth and rise up against them. Hypothetically, wouldn’t their most effective primary strategy defending revolt be to deny pollution as cause of illness? In fact, contemporary mainstream academic reports and newspapers more or less followed these precise lines. Journalists claimed that weak and sickly would die anyway, so industrialisation was cleansing society by “making it stronger” (i.e. a macabre variant of survival of the fittest). That nonsense was fine and dandy until the first major [legitimate] epidemic eventuated (finding no credible voices to counter the glaringly indiscriminate targeting of weak and strong alike). The shock forced “powers” to employ a revolutionary medical strategy.

Potential for viruses was demonically ushered into being (and I say that because the devil is always in the detail). Idiopathic medicine, lost for causes, scratched around for the “best projections” to tackle “symptoms” and, hey presto, quackery came up with vaccines. There are numerous accounts of [presumed] airborne diseases prior to the 1800’s, but those varieties of influenza were most likely resulting from organic debris of one kind or another. I highlighted the dangers of pig faeces earlier. Unmanaged human waste I feel sure could be equally as negatively potent. Here associated myths accounting the sickly demise of society after Spanish capture (and subsequent garrotting) of Aztec monarch Montezuma II might well endorse my theory. Was incinerated bodily refuse the issue? Bonfires would doubtlessly create atmospheric conditions loaded with potentially infecting micro-sized carcinogens (remembering swine flu results from sun powered vapour emitted from sewage lakes). Identical reasoning can be used to justify analysis of other infectious conditions. Outlined in my prior release “Coming Clean on Cancer” Queen Mary I of England’s 1558 supposed womb cancer death is wrongly diagnosed, unless crude oil powered periodic combustible engines. Evidence validates automobile invention, development and subsequent mass production happening in much more recent times, thus the Tudor queen succumbed to some other complaint that may not be possible to find comparison for today.

We should be exceptionally sceptical and wary of all projections; Bill Gates’ inspired computer modelling in particular. Fantasy (and that’s what it is) representation of proscribed reality isn’t real. Facts considered carefully, immunisation philosophy and partnering vaccines are (at least at hubris) nothing short of trial and error concepts. Given the historic background, it is no irony that conceptualisation is “banking friendly”. Insurers rely on synthesised calculations to assess and best guess risk; risk that is unknown. Likewise, immunisation provides theoretical security as an insurance measure against disease. We are told “by the experts” to believe this security is impeccable. We are told it is a platform sturdy enough to support the weight of humanity. Practical evidence recounts a different, sorry story. Harking back to the heavily publicised resurgence of Ebola in Africa a couple of years ago, newly touted “outbreaks” took only moments to incubate. One instant everything was calm without discernible issue and next we were told of a “Jaws” style epidemic “of monumental proportions” in full swing. When a big storm starts brewing (a possible major reinsurance headache), onlookers are provided some warning. Reflecting on Media portrayal, surely new Ebola deserves to be remembered as the medical equivalent of blitzkrieg. In light of this, would not insurance class that specific speculative epidemic an act of God?

Acts of God are uninsurable because no preparations for defences can be made. How is it possible to immunise against a disease that is already rooted? Additionally, as immunisation principle bolsters the immune system by presenting mild dosages approximating targeted complaints, what warped philosophy could offer vaccine utilisation (i.e. “adding disease”) to stem contamination? “Ah, he’s lost a lot of blood, sir, I prescribe leeches”. I have already outlined why vaccines, at best, offer placebo measures against viruses. There is another observation in relation to contagion in general. I cannot fathom how a real epidemic could come along “without anyone noticing” so quickly. Thus, the whole current enterprise waxes false flag, I’m afraid. It is as if Ebola nonsense was a dry run to test population idiocy and, because Africans’ passed with flying colours, history has been allowed to repeat itself. Corresponding new normal (or that’s your friendly corporate “catchphrase”) recapitulation insists the entire globe has been instantly infected with Coronavirus (coming from nowhere for no discernible reasons); even though (for my research) limited numbers had been tested (at “newsbreak”) and the few deaths that have been reported are shall we say “dodgy”.

Fortunately I have friends in strategic places. A very alert Italian naturopathic doctor informed me (via a private network channel) that the grave situation in Italy “coincidentally” followed mandatory mass vaccinations.  Not quite “evidence”, but this piece alleges several Senegalese infants under care of a “western clinic” died instantly directly after being vaccinated against Coronavirus. We by no means share opinions, but Dr Judy Mikovits is one of those leading the charge against experimental “bat gnosis”. If COVID-19 is no different to ordinary influenza, would it be possible to confuse vaccine damage symptoms with those that might identify a new, previously unknown disease? Massive funds have been leveraged on Coronavirus. It must be a winner at any cost. Think the money to be made out of compliance and enforcement, plus all those potentially “justifiable” Big Brother measures. Idiopathic medicine, via spurious theories, can conjure “brands” out of any illnesses. Therefore, I fear South Koreans (another of those mandatory vaccination countries) will ultimately share the same fate as Italians unless I have read the politics wrongly. Aside from my dubious Senegalese reference, has anyone attempted to check whether there is a definite connection with Coronavirus deaths and immunization? We do know that Italian authorities pressed ahead with their draconian measures “regardless” of contradictions highlighted by a 2016 paper covering dangers of vaccines released by independent scientists.

From 100 serums tested (which, from memory, included tDap and MMR), roughly 30% were shown to contain significant traces of heavy metals (such as aluminium, mercury). I exampled effects of mercury laced bandages on fallen troops of the 1860’s American “Civil War” (war between dominions deliberately miscategorised?) in this article. Even so scientists that have studied data samples prefer aluminium toxicity as most likely cause of Alzheimer’s disease. That is the ostensive reason why cooking pans and soft drink cans are coated today, although I wonder whether “coatings” will eventually become classified as “cancer causing”. Logic supporting Italian authorities’ blatant rejection of evidence placing doubt on vaccine safety has never been effectively explained to me. Putting conspiracies to one side, presuming serum contamination was accidental with Coronavirus the symptom, have we seen comparable occurrences before? In answer, there is certainly one television documentary that examined evidence against tainted polio vaccines which were manufactured from the late 1950’s and throughout the early 1960’s. When adverse side effects became a noticeable problem, product was withdrawn from use in the first world (i.e. “Western countries”). However, as the documentary testifies, other stocks were still travelling to remote regions of Africa up until the 1980’s. According to the programme (which was certainly aired on mainstream channels in the UK and Australia), vaccine serums were originally cultivated in the kidneys of live chimpanzees and green monkeys.

These animals had apparently developed natural protection against atmospheric pollution and responding “viral strains” were unavoidably transferred to vaccine batches. In humans, reactive symptoms were labelled “HIV”.

I won’t bother introducing French/Swiss Nobel puppet and serial bloviator Dr “despicable” Montegnier (who never found HIV). Other “experts” originally described symptoms as “slightly worse than the common cold”. Misdirected propaganda (which unconfirmed “sources” tell me was brainchild of the CIA) promoted the idea of a worldwide “gay plague” on the back of contemporary medical discrepancy. In relation, I recommend Jon Rappoport’s sensational paperback “AIDS Inc.” will make an essential reference for those committed to discovering truth. Though I haven’t read the entire volume myself, some of Jon’s key findings are known to me. Most critical (in my opinion) of these points is information that evaluates the pharmaceutical drug AZT. Accordingly, AZT has had a very chequered history. Back in the 1950’s its prior branding was presented as a miracle chemo cure. Side effects were horrific enough for the drug to be quickly withdrawn without fuss. Patients implicated in trials had suffered AIDS like symptoms that were clearly not a parenthesis of cancer progression. Jon made other vital observations. His remarks on “science” behind benchmarking HIV are priceless. Hypocritical standards were so vague, the ardent academic would deem them perfunctory, but authorities didn’t give a damn. They were staring at one of the potentially largest commercial medical opportunities since Spanish influenza (some say coincided with construction of the electricity grid, but I’ll have more on that when I wrap this essay up). Whereas hard evidence supporting my proposed hypothetical would be difficult to amass, multi-faceted fear campaigns surrounding HIV/AIDS are legendary. Had agencies backing the CIA “gay plague” been given license to market misinformation, system-believing homosexuals of the time could have easily been lulled into investing in precautionary medication.

Of course, that’s precisely what happened with AZT, duly offered and snapped up under expectations of righteous “salvation” by those in the spotlight. Yet truth behind surrounding AIDS like symptoms was already long known. They already knew AZT was a failed chemo remedy, a reflective disaster area. Why offer a known killer drug as remedy for the common cold to sections of the population unless you were planning some sort of genocide or vertical population purge? Look, I haven’t bothered to check, but without doubt the medical gestapo will have recorded a rose tinted historic account of AZT (to match Thimerosal gibber), recognising only relatively minor adverse effects in persuasion of messianic commercial withdrawal.  I do check the CDC website periodically and, thus far, administrators have failed to see purpose in listing ingredients of vaccine “preservative” Thimerosal. They should because this is a product with an onerous medical history. Wikipedia’s account is reflectively erroneous for my research. Rather than preservative, it began as an experimental cancer vaccine in the 1930’s. Use was narrow and infrequent. Per later bedpan cleaning agent reclassification, stocks were deferred to hospital sterilisation and, after a decade or more of use; authorities grudgingly delisted the product when clinicians proved a definite link to pink’s disease back in the 1960’s.

I provide a more detailed history here, but “informed” need only review details of a few samples taken from Thimerosal’s ingredients list to be clear on why product issues keep recurring. The full composition’s a big cocktail, so I’ll head straight for those crucial elements to ease reading burden. Aluminium, mercury and formaldehyde (normally used as rat poison!) are the main offenders. That “heavy metals” presence in the 2016 Italian vaccines survey is now vilified. Mentioned earlier, consequences of aluminium and mercury poisoning are well known of course. Even so, there does seem to be a parallel imperceptible theme running here. Products that don’t work in one format are routinely ushered back in for other rounds. Mercury failed as bandages preservative, so it made a less than triumphant return in surgical cleaning powder form from the 1950’s. Perhaps comparably, “popular” Victorian period tonics that didn’t make the grade were sometimes converted into household sanitising agents. Tradition holds popular soft drink Coca-Cola began life as a floor detergent.

Given this pattern and because it was so chillingly efficient, logic presumes AZT will be the killer of choice for any planned population purges or would that be unacceptably blatant? Too many for comfort may have read Jon Rappoport’s illuminating volume “AIDS Inc.” (which is available on Amazon in the paperback version). For what other reason could have “authorities” removed his WordPress gazette? Maybe I’ve jumped too many steps ahead here for palatable accord to settle. How could America, with its massive welfare dependence (emphatically mocked by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu), employ an agenda aimed at killing off needy populations huddled beneath the Statue of Liberty? Though, there is unprecedented simmering conservative anger at political leniency given to illegal invaders from Latin countries (in particular) and this might well ignite civil rebellion. We have an unlikely comparison not too far away. Contrary to popular belief, Hilter’s involvement in German political affairs wasn’t a malfunction of the system. Indeed, any genuine researcher would struggle to find a bad speech recorded by the dictator. He eloquently matched Winston Churchill word for word.

I agree that notorious published volume “Mein Kampf” (My Life) has drawn criticism and some reviews state it was “poorly written”. Nevertheless, slander permitting, content is undeniably lucid and directives abhorrently clear. Hitler did not appear to like the Jews, but the only formal promise he made was to reduce Germany’s ethnic Slavs by half. By way of background on that, there were some immigration problems after the Great War (WWI) and Slavs took the brunt of social venom. Stalin’s infamous Russian “purges” largely targeted Coptic Christians (also Slavs) leaving an estimated 70-180 million dead (depending on which account is referenced).  Iran may be the source of Hitler’s favoured “Aryan” stock, but local populations were cut in half after a 1917-19 genocide claiming 10,000,000 lives which appears to be an inconsistency (if Hitler merely acted for a much higher authority agenda). However Genome batch comparisons of non-Arabic Iranians compare well with broad stock Caucasian Russians. Other than the premeditated genocide of American Indians, there have been no other population reduction efforts in the United States,. It is worth noting that Russia, prior to Bolshevism, ticked along with majority populaces dependent on the system. Indeed statistics detailing symptomatic effects of the collapse of any food supply chain loosely base predicted “panic [buying] after 3 days” on 1917 “revolution” records.

Interestingly enough, though it hasn’t collapsed yet, the essential supply chain jarred on the back of the Coronavirus “scare”. Why so quickly if the whole situation hadn’t been engineered? Shelves weren’t restocked following the foray, yet one prominent casualty “toilet rolls” is fully manufactured locally for the domestic market. There are plenty of Australian pulp mills too. If I might be permitted to use our supermarkets as the guide stamp here, main store chain Woolworths (a subsidiary of Walmart, I believe) has indefinitely (as of writing) ceased replenishing dried pasta and rice stocks. Backup Coles, clearly feeling the pinch, have provided small selections of rices (lacking popular basmati and jasmine varieties). An unrecognised “Italian” brand of pasta is the only one available and prices (for probable inferior product) have roughly trebled.  The phenomenon did not tarnish smaller private enterprises but, as with Coles, many have attempted to exploit the market to its limit. Perhaps too early to diagnose which direction commerce will take, but the current situation bears all the hallmarks of fabrication. For my research, panic buying generally commenced much later than is being promoted. Bare shelves encouraged the main “alarm” (which rapidly spread to smaller enterprises). Absence of restocks exacerbated the situation.

Obviously when nothing was to be found in the main stores, people “bought what they could” elsewhere, in some instances besieging micro businesses.  I interviewed a Chinese speciality shop owner who “couldn’t believe” how much rice she had sold.

Salesmen are necessary but expensive, so at times of general financial uncertainty or hardship that section of the job market retracts. Since significant drops after the 2007 “Grand Financial Crisis”, numbers have never bounced back to prior levels (or that’s my layman’s view). Personally, as one of the few honest business development professionals, my bleak employment period between 2010 and 2016 suffering “kangaroo starts” ever since, affirms the trend. Before Coronavirus went public, the Australia job market was in notable trouble. Now it is fair to say it has flopped. Labour buoyancy reflects financial optimism. Yet, since the demise of the gold standard (when promises no longer required backing), money has more or less entered the realms of fantasy (polite word for fiction). Prior to deregistration of constitutional monarchy (kings must remain accountable or face the wrath of the people, whereas governments risk only loss of votes) global funds were, without exception, sponsored by various royal exchequers. Now via tenuous arrangements with a worldwide body called “The Federal Reserve”, united governments borrow money from a cartel of international bankers. Each of these recognised governments is a registered, publically listed corporation. Given the fictitious status of money, if the plan is to ultimately “start afresh” (following the current state of theoretical chaos resulting from decades lacking transparency), simultaneously bankrupting every corporation (which would include government itself) is the one way change could be fairly engineered. Disbanded trading would require swift, radical measures approximating remedy (so as not to critically implode commerce, which theoretically transcends corporate edict). The well-established (CIA backed?) electronic platform Bitcoin might act as an effective interim solution, whereby voluntary assets could be reappraised and compensated on a “case by case” basis. A very visible queue of rebellious economists has anticipated an imminent universal currency meltdown for as long as I have been monitoring international politics. The manner these politics have unravelled in relation to Coronavirus projects “anything could happen right now”. Will supermarkets lay off staff due to shrinking revenues? Will stunted incomes promise even further shrinkage? Such occurrences in the United States would likely escalate into emergency government under President Trump (who’s reached the unlikely heights of issuing more faux pas’ than George Bush Junior) for a very long time.

Though my conclusions will determine Coronavirus is one of many staged civil interruptions to come, economic restructure from corporate ashes, ushering in standardised electronic money, will probably materialise as the “final gambit”. Moves to keep Trump (angel of death?) indefinitely in power are already being made, such as unrestricted relaxation of environmental protection protocols (which now will no longer be “enforced”). Have “the powers” that supposedly work in support of majority populations’ best interests totally lost their faculties with this measure? Pollution of the environment causes all viruses, including Coronavirus (if it exists, but more on that later), so shouldn’t relevant rules be tightened? On that point, once again, if it exists, from where did Coronavirus originate? Considering it is a global complaint, causal emissions must have percolated from “something” new that is “seen everywhere”.  The only two [publicised] recent “changes” that could feasibly (with stretched imaginations) fit the criteria are the “5G network” (I will focus on this “bombshell” in conclusions) and “Chemtrails”. Evidence says otherwise. Evidence points to fraud, but we shouldn’t ever be tempted to draw rash conclusions. We need to tirelessly sniff out possible worthy catalysts.

Legionnaire’s Disease is one such example as it provides a potential “common dominator” for all viruses. Not following traditional idiopathic etiquette, cause for this remarkable air-conditioning sponsored illness is known. Symptoms vitally not dissimilar to rabies, valiant research discovered microbes in the ground were active disease agents (I can’t say for certain whether these congregate to form fungal Legionella). Reflective protocols assure construction is now at “safe distances” from air cooling towers, but maybe that’s all changed under Trump’s toothless EPA.  There are many other alien complaints that have “sprung up” in recent times. Symptoms for HIV, Ebola, SARS, all those bird flus, swine flu and anything else I have missed do proffer commonality. All “epidemic” viruses of modern times have initially manifested as the common cold. Here we reach a focal junction. Common cold in examples highlighted evolves into something very nasty. However, I haven’t been able to ascertain whether critical escalations and complications (sometimes leading to death) happened before or after “medications” were administered.  We know categorically (thanks in part to revelations from clued up investigative reporter Jon Rappoport that early HIV “sufferers” were deliberately encouraged to take AZT in remedy of complaint. That medication causes AIDS. I find no argument to counter the plain fact AZT was administered to act as agent of death and I will have more to say on the implications, so stay tuned! To qualify, HIV, the illness, was never life threatening.

Extensive efforts to come to terms with likely sedition were eventually rewarded. It seems there are some Africans with good reason to believe the most recent “outbreak” of Ebola (affectionately paraphrased as “Ebollox” in grapevine communications) was entirely the fault of malignant medications given out to gullible people seeking solace for regular influenza.  If this is true, unlike drawn out cancers generated by AZT, whatever poison is being used does the job quickly, in maybe a few days. Were medication to be drafted in as “weapons of sorts” at some juncture, given the alleged prognosis, Ebola style treatments would be extraordinarily effective. So, that in mind, I think it is worth putting some more hypotheticals to the test. Is there corporate will to discriminately kill human beings? In answer, though no direct campaigns are visible, academia has warned of the potentially tragic effects of population overgrowth. Tradition holds Bill Gates father was a prominent supporter of the eugenics movement, but he’s not the only one by a long chalk. Doubtlessly political Media hysteria against “paedophilia” is one prong of the eugenics strategy. Sterilisation of branded populations has been historical ordained many times past. Concentrated efforts against Latin American nations are the tip of a giant iceberg. Then there is that strange remark Henry Kissinger made. What did he mean by “useless eaters”?

We have already witnessed carnage left by HIV/AIDS and Ebola, so that seems the best place to commence my hypothetical investigation. HIV was advertised, more or less from onset, as a sexual plague. Marketing fear campaigns targeted promiscuity.  Later the designer catchphrase “gay plague” came into being. Medias glibly informed audiences that it was believed that the plague had originated from Africa and scientists had almost pinpointed origins (which was an outright lie). In conjunction, they informed audiences, “the condition has been around for hundreds of years and is transmitted by green monkeys”. Vague on precisely how it was transmitted, we of course now understand polio vaccine serums were grown in the kidneys (which filter the blood) of chimpanzees and green monkeys and that is how scientists “identified” the precise origins of HIV. Though that bad vaccine was withdrawn from use against immunisation of Western populations, Africans weren’t so lucky. Perhaps lucrative IMF grants were offered as incentive to obedient nations, but it appears a relatively high percentage of contemporary African peoples had been given doses of HIV. HIV itself marked an ape’s [bodily] reaction to ever present industrial atmospheric pollution.

Medias didn’t stop at their own waffle on the subject. No, they enlisted the help of as many gay celebrities as they could muster. America’s Roc Hudson, Liberace, Britain’s Freddy Mercury and Kenny Everett all played their parts for the death rattle. They even paraded the great Cuban classical concert pianist Jorge Bolet for the “arts”. Obviously, certain luminaries were astute enough to slip the net, such as Sir Elton John, but many fell for the bullshit. How might that relate to Coronavirus? Well, we now have Royal Prince Charles who apparently “tested positive” to the virus. The “cause” must be desperate. Predictably recovered “virus survivor” British Prime Minister Boris Johnson had been rushed to intensive care on cue. Lights, camera, action! Now that’s leading by example, but more on those royal connections, in particular, I think is necessary here. It would be fair to say that, after Epstein, the fallout from allegations against Prince Andrew has rocked the British Royal Family. Whilst CIA asset Cathy O’Brien’s accusations were a near identically copy, provisioning a twenty year old “smear campaign” (which Wikipedia describes as “conspiracy theories”) against the Bushes, Medias seem to feel there is some truth in content this time round. In light of this and the record of Camilla Parker-Bowles’ promise that “royals will go to any lengths to support each other”, is the British Royal Family vulnerable enough to be blackmailed to take the heat off Prince Andrew? Moreover were the Bushes and Clintons being “held over a barrel” while in power? Either way, we can already see enlisting of unpaid (sic) B-grade celebrities “who wouldn’t lie about it” to push Coronavirus “credibility” over the line.

So where does Ebola fit into this hypothetical puzzle? Let us begin by considering possible parallels with Gulf War Syndrome. I have read estimates of anywhere from 30,000 to 300,000 veterans dying as a result of medications administered to protect against Saddam Hussein’s theoretical biological and chemical weapons. Historic account has not been able credibly back the theory, which is deemed erroneous, but that is beside the by. Drilling down and looking at related “causes of death”, many veterans appear to have succumbed to AIDS-like symptoms. The real reason (ignoring an alleged hand written confession paraded by certain vexatious Medias) Timothy McVeigh “attempted to” attack Oklahoma (note: according to prosecution data never used at the trial, experts determined a van full of explosives “at most” might have “broken a few windows”) was because of the manner veterans were treated up to and beyond their pharmaceutically sanctioned deaths. For the best of my research it seems a canopy of different types of drugs were able to induce AIDS-like symptoms, so if products like AZT were withdrawn to satisfy “public outcry”, we can ascertain there is a big queue of other notable offenders to bring in as replacements. A deeper question hovers over Gulf War Syndrome though. Is the condition a response to atmospheric or medical damage of troops? I haven’t formally found the answer to that one yet. Nevertheless, we have learned there are many, many options available for mitigated medical attacks on humanity. America’s “healthcare” system drugs kill anywhere between 100,000 and 2,000,000 annually (depending on which reports you refer to).

Whichever is correct, healthcare has proven far more effective at disposing of “useless eaters” than war.

I mentioned earlier that Ebola takes but a few days (at best) to finish off its victim compared to months of agony under the spell of AIDS. This is important for two main reasons. If the medical solution itself is the cause of Ebola (as some astute Africans swear), then active agent used must be different compared against drugs that trigger AIDS-like symptoms (supposedly caused by HIV). In addition, humanity could be disposed of very quickly was the desire for it to be so. So how does configured genocide relate to Ebola? After reviewing supporting background information carefully, there is enough inconsistency surrounding the history of the disease (if it is one) to raise alarm bells. Folklore attributing the “virus” dates back to 1976 when a new illness heralded from the Ebola River (which runs along the Republic of Congo). Western analysed and tabled symptoms did not come to light until 1989. On this point, I wrote an article a few years ago that highlighted a Council of Rome (the powerful masonic body) public meeting in New York. Some educated non-members attended and one of those reported what he had witnessed to select alternative Medias (mainstream concerns certainly wouldn’t want anything to do with him). The date of the event was sometime in 1988 and one of the startling subjects for open discussion (and organisers even put out to audience attendees for “ideas”) was the “best way to eradicate” giant chunks of the human population at large. Unsurprisingly, contamination of medications (or vaccines) was one of the popular responses.

Short of succumbing to Media hype over science hysteria, I am not going to be personally convinced there was a common connection between 1976 and 1989 Ebola. Origins of the “disease” come across as so tenuously vague; data reads in the same manner deliberate science dishonesty spread about HIV did. If one was forced to take positions on things, I suppose duly diligent could be persuaded the closest approximation to relative truth (based on findings in the public domain) is Ebola “may” be a bona fide disease, but probably isn’t and genuine origins are either concealed or alien. Back in 1983 or 1984 America’s State of Georgia received a gift from an anonymous (or so tradition upholds) donor. It is a large monument affectionately known as the “Guide Stones” which list a series of benchmarked future objective laws (?). The “law” that raises most eyebrows is “global populations shall not exceed 500,000,000” (or words to the effect). 1984 was the year autism was first independently categorised (but more on that in due course). 1985 saw the emergence of brand new HIV/AIDS. 1989 “the great threat” Ebola comes along (after never being witnessed prior in that format). It has all happened too quickly for there not to be a “common denominator”. Ever since we’ve had “waves” of designer illnesses leading up to ultra-critical reissued Coronavirus (if we believe the “experts”). The idea establishing Earth’s optimum human population at no greater than 500,000,000 is by no means unique. Swiss cult volunteers (who assert they are advised by extra-terrestrial Pleiadians) under Wikipedia friend (not branded a “nutter”, odd don’t you think?) Billy Meier included matching doctrine in their manifesto years before the Georgia Guide Stones were erected.

Here’s the clincher. According to statisticians, our global populations are snowballing at an unstoppably rapid rate. Such is the momentum a 10,000,000,000 milestone can’t be too far off. Allowing for big margins of error in social censuses, we may be closer to target today than is popularly recognised.  Thinking of possible common denominators I’m keeping an eye out for, the milestone would make a plausible candidate. Whether Ebola is a disease or something exacerbated by medications, the fact remains that official survival rates of sufferers are listed at an ominous 5% (last time I checked). It doesn’t take a degree qualified mathematician to join the dots here. Any “fool” can punch figures into a calculator to come up with 5% of 10,000,000,000 makes 500,000,000. And what a coincidence, for that was the magic number those Freie Interessengemeinschaft fur Grenz und Geistwswissenschaften und Ufologiestudien Guide Stones insist on. Actually, 500,000,000 is a maximum, so I feel sure whoever drafted the demand would sit more comfortably at 300-400,000,000 ideal levels. The expression “cast in stone” heralds from Biblical times, when “Laws of God” were frozen in time, tablet versions permanently preserved in granite. God’s demands were not open to negotiation (as is the case with everything today), by the way. Thus, if comparable metaphor applies to the Guide Stones, ensconced doctrine should be taken seriously. If conspiracy theories can be used to sink a prince, how much more power might be yielded by arcane dogma?

After processing the figures, leaving gossip for the tabloids, facts compel me to acknowledge there is a giant stumbling block inhibiting my hypothetical global purge of humanity. That said, in the course of my research, I comprehend why Victorian Benjamin Disraeli (according to Mark Twain) coined the phrase “there are lies, damned lies and then there are statistics”. My many and various attempts devoted to ascertaining the global death toll have failed to source anything concrete. No one seems to be able to provide adequate authority assessments on the subject. Annually death numbers probably range between 50,000,000 and 60,000,000 currently or that is as close as I can approximate. To me the amount seems a lot to deal with in one hit. On reflection, let us consider civil engineering’s radical but compelling response to propaganda that asserts 6.000.000 Jews perished under Hitler’s holocaust. Facts determine it would have taken too long to process bodies using standard facilities available (timeline estimates running to decades). Therefore, applying identical principle to the current hypothetical, if a global inoculation program was designated to kill all “useless eaters” in a few days, dead could not be treated effectively (criticism addressing poor infrastructure supplied to the 2005 New Orleans flood disaster is apt here). Resulting lack of sanitation would likely kill off decent percentages of “survivors” to add to the fray. I am unable to conjure any satisfactory scenarios that might justify “saving” present day mortuary workers from medical attack. Death rate figures I provided before were annual. Over a week, let us say 1,000.000 dead are processed globally in normal circumstances. Under terms of outlined hypothetical biological warfare, numbers just rose to 6,500,000,000 or more. That is a multiplier of 6,500 x current burden, and with only 5% of trained mortuary workers (of current levels) left to deal with the workload, unless “the powers” have gone totally bonkers, there is going to be no blitzkrieg medical attack on the people.

So, on the presumption that a radical mass poisoning campaign is not going to be implemented, why all the dry run plagues leading up to Coronavirus? Before I discuss associated multiple objectives, it is necessary to outline why, specifically, Coronavirus was chosen to mark the current campaign (which might end on May Day or this is what the government of Thailand suggested before imposing tyranny for another month). That original 1918 occurrence (blaming the sun “as cause”) offers no discernible link to our current “crisis”. Therefore, choice of name is intriguing unless it is code. Considering this, to any hardened political investigator potential meanings [of coded messages] are straightforward. The “sun” (corona) represents a form of Babylonian worship which was later converted into Catholicism (via a tributary of ancient Roman cult Sol Invictus). Embroiled symbolism here potentially covers a number of bases, but most likely refers to the powerful masonic order Babylonian Brotherhood that pays homage to sun God Ra. Corona (implying sun dedicated) positioned behind “virus” is corrupted in context, this duplicity is not malicious. No, it is a corruption with aims to uphold interests of the “Greater Good”. In other words Coronavirus is effectively a vengeance campaign for the Babylonian Brotherhood. “Self-proclaimed” Hebrew dissident Roy Tov favours the psy-op as preferred Pharisaic modus operandi. Lack of sick or dead under terms of pandemic, voracity of marketing efforts generating unpopular commercial side effects (such supermarket pricing games, restaurant closures), casual attitudes towards absurd austerity overwhelmingly confirms Coronavirus is an indisputable psy-op, regardless if its medical viability.

That considered, I am less inclined to factor in aggressive physical Babylonian Brotherhood involvement here, although stark connection between organised Vatican and United Nations “wellness” (sic) is demonstrably clear. Israel (home of the Pharisees) can be broken into “El”, “Ra” and “Is(is)”. Whilst information may appear inconsequential to these discussions on face value, one insightful satirical interpretation of meaning of the trio combination presents as follows. Simply, light and dark conspire to pull the wool over Gods eyes (expanding the metaphor, sheep, strangely, can be divided as lambs of God and sheeple). Proverbially, light signifies “knowingness” (logos) and darkness “ignorance” (scotia). Thus, per this deceitful tradition, knowingness may exploit ignorance and there is nothing God can do about it. Correspondingly, I doubt that the Jewish Passover was as described or even happened at the biblical location (Egypt) advertised. Does not Lambs blood potentially signify Chosen Ones’ (lambs of God) genetics? Of course “blood” is a term that might be also used to field genocide targets. In this respect, maligned intentions are sometimes so cleverly concealed, blemished celebratory historic accounts remain unaltered. An angel is a saviour, but angels of death are ones who masquerade as saviours. Remembering the exploited ignorance theme, under cover darkness is metaphor that denotes the commonest flaw of mankind: “time poor”, opinionated brethren too busy to commit to life lessons. Respectively, is it possible to adequately stir belief in a fictitious plague well enough that offerings of poison potion remedies are eagerly snapped up by flustered hypochondriacs? In tune with the scenario, toxins attack the blood, so protection offered to lambs of God would either be as a different type of potion or perhaps nothing at all (let us presume death angels were able to skip marked dwelling houses cunningly enough to avoid suspicious neighbours).

Were ancient peoples any different to our modern day lambs to the slaughter?

In short, could Coronavirus be something akin to the plague that sponsored the “Passover” all that time ago? As an intriguing side point, Persia/Iran offers a more ideal location for the Passover than Egypt, because prophecy bound Pharisees knew it was Magog that must fall to allow global totalitarian succession. Cunning fabrication is the surest means to ensure biblical prophecy comes to pass. Thinking about what’s happening today, I recall something about multiple plagues (HIV, Ebola, SARS, bird flu et al) paving the route to Scriptural peace on Earth, or was that Armageddon? Are the recent (deliberately laser ignited) devastating bushfires perceived to be symbolic holocausts or “mini-Armageddons” (to quote Benjamin Netanyahu)? There have been associated engineered historic conflicts as well. Two great wars have done nothing to dent human population expansion and, let’s be frank here; Vietnam marks the “death of honour”. No military campaign since has supported so much mutiny and dereliction of duty. Vietnam is the milestone reflecting a new era of irresponsibility. Regardless of this, war has proven an insufficient population reduction measure. People have simply been able to replicate too fast for the angel of death to keep pace. Now, given our staggering current population count, to adequately process numbers of dead bodies much faster than new crops are filtered into the system would place a strain on infrastructures. Sure, the mortuary business could expand, but not to the required levels. So, my good news is the “powers” do not plan to launch a globe wide holocaust, although tactical Armageddon might suffice if it was deemed feasible (note: underground bases were constructed as precursor to a zany formularised “alien assisted” gas attack, however living accommodations could not be sealed well enough to protect inhabitants long term). In practicality, there is a sole tenable solution to the population expansion problem. Great numbers of people must and will be sterilised. Attempts to encourage volunteers through contraception programs have not had the desired results and that draconian Chinese “one child” policy didn’t produce the goods either.

Sterilisation of populations at large could be actioned by either of two fundamental approaches. Sci-fi scale maybe, but it would be possible to contaminate breathable atmospheres serving major civil centres. Such ventures may well backfire though as gas unhelpfully tends not to discriminate between lambs of god and sheeple. Actually, another of those anti-Jewish holocaust arguments cites potentially fatal gas leaks. Now, to normal system-brainwashed folks the notion of alien assisted attack might come across as rather unbelievable. Some may go as far to enquire where evidence of universal atmosphere contamination or other ungodly practices have eventuated. Factoring the paranormal nature of machinations, it is possible effects are subtle. Therefore, in response to scepticism, though I lack anything cast iron to pinpoint and nothing obviously specific has been publicised (as far as I’m aware), there has been a miraculous human transformation in recent times. How recent is open to debate but change does coincide with the indigo child phenomenon. I don’t by any means suggest people have radically moved opinions as a consequence, but everyone is more open to investigating the truth in their limited capacity than they ever have been before. I suppose there is more uncertainty now as a consequence. Some even place faith in belief that the shift is “evidence” of ascension, but I feel the more profitable explanation is “atmospheric intervention”. You would have thought the “powers” would have wanted to test the scope of alien technologies before employing them “for real”, ideally something people wouldn’t notice as out-of-the-ordinary.

Moving away from subtle, there is also at least one academic paper recommending that catastrophic Christmas 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami was engineered and, as such, an extra-terrestrial sponsored brainchild. Technical information provides detail theorising “unknowns” helped “detonate” a Sumatran underwater volcano to trigger the tsunami. Regardless of considered merit of alien sponsored atmospheric attacks, any “gambit” wouldn’t work when applied to mass sterilisation anyway. That leaves the medical option. According to Wikipedia “there is no ‘working’ sterilization pill”. I need to qualify academia’s statement. There is no known sterilisation pill, whereas an experimental drug is available that is believed to permanently sterilise humans [to the best of my information] without inducing other noteworthy side effects that might draw attention to its purpose. Could authorities “keep a lid” on wide use of invalid medications of this genre? To answer that we only need to refer to Thimerosal’s unjustified use in vaccines. Several excellent physicians (cut free of mainstream propaganda) have joined the eloquent Dr Andrew Wakefield, vigilantly persuaded to publically assert that “vaccines” are the cause of autism, but they are still relative “lone wolves” in the scheme of things. Wider populations are blissfully unaware of serious studies that determine very small amounts of aluminium may well attack the brain sufficiently to cause the effect (although other proponents argue mercury is detracting agent). Either way, Thimerosal contains both elements and predicable “vagueness” over its specific dates of usage in vaccines haunts mainstream “accountability”, thus obscuring definite timeline connections. As far as I can ascertain, the preservative may have undergone limited beta-testing from the mid 1980’s, but mass use began from 1989. Parent of severely autistic child, Robert De Niro’s 2016 video acknowledgement of the preservative mostly fell on deaf ears.

Historically, by the mid to late 1990’s large medical producers informally began to panic. Merck (manufacturers of MMR) consequentially commissioned a small team of scientists to test their vaccines with view to identifying connections with autism in African Americans (after they had presumably received complaints). William W. Thompson did find a link and Merck responded by asking him to destroy all data. Obviously, if there had been no discernible link, they would have published findings (and gloated about them to all and sundry). Thompson (I understand) had sufficient data to make analysis by 2001 but sat on the secret for fifteen years. Indeed the only reason he came out of the closet swinging sometime around 2015 or 2016 is because Merck attempted to fire him (or that’s the version of events I have been given). His threatened Media exposure of their mutual “secret” was, let’s face it, blackmail. Undeniable culprit, Eli Lily’s Thimerosal (the one film actor Robert De Niro singled out) is ultimately safeguarded below despicable double standards that define “common practices”. Medical producers deliberately cultivate contaminated products and their aligned unscrupulous scientists care nothing about the consequences. They care only about their own highly prized skins. Practicing doctors, burdened with enormous itineraries, are taught next to nothing about vaccine engineering. Therefore, before I go into product ingredient labelling, a little more history on the subject of medicine seems pertinent here.

Ever since the Catholic Church purged as many “witches” who could really cure illness as they could lay hands on (via successive inquisition waves), a void in respectful true medicine was left in their wake. Even so, it wasn’t too long before corporate healthcare turned up with infinite varieties of tonics (some based on Macbeth remedies), to be flogged by street corner merchants. These mixed tonics disappeared with the arrival of pharmaceutical cartels that imposed an industrial medicine regime fit for an industrial era. Dual mainstream healthcare options (to either poison or butcher) are today’s legacy. Alternative “choices”, such as acupuncture and faith healing, cast a pall over motivated discussions between inside professionals. Yet the greatest fear of the industrialist cartel is naturopathy, because this witch mimicking science is their greatest threat. Dr Robert Morse runs his cancer gauntlet well in the face of authority, but It came as no surprise to me when I learned that dozens of strategic American naturopaths had been reported as “dying in mysterious circumstances” over a relatively short space of time. More relevant to this article, figures in excess of 100 unexpected deaths of microbiologists were recorded in the 2000’s.

Were we to consider that Merck’s corrupt William W. Thompson was the exception rather than “the rule”, purges of scientists deemed risks to the progress of flawed medicine would be justified by maligned corporate interests. Key pharmaceutical “watchdog” CDC is a commercial operation. Putting them in charge of medical authenticity is akin appointing the local robber as your friendly bank manager. Old Pharisee trick of replacing all key decision makers with their own people appears to have infected healthcare in respect to microbiology. As an additional safeguard against rebellion, individual scientists might not necessarily be privy to which branded medications were fruits of their efforts. Thus, was a sterilisation serum or pill to be cultivated and “shelved”, nothing would hinder any senior stakeholder efforts towards reverse allocation. CEO of Merck Vaccines doesn’t care about knowledge of the known effects of Thimerosal in MMR, so It seems to me as though the higher up the ladder you ascend, the more the black heart of corrupt practices is exposed.

So, get used to the idea that forces of evil can masquerade product that enables their vicious agenda, in this case the potential sterilisation of the larger part of humanity under guise of “vaccination protection” against a future COVID-19 or some other bogus excuse.

I have had the opportunity to interview many common people about their opinions on Coronavirus. Only one had actually heard of the antibody test and none were able to tell the differences between viruses and bacterial diseases. So we are off to a bad start. Given the sensational title of this essay, some may be wondering why I termed Coronavirus “Simpsons’ Coronavirus”. To be honest, the influenza may as well be called Simpsons’ virus, but that would muck up masonic posterity. Let us never forget the 1918 version was blamed on the sun at a time when beach recreational needs may have hindered ambitions of able veterans designated to return to the workforce (or, to coin my affectionate pet name, slave-place). Odd too that Dean Koontz’ novel featuring biological warfare agent Wuhan 400 was published in 1981 (note: George Orwell published “1984” in 1948, the year Israel came into being again), but before I elaborate on how “cover story” viruses are transmitted (as we already now know all of them are caused by pollution), it is worth evaluating why popular primetime cartoon shows irregularly “predict” feature historic moments well ahead of time. The specific Simpsons episode I have been referring to, first aired in 1993, did aptly forecast US nationwide “panic” with corresponding run on food and other essentials. However, I am not sure whether mass hoarding in reality is as has been described by current “News” outlets. If anything The Simpsons’ lampoons “Faux News” (fantasy) reporting well, but corresponding truth suffers a horrible limp. I mean, that sensational computer glitch apparently affecting international trade sounds like a corny excuse to me.

I am aware of the Brad Pitt movie a couple of years back too, but Simpsons’ producers’ soothsaying does not stop at Coronavirus. In the 1980’s any notion of aristocratic “wide boy” Trump even making an appearance as a presidential candidate would have been unthinkable; the ultimate satire, yet, there he was on the Simpsons and now here he is, current president of the United States. Family Guy “divined” the Boston Bombing hoax.  And, yes it was a hoax unless the Gulf War veteran used as central figure had managed to grow back the legs he lost in Iraq, but don’t blame him. He’s done well out of it. Last time I checked, his personal charity had raised $1,000,000. Myself not believing in miracles, I proffer alternative reasoning as explanation for crystal ball cartoon programming. There is an expression used in sales called “priming”. The term is coined by executives explaining how they “set up” buyer expectations. Popular cartoons could be similarly used to prime audience expectations. “Oh, I already knew Trump was running for President. That’s not untoward. Now where did I hear that before?” Why did CIA personnel allegedly appear on the set of that cheesy Ebola movie (and Dustin Hoffmann didn’t save it, trust me) unless they anticipated “political” implications with respective content?

Use of celebrities in HIV/AIDS propaganda campaigns has already discussed, but I didn’t cover theories on how disease is transmitted. Back then, Princess Di was an angel of mercy doing all her wonderful work for “charities” until she was bumped off under suppressed orders of Prince Charles and the “royal household” (according to the Fayed family, at least). Are we witnessing karmic effect in motion? Prince Charles, of course, is the possible star “victim” of the current crisis (that is until influential Boris Johnson took the baton). I’ll offer odds of a million to the penny, there’ll be a royal comeback. Will the charade expand before cameras focused on Charles in the nick of time, providing him and many supporting cronies the opportunity to profoundly demonstrate everything’s okay just as it was with dear ol’ Boris? I see a planned fly on the wall series documenting every step of his medical recovery focusing on good vaccine “magic potions” all the while (reinforcing the green light approving mandatory mass sterilisation). Stretching my memory back, I recall Princess Di emphatically shaking an AIDS patient’s hand to prove it was “safe” to do so. But why would she need to do that for TV? In answer, I recommend everyone review Dustin Hoffmann’s valiant efforts to save the un-saveable. That awful Ebola movie he starred in “debated” prospects of airborne infections. Though conclusions, I vaguely recall, sort of left the question “open”, in science-speak any mention is a definite “no-no” (Dr Judy Mikovits is adamant about that). That’s why Princess Di, bless her heart, was drafted in to prove HIV/AIDS couldn’t be aerially transmitted. Ebola “in movie speak” was granted license to be passed from animal to human and then, human to human. We now know why everyone is obliged to heed the 1.5 metres social distancing nonsense associated with stemming the “spread” of (non-existent?) Coronavirus. Movie-land prepared us for the drill long ago. Major hidden purpose behind Princess Di’s antics should be as plain as day by now, but I’ll spell it out anyway.

The whole frickin’ agenda driving the virus ruse is to obscure the fact that industrialist pollution causes all illness that isn’t the fault of “parasites”, bacteria, fungi or mental problems. Viruses are not passed from animal to human and then on to other humans, but illusory science has successfully beguiled great and small into “believing” this is so. If “bird flu” is a genuine complaint, then logic persuades it is caused by vapour from relevant faecal waste. Are conglomerate chicken farms a relatively recent idea? In China and India, in particular, burgeoning populations have had the consequence of converging to such an extent their existence has conflicted with nature. Do viruses amount to side effects from this newly over impacted environment? Another possibility is generation of viruses didn’t happen overnight. Atmospheric particles may accumulate over decades or more, gradually building up to reach “critical mass”. Has the globe’s atmosphere already been “tipped” and that is why we are observing so many unheard of disease outcomes today? On this front, Suzy Hansen (a professed alien abductee) provides some illuminating insight in her first book, “The Dual Soul Connection”.

Industrial manufacturing is by no means the only mass polluter. The war machine arguably creates more havoc than all other detractors. Gulf War Syndrome is but one consequence. Iraqi cancer statistics went off the scale from the 1990’s onwards (for which Michael Parenti attributes President Clinton’s silent round the clock bombings of infrastructures as “culprit”), but Israel’s cancer rate has risen by 10% as well. World War One produced Coronavirus, but there were other less familiar complaints. It is estimated that millions died of tuberculosis in German World War Two concentration camps, but was it a real condition or were illnesses resulting from some unknown battle generated virus that produced tuberculosis-like symptoms (one 1990’s doctor described Ebola like tuberculosis on steroids)? I have highlighted many times before that arguably phoney Jewish “holocaust” (fast tracking recreation of Israel after Eisenhower’s laboured appeals) wallpapers over common issues that haunt most concentration camps. Miraculous success of placebo medications (something I’ll delve into in more detail later) confirms the power of the mind. In a sense concentration camps amply demonstrate the reverse quality.

Were any morals to be garnered as a consequence, “belief in success” undeniably aids cures, whereas “hopeless despair” can kill without remorse.

But there is more to it than that. Earlier in this article I stated human to human viral transfer would be deemed “ironically preposterous if the truth was known”. Truth sometimes appears stranger than fiction and this is one of those times. Living bodies are intrinsically connected via an invisible web. Related high energy emissions have been recognised by certain sciences. Contributing symptoms include chakras, kundalini and ectoplasm. I wrote an article about something called the “Tamarian” at my other website. In association scholars of ancient Atlantis determined everything that exists within our reality bandwidth (which perhaps extends to other dimensional windows) is interconnected via the quantum layer. Prehistoric knowledge is to some degree corroborated by the original designers of nuclear fusion who believed (prior to trials) the chain reaction “might collapse all matter”. That didn’t happen of course because a nuclear reaction creates an implosion which “blister seals” at source. We touched on social distancing a while back. I suggest 10,000 light years apart should be sufficient to guarantee “safety”. Unlikely clues to this reasoning can be found in horology, which is deeply misunderstood even by those that practice it.

Millions of years ago, all planets in Earth’s local vicinity were inhabited, but most had internal populations. In fact very few planets support external life, maybe around 50 in this universe, so it is remarkable that Earth, Mars and a small strip of land along Mercury’s equator have cultivated civilisations in such close proximity. Per these most ancient times, mass populaces had very little variance in character. If one societal member was aggressive, all members were aggressive. If one was a dreamer, so were the rest. Comparably, humanity is strongly diverse, arguably due to our hybrid status (symbolised by the twelve tribes of Israel). Every conscious being is metaphysically attached via the Tamarian at higher frequencies than mundane life. Spiritual beings develop energy vortices that are similar in format to the human kundalini. Indeed there are compelling theses supporting the idea, due to their genetic compatibility, that so-called “reptilian” higher entities are able to identify any specific kundalini and lock-on. Energy pulses don’t end at the body extremities or just beyond, No, they pulse right out to deep space. Thus, close by planets are proverbial steps on the way. Excessive quantities of similarly matched signals which collectively “group” will influence inhabitants of other planets “on route”. Horologists have inherited that legacy. “We are coming into the Mars aspect” literally means “this will be a period of Martian domination”.

Introducing SARS, I briefly referenced the fine work of Dr Bruce Lipton. He has revolutionised science opinion on how cells “work”, of course. Though findings show up as being predictably flawed, if truth was made an active benchmark, science has navigated perilously close to correctness along Lipton’s course. Tests done by Russian scientists to influence development of embryos somewhat affirm opinions. Using specific microwave frequencies, they were able to convince the foetal version of one creature to develop into a different species along valid birthed genetic tracts. I forget the examples of actual creatures involved, but, shall we say an assisted frog was able to develop into a snake whilst retaining parental features. There is a point to be made here and that is a body’s energy network interrogates its “environment” to instruct cells how to develop; a fact Lipton emphasises. Spiritual beings branch the phenomenon out to the emotional level, so if you (an emotional being) are surrounded by people who “feel down”, you will become depressed too. Women have been known to synchronise menstrual cycles. Therefore, equally, if everyone in the office comes down with flu, in all likelihood, you will as well. That is not through cause of “catching a disease”. Quite the reverse, instead your energy field reads “the environment” as sick, so it follows natural protocol. In short, all diseases at their root are effects of the mind, which proposes the great paradox. Most despised of all by mainstreamers, “faith healing” is the only valid form of medication. Confirming theory, many higher “alien” entities exclusively rely on energy systems to heal, assisted with various technologies (humorously spoofed by Star Trek’s Dr McCoy). Energy is used to fortify belief, so it follows placebo medications and Voodoo (genus of psy-op) work off the same basic principle; one for the positive, the other negative.

Though taking radically different exploratory routes to me, other alternative journalists have reached identical conclusions over this pandemic. In summary COVID-19, they determine, is common influenza. Indeed, early scare campaigns were run primarily in Europe with greatest numbers of dead coming out of Northern Italy (holding a concentration of Slavic populations – remembering Hitler’s promise). Italy had just gone through a program of mandatory vaccinations and this may or may not have had a bearing on figures. Did anyone check? The timing of the “outbreak” conveniently corresponded with European flu season, but even on the other side of the world “changes in weather” will induce increases in flu-like illnesses.  China and partnering slackly regulated Asian nations appear to suffer ongoing effects of pollution (historically London’s bronchitis contagion receded with the smog).  If I might reference Australia’s serious “commitment” to saving humanity here, whereas limited numbers of formal viral identifications exist, in “preparation” for disaster, tens of thousands of beds have been requisitioned across various hospitals. There would be some very red political faces if those dedicated wards weren’t filled to capacity. Presumably at least some other nations have followed suit.

For those that have made it this far, I had planned to embed a video treat, but unfortunately, after numerous web scrapes, YouTube yielded only one video (in German) that partially confirmed the virus/pollution connection. New York Times champion Dr Anthony Gauci (ex. mentor of Judy Mikovits and one of the prats behind the old de-funked HIV/AIDS blueprint) is “everywhere” unfortunately, but I’d like to hotlink this interesting podcast from a qualified doctor who helpfully puts my conclusions “in perspective”.

After that any doubt over COVID’19’s “status” should have evaporated. Whether there is any transparent basis to the attached malicious psy-op/misdirection campaign remains to be discerned. The manner “panic buying” was ill-described by mass Medias definitely affirms the dishonesty. In fact, lack of product on shelves is more the result of sabotaged supply chains than consumer greed. How is it when all residential toilet paper rolls are manufactured in Australia, shelves failed to have been replenished after the alleged buying frenzy? Did Australians use up all warehoused back up supply too? Subsequent rationing measures imposed were something akin to shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted. No, it is obvious the “powers” intended to punish those who didn’t play along with their game, “hoarding on queue” and that is one reason why they didn’t replenished stocks. The other observed expectation was, when the shelves were noticeably emptying, some did react stupidly by purchasing as much as they could lay their hands on, but the main issue had always been the “broken” supply chain. Devastating effects of throttled supply is best remembered from 1870 Siege of Paris, but there are numerous other historic examples.  I know of no major supply chain breakdown that wasn’t politically engineered.

Thusly, ancient Greeks offered punishment of death to offenders.

Viruses are the evidence demonstrating how body cells deal with toxicity. Louis Pasteur knew this, because it was what his teacher (Bechamp) had taught him. His fabled deathbed recantation was never going to change history. Mainstreamers don’t remember it at all, so germs were eventually destined to morph into viruses. Was 1918 Coronavirus the earliest one on record? Not so this time, terminology first appearing about 1892, connected with tobacco I believe, but perhaps a fuller discovery tour would make an interesting future research project. Germs, as with viruses, are a very much unknown quantity. Pedestrian and scientist alike can only assume they are there by observing destructive symptoms; each telling a sorry tale. Yet there are clear clues apparent. Bacteria and fungi are never “caught in the act”, but their presence at the scene of the crime provides a precise indicator as to cause of problem. Using identical premises, logic promotes pig faeces as the cause of swine flu, but here we branch away from viewable bacteria/fungi. Instead a body’s vanguard protection coats all invading micro-particles with biological gloop (which acts as marker), so science will never uncover obscured hard evidence short of dissecting ambient matter. I doubt fine dust from asbestos that contaminates the lungs of breathers has been isolated, but symptoms highlight the staring culprit. Does not asbestos poisoning prove once and for all that disease can be airborne and delivered by local atmospheres?

Mustard gas used in World War One didn’t discriminate against those it ensnared and neither did fallen troops “catch” anything from their comrades. Likewise, everyone exposed to extreme levels of pollution (enough to overwhelm a body) will die as a direct response to atmospheric attack. Disease labelling doubles as a useful politically correct blame agent. On that front, if governments were supposedly responsible, why has America (in particular) relaxed all environmental laws to such an extent none are enforceable? Science and sane medicine knows that viruses are caused by environmental toxins so, if COVID-19 is a virus, then surely the American government intends to aggravate attacks on the human immune system. Why would they do that unless the aim was to accelerate seasonal “flu” complaints or, rather, COVID-19 attributed hospitalisations? And that seems a good point to pause and wrap up my essay with conclusions. In the final segment, I will discuss roles of nations in what appears a great population heist, exploring precursory implications for the future.

Outlines to shape the case that humanity has burgeoned to such an extent there are no effective means to kill off suitably large numbers of people quickly without “risking everything” have already been presented. Alternatives are straightforward. Sane “powers” have no option but to draft in mandatory (and, if necessary, forced) sterilisation. China did not furbish desired results under experimental “austere legislation” (ironically the soft option for humanity) which limited families to “one child”. Plunging the globe into [the first real] civil war would correspondingly risk total commerce meltdown (such as a rudimentary collapse of the slave network, sorry, I mean “workforce”). Therefore, to reinforce, feasibly the smoothest approach enabling desired outcomes would be to substitute sterilisation medication for, say, vaccines against future pandemics providing a lid could be kept on the secret until the dirty job was done. Next, to encourage participation from the masses, a “from all sides” promotional campaign raising awareness of a really nasty believable plague should suffice as “bait”. That said, the people won’t subscribe unless it was genuinely feared, of course. Required fear might be sanctioned by Voodoo techniques.  Were enough highly regarded social figures able to “hex” compellingly and often, everyone of “right mind” would be convinced. Without hard evidence to back up fear, hexing alone would not galvanise populations.

How to falsify evidence?

Outside China, alarm barely registered even though alleged avian flu death figures were greater than 1,000,000, so any calculated physical impact would have to be much more exaggerated to guarantee “panic” gripping the globe. I am thinking somewhere along the lines of 50,000,000 dead would be powerful enough for synthesis, though not so great an additional burden to “break” the system. 85.000.000 killed by “history’s nightmare” diphtheria (we’ll ignore the fact that happened in waves over decades); does not this emulate those levels? The remaining unanswered question pertains to whether stocks of Ebola “medications” are sufficient in quantity to satisfy demands. Presuming death rates do convince the people, phase two will be much harder to manage. Surely there is only one certain way not to indefinitely spook populations into noncompliance. In that regard, authoritative statisticians would need to raise alternative blame agents well ahead of time in case too many were sterilised too quickly, otherwise the “penny might drop” causing people to avoid pharmaceutical advice like the plague. I personally think, when push comes to shove, multi-pronged strategies offer the least hazardous recourse (for those evil masterminds). Correspondingly high enough percentages could be made infertile to substantially limit new crops, marginally satisfying the objective, with the greater remainder (of those destined for the knacker’s yard) given serums that ruin their immune systems. The beauty of doing it that way (as far as the establishment is concerned) is the sick won’t perish so fast, they clog funeral parlours. After it is all over, wouldn’t it be hilarious if paedophilia is legally encouraged “to rebuild populations”?

We now have a guide or map to chart tell-tale signs that mark plausible malice in motion. I have already outlined COVID-19 deaths [as alleged] followed mandatory vaccinations in Italy. Thus far, I don’t know “which” vaccines were involved, but would respective information (if it is tainted) tell us anything anyway? Ingredients can change “at the drop of a hat”, particularly when gaggles of politicians are desperate for propaganda feeds from crooked medical cartels. We are able to ascertain numbers of deaths in Northern Italy were relatively small (in the 100’s), but big enough to make headlines. Let’s face it, compared against those Chinese bird flu death stats (which received almost no attention in Australia lest we forget), COVID-19 has, thus far, proved a real “fizzer” – hardly “epidemic” material and definitely not a pandemic. Conclusions are straightforward here. It must be a training exercise and probably one of many to come until the “powers” feel confident enough to launch the campaign “for real”. Because it is a global concern, they will need a lot of support. History has demonstrated corrupt nations are quite happy to behave deceitfully. IMF grants backing the offensive against the spread of HIV in Asia and Africa were classic examples of this. Complicit doctors had been encouraged to list “AIDS” in place of “unknown causes” for death certificate records. Back in 1992 British tabloid “The Sun” published a tucked away morsel explaining “WHO estimates that less than 5% of AIDS deaths in Africa are genuine” (or words to the effect). Shock horror!

Philippines’ “old guard” are that deceitful they are regarded as “untrustworthy”, so America naturally turned to its Asian right hand South Korea in search of managed COVID-19 “evidence” (which comprised 100,000’s of screenings), well until that Bill Gates/CDC conspiracy collapsed. Meanwhile, other scientists not being referred to by the “powers” are determining that COVID-19 is no different to regular influenza. South Korea, interestingly enough, is another of those mandatory vaccines countries; anyone noticing a pattern here?  Forgive me for continually bringing up Hitler and “Mein Kampf”, but he did write “if you are going to tell a lie, make sure it is a big one. Tell it over and over and then people will be sure to believe it”. Consequentially my local mega-corporate supermarket, mega-corporate shopping centre and mega-corporate Telco’s (hold that thought) have decided they have the supreme right to regurgitate Australian healthcare misinformation about COVID-19. I will go so far as saying; I am being bombarded on all sides (and every time I catch a train) by parroted content identical misinformation. Now if that’s not telling a big lie over and over, I don’t know what is. I can say I have written about this style of practice before. Mass Medias find it common enterprise. A thousand “news” outlets duplicate the same basic piece of information using slightly different wordings to fake congruity. In fact, through all their smoke, you will struggle to find more than one fire source.

I mentioned before about scope for use of Voodoo in psy-op campaigns. Beyond shrieking standardised “government advice” on COVID-19, Corporate Sirens do nothing to help. But surely this evidences methodology fortifying planners’ attempts to facilitate worldwide programming of beliefs. From Caracas to Helsinki to Cape Town messaging is identical in character. When apparent “confirmation” of bad news comes in on all sides, wary instinct assumes “they can’t all be wrong”. For COVID-19 common fundamental “views” are being replicated. Ordinary people desperate to process what appears to be rigid consistency in support of the case for COVID-19 are naturally going to be lulled into making stark poor choices over and over again. But that’s not all. “Belligerent” Stockholm syndrome comes into play here. Gripes about open governmental dereliction of duty evaporate in the face of rigid patriotism. People quietly (or not-so-quietly) obsess over their need to be first accepted and then admired, loved even, by authority. Ensnared dearly seek safety under the corporate umbrella as “valued compliant (vices permitting) members of the in club”. People, one Pharmacologist friend chillingly informed me, “Want to believe….so they believe”. Hence Australians, in their precautionary response to “bad news”, were queuing up to give blood samples even before the panic had set in. If that is the example the rest of the world is following, God help us all.

Well, I thought we had reached the end of this journey, until new information came to light while processing the second text edit which changed everything. My original conclusive opinion was Coronavirus is a scam that piggyback’s off social fear staged at a time when influenza is prevalent. The “common” variety of that complaint was being used as a scapegoat to test best method of “herding populations” for a more serious future planned operation, which ultimately aims to sterilise 95% of human beings. I had written, “We should be exceptionally sceptical and wary of all projections; Bill Gates’ inspired computer modelling in particular. Fantasy (and that’s what it is) representation of proscribed reality isn’t real” and this has helped me reappraise conclusions. Attached to the warning, we learnt America’s surgeon general rejected Gates/CDC contagion (computer) modelling in favour of raw data. Literally as an aside, I introduced chemtrails and the 5G network as the only two eventualities “new” and broad enough to warrant consideration as cause of Coronavirus. Rejecting the notion of their actual involvement, I moved swiftly onto other considerations. It turns out I shouldn’t have been so swift. The reason Gate’s/CDC wanted to use the contagion model is clear. Primarily motive was to censor truth, but there was further potential for en masse vaccinations. In line, though after his disinfectant advice Trump, they tell me, is deemed less credible than Bernie Madoff, he did brag about great potential for “global immunization” a few months back. The bombshell that even surprised me is, whilst not “beyond a shadow of doubt”, concentration of COVID-19 positive tests eerily follow the American 5G network. As best “best guess” culprit circumstantial evidence more than adequately matches swine flu and those lakes of pig poop I introduced earlier.

Very much “hush, hush”, but the current crisis might be theoretically comparable to the Spanish Flu pandemic, which many (not aligned with mainstream diktat) have determined was fault of the [then] virgin electricity grid. Interesting that incidence began in 1918 yielding toll estimates in the range of 20-50,000,000 deaths. Remember that magic calculation I made as to volumes of fatality needed to justify hypothetical mandatory global “immunization”? 50,000,000 wasn’t it? And then we have another strange connection with year 1918. It is almost as though the powers attempt to “tell the truth” and “not so” simultaneously. They wouldn’t admit to knowledge of any link with their beloved 5G network ever, but it seems starkly clear why austere quarantine has dragged on and on and on with arguably no out of the ordinary (i.e. weak old people succumb to flu all the time) mass deaths. There have been poverty casualties and many suicides in Thailand thanks to the austerity, but less than two dozen COVID-19 fatalities (if we believe the statistics). Medication, hospital networks will testify, doesn’t discriminate, so how many COVID-19 deaths are actually results of improper medical treatment would be hard to quantify. Confirming my private predictions (gauging a change just beyond ANZAC Day), after no new positive test results, the Australian government has announced it is “very close to easing restrictions” (those annoying train broadcasts have already ceased) on its drip in the bucket populations. However for other first world countries, unless I have read the new (or was that the old?) game plan wrong, this psy-op could run on indefinitely, until sufficient numbers of dead materialise to justify next stage. En masse “civil disobedience” might throw a spanner in the works, but frankly phase two doesn’t really bear thinking about). I hope everyone gets the picture now.

After Contemplating the Evidence; was Jeffrey Epstein Guilty?

The bare bones of this essay already roughly in position, I have been aiming for a release date prior to the emerging New Year. Back in the day, I used to churn articles out by the dozen. No more, I’m afraid. Now, each one somehow predicts a laborious project. Masterpieces-in-waiting eventually collectivise fragments into precarious tomes that would be merit worthy for audiences of merit. In association not all that long ago I recall a moody critic poorly procrastinated sarcasm directed at my truthful genre.

“So who’s the most brainwashed [person of all], tell me that then, eh?”

The answer to the question is starkly obvious. Most brainwashed are the ones that believe otherwise; the ones with science degrees; the ones in positions of authority and the one that feel they are on the right track, firmly aware and in control of their destinies. Let’s be frank here. That would describe at least ninety per cent of my “followers” who, on the rare occasion they think they can learn, certainly won’t compromise deep rooted opinions (which ironically approximate the very fabric of their own brainwashing). When present, so entrenched is programming it is almost impossible for the genuine soothsayer to communicate with any effect.

It would be dishonest of me not to acknowledge that I have been disappointed, demoralised even, by the lack of traction, by the sheer selfish blithering nature of human beings. And here I am talking about those that are supposedly “top of the class” spiritually speaking. If they’re as good as we get, humanity is in a horrible mess. In light of this, I have honestly thought about throwing in the towel. What is the purpose of going to enormous lengths to compile the truth only for messages to be scorned, ignored or scandalized? I have become lazy, for days on end forsaking my craft. My focus on important topical drivel that pollutes the internet is nulled to zero by my acute disinterest. Strange nightmares over the transition of my way of life have contributed to spells of insomnia. Then, at my lowest ebb, along came a knight in shining armour. His name was Jeffrey Epstein.

Epstein himself is (or, rather was) no posthumous confidante of mine, but circumstances surrounding his much publicised life do provide an ideal opportunity for free expression. So I am going to begin by coming right out, and saying it freely, avoiding early misconceptions. The title of this essay could be regarded as misleading. That’s right and it is important to come clean at the start, because occasional clickers may well visit me keen on finding new angles to pointless melodrama (given parallel press meanderings). Soap opera fanatics would be doomed to disappointment if I didn’t place a “disclaimer” straight away and it would be sad to see them disappointed. Mainstream Medias may well relish confusion, but this place is firmly destined to uphold virtue and, in that capacity, could plausibly offer a final refuge for the intrepidly sane.

Permanent staging infrastructures withstanding, the pending trial and subsequent sensational “suicide” death of industrialist Jeffrey Epstein didn’t happen. You hear me correctly. It didn’t happen, but there is very visible script supporting the potential for any or all of it to have happened. That is why I don’t care about much of the detail supposedly supporting the grandest of conspiracies; a conspiracy possibly beyond all conspiracies. As a whole it is a blithering fabrication. Therefore, to do justice to respective truth, diligent must duly only care about evidence. And here evidence is so lacking; sincere commentary on it would be absurd. So let me make it clear to fossickers panning for tittle-tattle. I am hardly going to discuss Epstein at all.

Speculative sensation over hearsay does afford the opportunity to expose a monstrous system whose values fester in the gutter. But it would be impossible to blame organs of state unless they were backed to the hilt by a most vile and deliberately corrupt “general public”. The Epstein case had been bubbling for more than a decade prior to his “what should be” ridiculous entrapment ultimately concluding in that supposed “suicide” death. Are there any substantiated facts associated with the case? Well there are numbers of videos presented as evidence which would be devoid of merit but for those nauseating talk over choruses of opinions that craft “suggestive scenarios” shaping content into “applied reality”. It’s a female trick. Women “shape” their men, but that’s our secret.

Inspecting the detail, one video exhibit features an individual who looks like President Trump. The person in question is in focus because he provocatively rolls his hips in a poor imitation of Elvis Presley (an act that fortified a reputation as “king” lest we forget) at a location “we are told” is on Epstein’s private island retreat. Either side of “cut out” Trump are cheerleaders of indiscriminate age. There is no obvious watermark verifying the island location for unfamiliar viewers and why cut out Trump or the cheerleaders are present is unclear. Government agents, who wouldn’t lie about something like that “we are told”, are adamant the video marks indisputable evidence of illegal sexual activity between current President of the United Sates of American and legally underage females. The actual sexual activity is left to the imagination as is any verification as to the true ages of the females; location or whether “cut out” is Trump.

Historical development of the entrapment of Epstein waxes fabrication from conception. Be under no dissolution. Correspondingly, the video allegedly featuring Trump provides no evidence supporting illegal acts. Historically, after pleading not guilty, Epstein’s 2008 conviction for trafficking prostitutes (by a “blind” Florida judge) was shaky at best. Judgement entirely relied on circumstantial hearsay backed by a fair degree of misrepresentation (are gifts uniformly payment for services? If so, should I offer my Christmas windfall up to the taxman?). The momentum on public distortion of Epstein’s private affairs had been constructed over decades. It is likely illicit planners (behind the misinformation) aimed at capitalising on common gossipers’ general distaste at strange goings on in high places.

The reason many Brits revile their “it’s alright for some” queen is because they are jealous of her extraordinary wealth and complimenting luxurious lifestyle

As far as I can discern, the very public Epstein saga began with a Palm Beach police report (dating back to the mid 1990’s?) which apparently cites an interview with the well-connected mother of a fifteen year old girl, who had accordingly confessed to (or perhaps bragged about) absconding to Epstein’s island hideaway for the weekend without permission. Come again, a sexy, albeit underage girl “pulling off” adult status and sneaking away to an elite party with all bells and whistles? Under what circumstance could that happen today? Today’s fifteen year girls are little children that are humbled by righteous authority of laws and associated parental power. They certainly wouldn’t flaunt sexual self-respect by eloping to a star studded limelight party of the century, correct? There are, for instance, no fifteen year old trollops today? You may think I jest, but sensationally, American President Benjamin Franklin placed a newspaper advert hiring a comely fifteen year old wench in the 1800’s. And that wasn’t that long ago.

Maybe it’s a coincidence, but if I have the dateline correct here, the mid 1990’s was most definitely a time of puritan renaissance or revolution. “Occult” Waco (’93) and Oklahoma (’95) saved President Clinton’s hide and this was more than partially courtesy of Hilary Clinton’s lesbian buddy (lawyer) Janet Reno in her capacity as head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Reno had also demonstrated her great passion by spearheading major crusades against closet paedophiles. One circumspect customs’ chief timely implied the postal service was “awash” with child pornography and that’s all the proof Reno needed, although my sources tell me bona fide contraband was intercepted “extremely rarely”. Even so her crusade turned out to be so effectively persistent; it grew into a considerably wider enterprise committed to backing off just about every plausible waking moment of corporate Media publicity. To be honest I’m surprised pederast attack innuendo hasn’t somehow polluted the car adverts.

A couple of years ago I penned the article “Callous Abuses of the Word Abuse”. Though terms “paedophile” and “child” are nothing more than labels, their trademark use by vicious propaganda forces can incriminate great or small simply by their very mention. In Epstein’s case “exhibits” appear to have been uniformly “underage” jail bate rather than demarked infants, yet related “shit stirred” (by fabricators) has undeniably stuck. Fantasy spinners will go to extreme lengths to obfuscate truth. The game is all about “picture painting”. Albeit quite a long time ago, one American report “claim” I witnessed cast a scene with a sixteen year old girl playing in her sandpit prior to abduction. Come on now! Was she demented? It does serve to highlight how desperate some propaganda agencies are. Even so, when the judiciary begin to take notice of feeble allegations, any notion of justice is forsaken. Gauging rigged trials of British Queen Elizabeth’s artist Rolf Harris and other less sensational scapegoats, the highest civil courts have been hijacked by kangaroos.

And let’s face it, the average newspaper reader believes rogue Hugh Hefner Epstein was not only guilty, but personified the saga “in life”. Melodrama of course eventually transfused into the courthouse culminating as the now “official” murder opinion. After Robin Williams (sic), demonstrating a referenced common script contains desired plot outcomes, mainstream journalists were quick (though muted) to cast questions over the perplexing “suicide” from the outset. They were clearly all essentially given identical blueprints of fundamentals (confabulated by vile political mercenaries) to publicise with license to “make up” the rest (padding). In that respect, one extremely visible popular Media source (for my research) had even dared reference conspiracy theorists’ views that cast aspersions over the ears of “Epstein’s” corpse. It is obvious to me that agents responsible for promotion of fantasy (as fact) are compelled to believe the whole charade will be of great appeal to those that are drawn to conspiracies.

Furthermore, conspiracy theorists love to blab about matters they don’t fully understand. This would give fantasy greater tinges of authenticity as researchers wade through dross to discern “hallmarks of truth”; enough to permit lapses of sanity

Thus, convenient Medias that had been describing the event as a “suiciding” (or professional hit) now turn out to be in tune with “truth” (sic). I am being facetious here of course, because the murdered guy on the slab “as presented” wasn’t Epstein. That fact does helpfully reinforce analysis determining the whole campaign had been “scripted” from onset, so I thank those responsible for being careless. Surely even to the untrained eye (after Pizzagate), this sordid affair must wax of Pulp Fiction?  What next? Will fairies, dragons and grey aliens make appearances, as they did in the “Little Rascals day care” trial debacle?  Indeed does Epstein actually exist at all or is he another great Sandy Hook style figment geared to fit in with the rest of the baloney? That said, there is clearly a true and very bitter purpose behind associated shenanigans. I fear writer George Orwell prepared the way so to speak with his novel “1984”, but he couldn’t quite fathom how slippery devil’s mercenaries can be.

There is definite motive here, but before I reveal it, it is vital to capture true function of “state”, law enforcement and justice. In historic terms, using the British chronology as my benchmark, legal foundations began with Roman occupation. Common law is generally presumed to have preceded twelve articles (bronze tablets called tables) introduced by the Romans which, limited to the affairs of citizens, aimed at harmonising equality. Long after the Romans exited, original British “public” courts were called star chambers (emerging from around the eighth century AD). However, the function of arbitration appears to have been limited as a facet of privilege pretty much until the system was overhauled in 1830 (directly after slavery abolition 1829 and the same year Robert Peel established his Metropolitan police Force, coincidence?).  There were some variations. King Henry II created an additional body of twelve knights (to represent local precincts) as jurors in settlement of land ownership disputes from 1160’s onwards. He further appointed five “wise men” of his personal household to act in the capacity of judges.

They morphed into a travelling circuit (assizes system), which was set up in 1166 (partially surviving until 1971 believe it or not!). For common man, the parish priest would usually double as “authority figure” to resolve local arguments. Magistrate courts hark back to Edward I in 1285 via his creation of justices of the peace. Nevertheless, I think resources would have been mostly devoted to support militias made famous by Robin Hood’s tales. Original justices of the peace were also sheriffs (as far as I can ascertain). Local criminal proceedings would have likely fallen under jurisdiction of the local honourable squire (who, in many instances, would have been victim as well). Above this was a centralised supreme court that dealt with extremely serious “national” offenses. Damningly, the court authority was beefed up in the reign of Charles I (himself causally beheaded by his own goodwill) when enemies forced him to appoint additional judges in 1642. Member salaries under these new conditions increased up to ten fold.

Corruption had ransacked the judiciary from conception, but it wasn’t until William III’s (of Orange) reign from 1701 onwards (under the Act of Settlement) that it became impossible for any monarch to suspend or remove a judge without due legal process.1215 saw common law reduced to impotence, and consistent with its draconian mandate, the Magna Carta made provision for Parliament to supplement royal legislature, which initially comprised of a House of Lords only. By 1265 government powers were widened to permit election of common members of sufficient social status (later to form the House of Commons). Prior to the introduction of parliament, legislation was commissioned at the behest of a monarch who was formally supported by a council of knights. The body, a reworking of the ancient Sanhedrin, was known as the curia regis (Latin for king’s court). Numerous failings of parliamentary authority have definitely assured violent war was the only way industrialists were going to successfully usurp power of oversight (cleverly euphemised as veto by modern day agencies of doom such as the United Nations).

Naturally, since conception, those in parliament have always run agendas in their own interests (i.e. when the royals had assumed authority, they acted in deference to, regularly conflicting with private merchants). Unsurprisingly, early government became a hotbed contest between opposing interests. For instance sensationally, in 1387 Richard II sentenced six judges to death (although only one was executed) for conspiring over a “traitorous” parliamentary commission. However, I would like to explore the significance of the Magna Carta a little further now, because it seems odd that industrialists would celebrate anything distinctly “for the masses”. Yet they place such zealous importance revering the goodness of this particular treaty or charter [allegedly] “championing popular rights”, one is instinctively drawn to “the catch”. And so here’s that “catch”. Though their dastardly plan temporarily stalled after one of the medieval King Edwards’ changed rules allocating land ownership, land ownership is what the Magna Carta was about and why the industrialists celebrate it.

Prior to 1215 only royals (and their extended aristocratic families) could own land. Under common law, you had right to live on land you didn’t own. Thus it was royalty (regularly egged on by industrialists of the day) that committed all acts of atrocity against the people, such as the (eleventh century onwards) seizure of land that belonged to but wasn’t owned by Scottish hill tribes, highlighted in part by Robert the Bruce’s epic battles. In America, native indigenous inhabitants were classed as slaves after Columbus’ “discovery” in order to strip them of land ownership rights, Thanks Giving marks a temporary amnesty when those that stole the land (imposing their own values on all in sundry) were forced to turn to natives for help or starve. In line with this dereliction of honour towards rightful occupiers (per common law etiquette), when the United States became the focus of gold speculators, greatest priority was given to [fraudulent under common law] authority of “verified” staked claims on land now free from British [royal] possession. “Red Indian” beggars were rarely given a look in.

Back in Medieval times, the English system remembered as “serfdom” (an apex of the “power pyramid” feudalism, introduced by William the Conqueror in 1066) bloomed after the ink on the various Magna Carta treaty documents was barely dry. Great tracts of British territory became instant property of newly appointed aristocratic knights and gentry (implied by Tales of Robin Hood). Free lands (of no interest to the powers) were eventually consolidated under the jurisdiction of today’s National Trust and that’s all “the people” ever preserved (they didn’t gain anything). Incidentally, peasants were able to live on what remained of “free lands” until the National Trust’s takeover. All other commoners were forced onto demarked “plots”. These, I would imagine, would have usually been where families were staked “without strings” up until the implementation of changes.  In effect, the major difference was residents had less land, but were also instructed to pay rent to new land owners (for their keep).

Rent generation was achieved by farming produce, which allowed for surplus incomes (sometimes providing revenue to fund royal taxes). Via the “rates” system even modern day property owners are still theoretically tenants (pinning them to patriotic government) of “higher landlords”, so (in effect) commerce mechanisms kick started by the Magna Carta are as they were from conception. Whilst my exampled history progression may seem irrelevant in relation to the wider Jeffrey Epstein saga, there are links that provide ample basis to demonstrate politics deliberately exploit truth to cast unattainable divides between classes. There is also the Epstein royal connection, of course, which I will elaborate on later in this essay. One of the great ironies exposed by shenanigans is the so-called elites are the most vulnerable of all because apparently laws don’t discriminate. Even when aided by corrupt judges and sleazy lawyers, elites can’t merely be paedophiles because they are elite. Elites can’t commit murder because they are elite, although those with diplomatic status are formally immune from prosecution.

Conversely, those of high status consistently do have a great deal to lose facing the looming prospect of a fall

It is no wonder great American philosophic essayist Ralph Waldo Emerson’s “the fewer laws the better” penned shortly after the civil war is immortalised by dissenters. He knew that laws lead to manipulative opportunism culminating in the monster which is that Jeffrey Epstein charade. But the “rules” (or etiquette) have changed to validate Epstein. Provided by newfangled modern custom (as of 1980’s), entertaining mass Medias dictate orders to politicians, judiciary and by God everyone had better heed their “wisdom” or watch out for tar and feather campaigns can easily be redirected against you. In that regard we must never lose sight of the baseline (somewhat muddied by the trivial nature of the Epstein saga). Everything is in place for (to support) land owners. And “land owners” are not peasants with small residential holdings; far from it. No, these conglomerates presume the rights of merchant bankers, certain aristocrats and industrialists. Epstein had to be one of them himself to magnify confusion over authenticity of associated allegations. Intrigue is such that it has also had the effect of wobbling the” safety bar” guaranteeing diplomatic immunity. No one is “safe” and Sir Ron Brierley will find that out the hard way (elaborated on later).

Conglomerates ensured special legislation was drafted for their corporations to bestow them with super human rights. Predictably, recognised governments are corporations too and their “stock” is the “tax payers”. I am hoping a few will fathom the purpose of my background now. Tax payers are slaves under a Feudal System that was devised and implemented by Jewish Zionist William the Conqueror. In 1215 a treaty called the Magna Carta transferred casual arrangements to Law. The death of Charles I in 1649 paved the way for the Westminster System (whose embryo began with Cromwell even though political theorists speculate organised detached government coincided with Queen Anne’s 1707 cessation of royal assent). History has taught us the legacy constitution failed and that is why William of Orange’s Bill of Rights was hastily drafted in 1696 and has been incorporated in all constitutions since. Nevertheless, at least the equilibrium was relatively clearly scored, well until conspirators premeditated the Epstein plot.

Epstein-gate has given slaves the license to make that which is “none of their business” their posthumous business. Corporate Medias irritate the collective into blustering judgement on all those despicable royals they have never net and have never personally known, empowering our conspirators all the while

Before us are the makings of a cartoon feature more pungent than phoney baloney Osama Bin Laden. It is essential to identify how catastrophically different this brand of deception is from anything ever seen before, Revealed mechanics will come in due course,  but without sufficient explanation for “why?” the facts will struggle to speak for themselves. First we must understand how it is possible to distort and invalidate instruments of justice to such effect bias purports a veneer of sincerity. So returning to my assessment of historic British legal governance; when the first courts (star chambers) appeared, torture was considered a worthy accessory to prize “confessions from miscreants”. “Honourable” people were believed to be infallible. It was generally assumed that righteous would rather suffer death than submit to the Devil. In this context, it was thought torture actually improved the sense of nobility.

The concept may have been successful per virgin ambition, but unfortunately methods used became more and more extravagantly harmful as time went by, plausibly in desperation for prosecution victories. Suffice to say, subjects were routinely severely impaired by improvements and some even died in the torture chamber. For instance, there are pertinent records outlining events surrounding the fall of the Knights Templar. One vividly recalls a foot stove used to obtain a “confession” from one estranged knight had worked so efficiently; he carried charred remains in a pot as he hobbled to the bench on crutches, guilt confession in hand. More recently Hitler’s (creator of today’s conceptual corporation, lest we forget) Gestapo were so ruthless in obtaining desired results, innocents were sometimes miscategorised. I write this fully cognisant that Hitler has been unfairly painted as the “master of all modern evil”, almost an anti-Messiah, but enough valid documentation supports the opinion the Gestapo were a truly nasty bunch. That nastiness underscored dedication to behaving dishonourably.

Even so, but for peine forte et dure (abolished in 1772), the use of physical torture (as a British interrogation tool) petered out by the mid 1600’s. “Strangely” the reversal of standards coincides with Charles I’s fateful 1649 execution. It could be further argued that rough physical interrogation was doomed to retirement after considerably more effective attacks on the mind came into vogue. Bush’s Guantanamo Bay is a classic example of this. Inmates were put through barbaric sleep deprivation regimes but rarely sustained actual body injuries (though there are reports of hunger strikers’ ill-treatment where Feeding tubes were crudely inserted without anaesthetic). We must never forget not one of the Guantanamo inmates were theoretically proved “guilty” prior to their incarceration. Most had been duped (i.e. were no real threat to proscribed order) and at least three were there “in error”. They do also serve to highlight the current bureaucratic assumption that everyone who isn’t “ranked” must be (viewed as) a criminal-in-waiting.

Under such terms, an impossibly high wall separates commoners from those of honour. Honour “is” authority today. So when it comes to justice, obtaining evidence is an inconvenience that could well inhibit what are already “given facts”. Why give guilty an opportunity to wriggle free of authority’s judgement? For instance, imagine if there was no evidence available to substantiate a case. Then justice would have been outdone by the presiding sense of goodwill. That is why authorities have preferred to rely on necessity of confessions ether from the accused or accuser. And that summarises the nightmare in being that is “Jeffrey Epstein’s” legacy; a legacy whereby fake testimonies present dishonest allegations and despicable lies which are manufactured by the tonne. Nevertheless, flaws in authoritative philosophy should be plainly obvious. Indeed, just three days ago (as I write) the Australian New South Wales Supreme Court found ex-club bouncer Vinzent Tarantino not guilty after his “confession” to the murder of twelve year old schoolgirl Quanne Diec in 1998.

There is no doubt the court case was an intriguing one; seemly difficult to testify adequately and almost impossible to judge. Perhaps mitigated comparison of circumstances behind OJ Simpson’s trial might be applied here, other than the not guilty verdict outcome matching the plea. OJ was popularly “guilty” and that is the similarity. The trial by Medias, in both cases, had served up posthumous guilty verdicts and that is what incurred public belief. Careful scrutiny of facts supporting the murder of Nicole Simpson should cast no question as to who the real culprit was. Her son had been on a program of psychiatric drugs to combat anger management. I have lost count of the numbers of suicide murderers that were hopped up on similarly prescribed drugs at the time of their deadly insurrections against “faceless” pubic. It is known that “drug experimentation” has been one facet of CIA’s MKUltra since the 1970’s (after Watergate).

OJ Simpson and Vinzent Tarantino are two examples where the end (result) failed to justify the means, because they were popularly guilty, but proven innocent. Others (and too many to illustrate) were not so lucky.  Their journeys would end in tears, each one individually supporting gross miscarriages of justice. In Anglican Peter Hollingworth’s wake (discounting raucous tabloid banter) nothing would convince me that Australian Cardinal George Pell is guilty of allegations that led to his conviction of child sex abuse. Indeed so ambiguous was the verdict, there is discord amongst viperous Medias over him; allies calling out the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s smear campaign a “witch hunt”. Ironically, past inquisitions applied equal balanced latitude towards witches. The accused needed to drown to prove their innocence, to avoid suffering the heretic’s death; burnt at the stake. No such mercy was offered to poor Rolf Harris (perfect example of tall poppy syndrome), folk hero jailed for his royal patronage.

Even so, another Australian Schapelle Corby has become the centrepiece of the dreadful self-cleansing justice system. And now they vainly attempt to bestow aristocratic status (celebrity) on her to endorse their false claims. But a frog will always be a frog; any prince knows that

Going back to basics, aside from the Epstein “operation” (and that is what it is), there runs a supplementary agenda counterpoising the aggregated script aimlessly crafting reality. For as long as I have been cognisant, the “establishment” have obsessed over impressing their authority on juveniles. However, only since last decade or so has zeal escalated into viciousness that transcends warranted innocence or guilt. Representative truth is consequentially rendered superfluous. In line with their compulsion, enemies “in power” are routinely harangued by a “captivated” judiciary. There has precipitated (which I argue is no accident) a storm of fear represented by ever present headlines obtusely reporting vagaries of processions of failed fallen celebrities (if Schappelle makes one comment out of place, we know where she’s heading). Accompanying this is a horrid sense of infection. I don’t want to be Catholic, because I might catch what my local priest got. Problem (symptoms), reaction (slander), solution (quarantine) together dance the Pied Piper’s tune

Culpability is irrelevant (hence, the bland nature of content) and that is why unsecured “confessions” are used to the limit. How else to ram home predetermined [tainted] verdicts? On the other side, a percentage of juveniles are hardy enough to ignore implied rhetoric (issued against them). This has always been the case and, as such, represents the zealots’ primary obstacle. There will be no rite of passage in their domain

Perhaps at times of great austerity (and today is one of those times) more will pretend to desire “legal” chastity while actually playing it safe. Nevertheless (factoring guilty verdicts possibly issued “on merit”) there will always be enough “victims” (sic) to fill law enforcement’s net trap. This means the Epstein operation never needed victims beyond those professional publicised distortions of (what should be) dubious information. If everyone had personal connections to Epstein, we all knew him intimately; the scam would have collapsed before it started. No right minded reporter could have embraced any of the ludicrously tragic accounts paraded as truth. Witnesses would have been quietly ushered off to the funny farm for their efforts. Instead, none of us privy to their malicious campaign have any knowledge of Epstein beyond what they tell us. For all I know, he didn’t actually exist because, but for a large trust fund (unsurprisingly) contested by various [apparently] aggravated parties after his [purported] death (is real Epstein one of the contestors?), only that confessional legacy remains. They don’t seem too keen on investigating his murder with any purpose.

You know, law enforcement is no longer about police work. That was a thing of the past. Idolised by Al Pacino’s Serpico, law enforcers are now criminals. And that is okay, because they are policemen trained to do their duty; duty that includes counterfeiting morals, deceiving public honour and embezzling righteous trust.  As all commoners are “criminals-in-waiting”, the crime business is booming. No wonder scripts supporting Epstein’s sham life are so compellingly farfetched; any sane human being should question his very existence. They’re not “a bit dodgy”. Accounts are accordingly “off with the fairies”. I return to the 1989 Little Rascals’ Day-Care court case (all charges withdrawn and verdicts quashed in 1997) and recommend everyone research proceedings with upmost due diligence. Taking a parallel position in an attempt to discern “feasible guilt”, under different circumstances Rolf Harris has made my mention. Now, let’s make light of things and pretend victim confessions were in tune with his guilt “as charged”, how much did he have to lose by his reckless carelessness? But it’s not only suicide Rolf under the spotlight here. There are endless precessions of outlaw social glitterati, rank and peer “they” tell us arrogantly brag of twilight illicitness. But there’s rarely any more than what tell us to back up their spiteful claims aimed at ones with apparently sincere political death wishes.

On that point, though I do not know Epstein at all, I have met with Sir Ron Brierley personally on several occasions and was invited to one of his Christmas parties (which I vaguely recall was awash with the finest Bollinger champagne). Ultimately, he went out of his way to do me disservice, so no love was lost when we ceased communication back in the early 1990’s. Brierley is neither a friend nor an ally of mine, but under no circumstances could I affirm his apparent tendency towards paedophilia. Sensationally arrested attempting to flee Australia (which smells like a “set up” to me), Medias announced “100,000’s of illegal images” had been found on [his] computers which had been seized by authorities. Back when I knew him, he lived in a giant house and, but for a conscientious housekeeper, would have passed as a hermit. If there was any family, by all accounts, they weren’t regular visitors. With no feasible “associations with kids”, if accusations supporting findings by authorities are valid, his private research was for “other purposes”.

Innumerable exotic theories may be speculated as to what these “other purposes” are, but I have compelling firsthand experience of Sir Ron’s bent as a mad philatelist. He would have spent millions of dollars on this passion. By all accounts, he had album stock pages crammed with hundreds of skimmed duplicates of the 1892 $5 black Columbus commemorative (a desirably rare American postage stamp) and equal numbers of Australia’s sought after 1932 5/- Sydney Bridge in mint condition. Banker at heart always, I believe this was his committed attempt to synthesising greater rarity (i.e. by suppressing market numbers available for sale) with the objective of increasing the item’s market value. “Rarity value” fits in with a possible link with his alleged child porn collection.

Quite some time ago, I read of a thesis written by some B-grade US academic who concluded that “child porn collectors obsessed over fills”. Taking that idea, there seems to be some possible synergy with Sir Ron’s “other purposes” here. Stamp collectors obsess over fills and if the truth be known, many become mesmerised by “rarity”. That’s why Sir Ron hived away the American and Australian gems I exampled.  Of all porn genres, there is nothing scarcer than paedophilic content (there are claims it exists on the “deep web”, a place I have never found). I would further argue that child porn is the most illicit of all contraband. I don’t overstate here. A British policeman on the first Gary Glitter trial publically announced that “paedophilia is worse than murder”. Perhaps that is also why it is so regularly used as the ultimate excuse to blame limelight poppies that grow too tall for the comfort of authorities.

Though to me pathological voyeurism seems somewhat creepier than honest love between adult and juvenile stereotypes, anyone that does nothing more than investigate smutty literature for “personal reasons” is sexually invalid. There was no physical connection between Sir Ron and any children photographed he allegedly witnessed. As far as I can ascertain, contraband had been accumulated in the same manner a philatelist hoards postage stamps. In specific relation to Sir Ron’s arrest, a supplementary point is worth mentioning. Hall of Fame rock star and convicted [voyeur] “paedophile” Pete Townshend disputed numbers of illegal photographs law enforcement claimed he had possessed. At the time, his more precise words were “there’s no way I had as many [photographs] as they said”. It’s only a theory of mine, but worth elaborating to potentially explain inconsistences that bloom into accidental propaganda. If each moving picture was calculated frame by frame, a thirty minute film compiles “45,000” photographic stills (based on 25 frames a second). If that is a common law enforcement calculation in support of “evidence”, do all frames display offending images?

Were law enforcement intent on being transparent here, they may as well come out and tell the truth as it is for once, but I guess, compared to 45.000 photos, one video’s a pretty puny marketing haul

Views on guilt/culpability aside, Sir Ron, after dear Rolf, is another useful exhibit to force Queen Elizabeth’s abdication or, at least, that appears to be one of the utopian goals of those that craft reprisal initiatives such as the Epstein saga. Equilibrium that upholsters the nasty agenda relies on reusable formulas (i.e. hypotheticals). Will Sir Ron’s “defence” oddly mimic Pete Townshend’s “coming to terms with his own abuse as a child”? In my vigour to expose the puppet masters, I regularly single out the Pharisees for everything politically maligned. They are the creators and supporters of a prison planet blueprint idealised around a conceptual phoney occult Messiah ruling under dictated terms of Zionism. For Zionism to function as planned, societal conventions must be entrenched. Epstein has been used to firmly accent (in formulaic terms) the “divide between acceptable free expression and perversion”. We need to be clear on facts and, currently, everything is foggy (a staple for unproven idealism).

Believe it or not, sciences and evidence of historical preservation can be found in the very earliest records of humanity, and I am not just talking about ancient “extra-terrestrial” legacy documents NASA engineers paw over. However, for the large part, until circa 1780, accredited sanity was guided by what sceptics attempt to demote as superstition. There is a better term which has come into fashion again, courtesy of the New Age movement. Our deep ancestors were primarily guided by intuition, but we (or, rather, our sceptics) know better now were that to be true. The reality is cultures determining directional initiatives have radically changed to promote perception backed sciences as the best way to impose formulas, sorry, I mean improve humanity’s lot. The fact your average scientist couldn’t find his ass with both hands in a darkened toilet booth will remain our secret. Nevertheless, it is useful to note that modern science (which is the science of today, somewhat accounting for the lack of fundamental new ideas and innovation being produced) was originally corporatized by Rothschild French banking agents directly after the supposed “peoples’ revolution.

The notion that a “child” (at the borderline, essentially a wobblybranding”) miraculously morphs into an adult precisely eighteen years after the moment of birth (one presumes infant must be fully clear of mother) is a superstition which, of course, is anything but “scientific”. Sciences have ambiguously shambled together “evidence” that might appeal to ambitious believers. Collective formularisers decided the body begins to die “from age eighteen” so that must the fortuitous “missing link” (so to speak). Though evidence is generally disgracefully at odds with this vaporous conjecture, the intuitive adage has stuck and all I can say in response is “fancy that”. Tyrannical obsession over childhood is one of the best indicators for culpable insanity we call “governments” masquerading as slave management agencies. If “accountants rule the world” as the popular proverb illuminates, billowing formulas were perennially destined to coagulate into absurd absolutist bureaucracies.

One such symptom of absolutism would involve stakeholders behind calculation of the Epstein saga. Beyond the deliberate inflammation of the universal divide separating impoverished from tall poppies, have they not actuated fantasy that relies on sacred belief in adult baffling “theoretical” childhood?  In effect we have two sinister things running simultaneously here. Questionable truths and dubious standards scorn public patronage, vilifying the assumption commoners are criminals-in-waiting

Perhaps that knowledge alone adds justification for my use of the vernacular “Pulp Fiction” at the entrance of this essay. Defence is as important as attack to the people behind the Epstein con scheme. Any accused’s fortification options have had to be taken down as well. Of course Prince Andrew will lay claim his victims tell a pack of bare faced lies. Of course he will blame his staffers if all other arguments fail. But the truth of the matter is this. Those in positions of esteem have far too much to lose to allow indiscretions to ruin their lives. So, as much as I dislike him, I believe President Trump is innocent of all conspiracies levelled against him. He has merely played along with tabloid tattlers because it improved his image as a “go getting, get it done” bad boy. If there is anything he should be remembered for, it is taking on the Medias and beating them at their own game. Trump is a teetotaller and I have personally known many of these sorry individuals. For instance, no one I have interacted with has been prepared to take life adjusting risks in any measure. Bad boy maybe, but Trump plays it ultra-safe too.

That has not stopped those illustrious Medias bombarding the general public with accusations against him pre-presidency, all throughout the race, and then on from day one of his tenure. Thus your average mesmerised viewer must presume unlikely misogynist Trump’s hari-kari misdirection could only end in political suicide, but it is the Medias that set that up, not the man himself. Then again, people are welcome to speculate as much as they like. Some compellingly blame Wall Street, but I wonder whether AIPAC had a hand in Trump’s impeachment. In Australia, as far as I’m aware, it is “illegal” (sic) to boycott Israeli product. Thus, surely any vocal supporter of Palestinian Boycott, Divest and Sanctions (against Israel) is an obvious terrorist suspect, right? And, by way of background here, for those that bother to read the article I have referenced, I feel I need to clarify that AIPAC, from the cultural justification standpoint, is an odd association. I’m told letters represent American Israel Public Affairs Committee (its prior incarnation, American Zionist Organisation or something similar ended up being disbanded after it was deemed treasonous by the few righteous Americans in authority).

For me American Israel Public Affairs Committee makes no sense at all, as AIPAC’s mission was, is and will be clearly to improve Israeli stranglehold on world affairs via solidarity (its “contained” American puppet). By not banning two Muslim agitators from congress, Trump (a former AIPAC golden boy by the way) bit his puppet master right in the ass. It would be interesting to know what AIPAC’s stance on Jeffrey Epstein is, don’t you think? Yet, after scouring the tabloids, I could not find a single word issued by AIPAC on the world’s most visible Jewish-American industrialist. This is one of the many reasons I find the organisation odd, in a murky sense. I can say, while I was conducting research, I did come up with this unexpected little gem, which illustrates how the former tycoon’s pending trial managed to make centre stage in Jewish politics, encapsulated by a bitter war (of words) between right wing failed redundant militant-butcher Baby Netanyahu and lefty ex. military general-butcher Ehud Barak.

Unsurprisingly Israeli debate has done little more than consolidate Media opinion making, and all genres, mainstream or otherwise, have definitely taken sides over Epstein allegations, which I guess will have added to the impact of fortifying fantasy. And if that was not bad enough (I mean, what happened to transparent journalism?), obvious shills are routinely masqueraded as Messiahs for virtue by the spinners of bullshit. Prince Andrew’s accuser is a classic example. A cursory view of her salient points highlights glaring fraud (bearing in mind, “evidence” exclusively comprises her word against his). In a short clip of one of her prepared interviews, a hysteric lapse “revealed” how they (as children) were “passed around like bags of oranges” (I’ve changed words slightly but not to the detriment of the overall message). So, from that, how might we discern she is a detestable liar? Well, back in the 1990’s there was another woman who was given opportunity to publically sensationalise her treatment as “property of” a secret gang headed by the Bush family. These cocaine runners (what else?) used to congregate at unknown wilderness hang outs (fusing Bush’s cowboy confession and Charles Manson legacy?), armed to the teeth. Normally “kept in cages” children (in this case infants, rather than borderline adults) accompanied outings and were “…..wait for it…..passed around like bags of fruit” by their hosts.

The Bush family accuser (who I refuse to identify lest she gain from the endorsement) was your typical 30 or 40 something bleach blond (can I say tart?), oh, chick, who would strut about stage while “in character” until around the mid 2000’s. When beating up on Bush went out of vogue, the woman just vanished. After claims that she was in a supportive relationship with a member of the (politically pro Democrat Clinton) CIA helping her though her ordeal, I totally switched off even though no one else seemed to bat an eyelid. I feel sure the Bush clan put her down as some loose nut as I don’t recall any litigation moves. Anyway, so as with that miraculous 1919 post WWI US headliner “Six Million Jews Dead”, karma comes back to haunt Prince Andrew. After a tyranny of fantastical accusations (including access to “reptilian technologies”) levelled against the Bushes and (ironically) the Clintons as well, information has boomeranged forward to 2019. According to the bleach blond, Mrs Clinton, a known lesbian, regularly had sex with infant girls. That irony is compounded by the CIA’s (well, I never) support of Russian loving Bill Clinton. Even a rookie agent will confirm when it comes to anomalies, there’s officially nothing to see here or, rather, “law enforcement” (sic) has dead eyes for anything potentially damaging to its own creed.

Let’s face it; if you believe the hogwash about the Clintons, Bush, Trump and [well] why not stretch it to Epstein too; then you deserve a spell at Bedlam

I don’t admire Mrs Clinton, but I neither need to stoop to zealous foul depths to admonish her. In other correspondences, I have stated George Bush senior set up the CIA, which isn’t true in the strict sense (but I’ll I explain what I mean by that when I wrap this up). Formally, the organisation was created by Truman after WWII (on 16th September 1947 to be precise). Hinted at earlier, compelling criteria provide “basis” for the “concept” being a reaction from Wall Street. Even so, I am of the opinion that the CIA was actually conceived as insurance against the planned reformation of Israel. Thus, agents would have naturally created tight liaisons with Wall Street to spy on international executives. George Bush senior’s concentrated involvement with the CIA was throughout the 1960’s and, in that capacity; he has been implicated in both Kennedy assassinations. Good friends of the Bushes, the Clintons have been there all the way through. I suppose that’s why their dealings with Russia (notably selling weapons grade refined uranium) were deemed “patriotic” by the CIA, whereas Trump’s surreptitious involvement with vapid shills who had apparently “destroyed Mrs Clinton’s election hopes” was definitely “treasonous” (and basis enough for impeachment).

Trump “on form” mocked the impeachment process, demanding it [to be] “over quickly”, but proceedings should be a serious matter. They highlight Epstein’s true posthumous purpose for one. To offset miscarriage of justice, this article is dedicated to remedial virtue. Inasmuch, following that spirit, I have come right out and said it “as it is”. Phoney baloney exorcized Russians and “commie plot” McCarthyism, faking elections, running guns or drugs in no particular order all add up, but they’re not individual “clinchers”. The clincher, an accusation whose utterance alone should be enough to put dread into any limelight figure, is paedophilia. Though paedophilia (as used) is a scam, it precedes life destructive extortion powerfully convincing enough to arbitrarily take down authority figures that defy corrupt mandates. Notably in circles that govern “morality”, such as religious institutions, no mercy or quarter is either offered or given to the irredeemably tarred. In this regard, a little snippet from “Prophecy, Prediction and Consensus View – Preconditioning for Spirited Souls” might help those committed to envisaging how impetus (for conspiracy) began (and I personally feel sure content would make the honest detective blush).

“Imagine if the Pharisees had contacts in the prison system. Crime networks are other resource pools for undesirables. Would it be possible to not only hire strategic paedophile priests, but also throw in some extra shekels and promise of “protection” should any of the kids “blab”?”

I didn’t touch on potential for confessional blackmail and extortion, but that would certainly provide tinder for a white hot ferocious fire, would it not? Obviously, if true, decent priests of all shapes and sizes have been set up and falsely persecuted (verdicts hinging on flimsy confessions or spiteful allegations) on the back of a covert fraud operation. There is no pertinent argument to counter-justify the visible domino effect the vicious operation has had on strategic senior priests that needed to be removed. Once false precedence is rooted, it becomes almost impossible to dislodge. It is as though lower grades are deliberately knocked down one by one in the build-up to bring enough to the table to defeat a “kingpin”. As for transparency, interrogation and court proceedings have been reduced to Medieval Star chambers without the torture except, if only that was true. Any suspect in custody is given a deliberate rough ride, tantamount to psychological torture, something viperous Medias will sketchily acknowledge as “the ordeal”.  Given we are told paedophiles inflict irreparable “psychological trauma” on children which is retrograde of murder; clearly psychological must be worse than physical torture.

Nevertheless, there is something else which really highlights the illusory nature of paedophilia. In the “consensus view” article I referenced earlier, I philosophised over possibility for the “sexual child” (considering turn of sexual consent was age twelve in parts of the first world until only a few decades back, prompting considerable “ambiguity” surrounding current popular rationalisations) . Suffice to say; according to bureaucrats that draft laws, it is impossible for a child “to be sexual” which makes debate even more memorable. Per these “terms”, legally underage cannot lure adults into sexual alliances even though there are many, many “inexplicable” records of children making successful sexual advances towards other children. That grand contradiction exacerbates moral standards applied to published materials labelled “child pornography” as well.

I make many useful points to illustrate the paradox in my writing project “The ‘Powers’ Great Accolade – ‘Brand Pedo’”. Notably, if a child is not sexual, how can any unaccompanied “pose” (regardless of genre) be sexual either? Expanding this assumption, for a normal person (i.e. one that isn’t paedophile), no child pose could be sexual even it was deemed erotic. But there is a greater associated inconsistency. For any normal person to recognise a child’s “sexual pose”, whether he or she has been personally aroused by it or not, is superfluous, because the child’s pose that arouses IS arousing by its seemly erotic nature. Thus, either children are incapable of formally exuding sexuality (and summarily un-erotic) or they are (at the very minimum) inertly sexual. For “justice” to be transparent here, defining standards have to be radically reviewed. Simply put, if children are capable of carnal expression, then normal people are capable of succumbing to reflective lust. You see, contrary to popular religious persuasion, it impossible to null lustful intent, although spontaneous body reactions (such as male erections) can be “managed” accordingly. It is only possible to deny lust. And those that deny stand by their deceit.  Where does deceit fit into a transparent judicial system?

There is one other associated item deserving of scrutiny. If children are sexual after all, wouldn’t that imply legal bureaucracies actually persecute a child’s (God given) right to self-expression? If society isn’t elitist, why do heterosexuals, gays and lesbians have genre support when others remain unprotected? On the other hand, was society to be elitist, then public affairs would predictably encourage fabrication of a crooked, unfair justice system, bereft of justice, built on authoritarian double standards. In that light, returning to my theme, the Epstein saga, were allegations to be taken as partially believable (i.e. there has to be at least a little fire to cause that much smoke), then certain shady tales tendered as evidence, rather than being strictly “untrue” per se, might not be as presented. Considering the crusading inquisition’s pathological desire to collect scalps, were (in most instances) relationships between now estranged parties consensual at the time? Divorces are commonplace and often end bitterly. Surely it is not beyond the realms of possibility that bitter exaggeration has tainted Epstein’s witness accounts? That would explain implausible scenarios touted by desperate Medias. Even so, obvious fraud, such as those exampled bags of fruit confessions, warrants deserved sarcasm.

That is why when dumb allegations were made by loose nuts years ago (when mind your own business meant something) they were rightly routinely ignored

In fact this provides the vital clue to the real motive behind the establishment of law courts. Star chambers were not set up provide a vehicle for accused to establish their innocence. They were created to legitimise “justice” dealt out to anyone that defied leading authority. Accused were always presumed guilty as charged whether nobleman or pauper, but why the need for legitimacy? One can but speculate over the truth here, but I would hazard to guess that family revenge missions against perceived dishonour would have been normal practice until a “divine” override was accepted. Initially divinity would have been limited to “shielding” aristocratic affairs beneath an honour system paraphrased as “the fair trial”. Much later (formally 1830) the motif was widened to include “the public at large”. Industrialism was no coincidence. It began with the fraudulent “abolishment” of slavery (which made everyone slaves of sorts), to which the creation of career criminals was a symptom (beautifully symbolised by Charles Dickens’ “Fagan” in Oliver Twist). Those that commit crimes have no specific ambition to become criminals. Instead, they spurn morality that supposes laws are just. To expand clarity here, conditioned slaves. the “fodder”, are not willing to challenge unjust, unfair laws or, indeed, any authoritative measures that victimise.

Epstein “the vehicle” has reduced morality to crud. Building up to this, populations have been gradually ordered into civility via shallow, sometimes obtuse directives. Politicians’ market rhetoric which predetermines negotiation is always “slant”. Therefore laws are shamelessly biased and courts that uphold them partisan. Reflectively, Epstein appears to have resolutely empowered corporate (industrialist) aligned Medias in their roles as appointed judge, juror and executioner. That is why I insist his output is the grandest conspiracy the world has seen to date, but I think I need to back that statement up with logic if I am appeal to others. For logic, I would like to return to the earlier CIA theme and reintroduce George Bush senior. But before I do, just so we are aware, when formalisation of legislature came into being, already power brokers were moving to covert status. In this instance extended families would have members that were not widely known who could travel relatively incognito. These guys were the movers and the shakers, the string pullers. Ones in the firing line, such as personable royals, generally behaved very discreetly. If they did anything radically disaffecting, it was going to be behind an army of backers.

General Smedley D Butler may well have published his 1935 paper “War is a Racket” as a direct response to displaced WWI veterans huddled in “tent cities”, but now the racket it everywhere.  George Bush’s involvement with the Central Intelligence Agency converted supporting ethics to transform it into a racketeering organisation from the 1960’s onwards. Undoubtedly, one of Truman’s objectives would have been to ensure the CIA infiltrated and influenced governments to “keep America safe”. Mandates changed under Bush, which allowed international cooperation for mutual business purposes.  Quintessentially (though practice sometimes defies promise) the CIA extorted foreign domains whereas the (Roosevelt’s 1908) FBI looked after the home roost. For instance, in that capacity the CIA has regularly partnered with Israel’s Mossad. Nevertheless, certain joint initiatives have focused on home turf matters, such as Epstein “Inc.”. Maybe parallel agendas conflict with the FBI from time to time, but Israel’s association with Epstein dictates America is their turf.

William the Conqueror’s Feudal System made an introduction earlier. I can confirm it is still alive and well, except those that run the pyramid take ultra-safe covert positions. David Rockefeller was a “front man”. It was felt he had the gift of the gab and was endearing enough not to get himself killed for his efforts. Thus, it is also sound to presume that organisations such as the CIA, FBI and Mossad follow an identical “rule by the few” model. In that respect, lowly agents should be viewed as bunnies that distinctly follow orders. Once, at a dinner party, I discussed the prospect of all out nuclear war. My left wing counterpart tried to argue that no decent person could ever “press the button”. My sad duty was to inform him that those that created supporting infrastructures must have been of similar opinion too; for they run constant drills, operators never given latitude of forethought as to which events might be genuine live attacks. They are at liberty only to follow orders as “monkeys”. So, perhaps, in this manner, lowly enforcement agents are managed from above by like manoeuvres.

There is no question as to the deceitful nature of slander posthumously attached to Epstein. However, while “the pyramid” says otherwise, agents would have no alternative but to uphold their duty diligently. Unfortunately, after George Bush senior, “diligence” equates to “use any means to win”. Here, I can only speculate as to who is ultimate behind fraudulent confessions exampled and how they escalated from limelight to public judiciary, but I can hypothesise why and what templates were used to craft intrigue. So, to be fair to our dutiful enforcement agents, let us presume they believe that evidence IS representative of truth. How did they arrive at the current junction? Well, we’ve all seen those movies where the key witness is shot dead, potentially jeopardising court processes, justifying a frantic hunt for “reinforcements”. Maybe, in Epstein’s case, law enforcement hit brick walls all the way down the investigation path. Maybe none, not one, of their potential witnesses wanted anything to do with the investigation or due diligence. Do our valiant agents give up or press on against all odds?

Using any means” (which is the modern method) provides agents an enormous amount of political license. Remember, as far as they are concerned, any criminal is as guilty as sin and, when complicity is lacking, he must have “corrupted” vital witnesses. As far as our valiant agents are concerned, he also still must pay for his crime and, consequentially, they are at liberty to be as deceitful as they like, if the greater good is avenged. Particularly in the US, there are a whole bunch of actors that always seem out of work, sorry, rehearsing between assignments. Why not put them to good effect? They could become surrogate star witnesses that should have been “real” had the devil not corrupted virtue. Whereas I may feel the nature of the greater portion of information justifying affirmative action is obviously “flaky”, dedicated law enforcement likely doesn’t share this opinion. However, there is no doubt in my mind key witnesses have been “prepped” by external arbiters who, highest common denominator logic prefers, are either CIA or their associates. Let us be clear on what’s at stake here. For the fake witnesses the risks are high. Though revenue wise they can receive lucrative incomes from chat shows, if any slip of the tongue was to ever compromise things, ensuring public renege on “truth”, well, the whole charade would turned back on them as violently as it did to poor “Jeffrey Epstein” (if it was him).

So I missed my planned pre-New Years’ release date but, all things considered, that’s something I can live with. I mean…..I am alive.


Inheritance, the Prodigal Son and Interest in “Interest”

When I began composing articles for this website it was as if I was a literary infant. Only while I fondly look back at scribbles in dusty journals do I see the core that was me remains intact, unblemished. It is what I have become.  Notably writing projects have grown into something much more expansive; substantially more substantive in many instances, presumably because I am much more proficient at the art of journalism. Nevertheless echoes of past enlightened symmetry still tantalisingly haunt. Whilst die-hard readers used to my familiar elaborate prose have witnessed an evolution of sorts, the more conventional style of recent entries is no less controversial. They are controversial but not abnormal it might be argued.  Even so, rhetoric is regularly too far adrift of sensationalised reason to covet “normalcy” in any sense of the word. It could be said my writings propose a uniquely different perspective which in itself is conspicuous evidence of sovereignty “apud esse”; something all humans strive for to some degree, but oh so few attain. In celebration of my largely discarded history, I have decided to attempt to revisit the past. My intention is to make this piece shorter, simpler [can I say?] in festival of the old but not forgotten me.

Is it possible to effectively resurrect the past?

Well that question will be answered presently.

Reflecting on my journey to date, I recall how, in dull moments, I would instinctively jot down a line or two, a solitary paragraph and other evidence of burning thoughts. None of these were suitable as standalone products for ambitious journalistic campaigns, of course. Logic dedicated a “to be written” folder to these moments and, over time, this has gathered fragments like moss to the old miller’s stone. Given my aim to regenerate dormant thinking, the “to be written” folder seemed the most valid first port of call for this episode. It is definitely fitting that the origins of my resurrection are founded in the rediscovery of misplaced parchments. In this case the scrap I selected consisted of a single page upon which was scribed one line of text in addition to the title. Intriguingly, these coarsely jumbled words appeared to nonchalantly identify an apparently related “unrelated” coincidence. The crux of the observation posited an “irony” over Federal Reserve banknotes, which are subject to 3% interest from the issuer (United States of America), paid annually, The coincidence noted that America (after a historic referendum) also dedicates a minimum of 3% of the gross national budget to “defence” which, in this case, is attack (messianic wars “for peace”).

Above this poignant inscription was the demure title “Interest in “interest””, which seemed the most fetching at the time, though, other than the, I must say, rather cheesy pun, the original “point” is now completely lost to me. After earning the judicial reputation of being an unabashed merchant of “tough love”, I would hate my inquisition to form any bias towards fashionably calculated schemes that formularise common opinions on “things in general”. Persuading those of low vibrational frequency that the devil is in the detail goes beyond motive. That is my vocation and, thus, I recommend anyone ill prepared to consider everything to the “nth degree” is not in a viable position to validate or express truth. Perhaps this rather crass example may suffice to service the analogy?

When someone dies of a gunshot wound motivated by an aggressive attack what perpetrates the murder? Is it the gun inventor, designer, maker, owner or user with malice in his heart? Is the gun itself, the operator, the bullets that caused the fatal wound or the gunpowder that ignites deadly blows at fault? If the shooter is a soldier or policeman, for instance, do the “rules” for murder eerily change? Could we blame the environment, the timeline or engrained political intrigue?

And on and on we can debate.

Revisiting the past is one thing, but I don’t fancy repeating myself is very constructive. Whether produced by the Federal Reserve or not, money’s passé. We also all know it’s the root of all evil (although perhaps not “why” it’s the root of all evil). Many of my prior articles have touched on the topic. This one in particular goes some way towards exploring primary issues.  Nevertheless I concluded the standalone title “interest in interest” was insufficient for that cause. It needed to be widened or scrapped unless I chose a different path. Any form of censorship (however remote) is destruction of the past – hardly fodder for a celebration of reawakening. Therefore Integrity determined my only legitimate choice was to expand the title at all cost as I had no intention of wandering aimlessly in search of ambition. Fortunately “eureka” eruptions reward those with brilliance. What, lacking before, profoundly related to “interest” could be worthy enough for a role or roles in a high impact title? Thinking aloud, it came to me in a flash. Does not interest “prove” the justification for inheritance and ownership?  Inheritance is undeniably one of if not “the” foundation stone of profiting interests.

I would need to summon up a title profoundly deserving of these widened considerations. After much internal reflection, I did eventually find words that will hopefully fashion as a perfect compromise.  They are, in order, “Inherence, the Prodigal Son and Interest in ‘Interest””. This is the resulting effort that is designated as official title of this essay unless something obsessively changes the contextual direction of ideas and their natural progressions. Otherwise no further review is planned.

Now let me explain why the “prodigal son” was also selected for its part in the essential treatise theme. Intrinsically linked to inheritance, prodigal sons are no ordinary offspring. Therefore, simply, that was the “missing piece” I needed to complete the title. It also presented investigative goals worth chasing, investigation that needs to determine what makes these prodigal sons so special. Of course primary analysis did upturn the blissfully obvious. Basically, these male progeny are gifted enough to be cultivated, which is usually in the family direction.  Otherwise, why bother to cultivate? Way back, when elites ruled the world, families with “everything to lose” produced governors and gatekeepers for their kingdoms. Along the lines of this protocol, security over tenure became a family’s greatest priority and ensured at least one son was encouraged (putting it nicely) to enter the military at rank. Another would become a doctor or a priest (isn’t that odd?) and then the following (perhaps the most strategically important) would be groomed to act as lawyer, preferably under government. Black sheep or dropouts would eventually come round to becoming merchants, stock holders or artists. The rigours of this big, bad world ensure safe, easy options are usually preferred.

Before I press on with on with the good stuff, I need to do a little more reflection by way of background. People, I have noticed, have a fondness towards procrastination (mentioned last article too) and a crippling fear of criticism. Procrastination, at best, fuels truths-of-sorts. That is the reality and that is why I try my upmost not to procrastinate. It can be a hindrance because, through my personal discovery tour; I have found some values, ideas and beliefs I used to stand by were either flawed or false. Consequentially, many years ago, I used to regularly bloviate with erudite confidence. There was never anything more than “personal convictions” to back up my gift of the gab, but I rarely found anyone I met could contest my position on the state of things in general. More recently, I have become alert, ever wary of falling into the trap of believing my own bullshit. Criticisms (where valid) counter any opportunity for imperfect procrastinations to take hold, so I see these as causal blessings. Procrastinators, for the record, focus on symptoms or phantom symptoms in deference to causes. Truth givers expose the root.

Therefore if I am to do apt justice to “Inheritance, the Prodigal Son and Interest in “Interest”” all stones must be upturned so as not to grind out more unanswered, “impossible to resolve” niggling queries. I must, instead, disrobe all root causes to unveil the exhilarating detail. Thought and responding responses will require latitude, much latitude. Mountains of propagandas dating back to the dawn of time have had the mesmerising effect of misleading sane discovery to such a degree, befuddled judgments are the function of normalcy. Even some of the great minds of our era are consistently turned to fudge by certain conventions. This is why I focus on topics others simply wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. True thinking outside of the box comes without a parachute. Even so, rather than drawing on possible conjectures as “sources of evidence”, my strategy (in motion) is to apply logic and purposeful reason to every concept I am at pains to illustrate.

Let us be sure where the “baseline” is. Currently materialist-atheist “edict” controls the way logic is directed. Per this “view”, the implication is purpose is a symptom compounded from random effects of existence, even though (as Rupert Sheldrake has wittily pointed out), by this account, more incontrovertible miracles were created at the dawn of time than Jesus could have ever fancied. (Alien to this mindset) in fact purpose must underline causes because existence was “crafted”. The evidence existence was crafted is found in its design, which is clear and unarguably transparent.

So to do justice to the quest, I may have to introduce suspects or considerations that have rarely or, perhaps, never been pondered before. All the little tweety birds that believe puffing various forms of political correctness is their branch to salvation beware, for this big bad eagle may swoop down and devour you and your branch whole. We should begin with no misconceptions. Those that initiated the process that conceived elitism (or, in other words, the hubris of “prison planet”) demonstrated extraordinary cunning. It seems obvious to me that, considering how the process has radically evolved (in the engineering sense), higher forces beyond this realm have had involvement every step of the way. Not dwelling on possible superstitions, the whys and the wherefores, however pertinent, I intent to expose the chassis of the fabric of the illusion that is today’s “reality”. Conspiracy networks have been installed so elegantly, it is as if they have been commissioned by God Almighty.

Before I discuss inheritance, it is important to review something much more primordial.  We take friendships for granted. They just happen. Or do they just happen? Our first friendships are with family or extended family. Managing relationships with our family members teaches us how to distinguish friends from enemies. These teach us politics (affairs of the people). They teach us who we can influence and who we will let influence us. A trade of sorts is communicated. Eventually we form close knit groups of likeminded kindred spirits. Perhaps not directly considered such, we are all elitist in the way we resolutely preserve our group cultures. When stretched out into the wider community and beyond, we expand into other political networks. Some present revolutionary, but not conflicting ideas.  These see us progress, in some cases. Some ideas are so common they become universalised. Politicians naturally capitalise on, exploit and manipulate these phenomena.

Eventually draconian laws are destined to twist what was original goodwill into all kinds of overt tyrannies in order to elevate elite elitist cultures. Laws have always been the basis for kingdoms. Under this principle, every king has ruling power. However, without friendships there would be no alliances to back the laws and politics that founded them would be rendered superfluous and obsolete. No king could rule. In addition, under these conditions, though commerce would be possible, other than as a tool of oppression, inheritance could have no functional purpose. It would also mean people would be forced to discover the truth if they were motivated that way. They could no longer rely on friends’ redigested second and third hand opinions that sounded right.

As it stands “Inheritance” is one of the golden keys to open Pandora’s Box.  In a distant era populated by long forgotten customs and attitudes, it was exclusively the domain of the elites. At that time land was free, commoners outside metropolises were largely ungoverned and there was no sense of ownership (per modern standards). Individuals congregated into clans and these became long standing settlements which then saw homesteads passed down from generation to generation. But there was no registered ownership. If some place was occupied and sympathetically unavailable, sound conscience determined it was off limits. When the “universalisation” of deeds of ownership tied to symptomatic inheritance of chattel began is hard to calculate. In “western society”, I would argue that the abolishment of “slavery” (social security) led to the effective enslavement of man. Inheritance then evolved to become a quasi-version of the “frills” of slavery. “Rights” would be proscribed by authorities unless aspects of commoners’ common law were considered relevant (to seamless elite governance of slaves). In this case any reflectively worthy laws were drafted as supplants to legislated corporate manifestos. It goes without saying administrators of guidelines were systemised lackeys incapable of virtuous judgement. Finally, courtesy of banking and insurers, everything could be “valued” and that “worth” represented by tokens of interest (whether that is gold/silver bars, coins or promissory notes).

In order to engage lawyers and accountants whose role (in the grand elites’ scheme) is to professionalise ownership, receipt of inheritance follows a litany of potential administrative hurdles, but I don’t wish to dwell on this. There is another internet resource I like to reference occasionally that specialises (in part) on whistle blowing messy probates, the fallout from inheritance. Pure Professional Journalism Gazette can be located here.

In addition, philosophy behind inheritance capitalises on the principle of appreciation or depreciation and this is clearly an expansion of the dependent interest bearing investment culture. Probate relies on belief in heirlooms, which are presumed to indefinitely financially mature. Government, per this reasoning, rakes in their “fair share” from the commerce evolution in taxes in order to theoretically provide ever improving infrastructures and representative management frameworks. Accommodating this theory, surpluses could be redistributed for other pressing voters’ needs. That is why I believe all governments (on paper, at least) are kept “in the reddeliberately. In fact, when truth is laid bare, government, though never limited, does little more than give inheritance necessary tinges of authenticity to make people believe in its credibility. If it is taxed, it “must be for real. Without profits, commerce becomes obsolete. Interest is, by circumstance, both a symptom of and agent in confirmation of profits.

Truth laid bare goes way beyond mere commerce and inheritance. The tyranny actually began with registered ownership because, without deeds, commerce is arbitrary. Barter doesn’t cater for profits. Here is why the imperialists concocted their “survival of the fittest” mantra and continue to lord it as nature’s divine plan. The fittest are considered the best at coveting what they have scavenged (the nice word for stole). I apologise for dispelling with the hocus-pocus, but acknowledgement of ownership as something that is righteous and Godly only grossly and deviously distorts reality in favour of tyranny against the divine. Aside from  modern day [ADL fabricated) Racism fraud, the reason certain peoples have been temporarily “classed” as savages is to remove any contest over conquered (stolen) land spoils (“animals” cannot own land). Notably in Africa, America and Australia, “white man” thieved most of the habitable land areas. Repatriation (a pathetic attempt at feigning “fairness”) in some cases has seen the return of lands considered commercially unviable. Even so, generally speaking, when it comes to origins of ownership, judicial mechanisms continue to work off the ludicrously partisan principle “finders’ keepers”.

The net effect of that is another of those atheistic miracles. Our impotent, voiceless God apparently blesses open sacrilege. Was the principle finders’ keepers ever to be condemned and abolished, commerce would cease to exist. This is a big statement. Some might contest it. Here’s an analogy which should amply validate its authority. I don’t own the royal grounds, approximating three square miles, close to the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Under the auspices of lack of ownership, no one would own the land. Therefore, I decree some legitimacy in laying claim on that which is not owned. Hypothetically, I could establish a real estate agency to sell off my theoretical acquisition. I may be able to attract teams of would be buyers. Yet, without binding contracts and infrastructures supporting them, verifiable presumption of intent to abide by the law, the land is worthless until someone or some group manufactures political legitimacy. The ancient Romans couldn’t give money away to the Britons because they did not believe in it.

The reason (under this system) ownership will never be abolished (although it may be restricted) is governments would have to rescind their slave master statuses in order to transform into arbitrators that truly work “for the people”. Currently populations are effectively forced to toil to survive. Those privileged enough to “own” sufficient land holdings supported by interest bearing investments probably haven’t the skills to become entirely self-sufficient. Thus, without government society would naturally function through the formation of brokered relationships that would need to leverage and harness social parasitism. According to today’s popular press (sponsored by corporate interests and governments who are in themselves giant corporations), people only want good jobs. People, by the same rose tinted reasoning, will do anything to keep their good jobs. Commerce needs labour to function. Indeed, for those that were (in society) to ever become self-sufficient, commerce would cease to be necessary. That lack of functional necessity could only be defeated by interest in collectables and other objet d’art which, though arguably functionally irrelevant, fuel a potentially ever-accruing “need for more”. I guess that is why we have collectors.

It is important to understand the relevance of commerce, because many “goods and chattels” from the inheritance perspective may be deemed valueless. The family’s pink plastic clock that ticked you to sleep as a baby is worth nothing (even though it may be priceless to you) compared against your departed father’s prestigious “medal winning” coin collection that you were never “allowed” to touch, which insurance would class as a valuable asset. Many factors can determine an heirloom’s worth. Rarity, age, condition, popularity affects status of all antique items. Statuses are groomed from fostered traditions. For instance, Caucasian Australian manufactured artefacts offered for sale would likely be priced at many multiples of any vaguely comparable Aboriginal counterparts. In line with this ideology, the essential education of all well-connected prodigal sons provides a vital comprehension of firstly how the system functions and then, as importantly, how stepping stones to credentials gift “keys to the kingdom”.

Unsurprisingly a correct (for purposes of social elevation) education is priced beyond the means of not-so-humble slaves, which proposes a vicious circle whereby only elite or “fortunate” working class families can avail the system. Indeed for the system (which some argue began with William Cromwell at Westminster) to permanently function as it is, the riff-raff could never be involved in any authoritative managerial capacity. So, with the exception of very occasional “pliable” geniuses, credentials of note are off limits to ordinary folks. Rebellious or revolutionary geniuses are invariably spurned by those that might have empowered them unless their significances were so timely that to trade would persuade the only logical course forward. The powers never favour constructive partnerships. That wick always burns fast and furious. Why would recalcitrant free thinkers ever be viscerally rewarded by a system that choses to repress or oppress most forms of independent thought?

From the (dare I say?) “Conspiratorial perspective”, certain specialised training qualifications that are destined to open doors to those prized “good jobs” are invariably only available to those with educational credentials usually off limits to working classes. Hindsight is a wonderful attribute. In many instances only those in the know (or, rather, with “connections”) have inside information as to which skills to acquire for guaranteed success. Thus, just about all “good jobs” are snapped up by exclusive circles privy to their occurrences. Propaganda permeates a much wider circle of influence which, in part, is designed to operationally program the masses. I can but assume the Clintons were firmly behind the cruel and childish media attacks on Chelsea as a young adult. The design (aided by unflattering images), in this case, was to chide ignorant people into “believing” she was “ugly” so as to ward off any potential for successful unsuitable suitors’ advances. Media tactics of this kind are regularly analysed by Jon Rappoport. I strongly recommend investigation of his writings.

Few seem to be able to come to terms with the extent of the complexity of propagandas. Perhaps this is because everyone attempts to deny their own relative indoctrination or, worse still, it is the summary evidence of their root systemisation. Propagandas are everywhere. They are not merely limited to the mainstream and institutionalised “sciences’ (sic). Much deceptive information has been generated about computer viruses, for instance. One of the great lies that seems as though it will stand the test of time forever is Pasteur’s germ theory. Germs, according to Pasteur, can invade and infect any body and this is completely untrue. On the back of the lie, scientists concoct legions of “organised germs” that conveniently follow the program. They label these mysteriously unidentified legions’ “viruses”. Of course, if medical evidence free of Pasteur’s contaminated propaganda was given the opportunity to incubate reasoned appraisal, results would radically dishonour current standard opinions in the same manner Bruce Lipton somehow defeated all biological cells.

As Pasteur was nothing short of an appendage of “corporate science” which had been set up by the Rothschild family in Paris in the late eighteenth century (just after the “revolution” – sic), any marketing device aiding the manufacture of arbitrary confusion to help everyone “believe” would be regarded as a godsend by those that presume they own the world. Their godsend in specific relation to the case I highlight is “computer viruses”. Computer viruses are not even remotely comparable to any medical counterpart, but propaganda agents don’t care. In fact origins of all computer viruses can be traced back to sponsored hackers testing security effectiveness of networked equipment, but that muddies the objective of paradigm synthesis. To the propagandist it only successfully sells the “concept” germs can and will invade and infect with impunity whether via the internet or other routes. The idea that anyone connected to humans is potentially “networked” with dangerously contaminated aliens is the perfect genre extension. Because, in this specific case, “viruses” (as labelled) do invade and infect technologies, the propaganda message would go a long way towards convincing shallow minds. I will leave the associated complex good/bad bacteria and strengthened/weakened immune systems’ discussion for another entry.

The great deception is to paint a computer virus as the principled copy of a medical virus.

Using established institutions to routinely dress false positives or negatives as “facts”, places the system in the supreme position of being able to present any fantasy as effective truth, no matter how fantastical. Providing data can be formally argued and expressed in particular ways, any antipathy of reality is up for believable persuasion. There are actually no laws of science (physics). There are only laws of existence (to the atheists’ dismay) which can theoretically be placed under scrutiny of sciences. An excellent example of how current etiquette can end up bamboozling itself is found in various expressions of interest that emerged considering the effectiveness of a new energy generating prototype heralding from Italy a few years ago. I have lost source details, but can verify corporate backers in favour of the machine presented analytical notes interpreting data that illustrated the device was going to be a magnificent success. Competitors insisted the exact same data was unrequited “proof” the machine would never work by their account. Would be investors coming somewhere in the middle couldn’t or wouldn’t speculate either way. Similar “analysis” has been made regards the Bosnian “Pyramids”. The duly diligent will see it everywhere.

In addition, to aid propagandists’ purposes, word values (such as “gay”) are routinely changed or even reversed in order to lambast popular interpretations. Late Nicolai Levashov (his family incidentally claims he was “murdered by Zionists” in 2012) and other genre academics have argued this restructuring of language began in earnest in mother Russia just after the 1917 bankers’ invasion. Let’s face it; “interest” is a profoundly positive word that surely inspires persuasive popularity. That is why it was given to “utopian” banking commissions (which will always be viewed in an eternally positive light) in my opinion. Finally, those that do not consider insistence on and observance of balanced truthfulness is the only viable promotional standards’ benchmark are propagandists, whether they acknowledge the fact or not. Propagandists are in the business of manufacturing beliefs, period. Truth that doesn’t support or actually impedes the manufacturing process is unwelcome. Any devices, such as changing word values, fake science and so forth are more than welcome. Discerning would-be “Manchurian Candidates” is trickier, but, I would imagine those that assure religious adherence to product “use by” dates are well and truly in the crisis zone. The vegetarian that “doesn’t like” meat isn’t far behind.

Money is only supported by the “belief” in its value. That particular belief has become the most potently powerful and universally entrancing factor in the control of man. Thus, we must acknowledge the scripting of believable beliefs is far more virulent than truths that might support or aid acknowledgement. For example, I wonder if any believer (in money) has considered the fact that financial optimism provides fodder for wars. When the Industrial Revolution was in full swing the 1890’s saw boom times. Boom times make babies; manpower for the First World War? “Roaring” ‘20’s clearly provided “stock” for the Second World War (Germany was billed to “lose”, so their peoples were given fertility stemming poverty on the back of harsh reparations. 1930’s optimism was in preparation for the kingdom of Germany to be rebuilt as a new republic [styled on America] when the war was won).

There are always going to be inconsistencies, such as the infamous 1960’s flower power movement. This is a paradox because it was the only genuine peoples’ revolution in living memory. No attempt was made to synthesise prosperity in the 1970’s because weaponry is becoming so sophisticated, “ape” operators will eventually be found unnecessary (beyond culling populations). Were a few of those bygone hippies “tuned in” enough to realise “Interest” is the nemesis of sovereignty? Being a hippy was all about recognising individual sovereignty. The 3% the Federal Reserve skims off every dollar assures each bill in circulation is worth 97 cents (presuming “government” doesn’t take a cut too). Therefore the owner either has to front the loss or is forced to speculate or trade in order to recoup 3% or more. Imagine the potential for manipulation if Bitcoin or any other e-currency takes hold. That is how the notion of profits was born. The land that is the royal grounds of Tokyo is worthless unless it is rated and valued. It has long been presumed that “highest bidder” nominations assure correct marketplace values, but this isn’t necessarily so.

Abundance does not come without a “price” to those that dedicate themselves to controlling humanity. Population swells lead to the collectivisation of giant metropolises. Without incessant propagandas that “define” normalcy, the “stranger” might persuade “influence charisma” of comparable or greater power than corporate bread winners. From that, a rogue messiah or “anti-Christ” could emerge. It is more than possible; probable even. If so, of course there are many ways to quickly dispel unrest. Leaders can be branded occultists, sexual deviants or, worse still, insane.  Anyone fetching that positive diagnosis can be liberally carted off to a very unhealthy institution and indefinitely detained without recourse. As everyone that used to be “evil” now has some sort of psychiatric disorder, biased and unfair claims against can be sinisterly effective. How well did Jesus fare against the Pharisees in face of the cross? How are mental illnesses “healed”? Well to answer that, there is a litany of tested drug cocktails perfect at prepping would-be “Manchurian Candidate” assassins without causes from recalcitrant, inspirational free-thinkers.  Two birds killed with one stone, maybe?

The “Powers’” Great Accolade – “Brand Pedo”

Imagine, if you will, there existed a world populated only by biological automatons that were solely allowed to survive at the behest of a vague commercial bureaucracy. Because of this uncertainty, imagine if none of these automatons realised they were abject properties of a brutal federal control program. If the slave masters, the “authorities”, decided they desired to stamp their immense power over will, to “once and for all” demonstrate their authority over the slave classes, could they outlaw or remove all fluid or solid sustenance resources without losing or graphically impairing their prized stock? Could they make the air unfit for consumption or destroy all known shelter to stress their despotic ambition? No, the only the true liberty they could possibly take away without permanently impairing labour is “unnecessarysexuality. That world does exist. It is planet Earth and the ignorant, naive biological automatons are human slaves; fodders dedicated for a system that deliberately transcends spiritual logic and reason in order to complete and maintain its program,

By corporate commercial determination, per “the program”, paedophilia is the root of all evil, and for reasons that so firmly contradict erudite populism, truth has become obsolete. The term paedophilia itself is nonsensical was it not for the fact that just about everyone has been radicalised into believing trappings of propaganda. So, going back to basics, it would be correct to start by analysing authentic etymology of terms in order to corroborate any coherent meanings. Only by careful analysis of the cold, dry facts can sound “basis” encapsulating the mainstreamers’ obtuse view be deciphered.

Paedophilia is a combination of two Greek words. One (paidos) means child and this is topically self-explanatory. The other, philos, calculates rather more problematic interpretation. Yes it translates to mean “love” as would be expected within the cognitive frame of child love. Nevertheless, the Greeks had three words (eros, agape and philos) to represent the emotion. Eros is used to convey an earthy erotic, sexual passion or lust. Agape is an emotional spiritual bond that perhaps might signify symptoms such as pity, togetherness or other deep soul connections (shall we say). Philos proposes a brave new world, one that is generally estranged from the Western concept of love. It is the Greeks’ “intellectual love” evocation and this might be best appraised as “to be on the same wavelength” (with others). Respect of a peer would make an acceptable version of the same concept.

Therefore paedophilia literally means “respect for children”, so how on earth did it translate into the ugly mess that has embraced the greatest of all modern day hysterias?

It seems likely (though I find no evidence of historic accountability) that the term was originally sponsored by those that formed special liaisons with children. It was a way of justifying engagements that might have otherwise been frowned upon by wider society. Promiscuity is a revelation of modern times, awoken by the 1960’s flower power sexual revolution. Prior to that lust outside marriage was a profound negative and “age restriction” on unions had been superficially imposed by religious authorities for so long that physical adult child pairings would have seemed unconscionable. This is not to say rules were not broken behind closed doors. Suffice to say, prior to the 1960’s suspicious borderline adult relationships would have had to have been considered lust free but always either plausibly “working towards marriage” or “undeniably platonic” for seemly social tolerance.

It was only after sexual revolution, political authority saw value in promoting homosexuality as a crass attempt to pervert all sexual relationships (i.e. by reversing principled traditionalism that defines sexual intercourse as a procreation precaution and not as a recreational tool, cultural insanity was born. Of course, this merely acts as a stepping stone towards outright control of the human mind – “you will behave as we say anytime we lecture you”). Thus those rabid synthesised outcries at phantom paedophilia are backed off strategized and scoped political support aimed at positively accelerating homosexual causes. “Contradictory” pederasty was most recently (1600’s onwards) adopted by the French (pederastie) from the Latin paederastia (Greek – paiderastia) and popularly translates to mean “lover of boys”.

Remarkable French piano prodigy and composer Camille Saint-Saens, a covert gay of the high Victorian period, once famously reported, “I am not a homosexual. I am a pederast”. This ironically demonstrates how much values have changed. Homosexuality was stigmatised because it was deeply hated (though undoubtedly egged on by political shit-stirrers) throughout cosmopolitan society and, therefore, illegal. Underage sex was not illegal, but because sex outside marriage was so universally chastised, “decent” normal folks would have found the practice unthinkable.

Even so Saint-Saens innocently reveals evidence of two streams of social conditioning. To admit to have been homosexual would have enraged retribution to beyond the pale so it was denied. Yet to confirm his overt but ambiguous paedophilia was the best way of diffusing allegations against him and shutting up critics. Of course there is much more to this tale (which circulated around his regular trips to Algeria – a place renowned for egregious sexual tolerance at the time). Saint-Saens cast himself as the paternal spirit ever excited by the ambitions of youthful innocent exuberance and not as a lecherous molester of children.

Ancient sexual roots of pederasty were neither explored nor acknowledged as relationships were symbolised as paternally platonic per the cultural view. However, the stem “erasty” is a version of erasthai (Latin) for which eros (Greek sexual love) is a derivative. This should emphasise the nonsense of modern times’ furore. If sex between adults and children was to be intimated by a slur, then pederasty is the ideal term. In fact, though it is believed to have originally been used to describe adult/minor homosexual trysts, the etymology is actually formally gender neutral. Does the “substitution” of paedophilia (in place of pederasty) not aptly highlight the wilful arrogance/ignorance of mainstreamers?

Many well founded information sources have come to light that broach the rather obvious homosexual connection to global control networks after Gary Allen’s tantalising volume “None Dare Call It Conspiracy” was published in 1972 (only a year before the Trilateral Commission was formed by late David Rockefeller). Those behind the eugenics movement aiming to radically reduce global populations have been implicated as players in the “program” many times. Whether this is true or not is open to debate, but philosophic motives are beyond argument.

If all population units were strictly homosexual, then procreation would require external management, perhaps offering theoretical provisos such as medical intervention to save humankind. Younger more fertile parents produce stronger offspring that live longer and this corroborates (though statistics are “contradictory”) a matched conspiracy. Paedophilia (younger, more fertile) has been outlawed whereas homosexuality (guaranteed infertile) is now both legal and encouraged (with initiatives such as sex change development offered to “asexual” [sic] children as young as four years old). Clearly all measures improve the ongoing population control/reduction agenda. I should add that whereas some institutionalised heterosexuals may argue they have a right to abolish repulsive homosexual practices, any [even justifiable] overt or covert despotism still prepares undeniable infringements against sovereign liberties.

Eugenics’ attack on the people has been unyielding. Wars used to be the preferred vehicle. Yet, as I write, the American “health system” (for instance) debatably shows up ten to a hundred times more effective at disposing of populations than war, depending on which statistics are favoured. Several drugs (including dozens of branded opiates) administered under the banner of “healthcare” are known to kill or impair life. The best reference is “auto-immune deficiency” so-called AIDS. Harmless retrovirus HIV was blamed for [known] effects caused by previously shelved (1950’s) chemo drug AZT. Naturally symptoms have been by no means limited to HIV “sufferers”. Timothy McVeigh’s foolhardy quest to bring down a building in Oklahoma City in 1995 was masterminded by the same powers he was attacking in defence of the “program”. They were behind the (at least) 50,000 AIDS related deaths of First Gulf “War” veterans. Ignorant conscripts were killed by their supposedly “protective” medications.

To be honest I believe the 1960’s flower power movement was a corporate inspiration too. Either that or corporates rode the coattails of the general erosion of faith in traditionalism (also a reaction to the distrust that blew over into anti-war mass desertions from Vietnam?). When did “the people” ever make any sincere [group] initiatives for themselves? I believe the powers wanted to introduce contraception universally. By that token, temporarily encouraging promiscuity was the only rational lever against the [Catholic] Church. Even so, to this day Catholicism has not bowed to Zionism on that level. The sexual revolution was predictably short lived. Prominent film stars, HIV and AIDS put a huge damper on any free thinking after the 1980’s.

It is interesting that Oklahoma and Waco (which set the precedent for legitimised “law enforcement” murder of any American citizen) saved [then President] Clinton’s bacon. It shows me “the people” have no say or formal influence on what is “in the interest” of “wider society”. That is the “programmers’” exclusive right. A good example of elite manipulation of public opinion can be seen in analysis of the (ridiculous) “gay plague” branding campaign. Whereas an overburden of industrial pollution and chemical pesticides “caused” HIV in Africa, there has been barely a mention of it anywhere, ever. I shall focus on “Big Oil” in a future article provisionally titled “Coming Clean on Cancer”. To resoundingly dampen the free love heyday, throughout the early 1990’s British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher ran regular government sponsored television adverts that symbolised promiscuous sex as guaranteeing participants’ “horrible deaths”. Presumably similar libellous techniques were used in other corners of the first world.

I haven’t personally referenced Jon Rappoport’s “AIDS Inc.” (1988) but I feel sure he will have delivered correct conclusions after reviewing his various websites. Paedophilia is also nothing short of a stagnant political move as are all other trappings designed to bolster the Eugenic movement’s determination to deny life. Forget the hotbed “abortion”. From the lofty position of purity, is not contraception the undeniable attempted murder of an unborn child? Given their Zionist-Bolshevik tactics, I would be very surprised if the visceral anti-abortion lobby is not another face of the same arbitrary plutocracy. When “they” decide they need to repopulate, anti-abortion will become the new flavour of the month. Currently abortion is a decoy that removes the sting from contraception.

Those demonstrably anti-paedophilia have been set up, applied more or less zero attention to the real issues. The shambles that is “organised” (a splintered, refracted mess) society is our testament. Rationalist Eckhart Tolle makes a surprising amount of sense in his claim that classical crusaders crusade merely for empowerment of their egos. I extend that philosophy somewhat and emphasise the bigger and more divisive the “cause” (sic), the greater the “individual” empowerment. There is no bigger cause than paedophilia currently. It is the mother of all causes today. Protesters, critics and complainers keep well clear of truth in order to preserve their egos. Maintaining the fantastical narrative line in deference to truth is the objective goal. Besides, if their “big issue” was to evaporate indefinitely, aimless lives would have nothing to bolster egos. Political spin, intricate make-believe dressed as truth has avowed the horrible “standards” that have cultured public infatuation.

Because the cultivation of biological automatons is the brainchild of the “program’s” covert marketing arm, Zionism (symbolising prison planet), there is almost absolute topical congruity between the mainstream and “alternative” press instruments. Alternatives also weave their own brands of make-believe and encourage that most foul of whimsical, plausible denials’ – “who to believe?” Indeed, as most independent or third party writers and journalists are incapable of doing much more than parroting or reacting against information issued by mainstream/alternative “authorities”, sanity has become wedged somewhere between a rock and a place beyond vital imagination. Even the great Jon Rappoport hasn’t ever dared offer paedophilia a fair birth from what I have read. Only an extraordinary journalistic genius with a death wish could and would religiously tackle this subject with unbiased sincerity. Like homosexuality in its wake, paedophilia now humbles the zealous.

Arguably everything political began with the collapse of Atlantis. After the Pharisees (the theoretical Atlantis “derelicts” Nicolai Levashov mentions in his illuminating book “Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors”) conquered relative druidism 3,000 years ago, a globalist agenda has followed the uniform path towards the “program’s” unilateral attempt aimed at shaping all other creeds and cultures in its image. Permitting only Puritan adjusted worship is one of the many small steps aimed to configure that grand design. Sharia Law (a cauldron of intolerance; banning all manners of sexual expressions), incidentally, few seem to real realise, is iconic Zionist Law.

Political charades “for order” are exploited by puppeteers that use militant groups (deliberately formed for such purposes) such as “ISIS” and “Al Qaeda” to instil fear. Labelling of designate “children” (with 21 desired as the ideal age barrier) and applied sexual prohibition has been a long standing goal that heralds back to the Victorian era (and presumably prior). In some ways it surprises me that Gladstone did not realise the utopian objective back in the nineteenth century. Although with infant mortality prevalent and the need for fodder for wars to once and for all break the opposition in his time, outcomes and their contingencies have been predictable to say the least.

Maybe it was last year or perhaps the year before when I noticed a mainstream headline that poked me in the eye. It was significant enough to spur me to remove MSM as my default webpage. The article in question presented one of America’s provincial sheriffs’ who was voicing implausible concerns over a child rape trial. The “child”, at the time, had been seventeen years old. Two days before her eighteenth birthday, she had allegedly voluntarily engaged in penetrative sexual intercourse (statutory “rape”) with her [then] boyfriend. Only in America could a “trial” like that be “taken seriously”. But it does highlight the fact that the “program’s” zeal is all about fanatically vigilant oppressive power of order, bereft of sane judgement. Australia (where I live currently) handles these matters differently.

Over a decade ago a mature looking twelve year old, blonde haired girl produced a bouncing heir with her [also] underage boyfriend (if memory serves me right, he was fifteen). The sensational TV show “Current Affair” was all over the news like a baby’s rash. They “named and shamed” everyone they could collect until everyone associated turned bright purple and frothed at the mouth. Nothing was done about the couple because nothing could be done so, after the furore, everyone politely looked the way, except there was a sequel. The hapless girl dared produce a second sprog at age sixteen by the same father (this time presumably of father worthy age). Sacra-bleu!!!!! I hope the TV show paid her well. She deserved every cent. He was almost certainly jailed for twenty years or more.

There is actually quite a long history behind changing attitudes. Chronologies (were they to be read and digested) would go a long way to diffusing the sheer insanity that currently embroils the paedophilia “outrage”. Attitudes have, in some ways, remained the same but it is reflective contingences employed that have radically altered. Perhaps making the adolescent discovery tour “theoretical” has helped induce mesmerised masses. People’s inability to focus on anything in isolation (thus perpetually basing existence on generalities) appears to be the most devastating symptom of the “TV age”.

One could look back at the collapse of craft industries in favour of industrial commercialism as the beginning of the withering of independent mind [that worked off trial and error and, ultimately, questioned everything]. In the eighteen and nineteenth centuries there were occasional challengers. Disparate groups, such as the Luddites, did attempt to block imperial progress. Interestingly, prior toindustrialisation”, learning centres were almost exclusively used to prepare society’s elite classes. In fact, going much further back, I would argue it was only after the abolition of the mystery schools (run by the druids) in the Dark Ages that saw the shift from education to processed dogma learnt by rote as the staple for mainstream education.

Even those that complete a Master’s Degree today are given no marks for personal input beyond how it satisfies comprehension of “evidence”) (i.e. synthesised “worthy” information that has been rubber stamped by “credentialed” proscribed agents of globalism under the thumb). To which end eventually none dare question established “rules” which are actually beyond question. It is also duly noted that the precise same strategy has been used by political proponents that word laws governing paedophilia in ways to ensure any possible “right minded” intellectual protagonist’s challenge would be judged as spitefully ambiguous (at best). I find no evidence supporting rationale behind our current childhood threshold and can but assume the demonstrably baseless “18” figure was pulled out of thin air at the whim of some starched bureaucrat or other. Globalist hacks have been running “Holocaust style” attack campaigns against anyone that dare test viability ever since.

It was not that long ago when the age of [marital] consent was “12” (following ancient Roman tradition) in some US states and the European nation of Holland. America may be recognised as the modern day super power, but originally it was founded and developed as a formidable expansion of the Union of Jacob (or Great Britain), so the history of English law making plays extreme relevance to this debate. There was no legal age of consent until one of the British Middle Ages Kings decided to impose boundaries through fear that there would be no under limit to matrimonial alliances (or presumed sexual liaisons) with maidens. I am deliberately foggy on “which king” it was because I would like it to be Norman Jew William the Conqueror (who ushered in a “new age of [cloaked] Zionism”) as it does fit well with my overall patter. So if he’s the one, top marks for me.

Either way, for the best part of a millennium “the people” and their ruling powers had no objection to marital unions between de facto “adults” from age twelve. It was a king (the “contemporary” power) who had instigated radical new restrictions (be it conceived from ancient foundations) which also implies some marriages (prior to law) were made between parties (maidens specifically) aged less than twelve years. One would imagine that a small popular core would have always been against “young” marriages, whereas the majority must have been easy with whatever was the conventional norm. The perennial remainder (probably an equally distinct minority) are traditionally mostly shown as bloated cadaverous sorely vocal antagonists destined to bluster at first sight of illuminated “reasoning” by compilers of historic propagandas. Those that covet callous restrictions will do anything to preserve them.

In medieval times (as emphasised earlier) the age of consent strictly concerned marriage but did not place any focus on sexual activities outside matrimony. That was left to religion. Western religion is an adaptation of Roman paganism. Therefore when Christianity sprouted from the burning embers of Gnosticism, naturally austere (Pharisee promoted) rules were applied to marriages which ideally revered all lustful and licentious behaviours as “ungodly”. A functional allowance was made for purposes of procreation. Per this fashion, an adaptation of orthodox Jewish attire, the Christian bridal gown, attempted to limit “lustful” sexual intercourse between marital partners. Even so, for a great period (can anyone say with “authority” how long?) the proverbial line was drawn at age “12”.

So how has this ongoing “con operation” been run in a way to successfully beguile the madding masses? Today’s mental health institutions and asylums for the insane provide glimmers of insight. I determine that the profession’s handbook outlining three hundred or so “behavioural conditions” is simply an expansion of crass religious judgement as to what it is to be “good” or “evil”. Jon Rappoport regularly advises all behaviours classed as varied evidence of insanity are equally symptoms of normal behaviour. Evil (as termed) actions therefore are now indefinitely branded as manifest insanity. Modern society runs on adapted rules that are designed to obfuscate the truth, so while one could argue we are either “more” or “less” free than before, in principal only “terminologies” have changed and not the convictions that delivered them.

When the world was conquered in the 1650’s (capitalising on discoveries such as the United States of America), there was an uncomfortable transition from royal to civilian government power. The full changeover took about 300 years and today no royal wields any visible power. It was only after civilian government was firmly rooted that perceived social issues were targeted by the pariahs of control to facilitate their utopian dream agenda. Of course, the ideal policy (as far as they are concerned) is always eradication, but when (as is so often true) extreme measures fail, soft humanitarian ploys are stealthily drafted. Similar to current workings of political/legal administration, reasons behind tortured virtue offered as “grounds” rarely (if ever) matched true objectives behind schemes unveiled as “value solutions”.

High Victorian British politics eventually found a Prime Minister with the right measure of zealous hatred to tackle youth sex head on with a proverbial sledge hammer. Himself a reputed brothel crawler (and paedophile), William Gladstone first increased the age of consent to “15” in 1875. So foul was his hatred it inspired infection and; consequentially, he succeeded in raising “the bar” again to “16” by 1878. This did nothing to inhibit intimate relations with children, as evidenced in outpourings of diatribe over the plight of a pregnant provincial London prostitute aged ten in the early 1900’s. Whether the girl was anything more than a figment of the imagination remains to be proven. There are numerous other period artistic writings that might be sourced to highlight identical topical content.

Logic underpinning Gladstone’s reasoning behind the marital age of consent increases was null and void, more or less precisely equating to William the Conqueror’s war spoil “logic”. Age fifteen, and then sixteen, was simply deemed “young enough”. No science or consideration to individuals’ right to choose was applied or contemplated. Each was a corporate edict for the nonsense that is proscribed as the “greater good”. The same lack of basis was approximated in 2001 when Great Britain almost paved the way to the “program’s” supreme goal “21”. If legislation for the age of consent (now beyond marriage, of course) set at twenty one had passed, the rest of the world (an extension of Great Britain) would have been doomed to follow, eventually. In other words, legislations are arbitrary measures. Construction of a “group identity” model permitting only standardised values and behaviours for standardisation’s sake is the selfish result. Given the raft of evidence, even a slothful fool should determine this always has been (albeit in varied forms) the plan; though few “in power” would dare agree or admit to their repugnant deceitfulness.

The reason the powers have dimly promoted their numerous nurturing society “concepts” (even though society does anything but nurture) is messages are designed to make the opposite of truth “appear” truthful. In fact categorisation/classification of [designate] children supports a global social enslavement program (one of numbers of cultural adjustment frameworks that are currently processed simultaneously and connected via the World Wide Web and other international exchanges). In effect, each synthesised cycle is designed to break children into new gormless adult slaves as asset-worthy (“useful”) fodder to man the system. Per this design, children are instructed fantasy is more plausible than truth, though (thankfully) not every teacher plays dumb.

Nevertheless, those that deceive and act spitefully are rewarded for personal dishonour. That’s the “program” for all society; all societies. Scripted reality versions profit from denying conscience, of course, so true spirituality must be forbidden at all cost regardless of cultural persuasion. Frankly, this in consideration, it is impossible to function in society today without being unfaithful. Ancient, traditional rites of passage have gradually been replaced with risk/reward (I’ll call them) “holographs” supplied by the “goggle box” and other mechanisms of influence. Sexuality is now almost universally framed as something “obviously” (sic) illicit. Thus, most things sexual might arguably judgmentally parry with actions like smoking and the consumption of drugs/alcohol. For the young, relationships have been reduced to “intrigue” which opens the door to cruel, vindictive power plays. Consideration of blackmail as the first option in negotiation persists into adulthood.

Individuals (making up the majority) that are determined to be law abiding (patriotic) become effective prisoners in their own open society. Sexual repression invariably leads to differing communication problems between sexes and, to a certain degree, estranges relations. The miraculous presupposed instant transition from impertinent scripted childhood to “proficient” adulthood does not prepare the way for pretty society. Each new insolent, spoilt, self-centred, experience lacking generation of “adults” attempts to crudely push its way up the queue. Many have predictably abused their supposed “right” to say no and have been conditioned into thinking any (and all) natural sexual acts are “theoretical” forms of rape. Few adults will contend there are only determinations to be and no “rights” at all (a fact the “program” callously capitalises on).

Culturally male/female roles/mindsets have not kept pace with everything else that has been going on in the background (i.e. systemic shredding of individualistic natural sexual dignity). One consequence is men and women are still destined for classical marital unions (even if not in name). Men, per this profile, must seek sexual gratification and women should provide the opportunity (i.e. male hunters, female prey). However, because women now collaterally (i.e. “the great group”) envisage all sex acts as “potential” forms of rape, they have been given an enormous degrading power.

In their administrative capacity, they can permit undignified sexual acts with whomever they choose, when legitimate and “legal”. Downgraded social ethics have had the effect of dragging all women down to the realms of whoredom (or celibacy for dissenters). Any whore’s power is her “right” to administer sex “favours”. “Program” masters know this full well. Their “combobulation” child exploitation takes whoredom away from the spotlight. Thus, the modern day whore cannot traffic (an exploit variant) him or herself. He or she must traffic another or others. Prostitution, from the time it was labelled “the oldest profession”, has been effervescently legitimised. “Populist” anger has specifically shifted from attacking prostitution in general to the [predominantly phantom] child sex industry. This is not to say “decent society” is comfortable with prostitution, but affairs of the flesh do not antagonise in the way they used to.

Physiologically, the only morally valid justifications behind any prohibitions of sexual acts might be on grounds of “lack of fertility” or body “immaturity” (which would provide basis for the mother of debates if tackled sincerely). Those proven unfertile could be justifiably deemed sexually unaccountable and, providing “procreation” was seen as the only functional benchmark for that type of communication, it could be outlawed to satisfy the requirements range outlined. There is actually quite a big degree of variance in apt statistical data on this arena. The youngest “woman” (on record) ever to birth a child was aged six. Women, in general, may begin their menstrual cycles from about age nine. Men are late risers with the ability to ejaculate prevalent usually from about age thirteen. The youngest father (for my research) is listed as aged eleven.

According to “nature” (reflective of God), a sexual metamorphosis demonstrably takes place in women at age nine and men of age thirteen. Thus, an uncomfortable surplus of wilderness years in respect of current legal accountability should be duly noted. Wilderness years, in the case of women, number nine. For men there are five years. How is this legal accountability in any way, shape or form naturally legitimate? By the time an average woman turns eighteen half her life has been sexual. God’s blessing has been terrorised and abused by society’s ignorance and abject subservience to the “program”. Terrorist peers foist the consequences of their foul laws on the trembling masses producing barely a shudder of dissent. Yet all should be acutely aware that these measures are designed purely to degrade the majesty of sexual intercourse to further scope for the production of “efficient” human “automatons”. Killing off stagnant populations is a fringe benefit.

When a woman turns eighteen, psychologically, nothing changes. Her mindset is still the same as it was before. She had been sexual but to be sexual was to “sin” (a pharisaic Judaic preconception) and this was “forbidden” (fruit). She was sexual but, as nothing has actually changed, to be sexual now IS to “sin”. There is one difference and it’s a big one. It is the power of control. Before she could illegitimately offer sexual consent or forbidden fruit (opening the door to all sorts of nasty blackmail scenarios) and now she can legitimately grant sexual consent as the fruit is ripe (opening the door to all sorts of nasty “double standards”). This is how sexual women have been reduced to whoredom.

Men have paid the price too. The perverse game we call politics impinges on all male values. Those that are not avowed celibates are rapists-in-waiting. Under foul terms as these, any man that dares to succumb to sexual urges can and will be accused of theoretical rape. This is all courtesy of modern social-conditioning mechanisms geared to elevating fantasy. The average woman now believes she always has the “right” to determine which “rapes” are permissible. She can also change her mind. That is the modern woman’s “privilege”. Women that kowtow with the “program”, in deference to God, lampoon our most uncharitable, sacrilegious, sanctimonious system of order. It is a system that relies on the deceit, dishonesty and partisan biased judgement of its user base. Never forget, all laws polarise judgement.

The crux of the arguments (ever so rarely in plain sight) supporting age legislation tend to rely on [corrupt] academic standards as “justification” for categorisations in place. Never mentioned are the numerous early teens “prodigies” put through the university system early. These are the anomalies that frustrate the “program”. The maturity gap, when inspected in detail, is far larger than most would imagine. For example, in relatively recent times a six year old British boy was heralded as the new oils (painting) master. Back in the 1980’s a petulant pup became a self-made millionaire (when being a millionaire meant something) in computers before he had reached his tenth year.

Martha Argerich’s (a celebrated Argentine virtuoso) notorious 1949 first public performance of the piano solo of Beethoven’s first concerto when she was seven years old presents an interpretation that would put most adults to shame. There is an account of a nine year old girl who successful singlehandedly reared the surviving family for several weeks after her mother died. Only lack of money ultimately frustrated her course. Given these facts, age legislation is indisputably unfair. Why is it supported so widely and so staunchly by our trembling masses?

There is a simple answer sadly seemed beyond the lateral comprehension of ordinary folk. In fact the answer has already been substantively outlined. People are generally pathetically weak and lazy. The largest, most incessantly in focus voices always seem to grab the limelight, founding “opinions” as they go. Mass Medias, therefore, control the way people generally think. Yes there are occasional dissenters, but, generally speaking, mass Medias tend to push (control) the populist view. That is because supporting broadcasters employed by mass Medias are people too. Broadcasters are not significantly different to any average man on the street. They too are mostly weak and lazy and don’t like to think too deeply about “obvious” issues. Of course, on the other hand, if the majority mysteriously morphed into dissenters, mass Medias would disappear as fast as they appeared and the “program” would perhaps have to engage dogmatic religion to shore up cultural adjustments once more.

Weakness and laziness by themselves do not cement opinions that are used to back legislation, such as edicts supporting age restrictions. People act because they feel empowered by acting. There is a fundamental perceived payoff for parents that support the synthetic dividers separating proscribed “children” from “adults”. The payoff is controlling power. Being the boss or “king” must be regarded as the pinnacle of empowerment and, consequentially, families have been moulded into control hierarchies. Perhaps this has always been the case. For as long as historic memory records, periodic shifts to varied standards used to justify different age categorisations have been relatively seamless. That, by no stretch of the imagination, makes wrongright”.

We must never underestimate conditioning mechanisms in the background geared to advancing false status-quo. Currently, each new crop of sexual children is deliberately immersed in cultures of facile restriction. Years long torment offers the vague promise of “freedom” (age eighteen “adulthood”). Developmental pressure builds from “terrible teens” to graduation. Many have willingly tried to believe in law and order to be patriotic (one of the group). They never rebelled. They never came to terms with what they had been denied. They never attempted to discover. Therefore, the majority of emerging and new adults bitterly support a terrorising system because they were “forced” into making sacrifice themselves.

In other words, pathetically weak adults will go to any lengths to wreak revenge on their kith and kin simply to appease their own failed ethical development. If you cannot honour yourself, how is it possible to behave responsibly to others? The great tragedy is [it seems] that people are incapable of recognising their sexuality or, to a greater degree, understanding how corporate interests stole their natural development. If age standards defining adulthood were radically shifted upwards to say forty years as the new age of consent, I do not believe there would be any major rebellion (after the first generation targeted was out of mind’s way). Old habits die hard, so I will concede the “powers” would have a hell of a marketing task ahead of them. How to convince all those marginalised people that merely want to behave naturally they are “wrong” to do so?

I have already outlined that British legislation tabled an increase to age twenty one in 2001, so why stop there? If the predominant cause behind age laws is nothing short of a population control/reduction measures, then (given the ever rising masses) logic suggests further increases are going to be ushered in. (Subtly ignoring the ethics nightmare exposing the true face of industrialism) China’s austere corporate experiment permitting only one child per family unit predictably failed dismally. Then again, if you can forbid sovereign adults “sexual license” by labelling them as “children” in legislation, the outlaw of procreation satisfies an expansion of the eugenics mantra. Ages twenty five and thirty marked traditional ancient Roman and Jewish commencement of maturity. Age fifty is of religious significance in Tibetan culture (and generally classed as the start of “middle age” in the west). Seventy five is another modern western classification milestone representing maturity or “old age”.

There potentially is no upper limit. Perhaps in the future sexual permits will be kept to octogenarians, the well-to-do that satisfy legal “exemptions” (loopholes) and “approved” (sanctioned) whores (to “service” the well-to-do)? Slavish automatons would do well to understand that each (fiendish) plan can only be stymied by the lack of faith of its designers. Confidence in communication is everything, but that is ultimately largely backed by compliance test initiatives. A sound pitch bolsters faith and the rest can be left to chance. What better target to exploit than “the family”? By turning corporate-political objectives into “family planning” advice, devious powers have cast a brilliant initiative. Families can now blame themselves for government issues and most will be oblivious to the fact. Admittedly a few have been waking up to the truth that “schooling” is actually social indoctrination in drag. But is this enough to spur momentum towards worldwide clear vision and outright revolution?

Times have changed greatly. In England years ago when attitudes were different, the age of consent was still sixteen. People could and did enter into marital unions at that age. These were normally sexual unions too. But that was trivial because teenagers (prevalently over twelve years old) also commonly interacted sexually. Legally underage pregnancies were unsurprisingly not particularly scarce. Ironically and sadly, the great “outrage” was against additional “family burden” as the young were obliged to be indoctrinated at school and few would have had the influence to earn “breadwinning money”. To me it shows just how pitifully inherently selfish people are. If only the vigour applied to blame and transference was directed at taking ownership of problems and compassionate dedication to delivery of lasting real solutions, then societies might be something to be proud of.

A long time ago, when I was fifteen, my mother asked my father to give me some sex advice. I vividly remember how he approached the cause. “You know all about it [sex], don’t you son?” He stammered, confidently. I nodded back wisely, as I had been the proud owner of a well-thumbed “hard core” adult magazine from age fourteen. Indeed, the pages were so well loved; they had come away from the staples in places. The point being is my father was too embarrassed to broach the subject of sex with me. It remained the unspoken understanding for as long as he lived. He used to use euphemisms like “it’s as easy as riding a bike” when he knew I kept damned well falling off. This is the norm, I’m told. Occasional controlling parents spew their ill-founded opinions. The rest offer silence when the silly puns run out.

Controlling parents aim to censor inappropriate behaviours. These might include masturbation in public. A Talmudic branch of Christianity called the Baptist Church (traditionally) labels masturbation a “sin”. Offspring of Baptist families are surely dealt all sorts of psychological blows unless they adjust to being exceptionally deceitful.  When I was very young I remember all the local kids in my playgroup used to occasionally interact with [vaguely sexual] truth or dare games. My own junior sister was particularly prolific in her formative years. We lived in a rural Jacobean period farmhouse which had a winding spiral staircase to the upper floors. Between beams my father had lodged makeshift cream chipboard panels to form walls and these made as excellent “scribbling” white boards.

One day, after a rather heated discussion with my mother, my sister (then age six) drew a biro cartoon of a “matchstick” couple copulating to prove she knew about sex. I am not sure it was a masterpiece but it was technically sufficient for the purposes under scrutiny, earning an immediate deletion under a double layer of white paint. Interestingly my mother never punished my sister for that and said nothing more on the subject. What could she be “punished” for? Knowing the truth? It seems fitting to roll out Krishna’s immoral quote (a regular visitor to this website) once more, “Spirituality brings to freedom whereas forces of evil paralyse”. What would Krishna have said about modern day paedophilia hysterics?

Perhaps it is no accident that the powers behind their mischief “program” sometimes refer to themselves as the Annunaki Brotherhood. The Order’s iconography depicts a thick braided cross trapped by an unbroken wicker circle. Cosmically, a cross represents path choices but the circle closes off any avenue of inquisitive exploration. The icon, therefore, is the “prison planet” or Zionism symbol. It sets paralysis standards (put into motion by pharisaic usurpers); the ones Krishna described as “evil”. Social paralysis begins with restriction of will [of the child] to confuse the mind (spiritual centre) in order to produce broken, de-spiritualised adults (slaves by any other name). To socially outlaw sexuality is to remove the most fundamental of all birth rights. Bodies without minds are only capable of following orders.

But there is more. Few are aware of the true potence of sexual self-esteem. Potent life is contained in the chakra governing the erogenous zones from conception. Those that deliberately superficially attack sexual developmental behaviour aim to create literal zombies – walking dead!

Labels, Statistics and Overrated Opinions

I am regularly amazed by how statistics seem to contradict probabilities. And never more so than at Ozzie Thinker’s desk where (last time I checked) backend demographics showed all-time highs. The sudden surge in anonymous interest diametrically contradicts output. Ever since I stopped posting, the figures have shot steadily up. Is prosperity trying to tell me something? Or perhaps there’s a malignant hubris artificially generating results (a grand conspiracy if you will) and figures are destined to plummet at the click of some insane bureaucrat’s fingers. If they (the marketeers behind) Mrs Clinton could generate over a million tweets from outraged pretend supporters, then a mere twenty bozos a day devoted to my cause is child’s play. In case her beloved “supporters” feel I am being harsh, when the next Great White Hope comes into focus, Mrs C will fade into oblivion as fast as the night is extinguished by daylight. On the other hand, perhaps I am magnificently witnessing sea change here; the beginnings of a cultural revolution of the woken.

The reason posting has seen regular monthly articles wane to quarterly bulletins, if you’re lucky, is my time has been devoted to survival. In ancient times men were forced to hunt for a living, or so we are prepared to believe by creators of myths. Today we have predatory salesmen and their organs of support. In fact modern statisticians divide business developers into hunters and farmers, exactly as the bread winners must have been divided in ancient times.  How does the expression go, “when in Rome”, or “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em”? So, having no intention of being an organ of support (slave), my options have been reduced to sell or perish.

Given the enormous amount of work contributed to this blog and other writing projects, preference beckoned towards a synchronistic alignment with alternative commerce. However, given the army of naysayers and “anti-profit” armchair critics, any alternative commerce venture travels perilous waters. Years ago, if you expected something for nothing, you would be labelled a freeloader. Now misanthropic scourges have stolen the limelight and insist, in their unscrupulous interpretation of sovereignty, everything that isn’t free, all goods and services, isn’t good. Far from being against money, they just about all use whatever they can muster to keep stocked with the latest overpriced corporate branded products. The love of money, hatred of honest profits paradox is further exacerbated by what seems like droves of designer New Age socialites unilaterally imploring no sincere spiritualist would ever dare “charge” for anything. As people, generally speaking, are excessively greedy and narcissistically self-serving, overall the message resonates like one of “God’s” Commandments. So that, in summary, is why my output has been reduced to the sorry trickle of material witnessed presently.

In a sense I have already done justice to the title, “Labels, Statistics and Overrated Opinions” in these opening paragraphs, but I want to focus on more serious matters; matters of the world. Wallowing in self-pity never fixed anything, so I battle on, perennially hopeful of changed mindsets and systemic collapse. In fact, to be honest, hope has already glimmered favourably in my direction. A few years ago I scripted a fairly substantial outline for several weighty volumes generally of a fluffy paranormal quality or, dare I say, real Sci-fi. After eagerly market testing one part (which was envisaged as an introduction), I discovered to my cost book production invariably only rewards printers at the writers’ expense. That said, the offer still stands to any altruistic billionaires with extremely deep pockets willing to fund a guaranteed loss. The learning curve gleaned from the market test dictates that only with sufficient guaranteed funds would anyone of right mind engage in any commercial literary projects. Being of right mind, I will not reignite the book series work without backing. By the way, details on how to purchase (that’s right, “buy”) a copy of “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, my short “one of a kind” codex, can be found here. On a more positive note, though the book has sold in pitiful numbers, it has opened doors to other things and avenues of hope.

I mentioned the paranormal and I think it would be fair to say, in a sense, I didn’t actually write the book. Some future wizened analyst might validly argue I acted as some sort of divine scribe, but I prefer to be modest as (explained here) “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” contains [numerous] errors (one of the down sides of using a human information portal – we contaminate purity!). Anyway, upon advice I received from someone that read the book, my path took me somewhere else. Though what I now do as a consequence is not overtly commercial, it may grow into the “alternative income source” I had originally sought at some juncture. Tutored by powers not of this Earth, I can reveal I conduct occasional but regular “light DNA” reading consultations via Skype. Prior to undertaking this commitment, instructions from my immaculate backers were contrite and three point. In summary, those with open minds devoid of preconceptions and worthy enough to sacrifice $100 an hour may see value in reading the report of a prior session I have tabled at my Exo-politician website. The circular also provides intimate contact details for anyone inspired suitably to make the monumental choice in reaching out.

A second article presenting follow up information which recounted numbers of select examples taken from different light DNA “readings” had a burning ulterior motive. It was important to once and for all identify the power-brokers fuelling those naïve New Age freeloaders’ ideas transformed into illogical hatred of alternative commerce.  Surely it does not take a big stretch of the imagination to calculate correct management of labels, statistics and opinions could “overrate” or “underrate” anything in zone? Today’s science stakes its reputation on credentialed compelling theories whether they are correctly truthful or otherwise. I made the point before that the Hadron Collider (the great theory generator) had whipped up two hundred (one presumes different) essays justifying the “discovery” of a (so-called) Higgs-bosino within days of the news release. Lack of vision personifies “legitimacy”.

The power of the label has crafted societal insanity. This comes in many shapes and forms, all unrecognisable to those caught up in the intrigue. Suffice to say, divides between adults and children have become so austere that none (other than the occasional free thinker) dare question the authority of beliefs that complement the evolving status quo, but particularly if the oxymoron “paedophilia” (to be on the same wavelength as children) is in frame. Occasional bright sparks see and know it is a big phoney. Growth development stages are strictly personal and not by any means “as outlined” by authorities, but that hasn’t dinted universal tyranny. Past standards (not even vaguely representative of current trending opinions) do not hold any sway today and, in the future, I fear the gap between nature and synthetic accountability (suiting “the powers”) will widen inexorably.

The most vicious corruption of truth is found in routine abuses of the label “abuse”. It seems that it is possible to pull off just about any statistical feat empowering the greater good when it is necessary to conjure “sin”.  Therefore, abuse rates among magic words of the likes of “hocus-pocus”, “abracadabra” and open “sesame”. These release the door to any Aladdin’s cave. Science, of course, is very much an accessory to the fact. Today professional agencies specialise in up-branding old pseudo-sciences (though almost invariably these are the concepts that should have been shamelessly discarded at the graveyard of lessons learned). As the great journalist Jon Rappoport regularly cynically points out, all (and without exception) three hundred or more symptoms of abnormal behaviour scripted by the American Psychiatric Association (a science body) could equally be classed as symptoms of normal behaviour. It should be no wonder that psychiatry’s track record in its inappropriate (bordering on psychopathic) administration of toxins (promoted as) “drug cures” is atrocious.

I could go further and say the whole “medical industry” peddles a litany of poisonous vaccines under the remedial label of good health. Anyone vaguely swayed by arguments against vaccines (which notably began in the 1860’s) that regards the poison address a bit harsh need only inspect the ingredients list of (vaccine) preservative Thimerosal. Eli-Lily’s product (successfully withdrawn from sale under numerous other guises) contains seriously noxious components, including rat poison or formaldehyde (one of a long list of nasty ingredients)This should make the average person’s blood boil, but the power of causal overrated opinion following establishment statisticians’ propaganda is so strong it defies reasoned logic.

Jon Rappoport is no average person and he has tirelessly pursued his mostly one man campaign against bad medicines for decades. In that capacity, he was one of the first to publically identify the AIDS’ scam. We don’t necessarily parry on ultimate conclusions, but few others that have earned my respect of them to his level. In fact our differences of opinion make my support of him all the more valid….in my opinion. For instance, he rather fanatically (considering his enormous human status) backs Trump, the current President of the United States of America. I make no secret of the issue that I dislike President Trump. I disliked him before the presidency and he hasn’t fared any better since taking the top job (although, after Bush Junior, can it still be called the top job?). Trump, I did feel, was an immense improvement on the Hillary Rodham Clinton selection and, in that context; I pronounced he was the “only” choice for America while election battles raged.

Let’s face it, he puts shallow puddles to shame and is a cross between Dean Martin or Frank Sinatra and a holiday camp cheerleader on a good day. His bad days reveal a dull, misogynist, uncouth version of vintage Clinton-esque. Were the Clintons to hire the most universally skilled hacker to fix computer software problems, Trump would employ a lump hammer instead. He is a man renowned for making farcical statements matched only in their banal profoundness by his lack of intellectual finesse. As one commenter exclaimed against a Rappoport Trump promoter (words to the effect), “Civilised [leaders] have totally devolved to ape status; when will they start throwing their own faeces?”

Perhaps the next part of this essay might be better placed on my other blog as it features what, on face value, can only be described as an extra-terrestrial entity. The subject in question, a being of status unknown, appears to satisfy the popular descriptive vagaries of “alien” life form but does speak English (plausibly), so, as this is a non-discriminatory website, my editor has let it pass this time. For all we know the person in question might sadly suffer catastrophic deformities or simply is a very strange looking human.  Humans, we will learn, are between a rock and a hard place, as eloquently explained by this (presumably) captured person/entity/alien (call it what you will). It opens dialogue with its own very relevant but startling origins “confession” that amounts to a past heralding back to a distant future on planet Earth. Though I have not specifically analysed for “splices”, the selected clip consists of a few minutes of “promo” footage taken (carelessly leaked) from roughly nine hours (over several sessions) of recorded interviews. My critique of the movie might appear unfairly negative stacked against the staggeringly important nature of the information presented, which is mostly, I must say, unadulterated bona fide cosmic truth.

As I was collecting my thoughts for the article, I did have the silly idea of attempting to encourage visitor interaction via comments supporting progressive feedback; you know – you, the people speaking. If my role as educator is having any affect at all, people must eventually think for themselves. Given the uniquely cosmic perspective of the present subject matter, many might be entirely susceptible to numerous “slants” in the short presentation. Originally, I had envisaged leaving the detective work to my audience. How did one heckler put it me before? Reporters report. Yet, if I was to simply report what I saw (and you see), I would mislead for the entity lieddeliberately. In addition, given my special light DNA reading ability, I can tell [you all] what it is “made of”. This is important if any calculated reasoning is to be applied to textual analysis in context. For instance we (in truth) don’t know what happens in the future so any future man’s information might be entirely authentic or…..utter bull crap.

In the spirit of labels and statistics, we only need to refer to anthropological work of the Genome Project to learn that over eighty thousand years human being has changed (“evolved”) between zero and two per cent, but there are billions of very similar different types of “us” if we inspect the detail. Based on that criterion, it would be correct to say the videoed entity “as seen” could not hide in a crowd, even if passed off as a deformed man, under normal circumstances. Beyond its humanoid structure and misshapen human apparent head, it is not human. Nevertheless, thankfully there are a number of tell-tale clues aiding apt identification for willing snoops. For instance (ignoring the perplexing question “how the hell did it get here?”) there is some ambiguity as to how far forward in the future the creature (de facto man) returns from. It talks about “nuclear war” next century (i.e. this century, as the interview was filmed last century) “ending humanity”, but it was one of few survivors. That’s the first contradiction. Humanity is wiped out, but the entity (claiming it is human) is one of a small number that survive. Applying blinkered vision to the alleged “scope” of our nuclear technologies as sufficient for engineering a cataclysmic holocaust of Armageddon proportions (now that would be a God Almighty paradox), are we to assume the visitor is radiation deformed or recalibrated “human” of the 2,200AD era?

Stoking the mission of labels, statistics and overrated opinions, there is lots of data we can use to substantiate a formal case as to modern man’s nuclear prowess (or lack of). For instance, the “powers” have learned their vile and reflectively pointless 1945 attack on the Nagasaki Islands prefecture did not make a dent in humanity’s population expansion course. The 4,700KG nuclear bomb only killed thousands and census statistics bounced back within decades in spite of the radioactive fallout. Diphtheria killed millions, so (in absence of suitable industrial viruses) toxic vaccinations are a second best population reduction strategy and proven far more effective than war. Data gathered from the years long, round the clock bombing of Iraq and then from the subsequent 2004 invasion and ongoing war demonstrate that nuclear waste makes an excellent non-discriminatory conductor for corporeal cancers. It also causes horrible birth defects (tragically interfering with the chromosomes) which are polarised against the spread of wider populations. However, as evidenced in Chernobyl (and, even, to some degree Fukushima), “nature” is seen to repair nuclear contamination at light speed. Considering the intolerably high proportion of modern conventional weapons that are “nuclearized”, I find no evidence that “fall out” or violent attack will have any significant lasting effect on global population statistics.

Weighing up doomsday scenarios, the evidence faithfully proffers that man is no threat to the globe nor ever will be, on current course, but the end-of-worlds “scenario” is a good fear mongering device for aggravating conceited, albeit superstitious, opinions. Nature simply fixes the damage too quickly for malignant human enterprises to capitalise. Therefore, if we are wiped out (or close to it), “nuclear” (as is known today) is not the catalyst. The entity could have substituted the word nuclear for something else that is presently “unknown” (perhaps we have no word for what it was describing and that is the closest approximation), but the impartial audience must judge the use of terminology, at best, misleading (certainly weighed against the entity’s claims that it knew what we “don’t know”).

Information tendered by the “future man” is by no means unique. There are other inconspicuous superficial evidences to be found from various “unworldly” sources that either partially or fully deny doomsday scenarios. One such source is hidden in Suzy Hansen’s book, “The Dual Soul Connection”. Her unidentified “Grey Being” abductors do confirm there is some type of future (and not-to-distant) holocaust, or, rather, they have provisioned for one and Suzy (who is easily pushing sixty years old) has been trained as a cosmic nurse when disaster strikes. I cannot fathom how she would be effective in that capacity in her seventies, eighties and beyond. Even so, it must be said the big threat looming to potentially kill off everyone (other than the very strongest genes) is ever increasing (petro) carbon in our atmosphere).

Logically, to me, air supply contamination would be the simplest (with knowhow) and quickest way to eradicate humanity. It is our air supply that generates all cancers; through consequence of infected DNA from fossil fuels pollution (and not the stupid “chemtrails” decoy) collected in the heavens. There are numerous natural methods to alleviate or remove symptoms. These include, naming a few: cannabis oil, graviola (from the Soursop plant), ginger extract and thyme oil. Chemo, unsurprisingly, presents as much data promoting growth of tumours as their reduction. But this should be no great shock as it is the establishment’s “unerring” preferred “solution” (sic). “Coming Clean on Cancer” is a planned future writing project I have part scripted that explores the intricacies.

I find it rather poetic that the greatest threat to humanity is not the “powers” (as is always popularised) but, rather, humanity itself. All we needed to do is become aware and not capitulate with their schemes. Instead we all, to some degree, defiantly travel the path of ignorance. The Cosmic Christ, Immortal Mohammed, Sacred Prophets are each fluid concepts engineered by the same basic pack of scoundrels behind objective global control measures. Consequentially, I really warmed to the entity’s summarisation of the “state” of mankind, duly noting many tinges sarcasm intermingled with hyperbolic distortions of truth. It blamed religion and politics as the root of unavoidable chaos. Unlike the sensationally lacklustre rubber doll interviewed by the “CIA”, at least “future man” was real and gritty. To me, the unanswered query is, “real in what way?” In response, I think I can gauge suggestions as to correct identity, location and even timeline.

The voice was the first effect to analyse. It was deeper than any baritone’s I have heard and, but for the rather “tacky” stage set, logic questions its authenticity. Was it a human voice that had been synthesised? Could the sound track have a different origin to the video? The script does match the intonation very well and, taking into account the very special nature of the information presented, I conclude that the sound track not only belongs to the video, but it has also not been synthesised. We are witnessing the voice of the creature claiming to be “future man”. He (assuming he is a “he”) clearly had a very good knowledge of contemporary idiom as he sounded perfectly in period or, perhaps, by modern standards, a little out-of-touch.  Therefore, I do not place him “from the future”. He is undoubtedly from the time he was interviewed, but had access to esoteric knowledge which spans all things and all time.

By pushing human “communion” (to a fashion), the interview (if considered carefully) should have aggravated the powers to the point of censorship. Some inferences are very agenda obstructive (from the higher perspective), so I determine he is not “their” (our powers) propaganda tool (beyond the way the clip is cut as is shown). So, with that in mind, I shall expand on analysis of the creature’s claim that it is a “future human”. We achieve our humanness from the so-called Sirian component (responsible for our cerebral cortex, for instance) of our DNA. Though I do not believe the Genome Project has come close (nor will it on its current path) to identifying “God’s keys”, inherence does present answers with crystal clarity. The fundamental image of man (the blonde haired, blue eyed boy) has remained a constant for billions of years, so why does a relative monstrosity (our mysterious entity) call itself human?

The answer is this. It does so for three primary reasons. Presuming it was genuinely captured by authorities and, subsequently, interviewed by trained government special agents, it would have (statistically) wanted to “fit in” (to avoid personal harm). Then, it seems, most likely the best way to deflect potential conflict with hostiles would surely be to feign human “brotherhood” (i.e. per its reasoning, humans shouldn’t be able to harm other sincere humans – now that’s warped alien logic for you!)? I have already highlighted its truth deceptions, so the “human” claim was also part of that wider disinformation cover story geared mostly to camouflaging calculated purposes for being where and when it was before it was caught. Finally, and most ironically, it claimed it was human because that is (in my opinion) what it is. It is a human that has taken a significantly different genome path to all of us (tabulated by the Genome Project). Most markedly, it contains no Sirian identity signature. This means the way it processes logic and, more compellingly, its absence of conscience (as we understand it) promotes an instinctive yen towards compassion.

Of course, I have another blog that specialises in the “exo-political” and, there, I have written extensively about human bloodlines highlighting our (the human) path is branched as Pteroid (ape), Sirian and Ciakar (“reptilian”). Ciakars are only reptilian looking. Their physiology is quite different to anything (living) on the surface today. Some rumour they would be better labelled “tetraploid humans” (dual chromosome sets ensuring the parental male/female traits are fully preserved), but I am not sure if this is the consequence of Sephardic (Sephardim are highly evolved Ciakars) channelled wishful thinking. If it is true though, it would establish the fact that their geneticists [must] have a method of identifying, seeing and manipulating quantum DNA in order to project linear heritage (i.e. they can create transcendentally). I find that prospect very exciting.

Ciakar genetics are also three pronged – Pteriod (not ape), Sirian (no cerebral cortex) and Lyran (feline). In the case of “future human”, I note an unmistakable Lyran influence, no [obvious] Sirian and some sort of Pteroid gene variable. Therefore, per the Ciakar hierarchy, it is a version of human. Perhaps it has no stomach or heart. Maybe it has two brains. We would need to witness an autopsy to discern the truth, but what is certain is its belief in its humanness is true. Even so, there are a couple of points in the clip which demonstrate very cat-like mannerisms. Plus it has a very strange, inhuman mouth (when inspected carefully).

We now know it is a genetically different human originating from the contemporary period (or before). The final part of the puzzle yet to be answered is, given its alien appearance, where does it come from? Indeed, the last place one of sound mind would expect to encounter such a creature would be on planet Earth. Yet, I suggest Earth is where it comes from, but not “on” the planet surface. As much as the establishment tries to pour cold water on the idea, other worldly beings regularly come to the surface from their subterranean homes. Consistently, they share one common irregularity (when matched against surface dwelling life forms). That irregularity is seen in the eyes, which are almost invariably black. In some cases eyes take up considerable facial real estate compared to, say, us. The only logical conclusion is, as one must assume there is little to no light in subterranean caverns, these special eyes are an essential requirement for effective local vision. Therefore, I propose our extra-terrestrial, pan-dimensional futuristic visitor was actually a common or garden sub-terrestrial contemporary but decidedly unconventional human. For the naysayers, the reason these creatures only venture to the surface in hours of darkness (and don’t travel far – lest they be caught short) is normal light would permanently blind them (I presume).

Overrated opinions require a muted discovery tour that is only (or primarily) committed to validating existing belief systems. As all belief systems are responses to rooted guidance (whether progressive symptoms of subservience or bloody-mindedness or not), plausible denial of (contradicting) truth is the commonest and easiest way of anchoring beliefs. Those of sweet tooth would find it implausibly possible to reject chocolate given correct educational stigmata or, should I say, stimuli. Anyone refusing to taste chocolate under any circumstances is in no position to make rational product judgement (though, perhaps, better highlighted by underage sex hysteria), so ignorance capitulates a fait accompli. Rhyme champions reason and that’s why proverbs were used to sell morality in ancient times.  Modern day politicians expand erosion of intellect tyranny by their incessant promotion of oversimplifications geared only to skewing truth in favour of commercial objective goals (also usually “verified” by stacked statistics as well). The modern way of labelling or branding is just as effective as proverbs used to be and, perhaps, better.

The net result is people have woken up as slaves, powerless to think outside their masters’ terms of engagement. Annoying rebels regularly identify the flaws, but, because they are trapped in the same conspiracy bubble as the rest, their rhetoric is largely limited to after-thoughts or musings. Let us take money, for instance. The brightest and best recognise it is “worthless”, but I have failed to find anyone that doesn’t use it. In fact, everyone I know of (without exception) clambers after money as though it was their end salvation. Fixing this, fixing all those prior unnoticed problems (the consequence of deliberate ignorance) that are now apparent takes sacrifice. Indeed, it might take the ultimate sacrifice. Therefore most people, even when vaguely aware, chose the path of relative ignorance and ambivalence to remain plausibly safe. “Affairs of state” are the banes of orated opinions for most people, though many would claim otherwise, are devout cowards. Bravery is not going to war. Bravery is peacefully refusing orders facing a loaded gun. You can generate as many labels and statistics as you like, but truth will never succumb to overrated opinions.

Callous Abuses of the Word Abuse

callousNo one should honestly embrace this topic “in sincerity” without first addressing the greatest abuse of all current abuses: “paedophilia”. Perhaps it’s the circles I frequent, but I cannot fathom why more people don’t “get it”. Are you all so consumed with passion you cannot distinguish reliable information from the vagaries of conjecture? Jon Rappoport’s work on the disintegration of problem solving logic very much impinges on modern social conditioning, in my opinion.  Therefore, I plan to separately tackle the child designate sex issue head on, in isolation and as thoroughly as I am able. Be assured detail will be exquisite. A future release has already been part-scripted in essay form and aptly provisionally titled, “The Powers’ Proud Accolade: Brand Pedo”.

bushbillboard2Few today (of correct age) would have the presence of mind to remember that the transition from homophobia to pedophobia began in the 1970’s, perhaps inspired by the sexual revolution a decade prior.  The “powers” were quick to action a remedy against that dissent (which included droves of AWOL’s from Vietnam), and how to impose sexual sobriety was one of the foundation stones laid in 1971-75 plans aimed at stemming aggressive independent cultures (cults) non-compliance with aggregate society. Multiculturalism synthetically imposing “common goals” was sure to vanquish any notion of social independence. It was no coincidence that Britain had set the precedent for total censorship of pictorial sexual literature after a number of successful prosecution outcomes against publisher David Gold in 1972. Under his new business partner, the desperately corrupt David Sullivan, their new marketing policy saw grossly misleading advertising fortuitously erupt into an explosion of sales of legal censored or “soft core” topical picture books and films. Arguably “smut’s” new found popularity had arisen as a symptom of burgeoning bohemian attitudes reacting against prohibition. For instance, the same thing happened after Mary Whitehouse successfully targeted schlock horror “B movies” in the 1980’s.

Behind the scenes (though nothing explicit was produced by Gold or Sullivan after the court losses) extremist sentiment against “hard core” pornography in general saw a misdirection campaign that strategically positioned child porn as the undeniable progressive pinnacle of perverse licentiousness.  Circular logic fused “thin end of the wedge” and “guilt by association” opinion to fan misguided and erroneous belief that all things illicit are “related” and virulently spread like cancers. Predictably absolute “resolution” determined anything pornographic must be forbidden to “cure” harmonious society. Conversely, attitudes were relaxing against salacious (one time pornographic) literatures, after a case against Penguin Books over publication of D H Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” was overturned by the British courts in the 1960’s.

ff-bild-1A pithy American current affair propaganda piece titled “The Children of God” (or something similar) made in 1971 (there have been several subsequent “documentaries” based on similar themes) ridiculed a network of community groups that called themselves The Family International (established in California by David Berg in 1968). According to the original documentary, ethics of the institution placed no age restrictions on sexual interaction between incestuous community members (a policy that radically changed in 1985). Production of pornographic literatures (examples offered were classed as child porn) was encouraged and sales were used to raise funds for the group. Unsurprisingly, film makers were only concerned with exposing perceived negatives and, beyond that, nothing was learned about the mission and ethos of The Family International. My personal research showed a number of cult members were pushed into suicide after trying to reintegrate into “closed minded” wider society before and after Berg’s (whose written legacy by no means identifies with vicious hysteria post documentary) death in 1994.

Homosexuality ran a different, though in some ways parallel, course, marked by virulent crusades against suspected public figures and all promotional publications. Throughout the 1970’s I would argue that it was viewed as a far greater social evil than paedophilia. Rather interestingly society’s whims so often seem adrift of reality. In more tolerant times, a relatively well publicised survey suggested roughly one in three males were clinical paedophiles. Other censuses have calculated one in five males showing bisexual tendencies. Personally I am inclined to take “statistics” with a big pinch of salt and that’s why I haven’t cited specific references. Even so, I am rather compelled to believe that the percentage of potential agitators for or against specific causes might disproportionately swell if people were a little more honest about themselves.

center_homepage_2Attitudes didn’t relax against gay communities until well into the 1980’s. By the 1990’s AIDS (or gay plague) fear, mostly a misdirection campaign or scam, had reached fever pitch and this, I feel, was the cause of softened social attitudes towards the “plight of homosexual men” (in particular). However, in my opinion, had Bill Clinton (an alleged paedophile, by the way) not made it as President of the United States of America, the “changeover” (from homo to pedophobia) likely would not have happened. He began gay favourable rhetoric which laterally blossomed through corrupt [mainstream] Medias. His appointment of Janet Reno as head of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) mandated radical development of a “Child porn entrapment market” as number one priority.

448_1ice_cream_teenagers_composite_stv_rgbFrom around 1995 malignant advertising campaigns specifically targeted borderline adults as never before and these were accompanied by numerous arrests of teenagers and similar aged adults (i.e. 18-21) that had allegedly engaged in sexual acts. Those trading explicit visual materials depicting “teenagers” also came under scrutiny in a much bigger way than before.  Many arrests on the back of ignorantly innocent distribution networks included sensational pieces of “evidence”, such as a hard core stag film featuring an alleged fifteen year old Rob Lowe as “pizza boy”. Reno (who has been promoted as a “lover” of Mrs Clinton, also an alleged paedophile), incidentally, was the one that ordered the murder of innocent American citizens under the auspices of the 1993 FBI attack on the Dravidian (cult) community located at Waco Texas.

fathersdayplacards_page_4As mentioned earlier, I shall discuss the origins of the concept (and that’s all it is) paedophilia (which literally means to have an intellectual compatibility or love of children) in much more detail in the future. It will also give readers the opportunity to explore and evaluate some of the (inquisition style) tricks used to calculate confessions from targeted individuals or groups, manufacture the presumption of guilt “as charged” and regularly encourage bearers of false witness to commit perjury (in court). But, for now, I will only deal with that which is contextually related to the word “abuse”, which, I must say, in the context of paedophilia, is so vastly widespread, it may well serve evidence to justify multitudes of reports. The arbitrary nature of an inflexible (paralysis) and baseless (no scientific case) age of adulthood (currently set at eighteen, until the next foul referendum) should raise a cacophony of “destruction of liberty” alarm bells. I am fondly reminded of Krishna’s timelessly wise instruction, “The forces of evil paralyse”.

americanfascismPerhaps anyone else would have said “sovereign choice” in place of liberty. However, sovereign individuality potentially conflicts with social liberty and the distorters of “abuse” know that all too well. Mankind is heading towards totalitarianism, the only utopian federal alternative to communion, at a rapid rate. There are two fundamental branches of the slave/master paradigm. One is labelled Fascism. This version of order is built on the premise that the fabric of commerce is strong enough to regulate social charters. Evidence might appear in the form of something like, shall we say, corporate responsibility whereby employee-slaves are both bound by “the law” and their company manifesto. Under Fascist totalitarianism, companies seeking new employees (of all rank) would rate assessment of authority documentation (official identification, police check, bankruptcy report and so on) as the most important stage of the internment process. Penal facilities would be outsourced and run by privateers. Marxism, the alternative totalitarian system, is very similar, except the social charter is administered by government and, consequentially, core business might be nationalised to compliment that seamless authority.

Sovereign individuals disrupt utopian society (per the Fascist/Marxist models). Societies are governed by standards and these might conceivably be eroded by abusers. Therefore, logically, abuse of the word abuse relies on the distortion of truth, which allows the marginalisation of social values geared to reducing sovereign choice in favour of social conditioning (i.e. only “choice” to conform and not to rebel). Society masters impose order on members by the same methods parents use to oppress children. In today’s society children are broken into conformation (to conform is the only “choice”) for what can become lifelong family feuds that are amply exploited by “authorities”. The regime treats its members with common impunity. Children are conditioned into responding to but not respecting family boundaries. So too society’s parts are tolerant but not understanding of individual prisoner status. Freedom is limited to “they tell me this is allowed”. Abuse has been distorted to vilify the authority against “that which isn’t allowed”. True violation is certainly secondary (a sort of bi-product) and mostly irrelevant beyond ramping up any case in favour of abuse stipulations.

screen-shot-2013-02-12-at-9-40-21-amThe flawed logic of this philosophy doesn’t end there. If abuse is a symptom of that which defies freedom, our vile powers may as well argue they protect those locked up in prisons from the world at large. Under that premise, they would do detainees a great service. The whole foundation of abuse as a concept has been twisted to satisfy the crime (as it were) in this way. Expanding on my incarceration metaphor, it might be argued that though people may well be taken against their will, social disinfection actually serves the dual purpose of ensuring captive would-be criminals are locked into cramped cells “each for their own good”. The “powers” claim, therefore, incarceration is not “abuse”. Whereas currently, for my research, the justice system hasn’t made humanitarian assertions of this nature, it’s only a matter of time before it happens.

In the same manner sexually orientated child designates are persecuted under the guise of “protection”, the rules governing society transcend individual reasoning. The bi-product is an insanity which permits free thinking individuals can be stripped of all tenable rights and abused in spirit but not “under law”. Wayward laws were never in place to protect society, but rather to purge incongruous elements; those that choose to be different, set apart from the masses. A corresponding history of the delineation of order can be charted from the very cradle of civilisation. For the peoples of ancient Atlantis, administrative powers determined wrong doers should be scooped up and separated from the masses in order to purify society. Consequentially, prisoners (that were not routinely executed) were banished from their impenetrable towering citadel home.

20554984After the collapse of Atlantis, roaming derelict tribes (prisoner outcasts) gradually re-civilised and this encouraged the consolidation of penal codes configured to administer secure wholesale capture and disposal of enemies. Today’s confinement model was the natural evolution of those haphazard reactionary origins. That is largely why the modern day “justice system” is terminally flawed. It was built on a framework geared to exclusively serving the “in-group”. Incidentally, our price busting “captive labour” prison system fits the Fascist corporate ordained order model like a glove. If those detained were classed as “privileged” (rescued) by the system, what would inhibit it from billing them full board over incarceration periods? In the future could everyone be forced into bonded labour to “cover penal charges”?

Governments, whether supporting Marxist or Fascist policy objectives, are exclusively in power to construct the framework or refinement of “order”. Manifestos are only delivered by governments and not created by them. Even so, given those ever teetering cyclic oscillations that divine the “power sharing” poled between aggressive conservative and leftist opinion making, manifestos are also “open” enough to permit “the law” and its administrational infrastructures change with the seasons.  Dramatic “anti-social” policy making relies on false flags to subvert rebellion. Complimenting this deception government backed terrorists are routinely commissioned to attack in ways that ensure sponsored solutions [to fictitious problems] are both feasible and “palatable”. Were any planes used in the so-called “9/11” attack or was Fascist “News’” “live cut” really a stage-play of pre-recorded enhanced special effects (or, in other words, government sponsored propaganda)? Reasoning determining these ongoing travesties against societies is almost identical to the philosophic candour that claims to justify the distorted abuse of “abuse”.

earthinhandFantasy is deemed more vital than reality in so much as nature and everything vibrantly natural has become the subliminally targeted enemy of the spinners of make-believe. They, as evidenced by their non-existent reasoning that has become the graduation of child status on ever more bodily adults, assures their followers that survival of power is the only real justification for all social considerations. For anyone that questions this “balance of power”, genetically modified organisms (GMO’s) are all about demonstrating the “machine” can conquer nature and (from the inspiration perspective) have nothing to do with the manufacture of goodness. Unforseen dietary advantages innocently improve “spin campaigns”. An expansion of this, should I call it, platform insists presumption of guilt defines society at large (per an expansion of unknown nationals or “Goyim’s” categorisation as strangers that are presumed “untrustworthy”), with exemptions given to the honourable or those with the right credentials (in the “family”). Thus, everyone of “file” is a potential prisoner-in-waiting when not of sufficient “rank”.  That is the primary reason why “abuse” has been distorted as a condition of that framework (i.e. behind “presumption of guilt” is the contamination assurance that an abuse has been committed).

1481200216_maxresdefaultWith empirical clarity abuse is transformed into something material, solid, clear cut. It is something that can be tangibly used in a court of law. [Individual] circumstances become secondary, perhaps even arbitrary or elementary (i.e. if a “black and white” abuse has occurred; how are circumstances relevant?). In that fashion, any accusation becomes virulently more potent than all cohesive evidence backed defences (which risk being judged as excuses or hindrances). In other words, if “circumstances” are irrelevant, for abuse is abuse, then what is the purpose of evidence beyond obstructing the course of justice? Once an abuse is “agreed on”, all that’s needed is a wrongly done by claimant. That’s the lack of logic being applied here and that is why evidence is going to potentially obstruct the potency of any abuse claim (which must be true to be potent) under those farcical terms. Referring again to my mention of Jon Rappoport’s work, that is why the education system does everything and anything to block critical thinking. “Truth” is becoming so estranged from popular acumen; I fear it is threatened with extinction.

article-9146-heroIn fact immortalisation of distorted abuse is a feature of a watershed that is slowly but surely stripping away all sovereign rights. On this course when a “file” member thinks for himself it is potentially a most destructive act against the regime. Frankly put, the only way to possibly undermine the power brokers and their fraudulence passed off as “goodwill” is to outwit them. Therefore, I could well see critical thinkers labelled “terrorists” under threat of some capital offense or other at some juncture. Currently the Mental Health Act substitutes as the primary lateral filter. It has made damned sure that we no longer have the right to use our bodies in the way we decide. Examples to illustrate this include impingement on just about every functional aspect of life. We must wear clothes at all times except by arrangement when on private property. All bodily functions are limited in some way. I could focus on sexual reassignment of homosexuals, but the more obvious “for instance” is the denial of consenting sex between “minors” (i.e. all parties are legally underage).

To show just how fanatically lacking in conscience and common sense the powers’ lust for control has become, per their “abuse philosophy”, a statutory rape charge must be served on at least one party (all underage, per this example, let us not forget) when infractions occur. Thus, the justice system will determine at least one person has been abused whether claimed or not. To any reasoned thinker, potential consequences should be startlingly obvious. Predictably, there have been a number of judicial outcomes after no one embroiled agreed to being abused. In instances of this sort “the system” has been seen to judge everyone involved as having “raped each other”. How can that be? Is it possible for there to be perpetrators without victims or victims without perpetrators (depending on the legal insistence)? Surely this must be one of the best examples that conclusively demonstrate how unchallengeable validation of a concept can pervert reality.

20435060There must be no doubt that corrupt goodwill does pervert reality and it causes all kinds of nasty chain reaction consequences. I plan to explore what motives are behind and ramifications result from circumcision in “The Powers Proud Accolade: Brand Pedo”. Recently a commenter on Jon Rappoport’s blog asked if I could include her feedback on the subject in one of my public writings. Presumably of Jewish ancestry, she reported her sibling’s circumcision had contributed to a painfully vicious hate/guilt cycle that has persisted to haunt the family relationship and, ultimately, befoul the lateral mother/son bonding process.

Men are considered (by the Pharisees) to have much stronger libidos than women, so males are circumcised shortly after birth. Contrary to popular opinion, Islam was created to radicalise Judaism (as “Christianity” had failed in the Pharisees’ utopian quest) and circumcises females as well (originally Muslim males were cut to honour the prophet). However, if the ceremony is done too early in the female’s case, it risks destroying all sexual self-esteem (leading to frigidity). Therefore the clitoris is partly removed from girls around age six. It is not fully extracted as the function of circumcision is merely to act as a masturbation (inappropriate lust) inhibitor and not to create permanent dysfunctional sexuality.

Fake “abuse” wields as much power as “blasphemy”. The very mention of it should send shivers down the spine and not for noble reasons. In fact in its current use it marks the total collapse of sanity. Abuse is a winner. It can hang a court. It has acted as anchor to all past and current inquisition movements, including the latest one used against Catholic priests, Jewish rabbis and others that dare inhibit Zionist order. Juries are marginalised, perhaps superfluous even, when presented accused are “certainly guilty” beyond any doubt without need of peer review.

man-on-mountainFrom the provable “conspiratorial” angle I could argue there is a covert agenda geared to demeaning anything and everything that entitles communion. This, by extension, distorts purposeful living into desecration. Underpinned by many unwelcome corporate compliance terms, whether delivered through the private sector or “government”, the final step has been to vilify slavery (dressed as “employment”) as the fundamental point of vocational existence. Bearing in mind the “contract” everyone makes with God prior to coming into the world is to balance “living life to the max” and “revering the body as the temple”, real abuse, real violation has been mutated into something beautifully sacred. The powers’ grand coup, great deception against the peoples’ contract with God could not be more amply highlighted than by outlining how religions scammedbeliefs”.

how-to-pervert-realityReligions gave “God” a voice and it was a remarkable revolution, because God never actually said anything and none dare question what wasn’t said. In precisely the same way shadow powers execute government, the Pharisees control all religions today and the basic “blasphemy” indoctrination has been incorporated into Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Perhaps there’s the odd tribal culture “exception” saved by lack of popularity, but the rationalisation has predominantly been a global one. “God” has also been incorporated into civil law federally, so religions have served their purpose and cease to be explicitly necessary. Through those wonderful pharisaic ideologists, God talks in mysterious ways. Mass indoctrination continues, unaltered by atheism, unhampered and never erring in the deliverance of the never spoken word.

4f6149372d027ff480b8a357edc0106dOf course, everyone “should” know the “word of God” is actually bullshit and “God’s values” are actually the Pharisees’ Laws. The real God talks through nature and that’s why they (the shadow powers) attack any known pantheist cult, attempt to destroy natural foods (supress organic, flood GMO’s), aggressively sponsor sexual “reassignment” and support, impose anything else that is sure to give nature a whack in the nose. Those believed-to-be vigilant “forces for light” (euphemistically calling themselves Truthers) couldn’t discover the “truth” if they tripped over it. Their spiteful and pointless crusade against phantom “Illuminati” power has failed to get close to coming to terms with the real evil doers and their so-called “Luciferian Doctrine”. Illuminati occultists (hidden ones) have scripted the greatest violation, abuse imaginable. The ultimate goal is poison the planet whilst “undoing nature” in an agenda determined to reduce humanity to abject trans-humanism, a globe populated by living robots if you will.

quote-the-masses-are-still-ungrateful-or-ignorant-they-prefer-murder-poisonings-and-crimes-george-sand-116-43-12Everyone seems to go along with the plan, blindly and ignorantly. The few that become aware do nothing meaningful to inhibit destruction in motion. Babbling do-gooders assume if it “ain’t noticeably broken, why fix it?” People culturally attune and do their upmost to maintain their selfishly favourable status quos for as long as they persist. Conversely, those that dare challenge their “hard earned”, wilfully fickle resources are despised. Per this haughty arrogance, ones that beg for support “must be” inferior parasites of the lowest character. How dare they abuse us by “expecting” donations and other spiritually draining demands? It’s not only the “powers” that callously abuse the word “abuse”. You all do.

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Israel, Zionist Ambition, ISIS and US Affiliated Connections – Part Four

wpid-israel-16-jpgThis may not be my last episode regarding US enablers of sacrilegious ruling “Zionist but barely Jewish” parties that oppress the peoples of Israel and beyond, ronnie_dror_zionist-not-jewish_rbut I am hoping I have scoped a near complete picture when factoring the enormous amount of information contained in parts one, two and three. Our wise schedulers of monstrous tyranny and turmoil are so predictable they should be remembered as buffoons, but the laughs are very much on them at the moment as their targets fail to rally against them in any way that could be classed as remotely productive. Remonstrations and protests alone are not worthy of commendation. Demonstrative acts of belligerence from those that could count have been scant to non-existent.

ConnectionCov1I refuse to be drawn into the ongoing prolific fantasy and, therefore, have found merit in forging a detailed historic profile rather than emphasising individual stunts, such as the latest embarrassing attack in France. After Joseph Stalin’s “the end justifies the means”, reasons for specific events and timings are in some ways incidental, in my opinion. Strategic “positioning” is not. Thus, those that find all sorts of strange devilish symbols, numeric links hinting at intrigue in the form of some kind of sinister masonic conspiracy may well be correct in their opinions. Let’s face it, without specific calendar markers, the schedule would be pretty damned shoddy to non-existent. When shall we meet and where? How about on Wednesday, planet Earth? I believe preconceived dates trigger action “countdowns”.

In addition heritage or prosperity is very important to the mischievous fiends. Not only do they like to brag about their satanic deeds superfluously in the mainstream Medias, but they also insist official history gloats along with them in a rabid attempt at making them appear posthumously immortal. That is why corporations (dead men’s orders) rule by rote and have all the rights in the living world. In prognosis, it is not merely the symmetry of dates that can be explained predictably and rationally. What better way to coordinate parties unknown to each other than by creating a numerological catalogue only privy to secret societies’ vouchsafe members?

911 murder of public servants in the interests of zionismOf course there would need to be lots of dates, plenty of opportunities to strike because humans make mistakes. Hallowed plans often don’t come to fruition, so we can assume most of the dates are used as contingencies. Remember, in this case, our arrogant shadowy controllers are predictable buffoons. How many attempts at so-called “911” went by unnoticed? The mainstreamers would hardly offer pomp and circumstance over failings they would rather forget. Even so, analysis of the 911 incident reveals a monumental marketing disaster and irresponsible blow against commerce. It did not go to plan, but this game will plod on relentlessly until the people, in their masses, rise up. David Icke has made many errors, but as an instigator of valour he poses many exciting possibilities for those prepared to act on his wisdom.

arsenalPlayers in the game must have been groomed to have the license to capitulate; otherwise the status quo would have collapsed prior to the “globalist” Greeks. Does the great British soccer team, Arsenal, arbitrarily stick an unbiased globe with a sharp pin as basis for European Cup selection matches? BanRepFlagUnder those contrived conditions, we might see professional players pitched against humble patrons and staff of the Banana Bar & Club, Suva, Fiji, for instance. No, that would reduce world class football to pointlessness, nihilism. So why would anyone theorise international politics bumbles along aimlessly in chaotic fashion,knock the socks off each strategy step (if there were any) accidental and not debated in minute detail by those with holistic interests at stake, whether outcomes ultimately reflect considerations or not? Of course everything is planned infinitesimally. What’s more, good guys and bad guys are scripted players of the exact same fantasy.

Ok, I’m getting ahead of myself. I wanted to begin by saying that notes for this segment already exceeded 3,500 words. That’s now in addition to the 600 words or more I have contributed to the introduction to part four thus far.  It seems to me that it is extremely unlikely I will have time to nail it conclusively without penning a final “part five” in the not too distant future. Have I used “plan” too much already? Oh, I can’t think of a substitute. At short notice, that’s the plan. Part four will be followed by a scintillating final instalment; one that, hopefully, knocks the socks off.

MT badge of authorityFive parts accumulating up to 30,000 words may seem like overkill, but fearless Arab-American crime fighter Mantiq Al Tayr knows the cosmopolitan Muslims have been set up just as the Diaspora Jews before them.puppetorwell1 I have already revealed how stunning similarities between 1930’s, 40’s hard line terrorist practices by the Jewish Stern gang and others compared to modern day “ISIS”, “Al Qaeda” operations supposedly masterminded by Islamists. George Orwell’s “1984” was a parody all about a fanatical 1948 hidden agenda coming to fruition that started with the reformation of Israel.

If I could somehow summon a really theatrical saga, that would have the potential of being scintillating, because humans are hooked on drama. Bombs and baddiesI know of individuals that have devoted their entire lives to reliving popular television soap operas in their minds, whilst generally behaving like couch potatoes with opinions in all other ways. International political stakeholders merely bring this addiction out in the open. Imagine how boring it would be without those bombs and baddies. They, the buffoons, have managed the impossible and this doesn’t say a lot for populations at large.

fantasy versus realityTelevision fantasy has been transmogrified into reality. I always try to give credit where credit’s due, so the couch potatoes deserve a big round of applause too. Regular visitors here will have noticed my brief review of Sydney Lumet’s insightful movie, “Network” in “The Mindset of Psychosis”. Without Jon Rappoport, I would not have heard of this movie, therefore I recommend readers check out his excellent work for humanity. His blog, you will notice, is a breath of fresh air. New potato cropFree of “trite sentiment”, he focuses on the warts on the issues as every true journalist should.

“Network” (1976) demonstrates that even back in the 1970’s people were beginning to cross over; the signs were there. TV had been popular for less than two decades and already audiences were considering defection. Now circumstances are much clearer. There are either prisoners of false reality or those that have broken free, minds intact. One of the very first questions I ask new acquaintances is, “Do you have a TV?” I am heartened by the surprisingly high numbers that have overcome their dependence on false paradigms engineered by hypocritical spinners of evil. Brainwashing mediasMany of those I have interviewed either do not have television sets or avoid commercial programming like the plague.

That’s a big feather in the cap for liberty, but there is still much work to be done. The bastards have us cornered with their responsible (sic) “information” streams on all sides. Consequentially, I have found most mighty thinkers have been brainwashed in some fashion. This is because information exchange is subject to peer review and that oversight has been contaminated by TV and numerous other mechanisms the Illuminati use to influence the way minds collaborate. Fortunately Jon Rappoport and a few other modern day sages not only recognise this, but also reveal the who’s, how’s and why’s in  painstaking detail. The Memory Hole is another excellent resource for American current affairs and PPJ Gazette attracts some fine, genuine articles about matters of conscience.

Seige of Paris 1870-71In tune Americans know their statue that once oversaw the Twin Towers mocks liberty. No wonder; it’s French. It is no coincidence. donald-trump-scotland-1The Rothschild’s epicentre was in Paris (the second empire created in 1868 to ridicule constitutional democracy and undermine Napoleon led to social unrest there which overturned it in favour of a new republic in 1875, the precise same year as the liberty statue was erected. 1868 was the year America’s constitution was reduced to a “corporate charter”) and they benefited commercially the most from the end of slavery (sic), so the gift was the least they could do. But France is in the news again only minutes after England (not Scotland) pulled out of the European Union. “Bombs and baddies” ISIS is allegedly behind the latest attack, but more on that shortly. Childishly simpleThe operation or psy-op (a trendy expression Israelites bandy around) has been used to punctuate terms for a new Marxist-fascist European Union (EU) to be: the phoenix that will rise stronger than ever from the ashes. Do I read this correctly, a superhighway linking US, EU and Russia is in the making? Ah commerce….

Out-of-tune readers need to understand the only true democracies are static organs that exclusively represent the interests of the people called constitutional monarchies (presided over by all-too-rare monarchs that are devoted conscientious instruments of power and certainly not slippery, divisive, selfishly arbitrating governments). Therefore, all republics, whether backed by constitutions or not, are undemocratic. The very reason republics came into being was to manage recalcitrant populations in the interests of commerce to squarely benefit land owners (a euphemism for corporate “slave masters”) to the detriment of the plebeians (a nice word for slaves).

pa-2010Ringing CedarsGiving everyone identical portions of land would go some way to level the economics playing field (note: research Vladimir Megre’s blueprint for Ukraine), but, without privilege, strongest oppressors would become the new de facto controllers of the way things are until manipulating intelligence was able to establish social control measures. Therefore, the elites are behind the manufacture of classes systems geared to shutting out brains and brawn. Islamic fundamentalism is an aspect of that fantasy painted by the same basic brush. ISIS and other militias are props used to give make-believe the tingle of reality.

kangaroo court wiHistorically it needed (English) Oliver Cromwell’s Commonwealth failure and the hastily implemented Bill of Rights to ballast a workable republic concept rigged to reward advantage. France funded American “independence” (another sorry act of buffoonery) and both became unconstitutional dictatorships in 1789. Libery versus TyrannyThough some herald America’s constitution as a work of art, it was created to produce what we see today and what will be in place tomorrow. Kangaroo courts presiding over rogue justice have always been the plan. Those that abolished constitutional monarchy needed to confuse the people into believing things were fair when they were anything but.

If the failings had been anything less than deliberate, there would be sufficient recourse to ensure remedial liberty for all. Be clear, under the current systems of government, there is no recourse for liberty; only perpetual tyranny. Britain did not have a constitution because Cromwell’s Westminster System was sufficient to open the gates of heck. It has allowed law makers to vent their relentless irresolvable insanity on unsuspecting masses overseen by lip-service monarchs demonstrating those that lead always represent elites, no matter what they say or pretend to do.

The Eiffel Tower is illuminated during the traditional Bastille Day fireworks display in ParisReturning to France and the latest fixture for ISIS, this has been another 5-0 loss for liberty. The guys at Veterans Today are not perfect. They, like everyone else, have their foibles, biases, preferences. But if you are looking for sock it to me truth, that is one of the best start points for investigation into matters concerning political intrigue, terrorism and abject tyranny in general. Here’s what Kevin Barrett has to say on the numerology of the recent French Bastille Day attack that killed 80 and injured 120. Kevin highlights the true significance of purpose of the French “revolution” (and storming of the Bastille, the peoples’ last stand. I realise Napoleon “pulled rank” by making himself Emperor, but look that happened to him) more than adequately.

Maggie TAs we are in VT mode, I would also rate this valuable entry as worth far more than a casual glance. The French ISIS “psy-op” was all about shoring up the EU. It is worth elaborating a little more on the English pantomime counterpart. Ex. Prime Minister, David Cameron, was a protégé of Margaret Thatcher, who herself was ousted from power (13 year reign as iron lady) because she tried to pull out of the EU. A rather unpopular leader, as far as I can gather, “stay in” Cameron promised to step down if the people chose to vote him and England out of the European Union.

13150_Theresa-May-scaryThe result was going to be as obvious as Donald Trump’s toupee. Iron Lady “Mark II”, Theresa May, now vilifies Mrs T to lead the triumphant peoples of Rome, Troy…er, close enough. The ghost of Mary Queen of Scots offers a chink of light for vigilant republicans. Scotland’s proposed secession (breakup of the British Union and something Donald Trump highly praised) has allowed access to the EU by the backdoor. trump-hairBackdoor politics is like “backdoor sex” (for those miss the pun, this equates to the word “perversion”), they say. There’s always plenty of time before the final pull out so anything could happen in reality.

Focus on the predictable fraud Bernie “BS” Sanders has galvanised American alternative mainstream fanatics that conjure endless “what if” scenarios for false paradise. Great-white-hope Putin’s limelight has been harder to lampoon although he was a “rough” casualty of embezzlement courtesy of Mossad, George Soros and other members of the gang. Messianic ObamaVladimir may be as fake as Trump’s toupee, but that hasn’t daunted those trillions of die-hard sycophants’ chimes tuned to validating hybrid New Age bliss.

According to just about anyone with fingers on the pulse, Putin is definitely the new Messiah, after Obama fell at first post. Whether he’s real, given starting revelations from his ex-wife, is another story. However, either way I can affirm he (or four of them) is one of the current “good guys” scripted for the peoples’ illusion (courtesy of the Illuminati). Curious readers are doubtlessly aware of my other blog where I reveal some my special extra-sensory abilities. After evaluation of ever-present energy fields (sort of living bar codes), I can say categorically that there is more than one Vladimir Putin(s) presented as “Russia’s President” by various Medias.

pro castrationThough cracks as to his real character/agenda are heavily camouflaged by the weight of populist euphoria outpouring through various information streams, the dreadful Russian “Duma” (legislative council) has not implemented too many measures that will permanently improve liberty compared against our “western” systems of intolerance. “Anti-sex” campaigns have been prevalent, introducing the worst of all the Israelite brokered legislation against the people. Castration is apparently an odd fetish of homosexuals.

b12a041888ea6be888b230906c98-do-homosexuals-make-good-parentsHitler’s measures visibly targeted homosexuals in NAZI Germany, but there are also other parallels. Whilst popular opinions governing “paedophilia” (generally speaking) are hysterically insane, caution should be rationally applied. Social programming, vested interests, the potential for “victims” to be deceitful and the general lack of tangible evidence must take precedence in fair society, when considering testimony, motives and verdicts even if we assume “rules” (i.e. what “defines” paedophilia) are fair. Currently that is not happening.

Though the politics are different, campaigns against moderate Muslims might parry with prior German ones against secular Jews. Nevertheless, in this very divisive propaganda war, evidence as to the “authenticity” of parties targeted is rarely crystal clear, so, commonly the case, Putin’s reasoning is demonstrably valid. He is an undeniably slick operator.

Boom fever in RussiaThe lot of the Russian people has viscerally improved since 2000 helped by a commodities boom, rapid consumerism, expendable cash, low priced housing and utilities. Pragmatists might persuasively be concerned that the current “illusion” can be undone far faster than it was put into being (the “break up” of the Soviet Union was certainly no mystery). 443680_112An increase in Communist (Marxist) political activity is pointing towards a return to that Zionist Mecca sponsored by “Levite” bankers in 1917 (aided by the American government of the time) and I discuss how false communism has benefitted strategic Jews later in this dissertation. Then again, there might be hope yet as these current Communist demands are much closer to altruism.

Super powersRussian troops (supposedly “the best in the world”: where have I heard that before?) can be anywhere, any when now, courtesy of the United Nations. If Russia has become the new “super power” designate, a coup against America under the guise of “civil war” becomes more plausible by the minute. Could the US Senate draft Russians in UN uniform to assist removing guns from the American peoples without their general knowledge? It is a thought that doesn’t bear thinking. Putin “cracks” started to show when he capitulated in the misinformation campaign about Syria’s “cholera” origins, which actually highlights how dreadful conditions are there for some people of the ground. It proposes a total breakdown of government services infrastructure in some places.

269_cartoon_110_dollar_bill_small_overThe following section was written in stages some time ago so I may have to interject the odd comment, passage here and there to give continuity a chance at prudence. Rather than trading punches or droning on endlessly about the ills of government and master planners, I strip things right back to historic essentials after World War II but mostly post 1970’s introduction of the Petrodollar concept. Oil is one of the linchpins that keep Israel, ISIS and the whole sorry game afloat so, from memory, the filthy commodity steals the limelight somewhat. Anyway, without further ado, here is the meat of my assessment.

underthebusIsrael and the United States have sterling reputations for “playing both sides”. For evidence of US dealings the references on Google are so crowded it would take a lifetime to research them all. Here’s “poll position” but there are albeit unlimited information sources for those willing to undertake the marathon.

Zionist NetanyahuCapturing Israeli double standards, I have found two articles. The first focuses on Netanyahu balancing his “Zionist objectives” with the needs of the people and the other is an abstract on high-tech war games with US agencies never far away (See here and there). This stimulated my imagination to ask the unthinkable question; could the US and Israel be behind operations both supporting and attacking ISIS?

money-wealth_sff0Lately (several months ago) new critical information transpired in the Russian mainstream. Do I hear that right; US military contractors are reaping “billions of dollars” off this ISIS phoney war? Well, that’s one half of the puzzle. Russia’s involvement deserves separate inspection, so I shall discuss the wonder boy Putin’s “role” per Zionism’s master plan. The best way to check who’s behind a war is to follow weapons which lead to the money. Buffoons do not have imaginations and the Syrian gravy train is very similar to operations in Iraq. One group rebuilds as another demolishes.

Israel recordA number of months ago a new source appeared that was so startling I needed to check its authenticity. It turned out that this piece about Israel suppling ISIS with weapons is as authentic as they come and that is the necessary evidence to confirm that the US/Israel partnership to enable the Zionist agenda is backing both sides. It shouldn’t be a surprise. We have seen it so many times before in exposes on Veterans Today, Jeff Rense and Activist Post to name a few. These are not the only sources, but I rate them as the cream of a large crop of dissenters.

Our wonderful turkeyJeff Rense’s website, in particular, is a bulletin board that lists pertinent, current international affairs links. Turkey perpetually hovers on matters concerning ISIS and general misery in the Middle East. In this case, Turkey isn’t “the turkey”, but a lot of the really juicy stuff has been cooked so lightly the bird is rendered inedible. Therefore, I refer to other, mostly unknown, sources too. turkey3For instance, not that long ago I met with a young Turkish activist, the son of a lawyer. He informed me that the epicentre of the notorious 1999 Golcuk earthquake was directly under the naval HQ. At that time their [truly] democratically elected government (in this instance they didn’t have the fake candidates we always have) was pulling out of NATO (although extensive searches of Google Corporation have revealed no citing).

TurkeyErdoganMossadIsraelMemeOnly months after 9/11, in November 2002, the current proto-Israelite sycophant, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, seized power under the ever watchful eye of Ahmet Davutoglu reversing just about all prior decisions made by the exiting government. Could Erdogan’s associates have been behind the prior earthquake that murdered 50,000 Turks? Long ago he ran out of puff in his support of the phoney-baloney (ADL backed) anti-Hitler movement and now is demonstrably comfortable with Zionism.

Painstaking researchers would do well to thoroughly determine how the latest airport bombing, bogus “coup” and other “initiatives” fit into the scheme of things. Perhaps you will start here. Pressing on, I would like to offer a short video that American war veteran Ken O’Keefe made prior to the Russian intervention:

humanracegetoffyourkneescover030810David Icke may well pound the wakeup call, but it seems as though the sheeple are even more lethargic than those guilded instruments of power (Illuminati “New World Order”) had calculated. Netanyahu’s grotesque depiction of a large bomb “for” Iran seems about the correct vibrational frequency vernacular for the average global slave. 1c17a622672bfda98fac05092092bcf4Subtle, terrorist, World War III materialising out of acrimony in 1984 (reverence to George Orwell’s fabulous work) has given the slip to all but the most acutely tuned minds. Here’s the (mainstream) checklist of key events of that year (see how much happened in the Middle East).

From about 1984 there were an explosion of kidnapping’s in the Arabic regions, including the abduction of the Archbishop’s emissary, Terry Waite, 1987 (eventually released in 1991). Of course, Hizbollah and other supposedly Islamic fundamentalist agencies are never far away from brothers of evil, the CIA/Mossad pact. Prior to reading an illuminating article on Veterans Today by Gordon Duff, I had only really ever heard of the Muslim guerrilla army, Mujahidin. According to Gordon, Mossad set up a Communist terrorist group in Iran and it was responsible for the seizure of the US embassy in Tehran which led to the ill-fated response from Jimmy Carter deliberately staged to embarrass him (see here and there), in my opinion.

veteranstoday1According to my cursory research, beyond Gordon I find no other information sources, but the detail is so important, it is worth highlighting. I quote, “For the next few years, MEK killed political leaders across Iran before fleeing to Iraq to work for Saddam”. .He then goes on to say they became Saddam’s personal army and it was also they that administered the (questionable) 1993 gas attacks that arbitrarily killed 30,000 Kurds in Northern Iraq. Moving the clock forward closer to present day, Gordon outlines Israel’s strategy with Iran, which is so blatant, it’s obvious. “If you want to control the opposition, be the opposition” (something Israeli dissident counter-spy Roi Tov has also argued). Contemplating, I think of all those pally, bosom buddy meetings between our Great White Hope, Vladimir Putin and the universal tyrant, Binyamin Netanyahu. Aren’t they truly the odd couple or is this more of that “control the opposition, control the game” agenda?

Afghan_Muja_crossing_from_Saohol_Sar_pass_in_Durand_border_region_of_Pakistan,_August_1985Ok, here’s the punch line and time to unveil Gordon’s article which was composed in response to the then recent VT invite to a “Congress for the 17,000 Victims of Iranian Terror” in Iran. As co-sponsor Veterans Today was unable to be there due to the Iranian government’s almighty failure to distribute short stay VISA’s to attendees in a timely manner (deliberate ploy?). The hosting Habilian Association was set up to support family members of those affected or killed by terrorist atrocities of the MEK (or Mujahideen-e-Khalq). mek-main-opposition3-e1311198185250Remember, this is the terrorist group set up by Mossad as an indefinite and ongoing ad hoc “psy-op”.

Even according to the eloquent pro-Israel (and believer of bullshit) writer (not admired by Gordon Duff), Shane Harris, MEK were classed as a terrorist organisation until 2012. Inexplicably, they were taken off the list and surreptitiously praised every now and again by strategically placed US congressional luminaries. Whereas Gordon daren’t think it, Shane hints that Iran’s government plays the game too and that is why I believe VT staffers were subject to that mitigated VISA’s cock up. I have had a personal taste of the same government through my association with Australian Iranian refugees. Iran’s police state is tighter than Ceausescu’s Romanian girdle. They are not fond of compensating those marred by terrorism either.

DEN HAAG - Geert Wilders, fractievoorzitter van de PVV, vermaakt zich tijdens het wekelijkse vragenuurtje in de plenaire zaal van de Tweede Kamer. ANP ROBERT VOS

Terry WaiteReturning to those Middle Eastern kidnappings and Terry Waite, reasons for the operations (which almost identically “reverse” the Zionist sanctioned ops used to further destabilise a divided Berlin after the war) tie in with the Muslim population explosions in the West. Everything usually ends up being linked which highlights my earlier sentiment observing orchestrated, coordinated hidden planners. Dutch “far right” politician, Geert Wilders, is projected as a loony anti-Islam character pitched against puerile anti-defamation in the two pronged strategy cartoon brokered by Israel that juggles universal implementation of Sharia Law under Zionist (Israelite elitist) supremacy.

PakistanLet’s face it the methods used to annex Pakistan with their version of the Mujahideen in 1958 has Zionism written all over it too, doesn’t it? Was the second most radically Islamic nation on the planet nuclear enabled as insurance against Hindu (a version of Zoroastrianism) India’s burgeoning global influencing populations? Will they be labelled as nuclear suicide bombers at the right time? Even so, Douglas Dietrich swears that the largest arsenal of nuclear warheads is not Israel’s supposed and aptly named Jericho weapons system but, rather, coveted by Taiwan. Politics run deep and no wonder China’s “ever present” threat hasn’t materialised.

isis-israeli-secret-intelligence-serviceSo why were Anglican Christian pawn, Terry Waite, and others abducted? It was because Zionism precisely wants radical Islam to spread and their beguiled populations to swell (creating endless fodder for groups such as ISIS). Geert Wilders does a great job in publicising the fact, whilst insisting “Christians”, “humanists” and “Jews” are brothers of an identical [divide and conquer] cause. In fact, in opposition to contradictory mesmerised musings emanating from otherwise pure alternative news streams, Zionist ultimate objectives almost precisely match those of radical Islam.

islamic execution of homosexualsThus, Islamists are principally Zionists in all but name. Was the sacking of Medina any different to atrocities levelled against erstwhile lawful inhabitants of Jericho? Waite had been an instrument of British politics which ended with the fatwa against Salman Rushdie, whose book Satanic Verses empowering Persian homosexuals was shut down by Islamic tyranny (check Putin’s agenda again). Nevertheless, that was the smokescreen. Rushdie himself has spared no effort on cashing in on the politics, as revealed by tittle-tattle from socialite Padma Lakshmi. Real objectives of the intrigue are as clear as day.

aac7de1bf26d4da40f180b1d05b69cb95c8cfc34The Board of Deputies of British Jews reviews the wording of all British laws to ensure they are not offensive to Jews in any way. Naturally any piece of legislation judged wholly and proverbially “anti-Semitic” is always marked “return to sender”. So the real reason for those sensational kidnappings was to give Islam almost joint status with the Jews via the Muslim Council of Britain. london-islamRushdie, little more than a “prop”, was icing on the cake, because ensuing legislative censorship (subsequent banning of “Satanic Verses”) assured Islam had been seen to muscle in to become a political instrument of power that can and will affect British law making.

Zionism and Islam deliver “eye for eye” (if you’re lucky) fundamentalism. Sharia Law is an austere version of “Pharisaic Order”. Elite Zionists are all for a strong whip against the masses to keep them under control. Islam and, most instrumentally, “ISIS” are the raw face; ensuring deliverers of justice are blamed and/or targeted for actions radical Jews sanctioned and secretly applaud, of course. Once again, the reason Islam expands is that is precisely what the Illuminati brotherhood wants.

wigs galoreTaking cultural traditions, few criticise, or indeed are aware of, the open tradition of orthodox Jewish women wearing flamboyant wigs to disguise their natural hair. Are not burqas the more overt or, perhaps, in your face, honest, versions of this orthodox Jewish custom? Perhaps this has something to do with the belief in the strength of hair, after Samson, which was adopted as Christian practice and fashionable amongst early British kings until it was judged to be superstitious.

d130a08e61b23ad1b2b10d4f7f503038“Habits” (Scriptural veils) were worn by Christian nuns (in service to God) modelled on the Arabic hijab (women’s uniform comprising burqa and other items) after the medieval crusades. Romans, Corinthians and other epistles of Paul have turned Christianity into a mockery of Pharisaic fundamentalism that spits in the face of Jesus. The American Amish represent the moderate version of that “model society” even allowing the consumption of unclean pig meat. Are not the proponents adhering to radical Islam divinely insolent? If the koranic command “dress modestly” is to be taken seriously, why would religious (sic) Muslim women cover themselves from head to toe? Hardly inconspicuous and certainly not “minimal” attire; their “clothing prisons” make a global statement.

Messianic PutinZionism (fortress Earth) is globalism and for globalism to be universal there must be peace on Earth. According to Pharisaic Scripture, the Messiah will herald universal peace. Obama was a candidate and has quietly seceded the United States to United Nations brokered Maritime Law. He hasn’t time to “complete”, so Putin is being groomed as the man of the hour (whenever that hour may be) and universal saviour (anti-Christ?) by various so-called “Truther” movements. Truther movements are the voice of the Puritan (another meaning of Pharisees) Christian orthodoxy and observe all wishes of Zionist planners. They are as pro-Putin as anti-Catholics and paedophilia, so the sane would be wise to tremble or begin rapid contingency plans.

Russian President Vladimir Putin visits the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Centre in MoscowThere have been numerous indicators, subtle legislative oversight administered by the Duma, that can I go as far to say categorically state Putin is an extension of New World Order? Probably not, but no better example of where our friend-of-Zion stands on truth and censorship can be found in this Jewish Telegraphic Agency article issued May 2014. We are not privy to which of the numerous narrative lines have been selected to endorse the advent of the so-called (and possibly inappropriately termed) holocaust, but we know in Putin’s Russia fraud and deceit are now diktat. Putin has delivered his jackboot to the face of truth and, thus, this friend of Netanyahu ranks as the most dangerous man (or “men”) on the planet. My scepticism is surely vilified by the total absence of due diligence applied to propaganda caking promoting lies about the far more substantial Russian purges that mercilessly ended the lives of up to 100 million mostly Christian Aryan Slavs.

under_the_signOne of the most complete lucid accounts of that Zionist New World Order amalgam engineered 12831611_f260Marxist mockery of communism is given by Juri Lina in “Under the Sign of scorpion” (2002). Perhaps coincidentally, the mark of scorpion is also used by South American drug cartels in Mexico and other places.

These featured in the first of my series of articles on this subject. Conscious Life News’ editor, Robert O’Leary, posited that ISIS had been drafted to the precipitate the extreme violence associated with these Latin gangs. Anyway, on the inner cover of Juri Lina’s book, just prior to the introduction, there are two powerful quotes. Both deserve paraphrase:

“Nobody knows that Zionism appeared as a Marxist movement, a socialist one…Zionism is actually a revolution.” Sergei Lezov, scientist at the Soviet Academy of Science, Institute for Scientific Information, Strana I Mir magazine (Munich), No. 3, 1966, page 94.

“The ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” Jewish Chronicle, 4th April 1919 (London).

Levashov vs putin 2011Nicolai Levashov, reportedly “gruesomely murdered by Zionist sympathisers” in 2012, wrote a book titled, “Russian History: Viewed through Distorted Mirrors”, Volume I (published in 2007. See page 241 onwards). This, in part, refers to the so-called Russian Workers Revolution of 1917. Importantly, he notes, all early communist leaders were either full or half blood Jews and none of the storm troopers were Russian nor spoke the language. Zionist master planThey, it transpires, were all Brooklyn Jews and the vast majority of the supposedly 25,000 strong workers union were, unsurprising, also Jews without Russian heritage. Half-blood, Putin, is no different and his grandfather was a well-connected chef, serving Rasputin (sinisterly translates as “Putin one time only”), Lenin and Stalin. His father worked for the NAZI’s (Nationalist Zionists?) under a collaboration coordinated by General Vlasov aimed at wreaking havoc on the Ukrainians.

Hilter the normal manI did send an unanswered e-mail to Levashov, after reading his book, as he had used the intriguing metaphor that the she-wolf (i.e. Russian peoples) had turned. Back in 2011, Putin was beginning to shine as a pseudo-Messiah, but I felt then, as I do now, he was a fraud. I wanted to find out from an educated Russian, someone in the thick of things, whether Putin was indeed a wolf in sheep’s clothing (compared to, say, Adolph Hitler, whose name literally means wolf shepherd) or misjudged by me. Now, courtesy Nicolai’s tragic demise, I shall never know the answer. But, the truth (as far as I am concerned) is plainly obvious, and that is Putin is a devious snake slithering himself to poll position all the while playing the globalist’s game under the loving eyes of Binyamin Netanyahu and other Israelite “old guard” Zionists.

putin-nowHe is no people’s saviour. He is a manipulator in soft costume coveting vials of poison. Given his unremarkable (according to mainstreamers) humble beginnings as the “grandson of a lowly chef” (a chef that, at least, attempted to poison Rasputin for influencing the king), it is odd that the family has passed on the given name and surname to preserve that lineage. Why would a lowly cur do this? poisoning of rasputinVladimir means “powerful leader”. Putin, on the other hand, might translate as “whore”, though it is more likely to be a derivative of the Russian word “poot”, which means to prepare the way (Messiah). Long form, Vladimirovitch, has the precise same meaning as Vladimir, so I deduce his name was not merely a strange coincidence of fate (For more background on Putin’s ancestry see here).

vladimir_lenin_quoteNeither was it “fate” that Lenin’s given name matched Putin’s aptly validating planned historic outcomes. According to traditional accounts, Lenin had been hijacked by highwaymen before cruelly seizing power, so, once at the helm, he made the target and eradication of mafia gangs a priority. The culprits were possibly never caught and the vanguard went on well into Stalin’s reign. His creation of gulags (slave labour camps) for criminal businessmen saw droves of privateers scooped up as well. Unsurprisingly, these prisons became the gestation grounds for new crime hierarchies with various honour codes (usually represented by special tattoos) separating the various factions.

Stalins slavesStalin, an enterprising man, put this fodder to good use in World War II when things were not going well against Hitler. However, cooperation between the factions led to breaks in the honour codes. Predictably, after the war, gang disputes, known as the suka (bitch) wars, erupted. suka wars plugging the throatThis was not the only reason. Apparently, Stalin had made lavish promises to recompense wartime services which remained unfulfilled so hostilities continued until his death. The use of Crime Gangs as “influencers” can be seen in many places about the globe. US naval presence in Thailand’s Pattaya is unofficially courtesy of Chinese and Thai triads that “run things”.

F_Dick_Turpin_Highway_RobberPrivateering in Russia can be traced back to at least the 1700’s with charismatic tales of enigmatic figures of the style of England’s Dick Turpin. However, mafia enterprises spread to Europe and the US from 1970’s courtesy of totalitarianism Brezhnev-style (spookily coinciding with the invention of the Petrodollar). The exodus of opportunistic Jews into Russia under Brezhnev, spurred on by his “five year plans” (like the US globalism one 1971-75 which saw the creation of the Trilateral Commission) rationalising agriculture and so on is hardly noticed by “historians”.  leonid-brezhnev_1-tPro-Zionists crow about a general tolerance towards Jews as one the highlights of communism only to be blighted by Stalin’s sensational purges. 1991 Perestroika and Gorbachev’s exit saw an explosion of mafia enterprises that went up to state government level. Out of control rogue commercialism gradually began infecting foreign industries. That’s the Russian style.

Before I explore Russia’s involvement in Syria, here is a detailed evaluation of the timeline (pertaining to key events) constructing the origins and evolution of ISIS/ISIL. empathetic saddamWe have to go back to 2003 and the formation of something called the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI) which appears to have been an adjunct to Mossad created “Mujahidin” (that has been terrorising Iran from the “Petrodollar” 1970’s, remember). Sponsored by Israel (after oil control negotiations turned sour), Al Qaeda in Iraq (quintessentially “ISI” or the “Mujahidin” in drag) was used to destabilise Saddam Hussein’s powerbase. Cordially mainstreamers, in rare moments of sanity, have confirmed Zionist sanctioned terrorists were his primo target, though they are deliberately foggy on “details”.

ISIS-CIA-cooperation-400x266Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi was the original, CIA trained, leader of ISI who came to light in 2004, although, until October 2006, the group was generically only called Al Qaeda in Iraq (a CIA branding). Under this new guise, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi was referred to as emir or “acting caliph” by the authoritarian regime. Whilst the framework of power mimicked political instruments, controllers were nothing more than insane terrorist thugs. These people are hard to control (even by Mossad) and a few broke rank, such as Abdullah al-Janabi and Abu Ayyub al-Masri and they are now “wanted” by the same instruments that enabled them. Prior, Saddam Hussein had been reputedly CIA (with Mossad in the wings) trained, taking leadership by force.

iraq-iran-odometer2Thus ISIS/ISIL has morphed out of an ongoing Pentagon/CIA/Mossad (to name a few) joint-enterprise partially creating the impetus for the very terrorist so-called “War on Terrorism”. Transition began 2011 but on 8th April 2013, the acronym “ISIL” was first adopted (as used by the western mainstream) as terminology for the same rag tag army that expanded to invade Syria. The term Levant was out-of-date and not so widely known, so broadcasters decided Syria was more apt.

ISIS under cover of darknessThus Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant became Islamic State of Iraq and Syria for Media purposes and nothing to do with a Babylonian Goddess casting her pall of darkness [media blackout] for [Zionist] assassins to facilitate “God’s will”, of course. To further corroborate the Pentagon’s role, I have selected the Veterans Today release of a declassified internal report indicating ISIL was their creation aimed at “destabilising Assad”. Key details (useful information) have been omitted from the lukewarm brief, but this is to be expected in a dirty game.

Assad olmert 21Adding further credence, messeur’s Fix-it Dmitry Medvedev and Sergei Lavrov had been circling Syria like patriotic vultures since 2012 and prior, in Medvedev’s case (when the Pentagon report came to light). Reputedly, Assad had fervent indirect negotiations with Israel throughout the 1990’s (or earlier) to exit Syria with dignity and it was Israel that was not having a bar of it (though no specific citations have resulted from painstaking research, this an interesting topical read nonetheless; see here). We must not assume Assad has behaved in ways that have been beyond reproach. 5931e1a8bfe9fdd4536ab86dbbc3178078575a82Early in his leadership term he unsympathetically flexed his muscles against the people. It cannot be stressed enough. All players, whether good or bad, are scripted for the game.

To me, it seems obvious (looking at the narrative line) from all angles, that “puppet Putin” and his “merry band of Muppets”, all dressed Lincoln green, are being used as the glue that holds the festering, mouldy psy-op in place and all over the place. Vladimir PutinFrenzied showcases for valour pollute alternative Media streams. Even cheese master extraordinaire Donald Trump jumped on the bandwagon in the early stages of his American presidency bid (and if that doesn’t make you barf, nothing will), so it must be a winner!

Elmer_fuddThe game has become rather more complex than satirical reasoning permits according to Veterans Today. For those that missed the “spoof”; what better name for a cardboard cut-out cartoon journalist than E(lmer) Fudd to parody Putinesque folklore? Of course, we are told by the mainstream that Russia is Syria’s protector illegally attacking ISIS. This is because it turns out there is “good” and “bad” ISIS. As far as the vigilant mainstreamers are concerned, good ISIS is working for the globalist alliance to remove evil Assad from power without dignity at any price and bad ISIS expands evil by obstructing that unhindered assault. Those mainstreamers are a good laugh, eh?

jackbootPower broking fat cats lounge in plush hotels serviced by whore mongers well away from trouble, so they don’t care how many and who is killed just as long as it isn’t them. It is a shame no enterprising “do-gooder” has figured this out yet. One day virtue might deliver sound reasons for applauding measured targeted violence, but now we can only hope. Instead of vigilant defenders of faith we have an endless conveyor of mainstream headline sirens screaming drivel aimed at enflaming puerile masses into fomenting flagrant cultures of ignorance in ways, given the mindset of the bone idle proletariat, that are hard to shake. Plush hotelsGenerally putting the fear-of-God into Syrians not exposed to “action” and others that learn of the real horrors of war, the globalist/Zionist cartel has a singular stark message: “Don’t mess with us or we’ll give you a jackboot in the mush”.

It is fair to say, given mammoth sized information portions served up by Veterans Today, Global Research and other less prolific resources, we can piece together a pretty realistic appraisal of the objectives of all this, i.e. who’s behind the ISIS mess and so on. For instance, here’s a Global Research article that’s particularly compelling (although I disagree with the Dutch diplomat’s slant view on tarring the name of Islam, are you with me on this MT?). In my humble opinion the powers are preparing the world for what to expect from Islam when Sharia Law becomes Universal Law (though perhaps not as flagrantly interpreted as it is currently).

"Peace man"

Laws themselves are regularly made only to be loosely enforced.  Who smokes pot? 2014-09-21-141552jpgAuthoritarian regimes manufacture tyranny by ensuring consequences for all transgressions are not only followed through (acted on) but also pursued vigorously via every (or any) possible means (which might include turning the general public into an obscene “crime stoppers” style conspiracy of religious spies and snitches). Islamic peoples now have the conspicuous contradictory reputation of being a “mercifully” tough bunch of “mothers”. Ironically that was the old Israelite way too (prior to the reformation of Israel). On one side were a people dazzlingly beautiful and the essence of moral probity. The rest were disgraceful calculating hypocrites that would go to any lengths in order to confuse and deceive.

wahhabiSaudi Arabia has an enormously bad and horrifically long record of crimes against its own people (See more from my friends at GR) which adds credence to the assertion that the Wahhabis (royalty) are of mixed Israelite blood. Let us not forget, that omnipresent proto-Judaic leadership of Turkey has not only been behind ISIS every step of the way, but also instrumental in enabling the mayhem as well. Sound hypothesis points to an Israel-Saudi Arabia-Turkey chain of command coordinating cloaked Middle Eastern military affairs. Impoverished Yemen and Palestinian ex-pats in Lebanon are commonly used as ground forces cannon fodder backed up by Egypt’s torturers.

al-Baghdadi_watch__2965830cHistorically, Saddam’s gassing of the Kurds in 1988 seems to be an evidence-free act of wilful propaganda disguising an alliance between Turkey and Iraq (both favouring radicals free moderate, secular societies at the time) that ostracised unwelcome peoples (i.e. Islamic “nutcases”). No wonder the Kurds wanted their independence after the collapse of Iraq. Regional politics in the lead up to the creation of ISIS is vital to gauge an understanding as to bigger picture motives; motives that are at the heart of Zionist-globalist ambition. Big picture determines, as I pointed out in the introduction, that ISIS is a transient incidental. In other words, ISIS can disappear as fast as it appeared should “politics” determine it.

two flags for one causeAnother article I can present as evidence liberally exposing the real agenda behind ISIS et al was hot off the press at the original time of writing, but is now looking rather tired and old news. Here we see a right royal puppet and Putin’s merry band of Muppets at work. Oh I still think they would look so good in traditional Lincoln green! In line with Israeli logic, Saudi Arabia (with classy export products such as Osama Bin Laden) makes all the actual decisions for the “Middle East” as protectorate masters. Assad and other Syrian stakeholders were nowhere to be seen at Putin’s “negotiations” pantomime. Mind you, apparently Israel’s leaders have never actually directly met with the Palestinians “in charge”. And that’s how you broker lasting “peace”; with results as transparent as the agenda.

whats-operaZionists trust the Russians and the Saudi’s to look after their best interests just as Elmer Fudd attempts to snare Bugs Bunny: puppets and Muppets completing the scripted cartoon. Even so the Russian involvement seems to be changing the face of the war. Hiccups in strategy, as to be expected, are met by booming silence from the globalist’s corridors of power. Putin seems to be projecting himself as a Messiah with teeth, vaguely, but I hate to burst the bubble for the wishful thinkers. Anyone that loves Putin, look away and don’t click on this link (an old one that discusses activities from 2011) about that giant gas pipeline stretching from Syria to Russia worth $ billions. Ah commerce….

TyutchevIf there is any doubt where the thinking Russian people stand on their [God given] rights we only need to refer to the great 19th century Aryan poet, Fyodor Tyutchev. His “To the Slavs” (1867) beggars the question to Mr Putin: have you addressed this, sir?

“Long ago on European soil,

Where falsehood grew luxuriantly,

Long ago with the learning of the Pharisee (Zionist),

A dual truth was created,

For them – law and justice,

For us – violation and deceit,

And antiquity reinforced,

Them, as the inheritance of the Slavs”

18879590No, not as according to Mr Megre (another Vladimir) and the Crimean activist simply known as “Anastasia”. Incidentally Megre is very similar to the English word meagre, which also means “humble”. Perhaps fate is saying do you choose between meekness and pomp? I know which path Jesus would have chosen.

Screen-Shot-2015-09-10-at-9.28.21-AMIn temporary conclusion, for anyone that still doubts the relevance and importance of the Petrodollar, I offer learned and brave Jon Rappoport’s evidence for commercial motive (as an aside, here’s more on that Syrian-Russian pipeline and “ISIS”) from the desperate ISIS tyranny. Admittedly Israel has always behaved like a scavenging cur, being the creation of foul, corrupt minds, so the concept of un-plundered resources is a new one to them, perhaps.

ISIS protecting golan heights for you-know-whoWhilst I don’t tar all Israelites with the same brush, let us never forget evil needs anonymous henchmen and lots of them. Compliant working classes are at least as much to blame as those wielding power. Jon has released the nasty Genie from its awfully cloudy bottle for detail reveals that those parts of the Golan Heights that Israel stole from Syria back in 1967 contain the massive deposits of hard to get at oil. Old form dies hard. The mangy mutt hasn’t learned any new tricks after all.

I would like to end this segment with a final message that a retired American officer has directed to the Pentagon. Enjoy the movie:

Enjoying Truth for Virtuous Purity’s Sake


My latest impromptu post began as a festering ball of frustration and anger at scepticism and the general ill will of the people. The worst are the ones that claim they are enlightened and that’s why today’s reasoning revolves around lawyers’ sentiment and contracts. We live in the age of disclaimer, blame game and denial. Oh so few have been able to pierce the veil that obscures truth only to suffer the scorn of the “grounded” hordes. My editing process has chopped out much of the ire but, as always, it is message will challenge the inner core of each reader.

A Turkish Earthquake Leaves Greece in Ruins

I recently met with friends at social club. One lady, having read “Beyond “Beyond Love and Light””, asked me whether I actually enjoy anything? Her niece is over in Greece; first time overseas. Let’s hope the plight of the people won’t interrupt her holiday too much. We can’t have enjoyment spoiled, can we? Please, I haven’t made a carte-blanche accusation against someone very dear to me. For all I know, the girl angelically devoted half her holiday to people’s causes. Nevertheless it has provided a good sound board for virtuous sentiment.

ahmet-davutogluGreece is particularly important as that is where the Philistines ended up. Macedonian, Alexander the Great, is the most celebrated of their fold. Moving forward to “recent times” events within earshot of the once great Greek metropolis, what a lot of people don’t know is the epicentre of Turkey’s devastating 1999 earthquake was directly below their naval HQ. It also just happened that they were going to pull out of NATO (International Pentagon). Within two years, a month before so-called 9/11, there was change of government and a complete reversal of direction; politically and philosophically. Were these all “coincidences”? I think not!

Of course, we can’t blame the Philistines, can we? Unless there was a “double” double “reverse”, it was surely the same old “duality” Philistine Rosicrucians versus Pharisaic Zionists, championing the latter, naturally. Long standing President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been classed as a “secret Jew” (ignoring all that “Hitleresque” bluster) via his association with a particular Muslim “sect”. An even bigger “card” in the pocket of Israelite extremism has been Erdogan’s dreadful foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu.

Why People Annoy Me

Many, many years ago, every once in a while, very occasionally special, different individuals would pop up and annoy society. These used to be called oracles. 1210142226063354-merlin_historyBut now they are labelled “insane” and fed Prozac by clinical psychiatrists that waft meaningless labels as “professional opinion”. God, if I might be so bold, is pretty damned clever. It became clear His truth giving plants were having no effect on the self-serving, corrupt peoples of childish intent. So, in order to rectify the problem, He created a new breed of truth giver – not the rambling chanter of old, but one with acute intellect and, most importantly, reasoned perception. These were the types that could smell bullshit at a thousand paces! Yeah, and I’m one of those.

In response to my female friend; does my self-gratification trump my mission for purity by way of reflection on what I might consider is enjoyable? Yes, I enjoy a good movie, good food, good music and good sex (although, it’s been so long, I think I’ve lost all memory of that) but, let’s face it, these are all childish trivialities. Then we have enjoyment of company. There are some people I like to be in the company of that clearly do not reciprocate and vice versa. Others are upgraded associations; friendships – no real support or expectation either side but some emotional attachment that transcends acquaintance. There is the old adage, of course, “I can count my real friends on the fingers of one hand”. These are relationships that go beyond friendship and become de facto partnerships.

Yes, to be honest, as with the great, late George Carlin, people annoy me. I detest the self-serving, spiteful, spineless nature of humans. We are all so quick to blame and so slow to act ourselves. When action does come, it is always done with ulterior motive. Though some nobility does creep through, reasons go beyond “problem, reaction”. The guy that recklessly dived into a burning house to save an old lady thought of himself. What if it was him in there? He couldn’t live with the notion of continuing without acting. An aggressive self-serving conscience determined his death, but the old lady did survive. As human beings, that is the best we can do. We must all become slaves to our conscience.

Your “God Complex” Will Not Elevate You Spiritually

I prefer the word fulfilment to enjoyment. What fulfils me is when I effect improvement. Over ten years, I worked with one individual. Kicking and screaming all the way, I eventually broke down his belief systems and produced a better person. That achievement resounds greater than any superficial pleasant experience I might herald as pleasurable. People are like springs. You take each one so far down a path and as soon as you let go, they resound straight back to the comfort zone with an emphatic boing.

Over the years, I have tried to impress on people the importance of correct understanding of the historical development of enslavement. Modern slaves are processed in the way children are reared. Bodily adults are labelled “children” for the convenience of the system. Everyone goes along with it because of the parental “God complex”. Very quickly in the relationship, parents learn the most effective way of managing slaves is through corruption and bribery. Thus, “children” are offered some “off limits” things when they have been “especially good”. For their part, children are encouraged to be deceptive to get what they want. When “sprung”, blame the next man. That is the way adult society “works” and why.

British_PolicemanAdult children (18 til death by western social accounting) also need parents. These are authority figures of arbitrary status: policemen, judges, doctors, scientists, priests (except the Catholics, of course) and so on. Therefore, all a “licensed to perjure” policeman has to do is fart and the people will swarm to catch a whiff. People (like the lady who had forgotten she had been raped thirty years before but [when it suited her] suddenly remembered all the details with sinister clarity) rely on the parent/child model to “get on”. Yes, the euphemism “Big Brother” goes far wider than mere surveillance. It is society; lock, stock and both barrels.

Is Facebook the Ultimate Propaganda Tool?

I was recently annoyed by someone for tagging two of my Facebook posts. Innocent enough; he didn’t know. One link was a video of a fallen policeman and the other an erudite but languid piece by a judge with blurry vision. BM4BMK_2937399bNone of my extensive writings were of any interest and the great Jon Rappoport’s role was as dumbfounded messenger. Ignorant people, which is just about everyone, pin their hopes on the “Magna Carta”, “Bill of Rights” and the “Constitution” with just about zero comprehension of the evolution or motives of the so-called Westminster System (which, according to zealous right wing economists, began with the Magna Carta). I think it is high time for one of my history lessons to put things in perspective again.

photo-2Before I talk about chickens and pigs, I must stress that my history will start with the Romans even though things began, well, how far back can we go? Joseph P. Farrell is worth looking up to discover how the “Jewish” Priest Kings evolved from the need to trade, but an old Atlantis Order (that used their cross of thorny roses as the symbol of ultimate control) stretches back 10,000, 50,000, 100,000 years? In the modern age PIGS are Portugal, Ireland, Greece and Spain. Ireland was the original Promised Land frequented by pre-Gnostic dissenters; Celts. When they spread to Scotland and England, the old guard, Italy, decided to put a final stop to enlightened Judaism (Pagan Druidism). The elite still used the mystery schools, but practices became the greatest secrets on Earth. Greek Philistines have been well and truly beaten and are cursed as the Slavs from Atlantis. Latin Rosicrucian order, Spain and Portugal, has now been reduced to bacon by those that hold the Holy Grail (Zionists). Russian refugees are the new slaves and Irish Celts are modern day chickens to be plucked or [for visible dissenters] tarred and feathered.

A Brief History of Commerce

Let us say, for this example, that I am a humble peasant living on my long claimed common lands thousands of years ago. After time a stranger approaches me surrounded by his herd of tamed boar,

“Hark, kind sir, I am so weary from all this travel, Can I sanction a small slice of your luscious pastures for myself and my hungry boar?”


An exchange is made: twenty boars for a small tract of land of not more than three acres. That land today is located in the City of Westminster (a borough of London, England). As the Duke of Westminster is wealthy beyond imagination, even though (according to the mainstream Medias) he is a “regular guy”, his land is not for sale. So how should we appraise the transaction in modern terms? Is that humble three acres worth a million pigs? Taxing a million pigs might work, but how does the exchequer apportion 10% of seven? Should the owner lop off the head and the rump of one to make good any tax bill?

The point of this example is to demonstrate the problem with commerce in general. It isn’t fair and that’s why everyone’s life savings were wiped out by the 1921-22 hyper-inflation in Germany (a period that strangely coincided with the establishment of the Irish “freedom fighter” movement, Shin Fein). rbst5b-fGermany’s woes directly elevated support in the tyrannical Hitler who had been vilified by the US president Woodrow Wilson championed greed of Allied Forces as a response to the plundering Treaty of Versailles (June 1919). The bankers took the German gold and Hitler, then, took their guns with the ambition to “eradicate 50% of all Slavs”. Wilson, of course, is also famous for enabling the Zionist funded and run (unfairly termed) “Russian Workers Revolution” (1917). 8th September 1919 saw an innocuous New York Times article that promoted war deaths of six million Jews make brief headlines around the globe. Then, as we know, between 1939-45 if came true (sic). “Miracles” do happen, after all!

I shall begin this history with the Romans conquering and imposing monetary systems on the, then, known world. Unlike prior currency systems [used by the elites), they tried to foist their worthless trinkets on the commoners (another name for “people”). sainttthomasaquinas1Ancient Celts were wise beyond years and immediately saw the problem. You can’t index a chicken, because what happens when it’s eaten? The whole prospect of trade, without perfectly balanced and harmonised monetary systems, sets up inaccuracies that will ultimately foster clandestine appraisals with no logical right of validation (like the modern global economies). Without constant regulated adjustments, monetary exchanges could only result in vast indifferences between proposed “assets” and values. It is likely, as is the case today; exploitation would represent the effectiveness of the successful tranches of society. As humans, in general, are devoutly self-serving (above all other devotions), populous greed has been enflamed through deceit of calculated systems of governance.

Yes, our governors put lashings of frilly “goodwill” and “stuff to enjoy” in all their contracts, but the devil is in the detail and, perhaps as importantly, the “sales pitch”. That is why the great Victorian, political commentator, Ralph Waldo Emerson said,

The less government we have, the better, — the fewer laws, and the less confided power. The antidote to this abuse of [by] formal Government, is, the influence of private character, the growth of the Individual.”

Christianity – A Slam Dunk for Judaism

Religions are merely utopian forms of governmental order. Instead of being called Alfred the Great, Alfred the Pudding would have perhaps been closer to the mark. He burnt the cakes, “lost” the crown jewels and created serfdom by Christianising the Celts. article-2173848-000169D800000C1D-629_638x437Alright, he wasn’t the first Christian English King, but the zeal applied to the production and promotion of the Anglo Saxon Chronicle (reinforcing religious fundamentalism) changed England forever. In promotion of the “Starra” (later, in part. Known as the Tudor Starr [contract] or Star Chambers), it was important for Anglo-Saxons never to be bankers as Jesus had a severe distaste of “money changers”. By this reasoning money was fine, and was not the root of all evil, but controlling the banking system was the perfect sin. Therefore, the establishment of the time ushered in droves gracious Jews who, faithfully, assisted not-so-commoners as their friendly merchant bankers (offering services out of the goodness of their little cherub hearts). crossCeltRoseThe Jews would have become Christian (and almost did in 1492-3) but they didn’t like Jesus too much because he was anti Pharisaic Order (ultimate dissent or “chaos”).

Anyway, I digress. Alfred the Pudding did not pay a king’s ransom in Crown jewels to save his sorry ass. Historically though, he laid a slam dunk for William Conqueror to issue a change of executive in 1066. Was King Harold’s arrow in the eye real or a metaphorical blinding? Remember my “spring” analogy? Well, it takes a heck of a long time for real change to bite so, even with the formal introduction of Christianity, the Celts were still pagans at heart and tradition. It needed the Norman Kings (straight out of what was Israel, some say) to give the British plebeians a shakeup. Construction of monstrous Christian cathedrals in celebration of commerce started almost immediately (sometimes around existing Saxon “huts” of worship). In addition, due to their pious hatred of the banking system (legacy of Alfred the Pudding), the serfs were only able to be slaves in their support trading structures owned and controlled by Jews, aristocrats and royals. Of course, if they had been able to trade themselves, they have been a threat to present and future oligarchies.

gizoldThe corporation is a relatively recent concept. Prior there were royals, aristocrats and merchants. A hidden period of European history is colloquially known as “the Dark Ages”. This is not because records ceased but, rather, evidence of great tyranny and censorship. Enough has survived to illustrate the elite took the brunt of all financial transactions after the Roman totalitarian commerce experiments had failed.. So when the “Danish” Vikings mysteriously and arbitrary conducted numerous and “pointless” (“certainly” not part of a much wider plan – sarcasm) raids, Dane geld (buried silver or gold coins) instated the importance of “money”. Over time, not only was the role of the elite immortalised (via the people’s salvation) but also the value of money became popularised by those of lowly status. Of course, the real coup d’état came (which also, needless to say, began the dreadful Westminster System – the curse of freedom) with the Magna Carta. If royalty has been “blinded” in 1066, the people, by the end of the twelfth century, had been well and truly broken. A commercial charter was made for control of their newly plundered common lands. Royal thieves had capitalised on the spineless naivety of man.

Commerce IS Enslavement

This meant the serfs needed a constant supply of money to either maintain rents, taxes or both. Because a “precedent” had been established, future English kings would wage vicious wars to claim common land of Scotland, Ireland and other places over the following centuries. Populations, fodder of conquest, were pretty much treated like vermin, or slaves. Nevertheless, with lands conquered, tables turned and labour became the great asset. Catholic Rosicrucian Order had a stranglehold over Europe for a long time. This was, in reality, an agency for a hidden “black” Roman aristocracy, contrary to popular opinion. portrait_of_henry_viii_aged_49-400Good Zionist King Henry VIII of England broke the deadlock (long after the Merovingian Arians had been defeated – the “virtuous” [sarcasm] Knights Templar were also extinguished after they had served their usefulness) by creating his own church. His death saw a dangerous and bloody period with England reverting to Catholicism under Mary (daughter of Spanish Catherine of Aragon). Zealous, iron queen, Elizabeth I ionised the fate of the plebeians by fining anyone the equivalent of a week’s wage who did not attend Church of England Sunday services.

History is muted over Henry VIII’s own 72,000 executions (the common “punishment” of his time) or “boy king” Edward VI’s purge of 5,500 recalcitrant Catholic Cornishmen (interestingly, Cornwall was one of the bastions of the old Druidic [Rosicrucian] Order). mary-tudor“Bloody” Mary I is well remembered (Elizabethan propaganda) for her attack on the pro-Henry VIII oligarchs (in particular), via a deadly inquisition against “Protestants” (the new word for non-Catholics of the age). There were two hundred and eighty four recorded deaths, although, reputedly, more unaccounted numbers improved that tally. This all before 1558, but the turmoil was not only restricted to England. After Luther’s demands, the whole of Europe became a political hotbed that galvanised long percolating differences, finally boiling over into the notorious French St Bartholomew’s Day massacre August 24, 1572. Over two days thousands were killed, by traditional accounts, and, though figures vary, up to seventy thousand may have succumbed over the following months (against the orders, by royal decree, of Charles IX).

Interestingly, the fight over Ireland has been played out in “religious” terms (perhaps beginning with the St Valentine’s Day massacre 1929 only months before the spectacular US Wall Street Crash) and is ongoing, even now. The south and north is divided between the Rosicrucians and Zionists under the ruse of “faith”. Elizabeth I (1533-1603) set up the merchant contracts for America, but died before it could be ratified. The Virginia Company (1-10 August, 1606) was named after her (Virgin Queen – play on Virgin Mary) by James I (uniting England and Scotland [James VI] for Zion. As with US President Barak Obama, he was a Calvinist). It had been set up just after the Jesuit sanctioned so-called Gunpowder Plot (1605) which implicated Thomas Percy (and others), an ancestor of Bill Clinton. Notably, towards the end of his life, James I began shipping Irish “slaves” (casualties of the wars with Ireland) off to the New World in prestigious numbers. Nevertheless, since the Roman “freeman” system had not been updated, there are many celebrated accounts of, even, Negro slaves becoming successful land owners; some with troupes of their own bonded workers.


Charles I replaced James and he was determined to tax just about everything. This made him terribly unpopular with the merchant bankers and, to be honest, not at all popular with the plebeians either. According to history, a civil war was provoked. In reality it was a contest between merchants that favoured the king and those that didn’t. “The people”, with arbitrary status, as always, did as they were told. Anyway, famously, bonnie Charlie was beheaded and that was that. The oligarchs rubbed their hands with glee predicting a golden age of “free trade” and general plunder.

The Promised Land Offers “More of the Same”

Unfortunately the Commonwealth, under Cromwell, only saw black clouds and far greater autocracy than Charles had ever imposed. In the spirit of nepotism, Oliver’s son Richard succeeded him as pseudo “king”. agincourt20_2605342cThat was the final straw and, to save another civil war, royalty was swiftly reinstated with the return of exiled Charles II (son of Charles I) from France (Normandy – note the famous Henry V Battle of Agincourt, 1415). A parliament of merchants was also set up (extending the Westminster System) and new Charles toed the line. He was succeeded by James II, a king with royal ambition. Not only did he share James I’s passion for shipping slaves off to the colonies, but he made moves to cap merchant politics. A group of English parliamentarians raised an army under the guise of the “Glorious Revolution” in 1688, cutting short James’s reign to just three years. While in exile (which was never to be broken) the Crown was deemed legitimately “open” and William of Orange (William III) was appointed king through marital alliance with James’ eldest daughter, Mary.

An enterprising merchant, William Dockwra (an ancestor of the Grosvenor family), in 1680, established a Uniform Penny Post Service for the City of London and its suburbs (extended by Sir Rowland Hill to the whole of the United Kingdom and Ireland in 1840. Note – it was estimated that one penny covered the cost of carriage of thirty two normal letters. Thus, the enterprise burden was one penny for every thirty two collected). He then successfully patented the system, but Charles II became aware of the booming business, giving it to his brother, the Duke of York (to be James II). For his trouble, Dockwra not only had to surrender his patent, but also pay £2,000 (a hundred years labourer’s salary) in compensation for lost royal income (source – Wikipedia). My memory, perhaps “in error”, did conjure a prison sentence of fifteen years too, but I find no cursory record. With the exit of James II in 1688, Dockwra’s fortunes turned (I recommend this wonderfully detailed history for the period Déjà vu saw a similar occurrence in 1872 in Fiji, when the owners of the local gazette, “Fiji Times”, had issued four and six penny postage stamps for inter-island carriage charge of newspapers. Royal agents of Queen Victoria, upon discovery, hijacked the service and imposed big penalties on its proprietors.

Returning to my history of the English kings, just about the first thing transplanted Dutch aristocrat, William of Orange, did, when king of England, was to draft the Bill of Rights. This 1688 contract was written by the nobles for the nobles. From that point on enterprising merchants had some control over fiduciary relationships through the law courts. Nevertheless, it is without doubt that the Dutch philosopher and magical writer, Baruch Spinoza (1632-77), had some influence on enlightened thinking.

371404-christopher-columbusArguably its extension, in part, is the American Constitution. Washington, a privateer, was anxious to ratify the 1776 agreement (which largely, once again, was for the nobles) as he owned the State of Ohio. Indeed the ring leaders (i.e. Washington, Franklin et al) of the uprising in the New World colonies were all English. Britain, contrary to popular belief, had no constitution at the time. The official prior “discoverer” of America, Christopher Columbus, incidentally, was a Rosicrucian explorer funded by Zionists (Jews are not renowned for “risk taking”). America was broken in two (and later three with colonisation of British Canada). Southern continental regions were under Latin Rosicrucian control and the north had been plundered by British, Zionist pirates. We also see French involvement (in support) led to the so-called revolution which elevated the despotic career of (son of an Italian banker) Napoleon Bonaparte.

A New World Order For Old Fools


Of course, by the mid 1800’s, the people of the New World were well and truly broken, particularly after the 1796 collapse of the gold standard (showing economic recessions every few years hence). It is no wonder the executive administration became a corporation in its own right and the “constitution” was reduced to nothing more than a corporate charter by Andrew Johnson in 1868. That one was for the people and some very bad and draconian legislation naturally ensued to shore up any possibility of dissent.

netanyahuI hear lots of latter day criticism and “revolution talk” but that doesn’t stop at voting for corporate government. The system has been in place for a long time, because “the people” lost the battle ultimately with imposition of the Magna Carta. Therefore, with scant exception, you will all carry on supporting your incredible system to the hilt because of the dislike/fear of inconvenience (ne’er sacrifice, God forbid). For its part, sneaky corporate government gives you (mostly) just enough to keep you from revolting. That’s why you honour your judges, policemen, scientists, priests (except those nasty Catholics) because that is the will of Zion and, as Netanyahu has pointed out on many occasions, the will of Zion trumps all other will.

Mystery surrounds the assassination of Abraham Lincoln in 1865. However, there is no mystery behind the Abolishment of Slavery in the same year (following Britain’s 1833 act). Sometime in the 1870’s the Rothschild family erected a smart silver plaque in celebration of the City of Manchester. At the time, this was England’s cotton boom town. Abolition of slavery and creation of third class American Negro residents (they were not regarded as “citizens”) had developed an economic wedge (currencies, duties, insurance etc.) that had improved the value of garments and linen fivefold.

So, returning to the title that inspired reasoning behind this article, I enjoy exposing the unblemished truth in my own, inimitable way. There is no hollow sentiment which means I only peddle stark reality. Because this is taken from the macro perspective, commercial and other interests don’t figure. I am one of the few that says it as it is and I enjoy that. So if you don’t like it, watch out and if you don’t “believe” it, well, I rest my case.

Is There Any Way Out For Humanity?

PityOfWar001There is something else that significantly affects peoples of our modern age (even though most are dumb as ducks, there are no prizes for ignorance). New World Order or NWO is a popular euphemism used by those that “think” they are “in the know”. New World Order should be broken into “New World” and “Order”. The New World is the United States of America and this is the supreme global power because of the Pentagon. An Illuminati Order was formed by a German [Jew] Jesuit named Adam Weishaupt on 1st May (May day) 1776. Shortly afterwards the United States of America was created with the announcement of independence [from the British crown] 4th July 1776.

I have already mentioned Christopher Columbus “discovered” America in 1492. That same year the Jewish elite considered converting to Catholicism finally sealing the fate of the known world because the Church had started to issue redemption promissory notes (useful for busy, business men) that allowed “advance” sinning. That notion was abruptly halted by another German Jesuit, Martin Luther (note – was Martin Luther King’s fate a coincidence?) who came along, reputedly, in 1517, and pinned his list of 95 demands against the Catholic Church to a door of a chapel in Wittenberg. There was going to be “no deal”.

Recently “unfriended” by a Facebook “penny activist”, I had the audacity to point out Jimmy Carter’s (they called him “JC” after you-know-who) actions have never matched his flowery sentiment. Just as with the faux “Messiah”, Barak Obama, foreign policy will always be Trilateral Commission diktat as of 1973. David Rockefeller is the Illuminati’s “man”. Rather than being virtuous, society, in general, has attempted to mimic political spheres of influence by forming relative poles of propaganda. Whereas many, on face value, support virtuous and valid causes, reasoning and belief systems are always, in some way, obtuse. Criticism, in the age of absolutism, is universally outlawed.

911 and the Treachery of the Masses

911TowersTo show the absolute treachery of “the people”, the Illuminati (Zionist) masters sanctioned the event so-called 911 to mark the end of Rosicrucian power. Like a great Olympic sprint, it was the starter’s gunshot to ignite a once-and-for-all de-structuring of old world powers controlling the Middle East as, the Trilateral Commission deemed, this was holding up the total enslavement of humanity. The rubble of the Twin Towers had scarcely been cleared before polls began showing that the majority [of Americans] were “of the belief” it was an “inside job”. Hold that thought! Remember, this post is titled “Enjoying the Truth for Virtuous Purity’s Sake”. After the Israeli sanctioned, US organised 911 act of terror, there was a stampede of wannabe murderers (armed forces) volunteering to exact revenge on the number one enemy of the Israel and the US. The Middle East is the thorn in the side of the New World Order, so these moronic “patriots” (armed forces) absolutely supported the objectives Israel and the US [terrorists] exasperating the memory of their compatriots (those murdered as a consequence of the 911 psy-op).

ws_Dante's_Inferno__Treachery_1440x900No wonder they say ignorance is bliss! Remember the guy I mention earlier that dived into the burning house to save the old lady (who survived)? Well, the reason he died is you, warriors fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, hung him for not being satanically treacherous enough. Feeding the homeless is now outlawed, so why not impose the death penalty for saving an innocent life?

The role of the Illuminati is merely one of influence (illuminate). That is why fantasy is paraded as “truth” and virtue has no place in civil society. The philosopher, Sufi, saw it clearly – “no point in changing the world when I can change myself (join the corrupt way of materialism and manipulation)”.

rainbow-celebration-hd-desktop-background-wallpaper-image-freeEven amongst erstwhile “sane” and intelligent people, there is a misguided belief that some “higher power” will, ultimately, save virtue. From now on, quite frankly, the papacy goes through the motions, so if an extra-terrestrial “Tall White” Jesus Christ does miraculously appear it will be to shore up existing Order. It is you (the people) that have the arbitrary power because, as much as they try and kill you off with wars, toxic medications and so on, they need you as slaves. Acceptance of the current state of enslavement is your, our bargaining chip. This means, putting it bluntly, the only thing that could save the world is the people. Whilst selfish determinism fuels rifts in the very fabric of communism (note – this is not the Marxist, “Capitalist” commerce management tool creating perpetual low wage classes) a common order is impossible, Humanity, as a unit, must shake off weakness, cowardice, ignorance, self-serving objectives, any deceptions, double standards and, most importantly, we must acknowledge and take responsibility for our own errors (and we all make them – throughout our lives). That is something I would celebrate.