Autism corroborates “Darwinism”?

b583I must admit, right from the start, my title is not an honest one. I don’t suggest Darwinism (as an authority) has too much credibility in practicality. Indeed the brains behind “On the Origin of Species”, Alfred Russel Wallace, did not support Charles Darwin’s erratic and baseless conclusions, largely used to support the globalist preference towards anti-spiritual intelligent randomness or atheism. Those most ardent Darwinists have surely never heard of Wallace, but it does not stop them babbling about evolution as though each was putting the final touches to a masters’ thesis or doctorate on the subject. The tenets of evolutionism are probability and logic. Yet, breathtakingly, according to material wisdom, a convoluted plan (rationalised existence) can and does usurp the planner. 22463To the Darwinist/globalist/evolutionist there is no universal mastermind because universes literally popped into existence and life was spontaneously created by accident (though that accident was conveniently bound to happen). Per that belief, the course of everything that lives is easily explained when factoring survival instinct against probability. Of course, when the old chestnut, instinct, rears its ugly head in isolation, the atheist demagogues are far less confident as to “how” and “why”, far less inspired in commentary. They invariably substitute one label with another and, to avoid taxing the mind; behaviour is deemed precisely the same as instinct (or, perhaps, instincts are behavioural traits). By this determination, human robots are programmed simply as evidenced by the fact their lives unravel, otherwise there would have to be a programmer and instinct would be evidence of something spooky that totally transcends material reality. Anti-views of this genre (offering the mystical version of instinct) would offend the ardent globalists who are bankrolling key Darwinist, evolutionist pioneers.

d032c9a4a268234ed4f185bfc3573c00The spirit of globalists will feature in many places in this article, so I must commend them. Without them I would have likely had nothing to write about. Fluffy bunny rabbits, cats with long tails or the fast lives of highway turtles aren’t my thing, so I am truly eternally grateful to the globalists and their boneheaded supporters (the oppressed masses) for making my life interesting. Oppressed masses, what, eh? (You say) Just about none of you would even consider parting with one cent to contemplate the truth about existence, yet you rush to the side of your globalist masters with every last penny you can muster, either storing it in their banks, converting Federal Reserve blessed currency or purchasing grossly inflated products or produce provided in some way to you by global corporations. Jon Rappoport’s in the same boat. How many of you have invested in him? For those not in the know, No More Fake News (a Rappoport concept) is one of the select channels I subscribe to as he is one of the incorruptible few. There the attack, nay, transparent evaluation of globalist stratagems to the detriment of human progress is none more apparent. Genetically modified organisms, fake psychiatry a front for toxic drug pushing, autism (particularly in connection with vaccines) regularly feature in articles. But Jon’s great passion is imagination and he rues the day human beings stopped being individuals only to join the huddled masses under the banner of globalism. The sacred cow of creation became a morbidly obese fusion of everything that hinders determinism.

We both have presented serious investigations on the Zika fraud recently promoted by the World Health Organisation after a microcephaly “outbreak” (as termed) in Brazil. Though we drew different conclusions as to the ultimate cause(s), we both processed all relevant issues (where possible, backed by data) and more or less determined the same findings (with some slight but important differences). Opinions were shared as to the effect of vaccines (notably the preservative brand Thimerosal), pesticides (prominent active agent glyphosate) and we both unanimously agreed that Zika fever peril and the supposed genetically modified mosquitos from hell (if they existed at all) were absolute duds. Ultrasound-MachineThe significant difference between Jon and I could be seen in my analysis of the possible impact ultra-sound equipment may have had of the equation. However, my fellow journalist did report on Brazilian and Argentine doctors who oversaw the 4,000 or so pregnancies in focus. According to some Spanish article No More Fake News paraphrased, the doctors interviewed confirmed foetus development was regularly checked by ultrasound and they started noticing deformities (was the equipment itself the Damocles sword is the deeper question? i.e. the more alcohol we fed to him, the more drunk he became…). I very much doubt (though I haven’t checked) that the ultrasound equipment in question was one of those new Samsung portable devices. I suspect it was the leaky, heavy variety of machine that dates back to the age of the dinosaurs.

However toward the end (though I can’t be sure what he has in store for the future) of his investigation to date, Jon pulled up a surprise tangent. It was so off theme, it got me thinking; thinking like never before. national-terrorism-threat-advisory-system-graphic.-dataCould this radical theme, which, in normal circumstances, may have been shelved as overt propaganda, have a deeper message that transcends everything we both thought we believed to be true? Jon talked of some alarming figures, ironically, coming out of Israel that demonstrated significant microcephaly outcomes for new born babies having lived nearby or within range of a large petrochemical plant through pregnancy gestation. Of course, microcephaly is simply a word/label that emphasises a standard. At one end of the scale effects [to the skull] are hardly noticeable, whilst at the other, they are extreme. Israelite outcomes were the soft option, whereas the Brazilian “outbreak” was extreme (in part), as far as I can gather. Perhaps I haven’t been clear enough for the Darwinists. The “state of terrorism” graphic, low to critical, on your Fox News screens best expresses it. Our chosen people were in the low zone and the others, well, they showed up critical. Quite right, don’t you think?

tumblr_m6idxv05ph1r4gei2o5_400The petrochemical angle is an important one. My last Ozzie Thinker entry, Lies, Damned Lies & Statistics, did not beat around the bush. I stated categorically that all viruses are caused by pollution and all cancers are the result of pollutants that trigger dormant fungi. More recently I have learned of Otto Warburg and, instinctively (behaviourally?), feel he is correct in his predetermination that cancers are caused by bodies’ PH levels. Dormant fungi [hypothetically might] require an acid environment to metabolise. According to Otto, the development of cancers is something akin to fermentation and any good brewer knows that sugar is essential for fine ale. Thus, the other missing link is glucose in our bodies. Cancers love it. As his thoughts on Zika fever unravelled, Jon Rappoport kept on reiterating the possibility of multiple contributors to systemic outcomes. This consideration must be applied to anything and everything. There are never any solitary silver bullets, well except when baddies are terminated by the Lone Ranger. In the case of cancer, to shortlist, a weakened immune system is infiltrated by pollution which triggers dormant fungi lounging in an acid environment using glucose as an active metabolic agent.

lone rangerOther than the carbon monoxide issue, there has been no real concern over the dangers of exhaust. I wanted to cite mass poisoning in Japan’s Tokyo which infamously highlighted monoxide poisoning, but I can find no references for this distant memory. It led to, once again from distant memory, some sort of consumption tax which encouraged (re)design of cars with low capacity engines. My hunt for evidence did reveal treasure of a different sort. MinimataIn 1932 Chisso Corporation expanded its business model to include production of acetaldehyde. The net consequence was the continual dumping of heavy metals (production waste) into the sea off Minamata, Japan. Methyl mercury chloride made its way into the food chain, unchecked, notoriously infecting various fish and shellfish. By the 1950’s tragic neural consequences were noticed, particularly in fishermen. Indeed, the people had to wait until 1972 for swift remedial action which saw a brief news headliner in the US. It has been useful to highlight the toxicity of mercury, which induces “considerable atrophy of the brain” (according to the selected citation).

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland's Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the 'mercurial gangrene'. In 1865, Burgan's face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877). For the reconstruction, see C011/4360.

Mercury poisoning deformity. Severe facial deformity in the case of US soldier Carleton Burgan (1844-1915). Burgan was serving with Union forces (Maryland’s Purnell Legion) during the US Civil War, when he was treated in August 1862 for pneumonia. The mercury-based drug used was calomel. An ulcer developed on the tongue that spread and destroyed his upper mouth, palate, right cheek and right eye. The cheekbone was removed to prevent further spread of the ‘mercurial gangrene’. In 1865, Burgan’s face was reconstructed in pioneering work by US plastic surgeon Gurdon Buck (1807-1877).

Sometimes the truth can manifest in the strangest ways or places. Years ago I embarked on a career of energy management at a time when serial polluter (and rehearsed liar), Professor Ross Garnaut, was invited by the Australian Federal Government to write the feasibility benchmarks for carbon pollution taxation. If that wasn’t like asking the local jewel thief to design the next prison house, I don’t know what is! Anyway, reverberations were gradually seen throughout corporate industry after Garnaut’s green paper was released. BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto and all the “major offenders” began their contingency planning well in advance.

Garnaut - the prick

The weird thing was, in just about all or perhaps all cases, the biggest risk asset (from the carbon benchmark perspective) were the automobile fleets attached to each corporation. Some owned considerable numbers of vehicles. It was deemed that these were the greatest contributors of carbon in the atmosphere and, as I rightly pointed out a couple of years ago, carbon is now a neutral code-word used to downplay pollution. We also know that it is pollution that causes all viruses and contributes to all forms of cancer. Wouldn’t it be interesting if the petrochemical industry was responsible for the lion’s share of diseases that blight humanity today? I have no data to give an educated response to this currently, but will keep that line of inquiry open for the rest of the decade or longer, as needs dictate.

So how might evolution (per “Darwinist” theory) react to the many and numerous toxins foisted on the individual? We not only have to deal with “carbon” (sic) in the atmosphere, but there are other things too. It took roughly forty years for authorities to determine Minamata, Japan had been poisoned by industrial waste. That is the tip of the iceberg for what isn’t known, the Environmental Pollution Agencies (EPA) don’t want to know about. Lawyers in fancy court rooms assure us that serial offenders, such as Monsanto, well, they are given the license by authorities to perpetually offend and reoffend. Sugar Plum Fairies72They hang health that compromises globalism. Great quantities of Monsanto products: Agent Orange, DDT, Roundup are now a formal part of the cycle of life. I have singled out the chemical glyphosate before, but there are other nasties too. A good amount of thematic material last Ozzie Thinker entry was devoted to vaccines; notably the preservative agent Thimerosal. The Centres for Disease Circulation (CDC) insist that a special, harmless type of mercury is used in this compound (and we know that because it was blessed by the sugar plum fairies). Not everyone shares this opinion. Ethylmercury is a neurotoxin that maybe comparatively in excess of a hundred times more lethal to tissue than lead. My source substitutes “is known to be” for “maybe”. Temporarily putting to one side aluminium, formaldehyde and other up-to-date ingredients of Thimerosal, exploring and expanding the greater content of my source might add vital information.

acrodynia_1Eli Lilly invented Thimerosal sometime in the 1920’s (no credible date source available) and after the first patent 22nd August, 1931 numerous additional variants have been categorised (notably Stabilized Thimerosal, filed 2nd February 1955). Only one formal study as to the effects of the compound was conducted in 1930. 22 patients located at an Indiana hospital [classified] as “dying” of Meningitis were injected with serum. Though none showed any adverse reaction (outside the range of standard medical complications) to the product, neither were any improved by it. To date that is used as “basis” for its safety. The dangers were certainly known by 1947 and probably suspected long before. A connection with Acrodynia (or “Pink’s Disease”), a form of mercury poisoning, in the 1940’s is the best evidence. Thimerosal was used for teething powders for infants at the time. Symptoms congruous with mercury poisoning include autism.

1398764739874.cachedMy source goes on to say that in 1967 a medical/science request for the removal [of the words] “non-toxic” from Thimerosal labels was heeded by authorities. The British Medical Journal reported skin burns from oxidisation of Thimerosal in contact with aluminium in 1972. Deaths of six newborns at a (unspecified) hospital in the 1970’s have been attributed to infused antiseptic wipes. In 1982 the FDA produced a damning report against the compound in various forms. My source also cites a 1950’s independent study which showed that Thimerosal was no more effective than water at protecting mice against potentially fatal streptococcal infection. Even though it was found far less safe than other recognised poisons, the FDA merely slapped an over the counter sales ban on Eli Lilly’s blessed product. In more recent times Jon Rappoport and others have been heavily promoting the fallout from rigged testing and false reporting of adverse effects of the Merck MMR vaccine by Dr William Thompson. An autism link was seen as clear as a bell in those early trials and everyone involved put a lid on it.

So what has this got to do with Darwinism and evolution? Though we are beginning to understand how cells work thanks to Dr Bruce Lipton, science has near zero understanding of DNA. In fact chemical coded amino acid chains are little more than symptoms. Real DNA is an invisible type of light which looks like metal to those that can see beyond the material plane. If we understood how DNA functioned, I would have no punch line for this article as what I am about to reveal would be common knowledge. Though mainstream Darwinist opinions are partially right so far as evolutionary traits can mimic design improvements facilitating survival, the mechanics and their attributes are almost completely not understood by affiliated intellectuals. Lemurian emissaries stationed on or in Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, have not only confirmed the survival of the fittest paradigm, but have also gone as far to explain “why?” and “what was before?” Considering Lipton’s biology of the cell, theories which have been tested by numbers of Russian avant-garde scientists, we learn these miniscule membranes behave more like super-computers, collating all relevant external data to serve the mood of the mother. Indeed, what would normally be marked down as sheer insanity, has a very different pertinence in light of this new information. There is an entire volume of the Vedic texts (which one I cannot remember off the top of my head) devoted to appropriate behaviours of pregnant women. Included are such reasoned superstitions as not stepping on the cracks between paving stones.

republican-darwinismEvolution, in the living sense, is not as our globalist sciences predict. That is largely for two reasons. Firstly, Einstein was wrong and his photon principles neither satisfy material nor immaterial outcomes in practice. I discuss light in my e-book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded”, and, suffice to say, as, at one level, there is no time space continuum, light instantly travels from the sun to the Earth. In that capacity its integral relationship with immaterial DNA is timeless and, thus, all amendments are in the moment. Our sun (and all stars) is not merely a light giver, energy source. It is also a portal expressing (for lack of terminology) the wishes of God. Depending on which aspects of God are prioritised, determines the manifest plane evolutionary path (seen as manifest DNA). Currently, because our sun is “fake” (a transplant), negative aspects of the whole are being accentuated. Reflectively, progress at group, sub-group and individual levels is factored. Therefore, DNA can “progress” or/and “depreciate” for the group, sub-group or individual. We, as a species unit, can evolve or/and devolve. DNA is a two way street (perhaps something like a slide rule) and the evolutionists would be wise to recognise the fact.

cars and their fumesSo, going back to my hunch that the petrochemical industry, mostly via automobile exhaust fumes, has caused the lion’s share of manmade pollution, could that have affected our DNA at the group or subgroup level and what’s the evidence? Before I attempt to address this, I would like to introduce Eva Draconis (who has a numerous of entries on my other blog). She has evoked channels of communication with some extra-terrestrial entities she simply calls “the Orions”. Her very special first book (which is available in hard or soft copy), “The Orion Project: Real or Imaginary” (which was recently followed by a second part, “Noah’s Ark”), tables the uncensored record of conversations over extended periods. Gems devalued to almost insignificance are casually positioned with implications [such as] suggesting her visitors are lizard-like but not reptiles that have no central nervous systems (as we understand them) and display strange anatomic abilities that would defy any sense of globalist scientific rationale. In addition, for sustenance, readers learn, they do not consume food and only drink a nutritious water elixir which does not exist on Earth.

Gasthausbrauerei_Ursus_1However, their (they call themselves Draconians) obsession with head measurements as emphasis of genetic prowess piqued my interest for this article, particularly considering the recent mainstream fetish for microcephaly. I have no answers for it yet, but I will keep thinking about possibilities for the remainder of the decade and I feel sure some resolve will transcend in the fullness of time. But returning to DNA and alterations validating evolution, the traditional view has been that changes are always random and progression has always been the accidental process of survival. The example generally given is something on the lines of, “in hard times when insects were scarce anteaters that grew longer noses were able to reach more food and survived to pass their genetic traits on to the next generation”. The passing of genetic traits is a great presumption, but, applying comparable “rose tinted” vision, there is another explanation that works just as well. If a limitless DNA central mastermind (you know, God, for instance) existed that was able to collate data, it would also be able to apply required changes to any group (sub-group or individual) that determined them. As survival stands the best chance at group level (continuously multiplying trillions are much harder to purge than tens), the “species group” (for instance) is the best attribute (for progressive survival) from the holistic DNA perspective. In fact there is more to it than that. If, we assume, that DNA (as the exchange agent for manifestation) represents the interests of God, then, it would take an enormous group to fully support the wishes/interests of the whole. Life and non-life [with all those idiosyncrasies] would be God’s blueprint.

monsanto-pig-imageTherefore, applying petrochemical (and other) toxins to the equation, which, I might add, would affect the entire human group (with possible exceptions of Inuit Eskimos and a few others), could the downsizing of skulls and encephalitic disorders be so insignificant in most cases they go unnoticed? In addition, depending on the gravity (effect) of the toxins, might a hyperbolic reaction determine the impact on the chosen few that (it could be said) take “punishment” while sharing the ills thrown at any “given group”?  Is that why many people that live in radioactive environments don’t suffer and others show horrendous genetic mutations? There is one more thing. Might the offspring of those that either absolutely do or absolutely don’t care be selected as the chosen few? I haven’t any answers yet. I am just throwing it out there; posing the questions. But it does seem to fit the case. Perhaps those miracles are not miraculous after all? Perhaps that’s how existence works! There is a lot more investigation required, serious thought and valid research going to be needed to bolster glib sentiment, but I think I’m onto something. Whether the left wing “truthers” like it or not, perhaps their Thimerosal, Roundup and other “Don Quixote” crusades actually camouflage dangerous smoke and mirrors of the most devious and desperate kind. Who would have thought the globalist darling, Darwinism, would have inspired me to unravel the truth behind autism?

GMOs, Viruses, Vaccines and Military Industrial Sabbotage

Zika-virusThe Zika virus “outbreak” in Brazil has populated recent headlines in the Mainstream (I am informed, as I rarely see any value in checking out tainted sources). The popular shortlist culprit in the alternative Mainstream (mostly sponsored by the same supporters of the Mainstream) is Bill Gates’ genetically modified mosquitos. As Zika virus was first noted in the 1940’s, unless Gates infected the planet by time portal, his freaky mosquitos (presuming they exist) are not the culprit unless what is being labelled “Zika virus” is actually something else. I will continually stress, until I leave this great planet that all (and not some) viruses are caused by forms of inorganic or organic pollution. In the case of organic, it often turns out various forms of faeces or other bodily waste products are pollutants. Our bodies, any bodies deal with invading matter in three ways. Firstly they produce anti-bodies in great numbers. Secondly, they absorb the extraneous matter producing, in some cases, physical trace elements such as “viruses”. Finally, in accordance with the chain reaction, this produces symptoms, such as the common flu.

As the great journalist Jon Rappoport noted (and he became the Mainstream’s rash from the very beginning), there were many potential factors leading to a spike in the rare natal condition, microcephaly. He came straight out and said, from the outset, in this case there could be a number of factors contributing to those dismal Brazilian statistics. Nevertheless, as there is a long history of dreadful encephalitic eruptions in other places too, it would be foolish not to first consider these as the plausible “why?” for the peak in Brazil. In accordance with every single nuclear disaster; Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima and other lesser known events, prenatal and natal outcomes, such as the small heads syndrome, brainless births, etc. have been strikingly similar to the Brazilian incidence. I would find it incongruous, as a journalist, not to have seen some corresponding evidence of radiation pollution influencing the birth defects in Brazil. Drawing of Jon’s wise preclusion towards multiple factors, I am drawn to consider how normally safe levels of radiation might have induced the catastrophic effect currently being witnessed in Latin America.

Mercury triggerOutside the Mainstream, vaccines are not being given a good press. Indeed, prior to it hitting academic news feeds and before he could even mention his name, Jon Rappoport was reporting on the prospect of William W. Thompson, CDC Whistle-blower, coming out. MMR Vaccine had camouflaged mercury based preservative, thimerosal. Those that bothered to check out the ingredients in the vaccines destined to destroy their children’s lives would have had to dig deep to find out any coherent information on the compound. If mercury wasn’t enough, let’s add aluminium and formaldehyde for good measure, but nothing to see here, the quacks know what they are doing. Outcome, we learn from Thompson, is aggressive autism and this was known by the CDC and Merck Vaccines from the very start. That makes your kids sick and that makes me madder than hell. There are no class actions against Merck or the CDC yet, but they are waiting for confirmation that they irrefutably lied, otherwise its “mea culpa” (tough shit) for the victims, I’m afraid.

People, please! Do your own bloody homework before you trust in something given to you by the supposed experts. Stop relying on the system of vipers to protect you. I know I cannot influence any of you; unless you decide you will be influenced by me, but, for pity’s sake, wake up.

There was a vaccine connection with the Brazilian incident. And, before I continue, I would like to say not all vaccines are necessarily bad. I am not another of those alternative Mainstream imbeciles that whips up hysteria for the sake of sensation. Everything must be evaluated separately, individually, on merit. There are very good reasons why there are many valid, therapeutic vaccines and I will outline logic in my summary. Thank goodness we were not dealing with MMR in this instance, but that also is not to say infants involved were not processed by the system: small headed and autistic, what a combination! Well, perhaps I spoke too soon. Back in 2014, according to sensational Mainstream news reports, all mum-to-be were given the TDaP vaccine. A cursory look at the raw ingredients reveals aluminium phosphate, ammonium sulphate and formaldehyde; but is there any mercury in there?

We can see the answer on the Food & Drug Administration’s own website (in muted damage control):

“Much progress has been made to date in removing or reducing thimerosal in vaccines. New pediatric formulations of hepatitis B vaccines have been licensed by the FDA, Recombivax-HB (Merck, thimerosal free) in August 1999 and Engerix-B (Glaxo SmithKline, thimerosal free) in January 2007. In March 2001 the FDA approved a second DTaP vaccine formulated without thimerosal as a preservative (Aventis Pasteur’s Tripedia, trace thimerosal). Aventis Pasteur, Ltd was also approved to manufacture a thimerosal-free DTaP vaccine, Daptacel, in 2002. In September 2001 Chiron/Evans was approved for manufacturing a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluvirin, that contained trace thimerosal. In September of 2002, Aventis Pasteur, Inc was approved to manufacture a preservative-free formulation of their influenza vaccine, Fluzone that contained trace thimerosal…”

So there you have it. In all likelihood, the thimerosal preservative agent would have been administered to 3rd world countries and certainly to jurisdictions where not many important people lived. By the way, if thimerosal is not at all harmful, why remove it?

thimerosal_etiqueta_gAnother line of reasoning per the Brazilian tragedy introduced by Jon Rappoport was the potential for Monsanto’s involvement. This prompts two avenues of consideration. Brazil is renowned for its expansive jungles which, though substantively reduced from the 1970’s, are still extremely prevalent. In accordance with industrial production and processing of natural resources, statistics point at considerable quantities of herbicides, pesticides and insecticides infecting that fragile ecosystem at all levels. Good science has already established a link between imbalanced gut bacteria (leaky gut) and weakened immune systems. It is also a factor of obesity, particularly noted in developed nations. The principal ingredient of Monsanto’s Roundup, glyphosate, is the agent that causes guttural imbalance. After the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) monumental announcement that the chemical is a “probable carcinogen” (i.e. cancer causing), the Mainstream, aided by the men in white coats, have pounced at any opportunity to devalue that message.

monsantoweed-650x330For instance, Monsanto’s press agents have been quick to stress that “probable”, “possible” do not mean “is” [necessarily] and [as they are used] this is something like a disclaimer for their products so no one needs to pay attention (which I might add is sheer and unadulterated bullshit). That would be fine if the villainous WHO hadn’t decided that “certain” was too strong even though (and under enormous pressure to look the other way) all 17 cancer experts could not extricate the cause/effect link (as hard as they tried). We all know the ban of Monsanto’s products has begun in Europe, but it is likely to require an earthquake to fully dislodge those corporate interests. Thus, Jon Rappoport’s focus on glyphosate in relation to the Brazil and the microcephaly outbreak is a credible line of consideration. Whereas there is no connection between the chemical and ionizing radiation (causing horrific prenatal impairments to those exposed directly after a nuclear disaster), glyphosate is linked to autism (and ADHD), Alzheimer’s disease, Anencephaly, brain cancer and Multiple Sclerosis.

Before I discuss the other Monsanto product range, genetically modified organisms, it is essential to establish the difference between a virus and a retrovirus. As with all things microscopic, the truth is never particularly clear, but I have found a source that offers an apt and contrite explanation of differences:


Virus contains DNA or RNA as their genetic material and DNA or RNA may be single stranded or double stranded. The core of viruses i.e. genetic material is surrounded by protein or lipoprotein coat. It is called as the capsid, and sometimes the capsid is enveloped with a membrane, when they are in the outside of a cell or host. Capsid is composed with identical units, which are called capsomeres. The capsid is symmetrical and varied from simple helical form to highly complex structures…


Viruses that carry reverse transcription are called retroviruses. This virus can convert their RNA into DNA copy. This process is catalyzed by reverse transcriptase enzyme. Then this DNA is integrated covalently into the host genome using integrase enzyme, which is coded by reverse transcriptase. So, retrovirus has a special advantage as a gene carrier. They are integrated into the host genome directly, but the reverse transcription is much faster than the normal transcription process and it is not much accurate. So offspring may be genetically different from the first generation. Retroviruses can cause HIV and number of cancers in animals.”

happy_green_monkeySummarised and with Ozzie Thinker lateral translation, a virus is inorganic (or redundant organic) matter that infects the living cell layer and a retrovirus is a virus that mutates in such a way it cloaks cellular DNA guaranteeing unchecked mutations (cancers) of the second generation or greater. It is logical to assume that an adopted alien cell system, foreign to the body, could effectively harbour a virus which, by causal effect, would become a retrovirus in undetected form. HIV, for instance, is arguably the retroviral product of something (virus) that lies dormant in apes and came into existence when batches of polio vaccines with cultured in the kidneys of live green monkeys and chimpanzees after serums were administered. So, returning to Bill Gates’ (alleged) genetically modified mosquitos introduced to the same region of Brazil which saw the microcephaly outbreak after a reported Zika virus spike, let us consider the possibilities.

These insects were made and introduced to, apparently, relieve the region of Dengue fever as the new mosquitos were predicted to overwhelm and squeeze out (per natural order) the larger, unmodified bugs. My other blog regularly features articles about other worldly, extra-terrestrial systems. In this case, I refer to the Draco’s (a shadow, extra-dimensional, reptilian hierarchy that monitors and controls man) numerous and unsuccessful attempts at creating a new human hybrid (our replacements). These guys have been at it for billions of years. Monsanto or some other organisation comes along and, in two minutes, expects to overcome the issues that have affected geneticists from the dawn of time? If a mosquito feeds on your blood, it makes an exchange of DNA, so every time a Brazilian is bitten by one of these little suckers they become a minuscule part GM mozzie (assuming the whole thing isn’t a giant hoax). I rather like this quasi-mainstream article that puts things into perspective:

“This theory suggests the Zika virus outbreak is the result of mosquitos genetically modified by British company Oxitec. The GM mosquitoes in question, Aedes aegypti, have been engineered so that when they breed with the normal population, none of the mosquito offspring survive…

…But this is nonsense. GM mosquitos cannot reproduce, and those that survived into adulthood cannot suddenly become infected with the Zika virus. Further to that, the Zika virus has been around for more than 60 years, having been first isolated in Uganda in 1947. It found its way from Africa and moved westwards, with cases in Micronesia, French Polynesia and Chile. It was first identified in Brazil in May 2015.”

It seems Zika fever is well known in India and has been around so long it perhaps was recorded in Vedic times. Unfortunately I have not been able to cite any specific examples in the holy texts, but I feel sure correct due diligence would show something. The important point is, if Zika fever originates from the same Zika viral strain that was discovered in 1947, then the connection with “genetically modified mosquitos” (if they exist in the region) is coincidental. Reading between the lines, additionally, it was only after the WHO 2015 announcement of a possible Zika virus threat that Brazil bothered to screen their populaces (or perhaps I have misread that from the dearth of propaganda). As, colloquially, viral symptoms are relatively mild and certainly not life threatening, perhaps Zika virus has been around in Brazil, noticed or unnoticed, for a very long time too. The Ugandan version discovered in 1947 is a flavivirus which affects the RNA. St Louis encephalitis is another flavivirus, so the microcephaly association was not entirely unwarranted. However, as it turns out the original 4,000 encephalitic disorders have been reduced to around 400, of which a mere 17 show a slight presence of Zika virus in the afflicted babies, due diligence has not been applied to the dissemination of information in the Mainstream.

In my extensive research for this article, I posited a line of enquiry to ascertain what the known agents of disease are. The answer was dramatically simple. There are four agents of disease: parasites, bacteria, fungi and pollutants. Now, of course, science journals expand this to five or more (depending how you class pollution) with the addition of viruses. Yet, to anyone that isn’t entirely boneheaded or corrupt it is strikingly obvious viruses are symptomatic effects of pollutants (organic or inorganic) and cancers are caused by a combination of fungi and pollutants. Shouldn’t the objective of true science be to identify what pollutants/fungi are responsible for diseases before branding symptoms or traits as the causes? Removal or eradication of the problem, will give no cause for symptoms.

tumblr_inline_nnqnv6F6rM1t1mtij_1280Jon Rappoport calls the CDC the new medical CIA for good reason, as we see from the atrocious handling of the very much current MMR scandal that, to them, medicine is an “op” or “ops”. Frankly, as we have discovered here, the WHO isn’t much better. It offers fear mongering propaganda in place of what should be sanity. No wonder the world’s finest medics are seen as little more than quacks by serious investigators, committed thinkers. That is because just about all have some vested interests supporting the very same propaganda that has created the dreadful mess called governance. Governments that supposedly administer for the people exist in worlds adrift of reality. Insistence on spinning fantasy myths that sometimes amount to absolute hogwash is the anchor we, the people, rely on. That mainstay is attached to the ship by a silk thread and the malignant ones know it, but because people (generally speaking) are such cowards, they cling to the journey to oblivion for dear life.

WHO_vaccinationReturning back to the topic and the Zika/encephalitis outbreak in Brazil, culprits are conclusively obvious to me. The microcephaly condition was not caused by Zika or any other fantastical virus. In fact there was no direct culprit. Though the true number of instances of affliction has been dramatically reduced for this localised region of Brazil to a few 100’s complaints, there are about 25,000 comparable encephalic conditions in the US alone, annually. Why not focus on this given the panic over Brazil? Because Brazil is actually about “damage control”, but let me continue with the summary before I explain why. Zika’s presence was irrelevant, incidental. Please be clear on this. There were two issues at play. The first was the TDaP vaccine. We do not know, but can assume thimerosal laced serum was issued in Brazil. Net effect was mother and child’s immune systems were challenged and, in the case of some infants’, severely weakened. Thus, when each mother and partner lovingly witnessed the fresh ultrasound images of their bundles of joy-to-be, little did they know of the dangers, which, in normal circumstances, weren’t there. Sound waves do generate radiation of a sort, but it hasn’t been discovered by human science yet. So, there is no connection with potentially harmful ionizing radiation and sound per se. The machines that deliver ultrasonic beams are radioactive and miniscule amounts leaked would have been enough to seriously affect a seriously weakened foetus. Case closed.

bill-gatesSo, let us consider the fantasy that has been generated by the WHO and other Mainstream or alternative information outlets and why. They have selected a virus as the possible cause which is a known dud. To show how serious this is (or they are), a Hyderabad bio-merchant is 10 years away from developing a Zika vaccine. It is strange that this ex. Islamic fiefdom and thorn-in-side of the autocratic rulers is India’s champion in the fight against a known dud. Zika headliners have blanketed all major news feeds, as a lot of money has been invested in pharmaceutical stocks. Did not Bill Gates and Warren Buffet collectively chip in $60 billion (wasn’t it?), as mates do? Then Bill kindly gave away $5 billion (right?) to India (again?). The alternative news streams conjured up the mother of all fiendish diversions. They created killer genetically modified mosquitos and that shifted the focus away from Zika and onto the possibility of a (retrovirus) mutation of Dengue fever. All these possibilities and not a single truth in sight! There was no deadly mutation and there were no genetically modified mosquitos. That was a ruse and I am sure Bill Gates, being in the club, is laughing heartily.

trumpAs I have outlined, the real causes of the Brazilian tragedy were not mentioned in the Mainstream and may have been manipulated out-of-context by most alternative sources. In the years I have been writing, it has become increasingly clear that the alternatives are witting or unwitting agents of the precise same tyrants that determine what the Mainstream is allowed to say. In this particular case, hidden toxins in vaccines and the transparent effect of industrial pollutants [in bodies] are an absolute no no. In conjunction, the fact that both culprits were innocently delivered by ignorant medics because they have been branded safe by propaganda spinners suggests that wider populaces might be incensed into outright rebellion should they ever comprehend the truth. To avoid that dark day, this skilful subterfuge has been woven into the Mainstream, including most science journals. Mildly questioning the efficacy of certain statements is the closest we come to dissent. Most of those flames are vigorously fanned down by the crowing voices of evil.

Fantasy dressed as truthThe overall objective is far worse than even the most ardent critic [of the system] would imagine. The reason situations unravel as though they were part of some theatre or chess moves on a giant board is that is precisely what is going on. Truth has been replaced by “the message”. The objective, end game, is total control of humanity (the board). Industrialists deliberately pollute and then sterilise, then pollute again in order to solve the problem, on and on, ad infinitum as that ensures perennial control. It means nature no longer satisfies man’s lifespan; their medicines do. Those we want to perish we do not assist. The rest are kept alive courtesy of the system (all those good vaccines, cannabis oil, if necessary and so on). The military, for their part, are not merely spreaders of pollution, but also arbitrate clandestine operations of terror for purposes of manipulation, removal of obstacles or infrastructural support. Though they say, “sticks and stones will break your bones but words will never hurt you” to kids, this isn’t true. Those that study the effect of Voodoo quickly realise words are far more effective than remedial action, certainly when trying to convert large numbers quickly. The military-industrial corporate complex may be the producers of most toxins that cause most illnesses plaguing this planet, but without their vile unscrupulous “science-journalists”, mutinies would have haemorrhaged at the highest levels and caused systemic collapse long ago.