Disconnecting From Responsibility


Background and Catch Up

They say “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” so, I’m converted. Enough of this “live & let live; morons will be morons”. Gloves are now off. My attention has been diverted to “truthers” who, as a statement of collateral ego, believe they can promote anything, no matter how unseemly, and the “group” will carry the message. Doubtlessly, there are well meaning, considerate individuals scooped up and misrepresented by the fray. This post isn’t directed at you. It challenges all those petit revolutionaires; the pocket Napoleons that espouse their relationship with the “golden group” and its grotesque information transcending criticism.

Funnily enough, my earlier post “To Boycott is the Strongest People Power” attracted little interest and no comments. Perhaps it is because it subliminally highlighted those double standards of plebeians in general. You are all extremely adept at boycotting stuff that conflicts with your day-to-day routine but, as much as you chant “revolution”, when push comes to shove you have decided that extricating yourselves from the system would be an almighty blow to that day-to-day routine, so filtering and denying real truth is the predictably popular recourse.

I took a gamble last month by undertaking a low paid, high commission full time job and this limited hours normally devoted to writing and research. Unfortunately, for me, gambles have never paid off and this role was no exception, so I worked like a slave for next to nothing. There were some ancillary perks as I saw Buddhism from the inside.

Incest!Thoughts devoted to this post have partially been inspired by turbulence on Facebook. People love labels; good, evil, Christian, Buddhist, truther, shill. There are hundreds of them and most ring as a hollow as the sentiment permitting them. You meet someone you don’t like; well, there’s a Nazi, pedo, Catholic Priest. Words that sting with zing invariably have no basis whatsoever. My experience with Buddhism from the inside was, sadly, just more of the same; acute spiritual ignorance harmonised by traditional labels with the rich or “fortunate” ones retreating from society for extended periods. Retreat is a form of disconnection. And, boy did those adepts think highly of themselves – for dialling out. Homeless – move on!

Versions of this type of procrastination haunt the various truther movements, which all drive brands of intent. Thus, individuals that challenge intent must be rebuked at all cost. Those that present reasoned clarity contradicting group positions are instinctively regarded as a severe threat to “order” and consequentially viewed as enemy number one. This is because to truthers, “truth” is negotiable (or fantasy). Per that reasoning, because I say the moon is made of cheese, it is truth, providing I have a following. Of course nothing that obvious comes to light, but did not Mahatma Gandhi warn us that the truth of one should not be influenced or corrupted by the group? Here is the nub. According to truthers, in general, because I refer to Gandhi in this example, means I worship everything he says. For the record, I do not welcome Gandhi’s apparent wider purpose. His words “the best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others” do not appeal. However I interpret them (reflecting Osho); I always end up with mindless enslaved serfs blindly working for the greater good.

More on My Facebook Turbulence

eyeLast month I added a new Facebook friend who was on a large truther network. It took less than a week for the relationship to disintegrate. As is so often the case, these days, the other party ran away from issues like a spoilt child. Thank you, using your ancient name, Togien, for adding inspiration to this post. To set the record straight, the reason Togien disconnected from responsibility was he became paranoid after I explained I had special abilities as this, in part, made him feel inferior. Him, being a fundamental science-materialist-atheist (he may claim otherwise “on the surface” but, underneath, bullshit swept away, that is what he is), could not understand that another would have any sensory perception [beyond that which validates materialism], let alone greater ability than his exalted self. I suggest, if he has any scruples, he research Barbara Brennan, Alisdair Larmour and Pane Androv (he’s been debunked, so it’s certain he’s onto something!), for starters and see where the journey leads. As all truthers suppose, Togien insisted truth was negotiable and we (parts of the collective group) were in a contest for control.

Evidence of my special abilities can be [subtlety] discovered in my book, “The Beauty of Existence Decoded” and do you know what? Well, everyone seems to know its contents before reading it and that’s why they have decided don’t need to read it. Just as with any other information sources, until you actually read my book, you do not have any insight as to its contents without very well developed harmonic sensory perception. Even then, thinking you know something you haven’t read is sheer folly, because without cross references relating information collected from energy fields you risk summoning confusion from chaos. Surely those that haven’t disconnected from responsibility would have such a thirst for knowledge, they would, at least, check it out?

Will versus Order

Will is natural chaos and, according to “science”, does not exist because it cannot be measured. DNA consolidates natural order via genetics, and though it has not been formally decoded, powers all spectral elements that determine vibrational reality. Therefore, light frequencies (from black to white) are related to the electro-magnetic resonance of atoms. I will discuss this in my second book, “A New World Order”, if it is ever released for publication.

anigif_enhanced-buzz-23374-1413997275-6_previewIt is the mind (another guise of “will”) that creates all the chaos because it is only restricted by cognitive DNA. Cognitive dissonance, of course, is a popular derogatory term scientists’ use against their detractors. How does the expression go, “he that smelt it, dealt it…?” A variation of cognitive dissonance is wilful disassociation. There are some other considerations. Let us call them ghost DNA. Our chaotic minds travel the DNA tracks so many times that some lives trigger hangovers from the past. Thus active order might branch into something literally not of this Earth.

Ontological Narcissism

The extension of the worship of being is caricature belief systems that idolise and lionise representative puppets; scientists, politicians, religious figures and so on. Per this reasoning, while Sir Isaac Newton is the flavour of belief systems, he can say or do wrong. Or, rather, the spotlight can be nefariously shone on those parts of Newton’s legacy that affirm, creating a de-facto whole. Reviewing the detail is a deadly sin. Conversely, Adolph Hitler, by the same token (per parallel logic), can do no right. Thus, individuals and group truther movements champion partisan (dare I say, bi-partisan?) all-consuming good or all-consuming evil. Occasionally a major internal conflict erupts when opposing narrative lines converge. We saw this when Pope Francis, manufacturer of the current United Nations’ “global warming” friendly Cosmic Christ, became a paedophile.


They cared nothing about Francis’ Junta past or similarities between the Vatican banking system and the dreaded Federal Reserve. Yet as soon as some vague claim by some unknown wall flower came to light; those “hearsay” sirens whipped up a frenzied cacophony to such volumes, all traces of reason or logic were drowned in the chaos. There are many other clashes of truth, but when all bases boils down to hearsay and opinion for opinion’s sake, virtue suffers. The truther movements largely support hearsay and innuendo. Far from being virtuous, they create abominations of truth.

Egos Feigning Importance

Newton was wrong. [Aghast, a shocked reader hisses, “You are not worthy to collect Newton’s fingernails; how dare you speak this way”]. Is that my ego or do I have the holy right to represented truth in the spirit of virtue? Long standing readers of this blog will note that details found in earlier posts contain errors as, no doubt, I will discover in this one in days, months, and years hence. We are all imperfect and grow by dealing with (or purifying) our imperfections. I make errors all the time and so did Newton.

We are all subject to something called relative perception (I can only guess what his or any other person’s views are as this summarises the uniqueness of individuality). That means when Newton measured gravity he relied on his perception to draw quantitative conclusions which very much juggled relative opinions per the ontology of his peers; the “truthers” of his time. Yes, you see, in Newton’s time “science” was the “alternative view”. Oh how things change. The alternative view decided the Earth was a solid block (give or take) and therefore the apple, witnessed by Newton, was mercilessly pulled down by the ground when it detached from the tree. Can we read into biblical Genesis’ “Fall from Grace?” (Was Newton saying he had to corrupt truth to satisfy the scene?)

If and when science addresses cosmic physics, humanity will learn that Newton’s apple was pushed down to the ground by a complex relationship-generated network of forces. I shall reveal the truth in my next book, “A New World Order”, should I decide to publish it. Whereas detailed calculations as to the strengths/weaknesses of forces are open to debate, the truth isn’t because the truth “is”. To shy from wisdom because foul truthers spew incessant contradictory propaganda is to disconnect from responsibility. My life’s pledge is to honour virtue.

Time Poor; Responsibility Poor

No doubt any number of readers will be muttering, “Who the hell does this guy think he is?” “Lord Muck?” (Under the breath) Yet, behind the scenes, I criticise every thinking thought I issue per my due diligence. Have I been the pot calling the kettle black? Whilst visionary sentiment has evoked clarity, regularly I try to work too fast, do too much. Quick processing leads to the generation of errors. Some presenters mix satire or sarcasm with truth and frank opinion. Others produce parodies or factual evaluations. Speed reading obfuscates clarity.

I sometimes (or, perhaps, all times) write transcendentally, which means individual points or blocks of texts can convey multiple meanings depending on positioning and/or context. Time poor readers may as well give up on my messages. You all need to read carefully and, often, several times to do justice to what you see. Frankly, half doing something achieves nothing. Half reading does little more than destroying and beguiling potent messages. Using myself as the example, recently, my friend and fellow author, Brendan D Murphy, sent me an e-mail concerning an important discussion point on DNA. My contradictory response refuted his wisdom and I ended up, more or less, affirming his virtuous position. That was because I had not read what he had written carefully enough. Fortunately he knows me better and the correspondence was not a relationship breaker, but if he had been a truther, would he not have vigorously and arbitrarily disconnected from responsibility?

The Alternative is the Mainstream on Steroids

js4_1Regular visitors are aware that I maintain if anyone is to blame for the mess we (humans) are in it is you and me and not “them”. Clash doctrines find the “other”, lock on and refuse to let go. This is the bi-partisan problem reaction solution George Orwell (an old Etonian) espoused to in “1984”. Alternative Medias target and fire in exactly the same way the mainstreamers do. False profiling, rogue statistics, blatant lies, misinformation and just endless streams of speculation are all part of that patchwork tapestry. Politics begins with the Illuminati brotherhood and ends with “garbologists”. Because the instruments of power (you lot) have run out of flies to pull the wings off to deflect the real issues, the “homeless” is the new “toy”.

Surely isn’t homelessness the stage before death? Is that not the maximum disenfranchisement of communion? How did it come to this? You saw my cry for help and I met your response. The homeless can get fucked. So please don’t feign interest to impress me. I see through you and those like you. Don’t pin those spiritualist, Buddhist, truther, revolutionaire, militant badges on your chest, because you are all (with scant exception, such as Jon Rappoport) the corrupting elements of the group. You enable the Illuminati masters by the way you behave. Talk is cheap and they know it. Responsibility belies connection and the most important connections are the ones you avoid like the plague.