Garbled Philosophy Applied to Immunization to Ultimately Commit Genocide?

Some have been possessed with foresight enough to acknowledge the gaping flaw pertaining to Louis Pasteur’s Immunization Theory is the very underlying philosophy that permits its authority. According to championing medical preachers, a body’s immune system is generally deficient in its construction, unable to meet challenges of defense against disease by natural means. Thus, short of “medical” intervention, humanity is doomed to perish from resulting attacks delivered by unknown and unseen invaders, such as “Coronavirus”. “Viruses” (ushered in long after Pasteur’s death) of course compose formulated doctrines based on set biological patterns, because (other than those with ancient historic origins, such as tetanus and rabies) none have actually been isolated. Ignoring the fact that dis-ease implies illness stems from the mind’s inability to deal with a body’s biological complications, vogue medical ideology prior to Pasteur’s evocation was quite different in character. Notably, pioneer Antoine Bechamp (Pasteur’s teacher) emphasized the significant role of external terrains over a body’s resources. Consequentially, from his painstaking research, the great scholar was able to collectively identify how internal blood systems reacted to varied incoming environmental threats.

To him, the idea of injecting someone with a serum was notionally flawed. Nevertheless, precise words from a well-coined quote of his are as follows [translated from French]: “the most serious disorders may be prevented by the injection of living organisms into the blood…into a medium not intended for them”. The emphasis here is on “may” here, reinforced by the warning “not intended for them”. In effect he postulated that a vaccine might meet the same reaction as bacteria when introduced to the body. The world has sadly moved on in the opposite direction since Bechamp’s time (at the turn of the nineteenth century). Current vaccines deliver non-living biological matter and inanimate particles, such as heavy metals (mercury, aluminum) and formaldhyde (rat poison), to “patients” in some cases. Indeed, according to medical insider rumours, prions (forms of retro-virus) cultivating bovine spongiform encephalopathy (better known as Mad Cow Disease) is the sensational mystery ingredient aimed at “boosting” certain batches of COVID vaccine.

History of serum contamination (as there is no sound explanation for the presence of heavy metals), certainly demonstrated many positives following a study of one hundred different brands by an independent Italian research team back in 2016. Roughly thirty per cent of samples tested showed identifiable traces of aluminum. Findings have failed to impress successive Italian governments though, who had been pushing for mandatory immunization against Covid for local departing international travelers from late last year. All the while, an angry posse (40,000 strong and growing) of world class doctors continuously protest at “flawed reasoning” behind untried and untested compounds being used against an unknown virus that has shown to be “treatable” using standard influenza remedies (if only China had listened), before deaf bureaucratic ears. In fact, any serious analysis of history damns the grubby enterprise. For example, work on the Gates/Fauci/Soros “Frankenstein jab” began nearly a decade before Coronavirus came to light. How can that be? Per immunization philosophy, how is a predictive remedy possible? According to hidden reports there could be some ambiguity over my use of “came to light” here. Anthony Fauci (in prep mode presumably) apparently boasted of a monumental pandemic coming very soon back on his 2017 American university tour.

Following my mention of that valiant Italian study, there is further hard evidence supporting the use of heavy metals in vaccines. Details provided under Eli Lily’s 1931 patent of Thimerosal are explicit. Mercury and Aluminum are two listed ingredients. A new 1950’s patent itemized Formaldehyde too. In terms of historic background, the product’s menacing curriculum vitae commenced with a miracle “chemo” (whatever that is) cure, but as none of the dozen or so terminally ill patients used as guinea pigs (primarily to justify the patent) survived any longer than expected, medical application was not widely adopted and that version was short-lived. Rebranded into various types of hospital sterilization agents, its continued employment is tragically marred. Taking form as bedpan cleaning powder, it was deemed to be the cause of Pink’s Disease and subsequently formally banned from use. Only after that shock were the boffins at Eli Lily forced to go back to the drawing board. Thimerosal’s Phoenician return, after strained deliberation, came as vaccine preservative. Because compounds don’t usually require individual ingredients listed, we could argue those horrible components (heavy metals, etc.) have found a way into vaccines via the “backdoor”. Details on when product was first added to improve inoculation compliance is ambiguous, but it may have been as early as the late 1980’s. Only a few years later, in 1993, educated Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s emphatic pleas stressing a definite vaccine/autism connection were aggressively shunned by an inept (and probably corrupt) establishment.

Others also came out. Predictably, conspiracies against fair dissemination of information were not limited to the attack on Wakefield. Everyone that went against authorities that wasn’t completely ignored earned a routine dose of tar and feather treatment. Adding to the fray, mainstream Medias have wasted no opportunities or effort to scanadalise “unconscionably stupid” anti-vaxxers. Their one sided war has found no bottom to the foul depths exposing shallow case arguments used, which almost exclusively forge basis from ingenuous superstitions cultivated from “vogue” mindset (i.e. emphasizing “the group” must be proper, because corresponding views are in vogue). Statistics drawn on never amplify the obvious fact that there is no demonstrable criterion to establish with any certainly that vaccines even “work”. Indeed, given all too numerous side effects, downplayed par for the course as far as they are concerned, any reasoning supporting supposed due diligence is nullified. Taking the instance of small pox history, records show incidence was on a rapid decline (or burn out) before vaccines were introduced. If alternative Media reports are to be heeded, the well-publicized Gates foundation gift to Indian hill tribes infected beneficiaries with polio. Information about the foundation’s subsequent involvement with Africa paints a familiar sorry tale. Then, of course, we have senior scientist Thompson’s sensation official confession to squelching data at the behest of Merck after he had internally reported finding a vaccine/autism link in African Americans. It seems no accident Executive director Julie Gerberding had overseen similar alleged antics by the Centers for Disease Control before she moved to Merck.

In other words, stakes are high and, thus, the game is played dirty. Naturally, following this protocol, according to the mainstream, believable accounts are exclusively issued by those [whether in authority or otherwise] that support their agenda. Pertaining to this, their very rogue utopian strategy espouses “vaccines will save the world so everyone must be inoculated at the drop of a hat, bar none”. As with maligned law court “expert” choruses, jurisdiction over such matters is greatly overstated in order to leverage perceptible advantage. Calculating the chance of finding and prepping willingly corrupt, sufficiently educated to maintain the elite agenda from the extraordinary numbers of peoples that inhabit the Earth is so high, it would prove an easy challenge to fulfill. We can see revolving flawed arguments have dominated politics for decades, so why not pollute the sciences too? On that front, some years ago I penned an article postulating that our sciences are illusory. Is an apple pushed or pulled to the ground by “gravity”? How can one definitively prove associated conjecture surrounding an invisible (and otherwise imperceptible) force? I maintain this is an impossibility without knowing the truth.

Equally, many of those defenders of “the system” use flawed equations to justify their belief that mitigated attacks aimed at dramatically reducing global populations would defy interests of commerce.  The supposition more people is better for business isn’t necessarily true. Greater numbers over the spread does provide traders more flexibility, but that is a double edged sword, for greater numbers compete over and limit availability of scarce resources as well. When analyzing need for war against diplomacy, we can quickly observe another critical defect in the defenders’ thinking. War is destructive. Precious assets are regularly contaminated or destroyed per course of operations, which, from a “cost with no reward” banking perspective is an undeniable “lose/lose”. In some instances, enormous numbers of innocent people are killed, mostly while evacuating conflict zones. Per Winston Churchill’s deliberations on the subject, these deaths are normally remembered as collateral damage through cause of friendly fire. Accountants may well lament over the fall of Iraq, for negotiation is always far cheaper, but I suppose corporate commerce did unilaterally secure the oil supply at enormous human tragedy. It seems to me, that beneath all its vain pledges of universal wellness and fickle prophecy promising the vanquish of all diseases, a vile, conscience absent black establishment heart is amply exposed by ongoing side by side intifadas that refuse to allow our world even a day’s break from perpetual battle.

In other writing projects, I have regularly introduced those enigmatic 1983 Georgia Guide Stones, my primary exhibit favouring a conspiratorial agenda against man. In biblical times, stone tablets laid down the Law. Laws which, per notional conceptualization, were never up for negotiation nor flexible. They dictated the way things should be, the way things are and the way things will be. So too, in my opinion, do the Georgia Guide Stones offer a rigid conceptual doorway to permanent modern morality. From its many illustrated commandments, my selected stanza insists global populations may not amass above five hundred million at any given time [a requirement of the messianic age?]. Taking current civilization levels, at an estimated seven billion, to meet orders would beckon a feat of divine intervention. But let’s face it, everlasting war has hardly had any stringent effect in pruning the masses. Besides, burgeoning birth rates aggressively outstrip consequential deaths. In many ways because their post 1950’s ongoing parallel war on disease has reduced infant mortality to such an extent, vicious authorities have generously “shot themselves in the foot”, but I guess they may use this advantage to overstate the impertinence of any genocide accusations leveled at them. Pertinently, cultures that traditionally produced vast numbers of offspring haven’t changed direction by much, so certain third world countries have sponsored unrelenting birth booms. Indeed, it would be reasoned to say human behaviour addressal has not kept pace with medically ordained goodwill initiatives. Yes, westerners have largely conformed with the program, but that is because the cream of (genuine) science either originates from or is adopted by the west. Ostracized other civilisations have dragged their heels and….everything else. Addicted to sexual reproduction, they simply haven’t been able to embrace the light.

In terms of drainage, war does more than destroy messily. Infrastructures and supply chains are critically resources heavy. Furthermore, dead and injured have to be found and buried or rescued, which is fine when the body counts run to hundreds of thousands. But an effective peoples’ purge (leaving only dead) would need to accumulate in the billions if it was to have any lasting negative impact on civilization; and any incursion would need to be conducted in double quick time to offset that ever growing birthrate juggernaut I mentioned earlier.One prior published writing project did the mathematics surrounding this very subject. Conclusions found any mass cull would need to be executed over minimum days to diffuse word of mouth warnings that might well proliferate an outwards funnel to fuel global panic (this making “wary” targets at least theoretically harder to locate and kill).

It is unlikely the purge is destined to be indiscriminate. Well-bred peoples, the bane of civilisations are most definitely not going to be in the target zone. Therefore, efforts must be condensed to succeed, discriminating between “in” (doomed) and “out” (survivors, i.e, might the whole of Brooklyn New York, be spared?) locations selected for decimation. Even so it would be impractical to presume experienced funeral personnel could be sifted from the remainder and saved. This is significant as, globally, currently a million (give or take) dead bodies are processed by various funeral systems annually. In terms of numbers, six thousand times that resource allocation should reduce populations to necessary Georgia Guide Stones compliant levels. Deceased would surely rot quickly and become volatile disease centres, so disposal remedies would need to be actioned within a maximum of three weeks to fend off emergence of a real potential global pandemic. Obviously, figures do not prepare for good omens here. With the surviving five per cent of trained mortuary workers to meet burden, group efforts would have to step up by a factor of two million (each mortuary worker must provide the labour resources equating to two million men to achieve deadlines). More realistically, even increasing standard workload by four fold, it would take approximately thirty thousand years to give all deceased a decent send off. Thus, I concluded in my prior articlethe “powers” have gone totally bonkers” if they intend to implement this strategy. Now, I realise too that many may well sympathise with public wrath against hypothetical phantom menaces that have been aired by various lay preachers within earshot of Medias over the ages. Lay preachers invariably make abominable mathematicians and here carefully reviewed figures undeniably trump spiteful, flailing emotion. Indeed, under no circumstances would it be possible clear away the dead in sufficient time to halt aggressive plague. Perhaps the larger portion of habitable Earth would have to be demarked as “unsafe” in order to protect those that remained in circulation.

It goes without saying contingencies are destined to derail standard supply chains, in some instances, more or less to a halt. Under such conditions, survival will unlikely be a pleasant experience and may possibly well usher in terrible times with truncated to non-existent resources (that once were commonly available) fomenting acute dissatisfaction as to what the world has become. With staggering numbers of dead, it is unclear how far disease would travel, so, perhaps, nowhere would be classed as entirely safe without hospital grade protection measures. Who is going to manufacture basic supplies? How and by what means would they be delivered? But, perhaps, we don’t really need to contemplate over this at all. For instance, let’s say the powers did go totally bonkers, the mammoth perplexing question is: “who” (is trustworthy enough) to engage for a blitzkrieg-style attack on the masses that is so swift it beats the reaction to pulse news?

There would be mutiny across the military if such an unprovoked wide scale operation was sanctioned. The only other options could be the release of fatally noxious gases into large sections of the atmosphere or that clandestine “medical” attack I’ve already projected. The word on the street here [in Australia] is many will hold off [for years] until the [side] effects of Coronavirus vaccine are definitely not limited to the antipodes. Woeful laments reverberate echoes along the length of that US mass Media juggernaut. White evangelists located in the bible belt regions for one have lost faith in vaccinations. Of course any figures can be fudged, but as far as universal inoculation is concerned there ain’t going to be a blitzkrieg here or in any first world outpost, by any stretch of the imagination. If the truth be known, I assume the powers are caught between a rock and a hard place over this whole caper, but please let me explain my reasoning. I mean, the astute (glued to alternative Media resources) will know what’s really going on very quickly, though most people rely on the “machine” for their “news”. So here’s the problem. Presuming fear of vaccine side effects isn’t limited to Australians and American evangelists, if any of the many “solutions” touted raise alarms, all further campaigns are doomed to fail.

Even mainstream Medias know “people talk” and if their “holy” sentiment doesn’t reasonably align with popular gossip, well they are exposed because no one will believe them, and that, they know, maybe is enough for excommunication without parallels. Thus, were deceptive medical authorities to adopt a euthanasia drug that acts longer term, which might do the dirty business a few years down the track without unnecessarily ruffling feathers prior, many will still be waiting in the wings apprehensive of positive or negative symptoms when the true agenda comes to light. Slip stream word travels fast, so the moment inadvertent truth about vaccines became common knowledge, the whole operation would be more or less rendered stone dead without possibility for resurrection (praise be). Nevertheless, if a “few years down the track” equated to ten years (for instance), it is debatable whether future population targets would reduce sufficiently anyway. The crux is this. Were the potion to take poison effect in under five years, per my earlier specification, alarmists majorities are saved. If the “goodwill” period was sufficiently extended (beyond five years), influx of new births would amply replace numbers of provisioned dead. In addition, would breeding habits in the West radically change to compliment needs to fill otherwise lacking population gaps?

There’s another looming issue for those deviant industrious planners. Other than Gates/Soros Moderna, alternative branded vaccine options uniformly appear to be rush jobs. For instance, whilst Pfiser’s serum was officially pulled from Australia because there were no storage facilities cold enough, unconfirmed rumours around the circuit lay claim that some test patients in clinical trials had somehow managed to “catch HIV”. Those “in the know” know last HIV epidemic was the result of polio compounds being contaminated by selected hosts used to cultivate antigens (in this case live kidneys of chimpanzees and green monkeys). Old dogs rarely know new tricks, so I presume Pfiser’s current aborted effort went through the same paces as tainted polio in its wake. That aside, where unknown components are involved, science has a lousy record at substantiating effective prediction. Perhaps that is why America’s valiant Surgeon General rejected Gates/Fauci’s contagion [computer] modelling strategy when decisions were being made over approaches to Coronavirus. Does this also suggest there has been some skepticism in the belief in plague by some echelons of the American government?

So, returning to the powers’ “strategy blunder”, we have deliberated a vaccine earmarked to kill off users within five years may well prove a misnomer. There’s more to add on this. Results will depend on individual constitutions, spiritual strength and many other unseen factors, so I would imagine many of those “billed” to die simply won’t expire on schedule, courtesy of fate. Thus, considering feasibility sanely, this makes me think the whole charade is unlikely to the extreme. Though one can never entirely right anything off when it comes to “potty” establishment behaviour, my original determinations on the subject seem the most likely way events will trundle forward. These original determinations postulated the final solution would serve up injectable sterilization methodologies. Active critical ingredient linking all vaccines “solutions” most likely is planned to render all female users infertile. But why pick on females? Well, it seems the purpose is to neutralize potent genetic materials found in ovary eggs; the bourn of reproduction. Not that any mainstream source (to my extensive research) embraced the story, but according to cultural venting, Bill Gates inoculation of young Filipino women left participants incapable of childbirth. Sterilization was one point of a long list of reasons that apparently ended Gates Foundation tenure in Africa, once again according to superficial examinations. Significantly less breeders guarantees population nose dives without any impact on the funeral system.

Economies will eventually shrink certainly, but will also remain amply sufficient for purposes of aggressive commercial enterprise. In effect, the major consequence will ensure the privileged few each receive a much greater bounty of the world’s genuine treasures than before. Consumerism will wither as a concept resigned to a forgotten past. Naturally, distribution networks will have to morph into something leaner and meaner than we have today. Many industries will be forced to subside or bow out of existence due to lack of demand (potentially sponsoring the demise of many businesses that were successful prior to changes, well other than those retirement proof colonialist gems, doubtlessly). Middle classes and corresponding middle managers are doomed to have a very limited lifespan. Social strata will almost certainly comprise of bourgeoisie above proletariat, with next to nothing in-between. Aristocrats have always traditionally despised middle classes. Perhaps to stave off overt rebellion casual “whip masters” may find occasional footholds here and there, but that would be the exception, rather than the rule. Without doubt, the military and other cornerstones of “order” will be as bureaucratic as ever, proposing the only real opportunistic venues for career progression. Everywhere else, the haves will have and the have nots won’t and that is the way it will be.

It is important not to lose sight of the fact that the only other “worldwide” epidemic in living memory was HIV and that, our illustrious Medias inform us now, turned out to be a dud. Mostly identical contingency planners for Coronavirus are in position to pull strings. Jon Rappoport’s AIDS Inc. argues the earlier “great commercial opportunity” was a medical heist run by people who (largely) didn’t give a damn about healthcare or the authenticity of the plague concerns. They did care about money. How much it was going to cost to grease palms and rig market fear. How much they were going to reap from the enterprise. Jon’s book is jam packed full of detailed information but, for me, the most critical above critical specific path he follows provides reasons for why AIDS came into being. Truth on the matter would petrify the average gargoyle insomuch as it demonstrates “powers” possess neither conscience nor scruples. It is imperative to emphasise that HIV never did cause AIDS (just as Coronavirus possibly does not cause any deaths that show up as “positive”). AIDS was the resulting side effect of an anti-HIV drug called AZT. Vitally, those behind the introduction of AZT would have not been even slightly surprised by its toxic attack of any body.

The drug had been used before to target cancers. When doctors observed more patients “on medication” were being ransacked with aggressive tumours than those not on medications, the “cure” was shelved. That was back in the 1950’s. By the 1980’s and 90’s the drug’s onerous history had been long forgotten. It is difficult to determine whether HIV/AIDS “marketing” began before or after the introduction of AZT. Clearly mass Media promotion of the gay plague was geared to coerce potential sufferers (with flu symptoms) into reacting. That reaction would see prominent celebrities clambering for their predictive medications, not knowing that AZT was to be the deliverer of certain death. In other words, prominent gays were “set up” as bait to draw an unconscionable worldwide genocide campaign. This dereliction of compassion hasn’t stopped with civilians. Oh no! They’ve targeted the military too. Medications issued to first Gulf War combatants (protecting them against Saddam Hussain’s non-existent biological/chemical weapons) killed more than fifty thousand. That was the unofficial reason Timothy McVeigh attempted to attack an Oklahoma Federal Building in 1995.

According to Dr. Judy Mikovits (who once partnered with pandemic “point man” Anthony Fauci) the same basic clowns that ran the HIV pantomime call the shots for Coronavirus as well (not a direct quote). Gates’ contagion modelling effectively mimics the earlier approach to HIV (net product of a million “ever changing” theories-in-motion). The “powers” did permit a documentary on mainstream TV which has exposed the truth on how HIV came into being (piggybacking off polio vaccine), but no one lost anything as a result. Reflective honesty may have been applied to HIV, but knowledge on AZT and horrific symptoms of medications used on Gulf War veterans are the best kept secrets this side of Christendom. Praise those salaciously brave alternative Medias, because they’ve popped the smoking gun.  Your masters wouldn’t think twice about killing you; whether that is for money, the colonialist agenda or other reasons. In this instance, another reason I have identified is a commandment ordered by the Georgia Guidestones that amply fulfills the Gates’ family and other prominent personages’ passionate eugenics pact. To coin Henry Kissinger, it is a pact geared to permanently removing useless eaters from civilization. When active genocide proves too hard, the only other way to guarantee society is purified is by ensuring no more recruits are born. Why not mis-described sterilizing immunization? Is there a more effective way?