A Crisis of Social Grooming: Fear and Manipulation at the Root

Never entirely sure why I receive certain impulses, there was a nagging feeling that I needed to publish this on America’s “Memorial Day“. Perhaps it was the sense of anger at “order” attempting to press-gang me into remembering those I didn’t ever know. How is that possible; to remember something that wasn’t experienced? Besides, the fallen didn’t die for me personally. Far from it. They behaved recklessly, some committing murder to protect the coveted few of the time; the elites that pariah off corporate infrastructures. Mind you, at least American judiciaries don’t follow Austria’s lead who, upon instruction of internal law, may likely illegally abduct and imprison high profile publishers of responsible criticism of irrational (and otherwise nonsensical) wittering that corresponds as the official history of an episode colloquially promoted as “the Holocaust”. But, of course, anything that reinforces Israel’s case is a-okay.

Producing voluminous, more substantial articles these days, when lacking project inspiration I generally refer to an “in progress or to be written” folder located under my computer’s document file explorer. The title I selected this time round had lain dormant for years. It intrigued me to see how my style had changed, by how much I had grown or shrunk, as the case may be. The original title “The Root of Social Grooming” was somewhat truncated and this, I think, adequately highlights my changed perspective. Albeit embellished in places now, the signature paragraph (formulated all those years ago) does make ample preparation for what is to follow.  Even though I missed that critical Memorial Day deadline, without further ado, here is what I had to say back in 2014.

“Democracy will never work when underlying principles are built on exclusion rather than inclusion. Laws that don’t underscore prohibition, impose [just as well]. Secular privileges are given to those with diplomatic [status] and others [that parasite off the apparatus]. This [phenomenon] has [caused] creation of the social divides that [naturally] encourage Racism and other [regressive] symptoms. There is no doubt [in my mind that] this has been a deliberate strategy. Given the enormous weight of responsibility required to effectively ensure dedicated impartiality, it is all too clear royal status was originally foisted on wise men and women. [In light of human fallibility], it [proved] a responsibility too great to bear and, eventually, [ensured] recruited blasphemers [whose conceit] arbitrarily discerned “God’s wishes” [sic] whether they parried with social equilibrium [backed off natural order] or not. After extended periods of tyranny, eventually royals were called to task [for this] and clerics produced mandates outlining reasoned constitutional representation. These systems became known as constitutional monarchies and [they] are the fairest democratic processes of government.”

People like to blame others for their woes, because applying responsibility almost invariably exposes personal error as the main cause for issue. On occasions when truth does lend towards the conspiratorial shall we say, as is the case with routine pollution and certain [unarguably toxic] medications, coherent competency rarely attributes basis. Individuals, it seems, are drawn to propagandas generated by consensuses like flies to the dung heap. If the great group says it is so then it must be so, so it will be so, by their reckoning. This amply summarises the crisis of social grooming. “Denial” of truth is the commonest and starkest symptom of “fundamentalism”. Consensus view beneath corporate standards more than adequately abridges a modern way of domineering dogmatism, whereby explanations replace avenues to seasoned logic. Jon Rappoport’s raucous alarm calls aimed at the education system (I expect his article to be reinstated by WordPress) barely begin to highlight just how deep rooted social apathy has become. But for the bubbling internet, revelations of sovereign mind today would have zero influence on the manner of how things are presented or reflected on.

In effect (accorded by politics), a dichotomy of tyrannies punctuates the rights of the few over the wrongs of the many. The Magna Carta’s early assault on common law wasn’t enough. So veraciously hostile were forces of evil, later aristocrats and merchants alike scrambled for protection against Cromwell’s foul legacy, which is the austere Westminster System of course. William of Orange became the fortuitous angel of mercy. But their appreciation of tyranny didn’t cease as a consequence. The peoples’ constitution (if it could be argued so) was shredded in 1864 in preparation for the beginnings of popular slavery (liberally recorded as emancipation) under aggressively tiered society.

“Terms” for the masses (slaves) were finally aggregated in 1929 by the Geneva Convention at around the same time bankers’ were able to soundly conspire from their newly formed historic capital, “the Vatican”. Why are those hauled before the American courts presumed guilty until “proven” innocent (celebrating French bankers’ multi-lateral autonomy after both republics commenced in 1789)? This is because every American national (of ill-breeding) is deemed a criminal. And that Fifth Amendment salvation so often referenced is strictly for the nobles. As Great Britain (or, notably, Ireland) has been the informal Promised Land since time memorial, her chosen peoples are considered innocent until proven guilty by the corresponding system of justice. But Britannia ruled far more than the waves, for the rest of the world had gradually submitted to maritime law long ago.

Of course along the journey that is branded civilisation by historians, elitist empowering double standards are all too numerous to list, but there is one deception of such far reaching magnitude it begs to be exposed in glorious detail. If Genesis’ Adam and Eve parable was conceded as truth, everyone (“one race”, if you will) is Jewish by birthright. Yet, the reality accords the promotion of acute covert xenophobia towards anyone who isn’t Jewish (per alleged successive bloodline integrity). “Values” that became laws governing humanity are almost exclusively theirs. Consequentially, many social go-getters, such as, for instance, the unlikely Sammy Davis Junior, have converted to the insincere faith to “get on”. The stakes of occultism are high, as to be expected. New Jewish citizens (paying homage to homeland – Israel) are forced to enrol all male offspring, under crude auspices of dignity, into a ceremony colloquially known as the Bris.

For reasons that might only be judged as bizarre by the right minded, infant star of each gathering is guaranteed to lose his penal foreskin without refund. Now, given the unholy reaction to one of my prior articles here that [according to one accuser] “reveres” the practice of paedophilia, I am flabbergasted by the lack of venom directed towards any Jew (synthetic or otherwise) who participates in the callous Bris culture. I use the word “callous” with great care here. Is a baby consulted and fully aware of folly ahead or is this a somehow “legitimisedviolation of body rights, a strange exception to the fundamental rule of personal sovereignty? Why aren’t there any salacious headlines? Wouldn’t one expect to see “Sadistic Infant Penile Display Centre Stage in Sick Pedo Jew Cult Orgy” or the like smeared over the front pages? If it was the Catholics doing this; would they deserve any less? Why do we all “know” (sic) Catholic [priests] must be paedophiles? Why, because we have been programed to think that and we’ve been programed to believe the Bris and circumcision are A-Okay too.

“Great” Jewish newspapers, of the prestige of Haaretz or the Times of Israel make little fuss of the affair, but confusingly, outside the club, there is an (albeit ultra-orthodox), I must say, vile practice or fetish that receives almost no attention at all (i.e. absent from non-Jewish tabloids). How many of my readers are aware of a Rabbi’s certified (or, perhaps, certifiable)“suction clean”, I wonder? So, to elaborate on the process for those less informed, any other vaguely comparable uses of “suction clean” terminology would certainly better appraise as blowjob for mere mortal comprehension. Crude but appropriate or, rather, I mean inappropriate. Thinking of those possible headlines again, how does “Boy Loving Pedo Rabbi Gives Bad Baby Deep Throat” (well you know how these Medias like to exaggerate) fit the criteria? It is funny how God issues an “unacceptable” foreskin, but man is far more divine than God, wouldn’t you say?

Therefore, I assume my revised headline suggestion would be fine, except there’s something else we should consider. You see, in this case blood’s involved, so forget the Jewish thing. We’ve moved to a whole new level. Instead, let’s imagine we are dealing with a Catholic archbishop here, who must be guilty (because we believe that). I see no reason why a banner mightn’t reasonably read “Sick Sadistic Catholic Cult’s Gay Gore Orgy Reptilian Priest Drinks Baby Blood Raw”. Then again, what of those herpes cases in New York?

Oh brother, very hush-hush

Ah the joys of satire! That said, circumcision is a very serious topic. God gave me my foreskin and I celebrate it. Those that argue otherwise are vainly obsessed. We only need to look at incessant mass Media venom directed at disgracefully lampooning strict Islamic practices to see evidence of this obsession. Remember those elite double standards I mentioned earlier. How is the circumcision of a female any different to the male? Either the act itself is deplorable or it is acceptable. But at least for abject followers of Mohamed, circumcision is theoretically “optional”. Mass Medias highlight duplicitous contradiction; which is the natural consequence of social grooming.

Truth is invariably adrift of broadsheet fantasy, but there are some encouraging exceptions to the rule. Here it could be said fair attention is given to distinctly parallel violations of Muslim women, yet (beyond very occasional warnings dressed as “politically correct” philosophic procrastinations) no attempts are ever made to stress the plight of unguarded marginalised males. Behind the curtain, there is fallout of course. The epidemic is such one Jewish woman (of presumably many) tearfully reached out to me at Jon Rappoport’s blog, explaining how her son’s pain from his circumcision has persisted throughout his life with no possibility of moral refund.

Rabbinical authorities have shamed her trust in them

Apparent holistic needs (whether pertinent or not) of social cultures are given far greater priority than raw truth. In fact, there is strong evidence to support respect [in divinity] is so wanton, that truth has become partially superfluous. Therefore, correspondingly, sewers of misinformation and disinformation thrive. The modern age, certainly over the last fifty years, is a heyday of deceit. Name me one mass Media celebrated medic that has spoken with truthful authority about vaccines and viruses? Does an institutionalised historian actually know any history? Why are the majority of great pioneering scientific discoveries accidents?

Nevertheless, the foremost “out in the opendishonesty is the role of world governments and their ongoing missions. The reason political machinations never seem to improve is they were designed that way. They were designed to fail, from the social perspective. After Albert Einstein, either doing the same thing over while expecting improved change equates to insanity, or “make no difference to the way things are” is the overall anticipated goal of policy making. Politics are fundamental. Decisions are bound up in constitutions which (albeit theoretically) script foundations for utopian order. Amendments to the US constitution, sticklers might debate; cause all outward political problems for that nation. I say the constitution was rigged from the onset and reasoning is clear.

But you have to go back to dot to précis the real issue with popular (i.e. majority rule) population administration. Undoubtedly foundations which have become the hubris for modern world government are encapsulated by Oliver Cromwell’s Westminster System. (Ignoring the exported Dutch mortgage system) why was second class aristocrat William of Orange (incidentally, his daughter, Queen Anne, was a reputed lesbian. Lesbians are regularly the product of physically, emotionally or “character” scarred fathers) ushered into British supreme authority if the constitution (adjunct to the Westminster System) was irrefutably “stable”? Maybe the highly irregular dual headed coinage of the realm conceals some secrets as well.

Nouveaux nobility (a fraternity of merchant bankers) hastily drafted their bill of rights because, after recalcitrant King James II, they were demonstrably exposed as vulnerable (I referenced the jailing of William Dockwra before, but there were many, many other attacks on “treasonous” private commerce) as royalty had proven far from defeated after Charles I’s infamous beheading execution. The double edged sword of success viciously turned on the perpetrators of the French Revolution as well (its leader and other key players suffered the nobleman’s guillotine fate). Some would say “karma had its day”, but [ultimately] the lesson to be learned here is those that wield draconian standards are forced to live by them too. And the closer you are to the source of heat, the greater your chances of being burnt.

Legal due process oils hearsay dressed as evidence in our courts. Will re-emergence of medieval torture (currently in the form of legitimised psychological terrorism) come at a hefty price to its backers?

As I regularly outline; the United States of America was established with a view to becoming a template of the French system of government (symbolised by the Statue of Liberty) and not the other way round. Be it the continent was a constitutional democracy 1766-88. Phoenician rebirth of combined great Greek/Roman (liberators of Rome for justice) dynasties had been the plan all along. That is why, in typical fashion, Napoleon seized absolute control just as Caesar had done before him and, arguably, (Aristotle favourite) Alexander had done before him. Britain had no mitigating royal authority at the time of the revolution, so America “the enterprise” is the greatest untold conspiracy never to be explored. King George of England was a foreigner who spoke little more than nodding English. The issue that blew up into a war was between powers that “vampired” off regal infrastructures and those who opted for self-sufficiency, which is amply highlighted by renegade “journalist” John [Peter] Zengler’s successful defence of a libel lawsuit against Royal Governor of New York, William Cosby (is that why they attack Bill Cosby today?) in 1734.

Miscasting of historic myths is a classical manoeuvre of those committed to perverting truth in order to impress upon social grooming. In more ancient times religions were a vehicle sometimes used to ridicule truth and deny sovereign faith. Circumcision is an undeniable direct attack on God (supporting that which is natural), but I find no reference to the fact in the Torah. Because religion began to lose its potence (the authorities drafted a new Bible in 1884 in an attempt to jump start Christianity once more) with so much global upheaval, since the French Revolution, the task of bending truth has been handed to “science”. That is why today learned professionals are “split” for and against vaccines, marking mainstream and anti-mainstream territories.

How can there be any debate on this though? The truth is plain and out in the open, but far from simple. Aluminium, supplied to vaccines via Eli Lily’s branded product Thimerosal, causes brain damage. The symptom autism is a configurable consequence. There are other plausible associated conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease. Here’s where complexity is noted. Often combinations of factors will impress varied disease symptoms. Wireless 5G illness is an odd one, but in the specific cases of autism and Alzheimer’s, the underlying (or root) cause is aluminium poisoning. When there are multiple factors determining potential outcomes of any political argument, it becomes easy to subvert the path away from honest realisation. Oil is blamed for Iraq, but the war had little to do with the petroleum industry. That was the cover story. Indeed, the “powers” know that if they do not move away from fossil fuels soon, humanity is done for. In fact, as I illustrate in this article, all cancers are caused by carbon pollution.

Politics is all about consensus view (or, rather, the manufacture of it). Science and religion are the same, with two distinct exceptions. Religion is anchored to Scripture which, fanatics assert, is Word of God. This is easily disproven, of course. We only need to open our Bibles to discover numerous contradictions on offer when evidence that summarises prophets’ revelations is scrutinised carefully. God apparently allows and disallows certain practices; verdicts depending on timely cultural persuasions. Yet, jesting aside, a calculating, divisive God is a duplicitous one. Science, almost identically, regularly serves up contradictory “proof” as justification for dogma.

These wibbly-wobbly proofs are sometimes sensationally disproven. For some “products” bitter cognitive dissonance needs to be challenged many times over before evil ones are forced to prostrate before the light. Neither Scripture nor proof, it seems, are very reliable. That is perhaps why they have combined in unison today. Both sciences and religions’ output asserts what amounts to principled belief in doctrines “supposedly” backed by evidential proof. Though it logically belonged to Jacques De Molay (attesting his crucifixion by Catholicism), the so-called Turin Shroud is “officially” evidence of Jesus’ (who didn’t exist, by the way) life and death. This is because, the once Hitler IG Farben cyanide gas salesman, Pope John Paul II was all too quick to upgrade the dubious (according to prior editions of the Catholic encyclopaedia) “fact” in spite of the facts (couched in known origins of the exhibit).

If the world’s great superpower USA was modelled on Rome (forget Israel) why wouldn’t the Vatican be nucleus of authority?

Thinking of an unlikely analogy that summarises social conditioning, I am impressed by the subtle interpretive differences between recklessness and bravery. In respect to this, modern day mass Medias are ceaseless in their assault of valour. Cowardice will never be bravery, but so often this is purported as truth. In deference to a submissive death, a victim must be brave, they claim. Is it because preservation of life happens to be the most significant clause of their subliminal “survival of the fittest” manifesto? In that regard, another noteworthy manifesto titbit asserts the belief that people will be consistently devoted to deceitful subversion in ego threatening situations, which would justify the system’s perennial need for disciplined shepherds to guide righteous flocks. It further highlights why people are treated as though they were cattle commodities by these overseers.

When citizens lost their natural right to be sexual, their lives were transferred to state. Relative scam Paedophilia is a philosophic foundation stone that projects hybrid standards which rely on comprehensive groomed compliance. In other words, without foundation beliefs, supporting synthetic reason would wither into oblivion and the cattle would roam free. An extension of this façade is people must truthfully worship their Gods for persuasion to transform into reality. Understanding the mindset is vital to decoding how corridors of power visualise authority. Thus, if ruling authorities are Godlike, they must be faultless. Correspondingly, the system is beyond criticism, but individuals, “bad prophets” if you will, are very much in the spotlight and may be sacrificed to preserve unblemished credibility. Pedo priests, by that token, won’t tarnish institutional Catholicism.

Back in Roman times, rulers painfully observed successful policy was inexorably linked to popularity (usually supported by in vogue Gods). From today’s bloated populations for those with sufficient resources, it is easy to manufacture fabricated consensuses. Menacingly, in conjunction, a form of censorship disparages thinking outside or beyond traditional guidelines. A cult, which is a gestalt made from materialistic, atheistic and hybrid Judaic ideologies, acts as counterbalance, paving the way for all established rules that attribute what is justifiably “credible”.  Atheism, in the usage here, isn’t presented as a religious connotation per se, or even a system arbitrating divinity. It would be better, instead, reviewed as an appendage of materialism. The two concepts are inseparably grafted together. Terms or understanding attempting to cultivate non-physicality, particularly anything spiritual, are the critical casualty of the union. In their ideal world, associated zealots would outlaw anything that obstructs or contradicts perception validating physicality (though paradoxical string theorists see the illusion well). By their lofty ideals, if God was to exist, “He” must be tangibly solid.

After in depth study of history, one can but draw the conclusion that a seam of vexatious law brokers has plagued humanity from the dawn of time. Ineffective (and sometimes destructive) rules are regularly demanded of simply to “organise” the rabble. In past writings I have highlighted the Pharisees as the significant culprit. Given this is an Easter project; it would be remiss of me not to at least reference bonny Jesus, who constantly buffered against puritanical high priests lacking common sense and honest dignity. Suffice to say, grooming is a vital symptom of society, which, from the true utopian perspective, should concur with universal selflessness, even if by being selfless could also mean being selfish too. Medieval fanatics undeniably misinterpreted this divine instrumental purpose. Self-flagellation achieves nothing unless the group benefits by some means. When fear and manipulation are routine tools (or cattle prods) used to control consensus society, individual rite is rendered superfluous and might be viewed as a threat to order.

The effect aggregates a strange symptom. Consequentially, “structure” will eventually stagnate (euphemised as populations waking up) because the ego must rationalise to survive. Zombie state reflects the individual that is prisoner of order; wandering in a waking death, which fundamentally explains why such relatively large percentages of populations turn to crime. They reject order to live. Even the supposedly most innocent amongst us are actually as guilty as sin in some ways. Conflicting laws are not observed by anyone safely way from the spotlight. Reasoning of our holier than thou brethren deems some crimes are more criminal than others. Indeed a prior article of mine “The Law is an Ass” comprehensively outlined the basic problem. Which is the umbrella justice system reflects austere bias so it simply isn’t just.

In so much, the concept of justice was established to cajole society in favour of the few

For instance, murder is the supposed capital offense, yet I find not a single nation against war. Even strategic financial centres too cowardly to participate don’t morally block wilful destruction of life (particularly when they skim the racket). Beyond commercial politics, the justice system actually seems to be more in place to obstruct an individual’s rite of passage than promote proscribed “good”. Arbitration of sexuality is probably the best example to demonstrate what “under law” really means. Per legislation, individual rite most definitely cannot be used as an acceptable excuse for violation of law. I have mentioned before, and it cannot be repeated often enough that, from the divine “cosmic” perspective, sexuality doubles as “life potence” (generated by the base chakra). Break life potence (through arbitrative control of sexuality) and you own a slave; only a breath away from fully fledged zombiism.

Fortunately the youth of today aren’t easily subdued. Sex drive is as powerful as ever, regardless of the many and regular attempts by insidious mass Medias to obfuscate reality. Fundamental attacks on sexual expression (and freedom) actually stretch back to the dawn of time. Currently paedophilia may well be the sin of the moment, but in other ages, cultures targeted varied peccadillos. “Apostle” and Pharisee “St Paul” (who has doubled as people’s first pope) championed total prohibition of intimacy. Even under terms of marriage, he argued carnal relations were theoretically sinful. Expanding persuasion of this devious fraud, Jesus is remembered as a “natural” manifest virgin, reinforced by his immaculate birth.

Furthermore, theological authorities make it dreadfully clear his genius was not a consequence of spiritual purity but, rather, the “reward” for preserving virgin status (following mother Mary) throughout his life. Purity, by their deceitful account, implies any universal celibate might match Jesus’ standards (a Pharisaic notion) simply by rejecting intimacy (commonly illustrated by overtly mocking the “devil”). Of course the reality flies in the face of this nonsense. Jesus (a pseudonym of Joseph ben Matthias) took Joseph of Aramithea’s daughter Mary “Magdalene” (who purists imply was a “whore” for daring to taint the Messiah’s reputation) as his wife (that culture would have permitted only a wife to wash/anoint the feet of her spouse in company – John 12:1-8). There may have been offspring to the marriage; whose descendants would become the Merovingian kings (the great Catholic threat). One investigative account supporting this conviction is presented by Michael Baigent’s “Holy Blood, Holy Grail” (1982) and evidence selected is most compelling.

Whether contemplating deep past or modern day politics, there is a serious side to social apathy. Actually it’s a deadly serious side. Build enough pomp in support of institutional deceit and ill prepared perhaps naïve doctors will routinely administer poisons as “cures” to patients (remember those leeches?).  But doctors are “just doing their job” as they kill you, right? The numerous celebrated examples of those who have “extended” their lives by opting out from being processed by the system, by refusing medications today, should hardly embarrass. That said, why limit the blame to doctors and medicine? Every car driver administers cancer causes, maybe not individually, but certainly as combined agent of a monstrous pack of polluters; polluters who generally don’t care by the way. And the price they pay for not caring is to lose their own natural health as well.

The problem is everyone suffers from and some die because of their arrogant ambivalence

Popular desensitisation towards life threatening truths I believe is evidence of the direct result of viscerally unfair political processes churning out laws geared only to improve Racist divisions (or to favour commercial lobbyists’ such as Pfizer’s, I hope I have that right, sex change therapy drugs for four year olds). There is no debate on certain unwholesome legislations which will either not be strictly observed by majorities or, in other instances, completely ignored. People reject these in the same manner as they deliberately avoid understanding real reasons behind everything. Indeed, they encapsulate an ongoing political conspiracy that consumes humankind. I find it greatly ironical that law breaking sycophants are still able to vote with open hearts and wail like babies when their chosen troll doesn’t make it. They outwardly pander to systemic government, taking advantage of all the “trappings”, whilst inwardly reviling dictating democracy, ever scheming as to the best way to avoid compliance.

For the creators of “order” to pull off their charade, there has to as much collusion between mass Media sirens and vested interests of Big Commerce as is possible. No better example of orchestrated faux crisis can be found than the ever regular fever pitch screams supposedly shining the spotlight on global epidemics whilst actually preparing sales of (commonly poisonous) medications. Enlightened ones will quickly see beyond the veneer, such as the swine flu “epidemic” which could only site a few dozen cases (and all of those, when detail is inspected with integrity, were dubious). Therefore “epidemics” exquisitely open up cultural insanity (maybe Einstein was forsaken after all?) at all levels and persuasions of society. By extension, an in vogue pioneer that labels something new, something formally undiscovered prior, apparently has divine authority to boycott criticism from branded undesirables. Bloated, and often obviously lacking, theories supporting “functionality” are routinely fed to wider populations, who invariably lap up whatever they are told. Once “knowledge tracks” are laid it takes an earthquake to uproot them and this is fundamentally why people are so easy to groom.

An extension of the grooming effect will regularly encourage recruits to go to extraordinary lengths to feign compliance with normalcy. Conventions are followed with such zeal, in some sorry cases, lives are shattered. Outward contradictions cannot whitewash over inner turmoil. That is why correspondingly high percentages of Western populations (in particular) are currently hooked on psychiatric drugs. Of course, as far as “Pharma” is concerned the human identity crisis is a perfect two way street to profits. Drugs they issue to solve the problem will more than likely make the patient either more ill or ill in a different way. That means more prescription drugs for the bad prescription drugs; yet more products sold to alleviate or patch up the problem caused by the “solution”; aptly complimenting the vicious cycle of ignorance. And we should not lose sight of the fundamental fact. It is not doctors or pharmaceutical cartels or wilful governments that instigate this mess. Cultural insanity is definitely fault of the user base; all you “shit eatin’” confident but pathologically ignorant users. You are the cause and the problem.

The invisible pig in lipstick “beyond confrontation” is you in front of the mirror every time you don’t bother to look

The good news is “they” (the self-assured powers) most decidedly see it and they count on your disability; otherwise they wouldn’t be able to manipulate and control you via populism. My analogic use of “pig” might seem overly harsh here. Yet, if I inspect what is being done to remedy the catastrophe that is order, I find nothing or next to no goodness. Pitiful protests do not affect change, but public ones will reveal who the grumblers are. Politicians and their puppeteers already know virtually no one has the guts to fight for lasting change on individual terms. Grumbling parasites are the closest we come to revolutionaries. These need to be prodded every now and again to show whose boss. Conversely, when governments appear to cave in to demands, well these protests are ones’ staged, orchestrated by George Soros or other members of the old boy network. And they are staged for good reason. How else to sell the most assiduous legislation?

Vegan terrorism is a classic example. Protests aren’t about empowering vegetarians. Motive is to disempower “the other” whilst saving that macabre Monsanto (lawsuit champion) Bayer alliance. Forcing useless meat eaters to consume unsanitary genetically modified product (Solent Green) has been the objective of operations all along. That’s why coverage of vegan values (sic) has found its way to the mainstream. Will it turn out it was yet another Soros brainchild when the powers’ brag in the alternative Medias? The planners and team leaders of the coup know the truth but everyone else plays useful sap, I assure you. Perhaps we are seeing a little karmic retribution here. Anyone prepared to be a terrorist deserves to be duped. There is no such thing as a cosy crusader. Idioms of that genre languish only in fantasy realms. No, in reality vicious activists are criminals in all but name. The subliminal battle rages over rightful ability to freely express and, more importantly, whether visibility of expression is granted. Of course, it is visibility which almost always is the first to suffer under scrutiny of activism. The other spineless defence they favour is the smear campaign (how about paedophilia to pack a punch?).

We are undoubtedly on the precipice of a new age of distortion. Was Jon Rappoport’s blog removed because he was to close to “Infowars'” Alex Jones for Trump comfort. Breitbart’s cozy period with the oval office seems to have soured these days. Nevertheless, Paul Craig Robert may well lament that sensational Media treatment of Julian Assange equates to the open death of freedom of speech, but I have maintained (and will continue to do so) that Assange is a (cocaine loving special friend of Ecuador) CIA strategic asset. Whether he knows his handlers on first name terms is the only point up for debate. Business partner of Mossad, CIA has its tentacles everywhere. This is mainly because Israel is extremely jealous of how successful the Vatican has been at securing the hearts of the people and will go to almost any lengths to destabilise cultural traditions. Pedo pop shots at senior clerics are the tip of that iceberg. In the information age people are inclined to believe anything laced with a modicum of authority delivered with sincerity (check out George Burns), which, unfortunately, takes us back to those cycles of manipulation through fear (terrorism, war, epidemics, censorship et al) tuned to incubate groomed socialites. Do not high profile bogus synagogue mass shootings (revered by capitulating mainstream Medias) appear to justify Israel’s “moral authority” before her people to bomb the heck out of Gaza by way of punishment (although some might scratch their heads as to “for what’)?

Perhaps, I read into that too much. Israel, it seems, will use just about any pretext to kill Arab peoples of Gaza. Nevertheless, leaders of Tyrannous nations are easy to blame for the crisis of social grooming, but supposed sovereign individuals must take some responsibility here as well. Fear and manipulation are simply levers of influence. Ultimately, individual choice concedes compliance. Fear and manipulation will remain while concessions are effective and continuous. Therefore, it is only when personal sovereignty is universally valued above anything else that controllers will be forced to reappraise “group think” strategies. To explain this philosophy, the notion that a vaccinated person is unprotected against the unvaccinated is intellectually preposterous. However, from “group think” perspective, “reason” takes a bold new form. If the “group” is vaccinated, flaws in the process highlight collective weakness. Unvaccinated, under these terms, are the flaws in the process. Thus “the group” is unprotected if but one individual fails to observe collective protocol.

There are some contradictions to this that are easy to explain “in perspective”. Autism as a “condition” is not discussed in reasoned terms by the mainstream because it represents vaccines’ major Achilles heel. Though statistics have rocketed from one in ten thousand to one in thirty per capita since its 1980’s “discovery” (actually a variation of Asperger’s syndrome or Schizophrenia, both forms of brain damage), these blemishes are very much in the minority. Therefore FDA (a toothless “internal” commercial watchdog misbranded as a government department) reputation remains spotless after ceaseless allegations (even by inside professionals) against certain products continue to plaque alternative Medias. From the “group think” perspective, under these circumstances, those that suffer autism must be defective and vaccines (if truly to blame) merely act as agent to stress their abnormality. Only when majorities are demonstrably afflicted, does the campaign fall in a heap. So here’s the contradiction. There have been innumerable pharmaceutical product recalls but, in most instances, the “batch” is judged as culprit. In the case of GlaxoSmithKline Australia many years ago, it required only one alleged poisoning to justify recall of their entire paracetamol production run. Globally, instances of autism may run into hundreds of thousands (depending on statistical diagnosis), but to coin a phrase “nothing to see here” for reasons outlined.

If I conducted a poll from residents of my local street, I would be surprised if I was able to collect even one in a hundred that had heard of Eli Lily’s Thimerosal product. Rhetoric supporting “educated” mainstream vaccine awareness campaigns has been dedicated only to slander. Those that “don’t like” vaccines are painted pathological evil and scandalously ignorant (though explanation for ignorance is routinely absent), whereas those that are on the correct team are “normal”, good, virtuous “God fearing” people even. We must begin to realise that corporate Medias are, with scant exception, supported by pimps and hookers, and these vassals do not (by any means) deserve the title “journalist”. On rare occasions truthful truth rears its head in isolation, it is always skew. Judaism undeniably influences mainstream content censorship measures. Indeed, so much so, some believe there are no other political interests balancing control (Christianity and Islam both versions of Judaism). Jews, regardless of status and location, today are classed as “People of Israel”. That is the only [real] reason most nations permit dual-citizenship.

Given his enormous status and favourably biased treatment “under society” (goyim), how [individually] sovereign is the average Israelite? I think the answer to that lies in circumcision. The Jew, without forethought, will deny God and barbarously deface his new born son to demonstrate allegiance to the group. That is the pitiful standard humanity swears by.

Inheritance, the Prodigal Son and Interest in “Interest”

When I began composing articles for this website it was as if I was a literary infant. Only while I fondly look back at scribbles in dusty journals do I see the core that was me remains intact, unblemished. It is what I have become.  Notably writing projects have grown into something much more expansive; substantially more substantive in many instances, presumably because I am much more proficient at the art of journalism. Nevertheless echoes of past enlightened symmetry still tantalisingly haunt. Whilst die-hard readers used to my familiar elaborate prose have witnessed an evolution of sorts, the more conventional style of recent entries is no less controversial. They are controversial but not abnormal it might be argued.  Even so, rhetoric is regularly too far adrift of sensationalised reason to covet “normalcy” in any sense of the word. It could be said my writings propose a uniquely different perspective which in itself is conspicuous evidence of sovereignty “apud esse”; something all humans strive for to some degree, but oh so few attain. In celebration of my largely discarded history, I have decided to attempt to revisit the past. My intention is to make this piece shorter, simpler [can I say?] in festival of the old but not forgotten me.

Is it possible to effectively resurrect the past?

Well that question will be answered presently.

Reflecting on my journey to date, I recall how, in dull moments, I would instinctively jot down a line or two, a solitary paragraph and other evidence of burning thoughts. None of these were suitable as standalone products for ambitious journalistic campaigns, of course. Logic dedicated a “to be written” folder to these moments and, over time, this has gathered fragments like moss to the old miller’s stone. Given my aim to regenerate dormant thinking, the “to be written” folder seemed the most valid first port of call for this episode. It is definitely fitting that the origins of my resurrection are founded in the rediscovery of misplaced parchments. In this case the scrap I selected consisted of a single page upon which was scribed one line of text in addition to the title. Intriguingly, these coarsely jumbled words appeared to nonchalantly identify an apparently related “unrelated” coincidence. The crux of the observation posited an “irony” over Federal Reserve banknotes, which are subject to 3% interest from the issuer (United States of America), paid annually, The coincidence noted that America (after a historic referendum) also dedicates a minimum of 3% of the gross national budget to “defence” which, in this case, is attack (messianic wars “for peace”).

Above this poignant inscription was the demure title “Interest in “interest””, which seemed the most fetching at the time, though, other than the, I must say, rather cheesy pun, the original “point” is now completely lost to me. After earning the judicial reputation of being an unabashed merchant of “tough love”, I would hate my inquisition to form any bias towards fashionably calculated schemes that formularise common opinions on “things in general”. Persuading those of low vibrational frequency that the devil is in the detail goes beyond motive. That is my vocation and, thus, I recommend anyone ill prepared to consider everything to the “nth degree” is not in a viable position to validate or express truth. Perhaps this rather crass example may suffice to service the analogy?

When someone dies of a gunshot wound motivated by an aggressive attack what perpetrates the murder? Is it the gun inventor, designer, maker, owner or user with malice in his heart? Is the gun itself, the operator, the bullets that caused the fatal wound or the gunpowder that ignites deadly blows at fault? If the shooter is a soldier or policeman, for instance, do the “rules” for murder eerily change? Could we blame the environment, the timeline or engrained political intrigue?

And on and on we can debate.

Revisiting the past is one thing, but I don’t fancy repeating myself is very constructive. Whether produced by the Federal Reserve or not, money’s passé. We also all know it’s the root of all evil (although perhaps not “why” it’s the root of all evil). Many of my prior articles have touched on the topic. This one in particular goes some way towards exploring primary issues.  Nevertheless I concluded the standalone title “interest in interest” was insufficient for that cause. It needed to be widened or scrapped unless I chose a different path. Any form of censorship (however remote) is destruction of the past – hardly fodder for a celebration of reawakening. Therefore Integrity determined my only legitimate choice was to expand the title at all cost as I had no intention of wandering aimlessly in search of ambition. Fortunately “eureka” eruptions reward those with brilliance. What, lacking before, profoundly related to “interest” could be worthy enough for a role or roles in a high impact title? Thinking aloud, it came to me in a flash. Does not interest “prove” the justification for inheritance and ownership?  Inheritance is undeniably one of if not “the” foundation stone of profiting interests.

I would need to summon up a title profoundly deserving of these widened considerations. After much internal reflection, I did eventually find words that will hopefully fashion as a perfect compromise.  They are, in order, “Inherence, the Prodigal Son and Interest in ‘Interest””. This is the resulting effort that is designated as official title of this essay unless something obsessively changes the contextual direction of ideas and their natural progressions. Otherwise no further review is planned.

Now let me explain why the “prodigal son” was also selected for its part in the essential treatise theme. Intrinsically linked to inheritance, prodigal sons are no ordinary offspring. Therefore, simply, that was the “missing piece” I needed to complete the title. It also presented investigative goals worth chasing, investigation that needs to determine what makes these prodigal sons so special. Of course primary analysis did upturn the blissfully obvious. Basically, these male progeny are gifted enough to be cultivated, which is usually in the family direction.  Otherwise, why bother to cultivate? Way back, when elites ruled the world, families with “everything to lose” produced governors and gatekeepers for their kingdoms. Along the lines of this protocol, security over tenure became a family’s greatest priority and ensured at least one son was encouraged (putting it nicely) to enter the military at rank. Another would become a doctor or a priest (isn’t that odd?) and then the following (perhaps the most strategically important) would be groomed to act as lawyer, preferably under government. Black sheep or dropouts would eventually come round to becoming merchants, stock holders or artists. The rigours of this big, bad world ensure safe, easy options are usually preferred.

Before I press on with on with the good stuff, I need to do a little more reflection by way of background. People, I have noticed, have a fondness towards procrastination (mentioned last article too) and a crippling fear of criticism. Procrastination, at best, fuels truths-of-sorts. That is the reality and that is why I try my upmost not to procrastinate. It can be a hindrance because, through my personal discovery tour; I have found some values, ideas and beliefs I used to stand by were either flawed or false. Consequentially, many years ago, I used to regularly bloviate with erudite confidence. There was never anything more than “personal convictions” to back up my gift of the gab, but I rarely found anyone I met could contest my position on the state of things in general. More recently, I have become alert, ever wary of falling into the trap of believing my own bullshit. Criticisms (where valid) counter any opportunity for imperfect procrastinations to take hold, so I see these as causal blessings. Procrastinators, for the record, focus on symptoms or phantom symptoms in deference to causes. Truth givers expose the root.

Therefore if I am to do apt justice to “Inheritance, the Prodigal Son and Interest in “Interest”” all stones must be upturned so as not to grind out more unanswered, “impossible to resolve” niggling queries. I must, instead, disrobe all root causes to unveil the exhilarating detail. Thought and responding responses will require latitude, much latitude. Mountains of propagandas dating back to the dawn of time have had the mesmerising effect of misleading sane discovery to such a degree, befuddled judgments are the function of normalcy. Even some of the great minds of our era are consistently turned to fudge by certain conventions. This is why I focus on topics others simply wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole. True thinking outside of the box comes without a parachute. Even so, rather than drawing on possible conjectures as “sources of evidence”, my strategy (in motion) is to apply logic and purposeful reason to every concept I am at pains to illustrate.

Let us be sure where the “baseline” is. Currently materialist-atheist “edict” controls the way logic is directed. Per this “view”, the implication is purpose is a symptom compounded from random effects of existence, even though (as Rupert Sheldrake has wittily pointed out), by this account, more incontrovertible miracles were created at the dawn of time than Jesus could have ever fancied. (Alien to this mindset) in fact purpose must underline causes because existence was “crafted”. The evidence existence was crafted is found in its design, which is clear and unarguably transparent.

So to do justice to the quest, I may have to introduce suspects or considerations that have rarely or, perhaps, never been pondered before. All the little tweety birds that believe puffing various forms of political correctness is their branch to salvation beware, for this big bad eagle may swoop down and devour you and your branch whole. We should begin with no misconceptions. Those that initiated the process that conceived elitism (or, in other words, the hubris of “prison planet”) demonstrated extraordinary cunning. It seems obvious to me that, considering how the process has radically evolved (in the engineering sense), higher forces beyond this realm have had involvement every step of the way. Not dwelling on possible superstitions, the whys and the wherefores, however pertinent, I intent to expose the chassis of the fabric of the illusion that is today’s “reality”. Conspiracy networks have been installed so elegantly, it is as if they have been commissioned by God Almighty.

Before I discuss inheritance, it is important to review something much more primordial.  We take friendships for granted. They just happen. Or do they just happen? Our first friendships are with family or extended family. Managing relationships with our family members teaches us how to distinguish friends from enemies. These teach us politics (affairs of the people). They teach us who we can influence and who we will let influence us. A trade of sorts is communicated. Eventually we form close knit groups of likeminded kindred spirits. Perhaps not directly considered such, we are all elitist in the way we resolutely preserve our group cultures. When stretched out into the wider community and beyond, we expand into other political networks. Some present revolutionary, but not conflicting ideas.  These see us progress, in some cases. Some ideas are so common they become universalised. Politicians naturally capitalise on, exploit and manipulate these phenomena.

Eventually draconian laws are destined to twist what was original goodwill into all kinds of overt tyrannies in order to elevate elite elitist cultures. Laws have always been the basis for kingdoms. Under this principle, every king has ruling power. However, without friendships there would be no alliances to back the laws and politics that founded them would be rendered superfluous and obsolete. No king could rule. In addition, under these conditions, though commerce would be possible, other than as a tool of oppression, inheritance could have no functional purpose. It would also mean people would be forced to discover the truth if they were motivated that way. They could no longer rely on friends’ redigested second and third hand opinions that sounded right.

As it stands “Inheritance” is one of the golden keys to open Pandora’s Box.  In a distant era populated by long forgotten customs and attitudes, it was exclusively the domain of the elites. At that time land was free, commoners outside metropolises were largely ungoverned and there was no sense of ownership (per modern standards). Individuals congregated into clans and these became long standing settlements which then saw homesteads passed down from generation to generation. But there was no registered ownership. If some place was occupied and sympathetically unavailable, sound conscience determined it was off limits. When the “universalisation” of deeds of ownership tied to symptomatic inheritance of chattel began is hard to calculate. In “western society”, I would argue that the abolishment of “slavery” (social security) led to the effective enslavement of man. Inheritance then evolved to become a quasi-version of the “frills” of slavery. “Rights” would be proscribed by authorities unless aspects of commoners’ common law were considered relevant (to seamless elite governance of slaves). In this case any reflectively worthy laws were drafted as supplants to legislated corporate manifestos. It goes without saying administrators of guidelines were systemised lackeys incapable of virtuous judgement. Finally, courtesy of banking and insurers, everything could be “valued” and that “worth” represented by tokens of interest (whether that is gold/silver bars, coins or promissory notes).

In order to engage lawyers and accountants whose role (in the grand elites’ scheme) is to professionalise ownership, receipt of inheritance follows a litany of potential administrative hurdles, but I don’t wish to dwell on this. There is another internet resource I like to reference occasionally that specialises (in part) on whistle blowing messy probates, the fallout from inheritance. Pure Professional Journalism Gazette can be located here.

In addition, philosophy behind inheritance capitalises on the principle of appreciation or depreciation and this is clearly an expansion of the dependent interest bearing investment culture. Probate relies on belief in heirlooms, which are presumed to indefinitely financially mature. Government, per this reasoning, rakes in their “fair share” from the commerce evolution in taxes in order to theoretically provide ever improving infrastructures and representative management frameworks. Accommodating this theory, surpluses could be redistributed for other pressing voters’ needs. That is why I believe all governments (on paper, at least) are kept “in the reddeliberately. In fact, when truth is laid bare, government, though never limited, does little more than give inheritance necessary tinges of authenticity to make people believe in its credibility. If it is taxed, it “must be for real. Without profits, commerce becomes obsolete. Interest is, by circumstance, both a symptom of and agent in confirmation of profits.

Truth laid bare goes way beyond mere commerce and inheritance. The tyranny actually began with registered ownership because, without deeds, commerce is arbitrary. Barter doesn’t cater for profits. Here is why the imperialists concocted their “survival of the fittest” mantra and continue to lord it as nature’s divine plan. The fittest are considered the best at coveting what they have scavenged (the nice word for stole). I apologise for dispelling with the hocus-pocus, but acknowledgement of ownership as something that is righteous and Godly only grossly and deviously distorts reality in favour of tyranny against the divine. Aside from  modern day [ADL fabricated) Racism fraud, the reason certain peoples have been temporarily “classed” as savages is to remove any contest over conquered (stolen) land spoils (“animals” cannot own land). Notably in Africa, America and Australia, “white man” thieved most of the habitable land areas. Repatriation (a pathetic attempt at feigning “fairness”) in some cases has seen the return of lands considered commercially unviable. Even so, generally speaking, when it comes to origins of ownership, judicial mechanisms continue to work off the ludicrously partisan principle “finders’ keepers”.

The net effect of that is another of those atheistic miracles. Our impotent, voiceless God apparently blesses open sacrilege. Was the principle finders’ keepers ever to be condemned and abolished, commerce would cease to exist. This is a big statement. Some might contest it. Here’s an analogy which should amply validate its authority. I don’t own the royal grounds, approximating three square miles, close to the heart of Tokyo, Japan. Under the auspices of lack of ownership, no one would own the land. Therefore, I decree some legitimacy in laying claim on that which is not owned. Hypothetically, I could establish a real estate agency to sell off my theoretical acquisition. I may be able to attract teams of would be buyers. Yet, without binding contracts and infrastructures supporting them, verifiable presumption of intent to abide by the law, the land is worthless until someone or some group manufactures political legitimacy. The ancient Romans couldn’t give money away to the Britons because they did not believe in it.

The reason (under this system) ownership will never be abolished (although it may be restricted) is governments would have to rescind their slave master statuses in order to transform into arbitrators that truly work “for the people”. Currently populations are effectively forced to toil to survive. Those privileged enough to “own” sufficient land holdings supported by interest bearing investments probably haven’t the skills to become entirely self-sufficient. Thus, without government society would naturally function through the formation of brokered relationships that would need to leverage and harness social parasitism. According to today’s popular press (sponsored by corporate interests and governments who are in themselves giant corporations), people only want good jobs. People, by the same rose tinted reasoning, will do anything to keep their good jobs. Commerce needs labour to function. Indeed, for those that were (in society) to ever become self-sufficient, commerce would cease to be necessary. That lack of functional necessity could only be defeated by interest in collectables and other objet d’art which, though arguably functionally irrelevant, fuel a potentially ever-accruing “need for more”. I guess that is why we have collectors.

It is important to understand the relevance of commerce, because many “goods and chattels” from the inheritance perspective may be deemed valueless. The family’s pink plastic clock that ticked you to sleep as a baby is worth nothing (even though it may be priceless to you) compared against your departed father’s prestigious “medal winning” coin collection that you were never “allowed” to touch, which insurance would class as a valuable asset. Many factors can determine an heirloom’s worth. Rarity, age, condition, popularity affects status of all antique items. Statuses are groomed from fostered traditions. For instance, Caucasian Australian manufactured artefacts offered for sale would likely be priced at many multiples of any vaguely comparable Aboriginal counterparts. In line with this ideology, the essential education of all well-connected prodigal sons provides a vital comprehension of firstly how the system functions and then, as importantly, how stepping stones to credentials gift “keys to the kingdom”.

Unsurprisingly a correct (for purposes of social elevation) education is priced beyond the means of not-so-humble slaves, which proposes a vicious circle whereby only elite or “fortunate” working class families can avail the system. Indeed for the system (which some argue began with William Cromwell at Westminster) to permanently function as it is, the riff-raff could never be involved in any authoritative managerial capacity. So, with the exception of very occasional “pliable” geniuses, credentials of note are off limits to ordinary folks. Rebellious or revolutionary geniuses are invariably spurned by those that might have empowered them unless their significances were so timely that to trade would persuade the only logical course forward. The powers never favour constructive partnerships. That wick always burns fast and furious. Why would recalcitrant free thinkers ever be viscerally rewarded by a system that choses to repress or oppress most forms of independent thought?

From the (dare I say?) “Conspiratorial perspective”, certain specialised training qualifications that are destined to open doors to those prized “good jobs” are invariably only available to those with educational credentials usually off limits to working classes. Hindsight is a wonderful attribute. In many instances only those in the know (or, rather, with “connections”) have inside information as to which skills to acquire for guaranteed success. Thus, just about all “good jobs” are snapped up by exclusive circles privy to their occurrences. Propaganda permeates a much wider circle of influence which, in part, is designed to operationally program the masses. I can but assume the Clintons were firmly behind the cruel and childish media attacks on Chelsea as a young adult. The design (aided by unflattering images), in this case, was to chide ignorant people into “believing” she was “ugly” so as to ward off any potential for successful unsuitable suitors’ advances. Media tactics of this kind are regularly analysed by Jon Rappoport. I strongly recommend investigation of his writings.

Few seem to be able to come to terms with the extent of the complexity of propagandas. Perhaps this is because everyone attempts to deny their own relative indoctrination or, worse still, it is the summary evidence of their root systemisation. Propagandas are everywhere. They are not merely limited to the mainstream and institutionalised “sciences’ (sic). Much deceptive information has been generated about computer viruses, for instance. One of the great lies that seems as though it will stand the test of time forever is Pasteur’s germ theory. Germs, according to Pasteur, can invade and infect any body and this is completely untrue. On the back of the lie, scientists concoct legions of “organised germs” that conveniently follow the program. They label these mysteriously unidentified legions’ “viruses”. Of course, if medical evidence free of Pasteur’s contaminated propaganda was given the opportunity to incubate reasoned appraisal, results would radically dishonour current standard opinions in the same manner Bruce Lipton somehow defeated all biological cells.

As Pasteur was nothing short of an appendage of “corporate science” which had been set up by the Rothschild family in Paris in the late eighteenth century (just after the “revolution” – sic), any marketing device aiding the manufacture of arbitrary confusion to help everyone “believe” would be regarded as a godsend by those that presume they own the world. Their godsend in specific relation to the case I highlight is “computer viruses”. Computer viruses are not even remotely comparable to any medical counterpart, but propaganda agents don’t care. In fact origins of all computer viruses can be traced back to sponsored hackers testing security effectiveness of networked equipment, but that muddies the objective of paradigm synthesis. To the propagandist it only successfully sells the “concept” germs can and will invade and infect with impunity whether via the internet or other routes. The idea that anyone connected to humans is potentially “networked” with dangerously contaminated aliens is the perfect genre extension. Because, in this specific case, “viruses” (as labelled) do invade and infect technologies, the propaganda message would go a long way towards convincing shallow minds. I will leave the associated complex good/bad bacteria and strengthened/weakened immune systems’ discussion for another entry.

The great deception is to paint a computer virus as the principled copy of a medical virus.

Using established institutions to routinely dress false positives or negatives as “facts”, places the system in the supreme position of being able to present any fantasy as effective truth, no matter how fantastical. Providing data can be formally argued and expressed in particular ways, any antipathy of reality is up for believable persuasion. There are actually no laws of science (physics). There are only laws of existence (to the atheists’ dismay) which can theoretically be placed under scrutiny of sciences. An excellent example of how current etiquette can end up bamboozling itself is found in various expressions of interest that emerged considering the effectiveness of a new energy generating prototype heralding from Italy a few years ago. I have lost source details, but can verify corporate backers in favour of the machine presented analytical notes interpreting data that illustrated the device was going to be a magnificent success. Competitors insisted the exact same data was unrequited “proof” the machine would never work by their account. Would be investors coming somewhere in the middle couldn’t or wouldn’t speculate either way. Similar “analysis” has been made regards the Bosnian “Pyramids”. The duly diligent will see it everywhere.

In addition, to aid propagandists’ purposes, word values (such as “gay”) are routinely changed or even reversed in order to lambast popular interpretations. Late Nicolai Levashov (his family incidentally claims he was “murdered by Zionists” in 2012) and other genre academics have argued this restructuring of language began in earnest in mother Russia just after the 1917 bankers’ invasion. Let’s face it; “interest” is a profoundly positive word that surely inspires persuasive popularity. That is why it was given to “utopian” banking commissions (which will always be viewed in an eternally positive light) in my opinion. Finally, those that do not consider insistence on and observance of balanced truthfulness is the only viable promotional standards’ benchmark are propagandists, whether they acknowledge the fact or not. Propagandists are in the business of manufacturing beliefs, period. Truth that doesn’t support or actually impedes the manufacturing process is unwelcome. Any devices, such as changing word values, fake science and so forth are more than welcome. Discerning would-be “Manchurian Candidates” is trickier, but, I would imagine those that assure religious adherence to product “use by” dates are well and truly in the crisis zone. The vegetarian that “doesn’t like” meat isn’t far behind.

Money is only supported by the “belief” in its value. That particular belief has become the most potently powerful and universally entrancing factor in the control of man. Thus, we must acknowledge the scripting of believable beliefs is far more virulent than truths that might support or aid acknowledgement. For example, I wonder if any believer (in money) has considered the fact that financial optimism provides fodder for wars. When the Industrial Revolution was in full swing the 1890’s saw boom times. Boom times make babies; manpower for the First World War? “Roaring” ‘20’s clearly provided “stock” for the Second World War (Germany was billed to “lose”, so their peoples were given fertility stemming poverty on the back of harsh reparations. 1930’s optimism was in preparation for the kingdom of Germany to be rebuilt as a new republic [styled on America] when the war was won).

There are always going to be inconsistencies, such as the infamous 1960’s flower power movement. This is a paradox because it was the only genuine peoples’ revolution in living memory. No attempt was made to synthesise prosperity in the 1970’s because weaponry is becoming so sophisticated, “ape” operators will eventually be found unnecessary (beyond culling populations). Were a few of those bygone hippies “tuned in” enough to realise “Interest” is the nemesis of sovereignty? Being a hippy was all about recognising individual sovereignty. The 3% the Federal Reserve skims off every dollar assures each bill in circulation is worth 97 cents (presuming “government” doesn’t take a cut too). Therefore the owner either has to front the loss or is forced to speculate or trade in order to recoup 3% or more. Imagine the potential for manipulation if Bitcoin or any other e-currency takes hold. That is how the notion of profits was born. The land that is the royal grounds of Tokyo is worthless unless it is rated and valued. It has long been presumed that “highest bidder” nominations assure correct marketplace values, but this isn’t necessarily so.

Abundance does not come without a “price” to those that dedicate themselves to controlling humanity. Population swells lead to the collectivisation of giant metropolises. Without incessant propagandas that “define” normalcy, the “stranger” might persuade “influence charisma” of comparable or greater power than corporate bread winners. From that, a rogue messiah or “anti-Christ” could emerge. It is more than possible; probable even. If so, of course there are many ways to quickly dispel unrest. Leaders can be branded occultists, sexual deviants or, worse still, insane.  Anyone fetching that positive diagnosis can be liberally carted off to a very unhealthy institution and indefinitely detained without recourse. As everyone that used to be “evil” now has some sort of psychiatric disorder, biased and unfair claims against can be sinisterly effective. How well did Jesus fare against the Pharisees in face of the cross? How are mental illnesses “healed”? Well to answer that, there is a litany of tested drug cocktails perfect at prepping would-be “Manchurian Candidate” assassins without causes from recalcitrant, inspirational free-thinkers.  Two birds killed with one stone, maybe?

The Great Societal Paradox – Action That Defies Principled Beliefs

572175069We “categorise” morality and determine anyone that thinks differently must be insane, evil or a combination of the two. Whether you voted for Clinton or Trump or were Rand Paul, Bernie Sanders supporters or even backed that (anything but) Libertarian Party, you sided with morality brands. 68781330A lot of them carried more or less identical messages, when boiled down. I, personally, don’t agree with fake righteousness or the puerile cosmetic synthesis behind the comparable factions that coexist to form governments.  Therefore, this time I have done more than remove the mask that disguises two faced society. This time I expose horrors in unsuspecting places. Occasional critics label me “Mr Tough Love” and here I guarantee I will not win any friends so I had better give my book a fair plug before I totally lose all of you. “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” is a delightful read, providing you are a genius and, in context with this article, it is surprising topical. In the unlikely event any of you decide to leave your egos at the gate and go on the discovery tour, donation details can be found here. Thank you to those of you that have had the foresight to take the plunge. Maybe my music channel will go some way to making ammends to those I have “offended”. Audio versions of some of my exo-political articles can be found at Trippy’s Magical Video Emporium.

I have a problem with truth

Most people behave subjectively even when trying to be objective, so how can truth be anything more than a tool as it is currently used; as the means to an end? In that context, when truths aren’t arguably beneficial they are ignored, so truths aren’t truths at all. Thus, people reflecting on real truths deliberately miss the point, because, otherwise, the point would assuredly come back to bite in all sorts of guises.  If that was to happen, consequences, naturally, would be dire. Arguers would not only look stupid but, God forbid, truth would highlight their only sane way out of it; their only way forward would ensure lateral changes or reversals of opinions was the singular congruous option.

slide_17Of course, if heeded properly, that grand watershed would assuredly snowball into a domino effect negotiating changes of stance left, right and centre. Though, maybe most importantly, the metamorphosis could not be complete without different routines and different lives. Perhaps I can present this in a different way. People that vote in elections go through the motions. They vote for ideals that never materialise because of their addiction to personal conventions. Where these conventions originated is a whole ‘nother discussion, of course. From the idealistic standpoint, the mere act of solidarity with self transcends the result. The fact that the ideals never materialised, nor could they underscores the paradox between “belief for beliefs’ sake” and manifest reality.

That is why the whole voting mechanism is built on the fundamentals of exclusion. Do you think the “powers” are stupid? They knew the gig was up long before the people had thought they had figured the significance of slavery. Governments monopolise standards and academia to ensure their chosen corporations are mostly given a free commerce reign and only “A trackers” have influence and money for the “training” required for decent jobs, with scant exception. Some argue the last real politician was John F Kennedy. Now, for certain, there are only “theory touting” plastic candidates with reprepared scripts that confound the right messages the wrong way or make the wrong messages seem bizarrely palatable. All candidates work from identical policy schedules, so choice is reduced to individual personalities, social backgrounds and particular brands of “body odour”. In conjunction with this, vane, intellect wanton reasoning limits all jargon to “any fool can see it” rhetoric or, put more succinctly, this sort of “candour” is only for fools.

cbdwryoUnder those conditions, candidates can’t be voted in unless they tell a precession of untruths or outright lies.  Other than those noteworthy “trainee Messiahs”, would be leaders are voted out. The one that was selected was the best of the “no better” bunch and he or she wasn’t voted for. To put it in contextual terms dealing with the here and now of busy today, when people appear to vote in Clinton, they actually vote out Trump. putin-netanThere is something else associated with this syndrome; something far more menacing. The great societal paradox is people say one thing and do another. Action always ultimately defies principled beliefs. I can’t rely on anything anyone says because the chances are they aren’t telling the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

In the spirit of hyperbolic populism, I hear endless spineless protests against the dreadful “banksters”, most regularly of the Federal Reserve variety, by people with umbilical connections to just about all of their value added networks. So the reality, the truth (don’t you just hate it?), is everyone, without exception (i.e. including you), lives and breathes by (parasites off) the system you only have profanities for. Now do you see why I don’t take “truthers” seriously? It’s all bullshit. This is the reality. Brace yourselves.  Because no one really trusts the next man (euphemised as the stranger or goyim), banking infrastructures have attained near divine status thanks to your cowardly collateral support.

banksters-cartoonPrincipled beliefs may well dictate the banking system is run by social pariahs and money is worthless, yet action assures your parasitic commitment to roguish financiers is unbreakable. Not one person that dropped $100 in the street would see the irony that nothing was lost. You would all retread paths day and night if you felt there was an inkling of a chance of “redeeming the loss”. It is for that reason alone the bankers are able to behave like pariahs with relative impunity. People will always be parasites and those that level criticisms at banking instruments are absolute hypocrites. If you don’t like that wilful accusation, set up systems of your own and prove me wrong. While you use their banking system you have no right to criticise it beyond highlighting contractual obligations in place not being met.

Everyone that isn’t a banking affiliate is unfairly critical of the system

We know why. It is because it is perceived as a generator of costs “out of thin air and to no overall benefit”. How did I put it before?Any fool can see it”. In order to avoid the point (truth), grand commercial conspiracies involving [fake] Levites or blood sucking Federal Reserve vampires balloon into either misdirected propaganda or blatantly untrue talking points. There certainly is a conspiracy, but no one seems the slightest bit interested in coming to terms with it. No weight is given the importance of the gold standard; not “gold”, but the gold standard. Few, if any, seem to realise it collapsed in 1797 from ongoing “bull markets, stocks collapse” cycles infamously highlighted by the 1720 demise (“South Sea Bubble”) of the South Sea Company, having been created by private enterprise in 1711 to consolidate and reduce the cost of national debt.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump addresses an audience at The Fox Theatre in AtlantaTo the hypocrites, Federal Reserve issuing worthless (i.e. unbacked) paper currency (Papiermark) in Germany 1914 (whilst vigorously touting the importance of the gold standard as the counterweight for “fair trade” at every opportunity) is unknown and presumed irrelevant. You all whine incessantly about the 3% commission charge on printed currency. Banknotes presumably design themselves, print themselves, store themselves and distribute themselves securely by magic at no cost? Will Mr Trump be issued with a wizard’s wand once in office? Given that precedent, it is my opinion that when alternative financial systems spring up, they will be dealt with in exactly the same way.  Remembering George Orwell’s “Animal Farm” (which implied intellectual working classes were nothing short of tyrants in waiting) the various rigged barter mechanisms (Bitcoin included) that have sprung up post “social awakening” have all been put into motion to advantage those that established them. There is no real altruism anywhere.

bullshit-1Reactionary societies instinctively thrive on blame game. Faceless protests are the modern day terms of revolution. Truth has largely been reduced to off the cuff talking points strategically geared mostly to expand cultivated empires of dissent. At the end of the day, even when privateers are viscerally only in it for fame (or perhaps destiny is a better word), everyone knows where there’s fame there’s fortune. Followers that tag onto a movement, taking the joy ride, find populism is easy and the quickest way to ensure redundancy is to buck the system. Thus, every single “truther club” is, consequentially, its own self-censoring dictatorship. Only truths that fit the bill (cultural propaganda) are welcome.

scales-of-justice-yoshikazu-tsuno-640x478In other words, those valiant truthers’ scales of justice are always skewed in favour of whichever branded arguments suit the flow. Impact is everything, so even mild attacks against their prosthetic virtues are treated as though each was a barbaric assault against supreme order of the most divine blessing. Defences are cordially zealous and spitefully regimented, as to be expected. Insignificance is exaggerated way out of proportion in order to startle but most gaping issues are avoided like the plague. Laughably, even mainstream propaganda will be aggressively championed by our devoted zealots provided it’s a good flavour. Give them a whiff of “child sex” and they’ll be in like jackals on a rancid carcass.

Jon Rappoport spells the problem out in stereo here. As far as truthers are concerned, responsible anger directed at the dozen or so “innocents” killed by police rage grossly outweighs the “non-importance” that thousands beyond thousands die from resulting unrestricted gun controls and lethally armed populations because that would conflict with your 2nd amendment “rights” (i.e. a gun owner has the right to indiscriminately kill you in cold blood, justifications notwithstanding). Ineffective local inner city management has nothing to do with it by their reasoning. Jon Rappoport and I disagree. We are also well aware of the long prior German and Russian “government” attacks on unarmed citizens. However, if the United States statistics keep progressing on current track, there won’t be anyone left to kill. Okay, that’s an exaggeration.

Now even I’m doing it!

trump-juggernautNot only them and me, the same philosophy can be applied to the mainstream. I needed to say that, just for the record. We now know everybody does it; it’s not just the “mainstream”. Is it any wonder everyone is desensitised when something dreadful does actually happen? It’s grist for the mill. To add to the mischief, all facts that appear to (but commonly don’t) “fit” the grand public assault on expressive rights are regularly used against brave dissenters that dare challenge any popular movements accountability (mainstream or alternative) too. Often these contextually sour barbs are monotonously regurgitated for good measure. The same sorry, sad idioms go round and round like moss on squeaky wheels. Those that summon the courage to speak the truth at the wrong places in the wrong way are doomed. Any fool can see it.

I somehow keep on singling out David Icke as a perpetual offender even though, to his credit, he has done a sterling job in encouraging his followers to think outside the box and question everything. Nevertheless, in the spirit of truth, this needs to be said. I suppose we’ll call them “born again crusaders” have stumbled on (or, perhaps, “over” is a better word) the ultimate excuse. According to their hybrid messianic diatribe, human action or inaction, depending on the calculation, is the automatic “fault” of effervescent reptilians, which have officially replaced “evil” (still favoured by old school matadors). Like Max Spiers and Ken Bakeman, I, as a supposed expert on the subject, know that the reptilian conspiracy, if I dare call it that is very real but the truth barely remotely reflects the impressions of wilful lay preachers, such as David Icke and, I guess, that gives me the purpose to be critical of him, them.

david_ickeAnyone prepared to subjugate themselves to truth will find things could not be any more straightforward. Every single human being is a variety of reptilian and those of you that can prove otherwise simply are not human. Atomically, partially erroneously conceived “quantum fluxes” assure our dimensional frequency signal pulses very quickly across a much wider density signature than perceptive reality configures.  Because our receptive bandwidth is so puny, we struggle to tune into “real” reality effectively, so, instead we rapidly blink in and out of dimensions (at quantum level). In fact, to give a more precise explanation, supposed extra-terrestrial visitors called the “Ummos” (located in Spain in the 1950’s) claimed atoms perpetually resonate as three interconnected phases.

Thus, gifted out of synch photographers can capture atomic prints “between phases” on occasions. This is harder to do than might be imagined. Camera aficionados are still “tuned” to human frequencies, so it takes consummate skill to “dislocate” from the pulse. Phases are rarely uniform, but body parts are seen to change dramatically when correct conditions are visualised. On those extremely rare occasions the reptilian undercoat is revealed. However, for more mundane physical evidence, our limbic, endocrine and pulmonary systems are undeniably reptilian adaptations (fully or in part). As everybody (including you) is the living evidence of that reptilian heritage, you should be able to see now how sometimes knowing the truth really mucks things up.

lizardpeep_reptilian_leadAgain, in fairness to David Icke and others selling fear for fear’s sake, there is a dark side. Dimensionally advanced overlords can dial-into our (atomic) DNA and influence us for their (usually group) purposes, often to our sovereign disadvantage. The dimensional hierarchy providing the opportunity for tyrannies against us also belongs to our genetic pyramid going all the way up to the Anunaki. Factions from our dimensionally superior next in line “genetic cousins”, the Ciakars, are the trouble makers. Everyone must understand that the only thing really differentiating us from Ciakars is our cerebral cortex and our (perhaps synthetically) redundant DNA. This logical brain is the legacy of the Atlantis Martian “Pleiadians” who were not human! Thus, humans are Ciakar-Pleiadian crossbreeds.

pyramid_on_mars___genetic_art_by_jifishThough the Ciakars have a mind facilitator that is as effective as the cerebral cortex but quite independent offering a different style of cognitive processing, causal hybrids closer to their genetic makeup were made to test advantages of “human aligned brains”. Purebreds (lacking cerebral cortex) have something that produces instinctive reason and, naturally, they think their physiology is much better than ours. Radically cut down versions of this style of cognitive management system can be found in Sasquatch (Neanderthal man). It is also barely recognisable in known apes (such as chimpanzees, gorillas and so on) but not likely enough for scientists (aggravated by tendencies towards cognitive dissonance, perhaps?) to identify without divine help. In my opinion, the reason Sasquatch will remain an “open secret” is if the Ciakars “allow us” (details on these sort of control mechanisms can be found here) to glean how their physiology works, it will be difficult for them to maintain their hold over us as effectively. In addition, even science is becoming increasingly aware of the importance of different states as access gateways to new physical domains (cordially expanding available reality). When relational bridges between dimensional tracts are discovered, the Ciakars are sunk.

mahabharata-vyasaIt is not so much that ancient knowledge has been censored as it is not referred to. The giant encyclopaedic resource (in part originating from Atlantis), the Mahabharata, has even been translated into English. Sumerian tablets, Aryan wooden books, Tibetan scrolls (also Atlantis lore) and hosts of other original resources, such as the enigmatic Taoist I Ching, are out in the open and, as such, in plain sight. They all, in subtle ways, say everything I have said about us, the Ciakars and that (in motion right now) ever so dark conspiracy aimed at stemming our cultural growth. For instance, Apache (new Lemurians) ancestors didn’t need to hurl any accusations or even “specifically identify the fact”. We learn everything we need to know from subliminal truths buried in their legends.

fight-or-flightThey unclearly identified with the fact we were Ciakar hybrid genesis (as the biblical Genesis’ “snake” analogy in “Adam and Eve” does too) even though, at regular intervals, they were “at war” with their makers [but also revered some of them as great sages]. No wonder culturally strict modern-day Apaches assert the heart and “gut driven” decisions are independent from logical mind rationale (accentuated by the cerebral cortex).  They would not be surprised to learn that while we detach from the cerebral cortex, we are arguably “fully” Ciakar or, rather, as close as we could be to them. Mind you, I don’t recommend testing a perpetual fight or flight parenthesis as I don’t think we have anything to back up missing reason and logic as they do. Ciakars are also dual blooded (hot/cold) and can switch between the two at will for extraordinary physical transformation. Our pulmonary system is less flexible, of course, as a single fused unit.

america-is-broken-vid-decals-comIn typical reptilian fashion, humanity is rapidly approaching a head-on with that most noble of infinity loops. Our governance system is broken, doesn’t work because it never was created for the people. That is why the “Bill of Rights” acts as a (oh so selective) constitutional prop. Because people are hopelessly unfair, selfish and judgemental, they can’t bring themselves to trust others enough to form plausible alternatives. At least the reptilians mostly agree on standards that form the basis of their societies. We, on the other hand, “vote in” plastic leaders we hate to preside over a system that doesn’t work and that is going to be the perpetual motif until “We”, the people, learn we must become both meek and faithful if we are going to inherit the Earth. Until we can all get on together we do not stand a chance in edgeways against a machine which, conveniently, doubles as life support.

Is it any wonder the Jesuit Luther didn’t “get” Jesus’ topically poignant saying?

The only way out of the infinity loop is to come together as a multilateral forgiving force that applies punitive measures against those that restrict. It is for that reason alone Israel is furious with the Palestinian BDS Movement, because boycott, divestment and sanctions against those that cause mischief is the only lateral way of fighting back against malicious tyrants peacefully. From my experience, they don’t come more malicious than Israel. People must understand that laws that ensure no direct consequence against people in general are still bad for those they target. Laws are not fair. They are an unfair method of arbitrating settlement. “You can’t or will do that because we say so” is not settlement. It is a declaration of war.

cdc-spiderWhen things are reduced to gimmicks and gizmos all is lost. Look, I am all for the dissenting scientists marching their “SPIDER” on the CDC (Centres for “Disease Control”). However, if the campaign’s reduction to another stagnant metaphor featuring spider biting CDC in the ass for the “photo op” is all that’s achieved; it hasn’t solved the problem or, frankly, changed anything. Worse still, it has misled hope deceptively. Therefore, I am wary of all “pied pipers” that innocently spread pestilence to ensure the people never wake up. How many current affair programs have promoted triumphant ends to rapid-quick crusades?  Those that bother to follow long winded progress “post fanfare” invariably discover “remedies” are reduced to years’ worth of independent external committee audits.  These either flatly ignore real issues or are ultimately scandalised by “the powers” for daring to detail problems they have no intention of fixing. If a nasty product or service is too well known, it is simply rebranded. The same goes for rogue organisations, as demonstrated by the recent Monsanto-Bayer transaction aimed at taking the heat off of toxic reputations.

image1But, for more down to earth gimmicks, was a “Big Beautiful Woman” or BBW to actually lose weight, would that make her ugly? No, she is simply fat but may still believe she has endearing beauty. Those that are not blessed with natural good looks say “I’m beautiful on the inside”. This corruption has been expanded to make a mockery of purity as beauty is a form of judgement. To recognise beauty is to be judgemental and vane unless a balance of truths is being weighed, as I discuss here. Those that are truly pure are always neutral, ambivalent or passive when not challenged to be truthful. This is not to say that judgement has no place in society. Society would become dysfunctional without it. However, when social decisions are based only on the acceleration of self (i.e. that which satisfies or is deemed beneficial), communities are destined to splinter. Total disassociation from personal standards allows anyone to champion external issues or items on merit by applying reasoned logic for balanced pragmatic solutions.

Vanity is predominantly a female thing when it comes to obsession over the way we look. Additionally it is mostly females that synchronise with the purity concept. The reason the majority of women passionately support whatever mercilessly arbitrary and unfair measures are used to justify sexual prohibition is to protest against them undoes purity. As with all other ideals, nature’s accountability is reduced to distraction. Some cults assert true love must be lust free lionising the untrue claim “virginity is lost”. blogger-image-1114042332Virginity, unlike childhood, is a stage that is clearly defined – “non-negotiable” if you will. It is hardly surprising that the powers have assured us that “childhood” and “virginity” are inextricably connected, because this allows them to dictate any punitive measures synthesising fake decorum. British “children” aged between 18 and 21 narrowly missed being “voted in” year 2000. Currently they are still “adults”.

Generally speaking, lust is viewed as “an addiction”, something to control, limit, avoid. Lust is something that might defile purity. That is the mainstream view; and also a very strong orthodox Israelite tradition (expanded by “Christian” St Paul in his New Testament epistles). Per that reckoning, the most pure would offer sexual intimacy as a “gift” to the one they loved, sacrificing libido for love. The utopian extreme identifies sex without lust as the most “godly” method of procreation. Arab radicals circumcise women “in the name of Islam” to assure that. Nevertheless, in practicality, for the sexual side of these sorts of relationships not to be fully dysfunctional, one party would have to benefit from the gift by being expressly lustful. Thinking about it, otherwise how would it be a gift? clinton-waterworksAs males are less persuaded by the flawed philosophy of purity and women don’t need to be stimulated to consummate sexual intercourse, marital frigidity of religious pairings has been divinely calculated. Consequentially, natural (lustful) constraints on limits of partnership are broken. Women can marry horribly ugly men with beautiful personalities, minds, hearts or bank accounts for as long as the core Israelite mindset validates conditioning.

This, in part, has attributed to the bitter war separating women and men. Regular skirmishes between sexes normally escalate from “discussions”. Additional to effective ratios of truthfulness, there are three fundamental emotional frequencies tuned to “battle communications”: tough talk, charm and waterworks. Even Mrs Clinton can charm the birds out of the trees when she wants to, but pouring on the waterworks is all women’s secret weapon. The gradual shift of power from covertly to overtly matriarchal control has been disastrous for functional society. Because, to a woman, ultimately, each fitting end result somehow manages to justify the means and, moreover, truth is negotiable, reaction equates to relative superficiality. The men have had to fight back, rapidly. Those once Sensitive New Age Guys (SNAGs) have all but transformed into slippery nouveaux metrosexuals.  As fast as trees lose their leaves in the fall, they can now wear pink, dance and cry. Are there any real men left? All I see, hear are a bunch of whining babies, “homos”. Even the ones that go to war are serial cowards that wouldn’t recognise scruples if they tripped over them. thinkstockphotos-79167719They invariably believe their arsenal of weapons is so vastly superior to the opposition’s, only fools could die. Any fool can see that battle is a turkey shoot for natural born cold blooded killers.

Trite idioms have been the staple for society. Individuals don’t need to think anymore. Of course old men use lollies to lure children. Old women trading jars of potions are witches. magic-potionAny fool knows that. But what of the trade for virginity; if all marriages are the chattel of divine purity per orthodox Israelite tradition is not that virginal trade underscored by greed of the most avarice type? How to tell if the stock is bad? Do judges and jurors rely on hearsay justifying why the hymen was broken? Are males ever virginal? As for witches, we all know what the CDC thinks of true healers. The “Catholic” inquisition never ceased. Ideals are the root of standards and it is the imposition of standards that leads to the decline of intellect, synthesising the empowerment of fools. Fools lead other fools to slaughter simply to uphold those tenets of the illusion of prescient order.

So where did it all go wrong?

The full story will have to wait for a future entry, but in the very beginning, according to my calculations, was our banishment from the “Garden of Eden” by the mythical Satyr, “Hu Gadam” (our closest approximation to “Yahweh”). We were not expelled from Africa or India or even “Atlantis” (that came later) as is presupposed by the pompously ignorant. Our exodus was ordered from an extraordinary inner Earth sanctuary. Afterwards, Lemurian officers guarded all entry points for a long time. Later I know some entrances were sealed or so hard to find that anyone managing to locate a route in would probably be deemed divinely commissioned. Nevertheless, according to mystical NAZI Antarctica (Neuschwabenland – location of the ancient “Rainbow City”) folklore, this may still be the case today. Given the inner Earth prohibition, truth seekers have been blessed with a huge clue.  What logic is behind our governments prohibiting access to the inner sanctum? Could it be they have been warned off by “dark forces” not wanting us to contaminate their pristine realms (as we have done on the surface)? That is the prima facie reason inner Earth philology has been ridiculed or censored by our governments, in my opinion.

good-news-bad-news1-256x300Once restricted to the planet surface, humans first settled in the Ukraine (or Khazaria) and were regularly visited by Ciakar ambassadors. Khazaria, like Caucuses, is a derivative of Caucasian (thank you for spotting that, Facebook friend, Gary Gengler) and this logically means the original human “tribes” (sic) were Caucasians. According to Aboriginal legends, it was impossible to tell the difference between “good” or “bad” reptilians by appearance alone. Some circumstantial evidence on the antics of the bad eggs has accumulated over time. In the Atlantis joint venture (Ciakar/Pleiadian) technological city I learn lizard men had occasionally been executed for eavesdropping astral technologies with malicious purposes in mind, but there is something else that is much more compelling.

Ciakars used to play a game with their Pleiadian hosts. Both parties would shape shift to change the appearance “as the other’s form” so those that could see through the camouflage might be commended. As the Pleiadians had something superior to our pineal gland, they were almost never fooled. However, reptilian soldiers regularly turned the drill into practice by shape shifting in battle situations. In that capacity, they have been known to transform to double the people they were in the throes of fighting.  Recalling a Rwandan 100 day conflict that saw the piecemeal slaughter of 100,000’s Africans in 1994, I am reminded of Ciakar methods. ac29b1ff1c50d02a342973cc1db59095The escalation between Rwandan and Burundi factions, championing Hutu or Tutsi cultures, saw soldiers of either side dressing uniforms of the other. Naturally absolute chaos was the logical outcome of this insane strategy which led to innumerable friendly fire incidents (according a friend of mine who was acting Major for one of the brigades) and it also highlights what we, “humans”, have the potential to be “them” (reptilians).

“Survival of the fittest”, “fight or flight”, “problem, reaction solution”, call it what you will. One thing is certain. We, humans, have trickery and deceit in our blood. The absolute commitment to self will reduce any Ascension event to banality if we are not very careful. Currently, there is no societal paradox. If you wish to focus on the veneer, then yes, most of you are caring, conditionally considerate, deeply compassionate about things you believe in and, superficially, at least, a credit to society. Yet, under the veil of self-assurance the real absurdity skulks. Action defies principled beliefs because we are; foul, slithering, pestilent, fork tongued serpents that quiver before the magnificence of the absolutely indiscriminate and non-judgemental God in all being”. We exist day to day cobbled from acute Ciakar jealousy (emotion for emotion’s sake), the worst qualities of Pleiadians obsessiveness (blamed on the ego) and the most reckless violence of the Lemurians which keeps us on endless war footing.

visuals-000004074073-rekjyo-originalLiars every one of us; we all celebrate the power to deceive persuasively and this alone ordains our present evolutionary state is the desperate determination to find the progress to professional sorcery. Were we to maintain this mindset; our only hope for survival proffers two paths. The simple answer is this; we must match or succumb to the prowess of legendary Lumerians lost in time. Who are these mysterious beings and is karma projecting a Martian salvation recurrence? Those that dare answer with authority are truly enlightened.

Autism corroborates “Darwinism”?

b583I must admit, right from the start, my title is not an honest one. I don’t suggest Darwinism (as an authority) has too much credibility in practicality. Indeed the brains behind “On the Origin of Species”, Alfred Russel Wallace, did not support Charles Darwin’s erratic and baseless conclusions, largely used to support the globalist preference towards anti-spiritual intelligent randomness or atheism. Those most ardent Darwinists have surely never heard of Wallace, but it does not stop them babbling about evolution as though each was putting the final touches to a masters’ thesis or doctorate on the subject. The tenets of evolutionism are probability and logic. Yet, breathtakingly, according to material wisdom, a convoluted plan (rationalised existence) can and does usurp the planner. 22463To the Darwinist/globalist/evolutionist there is no universal mastermind because universes literally popped into existence and life was spontaneously created by accident (though that accident was conveniently bound to happen). Per that belief, the course of everything that lives is easily explained when factoring survival instinct against probability. Of course, when the old chestnut, instinct, rears its ugly head in isolation, the atheist demagogues are far less confident as to “how” and “why”, far less inspired in commentary. They invariably substitute one label with another and, to avoid taxing the mind; behaviour is deemed precisely the same as instinct (or, perhaps, instincts are behavioural traits). By this determination, human robots are programmed simply as evidenced by the fact their lives unravel, otherwise there would have to be a programmer and instinct would be evidence of something spooky that totally transcends material reality. Anti-views of this genre (offering the mystical version of instinct) would offend the ardent globalists who are bankrolling key Darwinist, evolutionist pioneers.

d032c9a4a268234ed4f185bfc3573c00The spirit of globalists will feature in many places in this article, so I must commend them. Without them I would have likely had nothing to write about. Fluffy bunny rabbits, cats with long tails or the fast lives of highway turtles aren’t my thing, so I am truly eternally grateful to the globalists and their boneheaded supporters (the oppressed masses) for making my life interesting. Oppressed masses, what, eh? (You say) Just about none of you would even consider parting with one cent to contemplate the truth about existence, yet you rush to the side of your globalist masters with every last penny you can muster, either storing it in their banks, converting Federal Reserve blessed currency or purchasing grossly inflated products or produce provided in some way to you by global corporations. Jon Rappoport’s in the same boat. How many of you have invested in him? For those not in the know, No More Fake News (a Rappoport concept) is one of the select channels I subscribe to as he is one of the incorruptible few. There the attack, nay, transparent evaluation of globalist stratagems to the detriment of human progress is none more apparent. Genetically modified organisms, fake psychiatry a front for toxic drug pushing, autism (particularly in connection with vaccines) regularly feature in articles. But Jon’s great passion is imagination and he rues the day human beings stopped being individuals only to join the huddled masses under the banner of globalism. The sacred cow of creation became a morbidly obese fusion of everything that hinders determinism.

We both have presented serious investigations on the Zika fraud recently promoted by the World Health Organisation after a microcephaly “outbreak” (as termed) in Brazil. Though we drew different conclusions as to the ultimate cause(s), we both processed all relevant issues (where possible, backed by data) and more or less determined the same findings (with some slight but important differences). Opinions were shared as to the effect of vaccines (notably the preservative brand Thimerosal), pesticides (prominent active agent glyphosate) and we both unanimously agreed that Zika fever peril and the supposed genetically modified mosquitos from hell (if they existed at all) were absolute duds. Ultrasound-MachineThe significant difference between Jon and I could be seen in my analysis of the possible impact ultra-sound equipment may have had of the equation. However, my fellow journalist did report on Brazilian and Argentine doctors who oversaw the 4,000 or so pregnancies in focus. According to some Spanish article No More Fake News paraphrased, the doctors interviewed confirmed foetus development was regularly checked by ultrasound and they started noticing deformities (was the equipment itself the Damocles sword is the deeper question? i.e. the more alcohol we fed to him, the more drunk he became…). I very much doubt (though I haven’t checked) that the ultrasound equipment in question was one of those new Samsung portable devices. I suspect it was the leaky, heavy variety of machine that dates back to the age of the dinosaurs.

However toward the end (though I can’t be sure what he has in store for the future) of his investigation to date, Jon pulled up a surprise tangent. It was so off theme, it got me thinking; thinking like never before. national-terrorism-threat-advisory-system-graphic.-dataCould this radical theme, which, in normal circumstances, may have been shelved as overt propaganda, have a deeper message that transcends everything we both thought we believed to be true? Jon talked of some alarming figures, ironically, coming out of Israel that demonstrated significant microcephaly outcomes for new born babies having lived nearby or within range of a large petrochemical plant through pregnancy gestation. Of course, microcephaly is simply a word/label that emphasises a standard. At one end of the scale effects [to the skull] are hardly noticeable, whilst at the other, they are extreme. Israelite outcomes were the soft option, whereas the Brazilian “outbreak” was extreme (in part), as far as I can gather. Perhaps I haven’t been clear enough for the Darwinists. The “state of terrorism” graphic, low to critical, on your Fox News screens best expresses it. Our chosen people were in the low zone and the others, well, they showed up critical. Quite right, don’t you think?

tumblr_m6idxv05ph1r4gei2o5_400The petrochemical angle is an important one. My last Ozzie Thinker entry, Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics, did not beat around the bush. I stated categorically that all viruses are caused by pollution and all cancers are the result of pollutants that trigger dormant fungi. More recently I have learned of Otto Warburg and, instinctively (behaviourally?), feel he is correct in his predetermination that cancers are caused by bodies’ PH levels. Dormant fungi [hypothetically might] require an acid environment to metabolise. According to Otto, the development of cancers is something akin to fermentation and any good brewer knows that sugar is essential for fine ale. Thus, the other missing link is glucose in our bodies. Cancers love it. As his thoughts on Zika fever unravelled, Jon Rappoport kept on reiterating the possibility of multiple contributors to systemic outcomes. This consideration must be applied to anything and everything. There are never any solitary silver bullets, well except when baddies are terminated by the Lone Ranger. In the case of cancer, to shortlist, a weakened immune system is infiltrated by pollution which triggers dormant fungi lounging in an acid environment using glucose as an active metabolic agent.

lone rangerOther than the carbon monoxide issue, there has been no real concern over the dangers of exhaust. I wanted to cite mass poisoning in Japan’s Tokyo which infamously highlighted monoxide poisoning, but I can find no references for this distant memory. It led to, once again from distant memory, some sort of consumption tax which encouraged (re)design of cars with low capacity engines. My hunt for evidence did reveal treasure of a different sort. MinimataIn 1932 Chisso Corporation expanded its business model to include production of acetaldehyde. The net consequence was the continual dumping of heavy metals (production waste) into the sea off Minamata, Japan. Methyl mercury chloride made its way into the food chain, unchecked, notoriously infecting various fish and shellfish. By the 1950’s tragic neural consequences were noticed, particularly in fishermen. Indeed, the people had to wait until 1972 for swift remedial action which saw a brief news headliner in the US. It has been useful to highlight the toxicity of mercury, which induces “considerable atrophy of the brain” (according to the selected citation).

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland's Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the 'mercurial gangrene'. In 1865, Burgan's face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877). For the reconstruction, see C011/4360.

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland’s Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the ‘mercurial gangrene’. In 1865, Burgan’s face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877).

Sometimes the truth can manifest in the strangest ways or places. Years ago I embarked on a career of energy management at a time when serial polluter (and rehearsed liar), Professor Ross Garnaut, was invited by the Australian Federal Government to write the feasibility benchmarks for carbon pollution taxation. If that wasn’t like asking the local jewel thief to design the next prison house, I don’t know what is! Anyway, reverberations were gradually seen throughout corporate industry after Garnaut’s green paper was released. BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and all the “major offenders” began their contingency planning well in advance.

Garnaut - the prick

The weird thing was, in just about all or perhaps all cases, the biggest risk asset (from the carbon benchmark perspective) were the automobile fleets attached to each corporation. Some owned considerable numbers of vehicles. It was deemed that these were the greatest contributors of carbon in the atmosphere and, as I rightly pointed out a couple of years ago, carbon is now a neutral code-word used to downplay pollution. We also know that it is pollution that causes all viruses and contributes to all forms of cancer. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the petrochemical industry was responsible for the lion’s share of diseases that blight humanity today? I have no data to give an educated response to this currently, but will keep that line of inquiry open for the rest of the decade or longer, as needs dictate.

So how might evolution (per “Darwinist” theory) react to the many and numerous toxins foisted on the individual? We not only have to deal with “carbon” (sic) in the atmosphere, but there are other things too. It took roughly forty years for authorities to determine Minamata, Japan had been poisoned by industrial waste. That is the tip of the iceberg for what isn’t known, the Environmental Pollution Agencies (EPA) don’t want to know about. Lawyers in fancy court rooms assure us that serial offenders, such as Monsanto, well, they are given the license by authorities to perpetually offend and reoffend. Sugar Plum Fairies72They hang health that compromises globalism. Great quantities of Monsanto products: Agent Orange, DDT, Roundup are now a formal part of the cycle of life. I have singled out the chemical glyphosate before, but there are other nasties too. A good amount of thematic material last Ozzie Thinker entry was devoted to vaccines; notably the preservative agent Thimerosal. The Centres for Disease Circulation (CDC) insist that a special, harmless type of mercury is used in this compound (and we know that because it was blessed by the sugar plum fairies). Not everyone shares this opinion. Ethylmercury is a neurotoxin that maybe comparatively in excess of a hundred times more lethal to tissue than lead. My source substitutes “is known to be” for “maybe”. Temporarily putting to one side aluminium, formaldehyde and other up-to-date ingredients of Thimerosal, exploring and expanding the greater content of my source might add vital information.

acrodynia_1Eli Lilly invented Thimerosal sometime in the 1920’s (no credible date source available) and after the first patent 22nd August, 1931 numerous additional variants have been categorised (notably Stabilized Thimerosal, filed 2nd February 1955). Only one formal study as to the effects of the compound was conducted in 1930. 22 patients located at an Indiana hospital [classified] as “dying” of Meningitis were injected with serum. Though none showed any adverse reaction (outside the range of standard medical complications) to the product, neither were any improved by it. To date that is used as “basis” for its safety. The dangers were certainly known by 1947 and probably suspected long before. A connection with Acrodynia (or “Pink’s Disease”), a form of mercury poisoning, in the 1940’s is the best evidence. Thimerosal was used for teething powders for infants at the time. Symptoms congruous with mercury poisoning include autism.

1398764739874.cachedMy source goes on to say that in 1967 a medical/science request for the removal [of the words] “non-toxic” from Thimerosal labels was heeded by authorities. The British Medical Journal reported skin burns from oxidisation of Thimerosal in contact with aluminium in 1972. Deaths of six newborns at a (unspecified) hospital in the 1970’s have been attributed to infused antiseptic wipes. In 1982 the FDA produced a damning report against the compound in various forms. My source also cites a 1950’s independent study which showed that Thimerosal was no more effective than water at protecting mice against potentially fatal streptococcal infection. Even though it was found far less safe than other recognised poisons, the FDA merely slapped an over the counter sales ban on Eli Lilly’s blessed product. In more recent times Jon Rappoport and others have been heavily promoting the fallout from rigged testing and false reporting of adverse effects of the Merck MMR vaccine by Dr William Thompson. An autism link was seen as clear as a bell in those early trials and everyone involved put a lid on it.

So what has this got to do with Darwinism and evolution? Though we are beginning to understand how cells work thanks to Dr Bruce Lipton, science has near zero understanding of DNA. In fact chemical coded amino acid chains are little more than symptoms. Real DNA is an invisible type of light which looks like metal to those that can see beyond the material plane. If we understood how DNA functioned, I would have no punch line for this article as what I am about to reveal would be common knowledge. Though mainstream Darwinist opinions are partially right so far as evolutionary traits can mimic design improvements facilitating survival, the mechanics and their attributes are almost completely not understood by affiliated intellectuals. Lemurian emissaries stationed on or in Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, have not only confirmed the survival of the fittest paradigm, but have also gone as far to explain “why?” and “what was before?” Considering Lipton’s biology of the cell, theories which have been tested by numbers of Russian avant-garde scientists, we learn these miniscule membranes behave more like super-computers, collating all relevant external data to serve the mood of the mother. Indeed, what would normally be marked down as sheer insanity, has a very different pertinence in light of this new information. There is an entire volume of the Vedic texts (which one I cannot remember off the top of my head) devoted to appropriate behaviours of pregnant women. Included are such reasoned superstitions as not stepping on the cracks between paving stones.

republican-darwinismEvolution, in the living sense, is not as our globalist sciences predict. That is largely for two reasons. Firstly, Einstein was wrong and his photon principles neither satisfy material nor immaterial outcomes in practice. I discuss light in my e-book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, and, suffice to say, as, at one level, there is no time space continuum, light instantly travels from the sun to the Earth. In that capacity its integral relationship with immaterial DNA is timeless and, thus, all amendments are in the moment. Our sun (and all stars) is not merely a light giver, energy source. It is also a portal expressing (for lack of terminology) the wishes of God. Depending on which aspects of God are prioritised, determines the manifest plane evolutionary path (seen as manifest DNA). Currently, because our sun is “fake” (a transplant), negative aspects of the whole are being accentuated. Reflectively, progress at group, sub-group and individual levels is factored. Therefore, DNA can “progress” or/and “depreciate” for the group, sub-group or individual. We, as a species unit, can evolve or/and devolve. DNA is a two way street (perhaps something like a slide rule) and the evolutionists would be wise to recognise the fact.

cars and their fumesSo, going back to my hunch that the petrochemical industry, mostly via automobile exhaust fumes, has caused the lion’s share of manmade pollution, could that have affected our DNA at the group or subgroup level and what’s the evidence? Before I attempt to address this, I would like to introduce Eva Draconis (who has a numerous of entries on my other blog). She has evoked channels of communication with some extra-terrestrial entities she simply calls “the Orions”. Her very special first book (which is available in hard or soft copy), “The Orion Project: Real or Imaginary” (which was recently followed by a second part, “Noah’s Ark”), tables the uncensored record of conversations over extended periods. Gems devalued to almost insignificance are casually positioned with implications [such as] suggesting her visitors are lizard-like but not reptiles that have no central nervous systems (as we understand them) and display strange anatomic abilities that would defy any sense of globalist scientific rationale. In addition, for sustenance, readers learn, they do not consume food and only drink a nutritious water elixir which does not exist on Earth.

Gasthausbrauerei_Ursus_1However, their (they call themselves Draconians) obsession with head measurements as emphasis of genetic prowess piqued my interest for this article, particularly considering the recent mainstream fetish for microcephaly. I have no answers for it yet, but I will keep thinking about possibilities for the remainder of the decade and I feel sure some resolve will transcend in the fullness of time. But returning to DNA and alterations validating evolution, the traditional view has been that changes are always random and progression has always been the accidental process of survival. The example generally given is something on the lines of, “in hard times when insects were scarce anteaters that grew longer noses were able to reach more food and survived to pass their genetic traits on to the next generation”. The passing of genetic traits is a great presumption, but, applying comparable “rose tinted” vision, there is another explanation that works just as well. If a limitless DNA central mastermind (you know, God, for instance) existed that was able to collate data, it would also be able to apply required changes to any group (sub-group or individual) that determined them. As survival stands the best chance at group level (continuously multiplying trillions are much harder to purge than tens), the “species group” (for instance) is the best attribute (for progressive survival) from the holistic DNA perspective. In fact there is more to it than that. If, we assume, that DNA (as the exchange agent for manifestation) represents the interests of God, then, it would take an enormous group to fully support the wishes/interests of the whole. Life and non-life [with all those idiosyncrasies] would be God’s blueprint.

monsanto-pig-imageTherefore, applying petrochemical (and other) toxins to the equation, which, I might add, would affect the entire human group (with possible exceptions of Inuit Eskimos and a few others), could the downsizing of skulls and encephalitic disorders be so insignificant in most cases they go unnoticed? In addition, depending on the gravity (effect) of the toxins, might a hyperbolic reaction determine the impact on the chosen few that (it could be said) take “punishment” while sharing the ills thrown at any “given group”?  Is that why many people that live in radioactive environments don’t suffer and others show horrendous genetic mutations? There is one more thing. Might the offspring of those that either absolutely do or absolutely don’t care be selected as the chosen few? I haven’t any answers yet. I am just throwing it out there; posing the questions. But it does seem to fit the case. Perhaps those miracles are not miraculous after all? Perhaps that’s how existence works! There is a lot more investigation required, serious thought and valid research going to be needed to bolster glib sentiment, but I think I’m onto something. Whether the left wing “truthers” like it or not, perhaps their Thimerosal, Roundup and other “Don Quixote” crusades actually camouflage dangerous smoke and mirrors of the most devious and desperate kind. Who would have thought the globalist darling, Darwinism, would have inspired me to unravel the truth behind autism?

Why Atheism?

Writer at deskCommitted writer researchers should collect numbers of files separating various notes, information scraps and, perhaps, even relevant source articles sorted into ordered chaos. Because, for me, source articles invariably make different points or propose content that is not particularly relevant to illustrated paradigms, I don’t find these so important. Nevertheless, it is easy to collect clutter, perhaps with view to rebranding. Writing original content that parries with the educated spontaneity of Jon Rappoport, for instance, is a whole different ball park. That is what separates professionals from amateurs. For the seasoned few, thinking up beautiful, poignantly meaningful titles is probably the most challenging step of the process.

In my cache of “blog posts” mixed in with published content, I have composed eight new standalone working titles this year. Each, in word format, is content free and crying out for a spot on the Ozzie Thinker blog. Recently I created a special “to be written” file as many have been pending, neglected for several months. The item first selected was a lone blank page under the guise of “Problem, Reaction Deception”. Half an hour of serious brain straining came up with nothing productive by way of content so it has been put aside to tease muted inspiration. Of course, that isn’t to say I couldn’t represent the subject, but ideas were too jumbled, contrived and directionless for the Ozzie Thinker mission. Thus there was going to be no post on this topic today. “Prophesies, Predictions, Preconditioning” has punch. That would surely well up an avalanche of content? But no, it didn’t meet the requirement of the moment, so I selected the mildly innocuous “Why Atheism?”

Why indeed?

Comedian George Carlin entertains the crowd on May 1, 2003, at Veterans Memorial Civic Center in Lima, Ohio. Carlin, 71, whose staunch defense of free speech in his most famous routine "Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television" led to a key Supreme Court ruling on obscenity, died Sunday June 22, 2008. He went into St. John's Health Center in Santa Monica on Sunday complaining of chest pain and died later that evening, said his publicist, Jeff Abraham. (AP Photo/The Lima News, David G. Massey)

I am not a great fan of expletives. It has always seemed to me that when writers run out of ideas, have nothing to say on subjects explored, they stoop to base sentiment. Nevertheless one of my great heroes is the late but ever-present George Carlin whose foul terms sketch that dreadfully foul world around him. So, by the power of satire, I have used expletives with pride this time. Indeed, the conversational style of this piece, in part, reminds me of one of those deep, profound bar meetings, though, I assure readers, all information is free of intoxication. Also, unlike my other “to be written” entries, “Why Atheism?” at least had some content attached, though I cannot for the life of me remember what thought processes had conjured it or for what wider purpose I had been writing at the time. Oh yes, the simple message is straightforward enough by why did I begin with?

Conservation is “pointless”

Was the plan to foment yet another us versus them infomercial championing the environmentalists? The American “black hat white hat” syndrome is spreading to other parts of the globe. If the fantasy fits, then it must be unadulterated truth and you are either with us or “agin” us by that flawed reasoning. No, I will not sell out to truth because I like “side A”. Bullshit is bullshit if it is bullshit and not because who said it. The truth is non-negotiable.

There is a good reason for “conservation is pointless”, but the truth will not endear environmentalists as they are pawns of a largely hidden game. Jon Rappoport, I mentioned earlier, is one of the few that is beginning to get the gig, but it took him some time. He is beginning to see the light and coming to realise that light is very dark indeed. Let me rephrase that, for clarity. I said I only peddled the truth. The truth is I don’t know what Jon knows and I can only make assumptions by measurement of his writings. These, upon evaluation, have subtly changed over the months, years. He didn’t instantly draw the written conclusions he has. There has been a painstakingly thorough evaluation process.

reptilian human

I run another blog that specialises in matters that go beyond the human reality plane. It moves into the realms of mysterious paranormal, spiritual energies, hidden unseen forces with alien agendas supported by bizarre technologies that may make the impossible possible. All of this is part and parcel of what’s loosely termed exo-politics (which, from the Greek, means “outside the affairs of the people”). Exo-politics very much impacts atheist globalism. Yes, and the reason “black hat, white hat” is consuming other nations now is this is all part of the globalists’ divide and conquer strategy. To divide and conquer, you need “us” and “them”.

madoff_magazineHere’s a good example of how clever they are (the powers that control) compared to stupid human slaves. In the United States of America, corporate Medias (that represent the globalist governing elite) tell us that a very bad man has been thrown in jail because he conned a lot of people. This collapsed the housing market and saw honest, God fearing (but really, really complacent) folks reduced to homelessness. However, if you apply clarity to the picture, all their money is bogus. Yours is too. It’s not bogus because of the Federal Reserve or the “Banksters” or the Government or the Pretenders or Kevin Spacey or even Mickey Mouse. It’s bogus because you poor, stupid slaves endorse it every time you use it. By accepting it makes it real. That means some arbitrary bureaucrat can declare unoccupied housing (that would end the homelessness crisis in a heartbeat) belongs to someone important because of those pariah systems protecting bogus money. Ownership is ultimately imposed because of monetary support. If there was no money, rights would be determined by needs and/or priorities.Counterfeit-Money

Warm up over, let’s broach the subject, “Why Atheism?” Atheism runs deep. It perpetrates the core of existence and proposes spontaneous, hi-tech living robots must have no arbitrary right to anything as there is no God. You see, this is the primo [muted] message of atheism. Only historic ownership counts, providing the savages don’t lay claim to the land, because they don’t rate. If there was a God, then, ultimately, He would own all lands and humans along with the various animals, plants and insects would be ungrateful (is that the right word? Yes, I think it is) tenants. Oh how we whine! We are not even slightly grateful for our lives and then have the gall to complain when someone dies. The idea, survival of the fittest, is an extension of that reasoning. Per the “I’ve only got one life” ideology, I can amass 284 housing blocks with a write down value in excess of $1 billion and keep them empty because I am a survivor; I’m the fittest.

Why atheism?

god3 copyAtheism is because I am not connected to God as the communion umbrella linking all humans to everything. It means there is no obligation to support anything or anyone that contravenes the objectives of self-serving survival. With individual consciences battered and bruised, the people are expected to succumb to dogmatic laws that do their upmost to promote and enforce the agendas of the chosen few. If we take rhetoric and legislation defining murder, it has done nothing for the arbitrary massacres resulting from constant wars generated by the same bodies that lay claim they only exist to serve the needs of the people (creating strict policies designed to stop people murderin’ each other on their home turf). Over 1.5 million innocent Iraqis have laid down their lives because atheism wants to make a point. That point is it does not discriminate because every life is an expendable statistic when that suits the narrative line. Atheism doesn’t care.

Control does impact sharing. Just as with the farmer that regularly bombs his disused barns with insecticide to keep them clean, globalists have the same view about population masses. They kill off the pests with distain, using their dumb, ignorant militias. But hey, don’t fret.

It’s all for a great cause – Atheism.

To divide and conquer successfully you need causes; lots of them. False paradigms project environmentalists as the good guys supporting everything worthwhile. But the problem is “worthwhile” costs too much; there’s that bogus money again, so the pragmatists opt for industrial pollution.

Two for the price of one?

Two for the price of one?

What the eye can’t see must be ok, right? Remind me again; what colour is radiation? Well, it’s sure made some mushrooms and other things go funny colours in Japan. Was one baby born without a head? I don’t know, maybe that’s labouring the point.

Environmentalists either support or don’t support the scientists’ fake global warming and other strategies. That depends on whether they are with the mainstream or the alternative mainstream. Even “science” has branched into political fronts; notably geology versus archaeology. That’s because there is disharmony at the top and science religious-dogma is branded to suit the campaign needs of the individual sellers – those peddlers of reality. Believe it because we tell you what it looks like. Big-Cup-of-Shut-The-Fuck-Up_o_94445You’ve got to trust us. We’re credentialed scientists who know so much goofy stuff (pot calling the kettle black? But some good points nonetheless here). And if that doesn’t work, you’d better “shut the fuck up” because otherwise we’ll shut you out and send you to Coventry. No one will believe you after we’re done with you. We can’t have that reality bubble threatened in any way.

Look, I feel sure that there are many scientists out there that have done the research privately, instinctively knowing they are selling lies or distortions, but pretty much all have been warned by employers, peer groups, journalists that there are no go areas. The pyramids could only have been put up by savages using stone tools or some other stupid shit, in spite of the evidence, because that fits the dialogue. And it’s all done for control purposes augmented by bogus dollars. Medical too! Oh yeah, that’s the worst of the lot. Did you know they deliberately pollute the Earth to make people sick so they can heal the ones they want to “save”?


I feel we’ve come full circle. Now I am starting to remember why I wrote “conservation is pointless”. He’s not my friend, because I haven’t even met him, but I feel we would become friends if we ever did meet. So, by those terms, my friend, Jon Rappoport, has been tirelessly beating the drum over fake viruses, vaccines that seem to do little more than attacking the immune system and genetic modification of the foods we eat (we are what we eat, right?). Maybe I’ve been a little bit influential, because I said right out, from the start, that all (not “some”) viruses are caused by pollution. This isn’t some crackpot pseudo-science, because Wikipedia affirms my position. Let’s hope the “powers that be” don’t strike this reference because of me. Anyway here it is:

“[Viruses] are external particles that have found a way to exist in bodies whilst having no metabolic growth or reproductive capability”

Universal-Flu-Vaccine1Eh? Viruses are caused by inorganic matter that corrupts cell systems similar to the way cancers work. In many cases our bodies cope with attacks only producing flu-like symptoms but, in others, a virus can strip all the chromosome information (SARS) or turn cells into mush (Ebola). What’s the cause? It is the same in both cases: different forms of pollution. And, you know, the green monkey or the yak have different body functionalities (as much as “science” likes to humanise everything – one Godless standard for those damned accountants), so Ebola-style pollution symptoms might come out as, say, HIV in primates. Diploma Mill. Photo courtesy of SfaiezFancy that? That’s why the polio vaccine that was grown in the kidneys of chimpanzees and green monkeys transported HIV to humans that took the medication. Old failed chemo “wonder drug” AZT converted it into AIDS.

Apes as kingsYou can see where this is going? It doesn’t take too much to join the dots. Years ago, before the emergence of science, Kings worked with religions to control the sheep (this is the name given to the people by the Bible). Over time people became more and more rebellious, because the bright ones saw through all the superstitions (that’s the fancy word for bullshit). Anti-royal forces (made up of rich merchants with next to no royal blood) backed science to usurp power from the aristocrats. There were other methods and strategies, but the science route supports the dialogue thus far, so that’s the one I’ll explore.

Initially the religions still had enormous sway and the people could not do without their kings or queens. But over the centuries, incessant Medias challenged the reality bubble, finally smashing it with the onset, firstly, of the silver screen, but more radically with television – piped propaganda 24/7. People stopped going to church because of TV, so it’s not all bad. Ha.

henry-kissingerThis coincided with the sexual revolution, consumerism and mass production of vaccines in the 1960’s (also opening up futures markets in support of Vietnam…oh boy). Never a more ugly combination of factors altering the group psyche of humanity could be imagined. Indeed, it was the success of toxic vaccines and contraception geared to sterilise useless eaters that ensured people embraced alternative religions. But, no matter what badge they waived in authority, Christian, Buddhist, Jew, Islamic, everyone was atheist as all religions had been compressed into a common, centralised dialogue that supported globalist diktat.

Initially, pollution wasn’t taken seriously, but the New Age aspect of atheism pushed the idea of a nurturing authority championing environmentalists, accountants that stood against the negative aspect of wars, health and a new proto-religion that twosteps with Catholicism’s “cosmic Christ”. The United Nations was the universal atheist voice that cared; only interested in people’s wellness.


Atheism had broken the Russian peoples from 1917 and this was the globalists’ test. But, in order to confuse, they reintroduced religions there after the veil of communism (an alternative?) was lifted. Reinstated traditions may have been the payoff, but the problem was all ancient wisdom had been sucked out in order to reinforce the globalist agenda to deny conscience. People visit these houses of God to be good atheists.

reptilianBy the turn of the 19th century it was becoming clear how damaging pollution was to man. In the interests of producing able bodied fodder for war, mild attempts were made to clean up the globe. Nevertheless super speed technological advancements gave industrialisation an “energy fizz” which saw rapid acceleration of projects outpacing globe-saving efforts. indexAdvancements in medical science gave the powers confidence that they could pollute with irreverence because drugs would always save the chosen ones (or harvested organs for more serious complaints).

One of the great global polluters is oil (plastic is a bi-product that caused consumerism and mass production). This and toxic vaccines are designed to weaken everyone’s immune system (elites included). Bogus money supports both enterprises and the people are so mesmerised by it, they cannot break free of its hold. Oil is so powerful, it affects the value of money and this impacts the price of good drugs to use against pollution. Professional deceivers, parading globalist backed credentials, provide verbose overanalyses in loving support of their masters who, in turn, create armies of affirmers (or debunkers against the alternative position) to champion flawed or false churned reasoning.


That is…why atheism?