Israel, Zionist Ambition, ISIS and US Affiliated Connections – Part Three



Just as with everyone else not born into money, I have to ghost as a slave to survive. Eating is an expensive requirement but, frankly, to follow breatharian systems, in my view, surely removes the greatest fundamental living pleasure of all. Consumption of food and liquid has been the major highlight of my existence. On the other hand, taking a scrape of raw brains from downed opponents (a macabre armed forces tradition Douglas Dietrich highlights) or devouring the still beating hearts of innocents (a feature of ISIS terrorism), to me, is devoid of anything that resembles bliss. Anyway, the point is, or was, I am presently working full time to survive and that has slowed progress on research and writing. In recent weeks Paris, Turkey, Russia and the CIA/Mossad pact, of course, have featured big time, so I would like to begin with a little video. I can’t remember if this one’s about Charlie Hebdo or the other Paris event, but…..same deal:

Isn’t it a strange that just about every one of these terrorist attacks coincides with official training exercises? What are the odds?

n_84002_1Moving along, we covered Israel in the last segment, so this part I would like to define Zionism, but before I do that a whole heap of other stuff has cropped up that really deserves an airing. Take the interesting recent revelation of Turkish President Erdogan’s intimate connections with the ISIS/ISIL (yes, I know, I’m as confused as you) brass, or, supposed brass. Then we have Paris and theories as to the purpose of the obvious false flag staged terrorist attack. Was it to coerce France into NATO (Zionist Pentagon Inc.), impose a version of the Patriot Act on the French people or to ram home “Climategate”?

Jon Rappoport produced a brilliant article about early 1990’s CIA weapons manufacture in Arizona that missed my last article. Apologies, Jon. 060801_oilSpill_hmed_1p.grid-6x2Perhaps some were used to down that Russian jet travelling perilously close to Turkish airspace? My friends at Veterans Today argue that was actually about “ISIS oil” – something new to me. Oil, did I hear oil? Ah well, these sort of antics are hardly unknown to my seasoned readers. Absence of false flag motive is a scarce commodity these days.

To understand Zionism, you first must accept that nationalism is separate from spirituality and always has been. The concept of a fortress (Sion) world is nothing other than nationalistic utopianism. phoenix_final07_by_eedenartwork-d5mohzqWhether the globe is “secure” or “insecure” does not reflect on sincere belief systems. Insincere ones demonstrate an absence of beliefs. Most recently, I have been particularly obsessed by etymology. “Belief” is a classic example of how meanings have been twisted to reflect the opposite of truth. Assertions, allegations and opinions are not beliefs. Yet, that, for the large part, is the only evidence required as an expression of faith. Except for nationalistic Judaism (and Islam to some degree), believers merely need to claim they are party to one religious brand or another to be unquestionably accepted by all as valued creed representatives. No one reads books anymore. Everything is on the cover. Everything has become branded concepts. Not so, I must say, is the case as I battle the very difficult book, “Legends of the Phoenix” by Alexey Trekhlebov (the cover is non-descript). Aside from his devotion to Russian/Atlantean supremacy, he makes some staggeringly good, well researched points. Included is a quote [supposedly] by Krishna:

Spiritual qualities bring to freedom, whereas demonic ones paralyze


Interesting, eh? What was I just saying about nationalistic control versus true spirituality? Is not control a type of paralysis? Trekhlebov also illuminates the Vedic dark Nav principle, which can only be appraised as a version of the “ISIS scheme”, equating to harnessing/managing/manipulating parasitic evil from the realms of darkness. I explore the Jewish Passover analogy shortly, but let me reinforce the punch line now. How anyone can celebrate the indiscriminate slaughter of human beings by God, heck only knows. 7de2827caf2d480274c0c4f666e54b95Conscientious Jews know Jericho presents a demonic Achilles heel an eternity wide. After excising chunks of Deuteronomy, Leviticus and a few other pungent texts, Judaism might become spiritually redeemable, but for the alleged fact of history, Jericho.

Demon is an interesting word too and a prime example of how Zionist sympathisers have turned good into evil. Checking the origins, nature_sprite_by_soleibee-d2z4aniGreek “daimon” meant benevolent or benign nature sprite. Thus modern twisted etymology has been used to dissuade and ultimately destroy any participation in (anything but) demonic pantheism. Though there appears to be no relationship between demon and demos (Greek for “people”), the shared stem does have a subtle common link. Latin “demo” means to “remove” or “take away”. We, people, draw on (take) the resources of the Earth all our lives. Democracies are the unification of plunder; build on principles of mob rule. By that token, ISIS/ISIL is merely a symptom of the demonic nature of man; professionally sanctioned by chaotic usurpers (Pharisaic Zionists). Thinking of potential remedies/solutions to this, and given an insistence on instruments of power, only a constitutional monarchy that championed the moral fortitude of the people (i.e. as a flexible active organ) could offer effective representation. Of course, emphasis on “could” is so strong I think it would be too extreme to be possible.

The Zionist mindset

yeshua_passover_lambBefore I give a brief history on the objectives of Zionist versus Rosicrucian Order, I am drawn once again to those spirited debates with my rabbinical colleague. Each April, we discuss the Passover. Isis, the Goddess of darkness, would hide (under cover of night) willful assassins to do “God’s bidding”. According to the fable, all Israelites daubed their dwellings with the blood of lambs [of God] and for that they were spared the wrath of ISIS. Regardless of galvanised Jewish nationalism, celebration of barbarous atrocities openly declares an inhumane god in its defiling blasphemy. As everything must, ultimately, be the summary of a single presence, any form of attack on anything else theoretically, at least, is an attack on God (see my book).

To see how Zionism has catapulted into action the above Passover sentiment, here is a Zionist “form guide”:

The first link I have selected, appropriately titled “the French Connection”, lists considerable numbers of atrocities “in the name of Zion” for 1944-48 by the Jewish Stern Gang (who finally assassinated Swedish diplomat, Count Bernadotte on September 17, 1948). It is the summary of a report prepared for Dr Ralph J. Bunche, UN Mediator for Palestine (Bernadotte’s replacement).


My next choice of Israelite terrorists is Irgun, who terrorised Palestine 1936-48. Their methods are eerily similar to so-called Al Qaeda in Iraq, but this is not the only feasible comparison. Methods noted are so likened to techniques ISIS/ISIL use, the group is being called Al Qaeda’s “rogue stepchild” by some sources. Indeed, Israel’s marketing arm, the American government, created Al Qaeda and ISIS out of mostly disparate, malignant offensive groups to be targeted or supported.

mossad-1Many years ago, I somehow charmed my way into a passionate liaison with a well-connected Australian female (who will remain nameless). It so happens, as sheer luck would have it, that her ex-boyfriend (whose name I sincerely forget) was ex-Mossad or had represented some other Israelite special forces unit. He was too paranoid about the promise of attacks from renegades so I understood the union was a brief one. I was informed that, in moments of delirium, he revealed to my, then, girlfriend, that “Palestine is supplied all weapons by Israel through French intermediaries….and if the people knew they would lynch the government”. Where have I heard that before?. That wild card, France, keeps bobbing up like a bad penny.

A brief history of Zionism versus Rosicrucian Order

Pieter_Bruegel_the_Elder_-_The_Tower_of_Babel_(Vienna)_-_Google_Art_Project_-_editedWe have to go back to the time of mythical Atlantis to understand the dynamics that have ultimately forged the duplicitous, bi-partisan politics of the modern age. Create as many labels, brands, types as you like, but it is always “us” versus “them’ (or the other). Historically contextually, the Tower of Babel tale from the Biblical book of Genesis is wildly out of place. The short passage actually referred to a long period of development that perhaps commenced 30,000 years ago. It led to the creation of all nations and most languages today. Though the hallowed texts fail to harpoon the truth in glorious transparency, I can add that the towers represented the rose/cross impenetrable citadels and subsequent policies of banishment. Nikolai Levashov talks of roaming “derelicts” (the fallout from the destruction of Atlantis metropolis) emerging as new leaders in “Russian History Viewed through Distorted Mirrors” (2007). atlantis5These were the mysterious “Aryans” that plundered India but all mysticism overlaid on the Dravidian cultures, surprisingly, is theirs. Sanskrit, for instance, is a version of ancient Russian. Nevertheless, at some point in the development of old Atlantis order, a philosophic split between those that wanted to engage and those that were simply intent on plundering has casted a dim pall over civilisation.

A significant section of the final part of Levashov’s book is devoted to explaining the realities behind Zionist communism; a thinly veiled attempt at enslaving humanity with view to ensuring directed labour and other resources are available and ready to satisfy any whim of the exalted leaders (extended industrialist oligarchy). The man power behind ISIS/ISIL, for instance, is an excellent example of this type of cultivated resource. We all should know by now that Vladimir Lenin was a failed lawyer, only with experience of a handful of court cases that were all spectacularly lost (similar, in some ways, to Franklin Roosevelt). Russian Bolshevism, I have mentioned before, was funded by Rothschild’s Inc. via a posse of newly created Federal Reserve bankers (the same ones’ more or less funded Adolph Hitler to the detriment of the American people). Ignoring Levashov’s observation that all Russian Presidents have either been white (both parents) or black (via the maternal line) Israelites, I wonder why no one questions America’s real motive in attacking French Indo-china (Vietnam) to progress the “War on Communism” after China was ignored by President Harry Truman. Korea became one of the operational satellites to conduct clandestine activities between East and West in secret after “terms” were organised in 1953.

3596073744_cd23a79aec_oPrior to Vietnam, we were told the Bay of Pigs incident almost led to nuclear war with Russia (and if you believe that you acknowledge pigs can fly). It amazes me that some teeny-weeny Island (Cuba) within spitting distance of the “world’s super power” could harbour a tin pot dictator whose regime was at loggerheads with the master of global tyranny without ever being formally attacked. Then, in 1996, the truth was revealed. Guantanamo Bay told us the premium resource for torturers could be found on Cuba. Castro was renowned for his appalling treatment of dissidents. That is why Cuba was created. After British Queen Victoria’s lease on the islands of Hong Kong ran out in 1997, it turned out that Communism was AOK after all, because when the administrative wealth reverted to Red China (which is redder than ever today, lest we forget) she was open for business. Of course the alternative movements of the 1920’s and ‘30’s backed real communism inspired by the legacy of Louisa Sarah Bevington, James Tochatti and others. Those that reached their Soviet Mecca became starkly aware that Marxism was a fraud and nothing more than state sanctioned/controlled Capitalism and en-masse oppression of the lower classes.


I would liked to have explored Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s “200 Years Together Russian-Jewish History” but the English translation is banned. Also time is pressing. So much so, here is a “brief”, selective history on the evolution of Zionist, Rosicrucian politics. The most recent separation in the philology of civilisation saw the creation of Christianity emphasizing Gnostic wisdom. kobberAn attempt was also made to fuse Pharisaic Order with Greco-Roman Pantheism, but, ultimately, atheism and nature will never be a good mix. What remains of old alternative order is the New Age Lucifer brand constructing an ever-shifting Catholic “cosmic Christ” to dictate to the masses. Because St Paul’s valiant attempt (note he writes letters to the Romans and the Corinthians) at throttling spirituality failed, another mini-tyrant, known only as Mohamed, was elevated to power in the 8th Century. His Koranic “Satanic Verses” have been misconstrued and disambiguated ever since. Anything remotely gnostic in flavour is branded spurious. Just as with the nation-religion Islam, ISIS/ISIL is equally clandestine.

Nevertheless, string pullers are always clearly Zionist and this cloaks an absence of spirituality promoting willful atheistic industrialism. Judaism, from the sacred perspective, is for suckers too. Details on the copper serpent and the Hebrews’ connection to Easter, denial of Sophia, and why Samael was offered the Torah as the “chief of evil spirits” will have to wait for another day. Then there’s the enigma of that French Merovingian Messiah. If I could conjure a simple statement that might summarise the overall objectives of Zionism, it would be – create nations and control them. That, my friends, is immigration. There are neither countries nor borders without the tyranny of nationalism.

Isis – an American psy-op?

Isis_in_MexicoMy well-researched colleague, Robert O’Leary, is not the only one determining an alignment between ISIS and Mexico’s vile drug cartels. Someone also wants to imply a connection between Mexico and “rogue Palestinian, ‘anti-Israel’ forces”.

This, we have learned, would be similar to the rebranding tactics used against the [comparatively moderate] Muslim Brotherhood democratic movement. Here is some on the alleged relationship between Egyptian Islamic fundamentalists and the CIA (Note Israel is absent but never far away in the pictorial study of the NAZI machine. See here and another “politically correct” analysis limply implicates Israeli wrong doing). Israelite surveillance equipment led to the impeachment of Bill Clinton, which was to take the focus off a massive [Israeli] spy network sprung inside the United States by the FBI. Here is Israel’s public boast as to the extent of the power of their surveillance plexus.

Dees_Illustration_Jet_FuelRather more importantly, I have discovered an article that finds the heart of this debate – control of the Pentagon (or larger Military Industrial Complex). Of course, the great event that supposedly changed history was 9/11 (although I think history was well on its way after the Oklahoma City Bombing). Once you control the Pentagon, you control everything (see here and there). We know 9/11 was on Pentagon’s 60th anniversary of foundation day so everyone (except minions and a team of auditors) was away (with the fairies). The only casualties/deaths were of that Bill Clinton’s ill-fated team of accountants investigating trillions of dollars in Pentagon fraud. Andersen Consulting’s calculated demise was down to fraud deliberately sending a message to any accountants that investigate the Pentagon to expect retribution demonstrating the vicious, narcissistic payback methods used by these career criminal “powers that be”.

Note: I would suggest Jimmie E. Cain Jr’s “Bram Stoker and Russophobia: Evidence of the British Fear of Russia in: “Dracula and the Lady of the Shroud“” makes excellent reading for those interested in the historic development of last century, including information on how the British East India Company (cotton trade link) partially morphed into the US Pentagon. It is interesting that Dracula has all the behavioural hallmarks of the extra-dimensional mammalian Pteroid Draco. Ex. Pentagon Chaplain, Colonel Michael Aquino reputedly tried to set up a pact with the Draco (euphamised as “Satan”) for the military (similar to the objectives of Hitler’s Thule Society). A progression of this theme prompted the creation of the Temple of Set.



I had originally planned to conclude this article by establishing a link between Latin criminal gangs, such as the Favelas, and their US counterparts with the ISIS sponsored terrorism in Mexico. However, unexpectedly, I found there to be no similarity whatsoever, other than the obvious drug trafficking connection. The consistencies in the methods and development of US versus Latin drug gangs do suggest a common, coordinated controller (or puppet master) has manipulated injustices against impoverished (predominantly ethnic) population groups. Abstract Businessman sends Smoke Signals on an Island.Explosive effects seen from the [what can only be described as] parallel development of numerous cross-cultures share so many similarities it leads the impartial researcher to conclude, “There ain’t no smoke without fire”.

Racking my brains as to the real point of the ISIS/Mexico connection, I came across this startling article (if that’s the right word). I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the account or source, but the first observation is the great Jewish centre, New York City, isn’t on the list – odd for an attack list of supposed Islamic fanatics. Living with Persian refugees, I have been immersed in their culture for over a year and this has given me a good understanding of the Farsi artistic perspective. The photograph depicting the ISIS militants is so flourishing; given the styles I had seen in numerous other Persian illustrations, it could only be Iranian. Thinking aloud, I had a “eureka moment”. If ISIS was to process a barbaric attack on the peoples of the United States of America, what retaliation would come at the expense of the Middle East? More importantly, would this diabolical (the Boston marathon has shown they are well prepared to kill Americans for effect) false flag lead to a nuclear strike on Iran and all out Armageddon? nasir-al-mulk-mosque-shiraz-iran-01Another “incidental” that may be hardly worth mentioning is that, reputedly, ISIS/ISIL has attacked or been blamed for terrorist activity in just about all Middle Eastern countries. Yet, according to my sources, Israel has never been attacked once. An “Islamic fundamentalist” group that only attacks would-be Islamists – isn’t that odd?

Ok, that may be old news, but readers should remember I began the bare bones of this dissertation back in April and a lot has happened in the meantime. Besides, this old evidence is hardly water under the bridge, and goes well to shaping a clarity that might be fogged by present day theatricals. I have a feeling we have already exceeded the 10,000 word promise and I have barely reached the halfway point. Next segment will explore the “interests” behind global politics and their corresponding evolution of a system that has become ISIS/ISIL. See you soon.

5 thoughts on “Israel, Zionist Ambition, ISIS and US Affiliated Connections – Part Three

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  2. Pingback: Israel, Zionist Ambition, ISIS and US Affiliated Connections – Part Four | ozziethinker

  3. Pingback: A Crisis of Social Grooming: Fear and Manipulation at the Root | ozziethinker

  4. Pingback: The Truth about Human Destiny and its Infiltration | I am Exopolitician, iXossana reincarnated

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