Beliefs and UFO’s

ufo-nightAs UFO’s are intrinsically and unbreakably “justified” by beliefs, the first half of this post has been devoted to discussing belief systems. Indeed, unusually, many ideas that formulated the basis of this forum were not mine. They were collected from a single unknown source that will remain unnamed. I take confidentiality very seriously, even though, in exceptional circumstances, a break is permissible. Regular readers will note scheduled posts For the Empowerment of You (See and Society must never be Cashless (See ewh9cWj9SX20kl_kShhR-SH6PAAwere put on hold and published later. The day before releasing this entry, I attended an event hosted by Michael Tellinger. He discussed the objectives of his Ubuntu governance system which strives for a cashless society. My sentiment concurs but with a focus on honest electronic money as I am all for the removal of cash within limits and correct controls.

My thanks go out to the UFO Research NSW (See for negotiating a discount for me. Tellinger, as charming as he was, did not entirely resonate with me. sunI question the objectives of someone squarely in it for the money after David Icke’s recent disgrace (See Is this not similar to the various crusading followers ultimately “conned” by Ron Paul? (See His son, Rand, has amply converted to the other side and even Ron, himself, appears to have finally sold out or why did Mitt Romney bother to “endorse” him? Ron Paul Fraud(2)(See Is this the blueprint for so-called New World Order? The agenda seems to be to send charismatic, well-meaning spruikers out into the wider community only to demonstrate all are hollow pied pipers?

They did that to Communism (Read up on the real, virtuous late Victorian Communist Movement which has nothing to do with the state run commerce systems [Capitalism] of USSR and red China. libertySee, so why not reduce any popular Messiah to the same fate? I do not wish to confuse intelligent readers that are aware of the Sumerian and Israelite Priest Kings. My use of the word Messiah is the virtuous Christian definition. harpawebsite_1350x550px_1To his credit, Tellinger put forward a strong case to suggest that the Priest Kings (See ultimately are responsible for the bad attitudes supporting today’s foul belief systems This is backed up by Joseph P. Farrell’s research of the ancient banking systems and real reasons behind their creation (See

maxresdefault Moving along to those discussions I promised about belief systems. I am not good with diagrams (even though I undertook a Bachelor’s Degree in Art) so readers will need to fire up the imagination to summon a fitting pictorial model. In the centre of your fantasy vignette you should see seesaw scales with one end firmly planted on the ground (like ones you might find in a child’s recreation park). Upon the lowered end of the teeter rests various views and superstitions dressed as beliefs. In considerable lesser number are dispersed truths, many placed ridiculously out of context, perhaps when out-of-position they appear to validate superstitions. The other end, pointing up at a significant angle, can only be described as a sorry affair. There are a few withered question marks, so frail the Messiah himself would not be able to resurrect them. One or two may have been old discredited beliefs, but others are rejected views, disproven superstitions along with the very occasional truth that is ridiculed wildly out of context.

Protecting these belief systems are armour plated attitudes. Thus, above the raised end of the waver there is a solid titanium shield with a central lipped gutter. It is tilted in such a way that any “threats” to existing beliefs are easily expelled. Above this pictorial scene is a giant funnel with two compartments. BadEggThe good “eggs” that reinforce the existing belief system go in one slot and the bad eggs are ejected via the titanium shield. Rejects end up in a recycling plant. Those that can be rationalised into the current belief system are gently upgraded. Any and all disprovable information sources are forgotten, but a few anomalies will undoubtedly fester as tormented unwanted pets. If this aptly summarises human belief systems, it is no wonder redneck Republicans rarely evolve. It should be no surprise vegans almost never become meat eaters. It is logical to assume that every cause has its own propaganda tool chest.

There are always ways of circumventing belief systems, of course. MKUltra has highlighted neurological deprogramming using strong mild-altering drugs is not illusory (See Truth seekers will find a power of good in the writings of Jon Rapopport (See duck4Jon has written an enormous amount of the failings and “quack” nature of psychiatry (amongst other things). He also exposes Mkultra-style techniques rather closer to home. The alarming increase in accidental deaths (See or suicides of armed forces’ personnel (aided by psychiatry in many cases) gave me one of those “magic light bulb” moments.

Imagine the alternative Media’s had made a sufficient dent in the group consciousness to dissuade all but cold blooded psychopaths from attempting to join the armed forces. Yet, a few emotional, sugar coated adverts focusing on the nice side of the business conned a few intelligent, sensitive suckers into seriously considering signing up. Let us say the recruiter said to his computer geek recruit that it would be almost inconceivable for “him” to be called to the front line. Of course, keeping in line with the need for a “legal” disclaimer (See, the recruiter might insincerely low-light the “but I need to inform you” [of what could happen] drone. 2015-07-31-niles-iIf they, the virtuous armed forces, needed a publicity stunt (or false flag in the venacular) to demonstrate there are “enclaves of terrorists” in Afghanistan (See, for ideas,, might they not select a large, but unknown city as the potential breeding ground? Any family will do. Give the computer geek an automatic weapon, those special night vision goggles (courtesy of the Draco – low ranked ones associated with the NAZI’s; Altarians? See and and tell him to go at them might encourage a mutiny.

tMedications-pills3 Give the same soldier psychedelic drugs; he will not only go after them but approach the task of murdering an innocent Afghan family for the greater good with zealous relish. When the mind-bending drugs wear off, it is no wonder the conscience is so often overcome with remorse; as attested by the numerous suicide statistics. To be brutally frank, suicides are welcome by the military junta because they clear up all those “loose ends”. I think it is important to reinforce the message that the reason suicides are increasing in the armed forces is pretty much squarely due to the medications issued by psychiatrist quacks (See Do not think for one minute it’s just the military affected by this curse.

Let us pause for a second to remember the poor victims of the MH-17 attack (See Even someone as open minded as me struggles to fathom how “the West” could kill its own to put spin on propaganda directed at a war with Russia or, formal, World War Three (See Ok, perhaps that jumping the gun and maybe they’re not that brave (See Even so, let us never forget that more than three thousand innocent Westerners died simply to jumpstart a disastrous war over control of the Middle East. Mickey-Mouse-Wallpaper-11Whether Israel, “Zionism”, the USA or Mickey Mouse was behind it makes it no less of a tragedy (See The tragedy is the mainstream Media have shown themselves to be nothing less than viperous liars (See A sinister crime of the most diabolical nature was committed and to promulgate their never ending cycle of insincerity, they duplicitously court and excessively support false belief systems. screen+Shot+2012-01-22+at+10.41.59+AM

Living at the other end of the world has its advantages. Of the brainwashed slaves, some of the most open minds reside here. As a consequence we have numerous thriving UFO Societies. There is the UFO Research (NSW) Inc. (See, Campbelltown UFOPRSA (See, Tuggerah Lakes UFO Club in Sydney and several others. I am aware too of the Chatterbox Group, the Blue Mountains UFO Research Club NSW based communities. We also have some luminaries of international pedigree, such as Mary Rodwell (See and, though I rarely share his opinions, James Bartley (See Given the aggressive slander (in the mainstream Media) against credible UFO’s, aided by lone “debunkers”, a buoyant community interest in the subject here suggests there is some freedom from the narcissistic influences of the mainstream.

Nevertheless, even in domains that encourage self-expression, a magnetic manifesto mimicking mainstream superstitions/cultural programming seems to, without unanimously enforcing, guide popular opinion. Indeed the whole exo-politics (See industry teeters on undying subservience to renegade announcements from eminently respected scientists regardless of how the mainstream reacts (i.e. whether tabloids back or bag the information). Indeed, in light of the general mistrust in the mainstream, some prefer rejected announcements whereas others really only want to be validated by the organs of power. That is how the fearless Australian minds are divided, sad to say. 0Nevertheless, UFO’s have now become an acceptable part of folklore never really seeking formal validation, other than perhaps verifying authenticity of photography and determining the nature what is being filmed from a simple catalogue of obvious alternatives. Fringe partisan groups, such as the various so-called Disclosure Movements (See are revered to the point of worship, largely, regardless of sentiment or evidence backed announcements. As the ideal would be acceptance by “the mainstream”, the alternative has become “pseudo-mainstream” and, in that capability, gaping biases (some as deceptive as the mainstream trickery) have emerged over time. It might be said that to be an outlaw is not to lack dignity. Thus, let us call our Australian rebels refined renegades.

A tiny snippet from my unpublished fifth book, “Strange Times and Out-of-this-world Technologies” (of the Dimension, Deceptions & Demons series) more than aptly expresses my sentiment:

“It is important, at this juncture, to add that I refuse to acknowledge the mindless oxymoron “Unidentified Flying Object” or its partner acronym UFO. An object is either identified or not discussed. On the rare occasions I refer to them, I will term [presumed] alien spacecraft or other flying machines AAT’s or Advanced Alien Technologies.”

The volume is going to be an eye-opener and I recommend avid researchers keep a keen eye on development and promos as I may well reveal the “unrevealable”. In the interest of fairness (for this post) I am prepared to concede the acronym UFO under strict terms. Let me finish with a proposal as to how UFO communities can retain the title also keeping their intellectual dignity.

When I was a kid in England, my dad encouraged me to go bird watching. At the ripe young age of five, I took up the challenge with zest and called myself an ornithologist. That was my new word, then, though I do not think I have ever been a true ornithologist. Armed with a “concise guide to the identification of the birds of the United Kingdom”, binoculars in hand, I paraded the streets as though I was a professional. There were no “predators” then.

epyr-day-13-snow-finch-1It took me some years to hone the skills, similar to Australia’s UFO magnet phenomenon; Damien Nott (See Eventually a sixth sense told me where a bird was and in an instant it was in my binocular’s sights. Pow! When I was very young I spotted such rarities as the Aquatic Warbler (See Well, dad, of course, put that down as a Sedge Warbler (See I saw a Richard’s Pipit (See which turned into a common Meadow Pipit (See with parental oversight, but the Snow Finch (See was an interesting one. It is hard to misidentify as its colours make it almost unmistakable. Dad put that down to an escaped cage bird, but as the finch only liked altitude it did not make a viable cage pet. Weird! Possibly a case of young, underdeveloped eyes (See Little Owl

Later, in my early teens, I flushed a game bird out of some bushes.

“What was that?” Dad shrieked.

“A partridge?” I exclaimed, flustered.

“No, that doesn’t count.”

Mum was there, too. She saw the Little Owl. I just couldn’t identify it.

The beauty of the bird watching hobby is, wherever I go, there is a field guide. SlaterWith me all the time in Australia, I have the guide to Australian birds so now I am an “expert on a tour” when armed with binoculars, notebook and pen. All I need to do is process critical identification criteria in a flash. Size? Type? Gait? Distinguishing marks? What colour was the rump? Were the wings barred? Did it have a crest? And so on. Wham bam….Ultimately I can build a “profile” of a sighting.

One time, again in my late teens, we, the family, went to one of the Welsh remote islands – Skoma, from memory. There, my father, mother and I identified an unclassified bird. We took detailed notes, included were drawings from different angles. This was recorded from “tip to toe”; a great sighting, but it could not be found in the guide. Possibly an American vagrant? Maybe. Birds are “flying objects” too! classified

Why oh why do we call IDENTIFIED unclassified flying objects, “unidentified“? Isn’t that just plain dumb? Why not start a trend and rename UFO; UNCLASSIFIED Flying Object?

Next steps would need to see the compilation a field guide. That said, without “evidence” the mainstream is between a rock and a hard place over “classifications” as they have no guide either. So, perhaps, an “authority” perpetually “commissioned” but never released will silence the prowling wolves.